321 lines
12 KiB
321 lines
12 KiB
#include maps\_vehicle;
#include maps\_vehicle_aianim;
#using_animtree( "vehicles" );
/*QUAKED script_vehicle_littlebird_armed (1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 32) USABLE SPAWNER
valid ai groups are:
"first_guys" - left and right side guys that need to be on first
"left" - all left guys
"right" - all right guys
"passengers" - everybody that can unload
put this in your GSC:
maps\_littlebird::main( "vehicle_little_bird_armed" );
and these lines in your CSV:
default:"vehicletype" "littlebird"
default:"script_team" "axis"
/*QUAKED script_vehicle_littlebird_bench (1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 32) USABLE SPAWNER
valid ai groups are:
"first_guys" - left and right side guys that need to be on first
"left" - all left guys
"right" - all right guys
"passengers" - everybody that can unload
put this in your GSC:
maps\_littlebird::main( "vehicle_little_bird_bench" );
and these lines in your CSV:
default:"vehicletype" "littlebird"
default:"script_team" "axis"
armed( model )
return model == "vehicle_little_bird_armed";
main( model, type )
if ( armed( model ) )
build_template( "littlebird", model, type );
build_localinit( ::init_local );
build_deathmodel( "vehicle_little_bird_armed" );
build_deathmodel( "vehicle_little_bird_bench" );
build_drive( %mi28_rotors, undefined, 0, 3.0 );
//Bullet damage Crash and Burn, spins out of control and explodes when it reaches destination
build_deathfx( "explosions/helicopter_explosion_secondary_small", "tag_engine", "littlebird_helicopter_secondary_exp", undefined, undefined, undefined, 0.0, true );
build_deathfx( "fire/fire_smoke_trail_L", "tag_engine", "littlebird_helicopter_dying_loop", true, 0.05, true, 0.5, true );
build_deathfx( "explosions/helicopter_explosion_secondary_small", "tag_engine", "littlebird_helicopter_secondary_exp", undefined, undefined, undefined, 2.5, true );
build_deathfx( "explosions/helicopter_explosion_little_bird", undefined, "littlebird_helicopter_crash", undefined, undefined, undefined, - 1, undefined, "stop_crash_loop_sound" );
//Death by Rocket effects, explodes immediatly
build_rocket_deathfx( "explosions/aerial_explosion_littlebird", "tag_deathfx", "littlebird_helicopter_crash",undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, true, undefined, 0 );
build_deathquake( 0.8, 1.6, 2048 );
build_life( 799 );
build_team( "axis" );
build_unload_groups( ::unload_groups );
build_aianims( ::setanims, ::set_vehicle_anims ); //hi this is text
randomStartDelay = randomfloatrange( 0, 1 );
build_light( model, "white_blink", "TAG_LIGHT_BELLY", "misc/aircraft_light_white_blink", "running", randomStartDelay );
build_light( model, "red_blink1", "TAG_LIGHT_TAIL1", "misc/aircraft_light_red_blink", "running", randomStartDelay );
build_light( model, "red_blink2", "TAG_LIGHT_TAIL2", "misc/aircraft_light_red_blink", "running", randomStartDelay );
mapname = getdvar( "mapname" );
if ( !isdefined( level.script ) )
level.script = tolower( mapname );
turret = "minigun_littlebird_spinnup";
if ( use_old_turret() )
turret = "minigun_littlebird";
build_turret( turret, "TAG_MINIGUN_ATTACH_LEFT", "vehicle_little_bird_minigun_left" );
build_turret( turret, "TAG_MINIGUN_ATTACH_RIGHT", "vehicle_little_bird_minigun_right" );
return ( issubstr( level.script, "oilrig" ) );
self endon( "death" );
self.originheightoffset = distance( self gettagorigin( "tag_origin" ), self gettagorigin( "tag_ground" ) );// TODO - FIXME: this is ugly. Derive from distance between tag_origin and tag_base or whatever that tag was.
//self.delete_on_death = true;
self.script_badplace = false;// All helicopters dont need to create bad places
self.dontDisconnectPaths = true; //so it can land. pathing through heli's generally not a problem
// set ent flag prep_unload before the unload node.
self thread littlebird_landing();
thread maps\_vehicle::lights_on( "running" );
waittillframeend; // wait for turrets to get setup
if ( !use_old_turret() )
foreach ( turret in self.mgturret )
turret Setautorotationdelay( 4 );
if ( armed( self.model ) )
self mgOff();
foreach ( turret in self.mgturret )
turret hide();
set_vehicle_anims( positions )
return positions;
#using_animtree( "generic_human" );
level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "stage_littlebird_right" ] = %little_bird_premount_guy3;
level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "stage_littlebird_left" ] = %little_bird_premount_guy3;
positions = [];
for ( i = 0;i < 8;i++ )
positions[ i ] = spawnstruct();
positions[ 0 ].sittag = "tag_pilot1";
positions[ 1 ].sittag = "tag_pilot2";
positions[ 2 ].sittag = "tag_detach_right";
positions[ 3 ].sittag = "tag_detach_right";
positions[ 4 ].sittag = "tag_detach_right";
positions[ 5 ].sittag = "tag_detach_left";
positions[ 6 ].sittag = "tag_detach_left";
positions[ 7 ].sittag = "tag_detach_left";
positions[ 0 ].idle[ 0 ] = %helicopter_pilot1_idle;
positions[ 0 ].idle[ 1 ] = %helicopter_pilot1_twitch_clickpannel;
positions[ 0 ].idle[ 2 ] = %helicopter_pilot1_twitch_lookback;
positions[ 0 ].idle[ 3 ] = %helicopter_pilot1_twitch_lookoutside;
positions[ 0 ].idleoccurrence[ 0 ] = 500;
positions[ 0 ].idleoccurrence[ 1 ] = 100;
positions[ 0 ].idleoccurrence[ 2 ] = 100;
positions[ 0 ].idleoccurrence[ 3 ] = 100;
positions[ 1 ].idle[ 0 ] = %helicopter_pilot2_idle;
positions[ 1 ].idle[ 1 ] = %helicopter_pilot2_twitch_clickpannel;
positions[ 1 ].idle[ 2 ] = %helicopter_pilot2_twitch_lookoutside;
positions[ 1 ].idle[ 3 ] = %helicopter_pilot2_twitch_radio;
positions[ 1 ].idleoccurrence[ 0 ] = 450;
positions[ 1 ].idleoccurrence[ 1 ] = 100;
positions[ 1 ].idleoccurrence[ 2 ] = 100;
positions[ 1 ].idleoccurrence[ 3 ] = 100;
positions[ 2 ].idle[ 0 ] = %little_bird_casual_idle_guy1;
positions[ 3 ].idle[ 0 ] = %little_bird_casual_idle_guy3;
positions[ 4 ].idle[ 0 ] = %little_bird_casual_idle_guy2;
positions[ 5 ].idle[ 0 ] = %little_bird_casual_idle_guy1;
positions[ 6 ].idle[ 0 ] = %little_bird_casual_idle_guy3;
positions[ 7 ].idle[ 0 ] = %little_bird_casual_idle_guy2;
positions[ 2 ].idleoccurrence[ 0 ] = 100;
positions[ 3 ].idleoccurrence[ 0 ] = 166;
positions[ 4 ].idleoccurrence[ 0 ] = 122;
positions[ 5 ].idleoccurrence[ 0 ] = 177;
positions[ 6 ].idleoccurrence[ 0 ] = 136;
positions[ 7 ].idleoccurrence[ 0 ] = 188;
positions[ 2 ].idle[ 1 ] = %little_bird_aim_idle_guy1;
positions[ 3 ].idle[ 1 ] = %little_bird_aim_idle_guy3;
positions[ 4 ].idle[ 1 ] = %little_bird_aim_idle_guy2;
positions[ 5 ].idle[ 1 ] = %little_bird_aim_idle_guy1;
// positions[ 6 ].idle[ 1 ] = %little_bird_aim_idle_guy3;
positions[ 7 ].idle[ 1 ] = %little_bird_aim_idle_guy2;
positions[ 2 ].idleoccurrence[ 1 ] = 200;
positions[ 3 ].idleoccurrence[ 1 ] = 266;
positions[ 4 ].idleoccurrence[ 1 ] = 156;
positions[ 5 ].idleoccurrence[ 1 ] = 277;
// positions[ 6 ].idleoccurrence[ 1 ] = 246;
positions[ 7 ].idleoccurrence[ 1 ] = 288;
positions[ 2 ].idle_alert = %little_bird_alert_idle_guy1;
positions[ 3 ].idle_alert = %little_bird_alert_idle_guy3;
positions[ 4 ].idle_alert = %little_bird_alert_idle_guy2;
positions[ 5 ].idle_alert = %little_bird_alert_idle_guy1;
positions[ 6 ].idle_alert = %little_bird_alert_idle_guy3;
positions[ 7 ].idle_alert = %little_bird_alert_idle_guy2;
positions[ 2 ].idle_alert_to_casual = %little_bird_alert_2_aim_guy1;
positions[ 3 ].idle_alert_to_casual = %little_bird_alert_2_aim_guy3;
positions[ 4 ].idle_alert_to_casual = %little_bird_alert_2_aim_guy2;
positions[ 5 ].idle_alert_to_casual = %little_bird_alert_2_aim_guy1;
positions[ 6 ].idle_alert_to_casual = %little_bird_alert_2_aim_guy3;
positions[ 7 ].idle_alert_to_casual = %little_bird_alert_2_aim_guy2;
positions[ 2 ].getout = %little_bird_dismount_guy1;
positions[ 3 ].getout = %little_bird_dismount_guy3;
positions[ 4 ].getout = %little_bird_dismount_guy2;
positions[ 5 ].getout = %little_bird_dismount_guy1;
positions[ 6 ].getout = %little_bird_dismount_guy3;
positions[ 7 ].getout = %little_bird_dismount_guy2;
positions[ 2 ].littlebirde_getout_unlinks = true;
positions[ 3 ].littlebirde_getout_unlinks = true;
positions[ 4 ].littlebirde_getout_unlinks = true;
positions[ 5 ].littlebirde_getout_unlinks = true;
positions[ 6 ].littlebirde_getout_unlinks = true;
positions[ 7 ].littlebirde_getout_unlinks = true;
positions[ 2 ].getin = %little_bird_mount_guy1;
positions[ 2 ].getin_enteredvehicletrack = "mount_finish";
positions[ 3 ].getin = %little_bird_mount_guy3;
positions[ 3 ].getin_enteredvehicletrack = "mount_finish";
positions[ 4 ].getin = %little_bird_mount_guy2;
positions[ 4 ].getin_enteredvehicletrack = "mount_finish";
positions[ 5 ].getin = %little_bird_mount_guy1;
positions[ 5 ].getin_enteredvehicletrack = "mount_finish";
positions[ 6 ].getin = %little_bird_mount_guy3;
positions[ 6 ].getin_enteredvehicletrack = "mount_finish";
positions[ 7 ].getin = %little_bird_mount_guy2;
positions[ 7 ].getin_enteredvehicletrack = "mount_finish";
positions[ 2 ].getin_idle_func = ::guy_idle_alert;
positions[ 3 ].getin_idle_func = ::guy_idle_alert;
positions[ 4 ].getin_idle_func = ::guy_idle_alert;
positions[ 5 ].getin_idle_func = ::guy_idle_alert;
positions[ 6 ].getin_idle_func = ::guy_idle_alert;
positions[ 7 ].getin_idle_func = ::guy_idle_alert;
positions[ 2 ].pre_unload = %little_bird_aim_2_prelanding_guy1;
positions[ 3 ].pre_unload = %little_bird_aim_2_prelanding_guy3;
positions[ 4 ].pre_unload = %little_bird_aim_2_prelanding_guy2;
positions[ 5 ].pre_unload = %little_bird_aim_2_prelanding_guy1;
positions[ 6 ].pre_unload = %little_bird_aim_2_prelanding_guy3;
positions[ 7 ].pre_unload = %little_bird_aim_2_prelanding_guy2;
positions[ 2 ].pre_unload_idle = %little_bird_prelanding_idle_guy1;
positions[ 3 ].pre_unload_idle = %little_bird_prelanding_idle_guy3;
positions[ 4 ].pre_unload_idle = %little_bird_prelanding_idle_guy2;
positions[ 5 ].pre_unload_idle = %little_bird_prelanding_idle_guy1;
positions[ 6 ].pre_unload_idle = %little_bird_prelanding_idle_guy3;
positions[ 7 ].pre_unload_idle = %little_bird_prelanding_idle_guy2;
positions[ 0 ].bHasGunWhileRiding = false;
positions[ 1 ].bHasGunWhileRiding = false;
return positions;
unload_groups = [];
unload_groups[ "first_guy_left" ] = [];
unload_groups[ "first_guy_right" ] = [];
unload_groups[ "left" ] = [];
unload_groups[ "right" ] = [];
unload_groups[ "passengers" ] = [];
unload_groups[ "default" ] = [];
unload_groups[ "first_guy_left" ][ 0 ] = 5;
unload_groups[ "first_guy_right" ][ 0 ] = 2;
unload_groups[ "stage_guy_left" ][ 0 ] = 7;
unload_groups[ "stage_guy_right" ][ 0 ] = 4;
unload_groups[ "left" ][ unload_groups[ "left" ].size ] = 5;
unload_groups[ "left" ][ unload_groups[ "left" ].size ] = 6;
unload_groups[ "left" ][ unload_groups[ "left" ].size ] = 7;
unload_groups[ "right" ][ unload_groups[ "right" ].size ] = 2;
unload_groups[ "right" ][ unload_groups[ "right" ].size ] = 3;
unload_groups[ "right" ][ unload_groups[ "right" ].size ] = 4;
unload_groups[ "passengers" ][ unload_groups[ "passengers" ].size ] = 2;
unload_groups[ "passengers" ][ unload_groups[ "passengers" ].size ] = 3;
unload_groups[ "passengers" ][ unload_groups[ "passengers" ].size ] = 4;
unload_groups[ "passengers" ][ unload_groups[ "passengers" ].size ] = 5;
unload_groups[ "passengers" ][ unload_groups[ "passengers" ].size ] = 6;
unload_groups[ "passengers" ][ unload_groups[ "passengers" ].size ] = 7;
unload_groups[ "default" ] = unload_groups[ "passengers" ];
return unload_groups;