
1374 lines
34 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2017-07-08 11:47:21 -07:00
#include maps\_utility;
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\_anim;
#include maps\_weather;
#include maps\dc_whitehouse_code;
#using_animtree( "generic_human" );
default_start( ::start_tunnels );
add_start( "tunnels", ::start_tunnels, "[tunnels] -> make you way to WH", ::tunnels_main );
add_start( "oval_office", ::start_oval_office, "[oval_office] -> Will only work for testing anims" );
add_start( "flare", ::start_flare, "[flare] -> pop the flare" );
precacheitem( "flare" );
precachemodel( "picture_frame_07_animated" );
precacheshellshock( "minor" );
precachemodel( "mil_sandbag_plastic_white_single_flat" );
precachemodel( "mil_sandbag_plastic_white_single_bent" );
precachemodel ( "rappelrope100_ri" );
precachemodel ( "mil_emergency_flare" );
precachemodel( "furniture_chandelier1_off" );
PreCacheTurret( "heli_spotlight" );
precachemodel( "cod3mg42" ); // should be a spotlight model but can't find one that works as a turret.
PrecacheItem( "rpg_straight" );
precachemodel( "com_door_01_handleleft2" );
precachemodel( "mil_sandbag_plastic_white_single_flat" );
precachemodel( "mil_sandbag_plastic_white_single_bent" );
precachemodel( "weapon_binocular" );
add_hint_string( "how_to_pop_flare", &"SCRIPT_PLATFORM_HINTSTR_POPFLARE", ::stop_flare_hint );
level.default_goalheight = 72;
setsaveddvar( "compassMaxRange", 4500 );
level thread maps\dc_whitehouse_amb::main();
thread maps\_utility::set_ambient( "dcemp_heavy_rain_tunnel" );
thread maps\_utility::vision_set_fog_changes( "dc_whitehouse_tunnel", 0 );
level.player setempjammed( true );
maps\_compass::setupMiniMap( "compass_map_dcemp_static" );
add_global_spawn_function( "allies", ::set_color_goal_func );
// jets fly by sound.
array_thread( getvehiclenodearray( "plane_sound", "script_noteworthy" ), maps\_mig29::plane_sound_node );
// threat bias groups for approach whitehouse enemies. so that I can make them not shoot me in the back.
createthreatbiasgroup( "ignore_player" );
createthreatbiasgroup( "player" );
SetIgnoreMeGroup( "player", "ignore_player" );
level.player setthreatbiasgroup( "player" );
delaythread( 1, ::flavorbursts_off, "allies" );
array_thread( getentarray( "flickerlight1", "script_noteworthy" ), ::flickerlight_flares );
level thread music();
music_loop( "dc_whitehouse_tunneldrone", 140 ); //2:20
flag_wait( "music_cue" );
music_loop( "dc_whitehouse_attack", 328, 1 ); // 5:28
flag_wait( "whitehouse_entrance_clear" );
music_loop( "dc_whitehouse_attack_int", 328, 7 ); // 5:28
flag_wait( "whitehouse_2min" );
music_play( "dc_whitehouse_endrun", 5 );
flag_wait( "music_cue_endrun_ending" );
level thread music_stop( 7 );
level.player play_sound_on_entity( "dc_whitehouse_endrun_ending" );
flag_init( "team_initialized" );
flag_init( "mg_threat" );
flag_init( "oval_office_foley_react" );
flag_init( "oval_office_done" );
flag_init( "oval_office_door_open" );
flag_init( "oval_office_moveout" );
flag_init( "oval_office_anim_started" );
flag_init( "oval_office_foley_inplace" );
flag_init( "whitehouse_kitchen_open" );
flag_init( "whitehouse_interior" );
flag_init( "whitehouse_radio_done" );
flag_init( "whitehouse_hammerdown" );
flag_init( "whitehouse_hammerdown_stopped" );
flag_init( "whitehouse_briefing_end" );
flag_init( "whitehouse_hammerdown_started" );
flag_init( "whitehouse_flare_breach" );
flag_init( "whitehouse_wrapup" );
flag_init( "whitehouse_completed" );
flag_init( "broadcast" );
flag_init( "broadcast_pause" );
flag_init( "broadcast_end" );
flag_init( "countdown" );
flag_init( "whitehouse_hammerdown_jets" );
flag_init( "whitehouse_hammerdown_jets_fly" );
flag_init( "remove_use_hint" );
flag_init( "flare_end_fx" );
flag_init( "whitehouse_2min" );
flag_init( "whitehouse_90sec" );
flag_init( "whitehouse_1min" );
flag_init( "whitehouse_30sec" );
flag_init( "player_flare" );
flag_init( "player_flare_popped" );
flag_init( "remove_flare_hint" );
flag_init( "player_looking_at_flareguy" );
flag_init( "music_cue_endrun_ending" );
activate_trigger_with_targetname( "tunnels_init_color_trigger" );
level waittill( "introscreen_complete" );
activate_trigger_with_targetname( "tunnels_start_color_trigger" );
delaythread( 4, ::activate_trigger_with_targetname, "tunnels_move_color_trigger" );
level thread objectives();
maps\_weather::rainhard( 1 );
array_spawn_function_noteworthy( "tunnels_wave_guy", ::tunnels_wave_guy );
array_spawn_function_noteworthy( "tunnels_twirl_guy", ::tunnels_twirl_guy );
battlechatter_off( "allies" );
level.foley thread init_foley();
level.dunn thread init_dunn();
flag_wait( "tunnels_wave_guy" );
thread maps\_weather::rainLight( 30 );
flag_wait( "whitehouse_init" );
normal = maps\dc_whitehouse_fx::lightning_normal;
flashfunc = maps\dc_whitehouse_fx::lightning_flash;
thread maps\_weather::lightningFlash( normal, flashfunc );
level thread whitehouse_main();
flag_wait( "whitehouse_ambience" );
// Sounds like the party's already started.
level.dunn dialogue_queue( "dcemp_cpd_partystarted" );
// Roger that. Stay frosty.
level.foley dialogue_queue( "dcemp_fly_rogerstayfrosty" );
self endon( "death" );
node = getnode( self.target, "targetname" );
node thread anim_generic_loop( self, "wave_on" );
flag_wait( "tunnels_wave_guy" );
wait 4.5;
lines = [];
lines[0] = "dcemp_ar3_hustleup";
lines[1] = "dcemp_ar3_thisway";
lines[2] = "dcemp_ar3_movemove";
index = 0;
while( !flag( "whitehouse_init" ) )
self generic_dialogue_queue( lines[ index ] );
wait randomfloatrange( 7, 10 );
if ( index == 2 )
wait 10;
index = ( index + 1 ) % lines.size;
self delete();
animent = getent( "tunnels_twirl_animent", "targetname" );
self walkdist_zero();
animent anim_generic_reach( self, "combatwalk_F_spin" );
animent anim_generic( self, "combatwalk_F_spin" );
self enable_ai_color();
self walkdist_reset();
autosave_by_name( "tunnel_exit" );
array_spawn_function_noteworthy( "whitehouse_drone", ::whitehouse_drone );
array_spawn_function_noteworthy( "drone_war_drone", ::whitehouse_drone_war_drone );
spawner = getent( "marshall", "script_noteworthy" );
spawner add_spawn_function( ::whitehouse_marshall );
spawner spawn_ai();
sandbag_group_setup( "sandbag_group" );
sandbag_group_setup( "westwing_sandbag_group" );
level thread whitehouse_spotlight_main();
level thread oval_office();
level thread whitehouse_hammerdown();
array_thread( level.team, ::whitehouse_team );
level thread whitehouse_dialogue();
level thread whitehouse_radio();
level thread whitehouse_radio_loop();
level.player.ignoreme = true;
flag_wait( "whitehouse_moveout" );
level.player.ignoreme = false;
autosave_by_name( "moveout" );
activate_trigger_with_targetname( "whitehouse_moveout_color_trigger" );
battlechatter_on( "allies" );
flag_wait( "whitehouse_spotlight" );
thread maps\_weather::rainnone( 20 );
//thread maps\_ambient::set_ambience_blend_over_time( 20, "dcemp_dry", "dcemp_light_rain" );
level thread whitehouse_drone_slaughter();
flag_wait( "whitehouse_spotlight" );
wh_spotlight = whitehouse_spotlight_create( "whitehouse_spotlight", 400 );
wh_spotlight thread whitehouse_spotlight_dunn();
flag_wait( "whitehouse_entrance_init" );
if ( isdefined( wh_spotlight ) )
wh_spotlight.damage_ent notify( "damage", 1000, level.player );
ww_spotlight = whitehouse_spotlight_create( "westwing_spotlight", 600 );
flag_wait( "whitehouse_radio_start" );
wait 30;
if ( isdefined( ww_spotlight ) )
ww_spotlight.damage_ent notify( "damage", 1000, level.player );
// todo: add dialogue
flag_wait( "whitehouse_entrance_moveup" );
wait 8;
if ( isdefined( self ) )
level.dunn SetEntityTarget( self );
self waittill( "death" );
level.dunn clearEntityTarget();
wait 2;
switch( level.start_point )
case "tunnels":
Objective_Add( 9, "current", &"DC_WHITEHOUSE_OBJ_WHISKEY_HOTEL" );
objective_onentity( 9, level.foley, ( 0,0,70 ) );
flag_wait( "whitehouse_moveout" );
wait 5;
Objective_state( 9, "done" );
pos = getstruct( "objective_entrance", "targetname" );
Objective_Add( 10, "current", &"DC_WHITEHOUSE_OBJ_BREACH_WH", pos.origin );
flag_wait( "oval_office_scene" );
level thread dunn_objective_dvars();
objective_onentity( 10, level.dunn, ( 0,0,70 ) );
flag_wait( "oval_office_done" );
Objective_state( 10, "done" );
case "flare":
Objective_Add( 11, "current", &"DC_WHITEHOUSE_OBJ_DEPLOY_FLARE" );
objective_onentity( 11, level.foley, ( 0,0,70 ) );
flag_wait( "whitehouse_flare_breach" );
SetSavedDvar( "objectiveFadeTimeWaitOff", 0.5 );
SetSavedDvar( "objectiveFadeTooFar", 0.1 );
objective_onentity( 11, level.flare_guy, ( 0,0,70 ) );
flag_wait( "whitehouse_hammerdown_jets_safe" );
wait 2;
Objective_state( 11, "done" );
flag_wait( "whitehouse_completed" );
wait 3;
fade_out_level( 3.5 );
if ( is_default_start() )
objectiveFadeTimeWaitOff = getdvarfloat( "objectiveFadeTimeWaitOff" );
objectiveFadeTooFar = getdvarfloat( "objectiveFadeTooFar" );
SetSavedDvar( "objectiveFadeTimeWaitOff", 0.5 );
SetSavedDvar( "objectiveFadeTooFar", 0.1 );
wait 2;
SetSavedDvar( "objectiveFadeTimeWaitOff", objectiveFadeTimeWaitOff );
SetSavedDvar( "objectiveFadeTooFar", objectiveFadeTooFar );
dcwh_teleport_team( level.team, getstructarray( "oval_office_start_points", "targetname" ) );
thread maps\_utility::vision_set_fog_changes( "dc_whitehouse_lawn", 0 );
level.foley thread init_foley();
level.dunn thread init_dunn();
level thread westwing_dialogue();
activate_trigger_with_targetname( "allies_lawn_trigger" );
activate_trigger_with_targetname( "whitehouse_approach_color_trigger" );
flag_set( "whitehouse_moveout" );
flag_set( "whitehouse_briefing_end" );
flag_set( "whitehouse_radio_start" );
flag_set( "whitehouse_entrance_clear" );
level thread objectives();
level thread whitehouse_radio();
level thread whitehouse_radio_loop();
level thread oval_office();
level thread oval_office_window();
level thread oval_office_door();
level thread oval_office_painting();
level thread oval_office_dialogue();
flag_wait( "oval_office_scene" );
battlechatter_off( "allies" );
flag_wait( "oval_office_moveout" );
activate_trigger_with_targetname( "oval_office_exit_enemies_trigger" );
activate_trigger_with_targetname( "oval_office_exit_color_trigger" );
battlechatter_on( "allies" );
flag_wait( "oval_office_foley_dialogue" );
// Dunn, get the door!
level.foley dialogue_queue( "dcwhite_fly_dunngetdoor" );
wait 2.5;
if ( !flag( "oval_office_foley_inplace" ) )
level.foley dialogue_queue( "dcwhite_fly_dunn" );
wait 2;
level.foley dialogue_queue( "dcwhite_fly_thatswhy" );
window_closed = getent( "oval_office_window_closed", "targetname" );
window_opened = getent( "oval_office_window_open", "targetname" );
barrel_clip = getent( "oval_office_barrel_blocker", "targetname" );
barrel = getent( barrel_clip.target, "targetname" );
barrel_target = getstruct( barrel.target, "targetname" );
barrel_clip linkto( barrel );
window_opened hide();
flag_wait( "oval_office_scene" );
window_opened show();
window_opened connectpaths();
window_closed connectpaths();
window_closed delete();
barrel_clip connectpaths();
barrel.origin = barrel_target.origin;
// align door since it seems to get moved in the compile. - BUG?
animent = getent( "oval_office_door_animent", "targetname" );
door = getent( "oval_office_door", "targetname" );
flag_wait( "oval_office_door_open" );
autosave_by_name( "oval_office_door" );
door = getent( "oval_office_door", "targetname" );
door RotateYaw( door.angles[1] + 170, 9, 0, 9 );
door connectpaths();
wait 4;
flag_set( "oval_office_moveout" );
level thread whitehouse_nag();
// Keep hitting 'em with the Two-Forty Bravos! Get more men moving on the left flank!
level.marshall dialogue_queue( "dcemp_cml_moremen" );
flag_wait( "whitehouse_briefing_end" );
flag_wait( "whitehouse_entrance_init" );
wait 4;
//We need to punch through right here!
level.foley dialogue_queue( "dcemp_fly_punchthrough" );
//Take out those machine guns!
level.foley dialogue_queue( "dcemp_fly_machineguns" );
level thread westwing_dialogue();
flag_wait( "whitehouse_entrance_clear" );
//Ramirez, let's go!
level.foley dialogue_queue( "dcemp_fly_ramirezgo" );
flag_wait( "whitehouse_2min" );
//Hammer Down means they're gonna flatten the city - we gotta get to the roof and stop 'em!
level.foley dialogue_queue( "dcemp_fly_flattenthecity" );
//We got less than two minutes, let's go!
level.foley dialogue_queue( "dcemp_fly_lessthantwomins" );
flag_wait( "whitehouse_90sec" );
// 90 seconds! We got to push through.
level.foley dialogue_queue( "dcemp_fly_90seconds" );
flag_wait( "whitehouse_1min" );
// One minute! Go go go!
level.foley dialogue_queue( "dcemp_fly_60seconds" );
flag_wait( "whitehouse_30sec" );
// 30 seconds! We gotta get to the roof now!! Go! Go!
level.foley dialogue_queue( "dcemp_fly_30seconds" );
whitehouse_radio_broadcast( soundalias )
flag_waitopen( "broadcast" );
flag_set( "broadcast" );
radio_array = SortByDistance( level.radio_array, level.player.origin );
play_count = 3; // 3
current_radios = [];
level.radios = [];
radio = undefined;
for ( i=0; i<radio_array.size; i++ )
// distance above or below player
dist = abs( level.player geteye()[2] - radio_array[i].origin[2] );
if ( dist > 150 )
radio = radio_array[i];
radio PlaySound( soundalias, "sounddone" );
current_radios[ current_radios.size ] = radio;
if ( !play_count )
level.radios = current_radios;
// sometimes no good radio is found.
foreach( radio in current_radios )
radio add_wait( ::waittill_msg, "sounddone" );
flag_clear( "broadcast" );
level endon( "broadcast_terminate" );
flag_wait( "whitehouse_radio_start" );
while( true )
flag_clear( "broadcast_end" );
flag_waitopen( "broadcast_pause" );
// This is Cujo-Five-One to any friendly units in D.C.: Hammer Down is in effect, I repeat, Hammer Down is in effect.
whitehouse_radio_broadcast( "dcemp_fp1_hammerdown" );
flag_waitopen( "broadcast_pause" );
// If you can receive this transmission, you are in a hardened high-value structure.
whitehouse_radio_broadcast( "dcemp_fp1_highvalue" );
flag_waitopen( "broadcast_pause" );
// Deploy green flares on the roof of this structure to indicate you are still combat effective.
whitehouse_radio_broadcast( "dcemp_fp1_greenflares" );
flag_waitopen( "broadcast_pause" );
// We will abort our mission on direct visual contact with this countersign.
whitehouse_radio_broadcast( "dcemp_fp1_willabort" );
flag_set( "broadcast_end" );
wait 0.05; // lets other threads react to flags
self waittill( "trigger" );
if ( self.script_index == level.countdown_index )
flag_set( "countdown" );
level endon( "countdown" );
wait 30;
flag_set( "countdown" );
level endon( "whitehouse_hammerdown" );
level.radio_array = getentarray( "radio_origin", "targetname" );
flag_wait( "whitehouse_radio_start" );
level.countdown_index = 0;
triggers = getentarray( "countdown_trigger", "targetname" );
array_thread( triggers, ::countdown_trigger );
countdown_line = [];
countdown_line[0] = "dcemp_fp1_2minutes";
countdown_line[1] = "dcemp_fp1_90secs";
countdown_line[2] = "dcemp_fp1_1minute";
countdown_line[3] = "dcemp_fp1_30secs";
countdown_flag = [];
countdown_flag[0] = "whitehouse_2min";
countdown_flag[1] = "whitehouse_90sec";
countdown_flag[2] = "whitehouse_1min";
countdown_flag[3] = "whitehouse_30sec";
flag_wait( "countdown_start" );
flag_set( "whitehouse_interior" );
start_time = gettime();
while( true )
flag_set( "broadcast_pause" );
flag_waitopen( "broadcast" );
println( "***********************************" );
println( "********** COUNTDOWN: " + elapsed_time( start_time ) + " **********" );
println( "***********************************" );
level whitehouse_radio_broadcast( countdown_line[ level.countdown_index - 1 ] );
start_time = gettime();
time_left = 120 - ( ( level.countdown_index -1 ) * 30 );
level.hammerdown_time = gettime() + ( time_left * 1000 );
// set countdown flags
flag_set( countdown_flag[ level.countdown_index - 1 ] );
if ( level.countdown_index == 4 )
level thread countdown_timeout();
wait 6;
flag_clear( "broadcast_pause" );
flag_wait( "countdown" );
flag_clear( "countdown" );
// 30 seconds to go ...
// jest will spawn at this point.
flag_set( "whitehouse_hammerdown_jets" );
flag_wait( "whitehouse_path_office_2" );
//(garble)...target package Whiskey Hotel Zero-One has been authorized....roger...passing IP Buick...standby<62>
level thread whitehouse_radio_broadcast( "dcemp_fp1_beenauthorized" );
flag_wait( "whitehouse_hammerdown_jets_fly" );
wait 7;
// Countersign detected at the Whiskey Hotel! Abort abort!!
whitehouse_radio_broadcast( "dcemp_fp1_abortabort" );
//We got a countersign! Abort mission!
whitehouse_radio_broadcast( "dcemp_fp2_abortmission" ); //
wait 4;
delaythread( 1.5, ::flag_set, "whitehouse_wrapup" );
//Aborting weapons release! Rolling out!
whitehouse_radio_broadcast( "dcemp_fp3_rollingout" );
//Roger, weapons on safe! Aborting mission!
// whitehouse_radio_broadcast( "dcemp_fp4_abortingmission" );
// Cujo 5-1 to friendly ground units at the Whiskey Hotel - that was a close one.
// whitehouse_radio_broadcast( "dcemp_fp1_closeone" );
//We're sending word back to HQ, stay alive down there. Cujo 5-1 out.
// whitehouse_radio_broadcast( "dcemp_fp1_wordtohq" );
//Cujo 5-1 to friendly ground units - that was a close one. Stay alive down there. Cujo 5-1 out.
// whitehouse_radio_broadcast( "dcemp_fp1_closeone2" );
level endon( "whitehouse_hammerdown" );
flag_wait( "whitehouse_path_office_2" );
activate_trigger_with_targetname( "hammer_down_jet_safe_trigger" );
activate_trigger_with_targetname( "flare_ai_color_trigger" );
// if the player makes it to the ramp don't fail, unless already hammered.
level endon( "whitehouse_path_roof" );
flag_wait( "whitehouse_30sec" );
// 30 seconds to go from this point.
wait 30;
level thread whitehouse_hammerdown_kill();
flag_set( "whitehouse_hammerdown" );
whitehouse_radio_broadcast( "dcemp_fp1_bombsaway" );
wait 1;
exploder( "carpetbomb" );
earthquake( 0.1, 1, level.player.origin, 512 );
wait 0.5;
earthquake( 0.2, 1, level.player.origin, 512 );
wait 0.5;
earthquake( 0.4, 1, level.player.origin, 512 );
wait 0.5;
earthquake( 0.6, 3, level.player.origin, 512 );
wait .75;
PlayFX( level._effect[ "carpetbomb" ], level.player.origin );
level.player PlaySound( "explo_metal_rand" );
wait 0.5;
level.foley stop_magic_bullet_shield();
level.foley kill();
level.dunn stop_magic_bullet_shield();
level.dunn kill();
if ( isdefined ( level.flare_guy ) )
level.flare_guy stop_magic_bullet_shield();
level.flare_guy kill();
level.player kill();
setDvar( "ui_deadquote", &"DC_WHITEHOUSE_FLARE_DEADQUOTE" );
level endon( "whitehouse_entrance_init" );
flag_wait( "whitehouse_briefing_end" );
while( true )
wait 30;
//Work your way to the left!!
level.foley dialogue_queue( "dcemp_fly_workyourwayleft" );
wait 15;
//Ramirez, let's go!
level.foley dialogue_queue( "dcemp_fly_ramirezgo" );
wait 20;
//Move up! We gotta take the left flank!
level.foley dialogue_queue( "dcemp_fly_takeleftflank" );
wait 15;
if ( self is_hero() )
self endon( "death" );
self.ignoreme = true;
self.ignoreall = true;
flag_wait( "whitehouse_moveout" );
self.ignoreme = false;
self.ignoreall = false;
whitehouse_briefing( animent )
guys = [];
guys[0] = level.foley;
guys[1] = level.marshall;
animent anim_single( guys , "DCemp_whitehouse_briefing" );
flag_set( "whitehouse_briefing_end" );
animent anim_loop_solo( level.marshall, "DCemp_whitehouse_briefing_idle" );
self thread tunnel_foley();
self thread lawn_foley();
self thread oval_office_foley();
self thread whitehouse_foley();
self thread roof_foley();
flag_wait( "whitehouse_init" );
self.neverenablecqb = true;
self disable_cqbwalk();
self disable_ai_color();
self.ignoreme = true;
self.ignoreall = true;
wait 1;
node = getnode( "foley_briefing_approach_node", "targetname" );
self.goalradius = node.radius;
self setgoalnode( node );
self waittill( "goal" );
animent = getent( "whitehouse_briefing_ent", "targetname" );
animent anim_reach_solo( self, "DCemp_whitehouse_briefing" );
level thread whitehouse_briefing( animent );
flag_wait( "whitehouse_briefing_end" );
self enable_ai_color();
self.neverenablecqb = undefined;
self.ignoreme = false;
self.ignoreall = false;
flag_wait( "oval_office_scene" );
if ( distance( level.player.origin, level.foley.origin ) > 500 )
// teleport foley closer.
teleport_ent = getstruct( "oval_office_foley_teleport", "targetname" );
level.foley ForceTeleport( teleport_ent.origin, teleport_ent.angles );
self disable_ai_color();
animent = getent( "oval_office_animent", "targetname" );
animent anim_reach_solo( self, "dcemp_wh_radio_1" );
animent anim_single_solo( self, "dcemp_wh_radio_1" );
animent thread anim_loop_solo( self, "dcemp_wh_radio_1_idle" );
if ( !flag( "oval_office_foley_react" ) )
flag_set( "oval_office_foley_inplace" );
// wait for dunn to hit his spot
flag_wait( "oval_office_foley_react" );
animent notify( "stop_loop" );
animent anim_single_solo_run( self, "dcemp_wh_radio_1_exit" );
flag_wait( "oval_office_moveout" );
animent notify( "stop_loop" );
flag_set( "oval_office_done" );
self enable_ai_color();
flag_wait( "whitehouse_breached" );
self disable_ai_color();
door = getent( "whitehouse_kitchen_door", "targetname" );
parts = getentarray( door.target, "targetname" );
array_call( parts, ::linkto, door );
// kick open kitchen door
animent = getent( "whitehouse_kitchen_kick", "targetname" );
animent anim_generic_reach( level.foley, "doorburst_wave" );
animent thread anim_generic_gravity( level.foley, "doorburst_wave" );
door thread door_open_kick();
flag_set( "whitehouse_kitchen_open" );
self enable_heat_behavior( true );
start_node = getnode( "foley_wh_path", "targetname" );
self thread maps\_spawner::go_to_node( start_node );
self.neverenablecqb = undefined;
self enable_cqbwalk();
self.ignoreme = false;
self.ignoreall = false;
// trying to not make him stop in the kitchen
self set_ignoreSuppression( true );
self set_fixednode_false(); // this one seemed to do it
flag_wait( "whitehouse_path_elevator" );
// reset stuff trying to not make him stop in the kitchen
self set_ignoreSuppression( false );
self set_fixednode_true();
// let the guy idle at guard nodes.
flag_wait( "whitehouse_hammerdown_jets_safe" );
self.neverenablecqb = true;
self disable_cqbwalk();
self disable_heat_behavior();
self PushPlayer( true );
self.ignoreme = true;
self.ignoreall = true;
wait 0.8;
self thread lawn_dunn();
self thread oval_office_dunn();
self thread whitehouse_dunn();
self thread roof_dunn();
flag_wait( "whitehouse_moveout" );
self.ignoreme = false;
self.ignoreall = false;
flag_wait( "whitehouse_entrance_clear" );
self disable_ai_color();
self set_goal_node_targetname( "whitehouse_entrance_dunn_node" );
flag_wait( "oval_office_scene" );
self.neverenablecqb = undefined;
self enable_cqbwalk();
// teleport to window
struct = getstruct( "oval_office_dune_start", "targetname" );
self ForceTeleport( struct.origin, struct.angles );
animent = getent( "oval_office_animent", "targetname" );
level thread oval_office_clear_axis( animent );
self walkdist_zero();
animent anim_reach_solo( self, "dcemp_wh_radio" );
flag_set( "oval_office_anim_started" );
guys = [];
guys[0] = self;
guys[1] = level.painting; // will be used once the correct painting is used.
animent anim_single( guys, "dcemp_wh_radio", undefined );
self enable_ai_color();
self walkdist_reset();
oval_office_clear_axis( animent )
axis = SortByDistance( getaiarray( "axis" ), animent.origin );
// kill three closest enemies.
for ( i=0; i < axis.size && i < 3; i++ )
axis[i] kill( level.dunn.origin );
animent = getent( "oval_office_animent", "targetname" );
// spawn and first fream painting
level.painting = spawn_anim_model( "painting", animent.origin );
animent anim_first_frame_solo( level.painting , "dcemp_wh_radio" );
flag_wait( "whitehouse_breached" );
self disable_ai_color();
start_node = getnode( "dunn_wh_path", "targetname" );
self thread maps\_spawner::go_to_node( start_node );
flag_wait( "whitehouse_kitchen_open" );
self enable_heat_behavior( true );
flag_wait( "whitehouse_hammerdown_jets_safe" );
self PushPlayer( true );
// let the guy idle at guard nodes.
flag_wait( "whitehouse_hammerdown_jets_safe" );
self.neverenablecqb = true;
self disable_cqbwalk();
self disable_heat_behavior();
self endon( "death" );
self.animname = "marshall";
self.ignoreme = true;
self.ignoreall = true;
level.marshall = self;
self magic_bullet_shield();
self AllowedStances( "crouch" );
animent = getent( "whitehouse_briefing_ent", "targetname" );
animent thread anim_first_frame_solo( self, "DCemp_whitehouse_briefing" );
self Attach( "weapon_binocular", "tag_inhand" );
flag_wait( "whitehouse_briefing_end" );
flag_wait( "whitehouse_spotlight" );
self stop_magic_bullet_shield();
self delete();
flag_wait( "whitehouse_entrance_moveup" );
level thread whitehouse_cleanup_approach();
flag_wait( "whitehouse_entrance_init" );
autosave_by_name( "entrance" );
flag_wait( "countdown_start" );
autosave_by_name( "countdown_started" );
flag_wait( "whitehouse_breached" );
activate_trigger_with_targetname( "drone_war_trigger" );
flag_wait( "whitehouse_kitchen_open" );
set_group_advance_to_enemy_parameters( 45, 1 );
reset_group_advance_to_enemy_timer( "axis" );
level thread whitehouse_hammerdown_jets();
level thread whitehouse_flare();
setsaveddvar( "ai_friendlysuppression", 0 );
setsaveddvar( "ai_friendlyfireblockduration", 0 );
flag_wait( "whitehouse_path_elevator" );
// if enough time is left auto save here.
time_left = ( level.hammerdown_time - gettime() ) / 1000;
if ( time_left > 70 )
autosave_by_name( "whitehouse_parlor" );
flag_wait( "whitehouse_chandelier" );
source_ent = getent( "chandelier_grenade_source", "targetname" );
target_ent = getent( source_ent.target, "targetname" );
MagicGrenade( "fraggrenade", source_ent.origin, target_ent.origin, 1.5 );
flag_wait( "whitehouse_path_stairs" );
battlechatter_off( "allies" );
self endon( "death" );
if ( !isdefined( level.whitehouse_drone_array ) )
level.whitehouse_drone_array = [];
level.whitehouse_drone_array[ level.whitehouse_drone_array.size ] = self;
self.health = 10000;
flag_wait( "whitehouse_silhouette_ready");
if ( isdefined( self.script_animation ) )
self.deathanim = level.drone_death_anims[ self.script_animation ];
self.health = 200;
self endon( "death" );
flag_wait( "whitehouse_path_roof" );
wait randomfloat( 5 );
self delete();
dcwh_teleport_team( level.team, getstructarray( "flare_start_points", "targetname" ) );
thread maps\_utility::set_ambient( "dcemp_dry" );
thread maps\_utility::vision_set_fog_changes( "dc_whitehouse_interior", 0 );
level.hammerdown_time = gettime();
level thread whitehouse_interior();
level thread whitehouse_radio();
flag_set( "whitehouse_path_elevator" );
flag_set( "whitehouse_chandelier" );
flag_set( "whitehouse_radio_start" );
flag_set( "whitehouse_breached" );
wait 0.1;
level.countdown_index = 2;
flag_set( "whitehouse_radio_done" );
flag_set( "countdown_start" );
flag_clear( "broadcast" );
level.foley thread roof_foley();
level.dunn thread roof_dunn();
node = getnode( "foley_flare_start", "script_noteworthy" );
level.foley thread maps\_spawner::go_to_node( node );
node = getnode( "dunn_flare_start", "script_noteworthy" );
level.dunn thread maps\_spawner::go_to_node( node );
level thread objectives();
battlechatter_off( "allies" );
music_play( "dc_whitehouse_endrun", 1 );
flag_wait( "music_cue_endrun_ending" );
level thread music_stop( 7 );
level.player play_sound_on_entity( "dc_whitehouse_endrun_ending" );
level thread whitehouse_flare_breach();
array_spawn_function_noteworthy( "whitehouse_flare_guy", ::whitehouse_flare_guy );
array_spawn_function_noteworthy( "blind_enemies", ::blind_enemies );
array_spawn_function_noteworthy( "whitehouse_flare_breach_guy", ::whitehouse_flare_breach_guy );
level.player thread whitehouse_player_flare();
level thread flare_dialogue();
flag_wait( "whitehouse_flare_run" );
// start flares on faraway roofs.
exploder( "roof_flares" );
level endon( "whitehouse_hammerdown" );
flag_wait( "whitehouse_flare_run" );
wait 1.5;
//Get to the roof! Move!
level.foley dialogue_queue( "dcemp_fly_gettoroof" );
flag_wait( "whitehouse_hammerdown_jets_fly" );
wait 2;
flag_set( "player_flare" );
// Use your flares!!
level.foley dialogue_queue( "dcemp_fly_useyourflares" );
flag_wait( "whitehouse_wrapup" );
// wait 1;
//So when are we goin' to Moscow?
level.flare_guy dialogue_queue( "dcemp_ar1_moscow" );
//Not soon enough, man. But I know we're gonna burn it down when we get there.
level.dunn SetLookAtEntity( level.flare_guy );
level.dunn dialogue_queue( "dcwhite_cpd_burnitdown" );
level.flare_guy dialogue_queue( "dcwhite_ar1_huah" );
level.dunn SetLookAtEntity();
flag_set( "whitehouse_completed" );
//When the time's right, Corporal. When the time's right.
level.foley dialogue_queue( "dcemp_fly_timeisright" );
flag_wait( "whitehouse_flare_breach" );
exploder( "flare_breach" );
self endon( "death" );
self disable_arrivals();
self disable_exits();
self disable_surprise();
self disable_turnanims();
level.flare_guy = self;
// actiavates breach above player when guy spawns.
flag_set( "whitehouse_flare_breach" );
self notify( "stop_going_to_node" );
self magic_bullet_shield();
self.ignoreme = true;
self.animname = "flare_guy";
// switch to up hill run cycle
self set_run_anim( "whitehouse_ending_runuphill" );
wait 0.1;
animent = getent( "ramp_flare_animent", "targetname" );
// should be doing idle anim until player trigger
animent thread anim_loop_solo( self, "dcemp_flare_reshoot_start_idle" );
flag_wait( "whitehouse_path_office" );
level.player thread flare_spotted_think();
self.neverenablecqb = true;
self disable_cqbwalk();
animent notify( "stop_loop" );
flag_set( "music_cue_endrun_ending" );
animent thread anim_single_solo_run( self, "dcemp_flare_reshoot_start" );
wait 4;
if ( !flag( "whitehouse_flare_run" ) || !flag( "player_looking_at_flareguy" ) )
// stop flare guy if player isn't looking.
self anim_stopanimscripted();
animent anim_first_frame_solo( self, "dcemp_flare_reshoot_start_short" );
flag_wait( "player_looking_at_flareguy" );
// stop the sight trace thread
level notify( "flare_spotted" );
animent anim_single_solo_run( self, "dcemp_flare_reshoot_start_short" );
// stop the sight trace thread
level notify( "flare_spotted" );
// waittill endof animation
animent waittill( "dcemp_flare_reshoot_start" );
animent = getent( "flare_scene_upper_animent", "targetname" );
animent anim_reach_solo( self, "dcemp_flare_reshoot_end" );
if ( !flag( "whitehouse_path_roof" ) )
animent anim_first_frame_solo( self, "dcemp_flare_reshoot_end" );
flag_wait( "whitehouse_path_roof" );
// start jets flying, timed with the animation by hand.
flag_set( "whitehouse_hammerdown_jets_fly" ); // tweak jet path to match animation
flag_set( "whitehouse_hammerdown_jets_safe" ); // might have to be set through notetrack or some such.
flag_set( "music_cue_endrun_ending" );
// play end anim
self PlaySound( "scn_dcwhite_npc_flare_end" );
animent anim_single_solo( self, "dcemp_flare_reshoot_end" );
// idle til end of time.
self anim_loop_solo( self, "dcemp_flare_idle" );
level endon( "flareguy_flare_popped" );
level endon( "flare_spotted" );
level.flare_guy endon( "death" );
while( true )
if ( player_looking_at( level.flare_guy geteye(), 0.75 ) )
flag_set( "player_looking_at_flareguy" );
else if ( flag( "flareguy_force" ) )
flag_set( "player_looking_at_flareguy" );
flag_clear( "player_looking_at_flareguy" );
wait 0.05;
self.neverenablecqb = true;
self disable_cqbwalk();
flag_wait( "player_flare" );
self thread flare_weapon();