
180 lines
12 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2017-07-08 11:47:21 -07:00
#include maps\_utility;
// 1 ) Check your fire, you're shootin' at friendlies - watch for the blinking strobes those are our guys!
// 2 ) Uh, you're firing too close to the friendlies, I repeat, you're firing too close to the friendlies. Watch for those IR strobes.
// 3 ) Be careful! You almost killed our guys there!
level.scr_sound[ "fco" ][ "ac130_fco_firingtoclose" ] = "ac130_fco_firingtoclose";
add_context_sensative_dialog( "ai", "in_sight", 0, "ac130_fco_moreenemy" ); // More enemy personnel.
add_context_sensative_dialog( "ai", "in_sight", 1, "ac130_fco_getthatguy" ); // Get that guy.
add_context_sensative_dialog( "ai", "in_sight", 2, "ac130_fco_guymovin" ); // Roger, guy movin'.
add_context_sensative_dialog( "ai", "in_sight", 3, "ac130_fco_getperson" ); // Get that person.
add_context_sensative_dialog( "ai", "in_sight", 4, "ac130_fco_guyrunnin" ); // Guy runnin'.
add_context_sensative_dialog( "ai", "in_sight", 5, "ac130_fco_gotarunner" ); // Uh, we got a runner here.
add_context_sensative_dialog( "ai", "in_sight", 6, "ac130_fco_backonthose" ); // Get back on those guys.
add_context_sensative_dialog( "ai", "in_sight", 7, "ac130_fco_gonnagethim" ); // You gonna get him?
add_context_sensative_dialog( "ai", "in_sight", 8, "ac130_fco_personnelthere" ); // Personnel right there.
add_context_sensative_dialog( "ai", "in_sight", 9, "ac130_fco_nailthoseguys" ); // Nail those guys.
add_context_sensative_dialog( "ai", "in_sight", 10, "ac130_fco_clearedtoengage" ); // Cleared to engage enemy personnel.
add_context_sensative_dialog( "ai", "in_sight", 11, "ac130_fco_lightemup" ); // Light <20>em up.
add_context_sensative_dialog( "ai", "in_sight", 12, "ac130_fco_takehimout" ); // Yeah take him out.
add_context_sensative_dialog( "ai", "in_sight", 13, "ac130_plt_clearedtoengage" ); // Cleared to engage all of those.
add_context_sensative_dialog( "ai", "in_sight", 13, "ac130_plt_cleartoengage" ); // Copy. You are cleared to engage the moving vehicle, and any personnel around you see.
add_context_sensative_dialog( "ai", "in_sight", 14, "ac130_plt_yeahcleared" ); // Yeah, cleared to engage.
add_context_sensative_dialog( "ai", "in_sight", 15, "ac130_plt_copysmoke" ); // Copy, smoke <20>em.
add_context_sensative_dialog( "ai", "in_sight", 16, "ac130_fco_rightthere" ); // Right there...tracking.
add_context_sensative_dialog( "ai", "in_sight", 17, "ac130_fco_tracking" ); // Tracking.
add_context_sensative_dialog( "ai", "wounded_crawl", 0, "ac130_fco_movingagain" ); // Ok he<68>s moving again.
add_context_sensative_timeout( "ai", "wounded_crawl", undefined, 6 );
add_context_sensative_dialog( "ai", "wounded_pain", 0, "ac130_fco_doveonground" ); // Yeah, he just dove on the ground.
add_context_sensative_dialog( "ai", "wounded_pain", 1, "ac130_fco_knockedwind" ); // Probably just knocked the wind out of him.
add_context_sensative_dialog( "ai", "wounded_pain", 2, "ac130_fco_downstillmoving" ); // That guy's down but still moving.
add_context_sensative_dialog( "ai", "wounded_pain", 3, "ac130_fco_gettinbackup" ); // He's gettin' back up.
add_context_sensative_dialog( "ai", "wounded_pain", 4, "ac130_fco_yepstillmoving" ); // Yep, that guy<75>s still moving.
add_context_sensative_dialog( "ai", "wounded_pain", 5, "ac130_fco_stillmoving" ); // He's still moving.
add_context_sensative_timeout( "ai", "wounded_pain", undefined, 12 );
add_context_sensative_dialog( "weapons", "105mm_ready", 0, "ac130_gnr_gunready1" );
add_context_sensative_dialog( "weapons", "105mm_fired", 0, "ac130_gnr_shot1" );
add_context_sensative_dialog( "plane", "rolling_in", 0, "ac130_plt_rollinin" );
add_context_sensative_dialog( "explosion", "secondary", 0, "ac130_nav_secondaries1" );
add_context_sensative_dialog( "explosion", "secondary", 1, "ac130_tvo_directsecondary1" );
add_context_sensative_dialog( "explosion", "secondary", 1, "ac130_tvo_directsecondary2" );
add_context_sensative_timeout( "explosion", "secondary", undefined, 7 );
add_context_sensative_dialog( "kill", "single", 0, "ac130_plt_gottahurt" ); // Ooo that's gotta hurt.
add_context_sensative_dialog( "kill", "single", 1, "ac130_fco_iseepieces" ); // Yeah, good kill. I see lots of little pieces down there.
add_context_sensative_dialog( "kill", "single", 2, "ac130_fco_oopsiedaisy" ); // ( chuckling ) Oopsie - daisy.
add_context_sensative_dialog( "kill", "single", 3, "ac130_fco_goodkill" ); // Good kill good kill.
add_context_sensative_dialog( "kill", "single", 4, "ac130_fco_yougothim" ); // You got him.
add_context_sensative_dialog( "kill", "single", 5, "ac130_fco_yougothim2" ); // You got him!
add_context_sensative_dialog( "kill", "single", 6, "ac130_fco_thatsahit" ); // That's a hit.
add_context_sensative_dialog( "kill", "single", 7, "ac130_fco_directhit" ); // Direct hit.
add_context_sensative_dialog( "kill", "single", 8, "ac130_fco_rightontarget" ); // Yep, that was right on target.
add_context_sensative_dialog( "kill", "single", 9, "ac130_fco_okyougothim" ); // Ok, you got him. Get back on the other guys.
add_context_sensative_dialog( "kill", "single", 10, "ac130_fco_within2feet" ); // All right you got the guy. That might have been within two feet of him.
add_context_sensative_dialog( "kill", "small_group", 0, "ac130_fco_nice" ); // ( chuckling ) Niiiice.
add_context_sensative_dialog( "kill", "small_group", 1, "ac130_fco_directhits" ); // Yeah, direct hits right there.
add_context_sensative_dialog( "kill", "small_group", 2, "ac130_fco_iseepieces" ); // Yeah, good kill. I see lots of little pieces down there.
add_context_sensative_dialog( "kill", "small_group", 3, "ac130_fco_goodkill" ); // Good kill good kill.
add_context_sensative_dialog( "kill", "small_group", 4, "ac130_fco_yougothim" ); // You got him.
add_context_sensative_dialog( "kill", "small_group", 5, "ac130_fco_yougothim2" ); // You got him!
add_context_sensative_dialog( "kill", "small_group", 6, "ac130_fco_thatsahit" ); // That's a hit.
add_context_sensative_dialog( "kill", "small_group", 7, "ac130_fco_directhit" ); // Direct hit.
add_context_sensative_dialog( "kill", "small_group", 8, "ac130_fco_rightontarget" );// Yep, that was right on target.
add_context_sensative_dialog( "kill", "small_group", 9, "ac130_fco_okyougothim" ); // Ok, you got him. Get back on the other guys.
add_context_sensative_dialog( "kill", "large_group", 0, "ac130_fco_hotdamn1" ); // Hot damn!
add_context_sensative_dialog( "kill", "large_group", 0, "ac130_fco_hotdamn2" ); // Hot damn!
add_context_sensative_dialog( "kill", "large_group", 0, "ac130_fco_hotdamn3" ); // Hot damn!
add_context_sensative_dialog( "kill", "large_group", 1, "ac130_tvo_whoa1" ); // Whoa!!!
add_context_sensative_dialog( "kill", "large_group", 1, "ac130_tvo_whoa2" ); // Whoa!!!
add_context_sensative_dialog( "kill", "large_group", 1, "ac130_tvo_whoa3" ); // Whoa!!!
add_context_sensative_dialog( "kill", "large_group", 2, "ac130_fco_kaboom" ); // Ka - boom.
add_context_sensative_dialog( "location", "car", 0, "ac130_fco_guybycar" ); // There<72>s a guy by that car.
add_context_sensative_timeout( "location", "car", undefined, 40 );
add_context_sensative_dialog( "location", "truck", 0, "ac130_fco_guybytruck" ); // There<72>s one by that truck.
add_context_sensative_timeout( "location", "truck", undefined, 12 );
add_context_sensative_dialog( "location", "building", 0, "ac130_fco_nailbybuilding1" );
add_context_sensative_timeout( "location", "building", undefined, 20 );
add_context_sensative_dialog( "location", "wall", 0, "ac130_tvo_coverbywall1" );
add_context_sensative_timeout( "location", "wall", undefined, 20 );
add_context_sensative_dialog( "location", "field", 0, "ac130_fco_crossingfield" ); // Enemies crossing the field.
add_context_sensative_timeout( "location", "field", undefined, 20 );
add_context_sensative_dialog( "location", "road", 0, "ac130_fco_enemyonroad" ); // Enemy personnel on the road.
add_context_sensative_timeout( "location", "road", undefined, 20 );
add_context_sensative_dialog( "location", "church", 0, "ac130_fco_outofchurch" ); // There's armed personnel running out of the church.
add_context_sensative_timeout( "location", "church", undefined, 20 );
add_context_sensative_dialog( "location", "ditch", 0, "ac130_fco_headinforditch" ); // Yeah, he<68>s headin<69> for the ditch.
add_context_sensative_timeout( "location", "ditch", undefined, 20 );
add_context_sensative_dialog( "vehicle", "incoming", 0, "ac130_fco_movingvehicle" ); // We got a moving vehicle here.
add_context_sensative_dialog( "vehicle", "incoming", 1, "ac130_fco_vehicleonmove" ); // We got a vehicle on the move.
add_context_sensative_dialog( "vehicle", "incoming", 2, "ac130_plt_engvehicle" ); // You are cleared to engage the moving vehicle.
add_context_sensative_dialog( "vehicle", "incoming", 3, "ac130_fco_getvehicle" ); // Crew, get the moving vehicle.
add_context_sensative_dialog( "vehicle", "death", 0, "ac130_fco_confirmed" ); // Confirmed, vehicle neutralized.
add_context_sensative_dialog( "vehicle", "death", 1, "ac130_fco_fulltank" ); // ( chuckling ) Shit, must've been a full tank of gas.
add_context_sensative_dialog( "misc", "action", 0, "ac130_plt_scanrange" ); // Set scan range.
add_context_sensative_timeout( "misc", "action", 0, 70 );
add_context_sensative_dialog( "misc", "action", 1, "ac130_plt_cleanup" ); // Clean up that signal.
add_context_sensative_timeout( "misc", "action", 1, 80 );
add_context_sensative_dialog( "misc", "action", 2, "ac130_plt_targetreset" ); // Target reset.
add_context_sensative_timeout( "misc", "action", 2, 55 );
add_context_sensative_dialog( "misc", "action", 3, "ac130_plt_azimuthsweep" ); // Recalibrate azimuth sweep angle. Adjust elevation scan.
add_context_sensative_timeout( "misc", "action", 3, 100 );
add_context_sensative_dialog( name1, name2, group, soundAlias )
assert( isdefined( name1 ) );
assert( isdefined( name2 ) );
assert( isdefined( group ) );
assert( isdefined( soundAlias ) );
assert( soundexists( soundAlias ) == true );
if ( ( !isdefined( level.scr_sound[ name1 ] ) ) || ( !isdefined( level.scr_sound[ name1 ][ name2 ] ) ) || ( !isdefined( level.scr_sound[ name1 ][ name2 ][ group ] ) ) )
// creating group for the first time
level.scr_sound[ name1 ][ name2 ][ group ] = spawnStruct();
level.scr_sound[ name1 ][ name2 ][ group ].played = false;
level.scr_sound[ name1 ][ name2 ][ group ].sounds = [];
//group exists, add the sound to the array
index = level.scr_sound[ name1 ][ name2 ][ group ].sounds.size;
level.scr_sound[ name1 ][ name2 ][ group ].sounds[ index ] = soundAlias;
add_context_sensative_timeout( name1, name2, groupNum, timeoutDuration )
if ( !isdefined( level.context_sensative_dialog_timeouts ) )
level.context_sensative_dialog_timeouts = [];
createStruct = false;
if ( !isdefined( level.context_sensative_dialog_timeouts[ name1 ] ) )
createStruct = true;
else if ( !isdefined( level.context_sensative_dialog_timeouts[ name1 ][ name2 ] ) )
createStruct = true;
if ( createStruct )
level.context_sensative_dialog_timeouts[ name1 ][ name2 ] = spawnStruct();
if ( isdefined( groupNum ) )
level.context_sensative_dialog_timeouts[ name1 ][ name2 ].groups = [];
level.context_sensative_dialog_timeouts[ name1 ][ name2 ].groups[ string( groupNum ) ] = spawnStruct();
level.context_sensative_dialog_timeouts[ name1 ][ name2 ].groups[ string( groupNum ) ].v[ "timeoutDuration" ] = timeoutDuration * 1000;
level.context_sensative_dialog_timeouts[ name1 ][ name2 ].groups[ string( groupNum ) ].v[ "lastPlayed" ] = ( timeoutDuration * - 1000 );
level.context_sensative_dialog_timeouts[ name1 ][ name2 ].v[ "timeoutDuration" ] = timeoutDuration * 1000;
level.context_sensative_dialog_timeouts[ name1 ][ name2 ].v[ "lastPlayed" ] = ( timeoutDuration * - 1000 );