#include maps\_anim; #include maps\_slowmo_breach; #include common_scripts\utility; #include maps\_utility; #using_animtree( "generic_human" ); main() { idle_c4_drone_anims(); friendly_anims(); anims(); dialogue(); rope_anims(); player_anims(); submarine_anims(); blackhawk_anims(); scuba_gear_anims(); scuba_gear_prop_anims(); } idle_c4_drone_anims() { // level.dronedeathanims[ 0 ] = %exposed_death_firing_02; // level.dronedeathanims[ 1 ] = %exposed_death; // level.dronedeathanims[ 2 ] = %exposed_death_nerve; // level.dronedeathanims[ 3 ] = %exposed_death_02; // level.dronedeathanims[ 4 ] = %exposed_death_falltoknees_02; // level.dronedeathanims[ 5 ] = %exposed_death_falltoknees; // level.dronedeathanims[ 6 ] = %exposed_death_nerve; // level.dronedeathanims[ 7 ] = %exposed_death_02; // level.dronedeathanims[ 8 ] = %exposed_death; // level.dronedeathanims[ 9 ] = %exposed_death; } friendly_anims() { /*----------------------- HOSTAGES -------------------------*/ //level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "hostage_chair_idle" ][ 0 ] = %hostage_chair_idle; //level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "hostage_chair_idle" ][ 1 ] = %hostage_chair_twitch; //level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "hostage_chair_idle" ][ 2 ] = %hostage_chair_twitch2; /*----------------------- UNDERWATER -------------------------*/ level.scr_anim[ "sdv01_pilot" ][ "sdv_ride_in" ] = %oilrig_sub_A_disembark_1; level.scr_anim[ "sdv01_copilot" ][ "sdv_ride_in" ] = %oilrig_sub_A_disembark_2; level.scr_anim[ "sdv01_swimmer1" ][ "sdv_ride_in" ] = %oilrig_sub_A_disembark_4; level.scr_anim[ "sdv02_pilot" ][ "sdv_ride_in" ] = %oilrig_sub_B_disembark_1; level.scr_anim[ "sdv02_copilot" ][ "sdv_ride_in" ] = %oilrig_sub_B_disembark_2; level.scr_anim[ "sdv02_swimmer1" ][ "sdv_ride_in" ] = %oilrig_sub_B_disembark_3; level.scr_anim[ "sdv02_swimmer2" ][ "sdv_ride_in" ] = %oilrig_sub_B_disembark_4; /*----------------------- WATER SURFACE -------------------------*/ level.scr_anim[ "sdv01_pilot" ][ "surface_idle" ][ 0 ] = %oilrig_sub_A_idle_1; level.scr_anim[ "sdv01_copilot" ][ "surface_idle" ][ 0 ] = %oilrig_sub_A_idle_2; level.scr_anim[ "sdv01_swimmer1" ][ "surface_idle" ][ 0 ] = %oilrig_sub_A_idle_4; level.scr_anim[ "sdv02_pilot" ][ "surface_idle" ][ 0 ] = %oilrig_sub_B_idle_1; //friendly waiting to stealth kill level.scr_anim[ "sdv02_copilot" ][ "surface_idle" ][ 0 ] = %oilrig_sub_B_idle_2; level.scr_anim[ "sdv02_swimmer1" ][ "surface_idle" ][ 0 ] = %oilrig_sub_B_idle_3; level.scr_anim[ "sdv02_swimmer2" ][ "surface_idle" ][ 0 ] = %oilrig_sub_B_idle_4; /*----------------------- STEALTH KILL -------------------------*/ level.scr_anim[ "hostile_stealthkill_player" ][ "grate_idle" ][ 0 ] = %oilrig_underwater_guard_2_idle; level.scr_anim[ "hostile_stealthkill_friendly" ][ "grate_idle" ][ 0 ] = %oilrig_underwater_guard_1_idle; level.scr_anim[ "hostile_stealthkill_player" ][ "stealth_kill" ] = %oilrig_underwater_guard_2_death; level.scr_anim[ "hostile_stealthkill_friendly" ][ "stealth_kill" ] = %oilrig_underwater_guard_1_death; level.scr_anim[ "sdv02_pilot" ][ "stealth_kill" ] = %oilrig_underwater_kill_1; addNotetrack_customFunction( "hostile_stealthkill_player", "blood", maps\oilrig_fx::underwater_bleedout ); addNotetrack_customFunction( "hostile_stealthkill_player", "splash", maps\oilrig_fx::underwater_struggle ); addNotetrack_customFunction( "hostile_stealthkill_friendly", "blood", maps\oilrig_fx::underwater_bleedout ); /*----------------------- HELP OUT OF WATER -------------------------*/ level.scr_anim[ "water_helper_01" ][ "surface_helpout" ] = %oilrig_helpout_1; level.scr_anim[ "water_helper_02" ][ "surface_helpout" ] = %oilrig_helpout_2; /*----------------------- HOSTAGE EVAC ANIMS -------------------------*/ level.scr_anim[ "manhandle_soldier_walk" ][ "prisoner_manhandle_walk" ] = %prisoner_pickup2walk_soldier; level.scr_anim[ "manhandle_prisoner_walk" ][ "prisoner_manhandle_walk" ] = %prisoner_pickup2walk_prisoner; level.scr_anim[ "manhandle_soldier_run" ][ "prisoner_manhandle_run" ] = %prisoner_pickup2run_soldier; level.scr_anim[ "manhandle_prisoner_run" ][ "prisoner_manhandle_run" ] = %prisoner_pickup2run_prisoner; /*----------------------- CQB -------------------------*/ level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "stand_exposed_wave_move_up" ] = %stand_exposed_wave_move_up; /*----------------------- C4 PLANT -------------------------*/ level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "execution_slamwall_hostage_death" ] = %execution_slamwall_hostage_death; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "run_death_roll" ] = %run_death_roll; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "C4_plant_start" ] = %explosive_plant_knee; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "C4_plant" ] = %explosive_plant_knee; /*----------------------- C4 PLANT -------------------------*/ level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "railing_execute_reach" ] = %covercrouch_aim5; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "railing_execute_idle" ][ 0 ] = %covercrouch_aim5; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "railing_execute_shoot" ] = %covercrouch_aim5; } anims() { maps\_props::add_smoking_notetracks( "generic" ); level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "smoking_reach" ] = %parabolic_leaning_guy_smoking_idle; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "smoking" ][ 0 ] = %parabolic_leaning_guy_smoking_idle; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "smoking" ][ 1 ] = %parabolic_leaning_guy_smoking_twitch; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "smoking_react" ] = %parabolic_leaning_guy_react; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "bored_idle_reach" ] = %patrol_bored_idle; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "bored_idle" ][ 0 ] = %patrol_bored_idle; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "bored_idle" ][ 1 ] = %patrol_bored_twitch_bug; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "bored_idle" ][ 2 ] = %patrol_bored_twitch_stretch; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "bored_alert" ] = %exposed_idle_twitch_v4;// %patrol_bored_2_combat_alarm; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "bored_cell_loop" ][ 0 ] = %patrol_bored_idle_cellphone; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "oilrig_balcony_smoke_idle" ][ 0 ] = %oilrig_balcony_smoke_idle; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "railing_death" ] = %oilrig_balcony_death; addNotetrack_customFunction( "generic", "detach cig", maps\_props::detach_cig ); //addNotetrack_customFunction( "generic", "flick", maps\oilrig::XXX ); level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "pronehide_dive" ] = %hunted_dive_2_pronehide_v1; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "pronehide_idle" ][ 0 ] = %hunted_pronehide_idle_v1; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "pronehide_idle_frame" ] = %hunted_pronehide_idle_v1; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "prone_2_run_roll" ] = %hunted_pronehide_2_stand_v1; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "fastrope_fall" ] = %fastrope_fall; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "oilrig_rappel_over_rail_R" ] = %oilrig_rappel_over_rail_R; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "oilrig_rappel_2_crouch" ] = %oilrig_rappel_2_crouch; addNotetrack_customFunction( "generic", "over_solid", maps\oilrig::ai_rappel_over_ground_death_anim, "oilrig_rappel_over_rail_R" ); addNotetrack_customFunction( "generic", "over_solid", maps\oilrig::ai_rappel_over_ground_death_anim, "oilrig_rappel_2_crouch" ); addNotetrack_customFunction( "generic", "feet_on_ground", maps\oilrig::ai_rappel_reset_death_anim, "oilrig_rappel_over_rail_R" ); addNotetrack_customFunction( "generic", "feet_on_ground", maps\oilrig::ai_rappel_reset_death_anim, "oilrig_rappel_2_crouch" ); /*----------------------- PATROL -------------------------*/ level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "patrol_walk" ] = %patrol_bored_patrolwalk; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "patrol_walk_twitch" ] = %patrol_bored_patrolwalk_twitch; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "patrol_stop" ] = %patrol_bored_walk_2_bored; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "patrol_start" ] = %patrol_bored_2_walk; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "patrol_turn180" ] = %patrol_bored_2_walk_180turn; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "patrol_idle_1" ] = %patrol_bored_idle; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "patrol_idle_2" ] = %patrol_bored_idle_smoke; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "patrol_idle_3" ] = %patrol_bored_idle_cellphone; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "patrol_idle_4" ] = %patrol_bored_twitch_bug; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "patrol_idle_5" ] = %patrol_bored_twitch_checkphone; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "patrol_idle_6" ] = %patrol_bored_twitch_stretch; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "patrol_idle_smoke" ] = %patrol_bored_idle_smoke; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "patrol_idle_checkphone" ] = %patrol_bored_twitch_checkphone; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "patrol_idle_stretch" ] = %patrol_bored_twitch_stretch; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "patrol_idle_phone" ] = %patrol_bored_idle_cellphone; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "patrol_jog" ] = %patrol_jog; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "combat_jog" ] = %combat_jog; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "patrol_jog_turn180" ] = %patrol_jog_360; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "stealth_jog" ] = %patrol_jog; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "stealth_walk" ] = %patrol_bored_patrolwalk; // _slowmo_breach anims level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "breach_react_desk_v1" ] = %breach_react_desk_v1; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "breach_chair_reaction_v1" ] = %breach_chair_reaction_v1; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "execution_shield_soldier" ] = %execution_shield_soldier; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "execution_onknees_soldier" ] = %execution_onknees_soldier; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "patrol_bored_react_walkstop" ] = %patrol_bored_react_walkstop; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "breach_react_blowback_v1" ] = %breach_react_blowback_v1; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "breach_react_push_guy1" ] = %breach_react_push_guy1; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "breach_react_push_guy2" ] = %breach_react_push_guy2; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "breach_react_desk_v4" ] = %breach_react_desk_v4; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "execution_onknees2_soldier" ] = %execution_onknees2_soldier; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "execution_slamwall_soldier" ] = %execution_slamwall_soldier; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "execution_knife_soldier" ] = %execution_knife_soldier; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "breach_react_guntoss_v2_guy2" ] = %breach_react_guntoss_v2_guy2; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "breach_react_knife_charge" ] = %breach_react_knife_charge; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "breach_react_knife_charge_death" ] = %death_shotgun_back_v1; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "breach_react_guntoss_v2_guy1" ] = %breach_react_guntoss_v2_guy1; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "breach_react_desk_v7" ] = %breach_react_desk_v7; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "hostage_stand_fall" ] = %hostage_stand_fall; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "hostage_stand_fall_idle" ][ 0 ] = %hostage_knees_idle; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "hostage_stand_fall_idle" ][ 1 ] = %hostage_knees_twitch; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "hostage_stand_fall_manhandled" ] = %takedown_room1A_hostageA; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "hostage_stand_fall_manhandled_idle" ][ 0 ] = %takedown_room1A_hostageA_idle; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "hostage_stand_fall_manhandledV2" ] = %takedown_room1B_hostage; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "hostage_stand_fall_manhandled_idleV2" ][ 0 ] = %takedown_room1B_hostage_idle; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "execution_shield_hostage" ] = %execution_shield_hostage; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "execution_shield_hostage_death" ] = %execution_shield_hostage_death; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "execution_shield_hostage_survives" ] = %execution_shield_hostage_survives; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "execution_shield_hostage_idle" ][ 0 ] = %hostage_knees_idle; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "execution_onknees_hostage" ] = %execution_onknees_hostage; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "execution_onknees_hostage_death" ] = %execution_onknees_hostage_death; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "execution_onknees_hostage_idle" ][ 0 ] = %execution_onknees_hostage_survives; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "execution_onknees_hostage_manhandled_guarded" ] = %takedown_room1A_hostageB; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "execution_onknees_hostage_manhandled_guarded_idle" ][ 0 ] = %takedown_room1A_hostageB_idle; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "execution_onknees2_hostage" ] = %execution_onknees2_hostage; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "execution_onknees2_hostage_survives" ] = %execution_onknees2_hostage_survives; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "execution_onknees2_hostage_death" ] = %execution_onknees2_hostage_death; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "execution_onknees2_hostage_manhandled_guarded" ] = %takedown_room2B_hostageB; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "execution_onknees2_hostage_manhandled_guarded_idle" ][ 0 ] = %takedown_room2B_hostageB_idle; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "execution_onknees2_hostage_manhandled_guardedV2" ] = %takedown_room2A_hostageB; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "execution_onknees2_hostage_manhandled_guarded_idleV2" ][ 0 ] = %takedown_room2A_hostageB_end_idle; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "execution_onknees2_hostage_manhandled_guarded_prepare_idleV2" ][ 0 ] = %takedown_room2A_hostageB_start_idle; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "execution_slamwall_hostage" ] = %execution_slamwall_hostage; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "execution_slamwall_hostage_death" ] = %execution_slamwall_hostage_death; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "execution_slamwall_hostage_idle" ][ 0 ] = %hostage_stand_idle; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "execution_slamwall_hostage_manhandled" ] = %takedown_room2A_hostageA; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "execution_slamwall_hostage_manhandled_idle" ][ 0 ] = %takedown_room2A_hostageA_end_idle; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "execution_slamwall_hostage_manhandled_prepare_idle" ][ 0 ] = %takedown_room2A_hostageA_hide_idle; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "execution_slamwall_hostage_manhandled_prepare" ] = %takedown_room2A_hostageA_flee; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "execution_knife_hostage" ] = %execution_knife_hostage; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "execution_knife_hostage_death" ] = %execution_knife_hostage_death; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "execution_knife_hostage_idle" ][ 0 ] = %hostage_knees_idle; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "execution_knife_hostage_manhandled" ] = %takedown_room2B_hostageA; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "execution_knife_hostage_manhandled_idle" ][ 0 ] = %takedown_room2B_hostageA_idle; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "hostage_chair_twitch" ] = %hostage_chair_twitch; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "hostage_chair_twitch_idle" ][ 0 ] = %hostage_chair_idle; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "hostage_chair_twitch2" ] = %hostage_chair_twitch2; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "hostage_chair_twitch2_idle" ][ 0 ] = %hostage_chair_idle; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "exposed_idle_reactA" ] = %exposed_idle_reactA; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "hostage_stand_react_front" ] = %hostage_stand_react_front; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "hostage_stand_react_front_idle" ][ 0 ] = %hostage_stand_idle; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "hostage_stand_react_front_manhandled" ] = %takedown_room1Alt_hostage; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "hostage_stand_react_front_manhandled_idle" ][ 0 ] = %takedown_room1Alt_hostage_idle; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "takedown_room1B_soldier" ] = %takedown_room1B_soldier; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "takedown_room1B_soldier_idle" ][ 0 ] = %takedown_room1B_soldier_idle; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "takedown_room1A_soldier" ] = %takedown_room1A_soldier; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "takedown_room1A_soldier_idle" ][ 0 ] = %takedown_room1A_soldier_idle; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "takedown_room2A_soldier" ] = %takedown_room2A_soldier; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "takedown_room2A_soldier_idle" ][ 0 ] = %takedown_room2A_soldier_end_idle; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "takedown_room2B_soldier" ] = %takedown_room2B_soldier; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "takedown_room2B_soldier_idle" ][ 0 ] = %takedown_room2B_soldier_idle; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "takedown_room1Alt_soldier" ] = %takedown_room1Alt_soldier; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "takedown_room1Alt_soldier_idle" ][ 0 ] = %takedown_room1Alt_soldier_idle; } dialogue() { /*----------------------- TO ADD -------------------------*/ //Command The sooner we get the hostages, the sooner we can send reinforcements to take care of the SAM sites, over." oilrig_sbc_sooner Friendly breaching dialogue (all radio headset) //level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_sbc_sooner" ] = "oilrig_sbc_sooner"; /*----------------------- UNDERWATER SEQUENCE -------------------------*/ //"Sub Command: USS Indiana actual to drydock shelter. We have a go." level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_sbc_drydock" ] = "oilrig_sbc_drydock"; //"Sub Officer: Flooding DDS hangar." //level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_sbo_flooding" ] = "oilrig_sbo_flooding"; //"Sub Officer: DDS hangar flooded. Full pressure." level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_sbo_fullpressure" ] = "oilrig_sbo_fullpressure"; //"Sub Command: Begin deployment." level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_sbc_deployment" ] = "oilrig_sbc_deployment"; //"Sub Officer: Opening DDS hatch, vehicle is in position." //level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_sbo_vehicleposition" ] = "oilrig_sbo_vehicleposition"; //"Sub Officer: Team one SDV is away." level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_sbo_tm1away" ] = "oilrig_sbo_tm1away"; //"Sub Command: Team two SDV en route to objective." //level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_sbc_enroute" ] = "oilrig_sbc_enroute"; //"Sub Command: USS Dallas deploying team two. RV at the objective." level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_sbc_ussdallas" ] = "oilrig_sbc_ussdallas"; //"Sub Command: USS Indiana proceeding to overlook. Good luck." //level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_sbc_overlook" ] = "oilrig_sbc_overlook"; //"Sub Command: Team two at the objective." level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_sbc_tm2objective" ] = "oilrig_sbc_tm2objective"; //"Sub Command: Team one has reached the objective." //level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_sbc_tm1objective" ] = "oilrig_sbc_tm1objective"; //"Sub Officer: Team one in position." //level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_sbo_tm1position" ] = "oilrig_sbo_tm1position"; //"Sub Officer: Team signals A-OK." //level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_sbo_teamsignals" ] = "oilrig_sbo_teamsignals"; //"Sub Officer: Roger that." //level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_sbo_rogerthat" ] = "oilrig_sbo_rogerthat"; //"Sub Officer: Hotel-Six bearing zero-one-niner." level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_sbo_zerooneniner" ] = "oilrig_sbo_zerooneniner"; //"Sub Officer: Hotel-Six depth 26 meters." level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_sbo_depth26" ] = "oilrig_sbo_depth26"; //"Sub Officer: SDV approaching objective. 10 knots." //level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_sbo_approaching" ] = "oilrig_sbo_approaching"; //"Sub Officer: Bearing zero-one-niner, 11 knots." //level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_sbo_11knots" ] = "oilrig_sbo_11knots"; //"Sub Officer: Hotel-Six depth 20 meters." level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_sbo_depth20" ] = "oilrig_sbo_depth20"; //"Sub Officer: Depth 10 meters." //level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_sbo_depth10" ] = "oilrig_sbo_depth10"; /*----------------------- INTRO GERMAN CONVERSATION -------------------------*/ //ENEMY COMMAND (German radio): Team one patroling the perimeter. We've got two on the lower deck. //level.scr_sound[ "oilrig_enc_lowerdeck" ] = "oilrig_enc_lowerdeck"; //ENEMY COMMAND (German radio): Switch patrols at 08:00. Teams three, five and seven will return to the crew quarters on deck 3. //level.scr_sound[ "oilrig_enc_switchpatrols" ] = "oilrig_enc_switchpatrols"; //level.scr_sound[ "hostile_stealthkill_friendly" ][ "cliff_pri_pubcrawl" ] = "cliff_pri_pubcrawl"; //MERC 1 (in German): Those unfiltered pieces of shit will kill you. level.scr_sound[ "hostile_stealthkill_friendly" ][ "oilrig_mrc1_killyou" ] = "oilrig_mrc1_killyou"; //MERC 1 (in German): Alright, give me one. level.scr_sound[ "hostile_stealthkill_friendly" ][ "oilrig_mrc1_givemeone" ] = "oilrig_mrc1_givemeone"; //MERC 2 (in German): Fuck off. level.scr_sound[ "hostile_stealthkill_player" ][ "oilrig_mrc2_foff" ] = "oilrig_mrc2_foff"; //MERC 1 (in German): This sea air makes me sick. Prefered the last job. Private security in a limo all day. level.scr_sound[ "hostile_stealthkill_friendly" ][ "oilrig_mrc1_limoallday" ] = "oilrig_mrc1_limoallday"; //MERC 2 (in German): You complain too much. level.scr_sound[ "hostile_stealthkill_player" ][ "oilrig_mrc2_complain" ] = "oilrig_mrc2_complain"; //MERC 1 (in German): yeah, well, not as much as the Italians. Who hired those lazy fucks anyways? Did you see that one guy the other day? Didn't even know how to clean his gun. level.scr_sound[ "hostile_stealthkill_friendly" ][ "oilrig_mrc1_theitalians" ] = "oilrig_mrc1_theitalians"; //MERC 1 (in German): Yeah, too much spent on gear but no clue how to use it. level.scr_sound[ "hostile_stealthkill_player" ][ "oilrig_mrc2_noclue" ] = "oilrig_mrc2_noclue"; //You know what they call a cheesburger in Russian? level.scr_sound[ "hostile_stealthkill_friendly" ][ "oilrig_mrc1_cheeseburger" ] = "oilrig_mrc1_cheeseburger"; //You've got to be kidding me. You think this is a Tarantino movie or something? level.scr_sound[ "hostile_stealthkill_player" ][ "oilrig_mrc2_tarantino" ] = "oilrig_mrc2_tarantino"; //(laughs) Alright, well at least the Russians pay well. I was hesitant to take the job till I saw the bottom line. I don't know where their financing comes from, but I don't really care either. Still...they're pretty damn secretive. level.scr_sound[ "hostile_stealthkill_friendly" ][ "oilrig_mrc1_paywell" ] = "oilrig_mrc1_paywell"; //As long as I get paid, I could care less. They can be as secretive as they like. It's none of my business what their politics are. level.scr_sound[ "hostile_stealthkill_player" ][ "oilrig_mrc2_careless" ] = "oilrig_mrc2_careless"; //(YAWNS) How much longer until the patrol changes. I've gotta take a piss. level.scr_sound[ "hostile_stealthkill_friendly" ][ "oilrig_mrc1_patrolchange" ] = "oilrig_mrc1_patrolchange"; //***Merc 1 The Americans have a new kind of scanning device that detects movement. It attaches to their rifles. russian - Not in combat, deadpan. level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_mrc3_cheeseburger" ] = "oilrig_mrc3_cheeseburger"; //***Merc 2 Hmph. Americans and their toys. You can't replace training and fighting spirit with mere gadgets. The new Russian President thinks the same way as the Americans. It's disgraceful. russian - Conversational, calm, unsuspecting level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_mrc2_tarantino" ] = "oilrig_mrc2_tarantino"; //***Merc 1 Agreed. But it is still a cause for concern. Makarov is offering a bounty for the capture of one of these devices. level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_mrc1_paywell" ] = "oilrig_mrc1_paywell"; //***Merc 2 If such a device exists, then we're going to be cannon fodder - they'll kill us before we even realize what's happening. level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_mrc2_careless" ] = "oilrig_mrc2_careless"; //***Merc 1 True, but the metal in this structure supposedly causes interference for this motion detector, which gives us some chance to fight back level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_mrc1_patrolchange" ] = "oilrig_mrc1_patrolchange"; /*----------------------- INTRO STEALTH KILL DIALOGUE -------------------------*/ //In position. Let's take them out together. On your go. level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_nsl_outtogether_00" ] = "oilrig_nsl_outtogether"; //We'll take them out at the same time...on your go. level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_nsl_outtogether_01" ] = "oilrig_nsl_sametime"; //We'll take them both out...on your go. level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_nsl_outtogether_02" ] = "oilrig_nsl_bothout"; //In position...on your go. level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_nsl_outtogether_03" ] = "oilrig_nsl_inposition"; /*----------------------- INTRO STEALTH KILL FINISHED DIALOGUE -------------------------*/ //SEAL LEADER (radio): Two hostiles down in section 1-alpha. Moving up to section 2. level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_nsl_sect1alpha" ] = "oilrig_nsl_sect1alpha"; //"Sub Command: Roger that, Hotel Six." //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_sbc_rogerhtlsix" ); level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_sbc_rogerhtlsix" ] = "oilrig_sbc_rogerhtlsix"; //"Navy Seal 1: Got a visual by the railing." level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_ns1_visbyrailing" ] = "oilrig_ns1_visbyrailing"; //SEAL LEADER (radio): Free to engage. Suppressed weapons only. level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_nsl_suppweapons" ] = "oilrig_nsl_suppweapons"; /*----------------------- UP THE STAIRS AMPED UP -------------------------*/ //Cpt. MacTavish Ready weapons. level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_nsl_readyweapons" ] = "oilrig_nsl_readyweapons"; //Cpt. MacTavish Move up. stealthy, commanding level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_nsl_moveup2" ] = "oilrig_nsl_moveup2"; //Cpt. MacTavish Keep it tight people. stealthy, commanding level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_nsl_keepittight" ] = "oilrig_nsl_keepittight"; //Cpt. MacTavish Eyes open. Watch your sectors. stealthy, commanding level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_nsl_eyesopen" ] = "oilrig_nsl_eyesopen"; //Cpt. MacTavish Get ready. stealthy, commanding level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_nsl_getready" ] = "oilrig_nsl_getready"; /*----------------------- BREACHING DIALOGUE -------------------------*/ //"Sub Command: Civilian hostages hostages at your position, watch your fire." //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_sbc_civilhostages" ); level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_sbc_civilhostages" ] = "oilrig_sbc_civilhostages"; //SEAL COMMANDER (radio): Roger that. Team one moving to breach. //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_nsl_tm1tobreach" ); level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_nsl_tm1tobreach" ] = "oilrig_nsl_tm1tobreach"; //SEAL COMMANDER (radio): Get a frame charge on the door. We'll hit the room from both sides. //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_nsl_framecharge" ); level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_nsl_framecharge" ] = "oilrig_nsl_framecharge"; //"Seal Leader: Get a charge on the door. We'll breach from both sides." //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_nsl_chargeondoor" ); level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_nsl_chargeondoor" ] = "oilrig_nsl_chargeondoor"; //"Seal Leader: Blow the doors. We'll hit them from both sides." //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_nsl_blowdoors" ); level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_nsl_blowdoors" ] = "oilrig_nsl_blowdoors"; //"Seal Leader: Get into position." level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_nsl_intopostion" ] = "oilrig_nsl_intopostion"; //SEAL COMMANDER (radio): Get a frame charge on the door. We'll hit the room from both sides. //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_nsl_framecharge" ); level.scr_radio[ "breach_nag_00" ] = "oilrig_nsl_framecharge"; //"Seal Leader: Get a charge on the door. We'll breach from both sides." //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_nsl_chargeondoor" ); level.scr_radio[ "breach_nag_01" ] = "oilrig_nsl_chargeondoor"; //"Seal Leader: Blow the doors. We'll hit them from both sides." //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_nsl_blowdoors" ); level.scr_radio[ "breach_nag_02" ] = "oilrig_nsl_blowdoors"; //"Seal Leader: Get into position." level.scr_radio[ "breach_nag_03" ] = "oilrig_nsl_intopostion"; //"Navy Seal 1: In position." //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_ns1_inposition" ); level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_ns1_inposition" ] = "oilrig_ns1_inposition"; //"Navy Seal 2: In position." //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_ns2_inposition" ); level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_ns2_inposition" ] = "oilrig_ns2_inposition"; //"Navy Seal 1: Ready to breach." //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_ns1_readybreach" ); level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_ns1_readybreach" ] = "oilrig_ns1_readybreach"; //"Navy Seal 2: Ready to breach." //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_ns2_readybreach" ); level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_ns2_readybreach" ] = "oilrig_ns2_readybreach"; //"Navy Seal 1: In position to breach." //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_ns1_inposbreach" ); level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_ns1_inposbreach" ] = "oilrig_ns1_inposbreach"; //"Navy Seal 2: In position to breach." //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_ns2_inposbreach" ); level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_ns2_inposbreach" ] = "oilrig_ns2_inposbreach"; //"Navy Seal 1: Breaching." //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_ns1_breaching" ); level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_ns1_breaching" ] = "oilrig_ns1_breaching"; //"Navy Seal 2: Breaching." //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_ns2_breaching" ); level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_ns2_breaching" ] = "oilrig_ns2_breaching"; //"Navy Seal 1: Planting charge." //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_ns1_plantingcharge" ); level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_ns1_plantingcharge" ] = "oilrig_ns1_plantingcharge"; //SEAL 2 (radio): planting charge //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_ns2_plantingcharge" ); level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_ns2_plantingcharge" ] = "oilrig_ns2_plantingcharge"; //SEAL 1 (radio): planting frame charge //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_ns1_plantfrmcharge" ); level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_ns1_plantfrmcharge" ] = "oilrig_ns1_plantfrmcharge"; //SEAL 2 (radio): planting frame charge //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_ns2_plantfrmcharge" ); level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_ns2_plantfrmcharge" ] = "oilrig_ns2_plantfrmcharge"; //"Navy Seal 1: Watch your field of fire." //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_ns1_watchfieldfire" ); level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_ns1_watchfieldfire" ] = "oilrig_ns1_watchfieldfire"; //"Navy Seal 2: Check your targets. We've got civilians here." //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_ns2_checktargets" ); level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_ns2_checktargets" ] = "oilrig_ns2_checktargets"; //"Navy Seal 1: On my mark...go!" //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_ns1_onmarkgo" ); level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_ns1_onmarkgo" ] = "oilrig_ns1_onmarkgo"; //"Navy Seal 1: On my mark..." //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_ns1_onmymark" ); level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_ns1_onmymark" ] = "oilrig_ns1_onmymark"; //"Navy Seal 1: Go!" //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_ns1_go" ); level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_ns1_go" ] = "oilrig_ns1_go"; //"Navy Seal 2: On my mark...go!" //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_ns2_onmarkgo" ); level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_ns2_onmarkgo" ] = "oilrig_ns2_onmarkgo"; //"Navy Seal 2: On my mark..." //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_ns2_onmymark" ); level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_ns2_onmymark" ] = "oilrig_ns2_onmymark"; //"Navy Seal 2: Go!" //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_ns2_go" ); level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_ns2_go" ] = "oilrig_ns2_go"; //"Navy Seal 1: Breaching. Watch your fire." //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_ns1_breachwatchfire" ); level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_ns1_breachwatchfire" ] = "oilrig_ns1_breachwatchfire"; //"Navy Seal 2: Breaching. Check your targets." //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_ns2_breachchecktarg" ); level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_ns2_breachchecktarg" ] = "oilrig_ns2_breachchecktarg"; //"Ghost: We're clear." //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_ns1_wereclear" ); level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_roomclear_ghost_00" ] = "oilrig_ns1_wereclear"; //"Ghost: Room clear." //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_ns1_roomclear" ); level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_roomclear_ghost_01" ] = "oilrig_ns1_roomclear"; //"Ghost: Clear." //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_ns1_clear" ); level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_roomclear_ghost_02" ] = "oilrig_ns1_clear"; //"Ghost: We're clear." //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_ns2_wereclear" ); level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_roomclear_ghost_03" ] = "oilrig_ns2_wereclear"; //"Ghost: Room clear." //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_ns2_roomclear" ); level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_roomclear_ghost_04" ] = "oilrig_ns2_roomclear"; //"Ghost: Clear." level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_roomclear_ghost_05" ] = "oilrig_ns2_clear"; //MacTavish 6 31 We're clear. level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_nsl_wereclear" ] = "oilrig_nsl_wereclear"; //MacTavish 6 32 Room clear. level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_nsl_roomclear" ] = "oilrig_nsl_roomclear"; //MacTavish 6 33 Clear. level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_nsl_clear" ] = "oilrig_nsl_clear"; //"Seal Leader: Precious cargo secured in section 2-echo." //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_nsl_preciouscargo" ); level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_hostsec_00" ] = "oilrig_nsl_preciouscargo"; //"Seal Leader: Hostages secure in section 2-echo." //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_nsl_hostsec" ); level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_hostsec_01" ] = "oilrig_nsl_hostsec"; //"Seal Leader: Packages secured in section 2-echo." //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_nsl_packsec" ); //level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_hostsec_02" ] = "oilrig_nsl_packsec"; //"Sub Command: Roger that Hotel Six, Team 2 will secure and evac, continue your search topside." //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_sbc_secandevac" ); level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_sbc_secandevac" ] = "oilrig_sbc_secandevac"; //HOSTAGE 1: Thank God you're here. They won't tell us what they want. Speak about 5 different languages between them. level.scr_sound[ "generic" ][ "oilrig_hst1_5lang" ] = "oilrig_hst1_5lang"; level.scr_sound[ "generic" ][ "oilrig_hst1_5lang2" ] = "oilrig_hst1_5lang2"; /*----------------------- NAGS TO MOVE FROM BREACH 1 TO 2 -------------------------*/ //***Cpt. MacTavish All teams move out. //level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_deck2_movenag_00" ] = "oilrig_nsl_allteamsmove"; //***Cpt. MacTavish Let's go. We're oscar mike - moving to deck 2. //level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_deck2_movenag_00" ] = "oilrig_nsl_oscarmdeck2"; //***Cpt. MacTavish Ok, move upstairs. Control - we're advancing to deck two. stealthy, commanding level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_deck2_movenag_start" ] = "oilrig_nsl_moveupstairs"; //***Cpt. MacTavish Move up to deck 2 and watch your sectors. level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_deck2_movenag_00" ] = "oilrig_nsl_watchsectors"; //***Cpt. MacTavish Moving to deck two. stealthy, commanding level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_deck2_movenag_01" ] = "oilrig_nsl_deck2"; //***Cpt. MacTavish Let's move - we've got more hostages on the upper decks. stealthy, commanding level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_deck2_movenag_02" ] = "oilrig_nsl_letsmove"; /*----------------------- MANHANDLER NAGS TO MOVE FROM BREACH 1 TO 2 -------------------------*/ //***Robot Get topside, we got this area covered. //level.scr_radio[ "room1_manhandler_nag_01" ] = "oilrig_ns2_regrouptopside"; level.scr_radio[ "room1_manhandler_nag_00" ] = "oilrig_ns2_gettopside"; //***Zach We've got these hostages covered. Regroup with the rest of the team topside. level.scr_radio[ "room1_manhandler_nag_01" ] = "oilrig_ns2_regrouptopside"; //***Zach We got this area covered. Move up to deck 2 with your team. level.scr_radio[ "room1_manhandler_nag_03" ] = "oilrig_ns2_moveup"; //***Robot 4Roach, get moving topside, this area is secure. level.scr_radio[ "room1_manhandler_nag_02" ] = "oilrig_ns2_getmoving"; /*----------------------- MOVING TO OUTER DECKS -------------------------*/ //"Sub Command: Enemy helo patroling the perimeter. Keep a low profile, Hotel Six." //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_sbc_lowprofile" ); level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_sbc_lowprofile" ] = "oilrig_sbc_lowprofile"; //"Seal Leader: Roger that." //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_nsl_rogerthat" ); level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_nsl_rogerthat" ] = "oilrig_nsl_rogerthat"; //"Navy Seal 1: Helo approaching. Get down." //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_ns1_heloapproach" ); level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_heloapproach_00" ] = "oilrig_ns1_heloapproach"; //"Navy Seal 2: Enemy helo. Get down." //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_ns2_helogetdown" ); level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_heloapproach_01" ] = "oilrig_ns2_helogetdown"; //"Navy Seal 1: Chopper inbound, keep low." //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_ns1_chopperinbound" ); level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_heloapproach_02" ] = "oilrig_ns1_chopperinbound"; //"Seal Leader: Enemy helo, get out of sight." //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_nsl_getouttasight" ); level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_heloapproach_03" ] = "oilrig_nsl_getouttasight"; //"Seal Leader: Ok, move." //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_nsl_okmove" ); level.scr_radio[ "dialogue_heli_all_clear_00" ] = "oilrig_nsl_okmove"; //"Seal Leader: Move." //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_nsl_move" ); level.scr_radio[ "dialogue_heli_all_clear_01" ] = "oilrig_nsl_move"; //"Seal Leader: All clear, move up." //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_nsl_allcealmove" ); level.scr_radio[ "dialogue_heli_all_clear_02" ] = "oilrig_nsl_allclearmove"; //"Seal Leader: We've been spotted." //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_nsl_beenspotted" ); level.scr_radio[ "dialogue_heli_spotted_00" ] = "oilrig_nsl_beenspotted"; //"Seal Leader: We've been compromised." //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_nsl_compsomised" ); level.scr_radio[ "dialogue_heli_spotted_01" ] = "oilrig_nsl_compsomised"; //"Seal Leader: We've been detected." //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_nsl_detected" ); level.scr_radio[ "dialogue_heli_spotted_03" ] = "oilrig_nsl_detected"; /*----------------------- AMBUSH SEQUENCE -------------------------*/ //"Sub Command: Hotel Six, The remaining hostages are at your position." level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_sbc_hostatposition" ] = "oilrig_sbc_hostatposition"; //"Seal Leader: Copy that." //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_nsl_copythat" ); level.scr_sound[ "soap" ][ "oilrig_nsl_copythat" ] = "oilrig_nsl_copythat"; level.scr_face[ "soap" ][ "oilrig_nsl_copythat" ] = %oilrig_nsl_copythat; //"Seal Leader: Control, all hostages in stronghold secured..." //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_nsl_strongholdsec" ); level.scr_sound[ "soap" ][ "oilrig_nsl_strongholdsec" ] = "oilrig_nsl_strongholdsec"; level.scr_face[ "soap" ][ "oilrig_nsl_strongholdsec" ] = %oilrig_nsl_strongholdsec; //"Navy Seal 1: Sir, I think we're going to have company..." //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_ns1_havecompany" ); level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_ns1_havecompany" ] = "oilrig_ns1_havecompany"; //ENEMY RADIO: (In German) Maerhoffer, come in. Please respond. (In accented English) Maerhoffer, are you there? Pleae respond. We're sending a team down. //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_enc_maerhoffer" ); level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_enc_maerhoffer" ] = "oilrig_enc_maerhoffer"; //ENEMY RADIO: (In German) Team 5 this is central, come in. (In accented English) Team 5, this is command, please respond. We're sending a team down to your position. //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_enc_team5" ); level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_enc_team5" ] = "oilrig_enc_team5"; //"Seal Leader: Alright. Get some C4 on those bodies. We're going loud." //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_nsl_goingloud" ); level.scr_sound[ "soap" ][ "oilrig_nsl_goingloud" ] = "oilrig_nsl_goingloud"; level.scr_face[ "soap" ][ "oilrig_nsl_goingloud" ] = %oilrig_nsl_goingloud; //"Seal Leader: Plant C4 on the bodies. The patrol will be here any minute." //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_nsl_plantc4" ); level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_nsl_plantc4" ] = "oilrig_nsl_plantc4"; //"Seal Leader: Get C4 on those bodies ASAP. We don't have much time." //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_nsl_donthavetime" ); level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_nsl_donthavetime" ] = "oilrig_nsl_donthavetime"; //"Navy Seal 1: Charges planted. They're in for a surprise when they find these bodies." //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_ns1_forasurprise" ); level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_ns1_forasurprise" ] = "oilrig_ns1_forasurprise"; //"Navy Seal 2: C4 placed, sir." //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_ns2_c4placed" ); level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_ns2_c4placed" ] = "oilrig_ns2_c4placed"; //"Seal Leader: Get to an elevated position. We'll ambush them when they discover the bodies." //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_nsl_ambushthem" ); level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_nsl_ambushthem" ] = "oilrig_nsl_ambushthem"; //"Seal Leader: We've got to set up an ambush. Get to an elevated position and wait." //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_nsl_elevatedposwait" ); level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_nsl_elevatedposwait" ] = "oilrig_nsl_elevatedposwait"; //"Seal Leader: There's the patrol. Hold fire until they find the bodies." level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_nsl_holdfire" ] = "oilrig_nsl_holdfire"; //"Seal Leader: Standby..." level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_nsl_standby1" ] = "oilrig_nsl_standby1"; //"Seal Leader: Standby..." level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_nsl_standby2" ] = "oilrig_nsl_standby2"; //MERC 3 (IN GERMAN): Alarm! We've got a man down! (IN ACCENTED ENGLISH) Sound the alarm! We've got men down!!! level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_mrc3_alarm" ] = "oilrig_mrc3_alarm"; //level.scr_sound[ "generic" ]["oilrig_mrc3_alarm"] = "oilrig_mrc3_alarm"; //"Seal Leader: Do it." level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_nsl_doit" ] = "oilrig_nsl_doit"; /*----------------------- BALLS OUT START -------------------------*/ //"Seal Leader: Control, this is Hotel Six, all hostages secured, but our cover is blown." level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_nsl_coverblown" ] = "oilrig_nsl_coverblown"; //"Sub Command: Copy that, intel still indicates hostages and possible explosives on the top deck. //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_sbc_possibleexpl" ); level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_sbc_possibleexpl" ] = "oilrig_sbc_possibleexpl"; //Sub Command 7 Your team needs to secure that location before we can send in reinforcements to handle the SAM sites, over. level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_sbc_secthatloc" ] = "oilrig_sbc_secthatloc"; //"Seal Leader: Roger that. Will call in for exfil at LZ bravo." level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_nsl_callforexfil" ] = "oilrig_nsl_callforexfil"; //"Seal Leader: Move up." //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_nsl_moveup" ); level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_nsl_moveup" ] = "oilrig_nsl_moveup"; //"Seal Leader: Move." //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_nsl_move2" ); level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_nsl_move2" ] = "oilrig_nsl_move2"; //Cpt. MacTavish CentCom needs us to take the top deck ASAP so they can send in the Marines. Move. level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_nsl_centcom" ] = "oilrig_nsl_centcom"; /*----------------------- STAIRS TO DECK 2 -------------------------*/ //"Sub Command: Hotel Six, hostages from lower decks are being extracted by Team 2. Proceed to the top deck ASAP to secure the rest, over." //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_sbc_gettolz" ); level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_sbc_gettolz" ] = "oilrig_sbc_gettolz"; //"Seal Leader: Copy that." //radio_dialogue( "oilrig_nsl_copythat2" ); level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_nsl_copythat2" ] = "oilrig_nsl_copythat2"; /*----------------------- HELICPTER ALERT -------------------------*/ //Peasant 7 1 Enemy helicopter! Get down get down! oilrig_ns1_getdown Under heavy fire, surprised, shouting level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_ambush_helo_alert_00" ] = "oilrig_ns1_getdown"; //Cherub 7 2 Enemy helo! Take cover! oilrig_ns2_enemyhelo Under heavy fire, surprised, shouting level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_ambush_helo_alert_01" ] = "oilrig_ns2_enemyhelo"; //Peasant 7 3 Attack heli 12 o'clock, find some cover! oilrig_ns1_attackheli Under heavy fire, surprised, shouting level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_ambush_helo_alert_02" ] = "oilrig_ns1_attackheli"; /*----------------------- FLANKING DIALOGUE (HALLWAYS/STAIRS) -------------------------*/ //***Cpt. MacTavish Split up. We can flank through these hallways. level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_nsl_splitup" ] = "oilrig_nsl_splitup"; //***Cpt. MacTavish Fan out and flank them. level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_nsl_outflank" ] = "oilrig_nsl_outflank"; /*----------------------- MCTAVISH LEADS THE WAY -------------------------*/ //Cpt. MacTavish The clock's ticking. We need to get topside and secure any remaining hostages before we call in the Marines. level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_nsl_clocksticking" ] = "oilrig_nsl_clocksticking"; //Cpt. MacTavish Let's go! Those hostages aren't going to rescue themselves. level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_nsl_rescuethemselves" ] = "oilrig_nsl_rescuethemselves"; /*----------------------- HELICOPTER NAGS (WITHOUT ROCKET) -------------------------*/ //Seal Leader Find some heavy ordinance to take down that bird. level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_nsl_takeoutbird_00" ] = "oilrig_nsl_takeoutbird1"; //Seal Leader Take out that chopper. Look for some rockets. level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_nsl_takeoutbird_01" ] = "oilrig_nsl_takeoutbird2"; //Seal Leader That helo is pinning us down. Take it out with some rockets level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_nsl_takeoutbird_02" ] = "oilrig_nsl_takeoutbird3"; //Seal Leader We're getting shredded by that Littlebird. Look for some RPGs or rockets and take it down. level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_nsl_takeoutbird_03" ] = "oilrig_nsl_takeoutbird4"; //Seal Leader We've gotta neutralize that Littlebird. Keep an eye out for any heavy artillery and take it out. level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_nsl_takeoutbird_04" ] = "oilrig_nsl_takeoutbird5"; /*----------------------- HELICOPTER NAGS (WITH ROCKET) -------------------------*/ //Bring down that Littlebird, it's got us pinned. level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_nsl_takeoutbird_withrocket_00" ] = "oilrig_nsl_takeoutbird6"; //Take out that helo, use your heavy weapons. level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_nsl_takeoutbird_withrocket_01" ] = "oilrig_nsl_takeoutbird7"; //That helo is killing us, take it down. level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_nsl_takeoutbird_withrocket_02" ] = "oilrig_nsl_takeoutbird8"; //I want heavy weapons fire on that chopper NOW. level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_nsl_takeoutbird_withrocket_03" ] = "oilrig_nsl_takeoutbird9"; /*----------------------- FRIENDLIES FIRING MISSILES -------------------------*/ //Firing AT4. level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_ns2_fireat4_00" ] = "oilrig_ns2_fireat4"; //Firing missile. level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_ns2_fireat4_01" ] = "oilrig_ns3_firemissile"; //I can't get a clear shot. level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_ns2_fireat4_02" ] = "oilrig_ns2_clearshot"; /*----------------------- THERMAL -------------------------*/ //Cpt. MacTavish All teams be advised: these guys are a step up - they're using thermal optics to see through the smoke. level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_use_thermal_00" ] = "oilrig_nsl_seethrusmoke"; //Cpt. MacTavish These guys have thermal optics. Stay clear of the smoke. oilrig_nsl_gettarget tense, aggressive, breathing, under fire level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_use_thermal_01" ] = "oilrig_nsl_gettarget"; //Cpt. MacTavish If you've got thermal sights, now would be a good time! oilrig_nsl_pickoff tense, aggressive, under fire, a bit sarcastic level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_find_thermal_00" ] = "oilrig_nsl_pickoff"; //Enemies are using thermal optics...Switching to thermal scope… level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_find_thermal_01" ] = "oilrig_ns3_switching"; /*----------------------- APPROACHING DECK 3 DERRICK ROOM -------------------------*/ //Sub Command Hotel Six, be advised, hostages have been confirmed at your location along with possible explosives, over. Intense, military orders level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_sbc_hostconfirmed" ] = "oilrig_sbc_hostconfirmed"; //Cpt. MacTavish Copy that. All teams check your fire - we don't know what's behind these doors. Intense, military orders level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_nsl_behinddoors" ] = "oilrig_nsl_behinddoors"; /*----------------------- HELICOPTER ATTABOYS -------------------------*/ //Robot Nice shooting Roach. oilrig_ns3_tacoman Calm level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_heli_grats_00" ] = "oilrig_ns2_tacoman"; //Cherub Nice shot, Roach. oilrig_ns2_tacoman Calm level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_heli_grats_01" ] = "oilrig_ns3_tacoman"; //Seal 2 Enemy helo down. Good shot. level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_heli_grats_02" ] = "oilrig_ns2_goodshot"; //Seal 3 Littlebird has been neutralized. level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_heli_grats_03" ] = "oilrig_ns3_lbneutralized"; //Seal 2 Nice work. level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_heli_grats_04" ] = "oilrig_ns2_nicework"; //Seal 3 That helo is history. Nice shot. level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_heli_grats_05" ] = "oilrig_ns3_niceshot"; /*----------------------- FUEL TANKS -------------------------*/ //XXX TO IMPLEMENT //Aim for those fuel tanks. level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_fueltanks_00" ] = "oilrig_ns3_aimfueltanks"; //XXX TO IMPLEMENT //Shoot the fuel tanks. level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_fueltanks_01" ] = "oilrig_ns2_shoottanks"; //XXX TO IMPLEMENT //Aim for the fuel storage tanks. level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_fueltanks_02" ] = "oilrig_ns3_aimfuelstorage"; //XXX TO IMPLEMENT //Put some fire on those fuel storage tanks. level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_fueltanks_03" ] = "oilrig_nsl_firefuelstorage"; /*----------------------- ENEMY POPPING SMOKE -------------------------*/ // //Seal 2 They're popping smoke. oilrig_ns2_popsmoke level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_enemy_smoke_00" ] = "oilrig_ns2_popsmoke"; // // //Seal 2 Smokescreen. level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_enemy_smoke_01" ] = "oilrig_ns2_smokescreen"; // // //Seal 3 Enemy is popping smoke. level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_enemy_smoke_02" ] = "oilrig_ns3_enempop"; // // //Seal 3 They're throwing up a smokescreen. level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_enemy_smoke_03" ] = "oilrig_ns3_smokescreen"; // //Seal 2 Hostiles are popping smoke. level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_enemy_smoke_04" ] = "oilrig_ns2_hostpopsmoke"; /*----------------------- END OF LEVEL -------------------------*/ //***Cpt. MacTavish Control, all hostages have been secured. I repeat - all hostages secured. Proceeding to LZ Bravo, over. level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_nsl_allhostsec" ] = "oilrig_nsl_allhostsec"; //***Sub Command Good job, Hotel Six. Marine reinforcements are inserting now to dismantle the SAM sites. Get your team ready for phase two of the operation. Out. level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_sbc_phase2" ] = "oilrig_sbc_phase2"; /*----------------------- RADIO FLAVOR -------------------------*/ //***Marine HQ Hunter Two-Two, this is Punisher Actual. GOPLAT secure. All EOD teams are cleared for landing. level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_rmv_goplat" ] = "oilrig_rmv_goplat"; //***Marine 1 Roger Punisher, Hunter Two-Two copies all. military monotone, background flavor dialogue level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_gm1_copies" ] = "oilrig_gm1_copies"; //***F-15 Pilot Punisher this is Phoenix One-One, flight of two F-15s en route to grid 257221 for SEAD mission, requesting sitrep over level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_f15_twof15s" ] = "oilrig_f15_twof15s"; //***Marine HQ Phoenix One-One, Punisher. Blue sky, I repeat blue sky. Come to heading two-four-zero and continue on course to target area. Good hunting. Over. level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_rmv_bluesky" ] = "oilrig_rmv_bluesky"; //***F-15 Pilot Phoenix One-One copies. Out. level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_f15_copies" ] = "oilrig_f15_copies"; //***Marine HQ Punisher to all flights in vicinity of grid 255202, local airspace is secure. I repeat, local airspace is secure. Proceed on course to target area along Route November Two. level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_rmv_localairspace" ] = "oilrig_rmv_localairspace"; //***Marine 1 Punisher this Hunter Actual. Hunter Two-Two is moving to secure the SAM site at the southwest corner of main deck. Hunter Two-Three is proceeding towards the derrick building to disarm the explosives. level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_gm1_hunteractual" ] = "oilrig_gm1_hunteractual"; //***Marine HQ Punisher copies all. We have eyes on two-two. They are arriving at the southwest SAM site… standby… standby…Site is secure, repeat site is secure. level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_rmv_standby" ] = "oilrig_rmv_standby"; //***Marine HQ Punisher Actual to all strike teams - all SAM sites neutralized, repeat, all SAM sites have been neutralized. Blue sky in effect. level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_rmv_samsitesneut" ] = "oilrig_rmv_samsitesneut"; /*----------------------- MARINES SECURING SITES -------------------------*/ //Marine 1 I want these SAMs secure in five! Let's go! Move move! level.scr_sound[ "oilrig_gm1_samssecure" ] = "oilrig_gm1_samssecure"; /*----------------------- MERC BREACH DIALOGUE -------------------------*/ //Merc 3 KILL THE HOSTAGES!!! level.scr_sound[ "oilrig_mrc_killhostages_room_100_00" ] = "oilrig_mrc3_killhostages2"; //Merc 2 INTRUDERS!!!! FIRE!!! level.scr_sound[ "oilrig_mrc_killhostages_room_100_01" ] = "oilrig_mrc2_intruders"; //Merc 4 EXECUTE THEM! KILL THEM ALL! level.scr_sound[ "oilrig_mrc_killhostages_room_200_00" ] = "oilrig_mrc4_executethem"; //Merc 1 KILL THEM!!! level.scr_sound[ "oilrig_mrc_killhostages_room_200_01" ] = "oilrig_mrc1_killthem"; /*----------------------- MERC AMBIENT COMM CHATTER -------------------------*/ //moving in level.scr_sound[ "oilrig_merc_chatter_00" ] = "oilrig_mrc1_movingin"; //watch my back level.scr_sound[ "oilrig_merc_chatter_01" ] = "oilrig_mrc1_watchmyback"; //team is moving in level.scr_sound[ "oilrig_merc_chatter_02" ] = "oilrig_mrc1_teammoving"; //standby level.scr_sound[ "oilrig_merc_chatter_03" ] = "oilrig_mrc1_standby"; //on me level.scr_sound[ "oilrig_merc_chatter_04" ] = "oilrig_mrc1_onme"; //take point level.scr_sound[ "oilrig_merc_chatter_05" ] = "oilrig_mrc1_takepoint"; //watch your corners level.scr_sound[ "oilrig_merc_chatter_06" ] = "oilrig_mrc1_watchcorners"; //Moving in. level.scr_sound[ "oilrig_merc_chatter_07" ] = "oilrig_mrc2_movingin"; //Watch my back. level.scr_sound[ "oilrig_merc_chatter_08" ] = "oilrig_mrc2_watchmyback"; //Team is moving in. level.scr_sound[ "oilrig_merc_chatter_09" ] = "oilrig_mrc2_teammoving"; //Standby. level.scr_sound[ "oilrig_merc_chatter_10" ] = "oilrig_mrc2_standby"; //On me. level.scr_sound[ "oilrig_merc_chatter_11" ] = "oilrig_mrc2_onme"; //Take point. level.scr_sound[ "oilrig_merc_chatter_12" ] = "oilrig_mrc2_takepoint"; //Watch your corners. level.scr_sound[ "oilrig_merc_chatter_13" ] = "oilrig_mrc2_watchcorners"; //Moving in. level.scr_sound[ "oilrig_merc_chatter_14" ] = "oilrig_mrc3_movingin"; //Watch my back. level.scr_sound[ "oilrig_merc_chatter_15" ] = "oilrig_mrc3_watchmyback"; //Team is moving in. level.scr_sound[ "oilrig_merc_chatter_16" ] = "oilrig_mrc3_teammoving"; //Standby. level.scr_sound[ "oilrig_merc_chatter_17" ] = "oilrig_mrc3_standby"; //On me. level.scr_sound[ "oilrig_merc_chatter_18" ] = "oilrig_mrc3_onme"; //Take point. level.scr_sound[ "oilrig_merc_chatter_19" ] = "oilrig_mrc3_takepoint"; //Watch your corners. level.scr_sound[ "oilrig_merc_chatter_20" ] = "oilrig_mrc3_watchcorners"; /*----------------------- NOT USED -------------------------*/ // Peasant 11 "In position." oilrig_ns1_inposition Friendly breaching dialogue (all radio headset) SUBTITLE_OILRIG_NS1_INPOSITION // Cherub 12 "In position." oilrig_ns2_inposition Friendly breaching dialogue (all radio headset) SUBTITLE_OILRIG_NS2_INPOSITION // Peasant "Ready to breach." oilrig_ns1_readybreach Friendly breaching dialogue (all radio headset) SUBTITLE_OILRIG_NS1_READYBREACH // Cherub 1"Ready to breach." oilrig_ns2_readybreach Friendly breaching dialogue (all radio headset) SUBTITLE_OILRIG_NS2_READYBREACH // Peasant 15 "In position for breach." oilrig_ns1_inposbreach Friendly breaching dialogue (all radio headset) SUBTITLE_OILRIG_NS1_INPOSBREACH // Cherub 1"In position for breach." oilrig_ns2_inposbreach Friendly breaching dialogue (all radio headset) SUBTITLE_OILRIG_NS2_INPOSBREACH // 4Peasant "Breaching." oilrig_ns1_breaching Friendly breaching dialogue (all radio headset) SUBTITLE_OILRIG_NS1_BREACHING // Cherub 18 "Breaching." oilrig_ns2_breaching Friendly breaching dialogue (all radio headset) SUBTITLE_OILRIG_NS2_BREACHING // Peasant 1"Planting charge." oilrig_ns1_plantingcharge Friendly breaching dialogue (all radio headset) SUBTITLE_OILRIG_NS1_PLANTINGCHARGE // Cherub 20 "Planting charge." oilrig_ns2_plantingcharge Friendly breaching dialogue (all radio headset) SUBTITLE_OILRIG_NS2_PLANTINGCHARGE // Peasant 21 "Planting frame charge." oilrig_ns1_plantfrmcharge Friendly breaching dialogue (all radio headset) SUBTITLE_OILRIG_NS1_PLANTFRMCHARGE // Cherub 22 "Planting frame charge." oilrig_ns2_plantfrmcharge Friendly breaching dialogue (all radio headset) SUBTITLE_OILRIG_NS2_PLANTFRMCHARGE // Peasant 23 "Watch your field of fire." oilrig_ns1_watchfieldfire Friendly breaching dialogue (all radio headset) SUBTITLE_OILRIG_NS1_WATCHFIELDFIRE // Cherub 2"Check your targets. We've got civilians here." oilrig_ns2_checktargets Friendly breaching dialogue (all radio headset) SUBTITLE_OILRIG_NS2_CHECKTARGETS // Peasant 25 "On my mark...go!" oilrig_ns1_onmarkgo Friendly breaching dialogue (all radio headset) SUBTITLE_OILRIG_NS1_ONMARKGO // Peasant 2"On my mark..." oilrig_ns1_onmymark Friendly breaching dialogue (all radio headset) SUBTITLE_OILRIG_NS1_ONMYMARK // Peasant 27 "Go!" oilrig_ns1_go Friendly breaching dialogue (all radio headset) SUBTITLE_OILRIG_NS1_GO // Cherub 28 "On my mark...go!" oilrig_ns2_onmarkgo Friendly breaching dialogue (all radio headset) SUBTITLE_OILRIG_NS2_ONMARKGO // Cherub 2"On my mark..." oilrig_ns2_onmymark Friendly breaching dialogue (all radio headset) SUBTITLE_OILRIG_NS2_ONMYMARK // Cherub "Go!" oilrig_ns2_go Friendly breaching dialogue (all radio headset) SUBTITLE_OILRIG_NS2_GO // 5Peasant "Breaching. Watch your fire." oilrig_ns1_breachwatchfire Friendly breaching dialogue (all radio headset) SUBTITLE_OILRIG_NS1_BREACHWATCHFIRE // Cherub "Breaching. Check your targets." oilrig_ns2_breachchecktarg Friendly breaching dialogue (all radio headset) SUBTITLE_OILRIG_NS2_BREACHCHECKTARG } #using_animtree( "player" ); player_anims() { //the animtree to use with the invisible model with animname "player_rig" level.scr_animtree[ "player_rig" ] = #animtree; //the invisible model with the animname "player_rig" that the anims will be played on level.scr_model[ "player_rig" ] = "viewhands_player_udt"; //animations that will be played by the player (actually played by an invisible model the player is linked to) level.scr_anim[ "player_rig" ][ "underwater_player_start" ] = %oilrig_sub_A_disembark_player; level.scr_anim[ "player_rig" ][ "player_stealth_kill" ] = %oilrig_underwater_kill_player; addNotetrack_attach( "player_rig", "knife", "weapon_parabolic_knife", "tag_weapon_right", "player_stealth_kill" ); addNotetrack_detach( "player_rig", "putback", "weapon_parabolic_knife", "tag_weapon_right", "player_stealth_kill" ); addNotetrack_customFunction( "player_rig", "throat", maps\oilrig_fx::knife_blood ); addNotetrack_customFunction( "player_rig", "", maps\oilrig_fx::playerDrips_left ); addNotetrack_customFunction( "player_rig", "drips_right", maps\oilrig_fx::playerDrips_right ); level.scr_anim[ "player_rig" ][ "player_evac" ] = %blackout_bh_evac_player; //level.scr_anim[ "player_rig" ][ "underwater_player_start" ] = %oilrig_sub_A_idle_player; //level.scr_anim[ "player_rig" ][ "underwater_player_idle" ][ 0 ] = %oilrig_sub_A_idle_player; //level.scr_anim[ "player_rig" ][ "underwater_player_disembark" ] = %oilrig_sub_A_disembark_player; } #using_animtree( "vehicles" ); submarine_anims() { level.scr_anim[ "submarine_01" ][ "intro_sequence" ] = %oilrig_sub_1; level.scr_anim[ "submarine_02" ][ "intro_sequence" ] = %oilrig_sub_2; level.scr_anim[ "sdv_01" ][ "intro_sequence" ] = %oilrig_SDV_1; level.scr_anim[ "sdv_02" ][ "intro_sequence" ] = %oilrig_SDV_2; level.scr_animtree[ "submarine_01" ] = #animtree; level.scr_animtree[ "submarine_02" ] = #animtree; level.scr_animtree[ "sdv_01" ] = #animtree; level.scr_animtree[ "sdv_02" ] = #animtree; } #using_animtree( "vehicles" ); blackhawk_anims() { level.scr_anim[ "blackhawk" ][ "idle" ][ 0 ] = %blackout_bh_evac_heli_idle; level.scr_anim[ "blackhawk" ][ "landing" ] = %blackout_bh_evac_heli_land; level.scr_anim[ "blackhawk" ][ "take_off" ] = %blackout_bh_evac_heli_takeoff; level.scr_anim[ "blackhawk" ][ "rotors" ] = %bh_rotors; level.scr_animtree[ "blackhawk" ] = #animtree; } #using_animtree( "generic_human" ); scuba_gear_anims() { /*----------------------- GEAR REMOVAL -------------------------*/ level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "oilrig_seal_surface_fins_off" ] = %oilrig_seal_surface_fins_off; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "oilrig_seal_surface_mask_off" ] = %oilrig_seal_surface_mask_off; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "oilrig_seal_surface_rebreather_off_guy1" ] = %oilrig_seal_surface_rebreather_off_guy1; level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "oilrig_seal_surface_rebreather_off_guy2" ] = %oilrig_seal_surface_rebreather_off_guy2; } #using_animtree( "script_model" ); scuba_gear_prop_anims() { //prop for anim oilrig_seal_surface_fins_off level.scr_animtree[ "fins_off_oilrig_seal_surface_fins_off" ] = #animtree; level.scr_anim[ "fins_off_oilrig_seal_surface_fins_off" ][ "oilrig_seal_surface_fins_off_prop" ] = %oilrig_seal_surface_fins_off_prop; level.scr_model[ "fins_off_oilrig_seal_surface_fins_off" ] = "prop_seal_udt_flippers"; //prop for anim oilrig_seal_surface_mask_off level.scr_animtree[ "mask_off_oilrig_seal_surface_mask_off" ] = #animtree; level.scr_anim[ "mask_off_oilrig_seal_surface_mask_off" ][ "oilrig_seal_surface_mask_off_prop" ] = %oilrig_seal_surface_mask_off_prop; level.scr_model[ "mask_off_oilrig_seal_surface_mask_off" ] = "prop_seal_udt_goggles"; //prop for anim oilrig_seal_surface_rebreather_off_guy1 level.scr_animtree[ "rebreather_off_oilrig_seal_surface_rebreather_off_guy1" ] = #animtree; level.scr_anim[ "rebreather_off_oilrig_seal_surface_rebreather_off_guy1" ][ "oilrig_seal_surface_rebreather_off_guy1_prop" ] = %oilrig_seal_surface_rebreather_off_guy1_prop; level.scr_model[ "rebreather_off_oilrig_seal_surface_rebreather_off_guy1" ] = "prop_seal_udt_draeger"; //prop for anim oilrig_seal_surface_rebreather_off_guy2 level.scr_animtree[ "rebreather_off_oilrig_seal_surface_rebreather_off_guy2" ] = #animtree; level.scr_anim[ "rebreather_off_oilrig_seal_surface_rebreather_off_guy2" ][ "oilrig_seal_surface_rebreather_off_guy2_prop" ] = %oilrig_seal_surface_rebreather_off_guy2_prop; level.scr_model[ "rebreather_off_oilrig_seal_surface_rebreather_off_guy2" ] = "prop_seal_udt_draeger"; } scuba_gear_removal( sAnimName, sAnimScene, eNodeEntity, flagName ) { //Call when cooresponding AI animation is called //example: thread maps\oilrig_anim::scuba_gear_removal( "fins_off_oilrig_seal_surface_fins_off", "oilrig_seal_surface_fins_off_prop", level.eNodeIntroDuplicate, "player_ready_to_be_helped_from_water" ); propModel = spawn_anim_model( sAnimName ); propModel hide(); eNodeEntity anim_first_frame_solo( propModel, sAnimScene ); flag_wait( flagName ); propModel show(); eNodeEntity anim_single_solo( propModel, sAnimScene ); } #using_animtree( "script_model" ); rope_anims() { level.scr_animtree[ "rope" ] = #animtree; level.scr_anim[ "rope" ][ "oilrig_rappelrope_2_crouch" ] = %oilrig_rappelrope_2_crouch; level.scr_anim[ "rope" ][ "oilrig_rappelrope_over_rail_R" ] = %oilrig_rappelrope_over_rail_R; }