COD-Game-Mods/Call of Duty 4/Docs/SP Commands.txt

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Here are some simple single player tips, tricks, and cheats for the Call of Duty 4 single player mode on PC.
Start up Call of Duty 4 single player, go into your options, and make sure that the console is enabled.
Press your ~ (tilde) key anytime you want to enter these codes in <20> you can keep entering them.
First off, type seta thereisacow "1337", this enables most of the cheats.
In order to pick a level, use spdevmap mapname
Here are some handy console commands that may help you through the game:
ufo <20> you can fly through walls to get places <20> be careful, this can mess things up a little, and you may get stuck
give <20> gives you an item. If you type give all, you will get all weapons
god <20> god mode!
demigod <20> god mode, but some things still happen like screen shaking and such
notarget <20> you will be invisible to enemies
give ammo <20> instant ammo
jump_height <20> allows you to change the physics in the game <20> like moon shoes
timescale <20> let<65>s you play with time <20> fast or slow
cg_LaserForceOn <20> laser sight, baby!
To insert the following codes, enable the console from the in-game options. Press ~ and type in <20>seta thereisacow 1337?, pressing Enter thereafter. From here, type <20>spdevmap bog_a<5F> and press Enter again. Then, you can insert the following cheats. this is how you do it
* cg_drawgun <20> Drop your gun
* cg_fov <20> Zoom with any gun
* cg_LaserForceOn 1 <20> Laser site with any gun
* demigod <20> God Mode (with shaking screen)
* give (item) <20> Acquire any item
* give all <20> Get any weapon
* give ammo <20> Full ammo
* god <20> God Mode (without screen shaking)
* jump_height # <20> Adjust gravity (39 is default)
* noclip <20> No Clipping
* notarget <20> Dumb AI
* r_fullbright <20> Brighter features
* timescale # <20> Adjust the time (1.00 is default)
* ufo <20> No Clipping (II)
Map Names: