version 504 rule party_gameStartTimerLength 5 rule scr_xpscale 1 rule scr_restxp_enable 0 rule requireOpenNat 1 rule party_minlobbytime 30 rule session_advertiseFailedSearchCount 10 rule com_maxfps 0 rule sv_network_fps 100 set scr_airdrop_nuke 0 set scr_airdrop_mega_nuke 0 set scr_nuketimer 10 set bg_fallDamageMaxHeight 300 set bg_fallDamageMinHeight 128 set bg_forceDualWield 0 set bg_forceExplosiveBullets 0 set bg_viewBobMax 8 set bullet_penetration_enabled 1 set com_timescale 1 set friction 5.5 set g_synchronousClients 0 set jump_height 39 set jump_ladderPushVel 128 set jump_slowdownEnable 1 set mantle_check_radius 0.1 set mantle_check_angle 60 set mantle_enable 1 set player_backSpeedScale 1 set player_breath_fire_delay 0 set player_breath_gasp_lerp 6 set player_breath_gasp_scale 4.5 set player_breath_gasp_time 1 set player_breath_hold_lerp 1 set player_breath_hold_time 4.5 set player_dmgtimer_minScale 0 set player_footstepsThreshhold 60 set player_lastStandCrawlSpeedScale 0.2 set player_lastStandDebug 0 set player_sprintForwardMinimum 105 set player_sprintMinTime 1 set player_sprintRechargePause 0 set player_sprintSpeedScale 1.5 set player_sprintTime 4 set player_sprintUnlimited 0 set player_strafeSpeedScale 1 set player_view_pitch_down 70 set player_view_pitch_up 70 set sv_clientSideBullets 1 set timescale 1 set cg_drawThroughWalls 0 set compassSize 1 set hud_enable 1 set bg_aimSpreadMoveSpeedThreshold 11 set bg_maxGrenadeIndicatorSpeed 100 set mantle_check_range 20 set jump_spreadAdd 64 set player_adsExitDelay 0 set player_runbkThreshhold 60 set player_sprintCameraBob 0.5 set player_sprintStrafeSpeedScale 0.667 set player_sprintThreshhold 185 set stopspeed 100 set cg_chatWithOtherTeams 0 set compassEnemyFootstepEnabled 1 set compassRadarUpdateTime 4.0 set compassFastRadarUpdateTime 2.0 set r_znear 4.0 set r_znear_depthhack 0.1 set developer 0 set cg_drawShellshock 1 set motionTrackerRange 1600.0 set motionTrackerSweepInterval 3.0 set motionTrackerSweepAngle 90.0 set cg_scoreboardpingtext 1 set cg_scoreboardpinggraph 0 gametype tdm name english "Team Deathmatch" name french "Match à mort par équipe" name italian "Deathmatch a squadre" name german "Team-Deathmatch" name spanish "Duelo por equipos" name polish "" name russian "" name japanese "" script war teambased gametype 3p_tdm name english "3rd Person Team Deathmatch" name french "Match à mort équipe 3e personne" name italian "Deathmatch a squadre 3° P." name german "Externe Ansicht - Team-Deathmatch" name spanish "Duelo por equipos en TP" name polish "" name russian "" name japanese "" script war teambased rule scr_thirdperson 1 rule scr_war_scorelimit 5000 gametype hc_tdm name english "Hardcore Team Deathmatch" name french "Match à mort par équipe Hardcore." name italian "Deathmatch a squadre - veterano" name german "Hardcore-Team-Deathmatch" name spanish "Duelo por equipos extremo" name polish "" name russian "" name japanese "" script war teambased hardcore rule scr_team_fftype 1 rule scr_player_healthregentime 0 rule scr_player_maxhealth 30 rule scr_war_playerrespawndelay 2 rule scr_war_waverespawndelay 0 rule scr_game_allowkillcam 1 rule scr_hardcore 1 rule ui_hud_hardcore 1 rule g_hardcore 1 // ****DOMINATION**** gametype dom name english "Domination" name french "Domination" name italian "Dominio" name german "Herrschaft" name spanish "Dominio" name polish "" name russian "" name japanese "" script dom teambased gametype hc_dom name english "Hardcore Domination" script dom teambased hardcore rule scr_hardcore 1 rule scr_player_healthregentime 0 rule scr_player_maxhealth 30 rule scr_game_allowkillcam 1 rule ui_hud_hardcore 1 rule g_hardcore 1 rule koth_spawntime 30 rule scr_koth_scorelimit 200 rule scr_koth_timelimit 20 gametype ric_dom name english "Hardcore Ricochet: Domination" script dom teambased hardcore rule scr_hardcore 1 rule scr_player_healthregentime 0 rule scr_team_fftype 2 rule scr_player_maxhealth 30 rule scr_game_allowkillcam 1 rule ui_hud_hardcore 1 rule g_hardcore 1 rule koth_spawntime 30 rule scr_koth_scorelimit 200 rule scr_koth_timelimit 20 gametype 3p_dom name english "3rd Person Domination" name french "Domination 3e personne" name italian "Dominio 3° P." name german "Externe Ansicht - Herrschaft" name spanish "Dominio en TP" name polish "" name russian "" name japanese "" script dom teambased rule scr_thirdperson 1 // ****HEADQUARTERS**** gametype hq_pro name english "Headquarters Pro" name french "Quartier général Pro" name italian "QG Pro" name german "Hauptquartier Pro" name spanish "Cuarteles (Pro)" name polish "" name russian "" name japanese "" script koth teambased rule koth_spawntime 30 rule scr_koth_scorelimit 200 rule scr_koth_timelimit 20 gametype 3p_hq_pro name english "3rd Person Headquarters Pro" name french "Quartier général Pro 3e personne" name italian "QG Pro 3° P." name german "Externe Ansicht - Hauptquartier Pro" name spanish "Cuarteles (Pro) en TP" name polish "" name russian "" name japanese "" script koth teambased rule koth_spawntime 30 rule scr_koth_scorelimit 200 rule scr_thirdperson 1 rule scr_koth_timelimit 20 gametype ric_hq_pro name english "Hardcore Ricochet: HQ Pro" name french "Ricochet Hardcore : Quartier général Pro" name italian "Ricochet veterano: QG Pro" name german "Hardcore-Querschläger: HQ Pro" name spanish "Extremo con rebote: Cuarteles (Pro)" name polish "" name russian "" name japanese "" script koth teambased hardcore rule scr_hardcore 1 rule scr_player_healthregentime 0 rule scr_team_fftype 2 rule scr_player_maxhealth 30 rule scr_game_allowkillcam 1 rule ui_hud_hardcore 1 rule g_hardcore 1 rule koth_spawntime 30 rule scr_koth_scorelimit 200 rule scr_koth_timelimit 20 // ****OITC**** gametype oitc name english "One in the Chamber" script oitc rule scr_dm_numlives 3 rule scr_player_maxhealth 20 rule scr_game_allowkillcam 1 rule ui_showEndOfGame 1 rule g_hardcore 1 // ****SABOTAGE**** gametype sab name english "Sabotage" name french "Sabotage" name italian "Sabotaggio" name german "Sabotage" name spanish "Sabotaje" name polish "" name russian "" name japanese "" script sab teambased rule scr_sab_bombtimer 45 gametype 3p_sab name english "3rd Person Sabotage" name french "Sabotage 3e personne" name italian "Sabotaggio 3° P." name german "Externe Ansicht: Sabotage" name spanish "Sabotaje en TP" name polish "" name russian "" name japanese "" script sab teambased rule scr_thirdperson 1 rule scr_sab_bombtimer 45 gametype hc_sab //Created for hardcore sab name english "Hardcore Sabotage" script sab teambased hardcore rule scr_sab_bombtimer 30 rule scr_team_fftype 1 rule scr_player_healthregentime 0 rule scr_player_maxhealth 30 rule scr_war_waverespawndelay 15 rule scr_game_allowkillcam 1 rule scr_hardcore 1 rule ui_hud_hardcore 1 rule g_hardcore 1 // ****SEARCH AND DESTROY**** gametype sd name english "Search and Destroy" name french "Recherche et destruction" name italian "Cerca e distruggi" name german "Suchen und Zerstören" name spanish "Buscar y destruir" name polish "" name russian "" name japanese "" script sd teambased gametype hc_sd name english "Hardcore Search and Destroy" name french "Recherche et destruction Hardcore" name italian "Cerca e distruggi - veterano" name german "Hardcore-Suchen und Zerstören" name spanish "Buscar y destruir extremo" name polish "" name russian "" name japanese "" script sd teambased hardcore rule scr_team_fftype 1 rule scr_player_maxhealth 30 rule scr_player_healthregentime 0 rule scr_game_allowkillcam 1 rule scr_hardcore 1 rule ui_hud_hardcore 1 rule g_hardcore 1 gametype ric_sd name english "Hardcore Search and Destroy" name french "Recherche et destruction Hardcore" name italian "Cerca e distruggi - veterano" name german "Hardcore-Suchen und Zerstören" name spanish "Buscar y destruir extremo" name polish "" name russian "" name japanese "" script sd teambased hardcore rule scr_team_fftype 2 rule scr_player_maxhealth 30 rule scr_player_healthregentime 0 rule scr_game_allowkillcam 1 rule scr_hardcore 1 rule ui_hud_hardcore 1 rule g_hardcore 1 gametype 3p_sd name english "3rd Person Search and Destroy" name french "Rech. & destr. 3e personne" name italian "Cerca e Distruggi 3° P." name german "Externe Ansicht - Suchen und Zerstören" name spanish "Buscar y destruir en TP" name polish "" name russian "" name japanese "" script sd teambased rule scr_thirdperson 1 // ****ARENA**** gametype arena name english "Arena" name french "Arène" name italian "Arena" name german "Arena" name spanish "Arena" name polish "" name russian "" name japanese "" script arena teambased // ****Demolition**** gametype dd name english "Demolition" name french "Démolition" name italian "Demolizione" name german "Sprengkommando" name spanish "Demolición" name polish "" name russian "" name japanese "" script dd teambased gametype 3p_dd name english "3rd Person Demolition" name french "Démolition 3e personne" name italian "Demolizione 3° P." name german "Externe Ansicht - Sprengkommando" name spanish "Demolición en TP" name polish "" name russian "" name japanese "" script dd teambased rule scr_thirdperson 1 gametype ric_dd name english "Hardcore Ricochet: Demolition" script dd teambased hardcore rule scr_hardcore 1 rule scr_player_healthregentime 0 rule scr_team_fftype 2 rule scr_player_maxhealth 30 rule scr_game_allowkillcam 1 rule ui_hud_hardcore 1 rule g_hardcore 1 rule koth_spawntime 30 rule scr_koth_scorelimit 200 rule scr_koth_timelimit 20 gametype hc_dd //Created for hardcore demolition name english "Hardcore Demolition" script dd teambased hardcore rule scr_team_fftype 1 rule scr_player_healthregentime 0 rule scr_player_maxhealth 30 rule scr_war_waverespawndelay 15 rule scr_game_allowkillcam 1 rule scr_hardcore 1 rule ui_hud_hardcore 1 rule g_hardcore 1 // ****FREE FOR ALL**** gametype ffa name english "Free-for-all" name french "Mêlée générale" name italian "Tutti contro tutti" name german "Frei für alle" name spanish "Duelo a muerte" name polish "" name russian "" name japanese "" script dm gametype hc_ffa name english "Hardcore Free-for-all" name french "Mêlée générale (Hardcore)" name italian "Tutti contro tutti - veterano" name german "Hardcore-Frei für alle" name spanish "Duelo a muerte extremo" name polish "" name russian "" name japanese "" script dm hardcore rule scr_player_healthregentime 0 rule scr_player_maxhealth 30 rule scr_game_allowkillcam 1 rule set scr_dm_playerrespawndelay 7 gametype cage_ffa name english "Cage Match" script dm rule scr_dm_scorelimit 1000 rule scr_dm_timelimit 5 rule scr_xpscale 4 // ****CAPTURE THE FLAG**** gametype ctf name english "Capture the Flag" name french "Capture du drapeau" name italian "Cattura la bandiera" name german "Capture the Flag" name spanish "Tomar la bandera" name polish "" name russian "" name japanese "" script ctf teambased gametype ric_ctf name english "Hardcore Ricochet CTF" script ctf teambased hardcore rule scr_team_fftype 2 rule scr_player_maxhealth 30 rule scr_player_healthregentime 0 rule scr_game_allowkillcam 1 rule scr_hardcore 1 rule ui_hud_hardcore 1 rule g_hardcore 1 gametype 3p_ctf name english "3rd Person Capture the Flag" name polish "" name russian "" name japanese "" script ctf teambased rule scr_thirdperson 1 gametype hc_ctf name english "Hardcore Capture the Flag" script ctf teambased hardcore rule scr_team_fftype 1 rule scr_player_healthregentime 0 rule scr_player_maxhealth 30 rule scr_game_allowkillcam 1 rule scr_hardcore 1 rule ui_hud_hardcore 1 rule g_hardcore 1 gametype oneflag name english "One-Flag CTF" name french "CDD - 1 drapeau" name italian "CLB a una bandiera" name german "CTF - Eine Flagge" name spanish "TLB 1 bandera" name polish "" name russian "" name japanese "" script oneflag teambased rule scr_oneflag_roundswitch 1 // ****Global Thermonuclear War**** gametype nuke name english "Global Thermonuclear War" name french "Guerre thermonucléaire mondiale" name italian "Guerra termonucleare globale" name german "Thermonuklearer Krieg" name spanish "Guerra termonuclear global" name polish "" name russian "" name japanese "" script gtnw teambased rule scr_gtnw_waverespawndelay 1 rule scr_gtnw_promode 0 rule scr_gtnw_timelimit 6 // PLAYLIST DATA playlist 1 // tdm gametype name english "Team Deathmatch" description english "Straight up Team Deathmatch.\nUse teamwork to kill enemy players and reach the score limit.\n\n__________\nPlayers: 8-12" unlockxp 0 maxparty 6 rule party_minplayers 8 rule party_maxplayers 12 rule party_matchedplayercount 4 mp_afghan,tdm,4 mp_boneyard,tdm,4 mp_brecourt,tdm,4 mp_checkpoint,tdm,4 mp_derail,tdm,4 mp_estate,tdm,4 mp_favela,tdm,4 mp_highrise,tdm,4 mp_invasion,tdm,4 mp_nightshift,tdm,4 mp_quarry,tdm,4 mp_rundown,tdm,4 mp_rust,tdm,1 mp_subbase,tdm,4 mp_terminal,tdm,4 mp_underpass,tdm,4 mp_compact,tdm,4 mp_complex,tdm,4 mp_crash,tdm,4 mp_overgrown,tdm,4 mp_storm,tdm,4 mp_strike,tdm,4 mp_vacant,tdm,4 mp_fuel2,tdm,4 mp_abandon,tdm,4 mp_trailerpark,tdm,4 playlist 2 // hc_tdm hc_sd gametype name english "Hardcore Team Deathmatch" description english "Team Deathmatch with:\n\n\n__________\nPlayers:8-12\nLimited HUD\nExtra bullet damage\nFriendly Fire is ON" unlockxp 0 maxparty 6 rule party_minplayers 8 rule party_maxplayers 12 rule party_matchedplayercount 4 rule party_readypercentrequired 0 mp_afghan,hc_tdm,1 mp_boneyard,hc_tdm,1 mp_brecourt,hc_tdm,1 mp_checkpoint,hc_tdm,1 mp_derail,hc_tdm,1 mp_estate,hc_tdm,1 mp_favela,hc_tdm,1 mp_highrise,hc_tdm,1 mp_invasion,hc_tdm,1 mp_nightshift,hc_tdm,1 mp_quarry,hc_tdm,1 mp_rundown,hc_tdm,1 mp_subbase,hc_tdm,1 mp_terminal,hc_tdm,1 mp_underpass,hc_tdm,1 mp_compact,hc_tdm,1 mp_complex,hc_tdm,1 mp_crash,hc_tdm,1 mp_overgrown,hc_tdm,1 mp_storm,hc_tdm,1 mp_strike,hc_tdm,1 mp_vacant,hc_tdm,1 mp_fuel2,hc_tdm,1 mp_abandon,hc_tdm,1 mp_trailerpark,hc_tdm,1 playlist 3 // ffa gametype name english "Free-for-all" description english "Straight up Deathmatch. Every man for himself. Kill everyone.\n\n__________\nPlayers:4-8" unlockxp 0 maxparty 1 rule party_minplayers 4 rule party_maxplayers 8 rule party_matchedplayercount 4 rule scr_dm_scorelimit 1500 rule cg_everyonehearseveryone 1 mp_afghan,ffa,4 mp_boneyard,ffa,4 mp_brecourt,ffa,4 mp_checkpoint,ffa,4 mp_estate,ffa,4 mp_favela,ffa,4 mp_highrise,ffa,4 mp_invasion,ffa,4 mp_nightshift,ffa,4 mp_quarry,ffa,4 mp_rundown,ffa,4 mp_rust,ffa,1 mp_subbase,ffa,4 mp_terminal,ffa,4 mp_underpass,ffa,4 mp_compact,ffa,4 mp_complex,ffa,4 mp_crash,ffa,4 mp_overgrown,ffa,4 mp_storm,ffa,4 mp_strike,ffa,4 mp_vacant,ffa,4 mp_fuel2,ffa,4 mp_abandon,ffa,4 mp_trailerpark,ffa,4 playlist 4 // ctf gametype name english "Hardcore Free-for-all" description english "Straight up Deathmatch. Every man for himself. Kill everyone.\n\n__________\nPlayers:4-12\nLimited HUD\nExtra bullet damage" unlockxp 0 maxparty 1 rule party_minplayers 2 rule party_maxplayers 8 rule party_matchedplayercount 2 rule scr_dm_scorelimit 1500 rule cg_everyonehearseveryone 1 mp_afghan,hc_ffa,4 mp_boneyard,hc_ffa,4 mp_brecourt,hc_ffa,4 mp_checkpoint,hc_ffa,4 //mp_derail,hc_ffa,4 mp_estate,hc_ffa,8 mp_favela,hc_ffa,4 mp_highrise,hc_ffa,4 mp_invasion,hc_ffa,4 mp_nightshift,hc_ffa,8 mp_quarry,hc_ffa,8 mp_rundown,hc_ffa,4 mp_rust,hc_ffa,4 mp_subbase,hc_ffa,4 mp_terminal,hc_ffa,8 mp_underpass,hc_ffa,4 mp_compact,hc_ffa,8 mp_complex,hc_ffa,8 mp_crash,hc_ffa,8 mp_overgrown,hc_ffa,8 mp_storm,hc_ffa,8 mp_strike,hc_ffa,8 mp_vacant,hc_ffa,8 mp_fuel2,hc_ffa,8 mp_abandon,hc_ffa,8 mp_trailerpark,hc_ffa,8 playlist 5 name english "One in the Chamber" description english "One bullet. Three lives. No respawning. Will you succeed at this new game type?\n\n__________\nPlayers:8-14" unlockxp 0 maxparty 1 rule party_minplayers 8 rule party_maxplayers 14 rule party_matchedplayercount 1 mp_boneyard,oitc,1 mp_brecourt,oitc,1 mp_checkpoint,oitc,1 mp_favela,oitc,1 mp_highrise,oitc,1 mp_invasion,oitc,1 mp_nightshift,oitc,1 mp_quarry,oitc,1 mp_rundown,oitc,1 mp_subbase,oitc,1 mp_terminal,oitc,1 mp_compact,oitc,1 mp_complex,oitc,1 mp_crash,oitc,1 mp_overgrown,oitc,1 mp_storm,oitc,1 mp_strike,oitc,1 mp_vacant,oitc,1 mp_abandon,oitc,1 mp_trailerpark,oitc,1 playlist 6 // big_tdm and dom gametype name english "Ground War" description english "Big team games - Team Deathmatch, Domination and Search and Destroy.\n\n__________\nPlayers:12-18" unlockxp 0 maxparty 9 rule party_minplayers 12 rule party_maxplayers 18 rule party_matchedplayercount 4 rule scr_war_scorelimit 10000 mp_afghan,dom,1 mp_boneyard,dom,1 mp_brecourt,dom,1 mp_checkpoint,dom,1 mp_derail,dom,1 mp_estate,dom,1 mp_favela,dom,1 mp_highrise,dom,1 mp_invasion,dom,1 mp_nightshift,dom,1 mp_quarry,dom,1 mp_rundown,dom,1 mp_subbase,dom,1 mp_terminal,dom,1 mp_underpass,dom,1 mp_afghan,tdm,1 mp_boneyard,tdm,1 mp_brecourt,tdm,1 mp_checkpoint,tdm,1 mp_derail,tdm,1 mp_estate,tdm,1 mp_favela,tdm,1 mp_highrise,tdm,1 mp_invasion,tdm,1 mp_nightshift,tdm,1 mp_quarry,tdm,1 mp_rundown,tdm,1 mp_subbase,tdm,1 mp_terminal,tdm,1 mp_underpass,tdm,1 mp_compact,tdm,1 mp_complex,tdm,1 mp_crash,tdm,1 mp_overgrown,tdm,1 mp_storm,tdm,1 mp_compact,dom,1 mp_complex,dom,1 mp_crash,dom,1 mp_overgrown,dom,1 mp_storm,dom,1 mp_strike,tdm,1 mp_vacant,tdm,1 mp_fuel2,tdm,1 mp_abandon,tdm,1 mp_trailerpark,tdm,1 mp_strike,dom,1 mp_vacant,dom,1 mp_fuel2,dom,1 mp_abandon,dom,1 mp_trailerpark,dom,1 playlist 7 // tdm gametype name english "Team Tactical" description english "Team based games with Team Deathmatch, Domination, Capture the Flag, Demolition, Sabotage, Search and Destroy, and Headquarters Pro.\n\n__________\nPlayers:6-12" unlockxp 0 maxparty 6 rule party_minplayers 6 rule party_maxplayers 12 rule party_matchedplayercount 4 rule scr_war_scorelimit 5000 mp_afghan,tdm,1 mp_boneyard,tdm,1 mp_estate,tdm,1 mp_favela,tdm,1 mp_highrise,tdm,1 mp_rust,tdm,1 mp_subbase,tdm,1 mp_terminal,tdm,1 mp_afghan,ctf,1 mp_boneyard,ctf,1 mp_estate,ctf,1 mp_favela,ctf,1 mp_highrise,ctf,1 mp_rust,ctf,1 mp_subbase,ctf,1 mp_terminal,ctf,1 mp_afghan,dom,1 mp_boneyard,dom,1 mp_estate,dom,1 mp_favela,dom,1 mp_highrise,dom,1 mp_rust,dom,1 mp_subbase,dom,1 mp_terminal,dom,1 mp_afghan,dd,1 mp_boneyard,dd,1 mp_estate,dd,1 mp_favela,dd,1 mp_highrise,dd,1 mp_rust,dd,1 mp_subbase,dd,1 mp_terminal,dd,1 mp_compact,tdm,1 mp_complex,tdm,1 mp_crash,tdm,1 mp_overgrown,tdm,1 mp_storm,tdm,1 mp_compact,ctf,1 mp_complex,ctf,1 mp_crash,ctf,1 mp_overgrown,ctf,1 mp_storm,ctf,1 mp_compact,dom,1 mp_complex,dom,1 mp_crash,dom,1 mp_overgrown,dom,1 mp_storm,dom,1 mp_compact,dd,1 mp_complex,dd,1 mp_crash,dd,1 mp_overgrown,dd,1 mp_storm,dd,1 mp_strike,tdm,1 mp_vacant,tdm,1 mp_fuel2,tdm,1 mp_abandon,tdm,1 mp_trailerpark,tdm,1 mp_strike,ctf,1 mp_vacant,ctf,1 mp_fuel2,ctf,1 mp_abandon,ctf,1 mp_trailerpark,ctf,1 mp_strike,dom,1 mp_vacant,dom,1 mp_fuel2,dom,1 mp_abandon,dom,1 mp_trailerpark,dom,1 mp_strike,dd,1 mp_vacant,dd,1 mp_fuel2,dd,1 mp_abandon,dd,1 mp_trailerpark,dd,1 mp_afghan,sd,1 mp_boneyard,sd,1 mp_brecourt,sd,1 mp_checkpoint,sd,1 mp_derail,sd,1 mp_estate,sd,1 mp_favela,sd,1 mp_highrise,sd,1 mp_invasion,sd,1 mp_nightshift,sd,1 mp_quarry,sd,1 mp_rundown,sd,1 mp_subbase,sd,1 mp_terminal,sd,1 mp_underpass,sd,1 mp_compact,sd,1 mp_complex,sd,1 mp_crash,sd,1 mp_overgrown,sd,1 mp_storm,sd,1 mp_strike,sd,1 mp_vacant,sd,1 mp_fuel2,sd,1 mp_abandon,sd,1 mp_trailerpark,sd,1 mp_afghan,hq_pro,1 mp_boneyard,hq_pro,1 mp_brecourt,hq_pro,1 mp_checkpoint,hq_pro,1 mp_derail,hq_pro,1 mp_estate,hq_pro,1 mp_favela,hq_pro,1 mp_highrise,hq_pro,1 mp_invasion,hq_pro,1 mp_nightshift,hq_pro,1 mp_quarry,hq_pro,1 mp_rundown,hq_pro,1 mp_subbase,hq_pro,1 mp_terminal,hq_pro,1 mp_underpass,hq_pro,1 mp_compact,hq_pro,1 mp_complex,hq_pro,1 mp_crash,hq_pro,1 mp_overgrown,hq_pro,1 mp_storm,hq_pro,1 mp_strike,hq_pro,1 mp_vacant,hq_pro,1 mp_fuel2,hq_pro,1 mp_abandon,hq_pro,1 mp_trailerpark,hq_pro,1 mp_afghan,sab,1 mp_boneyard,sab,1 mp_brecourt,sab,1 mp_checkpoint,sab,1 mp_derail,sab,1 mp_estate,sab,1 mp_favela,sab,1 mp_highrise,sab,1 mp_invasion,sab,1 mp_nightshift,sab,1 mp_quarry,sab,1 mp_rundown,sab,1 mp_subbase,sab,1 mp_terminal,sab,1 mp_underpass,sab,1 mp_compact,sab,1 mp_complex,sab,1 mp_crash,sab,1 mp_overgrown,sab,1 mp_storm,sab,1 mp_strike,sab,1 mp_vacant,sab,1 mp_fuel2,sab,1 mp_abandon,sab,1 mp_trailerpark,sab,1 playlist 8 // tdm gametype name english "Hardcore Team Tactical" description english "Team based games with Team Deathmatch, Domination, Capture the Flag, Demolition, Sabotage, Search and Destroy, and Headquarters Pro.\n\n__________\nPlayers:6-12\nLimited HUD\nExtra bullet damage" unlockxp 0 maxparty 6 rule party_minplayers 6 rule party_maxplayers 12 rule party_matchedplayercount 4 rule scr_war_scorelimit 5000 mp_afghan,hc_tdm,1 mp_boneyard,hc_tdm,1 mp_estate,hc_tdm,1 mp_favela,hc_tdm,1 mp_highrise,hc_tdm,1 mp_rust,hc_tdm,1 mp_subbase,hc_tdm,1 mp_terminal,hc_tdm,1 mp_afghan,hc_ctf,1 mp_boneyard,hc_ctf,1 mp_estate,hc_ctf,1 mp_favela,hc_ctf,1 mp_highrise,hc_ctf,1 mp_rust,hc_ctf,1 mp_subbase,hc_ctf,1 mp_terminal,hc_ctf,1 mp_afghan,hc_dom,1 mp_boneyard,hc_dom,1 mp_estate,hc_dom,1 mp_favela,hc_dom,1 mp_highrise,hc_dom,1 mp_rust,hc_dom,1 mp_subbase,hc_dom,1 mp_terminal,hc_dom,1 mp_afghan,hc_dd,1 mp_boneyard,hc_dd,1 mp_estate,hc_dd,1 mp_favela,hc_dd,1 mp_highrise,hc_dd,1 mp_rust,hc_dd,1 mp_subbase,hc_dd,1 mp_terminal,hc_dd,1 mp_compact,hc_tdm,1 mp_complex,hc_tdm,1 mp_crash,hc_tdm,1 mp_overgrown,hc_tdm,1 mp_storm,hc_tdm,1 mp_compact,hc_ctf,1 mp_complex,hc_ctf,1 mp_crash,hc_ctf,1 mp_overgrown,hc_ctf,1 mp_storm,hc_ctf,1 mp_compact,hc_dom,1 mp_complex,hc_dom,1 mp_crash,hc_dom,1 mp_overgrown,hc_dom,1 mp_storm,hc_dom,1 mp_compact,hc_dd,1 mp_complex,hc_dd,1 mp_crash,hc_dd,1 mp_overgrown,hc_dd,1 mp_storm,hc_dd,1 mp_strike,hc_tdm,1 mp_vacant,hc_tdm,1 mp_fuel2,hc_tdm,1 mp_abandon,hc_tdm,1 mp_trailerpark,hc_tdm,1 mp_strike,hc_ctf,1 mp_vacant,hc_ctf,1 mp_fuel2,hc_ctf,1 mp_abandon,hc_ctf,1 mp_trailerpark,hc_ctf,1 mp_strike,hc_dom,1 mp_vacant,hc_dom,1 mp_fuel2,hc_dom,1 mp_abandon,hc_dom,1 mp_trailerpark,hc_dom,1 mp_strike,hc_dd,1 mp_vacant,hc_dd,1 mp_fuel2,hc_dd,1 mp_abandon,hc_dd,1 mp_trailerpark,hc_dd,1 mp_afghan,hc_sd,1 mp_boneyard,hc_sd,1 mp_brecourt,hc_sd,1 mp_checkpoint,hc_sd,1 mp_derail,hc_sd,1 mp_estate,hc_sd,1 mp_favela,hc_sd,1 mp_highrise,hc_sd,1 mp_invasion,hc_sd,1 mp_nightshift,hc_sd,1 mp_quarry,hc_sd,1 mp_rundown,hc_sd,1 mp_subbase,hc_sd,1 mp_terminal,hc_sd,1 mp_underpass,hc_sd,1 mp_compact,hc_sd,1 mp_complex,hc_sd,1 mp_crash,hc_sd,1 mp_overgrown,hc_sd,1 mp_storm,hc_sd,1 mp_strike,hc_sd,1 mp_vacant,hc_sd,1 mp_fuel2,hc_sd,1 mp_abandon,hc_sd,1 mp_trailerpark,hc_sd,1 mp_afghan,ric_hq_pro,1 mp_boneyard,ric_hq_pro,1 mp_brecourt,ric_hq_pro,1 mp_checkpoint,ric_hq_pro,1 mp_derail,ric_hq_pro,1 mp_estate,ric_hq_pro,1 mp_favela,ric_hq_pro,1 mp_highrise,ric_hq_pro,1 mp_invasion,ric_hq_pro,1 mp_nightshift,ric_hq_pro,1 mp_quarry,ric_hq_pro,1 mp_rundown,ric_hq_pro,1 mp_subbase,ric_hq_pro,1 mp_terminal,ric_hq_pro,1 mp_underpass,ric_hq_pro,1 mp_compact,ric_hq_pro,1 mp_complex,ric_hq_pro,1 mp_crash,ric_hq_pro,1 mp_overgrown,ric_hq_pro,1 mp_storm,ric_hq_pro,1 mp_strike,ric_hq_pro,1 mp_vacant,ric_hq_pro,1 mp_fuel2,ric_hq_pro,1 mp_abandon,ric_hq_pro,1 mp_trailerpark,ric_hq_pro,1 mp_afghan,hc_sab,1 mp_boneyard,hc_sab,1 mp_brecourt,hc_sab,1 mp_checkpoint,hc_sab,1 mp_derail,hc_sab,1 mp_estate,hc_sab,1 mp_favela,hc_sab,1 mp_highrise,hc_sab,1 mp_invasion,hc_sab,1 mp_nightshift,hc_sab,1 mp_quarry,hc_sab,1 mp_rundown,hc_sab,1 mp_subbase,hc_sab,1 mp_terminal,hc_sab,1 mp_underpass,hc_sab,1 mp_compact,hc_sab,1 mp_complex,hc_sab,1 mp_crash,hc_sab,1 mp_overgrown,hc_sab,1 mp_storm,hc_sab,1 mp_strike,hc_sab,1 mp_vacant,hc_sab,1 mp_fuel2,hc_sab,1 mp_abandon,hc_sab,1 mp_trailerpark,hc_sab,1 playlist 9 // tdm gametype name english "3rd Person Team Tactical" description english "Team Tactical from a 3rd person perspective.\n\n__________\nPlayers:6-12" unlockxp 0 maxparty 6 rule party_minplayers 6 rule party_maxplayers 12 rule party_matchedplayercount 4 rule scr_war_scorelimit 5000 mp_afghan,3p_tdm,1 mp_boneyard,3p_tdm,1 mp_estate,3p_tdm,1 mp_favela,3p_tdm,1 mp_highrise,3p_tdm,1 mp_rust,3p_tdm,1 mp_subbase,3p_tdm,1 mp_terminal,3p_tdm,1 mp_afghan,3p_ctf,1 mp_boneyard,3p_ctf,1 mp_estate,3p_ctf,1 mp_favela,3p_ctf,1 mp_highrise,3p_ctf,1 mp_rust,3p_ctf,1 mp_subbase,3p_ctf,1 mp_terminal,3p_ctf,1 mp_afghan,3p_dom,1 mp_boneyard,3p_dom,1 mp_estate,3p_dom,1 mp_favela,3p_dom,1 mp_highrise,3p_dom,1 mp_rust,3p_dom,1 mp_subbase,3p_dom,1 mp_terminal,3p_dom,1 mp_afghan,3p_dd,1 mp_boneyard,3p_dd,1 mp_estate,3p_dd,1 mp_favela,3p_dd,1 mp_highrise,3p_dd,1 mp_rust,3p_dd,1 mp_subbase,3p_dd,1 mp_terminal,3p_dd,1 mp_compact,3p_tdm,1 mp_complex,3p_tdm,1 mp_crash,3p_tdm,1 mp_overgrown,3p_tdm,1 mp_storm,3p_tdm,1 mp_compact,3p_ctf,1 mp_complex,3p_ctf,1 mp_crash,3p_ctf,1 mp_overgrown,3p_ctf,1 mp_storm,3p_ctf,1 mp_compact,3p_dom,1 mp_complex,3p_dom,1 mp_crash,3p_dom,1 mp_overgrown,3p_dom,1 mp_storm,3p_dom,1 mp_compact,3p_dd,1 mp_complex,3p_dd,1 mp_crash,3p_dd,1 mp_overgrown,3p_dd,1 mp_storm,3p_dd,1 mp_strike,3p_tdm,1 mp_vacant,3p_tdm,1 mp_fuel2,3p_tdm,1 mp_abandon,3p_tdm,1 mp_trailerpark,3p_tdm,1 mp_strike,3p_ctf,1 mp_vacant,3p_ctf,1 mp_fuel2,3p_ctf,1 mp_abandon,3p_ctf,1 mp_trailerpark,3p_ctf,1 mp_strike,3p_dom,1 mp_vacant,3p_dom,1 mp_fuel2,3p_dom,1 mp_abandon,3p_dom,1 mp_trailerpark,3p_dom,1 mp_strike,3p_dd,1 mp_vacant,3p_dd,1 mp_fuel2,3p_dd,1 mp_abandon,3p_dd,1 mp_trailerpark,3p_dd,1 mp_afghan,3p_sd,1 mp_boneyard,3p_sd,1 mp_brecourt,3p_sd,1 mp_checkpoint,3p_sd,1 mp_derail,3p_sd,1 mp_estate,3p_sd,1 mp_favela,3p_sd,1 mp_highrise,3p_sd,1 mp_invasion,3p_sd,1 mp_nightshift,3p_sd,1 mp_quarry,3p_sd,1 mp_rundown,3p_sd,1 mp_subbase,3p_sd,1 mp_terminal,3p_sd,1 mp_underpass,3p_sd,1 mp_compact,3p_sd,1 mp_complex,3p_sd,1 mp_crash,3p_sd,1 mp_overgrown,3p_sd,1 mp_storm,3p_sd,1 mp_strike,3p_sd,1 mp_vacant,3p_sd,1 mp_fuel2,3p_sd,1 mp_abandon,3p_sd,1 mp_trailerpark,3p_sd,1 mp_afghan,3p_hq_pro,1 mp_boneyard,3p_hq_pro,1 mp_brecourt,3p_hq_pro,1 mp_checkpoint,3p_hq_pro,1 mp_derail,3p_hq_pro,1 mp_estate,3p_hq_pro,1 mp_favela,3p_hq_pro,1 mp_highrise,3p_hq_pro,1 mp_invasion,3p_hq_pro,1 mp_nightshift,3p_hq_pro,1 mp_quarry,3p_hq_pro,1 mp_rundown,3p_hq_pro,1 mp_subbase,3p_hq_pro,1 mp_terminal,3p_hq_pro,1 mp_underpass,3p_hq_pro,1 mp_compact,3p_hq_pro,1 mp_complex,3p_hq_pro,1 mp_crash,3p_hq_pro,1 mp_overgrown,3p_hq_pro,1 mp_storm,3p_hq_pro,1 mp_strike,3p_hq_pro,1 mp_vacant,3p_hq_pro,1 mp_fuel2,3p_hq_pro,1 mp_abandon,3p_hq_pro,1 mp_trailerpark,3p_hq_pro,1 mp_afghan,3p_sab,1 mp_boneyard,3p_sab,1 mp_brecourt,3p_sab,1 mp_checkpoint,3p_sab,1 mp_derail,3p_sab,1 mp_estate,3p_sab,1 mp_favela,3p_sab,1 mp_highrise,3p_sab,1 mp_invasion,3p_sab,1 mp_nightshift,3p_sab,1 mp_quarry,3p_sab,1 mp_rundown,3p_sab,1 mp_subbase,3p_sab,1 mp_terminal,3p_sab,1 mp_underpass,3p_sab,1 mp_compact,3p_sab,1 mp_complex,3p_sab,1 mp_crash,3p_sab,1 mp_overgrown,3p_sab,1 mp_storm,3p_sab,1 mp_strike,3p_sab,1 mp_vacant,3p_sab,1 mp_fuel2,3p_sab,1 mp_abandon,3p_sab,1 mp_trailerpark,3p_sab,1 playlist 10 // classic gametype name english "Advanced Team Tactical" description english "Various team-based modes such as Arena, Global Thermonuclear War and One-Flag CTF.\n\n__________\nPlayers:6-12" unlockxp 0 maxparty 6 rule party_minplayers 6 rule party_maxplayers 12 rule party_matchedplayercount 4 rule party_minlobbytime 20 mp_afghan,arena,4 mp_boneyard,arena,4 mp_brecourt,arena,4 mp_checkpoint,arena,4 mp_derail,arena,4 mp_estate,arena,4 mp_favela,arena,4 mp_highrise,arena,4 mp_invasion,arena,4 mp_nightshift,arena,4 mp_quarry,arena,4 mp_rundown,arena,4 mp_subbase,arena,4 mp_terminal,arena,4 mp_underpass,arena,4 mp_rust,arena,1 mp_afghan,oneflag,4 mp_boneyard,oneflag,4 mp_brecourt,oneflag,4 mp_checkpoint,oneflag,4 mp_derail,oneflag,4 mp_estate,oneflag,4 mp_favela,oneflag,4 mp_highrise,oneflag,4 mp_invasion,oneflag,4 mp_nightshift,oneflag,4 mp_quarry,oneflag,4 mp_rundown,oneflag,4 mp_subbase,oneflag,4 mp_terminal,oneflag,4 mp_underpass,oneflag,4 mp_rust,oneflag,1 mp_afghan,nuke,16 mp_boneyard,nuke,16 mp_brecourt,nuke,16 mp_checkpoint,nuke,16 mp_derail,nuke,16 mp_estate,nuke,16 mp_favela,nuke,16 mp_highrise,nuke,16 mp_invasion,nuke,16 mp_nightshift,nuke,16 mp_quarry,nuke,16 mp_rundown,nuke,16 mp_subbase,nuke,16 mp_underpass,nuke,16 mp_terminal,nuke,16 mp_rust,nuke,1 playlist 11 // ctf gametype name english "Domination" description english "3 flags in the level must be captured. Your team gets points for having control of a flag. The more flags your team holds, the more points you gain.\n__________\nPlayers:8-12" unlockxp 0 maxparty 6 rule party_minplayers 8 rule party_maxplayers 12 rule party_matchedplayercount 4 mp_afghan,dom,1 mp_boneyard,dom,1 mp_brecourt,dom,1 mp_checkpoint,dom,1 mp_derail,dom,1 mp_estate,dom,1 mp_favela,dom,1 mp_highrise,dom,1 mp_invasion,dom,1 mp_nightshift,dom,1 mp_quarry,dom,1 mp_rundown,dom,1 mp_subbase,dom,1 mp_terminal,dom,1 mp_underpass,dom,1 mp_compact,dom,1 mp_complex,dom,1 mp_crash,dom,1 mp_overgrown,dom,1 mp_storm,dom,1 mp_strike,dom,1 mp_vacant,dom,1 mp_fuel2,dom,1 mp_abandon,dom,1 mp_trailerpark,dom,1 playlist 12 // dd gametype name english "Demolition" description english "Attackers must destroy the 2 bomb sites within the time limit.\n\n__________\nPlayers:8-12\nRespawning is ON" unlockxp 0 maxparty 6 rule party_minplayers 8 rule party_maxplayers 12 rule party_matchedplayercount 4 mp_afghan,dd,1 mp_boneyard,dd,1 mp_checkpoint,dd,1 mp_derail,dd,1 mp_estate,dd,1 mp_favela,dd,1 mp_highrise,dd,1 mp_invasion,dd,1 mp_nightshift,dd,1 mp_quarry,dd,1 mp_rundown,dd,1 mp_subbase,dd,1 mp_terminal,dd,1 mp_underpass,dd,1 mp_compact,dd,1 mp_complex,dd,1 mp_crash,dd,1 mp_overgrown,dd,1 mp_storm,dd,1 mp_strike,dd,1 mp_vacant,dd,1 mp_fuel2,dd,1 mp_abandon,dd,1 mp_trailerpark,dd,1 playlist 13 // sab gametype name english "Sabotage" description english "Grab the neutral bomb and plant it on the enemy's bomb site. First to detonate wins!\n\n__________\nPlayers:8-12" unlockxp 0 maxparty 6 rule party_minplayers 8 rule party_maxplayers 12 rule party_matchedplayercount 4 mp_afghan,sab,1 mp_boneyard,sab,1 mp_brecourt,sab,1 mp_checkpoint,sab,1 mp_derail,sab,1 mp_estate,sab,1 mp_favela,sab,1 mp_highrise,sab,1 mp_invasion,sab,1 mp_nightshift,sab,1 mp_quarry,sab,1 mp_rundown,sab,1 mp_subbase,sab,1 mp_terminal,sab,1 mp_underpass,sab,1 mp_compact,sab,1 mp_complex,sab,1 mp_crash,sab,1 mp_overgrown,sab,1 mp_storm,sab,1 mp_strike,sab,1 mp_vacant,sab,1 mp_fuel2,sab,1 mp_abandon,sab,1 mp_trailerpark,sab,1 playlist 14 // ctf gametype name english "Search and Destroy" description english "No respawning, defend and destroy the objective.\n\n__________\nPlayers:8-12\nRespawning is OFF" unlockxp 0 maxparty 6 rule party_minplayers 8 rule party_maxplayers 12 rule party_matchedplayercount 4 mp_afghan,sd,1 mp_boneyard,sd,1 mp_brecourt,sd,1 mp_checkpoint,sd,1 mp_derail,sd,1 mp_estate,sd,1 mp_favela,sd,1 mp_highrise,sd,1 mp_invasion,sd,1 mp_nightshift,sd,1 mp_quarry,sd,1 mp_rundown,sd,1 mp_subbase,sd,1 mp_terminal,sd,1 mp_underpass,sd,1 mp_compact,sd,1 mp_complex,sd,1 mp_crash,sd,1 mp_overgrown,sd,1 mp_storm,sd,1 mp_strike,sd,1 mp_vacant,sd,1 mp_fuel2,sd,1 mp_abandon,sd,1 mp_trailerpark,sd,1 playlist 15 // ctf gametype name english "Hardcore Search and Destroy" description english "No respawning, defend and destroy the objective.\n\n__________\nPlayers:8-12\nRespawning is OFF\nLimited HUD\nExtra bullet damage" unlockxp 0 maxparty 6 rule party_minplayers 8 rule party_maxplayers 12 rule party_matchedplayercount 4 mp_afghan,hc_sd,1 mp_boneyard,hc_sd,1 mp_brecourt,hc_sd,1 mp_checkpoint,hc_sd,1 mp_derail,hc_sd,1 mp_estate,hc_sd,1 mp_favela,hc_sd,1 mp_highrise,hc_sd,1 mp_invasion,hc_sd,1 mp_nightshift,hc_sd,1 mp_quarry,hc_sd,1 mp_rundown,hc_sd,1 mp_subbase,hc_sd,1 mp_terminal,hc_sd,1 mp_underpass,hc_sd,1 mp_compact,hc_sd,1 mp_complex,hc_sd,1 mp_crash,hc_sd,1 mp_overgrown,hc_sd,1 mp_storm,hc_sd,1 mp_strike,hc_sd,1 mp_vacant,hc_sd,1 mp_fuel2,hc_sd,1 mp_abandon,hc_sd,1 mp_trailerpark,hc_sd,1 playlist 16 // hq gametype name english "Cage Match" description english "Old School 1v1.\n__________\nPlayers:2" unlockxp 0 maxparty 1 rule party_minplayers 2 rule party_maxplayers 2 rule party_matchedplayercount 1 rule party_readypercentrequired 0 rule party_gameStartTimerLength 8 rule scr_game_spectatetype 0 rule cg_everyonehearseveryone 1 rule scr_xpscale 4 mp_boneyard,cage_ffa,1 mp_favela,cage_ffa,1 mp_highrise,cage_ffa,1 mp_rust,cage_ffa,1 mp_subbase,cage_ffa,1 mp_terminal,cage_ffa,1