// Fence_climb.gsc // Makes the character climb a 48 unit fence // TEMP - copied wall dive until we get an animation // Makes the character dive over a low wall #using_animtree( "generic_human" ); main() { // do not do code prone in this script self.desired_anim_pose = "crouch"; animscripts\utility::UpdateAnimPose(); self endon( "killanimscript" ); self traverseMode( "nogravity" ); self traverseMode( "noclip" );// So he doesn't get stuck if the wall is a little too high // orient to the Negotiation start node startnode = self getnegotiationstartnode(); assert( isdefined( startnode ) ); self OrientMode( "face angle", startnode.angles[ 1 ] ); self setFlaggedAnimKnoballRestart( "diveanim", %fenceclimb, %body, 1, .1, 1 ); // self waittillmatch("diveanim", "gravity on"); self animscripts\shared::DoNoteTracks( "diveanim" ); self traverseMode( "gravity" ); }