561 lines
12 KiB
561 lines
12 KiB
#include maps\mp\_utility;
#include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_util;
#include common_scripts\utility;
level.lootColors = [];
level.lootColors["epic"] = (0.63, 0.2, 0.7) * 1.2;
level.lootColors["rare"] = (0, 0.43, 0.76) * 1.2;
level.lootColors["common"] = (0.11, 1, 0) * 1.0;
level.lootColors["none"] = (1, 1, 0.5);
level.lootColors["epic"] = (0.75, 1, 0.73) * 1.0;
level.lootColors["rare"] = (0.75, 1, 0.73) * 1.0;
level.lootColors["common"] = (0.75, 1, 0.73) * 1.0;
level.lootColors["none"] = (1, 1, 0.5);
precacheString( &"MP_DOLLAR" );
level._effect["money"] = loadfx ("props/cash_player_drop");
maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::registerScoreInfo( "gear", 1000 );
maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::registerScoreInfo( "money", 1000 );
maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::registerScoreInfo( "common", 500 );
maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::registerScoreInfo( "rare", 1000 );
maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::registerScoreInfo( "epic", 2000 );
level.lootMins["epic"] = 90;
level.lootMins["rare"] = 70;
//level.lootMins["common"] = 95;
level.lootIndices["epic"] = 2;
level.lootIndices["rare"] = 1;
level.lootIndices["common"] = 0;
level.lootBaseChance = 0.05;
level.lootIdealTime = (15*60);
thread updateLootDvars();
thread onPlayerConnect();
for ( ;; )
level waittill( "connected", player );
player.pers["money"] = player maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statGet( "money" );
player.displayMoney = player.pers["money"];
player.moneyUpdateTotal = 0;
player.timeSinceLastLoot = player maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statGet( "timeSinceLastLoot" );
player thread initLootDisplay();
player thread onPlayerSpawned();
player thread onGameEnded();
for ( ;; )
self waittill( "spawned_player" );
self thread trackLastLootTime();
self endon ( "disconnect" );
level waittill ( "game_ended" );
self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statSet( "timeSinceLastLoot", self.timeSinceLastLoot );
self endon ( "death" );
self endon ( "disconnect" );
level endon ( "game_ended" );
for ( ;; )
wait ( 1.0 );
self.timeSinceLastLoot += 1;
self.totalMoney = createFontString( "bigfixed", 0.8 );
self.totalMoney setPoint( "TOPRIGHT" );
self.totalMoney setValue( self.pers["money"] );
self.totalMoney.label = &"MP_DOLLAR";
self.totalMoney.glowColor = (0.3, 0.8, 0.3);
self.totalMoney.glowAlpha = 1;
self.totalMoney.alpha = 0;
self.earnedMoney = createFontString( "bigfixed", 0.7 );
self.earnedMoney setParent( self.totalMoney );
self.earnedMoney setPoint( "TOPRIGHT", "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 10 );
self.earnedMoney setValue( 0 );
self.earnedMoney.label = &"MP_PLUS";
self.earnedMoney.glowColor = (0.3, 0.8, 0.3);
self.earnedMoney.glowAlpha = 0.1;
self.earnedMoney.alpha = 0;
self endon ( "disconnect" );
for ( ;; )
wait ( randomFloatRange( 8.0, 10.0 ) );
self thread giveMoney( "asdf", randomIntRange( 100, 5000 ) );
giveMoney( type, amount )
if ( !self rankingEnabled() )
self endon ( "disconnect" );
self notify( "giveMoney" );
self endon( "giveMoney" );
self.displayMoney = self.pers["money"];
self.pers["money"] += amount;
self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statSet( "money", self.pers["money"] );
self.moneyUpdateTotal += amount;
self.totalMoney fadeOverTime( 0.5 );
self.totalMoney.alpha = 1;
self.earnedMoney fadeOverTime( 0.5 );
self.earnedMoney.alpha = 1;
self.earnedMoney setValue( self.moneyUpdateTotal );
wait ( 1.0 );
increment = max( int( self.moneyUpdateTotal / 30 ), 1 );
while ( self.moneyUpdateTotal > 0 )
addMoney = min( self.moneyUpdateTotal, increment );
self.moneyUpdateTotal -= addMoney;
self.displayMoney += addMoney;
self.totalMoney setValue( self.displayMoney );
self.earnedMoney setValue( self.moneyUpdateTotal );
wait ( 0.05 );
self.earnedMoney fadeOverTime( 1.0 );
self.earnedMoney.alpha = 0;
wait ( 2.0 );
self.totalMoney fadeOverTime( 1.0 );
self.totalMoney.alpha = 0;
if ( getDvar( "scr_loot_epicMin" ) == "" )
setDvar( "scr_loot_epicMin", level.lootMins["epic"] );
if ( getDvar( "scr_loot_rareMin" ) == "" )
setDvar( "scr_loot_rareMin", level.lootMins["rare"] );
//if ( getDvar( "scr_loot_commonMin" ) == "" )
// setDvar( "scr_loot_commonMin", level.lootMins["common"] );
if ( getDvar( "scr_loot_baseChance" ) == "" )
setDvar( "scr_loot_baseChance", level.lootBaseChance );
if ( getDvar( "scr_loot_idealTime" ) == "" )
setDvar( "scr_loot_idealTime", level.lootIdealTime );
if ( getDvar( "scr_forceloot" ) == "" )
setDvar( "scr_forceloot", "0" );
for ( ;; )
if ( getDvar( "scr_forceloot" ) != "" && getDvar( "scr_forceloot" ) != "0" )
setDvar( "scr_loot_baseChance", 1 );
level.lootMins["epic"] = getDvarFloat( "scr_loot_epicMin" );
level.lootMins["rare"] = getDvarFloat( "scr_loot_rareMin" );
//level.lootMins["common"] = getDvarFloat( "scr_loot_commonMin" );
level.lootBaseChance = getDvarFloat( "scr_loot_baseChance" );
level.lootIdealTime = getDvarFloat( "scr_loot_idealTime" );
wait ( 1.0 );
return self isItemUnlocked( "cac" );
if ( !self rankingEnabled() )
return false;
if ( !self unlockedCaC() )
returnfalse = true;
if ( getDvar( "scr_forceloot" ) != "" && getDvar( "scr_forceloot" ) != "0" )
returnfalse = false;
if ( returnfalse )
return false;
baseChance = level.lootBaseChance;
idealLootTime = level.lootIdealTime;
maxLootChance = 0.50; // 50%
chanceMod = min( self.timeSinceLastLoot / idealLootTime, 1 );
chanceMod = chanceMod * chanceMod;
lootChance = baseChance + (maxLootChance - baseChance) * chanceMod;
return randomFloat( 1 ) < lootChance;
getLootTier( lootRoll )
if ( lootRoll >= level.lootMins["epic"] )
return "epic";
else if ( lootRoll >= level.lootMins["rare"] )
return "rare";
return "common";
getLootName( tier )
if ( !isDefined( self.droppedLootNames ) )
self.droppedLootNames = [];
for ( try = 0; try < 10; try++ )
lootName = self GetRandomLoot( tier );
if ( !isDefined( lootName ) )
return undefined;
for ( i = 0; i < self.droppedLootNames.size; i++ )
if ( lootName == self.droppedLootNames[i] )
if ( i < self.droppedLootNames.size )
return lootName;
return undefined;
giveLoot( victim )
if ( !gotLoot() )
return false;
lootTier = getLootTier( randomFloat( 100.0 ) );
tierInt = level.lootIndices[lootTier];
lootName = self getLootName( tierInt );
if ( !isDefined( lootName ) )
return false;
self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statSet( "timeSinceLastLoot", 0 );
self.timeSinceLastLoot = 0;
thread maps\mp\_loot::playMoneyFx( victim, self );
if ( lootTier == "epic" )
self CreateLootMail( lootName );
self thread showLootNotify( lootTier );
self thread dropLoot( lootTier, lootName, victim );
return true;
showLootNotify( lootTier )
notifyData = spawnStruct();
if ( lootTier == "epic" )
notifyData.titleText = "Target of Opportunity!";
notifyData.iconName = "skull_black_plain";
notifyData.iconOverlay = "skull_crosshair_white";
notifyData.titleText = "You've got mail!";
//notifyData.sound = "loot_drop_" + lootTier;
notifyData.sound = "mp_last_stand";
notifyData.glowColor = (1, 0, 0);
notifyData.duration = 3.0;
thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::notifyMessage( notifyData );
playMoneyFx( victim, attacker, sMeansOfDeath )
victim endon ( "disconnect" );
origin = victim getTagOrigin( "j_spine4" );
victim.fxModel.origin = origin;
wait ( 0.05 );
//playFxOnTag( level._effect["money"], victim.fxModel, "tag_origin" );
//playFxOnTagForClients ( level._effect["money"], victim.fxModel, "tag_origin", attacker );
dropLoot( lootTier, lootName, dropEnt )
trace = playerPhysicsTrace( dropEnt.origin + (0,0,20), dropEnt.origin - (0,0,2000), false, dropEnt);
angleTrace = bulletTrace( dropEnt.origin + (0,0,20), dropEnt.origin - (0,0,2000), false, dropEnt );
if ( !isDefined( trace ) )
println( "dropping loot" );
tempAngle = randomfloat( 360 );
dropOrigin = trace;
assert( isdefined( self.droppedLootNames ) );
foreach ( droppedLootName in self.droppedLootNames )
assert( droppedLootName != lootName );
if ( lootName[0] != "$" )
self.droppedLootNames[ self.droppedLootNames.size ] = lootName;
fxEnt = spawn( "script_model", dropOrigin );
//fxEnt.angles = (-90,0,0);
lootIcon = newClientHudElem( self );
lootIcon.x = dropOrigin[0];
lootIcon.y = dropOrigin[1];
lootIcon.z = dropOrigin[2];
lootIcon.alpha = 1;
lootTrigger = spawn( "trigger_radius", dropOrigin, 0, 32, 128 );
//lootTrigger.angles = (-90,0,0);
lootTrigger.fxEnt = fxEnt;
lootTrigger.icon = lootIcon;
lootTrigger.owner = self;
lootTrigger thread lootPickupWaiter( lootTier, lootName );
lootTrigger thread lootDeleteOnDisconnect();
if ( getdvarint( "scr_lootdebug" ) )
lootTrigger thread lootDebugPrint( lootTier, lootName );
lootTrigger endon ( "death" );
wait ( 0.05 );
self playLocalSound( "loot_drop_" + lootTier );
switch ( lootTier )
case "epic":
case "rare":
fxEnt setModel( "gamestation_box" );
lootIcon setShader( "hud_overlay_random", 10, 10 );
lootIcon setWaypoint( true, false );
lootIcon.alpha = 0.81;
//playFxOnTagForClients( level._effect["gears"], fxEnt, "tag_origin", self );
lootDebugPrint( lootTier, lootName )
self endon("death");
while ( 1 )
print3d( self.origin, "(" + lootTier + ") " + lootName );
wait .05;
lootPickupWaiter( lootTier, lootName )
self endon ( "death" );
self.owner endon ( "disconnect" );
for ( ;; )
self waittill ( "trigger", player );
if ( player != self.owner )
//self.owner playLocalSound( "loot_pickup_" + lootTier ); // need better sound
self.owner playLocalSound( "mp_last_stand" );
switch ( lootTier )
case "epic":
streakName = getRandomKillstreak( 7 );
self.owner thread [[level.onXPEvent]]( "gear" );
case "rare":
streakName = getRandomKillstreak( 5 );
self.owner thread [[level.onXPEvent]]( "gear" );
streakName = getRandomKillstreak( 3 );
self.owner thread [[level.onXPEvent]]( "money" );
self.owner thread randomKillstreakNotify( streakName );
self.owner maps\mp\killstreaks\_killstreaks::giveKillstreak( streakName );
self.owner pickupLoot( lootTier, lootName );
self.fxEnt delete();
self.icon destroy();
self delete();
pickupLoot( lootTier, lootName )
self thread showLootNotify( lootTier );
self thread [[level.onXPEvent]]( lootTier );
self CreateLootMail( lootName );
if ( lootName[0] != "$" )
for ( i = 0; i < self.droppedLootNames.size; i++ )
if ( self.droppedLootNames[i] == lootName )
assert( i < self.droppedLootNames.size );
for ( ; i < self.droppedLootNames.size; i++ )
self.droppedLootNames[i] = self.droppedLootNames[i + 1];
self endon ( "death" );
self.owner waittill ( "disconnect" );
self.fxEnt delete();
//self.icon destroy(); // code seems to take care of this automatically
self delete();
getRandomKillstreak( minKillCount )
killStreakNames = getArrayKeys( level.killstreakFuncs );
killStreaks = [];
foreach ( streakName in killStreakNames )
if ( maps\mp\killstreaks\_killstreaks::getStreakCost( streakName ) < minKillCount )
killStreaks[killStreaks.size] = streakName;
return killStreaks[randomInt( killStreaks.size )];
randomKillstreakNotify( streakName )
self endon("disconnect");
notifyData = spawnStruct();
notifyData.titleText = "Killstreak In a Box!";
notifyData.notifyText = maps\mp\killstreaks\_killstreaks::getKillstreakHint( streakName );
notifyData.textIsString = true;
notifyData.sound = maps\mp\killstreaks\_killstreaks::getKillstreakSound( streakName );
notifyData.leaderSound = streakName;
notifyData.glowColor = (1, 0.76, 0.35);
notifyData.textGlowColor = (1, 1, 0.5);
self maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::notifyMessage( notifyData );