279 lines
7.2 KiB
279 lines
7.2 KiB
#include common_scripts\utility;
level_limit_pipe_fx = 8;
max_fires_from_entity = 4;
level_pipe_fx_chance = 33;
// LOGIC //
level._pipe_fx_time = 25;
pipes = GetEntArray( "pipe_shootable", "targetname" );
if ( !pipes.size )
level._pipes = SpawnStruct();
level._pipes.num_pipe_fx = 0;
pipes thread precacheFX();
pipes thread methodsInit();
waittillframeend;// insure that structs are initialized
array_thread( pipes, ::pipesetup );
self SetCanDamage( true );
self SetCanRadiusDamage( false ); // optimization
self.pipe_fx_array = [];
node = undefined;
if ( IsDefined( self.target ) )
node = getstruct( self.target, "targetname" );
self.A = node.origin;
vec = AnglesToForward( node.angles );
vec = vector_multiply( vec, 128 );
self.B = self.A + vec;
vec = AnglesToForward( self.angles );
vec1 = vector_multiply( vec, 64 );
self.A = self.origin + vec1;
vec1 = vector_multiply( vec, -64 );
self.B = self.origin + vec1;
self thread pipe_wait_loop();
P = ( 0, 0, 0 );// just to initialize P as a vector
hasTakenDamage = false;
remaining = max_fires_from_entity;
while ( 1 )
self waittill( "damage", damage, other, direction_vec, P, type );
// random so we don't get so many fx, but the very first time is guarenteed
if ( hasTakenDamage )
if ( randomint( 100 ) <= level_pipe_fx_chance )
hasTakenDamage = true;
result = self pipe_logic( direction_vec, P, type, other );
if ( result )
if ( remaining <= 0 )
self SetCanDamage( false );
pipe_logic( direction_vec, P, type, damageOwner )
if ( level._pipes.num_pipe_fx > level_limit_pipe_fx )
return false;
if ( !isDefined( level._pipes._pipe_methods[ type ] ) )
P = self pipe_calc_nofx( P, type );
P = self [[ level._pipes._pipe_methods[ type ] ]]( P, type );
if ( !isdefined( P ) )
return false;
if ( IsDefined( damageOwner.classname ) && damageOwner.classname == "worldspawn" )
return false;
foreach ( value in self.pipe_fx_array )
if ( DistanceSquared( P, value.origin ) < 25 )
return false;
//calculate the vector derived from the center line of our pipe and the point of damage
vec = VectorFromLineToPoint( self.A, self.B, P );
self thread pipefx( P, vec, damageOwner );
return true;
pipefx( P, vec, damageOwner )
time = level._pipes.fx_time[ self.script_noteworthy ] ;
intervals = Int( level._pipe_fx_time / time );// loops for 25 seconds
hitsnd = level._pipes._sound[ self.script_noteworthy + "_hit" ];
loopsnd = level._pipes._sound[ self.script_noteworthy + "_loop" ];
endsnd = level._pipes._sound[ self.script_noteworthy + "_end" ];
snd = Spawn( "script_origin", P );
snd Hide();
snd PlaySound( hitsnd );
snd PlayLoopSound( loopsnd );
self.pipe_fx_array[ self.pipe_fx_array.size ] = snd;
if ( isSP() || self.script_noteworthy != "steam" )
self thread pipe_damage( P, vec, damageOwner, snd );
//do it once without checking for newer fx being played ( we're the newest )
PlayFX( level._pipes._effect[ self.script_noteworthy ], P, vec );
wait time;
//now check for other fx and rest of intervals
while ( level._pipes.num_pipe_fx <= level_limit_pipe_fx && intervals > 0 )
PlayFX( level._pipes._effect[ self.script_noteworthy ], P, vec );
wait time;
snd PlaySound( endsnd );
wait( .5 );
snd StopLoopSound( loopsnd );
snd Delete();
self.pipe_fx_array = array_removeUndefined( self.pipe_fx_array );
pipe_damage( P, vec, damageOwner, fx )
if ( !allow_pipe_damage() )
fx endon( "death" );
origin = fx.origin + vector_multiply( VectorNormalize( vec ), 40 );
dmg = level._pipes._dmg[ self.script_noteworthy ];
while ( 1 )
// do not pass damage owner if they have disconnected before the barrels explode.. the barrels?
if ( !isdefined( self.damageOwner ) )
// MOD_TRIGGER_HURT so they dont do dirt on the player's screen
self RadiusDamage( origin, 36, dmg, dmg * 0.75, undefined, "MOD_TRIGGER_HURT" );
// MOD_TRIGGER_HURT so they dont do dirt on the player's screen
self RadiusDamage( origin, 36, dmg, dmg * 0.75, damageOwner, "MOD_TRIGGER_HURT" );
wait( 0.4 );
if( !isSP() )
return false;
if ( !isDefined( level.pipesDamage ) )
return true;
return ( level.pipesDamage );
level._pipes._pipe_methods = [];
level._pipes._pipe_methods[ "MOD_UNKNOWN" ] = ::pipe_calc_splash;
level._pipes._pipe_methods[ "MOD_PISTOL_BULLET" ] = ::pipe_calc_ballistic;
level._pipes._pipe_methods[ "MOD_RIFLE_BULLET" ] = ::pipe_calc_ballistic;
level._pipes._pipe_methods[ "MOD_GRENADE" ] = ::pipe_calc_splash;
level._pipes._pipe_methods[ "MOD_GRENADE_SPLASH" ] = ::pipe_calc_splash;
level._pipes._pipe_methods[ "MOD_PROJECTILE" ] = ::pipe_calc_splash;
level._pipes._pipe_methods[ "MOD_PROJECTILE_SPLASH" ] = ::pipe_calc_splash;
level._pipes._pipe_methods[ "MOD_TRIGGER_HURT" ] = ::pipe_calc_splash;
level._pipes._pipe_methods[ "MOD_EXPLOSIVE" ] = ::pipe_calc_splash;
level._pipes._pipe_methods[ "MOD_EXPLOSIVE_BULLET" ] = ::pipe_calc_splash;
pipe_calc_ballistic( P, type )
return P;
pipe_calc_splash( P, type )
vec = VectorNormalize( VectorFromLineToPoint( self.A, self.B, P ) );
P = PointOnSegmentNearestToPoint( self.A, self.B, P );
return( P + vector_multiply( vec, 4 ) );
pipe_calc_nofx( P, type )
return undefined;
steam = false;
fire = false;
foreach ( value in self )
if ( value.script_noteworthy == "water" )
value.script_noteworthy = "steam";
if ( value.script_noteworthy == "steam" )
value willNeverChange();
steam = true;
else if ( value.script_noteworthy == "fire" )
value willNeverChange();
fire = true;
println( "Unknown 'pipe_shootable' script_noteworthy type '%s'\n", value.script_noteworthy );
if ( steam )
level._pipes._effect[ "steam" ] = LoadFX( "impacts/pipe_steam" );
level._pipes._sound[ "steam_hit" ] = "mtl_steam_pipe_hit";
level._pipes._sound[ "steam_loop" ] = "mtl_steam_pipe_hiss_loop";
level._pipes._sound[ "steam_end" ] = "mtl_steam_pipe_hiss_loop_end";
level._pipes.fx_time[ "steam" ] = 3;
level._pipes._dmg[ "steam" ] = 5;
if ( fire )
level._pipes._effect[ "fire" ] = LoadFX( "impacts/pipe_fire" );
level._pipes._sound[ "fire_hit" ] = "mtl_gas_pipe_hit";
level._pipes._sound[ "fire_loop" ] = "mtl_gas_pipe_flame_loop";
level._pipes._sound[ "fire_end" ] = "mtl_gas_pipe_flame_end";
level._pipes.fx_time[ "fire" ] = 3;
level._pipes._dmg[ "fire" ] = 5;