668 lines
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Executable File
668 lines
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Executable File
if you cant use cheats you are a dumb motherfucker you have to put a cheat in like this…….(`) to open console then ex. “/god” (godmode) make sure you have the / in front of the code here is alot more codes……
/rcon login (password) ~ Replace password with the rcon pass without brackets.
Kick/ban/msg players:
/status ~ Displays information for all connected players in the server.
/tell (player id) ~ Sends a message to a specific player in the server via console (the message will appear next to the name ‘console’).
/clientkick (player id) ~ Kicks a specific player from the server.
/kick (player name) ~ Kicks a player from the server except instead of using the id to identify the player you need to instead type out the players name (colours included).
/banclient (player id) ~ Bans specific player from the server.
/banuser (player name) ~ Bans player by name not id.
/tempbanClient (player id) ~ Temporarily bans a player.
/tempbanUser (player name) ~ Same as above just by name not id.
/unbanuser (player name) ~ Unbans a user by name *note* the easiest way to unban a player is to delete the players name from ban.txt which can be found in the server files located in the server’s FTP.
Changing the map:
/map (map name) ~ Type in the map name you want without the brackets. Some of the map names used are different to the console command names. To make things easier here is a list of map names:
/map_rotate ~ Loads the next map in rotation.
/map_restart ~ Restarts the current map.
/fast_restart ~ Restarts the map without loading.
Restarting server:
/killserver ~ Shuts the server down.
/Quit ~ Restarts the server.
The above is just a list of the most common commands you will need to know as a server admin. There are however alot more commands than this. Maybe in another post i’ll list those too.
*EDIT* Remember to type /rcon before each command and not the command by itself. E.G /rcon map_restart
Server Mode:
set scr_hardcore ~ Player’s HUD is limited, bullet damage is higher, friendly fire is on.
set scr_oldschool ~ No classes. Weapons are pickups, health is in a gauge form and can be increased with medipacks also jumps are higher.
set scr_oldschool_mw ~ Same as above, just for modded servers?
Spectator permissions:
set scr_game_spectatetype ~ Toggle spectating type.
set g_deadChat ~ Toggle dead chat.
Search and Destroy (sd) (scroll down to see explanations):
set scr_sd_bombtimer
set scr_sd_defusetime
set scr_sd_multibomb
set scr_sd_numlives
set scr_sd_planttime
set scr_sd_playerrespawndelay
set scr_sd_roundlimit
set scr_sd_roundswitch
set scr_sd_scrorelimit
set scr_sd_timelimit
set scr_sd_waverespawndelay
Domination (dom):
set scr_dom_numlives
set scr_dom_playerrespawndelay
set scr_dom_roundlimit
set scr_dom_scorelimit
set scr_dom_timelimit
set scr_dom_waverespawndelay
Sabotage (sab):
set scr_sab_bombtimer
set scr_sab_defusetime
set scr_sab_hotpotato
set scr_sab_numlives
set scr_sab_planttime
set scr_sab_playerrespawndelay
set scr_sab_roundlimit
set scr_sab_roundswitch
set scr_sab_scorelimit
set scr_sab_timelimit
set scr_sab_waverespawndelay
Tdm (war) :
set scr_war_numlives
set scr_war_playerrespawndelay
set scr_war_roundlimit
set scr_war_scorelimit
set scr_war_timelimit
set scr_war_waverespawndelay
HQ (koth) :
set scr_koth_numlives
set scr_koth_playerrespawndelay
set scr_koth_roundlimit
set scr_koth_roundswitch
set scr_koth_scorelimit
set scr_koth_timelimit
set scr_koth_waverespawndelay
Capture The Flag (ctf) :
(not available yet)
set scr_ctf_numlives
set scr_ctf_playerrespawndelay
set scr_ctf_roundlimit
set scr_ctf_roundswitch
set scr_ctf_scorelimit
set scr_ctf_timelimit
set scr_ctf_waverespawndelay
Deathmatch – Free for all (dm) :
set scr_dm_numlives
set scr_dm_playerrespawndelay
set scr_dm_roundlimit
set scr_dm_scorelimit
set scr_dm_timelimit
set scr_dm_waverespawndelay
Explanations :
bombtimer ~ Sets how long until the bomb will blow.
defusetime ~ How long it takes to defuse the bomb after its planted.
multibomb ~ Allows everyone on the attacking side to be armed with a bomb.
numlives ~ Sets the number of lives.
planttime ~ How long it takes to plant the bomb.
playerrespawndelay ~ Time to respawn after dying.
roundlimit ~ sets the round limit on each map.
roundswitch ~ The round at which players will switch sides.
scrorelimit ~ Sets the score limit.
timelimit ~ Sets the time limit for the map.
waverespawndelay ~ Disable delay in respawn time.
// Punkbuster
seta sv_punkbuster “1?
// Server Name, MoTD, Passwords, and Clients
set sv_hostname “”
set g_motd “”
set scr_motd “”
set rcon_password “”
set sv_privateClients “0?
set sv_privatePassword “”
set g_password “”
set sv_maxclients “16?
// Map Rotation
set g_gametype “war”
set sv_mapRotation “map mp_backlot map mp_bloc map mp_bog map mp_cargoship map mp_citystreets map mp_convoy map mp_countdown map mp_crash map mp_crossfire map mp_farm map mp_overgrown map mp_pipeline map mp_showdown map mp_strike map mp_vacant”
set sv_mapRotationCurrent “”
// Logging
set logfile 0
set g_log “games_mp.log”
set g_logSync “0?
set developer “0?
set loc_warnings “0?
// Server Personality
// Mode
set scr_hardcore “0?
set scr_oldschool “0?
set scr_oldschool_mw “0?
set scr_game_onlyheadshots “0?
set scr_game_forceuav “0?
set sv_fps “20? //
set sv_pure “1?
// Anti-Lag efforts
set g_antilag “1?
set g_smoothClients “1?
// Friendly Fire
set scr_drawfriend “1?
set scr_team_fftype “1?
// Team Killing
set scr_team_teamkillpointloss “2?
set scr_team_teamkillspawndelay “25?
set scr_team_kickteamkillers “1?
set scr_teamKillPunishCount “3?
// Spectator Permissions
set scr_game_spectatetype “1?
set g_deadChat “0?
// Player Settings
set scr_player_numlives “0?
set scr_player_forcerespawn “1?
set scr_player_respawndelay “0?
set scr_game_deathpointloss “0?
set scr_game_suicidepointloss “0?
set scr_player_suicidespawndelay “0?
set scr_player_maxhealth “100?
set scr_player_healthregentime “5?
set scr_player_sprinttime “4?
set g_speed “190?
set scr_xpscale “1?
// Team Settings
set scr_teambalance “1?
set scr_team_respawntime “0?
// Kill Cam
set scr_game_allowkillcam “1?
// Game Timers
set scr_game_graceperiod “15?
set scr_game_matchstarttime “15?
set scr_game_playerwaittime “20?
// HUD and Environmental Stuff
set g_gravity “800?
set g_redCrosshairs “0?
set scr_enable_hiticon “1?
set scr_enable_music “0?
set scr_enable_scoretext “1?
set scr_fog_disable “1?
set g_maxDroppedWeapons “16?
// Client Issues
set sv_maxPing “255?
set sv_maxRate “25000?
set sv_minPing “0?
set sv_reconnectlimit “3?
set g_inactivity “0?
set g_banIPs “”
set sv_kickBanTime “300?
set sv_disableClientConsole “0?
// Ragdolls – Not known if these are used in MP!!
set ragdoll_enable “1?
set ragdoll_max_simulating “16?
// Voting
set g_allowVote “0?
set g_voteAbstainWeight “0.5?
set g_oldVoting “1? // Unknown what it does, but obviously goes here
// Voice Comms
set sv_voice “1?
set sv_voiceQuality “3?
set voice_deadChat “0?
set voice_global “0?
set voice_localEcho “0?
// Downloads Settings
set sv_allowDownload “1?
set sv_wwwBaseURL “”
set sv_wwwDlDisconnected “0?
set sv_wwwDownload “0?
// Gametype Settings
// King of the Hill
set koth_autodestroytime “60?
set koth_capturetime “20?
set koth_delayPlayer “0?
set koth_destroytime “10?
set koth_kothmode “0?
set koth_spawnDelay “60?
set koth_spawntime “0?
set scr_koth_numlives “0?
set scr_koth_playerrespawndelay “0?
set scr_koth_roundlimit “1?
set scr_koth_roundswitch “1?
set scr_koth_scorelimit “250?
set scr_koth_timelimit “15?
set scr_koth_waverespawndelay “0?
// Death Match
set scr_dm_numlives “0?
set scr_dm_playerrespawndelay “0?
set scr_dm_roundlimit “1?
set scr_dm_scorelimit “250?
set scr_dm_timelimit “12?
set scr_dm_waverespawndelay “0?
// Domination
set scr_dom_numlives “0?
set scr_dom_playerrespawndelay “0?
set scr_dom_roundlimit “1?
set scr_dom_scorelimit “200?
set scr_dom_timelimit “0?
set scr_dom_waverespawndelay “0?
// Sabotoge
set scr_sab_bombtimer “30?
set scr_sab_defusetime “5?
set scr_sab_hotpotato “0?
set scr_sab_numlives “0?
set scr_sab_planttime “2.5?
set scr_sab_playerrespawndelay “7.5?
set scr_sab_roundlimit “0?
set scr_sab_roundswitch “1?
set scr_sab_scorelimit “1?
set scr_sab_timelimit “20?
set scr_sab_waverespawndelay “0?
// Search & Destroy
set scr_sd_bombtimer “50?
set scr_sd_defusetime “5?
set scr_sd_multibomb “0?
set scr_sd_numlives “1?
set scr_sd_planttime “5?
set scr_sd_playerrespawndelay “0?
set scr_sd_roundlimit “0?
set scr_sd_roundswitch “5?
set scr_sd_scorelimit “6?
set scr_sd_timelimit “2.5?
set scr_sd_waverespawndelay “0?
// War
set scr_war_numlives “0?
set scr_war_playerrespawndelay “7?
set scr_war_roundlimit “1?
set scr_war_scorelimit “1000?
set scr_war_timelimit “10?
set scr_war_waverespawndelay “0?
// Capture the Flag (not available yet)
set scr_ctf_numlives “0?
set scr_ctf_playerrespawndelay “0?
set scr_ctf_roundlimit “2?
set scr_ctf_roundswitch “1?
set scr_ctf_scorelimit “10?
set scr_ctf_timelimit “5?
set scr_ctf_waverespawndelay “15?
// Perks
set scr_game_perks “1?
set perk_allow_c4_mp “1?
set perk_allow_claymore_mp “1?
set perk_allow_rpg_mp “1?
set perk_allow_specialty_armorvest “1?
set perk_allow_specialty_bulletaccuracy “1?
set perk_allow_specialty_bulletdamage “1?
set perk_allow_specialty_bulletpenetration “1?
set perk_allow_specialty_detectexplosive “1?
set perk_allow_specialty_explosivedamage “1?
set perk_allow_specialty_extraammo “1?
set perk_allow_specialty_fastreload “1?
set perk_allow_specialty_fraggrenade “1?
set perk_allow_specialty_gpsjammer “1?
set perk_allow_specialty_grenadepulldeath “1?
set perk_allow_specialty_holdbreath “1?
set perk_allow_specialty_longersprint “1?
set perk_allow_specialty_parabolic “1?
set perk_allow_specialty_pistoldeath “1?
set perk_allow_specialty_quieter “1?
set perk_allow_specialty_rof “1?
set perk_allow_specialty_specialgrenade “1?
set perk_armorVest “75?
set perk_bulletDamage “40?
set perk_explosiveDamage “25?
// Harpoints
set scr_game_hardpoints “1?
set scr_hardpoint_allowartillery “1?
set scr_hardpoint_allowhelicopter “1?
set scr_hardpoint_allowsupply “1?
set scr_hardpoint_allowuav “1?
// Helicopter Settings
set scr_heli_armor “500?
set scr_heli_armor_bulletdamage “0.3?
set scr_heli_attract_range “4096?
set scr_heli_attract_strength “1000?
set scr_heli_hardpoint_interval “180?
set scr_heli_health_degrade “0?
set scr_heli_loopmax “1?
set scr_heli_maxhealth “1100?
set scr_heli_missile_engage_dist “2000?
set scr_heli_missile_friendlycare “256?
set scr_heli_missile_max “3?
set scr_heli_missile_regen_time “10?
set scr_heli_missile_rof “5?
set scr_heli_missile_target_cone “0.3?
set scr_heli_rage_missile “5?
set scr_heli_target_recognition “0.5?
set scr_heli_target_spawnprotection “5?
set scr_heli_targeting_delay “0.5?
set scr_heli_turret_engage_dist “1000?
set scr_heli_turret_spinup_delay “0.75?
set scr_heli_turretClipSize “40?
set scr_heli_turretReloadTime “1.5?
set scr_heli_visual_range “3500?
// Classes
// Assault Class Options
set allies_allow_assault “1?
set axis_allow_assault “1?
set class_assault_allowdrop “1?
set class_assault_camo “camo_none”
set class_assault_frags “1?
set class_assault_grenade “concussion_grenade”
set class_assault_limit “64?
set class_assault_movespeed “0.95?
set class_assault_perk1 “specialty_null”
set class_assault_perk2 “specialty_bulletdamage”
set class_assault_perk3 “specialty_longersprint”
set class_assault_primary “m16?
set class_assault_primary_attachment “gl”
set class_assault_secondary “beretta”
set class_assault_secondary_attachment “none”
set class_assault_special “1?
// Demolitions Class Options
set allies_allow_demolitions “1?
set axis_allow_demolitions “1?
set class_demolitions_allowdrop “1?
set class_demolitions_camo “camo_none”
set class_demolitions_frags “1?
set class_demolitions_grenade “smoke_grenade”
set class_demolitions_limit “64?
set class_demolitions_movespeed “1?
set class_demolitions_perk1 “rpg_mp”
set class_demolitions_perk2 “specialty_explosivedamage”
set class_demolitions_perk3 “specialty_longersprint”
set class_demolitions_primary “winchester1200?
set class_demolitions_primary_attachment “none”
set class_demolitions_secondary “beretta”
set class_demolitions_secondary_attachment “none”
set class_demolitions_special “1?
// Heavygunner Class Options
set allies_allow_heavygunner “1?
set axis_allow_heavygunner “1?
set class_heavygunner_allowdrop “1?
set class_heavygunner_camo “camo_none”
set class_heavygunner_frags “1?
set class_heavygunner_grenade “concussion_grenade”
set class_heavygunner_limit “64?
set class_heavygunner_movespeed “0.875?
set class_heavygunner_perk1 “specialty_specialgrenade”
set class_heavygunner_perk2 “specialty_armorvest”
set class_heavygunner_perk3 “specialty_bulletpenetration”
set class_heavygunner_primary “saw”
set class_heavygunner_primary_attachment “none”
set class_heavygunner_secondary “usp”
set class_heavygunner_secondary_attachment “none”
set class_heavygunner_special “1?
// Sniper Class Options
set allies_allow_sniper “1?
set axis_allow_sniper “1?
set class_sniper_allowdrop “1?
set class_sniper_camo “camo_none”
set class_sniper_frags “1?
set class_sniper_grenade “flash_grenade”
set class_sniper_limit “64?
set class_sniper_movespeed “1?
set class_sniper_perk1 “specialty_specialgrenade”
set class_sniper_perk2 “specialty_bulletdamage”
set class_sniper_perk3 “specialty_bulletpenetration”
set class_sniper_primary “m40a3?
set class_sniper_primary_attachment “none”
set class_sniper_secondary “beretta”
set class_sniper_secondary_attachment “silencer”
set class_sniper_special “1?
// SpecOps Class Options
set allies_allow_specops “1?
set axis_allow_specops “1?
set class_specops_allowdrop “1?
set class_specops_camo “camo_none”
set class_specops_frags “1?
set class_specops_grenade “flash_grenade”
set class_specops_limit “64?
set class_specops_movespeed “1?
set class_specops_perk1 “c4_mp”
set class_specops_perk2 “specialty_explosivedamage”
set class_specops_perk3 “specialty_bulletaccuracy”
set class_specops_primary “mp5?
set class_specops_primary_attachment “none”
set class_specops_secondary “usp”
set class_specops_secondary_attachment “silencer”
set class_specops_special “1?
// Weapons
set weap_allow_ak47 “1?
set weap_allow_ak74u “1?
set weap_allow_barrett “1?
set weap_allow_beretta “1?
set weap_allow_colt45 “1?
set weap_allow_concussion_grenade “1?
set weap_allow_deserteagle “1?
set weap_allow_deserteaglegold “1?
set weap_allow_dragunov “1?
set weap_allow_flash_grenade “1?
set weap_allow_frag_grenade “1?
set weap_allow_g3 “1?
set weap_allow_g36c “1?
set weap_allow_m1014 “1?
set weap_allow_m14 “1?
set weap_allow_m16 “1?
set weap_allow_m21 “1?
set weap_allow_m4 “1?
set weap_allow_m40a3 “1?
set weap_allow_m60e4 “1?
set weap_allow_mp44 “1?
set weap_allow_mp5 “1?
set weap_allow_p90 “1?
set weap_allow_remington700 “1?
set weap_allow_rpd “1?
set weap_allow_saw “1?
set weap_allow_skorpion “1?
set weap_allow_smoke_grenade “1?
set weap_allow_usp “1?
set weap_allow_uzi “1?
set weap_allow_winchester1200 “1?
// Explosives
set scr_weapon_allowc4 “1?
set scr_weapon_allowclaymores “1?
set scr_weapon_allowflash “1?
set scr_weapon_allowfrags “1?
set scr_weapon_allowmines “1?
set scr_weapon_allowrpgs “1?
// Smoke
set scr_weapon_allowsmoke “1?
// Nightvision
set scr_enable_nightvision “1?
// Attachments
set attach_allow_assault_acog “1?
set attach_allow_assault_gl “1?
set attach_allow_assault_none “1?
set attach_allow_assault_reflex “1?
set attach_allow_assault_silencer “1?
set attach_allow_lmg_acog “1?
set attach_allow_lmg_grip “1?
set attach_allow_lmg_none “1?
set attach_allow_lmg_reflex “1?
set attach_allow_pistol_none “1?
set attach_allow_pistol_silencer “1?
set attach_allow_shotgun_grip “1?
set attach_allow_shotgun_none “1?
set attach_allow_shotgun_reflex “1?
set attach_allow_smg_acog “1?
set attach_allow_smg_none “1?
set attach_allow_smg_reflex “1?
set attach_allow_smg_silencer “1?
set attach_allow_sniper_acog “1?
set attach_allow_sniper_none “1?
Cheat – Effect
/give all – Access All Weapons
/god – God Mode
/noclip – No Clipping Mode
/notarget – Enemies Ignore You
/give ammo – Full Ammo
/jump_height # – Adjust Gravity Default = 39
/timescale # – Adjust Time Default = 1.00
/cg_LaserForceOn 1 – Add Laser Sights to ALL Weapons
/demigod – God mode but screen still shakes
/ufo – Same as noclip?
/r_fullbright – Easier to see things
/cg_drawGun – Removes Your Gun
/cg_fov – Zoom with any Gun
/player_sprintSpeedScale – Set player’s sprint speed
/kill – Kill player
/cg_laserlight 1 – To draw the light emitted from the laser
/take ammo – Removes your ammo
/take all – Removes all your guns and health
/sf_use_ignoreammo 1 – Allows you to shoot without reloading.
//set sv_mapRotation "gametype koth map mp_backlot gametype dm map mp_bloc gametype sab map mp_bog gametype war map mp_cargoship gametype dom map mp_citystreets gametype sd map mp_convoy" |