1104 lines
24 KiB
1104 lines
24 KiB
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\_hud_util;
#include maps\_utility;
#include maps\_anim;
#include maps\_vehicle;
#include maps\char_museum;
#using_animtree( "generic_human" );
ai_default_setup( array )
self set_allowdeath( true );
self.anim_speed = level.GLOBAL_ANIM_SPEED;
if( !isdefined( level.anim_ai[ array ] ) )
level.anim_ai[ array ] = [];
level.anim_ai[ array ][ level.anim_ai[ array ].size ] = self;
node = self;
if( isdefined( self.target ) )
node = getstruct( self.target, "targetname" );
self.animation = node.animation;
self.anim_node = node;
self drone_anim_first_frame( node );
self thread ai_current_anim_stop();
self thread ai_death_track( array );
ai_death_track( array )
self waittill( "death" );
if( isdefined( self ) )
level.anim_ai[ array ] = array_remove( level.anim_ai[ array ], self );
level.anim_ai[ array ] = [];
drone_anim_first_frame( node )
self.current_anim = getanim_generic( node.animation );
node anim_generic_first_frame( self, node.animation );
ai_idle( animation )
if( isai( self ) )
self ai_idle_ai( animation );
self ai_idle_drone( animation );
ai_idle_ai( animation )
self endon( "panic_button" );
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "do_anim" );
self.current_anim = getanim_generic( animation );
self.anim_to_do = getanim_generic( animation );
self thread ai_current_anim_stop();
self ai_wait_current_anim();
self.animtime = undefined;
self AnimCustom( ::custom_ai_idle );
ai_idle_drone( animation )
self endon( "do_anim" );
self.current_anim = getanim_generic( animation );
self thread ai_current_anim_stop();
while( 1 )
self ai_wait_current_anim();
self.animtime = undefined;
anime = self.current_anim;
self ClearAnim( anime, 0 );
self setanimrestart( self.current_anim, 1, 0, self.anim_speed );
self endon( "killanimscript" );
self endon( "panic_button" );
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "do_anim" );
self notify( "new_custom_anim" );
self endon( "new_custom_anim" );
animation = self.anim_to_do;
while( 1 )
anime = self.current_anim;
self ClearAnim( anime, 0 );
self animMode( "nogravity" );
self setanimrestart( self.current_anim, 1, 0, self.anim_speed );
self ai_wait_current_anim();
ai_loop_random( animation, array )
if( isai( self ) )
self ai_loop_random_ai( animation, array );
self ai_loop_random_drone( animation, array );
ai_loop_random_ai( animation, array )
self endon( "panic_button" );
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "do_anim" );
self.anim_to_do = getanim_generic( animation );
self.array_to_do = array;
self.current_anim = getanim_generic( animation );
self thread ai_current_anim_stop();
self ai_wait_current_anim();
self.animtime = undefined;
self AnimCustom( ::custom_ai_loop_random );
ai_loop_random_drone( animation, array )
self endon( "do_anim" );
self.current_anim = getanim_generic( animation );
self thread ai_current_anim_stop();
while( 1 )
self ai_wait_current_anim();
self.animtime = undefined;
anime = self.current_anim;
self.current_anim = random( level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ array ] );
self ClearAnim( anime, 0 );
self setanimrestart( self.current_anim, 1, 0, self.anim_speed );
self endon( "killanimscript" );
self endon( "panic_button" );
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "do_anim" );
self notify( "new_custom_anim" );
self endon( "new_custom_anim" );
animation = self.anim_to_do;
array = self.array_to_do;
while( 1 )
anime = self.current_anim;
self.current_anim = random( level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ array ] );
self ClearAnim( anime, 0 );
self animMode( "nogravity" );
self setanimrestart( self.current_anim, 1, 0, self.anim_speed );
self ai_wait_current_anim();
ai_wait_current_anim( percent, delay )
if( !isdefined( self.current_anim ) )
if( !isdefined( delay ) )
delay = 0;
time = getanimlength( self.current_anim );
if( isdefined( percent ) && isdefined( self.animtime ) )
time *= ( percent - self.animtime );
if( isdefined( percent ) )
time *= percent;
if( isdefined( self.animtime ) )
time *= ( 1.0 - self.animtime );
final = ( time / self.anim_speed ) + delay;
if( final > 0 )
wait final;
ai_next_anim( xanim, percent, delay )
if( isai( self ) )
self ai_next_anim_ai( xanim, percent, delay );
self ai_next_anim_drone( xanim, percent, delay );
ai_next_anim_ai( xanim, percent, delay )
self endon( "panic_button" );
self endon( "death" );
wait .1;
self ai_wait_current_anim( percent, delay );
self.animtime = undefined;
self.anim_to_do = xanim;
self.perc_to_do = percent;
self.delay_to_do = delay;
self AnimCustom( ::custom_ai_next_anim );
ai_next_anim_drone( xanim, percent, delay )
self ai_wait_current_anim( percent, delay );
self.animtime = undefined;
anime = self.current_anim;
self.current_anim = xanim;
self ClearAnim( anime, .2 );
self setanimrestart( self.current_anim, 1, .2, self.anim_speed );
self endon( "killanimscript" );
self endon( "panic_button" );
self endon( "death" );
self notify( "new_custom_anim" );
self endon( "new_custom_anim" );
xanim = undefined;
percent = undefined;
delay = undefined;
if( isdefined( self.anim_to_do ) )
xanim = self.anim_to_do;
if( isdefined( self.perc_to_do ) )
percent = self.perc_to_do;
if( isdefined( self.delay_to_do ) )
delay = self.delay_to_do;
anime = self.current_anim;
self.current_anim = xanim;
self ClearAnim( anime, .2 );
self animMode( "nogravity" );
self setanimrestart( self.current_anim, 1, .2, self.anim_speed );
self waittill( "new_custom_anim" );
if( isai( self ) )
self ai_current_anim_stop_ai();
self ai_current_anim_stop_drone();
self endon( "panic_button" );
self endon( "death" );
while( !self ent_flag_exist( "do_anim" ) )
wait .05;
self ent_flag_wait( "do_anim" );
self ent_flag_waitopen( "do_anim" );
self AnimCustom( ::custom_ai_current_anim_stop );
while( !self ent_flag_exist( "do_anim" ) )
wait .05;
self ent_flag_wait( "do_anim" );
self ent_flag_waitopen( "do_anim" );
self SetAnim( self.current_anim, 1, 0, 0 );
self endon( "killanimscript" );
self endon( "panic_button" );
self endon( "death" );
self notify( "new_custom_anim" );
self animMode( "nogravity" );
self SetAnim( self.current_anim, 1, 0, 0 );
self waittill( "new_custom_anim" );
_setanim( animation, weight, blend, rate )
if( isai( self ) )
self _setanim_ai( animation, weight, blend, rate );
self _setanim_drone( animation, weight, blend, rate );
_setanim_ai( animation, weight, blend, rate )
self.anim_to_do = animation;
self.weight_2_do = weight;
self.blend_2_do = blend;
self.rate_2_do = rate;
self AnimCustom( ::custom_setanim );
_setanim_drone( animation, weight, blend, rate )
self setanim( animation , weight, blend, rate );
self endon( "killanimscript" );
self endon( "panic_button" );
self endon( "death" );
self notify( "new_custom_anim" );
animation = self.anim_to_do;
weight = self.weight_2_do;
blend = self.blend_2_do;
rate = self.rate_2_do;
if( isdefined( self.anim_mode ) )
self animMode( self.anim_mode );
self animMode( "nogravity" );
self setanim( animation, weight, blend, rate );
self waittill( "new_custom_anim" );
set_anim_time( node, time )
wait .05;
self.animtime = time;
ent = spawn( "script_origin", GetStartOrigin( node.origin, node.angles, getanim_generic( node.animation ) ) );
ent.angles = GetStartangles( node.origin, node.angles, getanim_generic( node.animation ) );
delta = GetMoveDelta( getanim_generic( node.animation ), 0, self.animtime );
endPoint = ent LocalToWorldCoords( delta );
angles = getangledelta( getanim_generic( node.animation ), 0, self.animtime );
self SetAnimTime( getanim_generic( node.animation ), self.animtime );
if( isai( self ) )
self ForceTeleport( endPoint, ent.angles + ( 0, angles, 0) );
self.origin = endPoint;
self.angles = ent.angles + ( 0, angles, 0) ;
ent delaycall( .05, ::delete );
camera_move( targetname, speed, acc, dec )
node = getvehiclenode( targetname, "targetname" );
old_camera = level.camera;
level.camera = spawn_vehicle_from_targetname_and_drive( "credits_camera" );
level.camera vehicle_teleport( node.origin, node.angles );
level.camera thread vehicle_paths( node );
level.camera attachpath( node );
level.camera vehicle_setspeedimmediate( 0, 1000, 1000 );
if( !isdefined( speed ) )
speed = 30;// units per second.
dist = distance( level.camera.origin, old_camera.origin );
time = dist / speed;
if( !isdefined( acc ) )
acc = .25;
if( !isdefined( dec ) )
dec = .25;
if( !acc && !dec )
level.player playerlinktoblend( level.camera, undefined, time );
level.player playerlinktoblend( level.camera, undefined, time, time * acc, time * dec );
if( time > .5 && time < 1.0 )
wait time;
if( time > 1.0 )
wait time - 1.0;
old_camera delaycall( 1.5, ::delete );
if( level.level_mode == "free" || self.classname == "actor_enemy_dog" )
self.script_drone = undefined;
self.script_moveoverride = 1;
self.script_drone_override = 1;
self.script_drone = 1;
self.moveplaybackrate = 1.0;
self.animplaybackrate = 1.0;
if( level.level_mode == "free" )
self.script_drone = 1;
self.script_drone = undefined;
do_anim( name )
foreach( ent in level.anim_ai[ name ] )
ent ent_flag_set( "do_anim" );
self endon( "death" );
self waittill( "reached_path_end" );
self delete();
self endon( "death" );
wait .1;//let initiliazing functions run
node = self;
if( isdefined( self.target ) )
node = getstruct( self.target, "targetname" );
self.animation = node.animation;
if( node.animation == "civilian_texting_sitting" )
self attach( "electronics_pda", "TAG_INHAND" );
self set_allowdeath( true );
node anim_generic_loop( self, node.animation );
self endon( "death" );
fx = getfx( "scuba_bubbles_friendly" );
while( self ent_flag( "do_anim" ) )
count = randomint( 3 ) + 1;
for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
PlayFXOnTag( fx, self, "tag_eye" );
wait( 0.05 );
wait( randomfloatrange( 0.6, 2.5 ) );
self.ignoreme = true;
startingWeapon = "beretta";
startingViewhands = "viewhands_us_army";
self TakeAllWeapons();
self GiveWeapon( startingWeapon );
self SwitchToWeapon( startingWeapon );
self SetViewmodel( startingViewhands );
self giveWeapon( "fraggrenade" );
self setOffhandSecondaryClass( "flash" );
self giveWeapon( "flash_grenade" );
self freezecontrols( true );
room = self.script_noteworthy;
ASSERT( IsDefined( room ) );
while( 1 )
self waittill( "trigger", other );
if( IsPlayer( other ) && level.activeRoom != room )
self spawn_museum_dudes();
while( other IsTouching( self ) )
wait( 0.05 );
if( flag( "panic_button" ) )
level.activeRoom = self.script_noteworthy;
if( level.level_mode == "free" )
level.guys = getaispeciesarray();
foreach( guy in level.guys )
if( IsDefined( guy ) )
guy Delete();
if( isdefined( level.rope ) )
level.rope delete();
level.rope = undefined;
level.guys = [];
wait( 0.05 ); // let the guys delete to make room
if( level.activeRoom == "none" )
newspawners = GetEntArray( self.script_noteworthy, "targetname" );
ASSERT( newspawners.size );
if( level.level_mode == "free" )
switch( self.script_noteworthy )
case "room1":
case "room2":
array_thread( newspawners, ::spawn_museum_dude );
self.count = 3;
self spawn_ai( true );
self endon( "death" );
self ent_flag_init( "do_anim" );
self.ignoreme = true;
self.ignoreall = true;
self.old = [];
self.old[ "grenadeawareness" ] = self.grenadeawareness;
self.old[ "ignoreexplosionevents" ] = self.ignoreexplosionevents;
self.old[ "ignorerandombulletdamage" ] = self.ignorerandombulletdamage;
self.old[ "ignoresuppression" ] = self.ignoresuppression;
self.old[ "disableBulletWhizbyReaction" ] = self.disableBulletWhizbyReaction;
self.old[ "newEnemyReactionDistSq" ] = self.newEnemyReactionDistSq;
self.old[ "health" ] = self.health;
self.old[ "maxhealth" ] = self.maxhealth;
self.old[ "flashbangimmunity" ] = self.flashbangimmunity;
self.grenadeawareness = 0;
self.ignoreexplosionevents = true;
self.ignorerandombulletdamage = true;
self.ignoresuppression = true;
self.disableBulletWhizbyReaction = true;
self.newEnemyReactionDistSq = 0;
self.name = " ";
self.health = 1;
self.maxhealth = 1;
self.flashbangimmunity = 1;
self pathrandompercent_zero();
if( IsDefined( self.team ) && self.team == "axis" )
self.team = "neutral";
if( isai( self ) )
self disable_pain();
self ClearEnemy();
self PushPlayer( true );
// self thread death_thread();
// make the guy go back to idle even if he freaked out on the first frame
self.alertlevel = "noncombat";
// self.alertlevelInt = 2;
if( isdefined( self.type ) && self.type == "civilian" )
level.guys[ level.guys.size ] = self;
foreach( player in level.players )
player.black_overlay = maps\_hud_util::create_client_overlay( "black", 0, player );
player.black_overlay.alpha = 1;
blackscreen_fadeout( fadeTime )
foreach( player in level.players )
player.black_overlay FadeOverTime( fadeTime );
player.black_overlay.alpha = 0;
player.black_overlay delaycall( fadeTime, ::Destroy );
array = sign_departure_status_system_setup();
array_thread( array, ::sign_departure_status_tab_setup );
level.departure_status_array = array;
statuses = [];
// statuses[ statuses.size ] = "arriving";
// statuses[ statuses.size ] = "ontime";
// statuses[ statuses.size ] = "boarding";
statuses[ statuses.size ] = "delayed";
array = array_randomize( level.departure_status_array );
flag_wait( "looked_at_big_board" );
snds = getentarray( "snd_departure_board", "targetname" );
foreach( member in snds )
member playsound( member.script_soundalias );
array = array_randomize( level.departure_status_array );
foreach( value in array )
value thread sign_departure_status_flip_to( statuses[ randomint( statuses.size ) ] );
wait 0.2;
pieces = GetEntArray( "sign_departure_status", "targetname" );
array = [];
foreach ( tab in pieces )
makenew = true;
origin = tab.origin;
foreach ( member in array )
if ( member.origin != origin )
makenew = false;
member.tabs[ tab.script_noteworthy ] = tab;
if ( !makenew )
newtab = SpawnStruct();
newtab.origin = origin;
newtab.tabs = [];
newtab.tabs[ tab.script_noteworthy ] = tab;
array[ array.size ] = newtab;
return array;
self.status[ "angles" ] = [];
self.status[ "angles" ][ "bottom" ] = self.tabs[ "ontime" ].angles;
self.status[ "angles" ][ "top" ] = self.tabs[ "boarding" ].angles;
self.status[ "angles" ][ "waiting" ] = self.tabs[ "delayed" ].angles;
self.status[ "order" ] = [];
self.status[ "order" ][ "ontime" ] = "arriving";
self.status[ "order" ][ "arriving" ] = "boarding";
self.status[ "order" ][ "boarding" ] = "delayed";
self.status[ "order" ][ "delayed" ] = "ontime";
self.status[ "ontime" ] = [];
self.status[ "ontime" ][ "bottom" ] = "ontime";
self.status[ "ontime" ][ "top" ] = "arriving";
self.status[ "arriving" ] = [];
self.status[ "arriving" ][ "bottom" ] = "arriving";
self.status[ "arriving" ][ "top" ] = "boarding";
self.status[ "boarding" ] = [];
self.status[ "boarding" ][ "bottom" ] = "boarding";
self.status[ "boarding" ][ "top" ] = "delayed";
self.status[ "delayed" ] = [];
self.status[ "delayed" ][ "bottom" ] = "delayed";
self.status[ "delayed" ][ "top" ] = "ontime";
self.current_state = "ontime";
self.tabs[ "arriving" ].angles = self.status[ "angles" ][ "top" ];
self.tabs[ "boarding" ].angles = self.status[ "angles" ][ "waiting" ];
self.tabs[ "boarding" ] Hide();
self.tabs[ "delayed" ] Hide();
sign_departure_status_flip_to( state )
time = .20;
while ( self.current_state != state )
next_state = self.status[ "order" ][ self.current_state ];
topname = self.status[ self.current_state ][ "top" ];
bottomname = self.status[ self.current_state ][ "bottom" ];
newname = self.status[ next_state ][ "top" ];
toptab = self.tabs[ topname ];
bottomtab = self.tabs[ bottomname ];
newtab = self.tabs[ newname ];
//move top to bottom position
toptab RotatePitch( 180, time );
newtab.angles = self.status[ "angles" ][ "top" ];
//bring new to top position
wait .05;
newtab Show();
//bring bottom to wait position
wait( time - .1 );
bottomtab Hide();
bottomtab.angles = self.status[ "angles" ][ "waiting" ];
wait .05;
self.current_state = next_state;
self endon( "death" );
self.gun_remove = true;
self gun_remove();
gun = GetWeaponModel( "beretta" );
self Attach( gun, "tag_weapon_right" );
self HidePart( "TAG_SILENCER" );
self waittill( "panic_button" );
self detach( gun, "tag_weapon_right" );
#using_animtree( "dog" );
ai_loop_dog( animation, array )
self endon( "panic_button" );
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "do_anim" );
self.anim_to_do = getanim_generic( animation );
self.array_to_do = array;
self.current_anim = getanim_generic( animation );
self thread ai_current_anim_stop();
self ai_wait_current_anim();
self AnimCustom( ::custom_ai_loop_dog );
self endon( "panic_button" );
self endon( "killanimscript" );
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "do_anim" );
self notify( "new_custom_anim" );
self endon( "new_custom_anim" );
animation = self.anim_to_do;
array = self.array_to_do;
while( 1 )
anime = self.current_anim;
self.current_anim = random( level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ array ] );
self ClearAnim( anime, 0 );
self animMode( "nogravity" );
self setanimrestart( self.current_anim, 1, 0, self.anim_speed );
self ai_wait_current_anim();
#using_animtree( "generic_human" );
self setHintString( &"CHAR_MUSEUM_DO_NOT_PRESS" );
self usetriggerrequirelookat();
self thread panic_icon();
self thread panic_trig_on_off();
model = getent( self.target, "targetname" );
model ent_flag_init( "ready" );
model ent_flag_set( "ready" );
while( 1 )
model ent_flag_wait( "ready" );
self waittill( "trigger" );
self thread panic_button_move( model );
ai = getaispeciesarray();
if( !ai.size )
if( !test_ai( ai ) )
if( flag( "panic_button" ) )
flag_set( "panic_button" );
array_thread( level.players, ::playLocalSoundWrapper, "arcademode_kill_streak_lost" );
level.player.ignoreme = false;
array_thread( ai, ::panic_ai_attack );
flag_waitopen( "panic_button" );
array_thread( level.players, ::playLocalSoundWrapper, "arcademode_kill_streak_won" );
panic_button_move( model )
model ent_flag_clear( "ready" );
if( !isdefined( self.trigger_off ) )
self trigger_off();
model movez( -1, .1 );
model playsound( "detpack_trigger" );
wait 1;
model movez( 1, .1 );
wait .25;
model ent_flag_set( "ready" );
flag_waitopen( "panic_button" );
if( isdefined( self.trigger_off ) )
self trigger_on();
while( 1 )
flag_wait( "panic_button" );
if( !isdefined( self.trigger_off ) )
self trigger_off();
flag_waitopen( "panic_button" );
if( isdefined( self.trigger_off ) )
self trigger_on();
trigger = Spawn( "trigger_radius", self.origin, 0, 50, 72 );
icon = NewHudElem();
icon SetShader( "panic_button", 1, 1 );
icon.alpha = 0;
icon.color = ( 1, 1, 1 );
icon.x = self.origin[ 0 ];
icon.y = self.origin[ 1 ];
icon.z = self.origin[ 2 ];
icon SetWayPoint( true, true );
wait( 0.05 );
while ( true )
trigger waittill( "trigger", other );
if ( !isplayer( other ) )
while ( other IsTouching( trigger ) )
show = true;
if ( player_looking_at( self.origin, 0.8, true ) && show )
icon_fade_in( icon );
icon_fade_out( icon );
wait 0.25;
icon_fade_out( icon );
icon_fade_in( icon )
if ( icon.alpha != 0 )
icon FadeOverTime( 0.2 );
icon.alpha = .6;
wait( 0.2 );
icon_fade_out( icon )
if ( icon.alpha == 0 )
icon FadeOverTime( 0.2 );
icon.alpha = 0;
wait( 0.2 );
test_ai( ai )
foreach( guy in ai )
if( guy test_ai_individual() )
return true;
return false;
if( isdefined( self.current_anim ) && ( self.current_anim == %oilrig_sub_B_idle_3 || self.current_anim == %oilrig_sub_B_idle_4 ) )
return false;
if( isdefined( self.type ) && self.type == "civilian" )
return false;
return true;
if( !isalive( self ) )
if( !self test_ai_individual() )
self notify( "panic_button" );
self notify( "stop_first_frame" );
self stopanimscripted();
if( self.anim_node.animation == "gulag_end_evac_soap" )
self unlink();
origin = self getDropToFloorPosition( self.origin );
self forceTeleport( origin, self.angles );
if( isdefined( self.gun_remove ) )
self gun_recall();
self thread panic_set_attack();
self.grenadeawareness = self.old[ "grenadeawareness" ];
self.ignoreexplosionevents = self.old[ "ignoreexplosionevents" ];
self.ignorerandombulletdamage = self.old[ "ignorerandombulletdamage" ];
self.ignoresuppression = self.old[ "ignoresuppression" ];
self.disableBulletWhizbyReaction = self.old[ "disableBulletWhizbyReaction" ];
self.newEnemyReactionDistSq = self.old[ "newEnemyReactionDistSq" ];
self.flashbangimmunity = self.old[ "flashbangimmunity" ];
self.health = 150;
self.maxhealth = 150;
if( isdefined( self.juggernaut ) && self.juggernaut == true )
self.health = 3600;
self.maxhealth = 3600;
if( isdefined( self.script_health ) )
self.health = self.script_health;
self.maxhealth = self.script_health;
self pathrandompercent_reset();
self enable_pain();
self PushPlayer( false );
self.goalradius = 4000;
//self setgoalentity( level.player );
self.fixednode = false;
self waittill( "death" );
wait .5;
if( level.panic_guys == 0 )
flag_clear( "panic_button" );
self endon( "death" );
wait .5;
wait randomfloat( .5 );
self.ignoreall = false;
self.ignoreme = false;
self.team = "axis";
self.favoriteenemy = level.player;
wait( randomfloatrange( 0, .6 ) ); //so they don't all blink simultaneously
playFXOnTag( getfx( "c4_blink" ), self, "tag_fx" );