1623 lines
39 KiB
1623 lines
39 KiB
#include common_scripts\utility;
//#include maps\_hud_util;
#using_animtree( "sentry_gun" );
/*QUAKED script_model_pickup_sentry_gun (1 0 0) (-32 -16 0) (32 16 24) ORIENT_LOD NO_SHADOW NO_STATIC_SHADOWS
default:"model" "sentry_gun_folded"
/*QUAKED script_model_pickup_sentry_minigun (1 0 0) (-32 -16 0) (32 16 24) ORIENT_LOD NO_SHADOW NO_STATIC_SHADOWS
default:"model" "sentry_minigun_folded"
code support:
-physics on turrets
-make hint print while in placement mode
-hit max number of turrets at 32, but I could limit the number allowed
-get behind turret and change team
// default
sentry_updateTime = 0.05;
shielded_sentry_health = 350;// direct hit from an RPG
shielded_sentry_bullet_armor = 2000;
minigun_sentry_health = 190;// frag grenade does 200 inner damage
minigun_sentry_bullet_armor = 1200;
minigun_sentry_bullet_armor_enemy = 0;
// mp
shielded_sentry_bullet_armor_mp = 300;
minigun_sentry_bullet_armor_mp = 300;
sentry_mode_name_on = "sentry";
sentry_mode_name_off = "sentry_offline";
precacheModel( "sentry_minigun" );
precacheModel( "sentry_minigun_obj" );
precacheModel( "sentry_minigun_obj_red" );
precacheModel( "sentry_minigun_folded_obj" );
precacheModel( "sentry_minigun_destroyed" );
precacheModel( "sentry_gun" );
precacheModel( "sentry_gun_obj" );
precacheModel( "sentry_gun_obj_red" );
precacheModel( "sentry_gun_folded_obj" );
precacheModel( "sentry_gun_destroyed" );
precacheModel( "tag_laser" );
if ( isSP() )
precacheTurret( "sentry_gun" );
precacheTurret( "sentry_minigun" );
precacheTurret( "sentry_minigun_enemy" );
precacheTurret( "sentry_gun_mp" );
precacheTurret( "sentry_minigun_mp" );
// LANG_ENGLISH Press and hold ^3&&1^7 to move the turret."
precacheString( &"SENTRY_MOVE" );
// Press and hold ^3&&1^7 to pick up the turret.
precacheString( &"SENTRY_PICKUP" );
precacheString( &"SENTRY_PLACE" );
precacheString( &"SENTRY_CANNOT_PLACE" );
level._effect[ "sentry_turret_overheat_smoke_sp" ] = loadfx( "smoke/sentry_turret_overheat_smoke_sp" );
level._effect[ "sentry_turret_explode" ] = loadfx( "explosions/sentry_gun_explosion" );
level._effect[ "sentry_turret_explode_smoke" ] = loadfx( "smoke/car_damage_blacksmoke" );
level.sentry_settings = [];
level.sentry_settings[ "sentry_gun" ] = spawnStruct();
sentry_gun_default_settings( "sentry_gun" );
level.sentry_settings[ "sentry_minigun" ] = spawnStruct();
sentry_minigun_default_settings( "sentry_minigun" );
if ( isSP() )
// sentry overheat override settings
level.sentry_overheating_speed = 1; // 1 heat points per second
level.sentry_cooling_speed = 1; // 1 heat points cooling per second
if ( !isdefined( level.sentry_fire_time ) )
level.sentry_fire_time = 8; // seconds of continous fire ( aka heat points )
if ( !isdefined( level.sentry_cooldown_time ) )
level.sentry_cooldown_time = 4; // seconds of continous fire ( aka heat points )
level.sentryTurretSettings[ "easy" ][ "convergencePitchTime" ] = 2.5;
level.sentryTurretSettings[ "easy" ][ "convergenceYawTime" ] = 2.5;
level.sentryTurretSettings[ "easy" ][ "suppressionTime" ] = 3.0;
level.sentryTurretSettings[ "easy" ][ "aiSpread" ] = 2.0;
level.sentryTurretSettings[ "easy" ][ "playerSpread" ] = 0.5;
// for pre-placed guns
guns = getentarray( "sentry_gun", "targetname" );
mini_guns = getentarray( "sentry_minigun", "targetname" );
foreach( gun in guns )
gun sentry_init( undefined, "sentry_gun" );
foreach( minigun in mini_guns )
minigun sentry_init( undefined, "sentry_minigun" );
array_thread( getentarray( "script_model_pickup_sentry_gun", "classname" ), ::sentry_pickup_init, "sentry_gun" );
array_thread( getentarray( "script_model_pickup_sentry_minigun", "classname" ), ::sentry_pickup_init, "sentry_minigun" );
sentry_gun_default_settings( type )
level.sentry_settings[ type ].burst_shots_min = 10;
level.sentry_settings[ type ].burst_shots_max = 35;
level.sentry_settings[ type ].burst_pause_min = 0.2;
level.sentry_settings[ type ].burst_pause_max = 0.8;
level.sentry_settings[ type ].model = "sentry_gun";
level.sentry_settings[ type ].destroyedModel = "sentry_gun_destroyed";
level.sentry_settings[ type ].pickupModel = "sentry_gun_folded";
level.sentry_settings[ type ].pickupModelObj = "sentry_gun_folded_obj";
level.sentry_settings[ type ].placementmodel = "sentry_gun_obj";
level.sentry_settings[ type ].placementmodelfail = "sentry_gun_obj_red";
level.sentry_settings[ type ].health = shielded_sentry_health;
if ( isSP() )
level.sentry_settings[ type ].damage_smoke_time = 15;
level.sentry_settings[ type ].weaponInfo = "sentry_gun";
level.sentry_settings[ type ].targetname = "sentry_gun";
level.sentry_settings[ type ].damage_smoke_time = 5;
level.sentry_settings[ type ].weaponInfo = "sentry_gun_mp";
level.sentry_settings[ type ].targetname = "sentry_gun_mp";
sentry_minigun_default_settings( type )
level.sentry_settings[ type ].burst_shots_min = 20;
level.sentry_settings[ type ].burst_shots_max = 60;
level.sentry_settings[ type ].burst_pause_min = 0.5;
level.sentry_settings[ type ].burst_pause_max = 1.3;
level.sentry_settings[ type ].model = "sentry_minigun";
level.sentry_settings[ type ].destroyedModel = "sentry_minigun_destroyed";
level.sentry_settings[ type ].pickupModel = "sentry_minigun_folded";
level.sentry_settings[ type ].pickupModelObj = "sentry_minigun_folded_obj";
level.sentry_settings[ type ].placementmodel = "sentry_minigun_obj";
level.sentry_settings[ type ].placementmodelfail = "sentry_minigun_obj_red";
level.sentry_settings[ type ].health = minigun_sentry_health;
if ( isSP() )
level.sentry_settings[ type ].damage_smoke_time = 15;
level.sentry_settings[ type ].anim_loop = %minigun_spin_loop;
level.sentry_settings[ type ].weaponInfo = "sentry_minigun";
level.sentry_settings[ type ].targetname = "sentry_minigun";
level.sentry_settings[ type ].damage_smoke_time = 5;
level.sentry_settings[ type ].weaponInfo = "sentry_minigun_mp";
level.sentry_settings[ type ].targetname = "sentry_minigun_mp";
sentry_pickup_init( sentryType )
assert( isdefined( sentryType ) );
assert( isdefined( level.sentry_settings[ sentryType ] ) );
self setModel( self.model );
self.sentryType = sentryType;
self setCursorHint( "HINT_NOICON" );
// Press and hold ^3&&1^7 to pick up the turret.
self setHintString( &"SENTRY_PICKUP" );
self makeUsable();
self thread folded_sentry_use_wait( sentryType );
giveSentry( sentryType )
assert( isdefined( level.sentry_settings ) );
assert( isdefined( level.sentry_settings[ sentryType ] ) );
self.last_sentry = sentryType;
self thread spawn_and_place_sentry( sentryType );
sentry_init( team, sentryType, owner )
if ( !isdefined( team ) )
assert( isdefined( self.script_team ) );
if ( !isdefined( self.script_team ) )
self.script_team = "axis";
team = self.script_team;
assert( isDefined( team ) );
assert( isDefined( sentryType ) );
self setTurretModeChangeWait( true );
self makeSentrySolid();
self makeTurretInoperable();
self SentryPowerOn();
self setCanDamage( true );
self setDefaultDropPitch( -89.0 ); // setting this mainly prevents Turret_RestoreDefaultDropPitch() from running
if ( isSP() || level.teambased )
self setTurretTeam( team );
self.sentryType = sentryType;
self.isSentryGun = true;
self.kill_reward_money = 350;
self.kill_melee_reward_money = 400;
self.sentry_battery_timer = 60; // sec
//bullet armor acts as an extra pool of health for bullet damage.
//once its removed bullet damage affects the sentry like other kinds of damage.
if ( isSP() )
if ( self.weaponinfo == "sentry_gun" )// sentry_minigun and sentry_minigun_enemy get the same settings
self.bullet_armor = shielded_sentry_bullet_armor;
self.bullet_armor = minigun_sentry_bullet_armor;
if ( self.weaponinfo == "sentry_gun" )
self.bullet_armor = shielded_sentry_bullet_armor_mp;
self.bullet_armor = minigun_sentry_bullet_armor_mp;
if ( isSP() )
self call [[ level.makeEntitySentient_func ]]( team );
self self_func( "useanimtree", #animtree );
if ( isdefined( self.script_team ) && self.script_team == "axis" )
self thread enemy_sentry_difficulty_settings();
self.health = level.sentry_settings[ sentryType ].health;
self sentry_badplace_create();
self thread sentry_beep_sounds();
self thread sentry_enemy_wait();
self thread sentry_death_wait();
if ( !isSP() )
self thread sentry_emp_wait();
self thread sentry_emp_damage_wait();
self thread sentry_health_monitor();
self thread sentry_player_use_wait();
if ( !isdefined( owner ) )
if( isSP() )
owner = level.player;
assert( isdefined( owner ) );
self sentry_set_owner( owner );
self thread sentry_destroy_on_owner_leave( owner );
if ( !isdefined( self.damage_functions ) )
self.damage_functions = [];
if ( getdvar( "money_enable", "0" ) == "1" && self.team == "axis" )
if ( isdefined( level.sentry_money_init_func ) )
self thread [[ level.sentry_money_init_func ]]();
self endon( "deleted" );
//self waittill_player_or_sentry_death();
self waittill( "death", attacker, cause );
if ( isdefined( level.stat_track_kill_func ) && isdefined( attacker ) )
attacker [[ level.stat_track_kill_func ]]( self, cause );
if ( !isSP() )
self removeFromTurretList();
self thread sentry_place_mode_reset();
self thread sentry_burst_fire_stop();
if ( isdefined( level.laserOff_func ) )
self call [[ level.laserOff_func ]]();
assert( isdefined( level.sentry_settings[ self.sentryType ] ) );
assert( isdefined( level.sentry_settings[ self.sentryType ].destroyedModel ) );
self setmodel( level.sentry_settings[ self.sentryType ].destroyedModel );
self SentryPowerOff();
if ( isSP() )
self call [[ level.freeEntitySentient_func ]]();
if ( !isSP() && isDefined( attacker ) && isPlayer( attacker ) )
if ( isDefined( self.owner ) )
self.owner thread [[level.leaderDialogOnPlayer_func]]( "destroy_sentry", "sentry_status" );
attacker thread [[ level.onXPEvent ]]( "kill" );
self setSentryCarried( false );
self SetCanDamage( true );
self.ignoreMe = false;
self makeUnusable();
self SetSentryOwner( undefined );
self SetTurretMinimapVisible( false );
self playsound( "sentry_explode" );
playfxOnTag( getfx( "sentry_turret_explode" ), self, "tag_aim" );
if ( isSP() )
self setContents( 0 );
wait 1.5;
self playsound( "sentry_explode_smoke" );
timeToSteam = level.sentry_settings[ self.sentryType ].damage_smoke_time * 1000;
startTime = getTime();
for ( ;; )
playfxOnTag( getfx( "sentry_turret_explode_smoke" ), self, "tag_aim" );
wait .4;
if ( getTime() - startTime > timeToSteam )
if ( !isSP() )
self thread removeDeadSentry();
handle_sentry_on_carrier_death( sentry )
level endon( "game_ended" );
self endon( "sentry_placement_finished" );
self waittill( "death" );
if ( isSp() )
sentry notify( "death" );
if ( !self.canPlaceEntity )
sentry sentry_place_mode_reset();
sentry notify( "deleted" );
sentry delete();
if ( !isSp() )
self thread place_sentry( sentry );
kill_sentry_on_carrier_disconnect( sentry )
level endon( "game_ended" );
self endon( "sentry_placement_finished" );
self waittill( "disconnect" );
sentry notify( "death" );
level endon( "game_ended" );
self endon( "death" );
assert( isDefined( self.sentryType ) );
if ( self.health <= 0 )
for ( ;; )
self waittill( "trigger", player );
if ( isDefined( player.placingSentry ) )
// only owner of sentry can move sentry in MP
if ( !isSP() )
// Checked through code now; Assert left for reference.
assert( isDefined( self.owner ) );
assert( player == self.owner );
player thread handle_sentry_on_carrier_death( self );
player thread kill_sentry_on_carrier_disconnect( self );
player thread sentry_placement_endOfLevel_cancel_monitor( self );
if ( !isSP() && !isAlive( player ) )
if ( !isSP() )
self sentry_team_hide_icon();
self SentryPowerOff();// makes the turret non - operational while being moved
player.placingSentry = self;
self setSentryCarried( true );
self.ignoreMe = true;
self SetCanDamage( false );
player _disableWeapon();
//player _disableUsability();
self makeSentryNotSolid();
self sentry_badplace_delete();
player thread move_sentry_wait( self );
player thread updateSentryPositionThread( self );
if ( !isSP() )
self.badplace_name = "" + getTime();
call [[ level.badplace_cylinder_func ]]( self.badplace_name, 0, self.origin, 32, 128, self.team, "neutral" );
if ( !isSP() )
assert( isdefined( self.badplace_name ) );
call [[ level.badplace_delete_func ]]( self.badplace_name );
self.badplace_name = undefined;
move_sentry_wait( sentry )
level endon( "game_ended" );
sentry endon( "death" );
sentry endon( "deleted" );
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "disconnect" );
assert( isdefined( sentry ) );
for ( ;; )
self waitActivateButton( false );
// wait for button press
self waitActivateButton( true );
updateSentryPosition( sentry );
if ( self.canPlaceEntity )
place_sentry( sentry );
place_sentry( sentry )
if ( !isSP() )
self endon( "death" );
level endon( "end_game" );
self.placingSentry = undefined;
sentry setSentryCarried( false );
sentry SetCanDamage( true );
sentry.ignoreMe = false;
if ( !maps\_utility::is_coop() || !maps\_utility::is_player_down_and_out( self ) )
self _enableWeapon();
//self _enableUsability();
// Manually decrease the disabledWeapon count because we didn't actually call _enableWeapon()
// This is necessary because co-op revive needs to prevent the enable from happening, but sentries need to
// still keep count as if they did get re-enabled so that the next time you place a turret it works.
sentry makeSentrySolid();
sentry setmodel( level.sentry_settings[ sentry.sentryType ].model );
sentry sentry_badplace_create();
assert( isdefined( sentry.contents ) );
sentry setContents( sentry.contents );
self notify( "sentry_placement_finished", sentry );
sentry notify( "sentry_carried" );
sentry.overheated = false;
self sentry_placement_hint_hide();
if ( !isSP() )
sentry sentry_team_show_icon();
sentry SentryPowerOn();
thread play_sound_in_space( "sentry_gun_plant", sentry.origin );
self waitActivateButton( false );
sentry thread sentry_player_use_wait();
level endon( "game_ended" );
self endon( "death" );
self thread sentry_overheat_monitor();
for ( ;; )
self waittill_either( "turretstatechange", "cooled" );
if ( self isFiringTurret() )
self thread sentry_burst_fire_start();
if ( isdefined( level.laserOn_func ) )
self call [[ level.laserOn_func ]]();
self thread sentry_burst_fire_stop();
if ( isdefined( level.laserOff_func ) )
self call [[ level.laserOff_func ]]();
// Sentry overheat behavoir for SP ====================================================
// Note: To enable for mp, take out the isSP() check in main() function for overheat override variables.
// However, there might be some unseen behavoiral conflicts with battery timer, currently SP only - Julian
// Note 2: Turrets now have a code ersion of doing this, we probably don't want to mix and match both, so this should be
// cleaned up / removed after MW2
self endon( "death" );
assert( isDefined( self ) );
assert( isDefined( self.sentryType ) );
if ( self.sentryType != "sentry_minigun" )
if ( !isdefined( level.sentry_overheating_speed ) )
self.overheat = 0;
self.overheated = false;
if ( getdvarint( "sentry_overheat_debug" ) == 1 )
self thread sentry_overheat_debug();
while ( true )
if ( self.overheat >= ( level.sentry_fire_time * 10 ) )
self thread sentry_overheat_deactivate();
self waittill_either( "cooled", "sentry_carried" );
if ( self IsFiringTurret() )
self.overheat += 1;
if ( self.overheat > 0 )
self.overheat -= 1;
wait 0.1/level.sentry_overheating_speed;
self endon( "death" );
while ( self.overheated )
if ( self.overheat > 0 )
self.overheat -= 1;
wait 0.1/level.sentry_overheating_speed;
self endon( "death" );
while( true )
overheat_value = self.overheat / (level.sentry_fire_time*10);
overheat_print_l = "[ ";
overheat_print_r = " ]";
if( self.overheated )
overheat_print_l = "{{{ ";
overheat_print_r = " }}}";
print3d( self.origin + ( 0,0,45 ), overheat_print_l + self.overheat + " / " + level.sentry_fire_time*10 + overheat_print_r, ( 0+overheat_value, 1-overheat_value, 1-overheat_value ), 1, 0.35, 4 );
wait 0.2;
self endon( "death" );
self notify( "overheated" );
self.overheated = true;
self sentry_burst_fire_stop();
self thread sentry_overheat_reactivate();
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "sentry_carried" );
self thread sentry_cooling();
wait level.sentry_cooldown_time;
self notify( "cooled" );
self.overheat = 0;
self.overheated = false;
// END of sentry overheat behavoir for SP =================================================
self endon( "death" );
level endon( "game_ended" );
if ( isdefined( self.overheated ) && self.overheated )
self thread fire_anim_start();
self endon( "stop_shooting" );
self notify( "shooting" );
assert( isdefined( self.weaponinfo ) );
fireTime = weaponFireTime( self.weaponinfo );
assert( isdefined( fireTime ) && fireTime > 0 );
for ( ;; )
self turret_start_anim_wait();
numShots = randomintrange( level.sentry_settings[ self.sentryType ].burst_shots_min, level.sentry_settings[ self.sentryType ].burst_shots_max );
for ( i = 0 ; i < numShots ; i++ )
if ( self canFire() )
self shootTurret();
wait fireTime;
wait randomfloatrange( level.sentry_settings[ self.sentryType ].burst_pause_min, level.sentry_settings[ self.sentryType ].burst_pause_max );
sentry_allowFire( bAllow, timeOut )
self notify( "allowFireThread" );
self endon( "allowFireThread" );
self endon( "death" );
self.taking_damage = bAllow;
if ( isdefined( timeOut ) && !bAllow )
wait timeOut;
if ( isdefined( self ) )
self thread sentry_allowFire( true );
if ( !isdefined( self.taking_damage ) )
return true;
return self.taking_damage;
self thread fire_anim_stop();
self notify( "stop_shooting" );
self thread sentry_steam();
self endon( "shooting" );
self endon( "deleted" );
wait randomfloatrange( 0.0, 1.0 );
timeToSteam = 6 * 1000;
startTime = getTime();
// temp sound fx
if ( isdefined( self ) )
self playsound( "sentry_steam" );
while ( isdefined( self ) )
playfxOnTag( getfx( "sentry_turret_overheat_smoke_sp" ), self, "tag_flash" );
wait .3;
if ( getTime() - startTime > timeToSteam )
if ( isdefined( self.allow_fire ) && self.allow_fire == false )
self waittill( "allow_fire" );
self notify( "anim_state_change" );
self endon( "anim_state_change" );
self endon( "stop_shooting" );
self endon( "deleted" );
level endon( "game_ended" );
self endon( "death" );
if ( !isdefined( level.sentry_settings[ self.sentryType ].anim_loop ) )
self.allow_fire = false;
//ramp up the animation from 0.1 speed to 1.0 speed over time
if ( !isdefined( self.momentum ) )
self.momentum = 0;
self thread fire_sound_spinup();
for ( ;; )
if ( self.momentum >= 1.0 )
self.momentum += 0.1;
self.momentum = cap_value( self.momentum, 0.0, 1.0 );
if ( isSP() )
self self_func( "setanim", level.sentry_settings[ self.sentryType ].anim_loop, 1.0, 0.2, self.momentum );
wait 0.2;
self.allow_fire = true;
self notify( "allow_fire" );
self notify( "deleted" );
wait .05;
self notify( "death" );
if ( isDefined( self.obj_overlay ) )
self.obj_overlay delete();
if ( isDefined( self.cam ) )
self.cam delete();
self delete();
self notify( "anim_state_change" );
self endon( "anim_state_change" );
if ( !isdefined( level.sentry_settings[ self.sentryType ].anim_loop ) )
self thread fire_sound_spindown();
self.allow_fire = false;
for ( ;; )
if ( !isdefined( self.momentum ) )
if ( self.momentum <= 0.0 )
self.momentum -= 0.1;
self.momentum = cap_value( self.momentum, 0.0, 1.0 );
if ( isSP() )
self self_func( "setanim", level.sentry_settings[ self.sentryType ].anim_loop, 1.0, 0.2, self.momentum );
wait 0.2;
self notify( "sound_state_change" );
self endon( "sound_state_change" );
self endon( "deleted" );
if ( self.momentum < 0.25 )
self playsound( "sentry_minigun_spinup1" );
wait 0.6;
self playsound( "sentry_minigun_spinup2" );
wait 0.5;
self playsound( "sentry_minigun_spinup3" );
wait 0.5;
self playsound( "sentry_minigun_spinup4" );
wait 0.5;
if ( self.momentum < 0.5 )
self playsound( "sentry_minigun_spinup2" );
wait 0.5;
self playsound( "sentry_minigun_spinup3" );
wait 0.5;
self playsound( "sentry_minigun_spinup4" );
wait 0.5;
if ( self.momentum < 0.75 )
self playsound( "sentry_minigun_spinup3" );
wait 0.5;
self playsound( "sentry_minigun_spinup4" );
wait 0.5;
if ( self.momentum < 1 )
self playsound( "sentry_minigun_spinup4" );
wait 0.5;
thread fire_sound_spinloop();
self endon( "death" );
self notify( "sound_state_change" );
self endon( "sound_state_change" );
while ( 1 )
self playsound( "sentry_minigun_spin" );
wait 2.5;
self notify( "sound_state_change" );
self endon( "sound_state_change" );
self endon( "deleted" );
if ( !isdefined( self.momentum ) )
if ( self.momentum > 0.75 )
self stopsounds();
self playsound( "sentry_minigun_spindown4" );
wait 0.5;
self playsound( "sentry_minigun_spindown3" );
wait 0.5;
self playsound( "sentry_minigun_spindown2" );
wait 0.5;
self playsound( "sentry_minigun_spindown1" );
wait 0.65;
if ( self.momentum > 0.5 )
self playsound( "sentry_minigun_spindown3" );
wait 0.5;
self playsound( "sentry_minigun_spindown2" );
wait 0.5;
self playsound( "sentry_minigun_spindown1" );
wait 0.65;
if ( self.momentum > 0.25 )
self playsound( "sentry_minigun_spindown2" );
wait 0.5;
self playsound( "sentry_minigun_spindown1" );
wait 0.65;
self playsound( "sentry_minigun_spindown1" );
wait 0.65;
self endon( "death" );
for ( ;; )
wait randomfloatrange( 3.5, 4.5 );
self thread play_sound_in_space( "sentry_gun_beep", self.origin + ( 0, 0, 40 ) );
spawn_and_place_sentry( sentryType )
level endon( "game_ended" );
assert( self.classname == "player" );
assert( isdefined( sentryType ) );
assert( isdefined( level.sentry_settings[ sentryType ] ) );
assert( isdefined( level.sentry_settings[ sentryType ].placementmodel ) );
assert( isdefined( level.sentry_settings[ sentryType ].placementmodelfail ) );
if ( isdefined( self.placingSentry ) )
self _disableWeapon();
//self _disableUsability();
self notify( "placingSentry" );
assert( isdefined( level.sentry_settings[ sentryType ] ) );
assert( isdefined( level.sentry_settings[ sentryType ].weaponInfo ) );
assert( isdefined( level.sentry_settings[ sentryType ].model ) );
assert( isdefined( level.sentry_settings[ sentryType ].targetname ) );
sentry_gun = spawnTurret( "misc_turret", self.origin, level.sentry_settings[ sentryType ].weaponInfo );
sentry_gun setmodel( level.sentry_settings[ sentryType ].placementModel );
sentry_gun.weaponinfo = level.sentry_settings[ sentryType ].weaponInfo;
sentry_gun.targetname = level.sentry_settings[ sentryType ].targetname;
sentry_gun.weaponName = level.sentry_settings[ sentryType ].weaponInfo;
sentry_gun.angles = self.angles;
sentry_gun.team = self.team;
sentry_gun.attacker = self;
sentry_gun.sentryType = sentryType;
sentry_gun makeTurretInoperable();
sentry_gun sentryPowerOff();
sentry_gun setCanDamage( false );
sentry_gun sentry_set_owner( self );
sentry_gun setDefaultDropPitch( -89.0 ); // setting this mainly prevents Turret_RestoreDefaultDropPitch() from running
self.placingSentry = sentry_gun;
sentry_gun setSentryCarried( true );
sentry_gun SetCanDamage( false );
sentry_gun.ignoreMe = true;
if ( !isSP() )
sentry_gun addToTurretList();
// wait to delete the sentry when cancelled
self thread sentry_placement_cancel_monitor( sentry_gun );
// wait to delete the sentry on end of level
self thread sentry_placement_endOfLevel_cancel_monitor( sentry_gun );
// wait until the player plants the sentry
self thread sentry_placement_initial_wait( sentry_gun );
// keep the indicator model positioned with traces forever until the thread is ended
self thread updateSentryPositionThread( sentry_gun );
// wait until the turret placement has been finished or canceled
if ( !isSP() )
self waittill_any( "sentry_placement_finished", "sentry_placement_canceled", "death" );
self waittill_any( "sentry_placement_finished", "sentry_placement_canceled" );
self sentry_placement_hint_hide();
if ( !maps\_utility::is_coop() || !maps\_utility::is_player_down_and_out( self ) )
self _enableWeapon();
//self _enableUsability();
// Manually decrease the disabledWeapon count because we didn't actually call _enableWeapon()
// This is necessary because co-op revive needs to prevent the enable from happening, but sentries need to
// still keep count as if they did get re-enabled so that the next time you place a turret it works.
self.placingSentry = undefined;
sentry_gun setSentryCarried( false );
self SetCanDamage( true );
sentry_gun.ignoreMe = false;
sentry_placement_cancel_monitor( sentry_gun )
self endon ( "sentry_placement_finished" );
if ( !isSP() )
self waittill_any( "sentry_placement_canceled", "death", "disconnect");
self waittill_any( "sentry_placement_canceled" );
sentry_gun delete();
sentry_placement_endOfLevel_cancel_monitor( sentry_gun )
self endon ( "sentry_placement_finished" );
if ( isSP() )
level waittill( "game_ended" );
if ( !isDefined( sentry_gun ) )
//sentry_gun notify( "deleted" );
if ( !self.canPlaceEntity )
sentry_gun notify( "deleted" );
sentry_gun delete();
self thread place_sentry( sentry_gun );
level endon( "game_ended" );
self endon( "disconnect" );
self endon( "restock_reset" );
// Cancel/restock on death or when toggling the killstreak
self notifyOnPlayerCommand( "cancel sentry", "+actionslot 4" );
self waittill_any( "death", "cancel sentry" );
assert( isdefined( self.last_sentry ) );
self notify( "sentry_placement_canceled" );
sentry_placement_initial_wait( sentry_gun )
level endon( "game_ended" );
self endon( "sentry_placement_canceled" );
if ( !isSP() )
self endon( "disconnect" );
//self endon( "death" );
sentry_gun thread sentry_reset_on_owner_death();
self thread sentry_restock_wait();
//debounce from picking up the gun
while ( self useButtonPressed() )
wait 0.05;
for ( ;; )
// couldn't place entity so wait until the buttons are unpressed before trying again
self waitActivateButton( false );
// wait until the button is pressed
self waitActivateButton( true );
updateSentryPosition( sentry_gun );
if ( self.canPlaceEntity )
if ( !isSP() ) //&& isAlive( self ) )
self notify( "restock_reset" );
if ( !isSP() )
sentry_gun.lifeId = self.lifeId;
self sentry_team_setup( sentry_gun );
thread play_sound_in_space( "sentry_gun_plant", sentry_gun.origin );
assert( isdefined( self.team ) );
sentry_gun setmodel( level.sentry_settings[ sentry_gun.sentryType ].model );
sentry_gun thread sentry_init( self.team, sentry_gun.sentryType, self );
self notify( "sentry_placement_finished", sentry_gun );
waittillframeend; // wait so self.placingSentry can get cleared before notifying script that we can give the player another turret
if ( !isSP() )
sentry_gun thread sentry_die_on_batteryout();
updateSentryPositionThread( sentry_entity )
level endon( "game_ended" );
sentry_entity notify( "sentry_placement_started" );
self endon( "sentry_placement_canceled" );
self endon( "sentry_placement_finished" );
sentry_entity endon( "death" );
sentry_entity endon( "deleted" );
if ( !isSP() )
self endon( "disconnect" );
self endon( "death" );
for ( ;; )
updateSentryPosition( sentry_entity );
wait sentry_updateTime;
updateSentryPosition( sentry_entity )
placement = self canPlayerPlaceSentry();
sentry_entity.origin = placement[ "origin" ];
sentry_entity.angles = placement[ "angles" ];
self.canPlaceEntity = self isonground() && placement[ "result" ];
self sentry_placement_hint_show( self.canPlaceEntity );
if ( self.canPlaceEntity )
sentry_entity setModel( level.sentry_settings[ sentry_entity.sentryType ].placementmodel );
sentry_entity setModel( level.sentry_settings[ sentry_entity.sentryType ].placementmodelfail );
sentry_placement_hint_show( hint_valid )
assert( isDefined( self ) );
assert( isDefined( hint_valid ) );
// return if not changed
if ( isdefined( self.forced_hint ) && (self.forced_hint == hint_valid) )
self.forced_hint = hint_valid;
if ( self.forced_hint )
self ForceUseHintOn( &"SENTRY_PLACE" );
self ForceUseHintOn( &"SENTRY_CANNOT_PLACE" );
assert( isDefined( self ) );
// return if hidden already
if ( !isdefined( self.forced_hint ) )
self ForceUseHintOff();
self.forced_hint = undefined;
folded_sentry_use_wait( sentryType )
// spawn another copy of the model so that it's not translucent
self.obj_overlay = spawn( "script_model", self.origin );
self.obj_overlay.angles = self.angles;
self.obj_overlay setModel( level.sentry_settings[ sentryType ].pickupModelObj );
for ( ;; )
self waittill( "trigger", player );
if ( !isdefined( player ) )
if ( isDefined( player.placingSentry ) )
if ( !isSP() )
assert( isdefined( self.owner ) );
if ( player != self.owner )
self thread play_sound_in_space( "sentry_pickup" );
self.obj_overlay delete();
self delete();
// put the player into placement mode
player thread spawn_and_place_sentry( sentryType );
self.healthbuffer = 20000;
self.health += self.healthbuffer;
self.currenthealth = self.health;
attacker = undefined;
type = undefined;
while ( self.health > 0 )
self waittill( "damage", amount, attacker, direction_vec, point, type, modelName, tagName );
if ( !isSP() && isdefined( attacker ) && isplayer( attacker ) && attacker sentry_attacker_is_friendly( self ) )
self.health = self.currenthealth;
if ( isdefined( level.stat_track_damage_func ) && isdefined( attacker ) )
attacker [[ level.stat_track_damage_func ]]();
assertex( isdefined( level.func[ "damagefeedback" ] ), "damagefeedback display function is undefined" );
if ( isdefined( attacker ) && isplayer( attacker ) )
if ( !isSP() )
attacker [[ level.func[ "damagefeedback" ] ]]( "false" );
/* no more hit indicator in SP, commenting this out and replacing with the line above for MP only
if ( isSP() )
attacker [[ level.func[ "damagefeedback" ] ]]( self );
attacker [[ level.func[ "damagefeedback" ] ]]( "false" );
self thread sentry_allowFire( false, 2.0 );
if ( self sentry_hit_bullet_armor( type ) )
//damage was to bullet armor, restore health and decrement bullet armor.
self.health = self.currenthealth;
self.bullet_armor -= amount;
self.currenthealth = self.health;
if ( self.health < self.healthbuffer )
if ( !isSP() && attacker sentry_attacker_can_get_xp( self ) )
attacker thread [[ level.onXPEvent ]]( "kill" );
self notify( "death", attacker, type );
sentry_hit_bullet_armor( type )
if ( self.bullet_armor <= 0 )
return false;
if ( !( isdefined( type ) ) )
return false;
if ( ! issubstr( type, "BULLET" ) )
return false;
return true;
difficulty = "easy";
self SetConvergenceTime( level.sentryTurretSettings[ difficulty ][ "convergencePitchTime" ], "pitch" );
self SetConvergenceTime( level.sentryTurretSettings[ difficulty ][ "convergenceYawTime" ], "yaw" );
self SetSuppressionTime( level.sentryTurretSettings[ difficulty ][ "suppressionTime" ] );
self SetAiSpread( level.sentryTurretSettings[ difficulty ][ "aiSpread" ] );
self SetPlayerSpread( level.sentryTurretSettings[ difficulty ][ "playerSpread" ] );
self.maxrange = 1100;
self.bullet_armor = minigun_sentry_bullet_armor_enemy;
waitActivateButton( bCheck )
if ( !isSP() )
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "disconnect" );
assert( isdefined( bCheck ) );
if ( bCheck == true )
while ( !self attackButtonPressed() && !self useButtonPressed() )
wait 0.05;
else if ( bCheck == false )
while ( self attackButtonPressed() || self useButtonPressed() )
wait 0.05;
self makeTurretSolid();
self.contents = self setContents( 0 );
self setMode( sentry_mode_name_on );
self.battery_usage = true;
self setMode( sentry_mode_name_off );
self.battery_usage = false;
// =============================================================================
// MP functions:
// =============================================================================
// MP sentry team and head icons
sentry_team_setup( sentry_gun )
// self == player
assert( isDefined( sentry_gun ) );
assert( isDefined( sentry_gun.sentryType ) );
if ( isdefined( self.pers[ "team" ] ) )
sentry_gun.pers[ "team" ] = self.pers[ "team" ];
sentry_gun sentry_team_show_icon();
assert( isdefined( level.func[ "setTeamHeadIcon" ] ) );
sentry_headicon_offset = ( 0, 0, 65 );
if ( self.sentryType == "sentry_gun" )
sentry_headicon_offset = ( 0, 0, 75 );
self [[ level.func[ "setTeamHeadIcon" ] ]]( self.pers[ "team" ], sentry_headicon_offset );
// MP clear team and head icons
assert( isdefined( level.func[ "setTeamHeadIcon" ] ) );
self [[ level.func[ "setTeamHeadIcon" ] ]]( "none", (0, 0, 0) );
// resets sentry placement mode when owner carrying sentry dies
if ( !isDefined(self.owner) )
if ( isDefined( self.owner.placingSentry ) && (self.owner.placingSentry == self) )
self.owner notify( "sentry_placement_canceled" );
self.owner _enableWeapon();
//self.owner _enableUsability();
self.owner.placingSentry = undefined;
self setSentryCarried( false );
self SetCanDamage( true );
self.ignoreMe = false;
sentry_set_owner( owner )
assert( isdefined( owner ) );
assert( isPlayer( owner ) );
// don't need to set it twice. will happen for non-static sentries
if ( isDefined ( self.owner ) && self.owner == owner )
owner.debug_sentry = self;// for debug
self.owner = owner;
self SetSentryOwner( owner );
self SetTurretMinimapVisible( true );
sentry_destroy_on_owner_leave( owner )
level endon( "game_ended" );
self endon( "death" );
owner waittill_any( "disconnect", "joined_team", "joined_spectators" );
self notify( "death" );
// battery monitor, batter only used while sentry is on
level endon( "game_ended" );
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "deleted" );
// only one instance
self notify( "battery_count_started" );
self endon( "battery_count_started" );
while ( self.sentry_battery_timer >= 0 )
if ( self.battery_usage )
self.sentry_battery_timer -= 1;
wait 1;
self notify( "death" );
self playsound( "sentry_explode" );
playfxOnTag( getfx( "sentry_turret_explode" ), self, "tag_aim" );
self delete_sentry_turret();
// self is sentry
assert( isDefined( self ) );
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "deleted" );
assert( isdefined( self.owner ) );
self.owner waittill_any( "death", "disconnect" );
if ( isDefined( self.owner.placingSentry ) && (self.owner.placingSentry == self) )
self.owner.placingSentry = undefined;
self setSentryCarried( false );
self SetCanDamage( true );
self.ignoreMe = false;
self notify( "death" );
sentry_attacker_can_get_xp( sentry )
assert( isdefined( sentry.owner ) );
// defensive much?
if ( !isdefined( self ) )
return false;
if ( !isPlayer( self ) )
return false;
if ( !isdefined( level.onXPEvent ) )
return false;
if ( !isdefined( self.pers[ "team" ] ) )
return false;
if ( !isdefined( sentry.team ) )
return false;
if ( !level.teambased && self == sentry.owner )
return false;
if ( level.teambased && ( self.pers[ "team" ] == sentry.team ) )
return false;
return true;
sentry_attacker_is_friendly( sentry )
assert( isdefined( sentry.owner ) );
// defensive much?
if ( !isdefined( self ) )
return false;
if ( !isPlayer( self ) )
return false;
if ( !level.teamBased )
return false;
if ( self == sentry.owner )
return false;
if ( self.team != sentry.team )
return false;
return true;
self endon( "deleted" );
self endon( "death" );
for ( ;; )
self waittill( "emp_damage", attacker, duration );
// TODO: friendly fire check here
self thread sentry_burst_fire_stop();
if ( isdefined( level.laserOff_func ) )
self call [[ level.laserOff_func ]]();
self SentryPowerOff();
playfxOnTag( getfx( "sentry_turret_explode" ), self, "tag_aim" );
wait( duration );
self SentryPowerOn();
self endon( "deleted" );
self endon( "death" );
for ( ;; )
level waittill( "emp_update" );
// TODO: make this work in FFA
if ( level.teamEMPed[self.team] )
self thread sentry_burst_fire_stop();
if ( isdefined( level.laserOff_func ) )
self call [[ level.laserOff_func ]]();
self SentryPowerOff();
playfxOnTag( getfx( "sentry_turret_explode" ), self, "tag_aim" );
self SentryPowerOn();
level.turrets[self getEntityNumber()] = self;
level.turrets[self getEntityNumber()] = undefined;
dual_waittill( ent1, msg1, ent2, msg2 )
ent1 endon ( msg1 );
ent2 endon ( msg2 );
level waittill ( "hell_freezes_over_AND_THEN_thaws_out" );