/******************************************** * dumped by: aerosoul94 * *********************************************/ { menuDef { name "menu_xboxlive_lobby" rect 0 0 640 480 0 0 style 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 focuscolor 1 1 1 1 fullscreen 1 soundLoop "music_mainmenu_mp" execKey "APAD_LEFT" { if ( getfocuseditemname( ) == "lobbyList" ) { focusfirst; } } execKey "DPAD_LEFT" { if ( getfocuseditemname( ) == "lobbyList" ) { focusfirst; } } execKey "APAD_RIGHT" { setfocus "lobbyList"; setLocalVarString "ui_hint_text" ( "@MPUI_DESC_PLAYER_OPTIONS" ); } execKey "DPAD_RIGHT" { setfocus "lobbyList"; setLocalVarString "ui_hint_text" ( "@MPUI_DESC_PLAYER_OPTIONS" ); } execKey "BUTTON_Y" { open "popup_summary"; play "mouse_click"; } onOpen { if ( dvarbool( "ui_opensummary" ) ) { setLocalVarInt "ui_autoopened" ( 1 ); open "popup_summary"; setdvar "ui_opensummary" 0; } focusfirst; exec "selectStringTableEntryInDvar mp/didyouknow.csv 0 didyouknow"; } onEsc { open "leavelobbywarning"; } itemDef { rect 0 0 640 480 4 4 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 background "mw2_main_background" textscale 0.55 } itemDef { rect 0 0 1708 480 0 0 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 0.5 background "mw2_main_cloud_overlay" textscale 0.55 exp rect x ( ( 0 - 107 ) - ( ( float( milliseconds( ) % 60000 ) / 60000 ) * ( 854 ) ) ) } itemDef { rect 0 0 -1708 -480 0 0 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 0.5 background "mw2_main_cloud_overlay" textscale 0.55 exp rect x ( ( - 107 + 854 ) + ( ( float( milliseconds( ) % 50000 ) / 50000 ) * ( 854 ) ) ) } itemDef { rect 0 0 640 480 4 4 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 0 background "mockup_bg_glow" textscale 0.55 exp forecolor a ( ( ( sin( milliseconds( ) / 1500 ) + 1 ) * 0.25 ) + 0.25 ) } itemDef { rect 0 0 640 480 4 4 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 0 background "mockup_bg_glow" textscale 0.55 exp forecolor a ( ( ( sin( milliseconds( ) / 480 ) + 1 ) * 0.25 ) + 0.25 ) } itemDef { rect -64 0 280 480 1 0 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 0.1 background "gradient_fadein_fadebottom" textscale 0.55 } itemDef { rect 4 0 212 28 1 1 decoration autowrapped visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 textfont 9 textalign 6 textalignx -4 textscale 0.4 dvar "playlist_name" } itemDef { rect 0 48 216 1 1 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 0.65 background "gradient_fadein" textscale 0.55 visible when ( 1 ) } itemDef { rect 0 -199 216 122 1 3 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 textscale 0.55 exp material ( "preview_" + dvarstring( "ui_mapname" ) ) } itemDef { rect 0 -199 216 20 1 3 style 1 decoration autowrapped visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 backcolor 0 0 0 0.5 background "white" textfont 3 textalign 6 textalignx -4 textscale 0.375 exp text ( dvarstring( "party_mapname" ) ) } itemDef { rect 0 -179 216 20 1 3 style 1 decoration autowrapped visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 backcolor 1 0 0 0.25 background "white" textfont 3 textalign 6 textalignx -4 textscale 0.375 visible when ( dvarstring( "party_vetoStatus" ) != "" ) exp text ( dvarstring( "party_vetoStatus" ) ) } itemDef { rect 0 -97 216 20 1 3 style 1 decoration autowrapped visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 0.65 backcolor 0 0 0 0.5 background "white" textfont 3 textalign 6 textalignx -4 textscale 0.375 exp text ( gametypename( ) ) } itemDef { rect 0 0 0 0 0 0 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 textscale 0.55 visible when ( !isitemunlocked( "cac" ) && getfocuseditemname( ) == "live_lobby_cac" ) execKey "APAD_UP" { setfocus "live_lobby_vote"; } execKey "DPAD_UP" { setfocus "live_lobby_vote"; } } itemDef { rect 0 0 0 0 0 0 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 textscale 0.55 visible when ( !dvarbool( "party_vetoButtonVisible" ) && getfocuseditemname( ) == "live_lobby_vote" ) execKey "APAD_DOWN" { focusfirst; } execKey "DPAD_DOWN" { focusfirst; } } itemDef { name "live_lobby_cac" rect -64 48 336 20 1 1 group "mw2_button" style 1 visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 disablecolor 0.6 0.55 0.55 1 background "menu_button_selection_bar" type 1 textfont 3 textalign 6 textalignx -60 textscale 0.375 text "@MENU_CREATE_A_CLASS_CAPS" disabled when ( !isitemunlocked( "cac" ) ) execKey "APAD_UP" { setfocus "live_lobby_vote"; } execKey "DPAD_UP" { setfocus "live_lobby_vote"; } action { play "mouse_click"; open "cac_popup"; } onFocus { play "mouse_over"; if ( dvarstring( "gameMode" ) != "mp" ) { setItemColor "mw2_button" backcolor 0 0 0 0; } setItemColor self backcolor 0 0 0 1; setLocalVarBool "ui_menuAButton" ( 1 ); setLocalVarFloat "ui_popupYPos" ( getfocuseditemy( ) ); if ( isitemunlocked( "cac" ) ) { setLocalVarString "ui_hint_text" ( "@MPUI_DESC_CREATE_A_CLASS" ); } else { if ( tablelookup( "mp/unlockTable.csv" , 0 , "cac" , 2 ) == 9999 ) { setLocalVarString "ui_hint_text" ( "@PERKS_UNLOCKED_AT_NONE" ); } else { if ( tablelookup( "mp/unlockTable.csv" , 0 , "cac" , 3 ) != "" ) { setLocalVarString "ui_hint_text" ( "@PERKS_UNLOCKED_BY_CHALLENGE" ); } else { setLocalVarString "ui_hint_text" ( "@" + tablelookup( "mp/rankTable.csv" , 0 , tablelookup( "mp/unlockTable.csv" , 0 , "cac" , 2 ) , 17 ) ); } } exec "set ui_hint_text THIS MENU SHOULD BE UPDATED TO USE setLocalVarString ui_hint_text;"; } } leaveFocus { setItemColor self backcolor 0 0 0 "0.0"; setLocalVarString "ui_hint_text" ( "@NULL_EMPTY" ); setLocalVarBool "ui_menuAButton" ( 0 ); } } itemDef { rect 232 48 40 20 1 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 background "specialty_new" textscale 0.55 visible when ( ( ( getplayerdataanybooltrue( "weaponNew" ) || getplayerdataanybooltrue( "camoNew" ) || getplayerdataanybooltrue( "attachmentNew" ) ) || getplayerdataanybooltrue( "perkNew" ) || ( ( getplayerdata( "perkNew" , "frag_grenade_mp" ) || getplayerdata( "perkNew" , tablelookup( "mp/perkTable.csv" , 1 , "frag_grenade_mp" , 8 ) ) ) || ( getplayerdata( "perkNew" , "semtex_mp" ) || getplayerdata( "perkNew" , tablelookup( "mp/perkTable.csv" , 1 , "semtex_mp" , 8 ) ) ) || ( getplayerdata( "perkNew" , "c4_mp" ) || getplayerdata( "perkNew" , tablelookup( "mp/perkTable.csv" , 1 , "c4_mp" , 8 ) ) ) || ( getplayerdata( "perkNew" , "claymore_mp" ) || getplayerdata( "perkNew" , tablelookup( "mp/perkTable.csv" , 1 , "claymore_mp" , 8 ) ) ) || ( getplayerdata( "perkNew" , "throwingknife_mp" ) || getplayerdata( "perkNew" , tablelookup( "mp/perkTable.csv" , 1 , "throwingknife_mp" , 8 ) ) ) || ( getplayerdata( "perkNew" , "specialty_tacticalinsertion" ) || getplayerdata( "perkNew" , tablelookup( "mp/perkTable.csv" , 1 , "specialty_tacticalinsertion" , 8 ) ) ) || ( getplayerdata( "perkNew" , "specialty_blastshield" ) || getplayerdata( "perkNew" , tablelookup( "mp/perkTable.csv" , 1 , "specialty_blastshield" , 8 ) ) ) || weaponclassnew( "weapon_grenade" ) || weaponclassnew( "weapon_equipment" ) ) || getplayerdata( "featureNew" , "cac" ) ) ) } itemDef { name "live_lobby_playercard" rect -64 68 336 20 1 1 group "mw2_button" style 1 visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 disablecolor 0.6 0.55 0.55 1 background "menu_button_selection_bar" type 1 textfont 3 textalign 6 textalignx -60 textscale 0.375 text "@MENU_PLAYERCARD_CAPS" disabled when ( !isitemunlocked( "playercard" ) ) action { play "mouse_click"; open "popup_callsign"; } onFocus { play "mouse_over"; if ( dvarstring( "gameMode" ) != "mp" ) { setItemColor "mw2_button" backcolor 0 0 0 0; } setItemColor self backcolor 0 0 0 1; setLocalVarBool "ui_menuAButton" ( 1 ); setLocalVarFloat "ui_popupYPos" ( getfocuseditemy( ) ); if ( isitemunlocked( "playercard" ) ) { setLocalVarString "ui_hint_text" ( "@MPUI_DESC_PLAYERCARD_LIVE" ); } else { setLocalVarString "ui_hint_text" ( "@MPUI_DESC_PLAYERCARD_LOCKED" ); } } leaveFocus { setItemColor self backcolor 0 0 0 "0.0"; setLocalVarString "ui_hint_text" ( "@NULL_EMPTY" ); setLocalVarBool "ui_menuAButton" ( 0 ); } } itemDef { rect 232 68 40 20 1 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 background "specialty_new" textscale 0.55 visible when ( ( getplayerdata( "featureNew" , "cas" ) || getplayerdata( "featureNew" , "token_1" ) || getplayerdata( "featureNew" , "token_2" ) || getplayerdata( "featureNew" , "token_3" ) || getplayerdata( "featureNew" , "token_4" ) || getplayerdata( "featureNew" , "token_5" ) || getplayerdata( "featureNew" , "token_6" ) || getplayerdata( "featureNew" , "token_7" ) || getplayerdata( "featureNew" , "token_8" ) || getplayerdata( "featureNew" , "token_9" ) || getplayerdata( "featureNew" , "token_10" ) || getplayerdata( "featureNew" , "token_11" ) || getplayerdata( "featureNew" , "token_12" ) ) || getplayerdata( "featureNew" , "clantag" ) || ( getplayerdataanybooltrue( "iconNew" ) || getplayerdata( "featureNew" , "playercard_icon" ) ) || ( getplayerdataanybooltrue( "titleNew" ) || getplayerdata( "featureNew" , "playercard_title" ) ) ) } itemDef { name "live_lobby_barracks" rect -64 88 336 20 1 1 group "mw2_button" style 1 visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 disablecolor 0.6 0.55 0.55 1 background "menu_button_selection_bar" type 1 textfont 3 textalign 6 textalignx -60 textscale 0.375 text "@MENU_BARRACKS_CAPS" action { play "mouse_click"; open "menu_online_barracks"; } onFocus { play "mouse_over"; if ( dvarstring( "gameMode" ) != "mp" ) { setItemColor "mw2_button" backcolor 0 0 0 0; } setItemColor self backcolor 0 0 0 1; setLocalVarBool "ui_menuAButton" ( 1 ); setLocalVarFloat "ui_popupYPos" ( getfocuseditemy( ) ); setLocalVarString "ui_hint_text" ( "@MPUI_DESC_BARRACKS" ); } leaveFocus { setItemColor self backcolor 0 0 0 "0.0"; setLocalVarString "ui_hint_text" ( "@NULL_EMPTY" ); setLocalVarBool "ui_menuAButton" ( 0 ); } } itemDef { rect 232 88 40 20 1 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 background "specialty_new" textscale 0.55 visible when ( ( ( getplayerdataanybooltrue( "challengeTierNew" ) || getplayerdata( "featureNew" , "challenges" ) ) || getplayerdata( "featureNew" , "challenges" ) || ( ( getplayerdata( "prestige" ) < int( tablelookup( "mp/rankIconTable.csv" , 0 , "maxprestige" , 1 ) ) && getplayerdata( "experience" ) >= int( tablelookup( "mp/rankTable.csv" , 0 , int( tablelookup( "mp/rankTable.csv" , 0 , "maxrank" , 1 ) ) , 7 ) ) ) && getplayerdata( "featureNew" , "prestige" ) ) ) ) } itemDef { rect 0 108 216 1 1 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 0.65 background "gradient_fadein" textscale 0.55 } itemDef { name "live_lobby_invite" rect -64 108 336 20 1 1 group "mw2_button" style 1 visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 disablecolor 0.6 0.55 0.55 1 background "menu_button_selection_bar" type 1 textfont 3 textalign 6 textalignx -60 textscale 0.375 text "@MENU_INVITE_CAPS" disabled when ( dvarbool( "ui_partyFull" ) ) action { play "mouse_click"; exec "xshowfriendslist"; } onFocus { play "mouse_over"; if ( dvarstring( "gameMode" ) != "mp" ) { setItemColor "mw2_button" backcolor 0 0 0 0; } setItemColor self backcolor 0 0 0 1; setLocalVarBool "ui_menuAButton" ( 1 ); setLocalVarFloat "ui_popupYPos" ( getfocuseditemy( ) ); setLocalVarString "ui_hint_text" ( "@MENU_DESC_INVITE_FRIENDS" ); } leaveFocus { setItemColor self backcolor 0 0 0 "0.0"; setLocalVarString "ui_hint_text" ( "@NULL_EMPTY" ); setLocalVarBool "ui_menuAButton" ( 0 ); } } itemDef { name "live_lobby_vote" rect -64 128 336 20 1 1 group "mw2_button" style 1 visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 disablecolor 0.6 0.55 0.55 1 background "menu_button_selection_bar" type 1 textfont 3 textalign 6 textalignx -60 textscale 0.375 text "@MENU_VOTE_TO_SKIP_CAPS" disabled when ( !dvarbool( "party_vetoButtonVisible" ) ) execKey "APAD_DOWN" { focusfirst; } execKey "DPAD_DOWN" { focusfirst; } action { play "mouse_click"; focusfirst; open "skipmapconfirmation"; } onFocus { play "mouse_over"; if ( dvarstring( "gameMode" ) != "mp" ) { setItemColor "mw2_button" backcolor 0 0 0 0; } setItemColor self backcolor 0 0 0 1; setLocalVarBool "ui_menuAButton" ( 1 ); setLocalVarFloat "ui_popupYPos" ( getfocuseditemy( ) ); if ( dvarbool( "party_vetoButtonVisible" ) ) { setLocalVarString "ui_hint_text" ( "@MPUI_DESC_VOTE_TO_SKIP" ); } else { setLocalVarString "ui_hint_text" ( "@MPUI_VOTE_CAST" ); } } leaveFocus { setItemColor self backcolor 0 0 0 "0.0"; setLocalVarString "ui_hint_text" ( "@NULL_EMPTY" ); setLocalVarBool "ui_menuAButton" ( 0 ); } } itemDef { rect 0 168 212 36 1 1 decoration autowrapped visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 0.65 type 21 textfont 3 textalign 6 textscale 0.375 visible when ( !localvarbool( "ui_centerPopup" ) && !localvarbool( "ui_leftPopup" ) ) exp text ( localvarstring( "ui_hint_text" ) ) } itemDef { rect -272 0 0 18 3 1 style 1 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 background "white" textfont 3 textalign 4 textalignx 20 textscale 0.375 exp text ( getpartystatus( ) ) } itemDef { rect -272 12 0 18 3 1 style 1 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 0.65 background "white" textfont 3 textalign 4 textalignx 20 textscale 0.375 visible when ( !( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) ) exp text ( getsearchparams( ) ) } itemDef { rect -272 -42 272 18 3 3 style 1 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 0.15 background "white" textfont 9 textalign 6 textscale 0.5833 dvar "party_lobbyPlayerCount" visible when ( !( ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 3 , 17 ) != 0 ) ) ) } itemDef { rect -272 0 272 28 3 1 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 0.15 textfont 3 textalign 14 textaligny 3 textscale 0.375 text "@MPUI_SCORE_CAPS" } itemDef { rect -272 28 272 20 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 0.25 background "playercard_short_bg" textscale 0.55 visible when ( !( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 3 , 0 ) != 0 ) ) } itemDef { rect -272 48 272 20 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 0.25 background "playercard_short_bg" textscale 0.55 visible when ( !( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 3 , 1 ) != 0 ) ) } itemDef { rect -272 68 272 20 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 0.25 background "playercard_short_bg" textscale 0.55 visible when ( !( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 3 , 2 ) != 0 ) ) } itemDef { rect -272 88 272 20 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 0.25 background "playercard_short_bg" textscale 0.55 visible when ( !( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 3 , 3 ) != 0 ) ) } itemDef { rect -272 108 272 20 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 0.25 background "playercard_short_bg" textscale 0.55 visible when ( !( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 3 , 4 ) != 0 ) ) } itemDef { rect -272 128 272 20 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 0.25 background "playercard_short_bg" textscale 0.55 visible when ( !( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 3 , 5 ) != 0 ) ) } itemDef { rect -272 148 272 20 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 0.25 background "playercard_short_bg" textscale 0.55 visible when ( !( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 3 , 6 ) != 0 ) ) } itemDef { rect -272 168 272 20 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 0.25 background "playercard_short_bg" textscale 0.55 visible when ( !( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 3 , 7 ) != 0 ) ) } itemDef { rect -272 188 272 20 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 0.25 background "playercard_short_bg" textscale 0.55 visible when ( !( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 3 , 8 ) != 0 ) ) } itemDef { rect -272 208 272 20 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 0.25 background "playercard_short_bg" textscale 0.55 visible when ( !( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 3 , 9 ) != 0 ) ) } itemDef { rect -272 228 272 20 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 0.25 background "playercard_short_bg" textscale 0.55 visible when ( !( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 3 , 10 ) != 0 ) ) } itemDef { rect -272 248 272 20 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 0.25 background "playercard_short_bg" textscale 0.55 visible when ( !( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 3 , 11 ) != 0 ) ) } itemDef { rect -272 268 272 20 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 0.25 background "playercard_short_bg" textscale 0.55 visible when ( !( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 3 , 12 ) != 0 ) ) } itemDef { rect -272 288 272 20 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 0.25 background "playercard_short_bg" textscale 0.55 visible when ( !( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 3 , 13 ) != 0 ) ) } itemDef { rect -272 308 272 20 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 0.25 background "playercard_short_bg" textscale 0.55 visible when ( !( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 3 , 14 ) != 0 ) ) } itemDef { rect -272 328 272 20 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 0.25 background "playercard_short_bg" textscale 0.55 visible when ( !( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 3 , 15 ) != 0 ) ) } itemDef { rect -272 348 272 20 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 0.25 background "playercard_short_bg" textscale 0.55 visible when ( !( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 3 , 16 ) != 0 ) ) } itemDef { rect -272 368 272 20 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 0.25 background "playercard_short_bg" textscale 0.55 visible when ( !( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 3 , 17 ) != 0 ) ) } itemDef { rect -272 28 272 20 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 0.5 background "playercard_short_bg" textscale 0.55 exp forecolor r ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor g ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor b ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) ) ) visible when ( ( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 4 , 0 ) != 0 ) && 4 == 4 ) } itemDef { rect -272 28 272 20 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 0.5 background "playercard_short_bg" textscale 0.55 exp forecolor r ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor g ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor b ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) ) ) visible when ( ( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 4 , 0 ) != 0 ) && 4 == 5 ) } itemDef { rect -272 48 272 20 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 0.5 background "playercard_short_bg" textscale 0.55 exp forecolor r ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor g ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor b ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) ) ) visible when ( ( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 4 , 1 ) != 0 ) && 4 == 4 ) } itemDef { rect -272 48 272 20 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 0.5 background "playercard_short_bg" textscale 0.55 exp forecolor r ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor g ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor b ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) ) ) visible when ( ( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 4 , 1 ) != 0 ) && 4 == 5 ) } itemDef { rect -272 68 272 20 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 0.5 background "playercard_short_bg" textscale 0.55 exp forecolor r ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor g ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor b ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) ) ) visible when ( ( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 4 , 2 ) != 0 ) && 4 == 4 ) } itemDef { rect -272 68 272 20 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 0.5 background "playercard_short_bg" textscale 0.55 exp forecolor r ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor g ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor b ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) ) ) visible when ( ( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 4 , 2 ) != 0 ) && 4 == 5 ) } itemDef { rect -272 88 272 20 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 0.5 background "playercard_short_bg" textscale 0.55 exp forecolor r ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor g ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor b ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) ) ) visible when ( ( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 4 , 3 ) != 0 ) && 4 == 4 ) } itemDef { rect -272 88 272 20 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 0.5 background "playercard_short_bg" textscale 0.55 exp forecolor r ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor g ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor b ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) ) ) visible when ( ( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 4 , 3 ) != 0 ) && 4 == 5 ) } itemDef { rect -272 108 272 20 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 0.5 background "playercard_short_bg" textscale 0.55 exp forecolor r ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor g ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor b ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) ) ) visible when ( ( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 4 , 4 ) != 0 ) && 4 == 4 ) } itemDef { rect -272 108 272 20 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 0.5 background "playercard_short_bg" textscale 0.55 exp forecolor r ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor g ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor b ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) ) ) visible when ( ( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 4 , 4 ) != 0 ) && 4 == 5 ) } itemDef { rect -272 128 272 20 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 0.5 background "playercard_short_bg" textscale 0.55 exp forecolor r ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor g ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor b ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) ) ) visible when ( ( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 4 , 5 ) != 0 ) && 4 == 4 ) } itemDef { rect -272 128 272 20 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 0.5 background "playercard_short_bg" textscale 0.55 exp forecolor r ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor g ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor b ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) ) ) visible when ( ( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 4 , 5 ) != 0 ) && 4 == 5 ) } itemDef { rect -272 148 272 20 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 0.5 background "playercard_short_bg" textscale 0.55 exp forecolor r ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor g ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor b ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) ) ) visible when ( ( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 4 , 6 ) != 0 ) && 4 == 4 ) } itemDef { rect -272 148 272 20 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 0.5 background "playercard_short_bg" textscale 0.55 exp forecolor r ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor g ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor b ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) ) ) visible when ( ( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 4 , 6 ) != 0 ) && 4 == 5 ) } itemDef { rect -272 168 272 20 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 0.5 background "playercard_short_bg" textscale 0.55 exp forecolor r ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor g ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor b ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) ) ) visible when ( ( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 4 , 7 ) != 0 ) && 4 == 4 ) } itemDef { rect -272 168 272 20 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 0.5 background "playercard_short_bg" textscale 0.55 exp forecolor r ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor g ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor b ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) ) ) visible when ( ( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 4 , 7 ) != 0 ) && 4 == 5 ) } itemDef { rect -272 188 272 20 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 0.5 background "playercard_short_bg" textscale 0.55 exp forecolor r ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor g ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor b ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) ) ) visible when ( ( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 4 , 8 ) != 0 ) && 4 == 4 ) } itemDef { rect -272 188 272 20 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 0.5 background "playercard_short_bg" textscale 0.55 exp forecolor r ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor g ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor b ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) ) ) visible when ( ( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 4 , 8 ) != 0 ) && 4 == 5 ) } itemDef { rect -272 208 272 20 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 0.5 background "playercard_short_bg" textscale 0.55 exp forecolor r ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor g ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor b ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) ) ) visible when ( ( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 5 , 0 ) != 0 ) && 5 == 4 ) } itemDef { rect -272 208 272 20 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 0.5 background "playercard_short_bg" textscale 0.55 exp forecolor r ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor g ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor b ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) ) ) visible when ( ( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 5 , 0 ) != 0 ) && 5 == 5 ) } itemDef { rect -272 228 272 20 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 0.5 background "playercard_short_bg" textscale 0.55 exp forecolor r ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor g ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor b ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) ) ) visible when ( ( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 5 , 1 ) != 0 ) && 5 == 4 ) } itemDef { rect -272 228 272 20 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 0.5 background "playercard_short_bg" textscale 0.55 exp forecolor r ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor g ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor b ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) ) ) visible when ( ( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 5 , 1 ) != 0 ) && 5 == 5 ) } itemDef { rect -272 248 272 20 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 0.5 background "playercard_short_bg" textscale 0.55 exp forecolor r ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor g ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor b ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) ) ) visible when ( ( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 5 , 2 ) != 0 ) && 5 == 4 ) } itemDef { rect -272 248 272 20 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 0.5 background "playercard_short_bg" textscale 0.55 exp forecolor r ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor g ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor b ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) ) ) visible when ( ( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 5 , 2 ) != 0 ) && 5 == 5 ) } itemDef { rect -272 268 272 20 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 0.5 background "playercard_short_bg" textscale 0.55 exp forecolor r ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor g ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor b ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) ) ) visible when ( ( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 5 , 3 ) != 0 ) && 5 == 4 ) } itemDef { rect -272 268 272 20 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 0.5 background "playercard_short_bg" textscale 0.55 exp forecolor r ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor g ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor b ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) ) ) visible when ( ( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 5 , 3 ) != 0 ) && 5 == 5 ) } itemDef { rect -272 288 272 20 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 0.5 background "playercard_short_bg" textscale 0.55 exp forecolor r ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor g ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor b ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) ) ) visible when ( ( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 5 , 4 ) != 0 ) && 5 == 4 ) } itemDef { rect -272 288 272 20 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 0.5 background "playercard_short_bg" textscale 0.55 exp forecolor r ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor g ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor b ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) ) ) visible when ( ( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 5 , 4 ) != 0 ) && 5 == 5 ) } itemDef { rect -272 308 272 20 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 0.5 background "playercard_short_bg" textscale 0.55 exp forecolor r ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor g ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor b ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) ) ) visible when ( ( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 5 , 5 ) != 0 ) && 5 == 4 ) } itemDef { rect -272 308 272 20 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 0.5 background "playercard_short_bg" textscale 0.55 exp forecolor r ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor g ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor b ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) ) ) visible when ( ( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 5 , 5 ) != 0 ) && 5 == 5 ) } itemDef { rect -272 328 272 20 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 0.5 background "playercard_short_bg" textscale 0.55 exp forecolor r ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor g ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor b ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) ) ) visible when ( ( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 5 , 6 ) != 0 ) && 5 == 4 ) } itemDef { rect -272 328 272 20 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 0.5 background "playercard_short_bg" textscale 0.55 exp forecolor r ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor g ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor b ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) ) ) visible when ( ( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 5 , 6 ) != 0 ) && 5 == 5 ) } itemDef { rect -272 348 272 20 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 0.5 background "playercard_short_bg" textscale 0.55 exp forecolor r ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor g ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor b ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) ) ) visible when ( ( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 5 , 7 ) != 0 ) && 5 == 4 ) } itemDef { rect -272 348 272 20 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 0.5 background "playercard_short_bg" textscale 0.55 exp forecolor r ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor g ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor b ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) ) ) visible when ( ( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 5 , 7 ) != 0 ) && 5 == 5 ) } itemDef { rect -272 368 272 20 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 0.5 background "playercard_short_bg" textscale 0.55 exp forecolor r ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor g ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor b ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) ) ) visible when ( ( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 5 , 8 ) != 0 ) && 5 == 4 ) } itemDef { rect -272 368 272 20 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 0.5 background "playercard_short_bg" textscale 0.55 exp forecolor r ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 14 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor g ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 15 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) ) ) exp forecolor b ( ( ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "allieschar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" ) ) + ( tablelookup( "mp/factionTable.csv" , 0 , getmapcustom( "axischar" ) , 16 ) * ( player( "teamname" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" ) ) ) ) visible when ( ( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 5 , 8 ) != 0 ) && 5 == 5 ) } itemDef { rect -272 0 272 20 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 1 background "playercard_short_bg" textscale 0.55 exp rect y ( 28 + ( dvarint( "party_selectedIndex" ) * 20 ) ) visible when ( getfocuseditemname( ) == "lobbyList" && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 3 , dvarint( "party_selectedIndex" ) ) != 0 ) ) } itemDef { name "lobbyList" rect -272 27 272 380 3 1 visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 type 6 textaligny -2 textscale 0.375 feeder 48 elementwidth 272 elementheight 20 // numcol xpos xwidth textlen alignment columns 1 0 0 1 0 noscrollbars doubleclick { play "mouse_click" open "player_popup_publiclobby"; } visible when ( !( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) ) } itemDef { rect -272 27 272 380 3 1 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 type 6 textaligny -2 textscale 0.375 feeder 18 elementwidth 272 elementheight 20 // numcol xpos xwidth textlen alignment columns 1 38 16 40 0 noscrollbars visible when ( !( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) ) } itemDef { rect -272 27 272 380 3 1 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 type 6 textaligny -2 textscale 0.375 feeder 31 elementwidth 272 elementheight 20 // numcol xpos xwidth textlen alignment columns 1 38 16 40 0 noscrollbars visible when ( ( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) ) } itemDef { rect -272 27 272 380 3 1 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 type 6 textaligny 178 textscale 0.375 feeder 33 elementwidth 272 elementheight 20 // numcol xpos xwidth textlen alignment columns 1 38 16 40 0 noscrollbars visible when ( ( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) ) } itemDef { rect -272 27 272 380 3 1 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 type 6 textalignx 20 textaligny -2 textscale 0.375 feeder 39 elementwidth 272 elementheight 20 // numcol xpos xwidth textlen alignment columns 2 194 20 3 1 194 20 3 1 noscrollbars visible when ( !( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) ) } itemDef { rect -272 27 272 380 3 1 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 type 6 textalignx 20 textaligny -2 textscale 0.375 feeder 42 elementwidth 272 elementheight 20 // numcol xpos xwidth textlen alignment columns 2 194 20 3 1 194 20 3 1 noscrollbars visible when ( ( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) ) } itemDef { rect -272 207 272 380 3 1 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 type 6 textalignx 20 textaligny -2 textscale 0.375 feeder 41 elementwidth 272 elementheight 20 // numcol xpos xwidth textlen alignment columns 2 194 20 3 1 194 20 3 1 noscrollbars visible when ( ( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) ) } itemDef { rect -272 27 272 380 3 1 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 0.65 type 6 textaligny -2 textscale 0.375 feeder 35 elementwidth 272 elementheight 20 // numcol xpos xwidth textlen alignment columns 1 230 40 4 2 noscrollbars visible when ( !( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) ) } itemDef { rect -272 27 272 380 3 1 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 0.65 type 6 textaligny -2 textscale 0.375 feeder 36 elementwidth 272 elementheight 20 // numcol xpos xwidth textlen alignment columns 1 230 40 4 2 noscrollbars visible when ( ( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) ) } itemDef { rect -272 27 272 380 3 1 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 0.65 type 6 textaligny 178 textscale 0.375 feeder 37 elementwidth 272 elementheight 20 // numcol xpos xwidth textlen alignment columns 1 230 40 4 2 noscrollbars visible when ( ( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) ) } itemDef { rect -272 27 272 380 3 1 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 type 6 textaligny -2 textscale 0.375 feeder 45 elementwidth 272 elementheight 20 // numcol xpos xwidth textlen alignment columns 1 -20 16 40 2 noscrollbars visible when ( !( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) ) } itemDef { rect -272 27 272 380 3 1 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 type 6 textaligny -2 textscale 0.375 feeder 46 elementwidth 272 elementheight 20 // numcol xpos xwidth textlen alignment columns 1 -20 16 40 2 noscrollbars visible when ( ( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) ) } itemDef { rect -272 27 272 380 3 1 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 type 6 textaligny 178 textscale 0.375 feeder 47 elementwidth 272 elementheight 20 // numcol xpos xwidth textlen alignment columns 1 -20 16 40 2 noscrollbars visible when ( ( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) ) } itemDef { rect 0 0 272 40 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0.25 0.25 0.25 1 background "playercard_bg" textscale 0.55 exp rect x ( - 268 ) exp rect y ( 28 + ( dvarint( "party_selectedIndex" ) * 20 ) - 10 ) visible when ( getfocuseditemname( ) == "lobbyList" && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 3 , dvarint( "party_selectedIndex" ) ) != 0 ) ) } itemDef { rect 0 0 160 32 3 1 style 1 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 backcolor 1 1 1 1 textfont 3 textalign 9 textscale 0.375 textstyle 8 exp rect x ( - 248 ) exp rect y ( 28 + ( dvarint( "party_selectedIndex" ) * 20 ) - 10 - 4 ) exp forecolor r ( tablelookupbyrow( "mp/cardTitleTable.csv" , getplayercardinfo( 1 , 3 , dvarint( "party_selectedIndex" ) ) , 3 ) ) exp forecolor g ( tablelookupbyrow( "mp/cardTitleTable.csv" , getplayercardinfo( 1 , 3 , dvarint( "party_selectedIndex" ) ) , 4 ) ) exp forecolor b ( tablelookupbyrow( "mp/cardTitleTable.csv" , getplayercardinfo( 1 , 3 , dvarint( "party_selectedIndex" ) ) , 5 ) ) visible when ( getfocuseditemname( ) == "lobbyList" && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 3 , dvarint( "party_selectedIndex" ) ) != 0 ) ) exp text ( "@" + tablelookupbyrow( "mp/cardTitleTable.csv" , getplayercardinfo( 1 , 3 , dvarint( "party_selectedIndex" ) ) , 1 ) ) exp material ( tablelookupbyrow( "mp/cardTitleTable.csv" , getplayercardinfo( 1 , 3 , dvarint( "party_selectedIndex" ) ) , 2 ) ) } itemDef { rect 0 0 248 20 3 1 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 textfont 10 textalign 4 textalignx 10 textaligny 4 textscale 0.3333 textstyle 8 exp rect x ( ( - 248 ) ) exp rect y ( ( 28 + ( dvarint( "party_selectedIndex" ) * 20 ) - 10 ) + 20 ) visible when ( getfocuseditemname( ) == "lobbyList" && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 3 , dvarint( "party_selectedIndex" ) ) != 0 ) ) exp text ( getplayercardinfo( 8 , 3 , dvarint( "party_selectedIndex" ) ) ) } itemDef { rect 0 0 40 40 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 textscale 0.55 exp rect x ( ( - 248 ) + 160 ) exp rect y ( ( 28 + ( dvarint( "party_selectedIndex" ) * 20 ) - 10 ) ) visible when ( getfocuseditemname( ) == "lobbyList" && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 3 , dvarint( "party_selectedIndex" ) ) != 0 ) ) exp material ( tablelookupbyrow( "mp/cardIconTable.csv" , getplayercardinfo( 2 , 3 , dvarint( "party_selectedIndex" ) ) , 1 ) ) } itemDef { rect 0 0 20 20 3 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 textscale 0.55 exp rect x ( ( - 248 ) + 204 ) exp rect y ( ( 28 + ( dvarint( "party_selectedIndex" ) * 20 ) - 10 ) ) visible when ( getfocuseditemname( ) == "lobbyList" && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 3 , dvarint( "party_selectedIndex" ) ) != 0 ) && ( getplayercardinfo( 4 , 3 , dvarint( "party_selectedIndex" ) ) >= 0 ) ) exp material ( tablelookup( "mp/rankIconTable.csv" , 0 , getplayercardinfo( 4 , 3 , dvarint( "party_selectedIndex" ) ) , ( getplayercardinfo( 5 , 3 , dvarint( "party_selectedIndex" ) ) + 1 ) ) ) } itemDef { rect 0 0 20 20 3 1 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 textfont 3 textalign 9 textscale 0.375 textstyle 7 exp rect x ( ( - 248 ) + 222 ) exp rect y ( ( 28 + ( dvarint( "party_selectedIndex" ) * 20 ) - 10 ) ) visible when ( getfocuseditemname( ) == "lobbyList" && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 3 , dvarint( "party_selectedIndex" ) ) != 0 ) && ( getplayercardinfo( 4 , 3 , dvarint( "party_selectedIndex" ) ) >= 0 ) ) exp text ( tablelookup( "mp/rankTable.csv" , 0 , getplayercardinfo( 4 , 3 , dvarint( "party_selectedIndex" ) ) , 14 ) ) } itemDef { rect 0 0 40 18 3 1 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 textfont 3 textalign 9 textscale 0.375 textstyle 7 exp rect x ( ( - 248 ) + 204 ) exp rect y ( ( 28 + ( dvarint( "party_selectedIndex" ) * 20 ) - 10 ) + 18 ) visible when ( getfocuseditemname( ) == "lobbyList" && ( getplayercardinfo( 0 , 3 , dvarint( "party_selectedIndex" ) ) != 0 ) && getplayercardinfo( 9 , 3 , dvarint( "party_selectedIndex" ) ) != "" ) exp text ( "[" + getplayercardinfo( 9 , 3 , dvarint( "party_selectedIndex" ) ) + "]" ) } itemDef { rect -272 27 272 380 3 1 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 type 6 textaligny -2 textscale 0.375 feeder 19 elementwidth 272 elementheight 20 // numcol xpos xwidth textlen alignment columns 1 0 20 40 0 noscrollbars visible when ( !( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) ) } itemDef { rect -272 27 272 380 3 1 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 type 6 textaligny -2 textscale 0.375 feeder 32 elementwidth 272 elementheight 20 // numcol xpos xwidth textlen alignment columns 1 0 20 40 0 noscrollbars visible when ( ( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) ) } itemDef { rect -272 207 272 380 3 1 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 type 6 textaligny -2 textscale 0.375 feeder 34 elementwidth 272 elementheight 20 // numcol xpos xwidth textlen alignment columns 1 0 20 40 0 noscrollbars visible when ( ( dvarbool( "party_teamsVisible" ) && dvarbool( "party_teamBased" ) ) ) } itemDef { rect -128 -17 1280 18 1 3 style 3 decoration visible 1 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text "@PLATFORM_BACK_CAPS" } itemDef { rect -100 0 100 600 1 1 style 1 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 backcolor 0.5 0.6 0.8 0.5 textscale 0.55 dvarTest "ui_safearea" showDvar { 1 } } itemDef { rect 0 -600 100 600 3 3 style 1 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 backcolor 0.5 0.6 0.8 0.5 textscale 0.55 dvarTest "ui_safearea" showDvar { 1 } } itemDef { rect -900 -100 900 100 3 1 style 1 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 backcolor 0.5 0.6 0.8 0.5 textscale 0.55 dvarTest "ui_safearea" showDvar { 1 } } itemDef { rect 0 0 900 100 1 3 style 1 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 backcolor 0.5 0.6 0.8 0.5 textscale 0.55 dvarTest "ui_safearea" showDvar { 1 } } itemDef { rect 390 56 0 0 0 0 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 textfont 1 textscale 0.375 visible when ( dvarstring( "ui_debug_localVarString" ) != "" ) exp text ( dvarstring( "ui_debug_localVarString" ) + ": " + localvarstring( dvarstring( "ui_debug_localVarString" ) ) ) } itemDef { rect 390 72 0 0 0 0 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 textfont 1 textscale 0.375 visible when ( dvarstring( "ui_debug_localVarInt" ) != "" ) exp text ( dvarstring( "ui_debug_localVarInt" ) + ": " + localvarint( dvarstring( "ui_debug_localVarInt" ) ) ) } itemDef { rect 390 72 0 0 0 0 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 textfont 1 textscale 0.375 visible when ( dvarstring( "ui_debug_localVarBool" ) != "" ) exp text ( dvarstring( "ui_debug_localVarBool" ) + ": " + localvarbool( dvarstring( "ui_debug_localVarBool" ) ) ) } } menuDef { name "popup_ready" rect 0 0 640 480 0 0 style 1 border 1 popup forecolor 1 1 1 1 focuscolor 1 1 1 1 onOpen { exec "xpartyready 1"; } onEsc { play "mouse_click"; exec "xpartyready 0"; close "popup_ready"; } } menuDef { name "skipmapconfirmation" rect -150 -64 300 64 2 2 style 1 popup legacySplitScreenScale forecolor 1 1 1 1 backcolor 1 1 1 1 background "white" focuscolor 1 1 1 1 onOpen { setLocalVarInt "ui_centerPopup" ( 1 ); setfocus "yes_button"; } onClose { setLocalVarInt "ui_centerPopup" ( 0 ); } onEsc { close self; } itemDef { rect -1004 -544 1708 960 2 2 style 1 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 backcolor 0 0 0 0.35 background "white" textscale 0.55 } itemDef { rect -1004 -544 1708 960 2 2 style 1 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 backcolor 1 1 1 1 background "xpbar_stencilbase" textscale 0.55 } itemDef { rect -150 -64 300 64 2 2 style 1 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 backcolor 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 background "white" textscale 0.55 } itemDef { rect -150 -64 1708 480 2 2 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 0.75 background "mw2_popup_bg_fogstencil" textscale 0.55 exp rect x ( 0 - ( ( float( milliseconds( ) % 60000 ) / 60000 ) * ( 854 ) ) ) } itemDef { rect -150 -64 -1708 -480 2 2 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0.85 0.85 0.85 1 background "mw2_popup_bg_fogscroll" textscale 0.55 exp rect x ( 0 - ( ( float( milliseconds( ) % 60000 ) / 60000 ) * ( 854 ) ) ) } itemDef { rect -150 -64 300 0 2 2 style 3 decoration visible 1 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background "drop_shadow_l" textscale 0.55 exp rect h ( ( 24 + 2 * 20 ) ) visible when ( 1 ) } itemDef { rect -150 -64 300 24 2 2 style 1 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 background "gradient_fadein" textfont 9 textalign 5 textscale 0.375 text "@MENU_VOTESKIPCONFIRM" } itemDef { name "yes_button" rect -146 -40 292 20 2 2 group "mw2_popup_button" style 1 visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 disablecolor 0.6 0.55 0.55 1 background "popup_button_selection_bar" type 1 textfont 3 textalign 6 textalignx -24 textscale 0.375 text "@MENU_YES" action { play "mouse_click"; exec "xpartyveto 1"; close self; } onFocus { play "mouse_over"; if ( dvarstring( "gameMode" ) != "mp" ) { setItemColor "mw2_popup_button" backcolor 0 0 0 0; } setItemColor self backcolor 0 0 0 1; setLocalVarBool "ui_popupAButton" ( 1 ); } leaveFocus { setItemColor self backcolor 1 1 1 0; setLocalVarBool "ui_popupAButton" ( 0 ); } } itemDef { name "cancel_button" rect -146 -20 292 20 2 2 group "mw2_popup_button" style 1 visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 disablecolor 0.6 0.55 0.55 1 background "popup_button_selection_bar" type 1 textfont 3 textalign 6 textalignx -24 textscale 0.375 text "@MENU_NO" action { play "mouse_click"; close self; } onFocus { play "mouse_over"; if ( dvarstring( "gameMode" ) != "mp" ) { setItemColor "mw2_popup_button" backcolor 0 0 0 0; } setItemColor self backcolor 0 0 0 1; setLocalVarBool "ui_popupAButton" ( 1 ); } leaveFocus { setItemColor self backcolor 1 1 1 0; setLocalVarBool "ui_popupAButton" ( 0 ); } } itemDef { rect -150 -64 292 22 2 2 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 textfont 1 textalign 10 textaligny -1 textscale 0.28 text "@PLATFORM_UI_SELECTBUTTON" exp rect y ( getfocuseditemy( ) + ( ( 24 + 2 * 20 ) ) ) visible when ( localvarbool( "ui_popupAButton" ) ) } } menuDef { name "leavelobbywarning" rect -150 -64 300 64 2 2 style 1 popup legacySplitScreenScale forecolor 1 1 1 1 backcolor 1 1 1 1 background "white" focuscolor 1 1 1 1 onOpen { setLocalVarInt "ui_centerPopup" ( 1 ); setfocus "cancel_button"; } onClose { setLocalVarInt "ui_centerPopup" ( 0 ); } onEsc { close self; } itemDef { rect -1004 -544 1708 960 2 2 style 1 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 backcolor 0 0 0 0.35 background "white" textscale 0.55 } itemDef { rect -1004 -544 1708 960 2 2 style 1 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 backcolor 1 1 1 1 background "xpbar_stencilbase" textscale 0.55 } itemDef { rect -150 -64 300 64 2 2 style 1 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 backcolor 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 background "white" textscale 0.55 } itemDef { rect -150 -64 1708 480 2 2 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 0.75 background "mw2_popup_bg_fogstencil" textscale 0.55 exp rect x ( 0 - ( ( float( milliseconds( ) % 60000 ) / 60000 ) * ( 854 ) ) ) } itemDef { rect -150 -64 -1708 -480 2 2 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0.85 0.85 0.85 1 background "mw2_popup_bg_fogscroll" textscale 0.55 exp rect x ( 0 - ( ( float( milliseconds( ) % 60000 ) / 60000 ) * ( 854 ) ) ) } itemDef { rect -150 -64 300 0 2 2 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 background "mockup_popup_bg_stencilfill" textscale 0.55 exp rect h ( ( 24 + 2 * 20 ) ) } itemDef { rect -150 -64 -1708 -480 2 2 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 0.75 background "mw2_popup_bg_fogstencil" textscale 0.55 exp rect x ( ( - 854 ) + ( ( float( milliseconds( ) % 50000 ) / 50000 ) * ( 854 ) ) ) } itemDef { rect -150 -64 -1708 -480 2 2 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0.85 0.85 0.85 1 background "mw2_popup_bg_fogscroll" textscale 0.55 exp rect x ( ( - 854 ) + ( ( float( milliseconds( ) % 50000 ) / 50000 ) * ( 854 ) ) ) } itemDef { rect -150 -64 300 0 1 1 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 0 background "small_box_lightfx" textscale 0.55 exp rect h ( ( 24 + 2 * 20 ) ) } itemDef { rect -214 -128 64 64 2 2 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 1 background "drop_shadow_tl" textscale 0.55 visible when ( 1 ) } itemDef { rect -150 -128 300 64 2 2 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 1 background "drop_shadow_t" textscale 0.55 visible when ( 1 ) } itemDef { rect 150 -128 64 64 2 2 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 1 background "drop_shadow_tr" textscale 0.55 visible when ( 1 ) } itemDef { rect 150 -64 64 0 2 2 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 1 background "drop_shadow_r" textscale 0.55 exp rect h ( ( 24 + 2 * 20 ) ) visible when ( 1 ) } itemDef { rect 150 -64 64 64 2 2 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 1 background "drop_shadow_br" textscale 0.55 exp rect y ( ( 0 - 0 ) + ( ( 24 + 2 * 20 ) ) ) visible when ( 1 ) } itemDef { rect -150 -64 300 64 2 2 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 1 background "drop_shadow_b" textscale 0.55 exp rect y ( ( 0 - 0 ) + ( ( 24 + 2 * 20 ) ) ) visible when ( 1 ) } itemDef { rect -214 -64 64 64 2 2 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 1 background "drop_shadow_bl" textscale 0.55 exp rect y ( ( 0 - 0 ) + ( ( 24 + 2 * 20 ) ) ) visible when ( 1 ) } itemDef { rect -214 -64 64 0 2 2 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0 0 0 1 background "drop_shadow_l" textscale 0.55 exp rect h ( ( 24 + 2 * 20 ) ) visible when ( 1 ) } itemDef { rect -150 -64 300 24 2 2 style 1 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 background "gradient_fadein" textfont 9 textalign 5 textscale 0.375 text "@XBOXLIVE_LEAVELOBBY" visible when ( !inprivateparty( ) || privatepartyhost( ) || !privatepartyhostinlobby( ) ) } itemDef { rect -150 -64 300 24 2 2 style 1 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 background "gradient_fadein" textfont 9 textalign 5 textscale 0.375 text "@XBOXLIVE_LEAVEPARTYANDLOBBY" visible when ( inprivateparty( ) && !privatepartyhost( ) && privatepartyhostinlobby( ) ) } itemDef { name "yes_button" rect -146 -40 292 20 2 2 group "mw2_popup_button" style 1 visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 disablecolor 0.6 0.55 0.55 1 background "popup_button_selection_bar" type 1 textfont 3 textalign 6 textalignx -24 textscale 0.375 text "@MENU_YES" action { play "mouse_click"; exec "xstopparty"; if ( inprivateparty( ) && !privatepartyhost( ) && privatepartyhostinlobby( ) ) { exec "xstopprivateparty"; exec "xstartprivateparty"; } close "menu_xboxlive_lobby"; close "menu_xboxlive_privatelobby"; close "menu_xboxlive_teams"; exec "xblive_privatematch 0"; close self; } onFocus { play "mouse_over"; if ( dvarstring( "gameMode" ) != "mp" ) { setItemColor "mw2_popup_button" backcolor 0 0 0 0; } setItemColor self backcolor 0 0 0 1; setLocalVarBool "ui_popupAButton" ( 1 ); } leaveFocus { setItemColor self backcolor 1 1 1 0; setLocalVarBool "ui_popupAButton" ( 0 ); } } itemDef { name "cancel_button" rect -146 -20 292 20 2 2 group "mw2_popup_button" style 1 visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 disablecolor 0.6 0.55 0.55 1 background "popup_button_selection_bar" type 1 textfont 3 textalign 6 textalignx -24 textscale 0.375 text "@MENU_NO" action { play "mouse_click"; close self; } onFocus { play "mouse_over"; if ( dvarstring( "gameMode" ) != "mp" ) { setItemColor "mw2_popup_button" backcolor 0 0 0 0; } setItemColor self backcolor 0 0 0 1; setLocalVarBool "ui_popupAButton" ( 1 ); } leaveFocus { setItemColor self backcolor 1 1 1 0; setLocalVarBool "ui_popupAButton" ( 0 ); } } itemDef { rect -150 -64 292 22 2 2 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 textfont 1 textalign 10 textaligny -1 textscale 0.28 text "@PLATFORM_UI_SELECTBUTTON" exp rect y ( getfocuseditemy( ) + ( ( 24 + 2 * 20 ) ) ) visible when ( localvarbool( "ui_popupAButton" ) ) } } }