641 lines
15 KiB
641 lines
15 KiB
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\_utility;
#include maps\_vehicle;
#include maps\_anim;
#include maps\_specialops;
#include maps\_hud_util;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
level.normal_time = 0;
level.infinite_time = 0;
flag_wait( "so_demoman_start" );
while ( !flag( "special_op_terminated" ) )
wait 0.05;
if ( !isdefined( level.infinite_ammo ) || !level.infinite_ammo )
level.normal_time += 0.05;
level.infinite_time += 0.05;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( !isdefined( level.bridge_enemies ) )
level.bridge_enemies = 0;
level.enemy_list = [];
level.enemy_list = array_add( level.enemy_list, self );
if ( !flag( "so_demoman_start" ) )
flag_set( "so_demoman_start" );
self waittill( "death" );
level.enemy_list = array_remove( level.enemy_list, self );
foreach ( player in level.players )
player.target_reminder_time = gettime();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
level endon( "special_op_terminated" );
while ( true )
wait 0.05;
if ( !player_can_refill() )
if ( isdefined( self.maintain_stock ) )
self.maintain_stock = [];
if ( !isdefined( self.maintain_stock ) )
self.maintain_stock = [];
weapons = self getweaponslistall();
foreach ( weapon in weapons )
if ( weapon == "claymore" )
if ( weapon == "c4" )
if ( !isdefined( self.maintain_stock[ weapon ] ) )
self.maintain_stock[ weapon ] = self getweaponammostock( weapon );
self setweaponammostock( weapon, self.maintain_stock[ weapon ] );
if ( !isdefined( level.infinite_ammo ) || !level.infinite_ammo )
return false;
return true;
notifyoncommand( "player_fired", "+attack" );
notifyoncommand( "player_fired", "+melee" );
notifyoncommand( "player_fired", "+frag" );
notifyoncommand( "player_fired", "+smoke" );
while( true )
self waittill( "player_fired" );
// Placing sentry is ok.
if ( isdefined( self.placingSentry ) )
// Certain weapons are allowed...
weapon = self getcurrentweapon();
if ( weapon == "claymore" )
if ( weapon == "c4" )
if ( !isdefined( self.c4array ) || ( self.c4array.size <= 0 ) )
// Start the challenge!
if ( !flag( "so_demoman_start" ) )
flag_set( "so_demoman_start" );
foreach ( player in level.players )
player.target_reminder_time = gettime();
player thread player_refill_ammo();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
level endon( "special_op_terminated" );
if ( !isdefined( level.vehicles_alive ) )
level.vehicles_alive = 0;
self thread vehicle_track_damage();
self waittill( "exploded", attacker );
// In case pesky players find a way to explode a car before doing anything else the normal script catches.
if ( !flag( "so_demoman_start" ) )
flag_set( "so_demoman_start" );
level.vehicle_list = array_remove( level.vehicle_list, self );
if ( isdefined( attacker ) && IsPlayer( attacker ) )
attacker.target_reminder_time = gettime();
foreach ( player in level.players )
player.target_reminder_time = gettime();
level notify( "vehicle_destroyed" );
thread so_dialog_counter_update( level.vehicles_alive, level.vehicles_max );
if ( level.vehicles_alive <= 0 )
flag_set( "so_demoman_complete" );
level endon( "special_op_terminated" );
self endon( "exploded" );
while ( 1 )
self waittill( "damage", damage, attacker );
if ( !vehicle_attacker_is_player( attacker ) )
if ( isai( attacker ) )
level.vehicle_damage += damage;
if ( isplayer( attacker ) )
attacker.vehicle_damage += damage;
attacker.owner.vehicle_damage += damage;
vehicle_attacker_is_player( attacker )
// No attacker...
if ( !isdefined( attacker ) )
return false;
// Player attacker...
if ( isplayer( attacker ) )
return true;
// Player's turret attacker
if ( !isdefined( attacker.targetname ) )
return false;
if ( attacker.targetname != "sentry_minigun" )
return false;
if ( !isdefined( attacker.owner ) )
return false;
if ( !isplayer( attacker.owner ) )
return false;
return true;
vehicle_get_slide_car( car_id )
slide_cars = getentarray( car_id, "script_noteworthy" );
foreach ( ent in slide_cars )
if ( ent.classname == "script_model" )
return ent;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Run on an individual player to help them out.
level endon( "special_op_terminated" );
assertex( isplayer( self ), "hud_display_cars_help() can only be called on players." );
gameskill = self get_player_gameskill();
self.target_reminder_time = gettime();
self.target_help_time = 20000;
thread hud_display_car_locations();
// thread hud_display_car_objectives();
while ( !flag( "so_demoman_complete" ) )
while ( hud_disable_cars_hint() )
wait 1;
self notify( "show_vehicle_locs" );
while( !hud_disable_cars_hint() )
wait 1;
self notify( "hide_vehicle_locs" );
if ( !flag( "so_demoman_start" ) )
return true;
if ( isdefined( level.bridge_enemies ) && ( level.bridge_enemies > 0 ) )
close_enemies = get_array_of_closest( self.origin, level.enemy_list, undefined, undefined, 4096, 0 );
if ( close_enemies.size > 0 )
return true;
player_time_test = gettime() - self.target_help_time;
return ( self.target_reminder_time > player_time_test );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
level endon( "special_op_terminated" );
while ( !flag( "so_demoman_complete" ) )
self waittill( "show_vehicle_locs" );
thread hud_refresh_car_locations();
self waittill( "hide_vehicle_locs" );
level endon( "special_op_terminated" );
self endon( "hide_vehicle_locs" );
while( 1 )
self notify( "refresh_vehicle_locs" );
close_vehicles = get_array_of_closest( self.origin, level.vehicle_list, undefined, 3 );
foreach ( vehicle in close_vehicles )
thread hud_show_target_icon( vehicle );
wait 1;
hud_show_target_icon( vehicle )
assertex( isdefined( vehicle ), "hud_show_target_icon() requires a valid vehicle entity to place an icon over." );
icon = NewClientHudElem( self );
icon SetShader( "waypoint_targetneutral", 1, 1 );
icon.alpha = 0;
icon.color = ( 1, 1, 1 );
icon.x = vehicle.origin[ 0 ];
icon.y = vehicle.origin[ 1 ];
icon.z = vehicle.origin[ 2 ] + 48;
icon SetWayPoint( true, true );
icon thread fade_over_time( 1, 0.25 );
self waittill_any( "hide_vehicle_locs", "refresh_vehicle_locs" );
icon fade_over_time( 0, 0.25 );
icon Destroy();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
level endon( "special_op_terminated" );
Objective_SetPointerTextOverride( 1, &"SO_DEMO_SO_BRIDGE_OBJ_DESTROY" );
while ( !flag( "so_demoman_complete" ) )
self waittill( "show_vehicle_locs" );
thread hud_refresh_car_objectives();
self waittill( "hide_vehicle_locs" );
thread hud_hide_car_objectives();
level endon( "special_op_terminated" );
self endon( "hide_vehicle_locs" );
while( 1 )
close_vehicles = get_array_of_closest( self.origin, level.vehicle_list, undefined, 3 );
i = 0;
foreach ( vehicle in close_vehicles )
thread hud_show_target_objective( vehicle, i );
wait 0.5;
hud_show_target_objective( vehicle, index )
assertex( isdefined( vehicle ), "hud_show_target_icon() requires a valid vehicle entity to place an icon over." );
if ( index == 0 )
Objective_Position( 1, vehicle.origin + ( 0, 0, 48 ) );
Objective_AdditionalPosition( 1, index, vehicle.origin + ( 0, 0, 48 ) );
for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
if ( i == 0 )
Objective_Position( 1, ( 0, 0, 0 ) );
Objective_AdditionalPosition( 1, i, ( 0, 0, 0 ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
self.car_title = so_create_hud_item( 3, so_hud_ypos(), &"SO_DEMO_SO_BRIDGE_VEHICLES", self );
self.car_count = so_create_hud_item( 3, so_hud_ypos(), undefined, self );
self.car_count.alignx = "left";
self.car_count SetValue( level.vehicles_alive );
level.vehicles_max = level.vehicles_alive;
while( true )
level waittill( "vehicle_destroyed" );
if ( level.vehicles_alive <= 0 )
self.car_count SetValue( level.vehicles_alive );
if ( level.vehicles_alive <= 5 )
self.car_title thread so_hud_pulse_close();
self.car_count thread so_hud_pulse_close();
self.car_count so_remove_hud_item( true );
self.car_count = so_create_hud_item( 3, so_hud_ypos(), &"SPECIAL_OPS_DASHDASH", self );
self.car_count.alignx = "left";
self.car_title thread so_hud_pulse_success();
self.car_count thread so_hud_pulse_success();
self.car_title thread so_remove_hud_item();
self.car_count thread so_remove_hud_item();
self.bonus_title = so_create_hud_item( 4, so_hud_ypos(), &"SO_DEMO_SO_BRIDGE_WRECKAGE_IN", self );
self hud_create_bonus_count();
self.bonus_count_current = level.bonus_count_goal;
self.bonus_count SetValue( level.bonus_count_goal );
while( 1 )
level waittill( "vehicle_destroyed" );
if ( self.bonus_count_current <= 0 )
if ( level.vehicles_alive < level.bonus_count_goal )
self.bonus_count_current = level.bonus_count_goal;
thread hud_rebuild_time_bonus( level.bonus_time_amount );
self.bonus_count SetValue( self.bonus_count_current );
self.bonus_title thread so_hud_pulse_default();
self.bonus_count thread so_hud_pulse_default();
self hud_create_bonus_count( &"SPECIAL_OPS_DASHDASH" );
self.bonus_title thread so_hud_pulse_default();
self.bonus_count thread so_hud_pulse_default();
level waittill( "special_op_terminated" );
self.bonus_title thread so_remove_hud_item();
self.bonus_count thread so_remove_hud_item();
self.time_title thread so_remove_hud_item();
self.time_bonus thread so_remove_hud_item();
hud_create_bonus_count( label )
if ( isdefined( self.bonus_count ) )
self.bonus_count so_remove_hud_item( true );
self.bonus_count = so_create_hud_item( 4, so_hud_ypos(), label, self );
self.bonus_count.alignx = "left";
self.bonus_count.pulse_sound = "arcademode_checkpoint";
hud_rebuild_time_bonus( timer )
level endon( "special_op_terminated" );
self notify( "rebuild_time_bonus" );
self endon( "rebuild_time_bonus" );
if ( level.vehicles_alive <= 0 )
// Otherwise build, and wait for the timer to expire then rebuild.
if ( self == level.player )
if ( !isdefined( level.infinite_ammo ) || !level.infinite_ammo )
level.infinite_ammo = true;
foreach( player in level.players )
player.infinite_ammo_time = 0;
if ( !isdefined( self.time_bonus ) )
self.time_title = so_create_hud_item( 5, so_hud_ypos(), &"SO_DEMO_SO_BRIDGE_INFINITE_AMMO", self );
self.time_bonus = so_create_hud_item( 5, so_hud_ypos(), &"SPECIAL_OPS_TIME_NULL", self );
self.time_bonus.alignx = "left";
self.time_bonus.pulse_sound = "infinite_ammo_on";
self.time_title.pulse_scale = 1.33;
self.time_bonus.pulse_scale = 1.75;
self.time_title.pulse_time = 0.25;
self.time_bonus.pulse_time = 0.25;
if ( self.time_title.alpha == 0 )
self.time_title set_hud_white();
self.time_bonus set_hud_white();
self.time_title.alpha = 1;
self.time_bonus.alpha = 1;
thread hud_time_splash( timer );
turn_red_time = 5;
if ( timer > turn_red_time )
wait 3; // This wait is for the hud splash to "absorb" into the hud timer.
self.time_title set_hud_blue();
self.time_bonus set_hud_blue();
hud_time_bonus_wait( turn_red_time );
self.time_title set_hud_red();
self.time_bonus set_hud_red();
hud_time_bonus_wait( 0 );
self.time_title.alpha = 0;
self.time_bonus.alpha = 0;
if ( self == level.player )
level.infinite_ammo_time = undefined;
level.infinite_ammo = undefined;
level.infinite_ammo_update = undefined;
self PlaySound( "infinite_ammo_off" );
hud_time_splash( timer )
level endon( "special_op_terminated" );
if ( !isdefined( self.splash_count ) )
self.splash_count = 0;
// Only allow one splash active at a time.
if ( self.splash_count > 1 )
if ( !isdefined( self.time_splash ) )
self.time_msg = hud_create_splash( 0, &"SO_DEMO_SO_BRIDGE_WRECKAGE_ACTIVE" );
self.time_msg_x = self.time_msg.x;
self.time_msg_y = self.time_msg.y;
self.time_splash = hud_create_splash( 1, &"SO_DEMO_SO_BRIDGE_INFINITE_AMMO_AMOUNT" );
self.time_splash SetValue( level.bonus_time_amount );
self.time_splash_x = self.time_splash.x;
self.time_splash_y = self.time_splash.y;
while( self.splash_count > 0 )
if ( self == level.player )
level.player PlaySound( "arcademode_kill_streak_won" );
self.time_msg hud_boom_in_splash( self.time_msg_x, self.time_msg_y );
self.time_splash hud_boom_in_splash( self.time_splash_x, self.time_splash_y );
wait 2.5;
self.time_msg hud_absorb_splash( self.time_title.y );
self.time_splash hud_absorb_splash( self.time_title.y );
wait 0.5;
if ( self.infinite_ammo_time < 1 )
self.infinite_ammo_time = 0;
self.infinite_ammo_time += timer;
self.time_bonus settenthstimer( self.infinite_ammo_time );
self.time_title thread so_hud_pulse_create();
self.time_bonus thread so_hud_pulse_create( "" );
wait 0.25;
self.time_msg Destroy();
self.time_splash Destroy();
hud_create_splash( yline, message )
hud_elem = so_create_hud_item( yline, 0, message, self );
hud_elem.alignX = "center";
hud_elem.horzAlign = "center";
return hud_elem;
hud_boom_in_splash( xpos, ypos )
self.x = xpos;
self.y = ypos;
self.fontscale = 0.25;
self.alpha = 0;
self fadeovertime( 0.1 );
self changefontscaleovertime( 0.1 );
self.fontscale = 1;
self.alpha = 1;
hud_absorb_splash( ypos )
self changefontscaleovertime( 0.5 );
self.fontscale = 0.5;
self fadeovertime( 0.5 );
self.alpha = 0;
self moveovertime( 0.5 );
self.x = 200;
self.y = ypos;
hud_time_bonus_wait( stop_time )
level endon( "special_op_terminated" );
while ( ( self.splash_count > 0 ) || ( self.infinite_ammo_time > stop_time ) )
wait 0.05;
self.infinite_ammo_time -= 0.05;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------