304 lines
16 KiB
304 lines
16 KiB
#include maps\_anim;
#include maps\_utility;
#include common_scripts\utility;
#using_animtree( "generic_human" );
level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "combatwalk_F_spin" ] = %combatwalk_F_spin;
level.scr_anim[ "dunn" ][ "hunted_woundedhostage_check" ] = %hunted_woundedhostage_check_soldier;
level.scr_anim[ "dunn" ][ "hunted_woundedhostage_check_soldier_end" ] = %hunted_woundedhostage_check_soldier_end;
// Huah.
level.scr_sound[ "dunn" ][ "dcemp_cpd_huah3" ] = "dcemp_cpd_huah3";
// Check out the seal on this door...I thought the President's bunker was under the West Wing.
level.scr_sound[ "dunn" ][ "dcemp_cpd_westwing" ] = "dcemp_cpd_westwing";
// Well, real or not, this place is history man. Hope they got out in time.
level.scr_sound[ "dunn" ][ "dcemp_cpd_placeishistory" ] = "dcemp_cpd_placeishistory";
// Cut the chatter. Ramirez, take point.
level.scr_sound[ "foley" ][ "dcemp_fly_cutchatter" ] = "dcemp_fly_cutchatter";
// No, that's just for tourists. This must be the real thing. Open it up.
level.scr_sound[ "foley" ][ "dcemp_fly_fortourists" ] = "dcemp_fly_fortourists";
// Feet dry.
level.scr_sound[ "marine1" ][ "dcemp_ar1_feetdry" ] = "dcemp_ar1_feetdry";
// Let's go! Let's go!
level.scr_sound[ "generic" ][ "dcemp_ar2_letsgo" ] = "dcemp_ar2_letsgo";
// Hustle up! Get to the Whiskey Hotel! Move!
level.scr_sound[ "generic" ][ "dcemp_ar3_hustleup" ] = "dcemp_ar3_hustleup";
level.scr_face[ "generic" ][ "dcemp_ar3_hustleup" ] = %dcemp_ar3_hustleup;
// Come on, let's go people! This way!
level.scr_sound[ "generic" ][ "dcemp_ar3_thisway" ] = "dcemp_ar3_thisway";
// Move! Move! Get to the Whiskey Hotel!
level.scr_sound[ "generic" ][ "dcemp_ar3_movemove" ] = "dcemp_ar3_movemove";
level.scr_anim[ "dead_guy" ][ "hunted_woundedhostage_check" ] = %hunted_woundedhostage_check_hostage;
level.scr_anim[ "dead_guy" ][ "hunted_woundedhostage_idle_start" ][0] = %hunted_woundedhostage_idle_start;
level.scr_anim[ "dead_guy" ][ "hunted_woundedhostage_idle_end" ] = %hunted_woundedhostage_idle_end;
level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "death_sitting_pose_v1" ] = %death_sitting_pose_v1;
level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "tunnel_door_open_guy" ] = %cargoship_open_cargo_guyL;
level.scr_anim[ "dunn" ][ "DCemp_door_sequence" ] = %DCemp_door_sequence_dunn;
level.scr_anim[ "foley" ][ "DCemp_door_sequence_foley_approch" ] = %DCemp_door_sequence_foley_approch;
level.scr_anim[ "foley" ][ "DCemp_door_sequence_foley_idle" ][0] = %DCemp_door_sequence_foley_idle;
level.scr_anim[ "foley" ][ "DCemp_door_sequence_foley_wave" ] = %DCemp_door_sequence_foley_wave;
// Check out the seal on this door...I thought the President's bunker was under the West Wing.
addNotetrack_dialogue( "dunn", "dcemp_cpd_westwing_ps", "DCemp_door_sequence" , "dcemp_cpd_westwing" );
addNotetrack_flag( "dunn" , "foley_dialogue", "tunnels_foley_dialogue", "DCemp_door_sequence" );
// Well, real or not, this place is history man. Hope they got out in time.
addNotetrack_dialogue( "dunn", "dcemp_cpd_placeishistory_ps", "DCemp_door_sequence" , "dcemp_cpd_placeishistory" );
// Tunnel wave on - TEMP
level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "wave_on" ][0] = %dcemp_guard_wave;
//Go go go!!!
level.scr_sound[ "generic" ][ "gogogo" ] = "dcemp_fly_gogogo";
//Don't stop!! Keep moving!!
level.scr_sound[ "generic" ][ "keep_moving" ] = "dcemp_fly_dontstop";
// Keep hitting 'em with the Two-Forty Bravos! Get more men moving on the left flank!
level.scr_sound[ "marshall" ][ "dcemp_cml_moremen" ] = "dcemp_cml_moremen";
// Sounds like the party's already started.
level.scr_sound[ "dunn" ][ "dcemp_cpd_partystarted" ] = "dcemp_cpd_partystarted";
// Hey, there's a radio over here! The transmitter's not working, but I'm getting something!
level.scr_sound[ "dunn" ][ "dcemp_cpd_radiooverhere" ] = "dcemp_cpd_radiooverhere";
// What the hell are they talking about?
level.scr_sound[ "dunn" ][ "dcemp_cpd_talkingabout" ] = "dcemp_cpd_talkingabout";
// What happens now?
level.scr_sound[ "dunn" ][ "dcemp_cpd_happensnow" ] = "dcemp_cpd_happensnow";
// Roger that. Stay frosty.
level.scr_sound[ "foley" ][ "dcemp_fly_rogerstayfrosty" ] = "dcemp_fly_rogerstayfrosty";
//Work your way to the left!!
level.scr_sound[ "foley" ][ "dcemp_fly_workyourwayleft" ] = "dcemp_fly_workyourwayleft";
//Ramirez, let's go!
level.scr_sound[ "foley" ][ "dcemp_fly_ramirezgo" ] = "dcemp_fly_ramirezgo";
//Move up! We gotta take the left flank!
level.scr_sound[ "foley" ][ "dcemp_fly_takeleftflank" ] = "dcemp_fly_takeleftflank";
//We need to punch through right here!
level.scr_sound[ "foley" ][ "dcemp_fly_punchthrough" ] = "dcemp_fly_punchthrough";
//Take out those machine guns!
level.scr_sound[ "foley" ][ "dcemp_fly_machineguns" ] = "dcemp_fly_machineguns";
//Hammer Down means they're gonna flatten the city - we gotta get to the roof and stop 'em!
level.scr_sound[ "foley" ][ "dcemp_fly_flattenthecity" ] = "dcemp_fly_flattenthecity";
//We got less than two minutes, let's go!
level.scr_sound[ "foley" ][ "dcemp_fly_lessthantwomins" ] = "dcemp_fly_lessthantwomins";
// 30 seconds! We gotta get to the roof now!! Go! Go!
level.scr_sound[ "foley" ][ "dcemp_fly_30seconds" ] = "dcemp_fly_30seconds";
// One minute! Go go go!
level.scr_sound[ "foley" ][ "dcemp_fly_60seconds" ] = "dcemp_fly_60seconds";
// 90 seconds! We got to push through.
level.scr_sound[ "foley" ][ "dcemp_fly_90seconds" ] = "dcemp_fly_90seconds";
// Pop the flares!!
level.scr_sound[ "foley" ][ "dcemp_fly_poptheflares" ] = "dcemp_fly_poptheflares";
//This war ain't over yet Corporal...all we did was level the playing field.
level.scr_sound[ "foley" ][ "dcemp_fly_waraintover" ] = "dcemp_fly_waraintover";
//Everyone back downstairs. Let's try and get the transmitter working on that radio.
level.scr_sound[ "foley" ][ "dcemp_fly_backdownstairs" ] = "dcemp_fly_backdownstairs";
//This is Cujo-Five-One to any friendly units in D.C.: Hammer Down is in effect, I repeat, Hammer Down is in effect.
level.scr_radio[ "dcemp_fp1_hammerdown" ] = "dcemp_fp1_hammerdown";
//If you can receive this transmission, you are in a hardened high-value structure.
level.scr_radio[ "dcemp_fp1_highvalue" ] = "dcemp_fp1_highvalue";
//Deploy green flares on the roof of this structure to indicate you are still combat effective.
level.scr_radio[ "dcemp_fp1_greenflares" ] = "dcemp_fp1_greenflares";
//We will abort our mission on direct visual contact with this countersign.
level.scr_radio[ "dcemp_fp1_willabort" ] = "dcemp_fp1_willabort";
//Two minutes to weapons release.
level.scr_radio[ "dcemp_fp1_2minutes" ] = "dcemp_fp1_2minutes";
//Ninety seconds to weapons release.
level.scr_radio[ "dcemp_fp1_90secs" ] = "dcemp_fp1_90secs";
//1 minute to weapons release.
level.scr_radio[ "dcemp_fp1_1minute" ] = "dcemp_fp1_1minute";
//Thirty seconds to weapons release.
level.scr_radio[ "dcemp_fp1_30secs" ] = "dcemp_fp1_30secs";
//(garble)...target package Whiskey Hotel Zero-One has been authorized....roger...passing IP Buick...standby<62>
level.scr_radio[ "dcemp_fp1_beenauthorized" ] = "dcemp_fp1_beenauthorized";
//Bombs away bombs away.
level.scr_radio[ "dcemp_fp1_bombsaway" ] = "dcemp_fp1_bombsaway";
//Countersign detected at the Whiskey Hotel! Abort abort!!
level.scr_radio[ "dcemp_fp1_abortabort" ] = "dcemp_fp1_abortabort";
//Cujo 5-1 to friendly ground units at the Whiskey Hotel - that was a close one.
level.scr_radio[ "dcemp_fp1_closeone" ] = "dcemp_fp1_closeone";
//We're sending word back to HQ, stay alive down there. Cujo 5-1 out.
level.scr_radio[ "dcemp_fp1_wordtohq" ] = "dcemp_fp1_wordtohq";
//We got a countersign! Abort mission!
level.scr_radio[ "dcemp_fp2_abortmission" ] = "dcemp_fp2_abortmission";
//Aborting weapons release! Rolling out!
level.scr_radio[ "dcemp_fp3_rollingout" ] = "dcemp_fp3_rollingout";
//Roger, weapons on safe! Aborting mission!
level.scr_radio[ "dcemp_fp4_abortingmission" ] = "dcemp_fp4_abortingmission";
//Cujo 5-1 to friendly ground units - that was a close one. Stay alive down there. Cujo 5-1 out.
level.scr_radio[ "dcemp_fp1_closeone2" ] = "dcemp_fp1_closeone";
// rappel - TEMP
level.scr_anim[ "rappel_guy" ][ "rappel_stand_idle_1" ][ 0 ] = %launchfacility_a_rappel_idle_1;
level.scr_anim[ "rappel_guy" ][ "rappel_stand_idle_2" ][ 0 ] = %launchfacility_a_rappel_idle_2;
level.scr_anim[ "rappel_guy" ][ "rappel_stand_idle_3" ][ 0 ] = %launchfacility_a_rappel_idle_3;
level.scr_anim[ "rappel_guy" ][ "rappel_drop" ] = %launchfacility_a_rappel_1;
// door kick
level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "doorburst_wave" ] = %doorburst_wave;
level.scr_anim[ "flare_guy" ][ "dcemp_flare_reshoot_start_idle" ][0] = %dcemp_flare_reshoot_start_idle;
level.scr_anim[ "flare_guy" ][ "dcemp_flare_reshoot_start" ] = %dcemp_flare_reshoot_start;
addNotetrack_attach( "flare_guy" , "attach flare" , "mil_emergency_flare", "tag_inhand", "dcemp_flare_reshoot_start" );
addNotetrack_customFunction( "flare_guy", "start flare", maps\dc_whitehouse_code::flare_fx_start, "dcemp_flare_reshoot_start" );
addNotetrack_flag( "flare_guy" , "attach flare" , "flareguy_flare_popped", "dcemp_flare_reshoot_start" );
level.scr_anim[ "flare_guy" ][ "dcemp_flare_reshoot_end" ] = %dcemp_flare_reshoot_end;
addNotetrack_flag( "flare_guy" , "detach flare" , "flare_guy_drop_flares", "dcemp_flare_reshoot_end" );
level.scr_anim[ "flare_guy" ][ "dcemp_flare_reshoot_start_short" ] = %dcemp_flare_reshoot_start_short;
addNotetrack_attach( "flare_guy" , "attach flare" , "mil_emergency_flare", "tag_inhand", "dcemp_flare_reshoot_start_short" );
addNotetrack_customFunction( "flare_guy", "start flare", maps\dc_whitehouse_code::flare_fx_start, "dcemp_flare_reshoot_start_short" );
addNotetrack_flag( "flare_guy" , "attach flare" , "flareguy_flare_popped", "dcemp_flare_reshoot_start_short" );
level.scr_anim[ "flare_guy" ][ "dcemp_flare_idle" ][0] = %casual_stand_idle;
level.scr_anim[ "flare_guy" ][ "dcemp_flare_idle" ][1] = %casual_stand_idle_twitch;
level.scr_anim[ "flare_guy" ][ "dcemp_flare_idle" ][2] = %casual_stand_idle_twitchB;
// run
level.scr_anim[ "flare_guy" ][ "whitehouse_ending_runuphill" ] = %whitehouse_ending_runuphill; // run cycle
level.scr_anim[ "marshall" ][ "DCemp_whitehouse_briefing" ] = %DCemp_whitehouse_briefing_marshall;
level.scr_anim[ "marshall" ][ "DCemp_whitehouse_briefing_idle" ][0] = %DCemp_whitehouse_briefing_marshall_idle;
level.scr_anim[ "foley" ][ "DCemp_whitehouse_briefing" ] = %DCemp_whitehouse_briefing_foley;
// Sir, what's the situation here?
addNotetrack_dialogue( "foley" , "dcemp_fly_situationhere_ps" , "DCemp_whitehouse_briefing" , "dcemp_fly_situationhere" );
// You're lookin' at the 'high ground' Sergeant! There's still power in the Whiskey Hotel!
addNotetrack_dialogue( "marshall" , "dcemp_cml_highground_ps" , "DCemp_whitehouse_briefing" , "dcemp_cml_highground" );
// That means we still have a way to talk to Central Command IF we can retake it!
addNotetrack_dialogue( "marshall" , "dcemp_cml_retakeit_ps" , "DCemp_whitehouse_briefing" , "dcemp_cml_retakeit" );
// Now get your squad movin' up the left flank! Go!
addNotetrack_dialogue( "marshall" , "dcemp_cml_getyoursquad_ps" , "DCemp_whitehouse_briefing" , "dcemp_cml_getyoursquad" );
// Roger that! Squad! Let's go! We're oscar mike!
addNotetrack_dialogue( "foley" , "dcemp_fly_squadoscarmike_ps" , "DCemp_whitehouse_briefing" , "dcemp_fly_squadoscarmike" );
// note track for when to start moving towards the wh entrance.
addNotetrack_flag( "marshall" , "dcemp_cml_getyoursquad_ps" , "whitehouse_moveout" , "DCemp_whitehouse_briefing" );
addNotetrack_flag( "marshall" , "dcemp_cml_getyoursquad_ps" , "music_cue" , "DCemp_whitehouse_briefing" );
level.scr_anim[ "foley" ][ "dcemp_wh_radio_1" ] = %dcemp_wh_radio_1;
level.scr_anim[ "foley" ][ "dcemp_wh_radio_1_exit" ] = %dcemp_wh_radio_1_exit;
level.scr_anim[ "foley" ][ "dcemp_wh_radio_1_idle" ][0] = %dcemp_wh_radio_1_idle;
level.scr_anim[ "dunn" ][ "dcemp_wh_radio" ] = %dcemp_wh_radio_2;
// note track for when to start foleys oval office anim.
addNotetrack_flag( "dunn" , "folley_dialog" , "oval_office_foley_dialogue" , "dcemp_wh_radio" );
addNotetrack_flag( "dunn" , "start" , "oval_office_foley_react" , "dcemp_wh_radio" );
addNotetrack_flag( "dunn" , "fire" , "oval_office_door_open" , "dcemp_wh_radio" );
// You reading this?
level.scr_sound[ "dunn" ][ "dcwhite_cpd_readingthis" ] = "dcwhite_cpd_readingthis";
// Roger tha.
level.scr_sound[ "dunn" ][ "dcwhite_cpd_rogerthat" ] = "dcwhite_cpd_rogerthat";
// Dunn, get the door!
level.scr_sound[ "foley" ][ "dcwhite_fly_dunngetdoor" ] = "dcwhite_fly_dunngetdoor";
// Dunn!
level.scr_sound[ "foley" ][ "dcwhite_fly_dunn" ] = "dcwhite_fly_dunn";
// Yes, that's why we gota go.
level.scr_sound[ "foley" ][ "dcwhite_fly_thatswhy" ] = "dcwhite_fly_thatswhy";
// drone death anims
anims = [];
anims[ "death_explosion_up10" ] = %death_explosion_up10;
anims[ "death_explosion_left11" ] = %death_explosion_left11;
anims[ "death_explosion_stand_B_v2" ] = %death_explosion_stand_B_v2;
level.drone_death_anims = anims;
//Get to the roof! Move!
level.scr_sound[ "foley" ][ "dcemp_fly_gettoroof" ] = "dcemp_fly_gettoroof";
//Use your flares!!
level.scr_sound[ "foley" ][ "dcemp_fly_useyourflares" ] = "dcemp_fly_useyourflares";
//So when are we goin' to Moscow?
level.scr_sound[ "flare_guy" ][ "dcemp_ar1_moscow" ] = "dcemp_ar1_moscow";
level.scr_face[ "flare_guy" ][ "dcemp_ar1_moscow" ] = %dcemp_ar1_moscow;
//Not soon enough, man. But I know we're gonna burn it down when we get there.
level.scr_sound[ "dunn" ][ "dcwhite_cpd_burnitdown" ] = "dcwhite_cpd_burnitdown";
level.scr_face[ "dunn" ][ "dcwhite_cpd_burnitdown" ] = %dcwhite_cpd_burnitdown;
level.scr_sound[ "flare_guy" ][ "dcwhite_ar1_huah" ] = "dcwhite_ar1_huah";
level.scr_face[ "flare_guy" ][ "dcwhite_ar1_huah" ] = %dcwhite_ar1_huah;
//When the time's right, Corporal. When the time's right.
level.scr_sound[ "foley" ][ "dcemp_fly_timeisright" ] = "dcemp_fly_timeisright";
level.scr_face[ "foley" ][ "dcemp_fly_timeisright" ] = %dcemp_fly_timeisright;
#using_animtree( "script_model" );
level.scr_animtree[ "rope" ] = #animtree;
level.scr_model[ "rope" ] = "rappelrope100_ri";
level.scr_anim[ "rope" ][ "rappel_stand_idle_1" ][ 0 ] = %launchfacility_a_rappel_idle_1_100ft_rope;
level.scr_anim[ "rope" ][ "rappel_stand_idle_2" ][ 0 ] = %launchfacility_a_rappel_idle_2_100ft_rope;
level.scr_anim[ "rope" ][ "rappel_stand_idle_3" ][ 0 ] = %launchfacility_a_rappel_idle_3_100ft_rope;
level.scr_anim[ "rope" ][ "rappel_drop" ] = %launchfacility_a_rappel_1_100ft_rope;
level.scr_animtree[ "painting" ] = #animtree;
level.scr_model[ "painting" ] = "picture_frame_07_animated";
level.scr_anim[ "painting" ][ "dcemp_wh_radio" ] = %dcemp_wh_painting;
level.scr_animtree[ "tunnel_door" ] = #animtree;
level.scr_model[ "tunnel_door" ] = "tag_origin";
level.scr_anim[ "tunnel_door" ][ "DCemp_door_sequence" ] = %DCemp_door_sequence_door;
#using_animtree( "player" );
level.scr_animtree[ "flare_rig" ] = #animtree;
level.scr_model[ "flare_rig" ] = "viewhands_player_us_army";
level.scr_anim[ "flare_rig" ][ "flare" ] = %DCemp_player_flare_wave;
addNotetrack_flag( "flare_rig", "fx", "flare_start_fx", "flare" );
addNotetrack_flag( "flare_rig", "fx", "whitehouse_hammerdown_jets_safe", "flare" );
level.scr_animtree[ "iss_rig" ] = #animtree;
level.scr_model[ "iss_rig" ] = "viewhands_player_iss";
level.scr_anim[ "iss_rig" ][ "ISS_animation" ] = %ISS_player_rotate;
level.scr_anim[ "iss_rig" ][ "ISS_float_away" ] = %ISS_player_float_away;
#using_animtree( "door" );
level.scr_animtree[ "door" ] = #animtree;
level.scr_model[ "door" ] = "com_door_01_handleleft2";
level.scr_anim[ "door" ][ "shotgunbreach_door_immediate" ] = %shotgunbreach_door_immediate;