#using_animtree( "generic_human" ); main() { // do not do code prone in this script self.desired_anim_pose = "stand"; animscripts\utility::UpdateAnimPose(); // It'd be nice if I had an animation to get to stand without moving... self.a.movement = "stop"; turret = self getTurret(); turret thread turretInit( self ); self.primaryTurretAnim = %technicalGunner_aim; self.additiveTurretIdle = %technical_turret_driveidle; self.additiveTurretFire = %technical_turret_firing; self.painFunction = ::technical_pain; self.deathAnim = %technical_turret_death; thread animscripts\saw\common::main( turret ); } technical_pain() { self setFlaggedAnimKnobAllRestart( "painanim", %technical_turret_pain, %body, 1, .1, 1 ); self animscripts\shared::DoNoteTracks( "painanim" ); } //===================================== #using_animtree( "mg42" ); turretInit( owner ) { self.leftArc = 180; self.rightArc = 180; self UseAnimTree( #animtree ); self.additiveTurretIdle = %saw_gunner_idle_mg; self.additiveTurretFire = %saw_gunner_firing_mg_add; self endon( "death" ); owner waittill( "killanimscript" );// code self stopUseAnimTree(); }