357 lines
13 KiB
357 lines
13 KiB
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\_utility;
#include maps\_anim;
//!!!!! This is not actually called anywhere, but it needs to load immediately otherwise I get a precache error (?)
level._effect[ "_attack_heli_spotlight_ending" ] = LoadFX( "misc/hunted_spotlight_model_dim" );
//!!!!! This is not actually called anywhere, but it needs to load immediately otherwise I get a precache error (?)
level._effect[ "vehicle_explosion_slamraam" ] = LoadFX( "explosions/vehicle_explosion_slamraam" );
level._effect[ "_attack_heli_spotlight" ] = LoadFX( "misc/spotlight_large_dcburning" );
level._effect[ "large_column" ] = loadfx( "props/dcburning_pillars" );
//Vehcile DeathFX Overrides
maps\_vehicle::build_deathfx_override( "m1a1", "vehicle_m1a1_abrams", "explosions/javelin_explosion_dcburn", undefined , "exp_javelin_armor_destroy" );
maps\_vehicle::build_deathfx_override( "hummer", "vehicle_hummer", "explosions/javelin_explosion_dcburn", undefined , "exp_javelin_armor_destroy" );
maps\_vehicle::build_deathfx_override( "seaknight", "vehicle_ch46e_low", "explosions/javelin_explosion_dcburn", undefined , "exp_javelin_armor_destroy" );
maps\_vehicle::build_deathfx_override( "bradley", "vehicle_bradley", "explosions/javelin_explosion_dcburn", undefined , "exp_javelin_armor_destroy" );
level._effect[ "turret_overheat_haze" ] = loadfx( "distortion/abrams_exhaust" );
level._effect[ "turret_overheat_smoke" ] = loadfx( "distortion/armored_car_overheat" );
//Magic Bullet Muzzleflashes
level._effect[ "javelin_muzzle" ] = loadfx( "muzzleflashes/javelin_flash_wv" );
level._effect[ "light_glow_white_bulb" ] = loadfx( "misc/light_glow_white_bulb" );
level._effect[ "door_kick_dust" ] = loadfx( "dust/door_kick" );
level._effect[ "dlight_laptop" ] = loadfx( "misc/dlight_laptop" );
level._effect[ "large_vehicle_explosion" ] = loadfx( "explosions/large_vehicle_explosion" );
level._effect[ "cheap_vehicle_explosion" ] = loadfx( "explosions/small_vehicle_explosion_low" );
level._effect[ "cheap_mack_truck_explosion" ] = loadfx( "explosions/tanker_explosion_dcburn" );
level._effect[ "tanker_fire" ] = loadfx( "fire/firelp_large_pm" );
level._effect[ "smoke_trail_black_heli" ] = loadfx( "smoke/smoke_trail_black_heli" );
level._effect[ "dlight_blue" ] = loadfx( "misc/dlight_blue" );
level._effect[ "dlight_red" ] = loadfx( "misc/aircraft_light_cockpit_red" );
level._effect[ "player_death_explosion" ] = loadfx( "explosions/player_death_explosion" );
level._effect[ "heat_shimmer_door" ] = loadfx( "distortion/abrams_exhaust" );
level._effect[ "firelp_large_pm_nolight" ] = loadfx( "fire/firelp_large_pm_nolight" );
level._effect[ "firelp_med_pm_nolight" ] = loadfx( "fire/firelp_med_pm_nolight" );
level._effect[ "firelp_small_pm_nolight" ] = loadfx( "fire/firelp_small_pm_nolight" );
level._effect[ "crash_main_01" ] = loadfx( "explosions/javelin_explosion_dcburn" );
level._effect[ "crash_end_01" ] = loadfx( "explosions/helicopter_explosion_little_bird_dcburn" );
level._effect[ "chopper_smoke_trail" ] = loadfx( "fire/fire_smoke_trail_L" );
level._effect[ "chopper_explosion" ] = loadfx( "explosions/aerial_explosion" );
level._effect[ "headshot" ] = loadfx( "impacts/flesh_hit_head_fatal_exit" ); // sprays on wall
level._effect[ "headshot2" ] = loadfx( "impacts/flesh_hit_splat_large" ); // chunks
level._effect[ "headshot3" ] = loadfx( "impacts/flesh_hit_body_fatal_exit" ); // big spray
level._effect[ "headshot4" ] = loadfx( "impacts/sniper_escape_blood" ); // big spray
level._effect[ "bodyshot" ] = loadfx( "impacts/flesh_hit" );
level._effect[ "thermal_body_gib" ] = loadfx( "impacts/thermal_body_gib" ); // splatter
level._effect[ "flare_ambient" ] = loadfx( "misc/flare_ambient" );
level._effect[ "heat_shimmer_door" ] = loadfx( "distortion/abrams_exhaust" );
level._effect[ "heli_dust_default" ] = loadfx( "treadfx/heli_dust_airlift" );
level._effect[ "flare_runner_intro" ] = loadfx( "misc/flare_start" );
level._effect[ "flare_runner" ] = loadfx( "misc/flare" );
level._effect[ "flare_runner_fizzout" ] = loadfx( "misc/flare_end" );
level.airstrikefx = loadfx( "explosions/clusterbomb" );
//level.airstrikefx = loadfx( "explosions/tanker_explosion" );
//level.scr_sound[ "airstrike" ][ "explosion" ] = "mortar_incoming";
level._effect["powerline_runner"] = loadfx ("explosions/powerline_runner");
level._effect[ "antiair_runner" ] = loadfx( "misc/antiair_runner_night" );
level._effect[ "hallway_smoke_dark" ] = loadfx( "smoke/hallway_smoke_dark" );
level._effect[ "ground_smoke_dcburning1200x1200" ] = loadfx( "smoke/ground_smoke1200x1200_dcburning" );
level._effect[ "thin_black_smoke_L" ] = loadfx( "smoke/thin_black_smoke_L" );
level._effect[ "thick_white_smoke_giant" ] = loadfx( "smoke/thick_white_smoke_giant_dcburning" );
level._effect[ "thick_dark_smoke_giant" ] = loadfx( "smoke/thick_dark_smoke_giant_dcburning" );
level._effect[ "firelp_small_pm" ] = LoadFX( "fire/firelp_small_pm" );
level._effect[ "firelp_small_pm_a" ] = LoadFX( "fire/firelp_small_pm_a" );
level._effect[ "firelp_med_pm" ] = LoadFX( "fire/firelp_med_pm" );
level._effect[ "firelp_large_pm" ] = LoadFX( "fire/firelp_large_pm" );
level._effect[ "firelp_vhc_lrg_pm_farview" ] = loadfx( "fire/firelp_vhc_lrg_pm_farview" );
level._effect[ "drips_slow" ] = loadfx( "misc/drips_slow" );
level._effect[ "drips_fast" ] = loadfx( "misc/drips_fast" );
level._effect[ "powerline_runner_cheap" ] = loadfx( "explosions/powerline_runner_cheap" );
level._effect[ "water_pipe_spray" ] = loadfx( "water/water_pipe_spray" );
level._effect[ "cgo_ship_puddle_small" ] = loadfx( "distortion/cgo_ship_puddle_small" );
level._effect[ "rock_falling_small_runner" ] = loadfx( "misc/rock_falling_small_runner" );
level._effect[ "ceiling_dust_default" ] = loadfx( "dust/ceiling_dust_default" );
level._effect[ "commerce_window_shatter" ] = loadfx( "props/car_glass_large" );
littlebird_monument_crash( crashStruct )
while( isdefined( self ) )
self waittill( "damage", amount, attacker, enemy_org, impact_org, type );
if ( !isdefined( type ) )
if ( !isdefined( attacker ) )
if ( !isdefined( amount ) )
if ( isplayer( attacker ) )
if ( ( type == "MOD_PROJECTILE" ) && ( amount > 999 ) )
if ( ( type == "MOD_PROJECTILE_SPLASH" ) && ( amount == 4000 ) )
self vehicle_detachfrompath();
self setvehgoalpos( crashStruct.origin, false );
self thread play_sound_on_entity( "car_explode" );
earthquake( .3, 1.5, level.player.origin, 1600 );
self Vehicle_SetSpeed( 80 );
self thread littlebird_spinout();
array_thread( self.riders,::littlebird_monument_rider_death, self );
playfxOnTag( getfx( "crash_main_01" ), self, "tag_deathfx" );
while ( distance( self.origin, crashStruct.origin ) > 100 )
playfxOnTag( getfx( "chopper_smoke_trail" ), self, "tag_deathfx" );
wait( .1 );
self thread play_sound_on_entity( "exp_tanker_vehicle" );
dummy = spawn( "script_origin", self gettagorigin( "tag_deathfx" ) );
playfx( getfx( "crash_end_01" ), dummy.origin );
earthquake( .3, 2, level.player.origin, 1600 );
self delete();
dummy delete();
littlebird_monument_rider_death( heli )
if ( ( self.script_startingposition == 0 ) || ( self.script_startingposition == 1 ) )
tag = "tag_detach_right";
linked = false;
sAnim = undefined;
if ( ( self.script_startingposition == 2 ) || ( self.script_startingposition == 3 ) || ( self.script_startingposition == 4 ) )
tag = "tag_detach_left";
if ( ( self.script_startingposition == 2 ) || ( self.script_startingposition == 5 ) )
sAnim = "little_bird_death_guy1";
if ( ( self.script_startingposition == 3 ) || ( self.script_startingposition == 6 ) || ( self.script_startingposition == 7 ) )
sAnim = "little_bird_death_guy3";
if ( self.script_startingposition == 4 )
linked = true;
sAnim = "little_bird_death_guy2";
//wait( randomfloatrange( .1, .9 ) );
self.animname = "generic";
self setcontents( 0 );
self stopanimscripted();
self.skipdeathanim = 1;
self delaythread( randomfloatrange( .3, 1 ), ::play_sound_in_space, "generic_death_falling" );
pos = heli gettagorigin( tag );
angles = heli gettagangles( tag );
dummy = undefined;
if ( linked )
heli anim_generic( self, sAnim, tag );
dummy = spawn( "script_origin", pos );
dummy.angles = angles;
dummy thread updatePos( heli, tag );
dummy thread ent_cleanup( heli );
self unlink();
self linkto( dummy );
//thread debug_message( "dummy", undefined, 9999, dummy );
dummy anim_generic( self, sAnim );
self unlink();
if( isdefined( self ) )
self kill();
ent_cleanup( ent )
ent waittill( "death" );
self delete();
updatePos( heli, tag )
heli endon( "death" );
self endon( "death " );
org = undefined;
while( true )
wait( 0.05 );
org = heli gettagorigin( tag );
self.origin = org;
//self.origin = ( org[ 0 ], org[ 1 ], self.origin[ 2 ] );
// thread flag_set_delayed( "littlebird_crash_path_end", 3 );
// self thread play_sound_on_entity( "car_explode" );
// earthquake( .3, 1.5, level.player.origin, 1600 );
// self Vehicle_SetSpeed( 70 );
// self thread littlebird_spinout();
// array_thread( self.riders,::littlebird_rider_death, self );
// playfxOnTag( getfx( "crash_main_01" ), self, "tag_deathfx" );
// while ( !flag( "littlebird_crash_path_end") )
// {
// playfxOnTag( getfx( "chopper_smoke_trail" ), self, "tag_deathfx" );
// wait( .1 );
// }
// self thread play_sound_on_entity( "exp_tanker_vehicle" );
// dummy = spawn( "script_origin", self gettagorigin( "tag_deathfx" ) );
// playfx( getfx( "crash_main_02" ), dummy.origin );
// playfx( getfx( "crash_end_01" ), dummy.origin );
// playfx( getfx( "crash_end_02" ), dummy.origin );
// earthquake( .3, 2, level.player.origin, 1600 );
// self delete();
// //thread flag_set_delayed( "littlebird_crash_02_end", 3 );
// self thread play_sound_on_entity( "car_explode" );
// array_thread( self.riders,::littlebird_rider_death, self );
// earthquake( .3, 1.5, level.player.origin, 1600 );
// //self Vehicle_SetSpeed( 70 );
// self thread littlebird_spinout();
// playfxOnTag( getfx( "crash_main_01" ), self, "tag_deathfx" );
// while ( !flag( "littlebrid_crash_02_end") )
// {
// playfxOnTag( getfx( "chopper_smoke_trail" ), self, "tag_deathfx" );
// wait( .1 );
// }
// self thread play_sound_on_entity( "exp_tanker_vehicle" );
// dummy = spawn( "script_origin", self gettagorigin( "tag_deathfx" ) );
// playfx( getfx( "crash_main_02" ), dummy.origin );
// playfx( getfx( "crash_end_01" ), dummy.origin );
// playfx( getfx( "crash_end_02" ), dummy.origin );
// earthquake( .3, 2, level.player.origin, 1600 );
// self delete();
self SetMaxPitchRoll( 100, 200 );
self setturningability( 1 );
yawspeed = 1400;
yawaccel = 200;
targetyaw = undefined;
while ( isdefined( self ) )
targetyaw = self.angles[ 1 ] - 300;
self setyawspeed( yawspeed, yawaccel );
self settargetyaw( targetyaw );
wait 0.1;
//littlebird_rider_death( heli )
// if ( ( self.script_startingposition == 0 ) || ( self.script_startingposition == 1 ) )
// return;
// tag = "tag_detach_right";
// if ( ( self.script_startingposition == 2 ) || ( self.script_startingposition == 3 ) || ( self.script_startingposition == 4 ) )
// tag = "tag_detach_left";
// wait( randomfloatrange( .1, .8 ) );
// //self unlink();
// self.animname = "generic";
// self setcontents( 0 );
// self stopanimscripted();
// self delaythread( randomfloatrange( .3, 1 ), ::play_sound_in_space, "generic_death_falling" );
// heli anim_generic( self, "littlebird_rider_death", tag );
// if( isdefined( self ) )
// self kill();
monument_heli_destroyed( monument_heli_owned )
monument_heli_owned_destroyed = getent( "monument_heli_owned_destroyed", "targetname" );
monument_heli_owned delete();
monument_heli_owned_destroyed show();
playfx( getfx( "large_vehicle_explosion" ), monument_heli_owned_destroyed.origin );
monument_heli_owned_destroyed thread play_sound_in_space( "exp_tanker_vehicle" );
monument_heli_owned_destroyeddummy = spawn( "script_origin", monument_heli_owned_destroyed.origin + ( 0, 0, 0 ) );
monument_heli_owned_destroyeddummy.angles = monument_heli_owned_destroyed.angles;
fx = spawnFx( getFx( "tanker_fire" ), monument_heli_owned_destroyeddummy.origin );
triggerFx( fx );
flag_wait( "player_entering_top_elevator_area" );
fx delete();
monument_heli_owned_destroyeddummy delete();