#include common_scripts\utility; #include common_scripts\_createfx; initFX() { if ( !isdefined( level.func ) ) { // this array will be filled with code commands that SP or MP may use but doesn't exist in the other. level.func = []; } if( !isdefined( level.func[ "create_triggerfx" ] ) ) level.func[ "create_triggerfx" ] = ::create_triggerfx; // wrapper for the exploder function so we dont have to use flags and do ifs/waittills on every exploder call level.exploderFunction = ::exploder_before_load; waittillframeend;// Wait one frame so the effects get setup by the maps fx thread waittillframeend;// Wait another frame so effects can be loaded based on start functions. Without this FX are initialiazed before they are defined by start functions. level.exploderFunction = ::exploder_after_load; /# setDevDvarIfUninitialized( "scr_map_exploder_dump", 0 ); #/ for ( i = 0; i < level.createFXent.size; i++ ) { ent = level.createFXent[ i ]; ent set_forward_and_up_vectors(); if ( ent.v[ "type" ] == "loopfx" ) ent thread loopfxthread(); if ( ent.v[ "type" ] == "oneshotfx" ) ent thread oneshotfxthread(); if ( ent.v[ "type" ] == "soundfx" ) ent thread create_loopsound(); } } print_org( fxcommand, fxId, fxPos, waittime ) { if ( GetDvar( "debug" ) == "1" ) { println( "{" ); println( "\"origin\" \"" + fxPos[ 0 ] + " " + fxPos[ 1 ] + " " + fxPos[ 2 ] + "\"" ); println( "\"classname\" \"script_model\"" ); println( "\"model\" \"fx\"" ); println( "\"script_fxcommand\" \"" + fxcommand + "\"" ); println( "\"script_fxid\" \"" + fxId + "\"" ); println( "\"script_delay\" \"" + waittime + "\"" ); println( "}" ); } } OneShotfx( fxId, fxPos, waittime, fxPos2 ) { // level thread print_org ("OneShotfx", fxId, fxPos, waittime); // level thread OneShotfxthread (fxId, fxPos, waittime, fxPos2); } exploderfx( num, fxId, fxPos, waittime, fxPos2, fireFx, fireFxDelay, fireFxSound, fxSound, fxQuake, fxDamage, soundalias, repeat, delay_min, delay_max, damage_radius, fireFxTimeout, exploder_group ) { if ( 1 ) { ent = createExploder( fxId ); ent.v[ "origin" ] = fxPos; ent.v[ "angles" ] = ( 0, 0, 0 ); if ( isdefined( fxPos2 ) ) ent.v[ "angles" ] = vectortoangles( fxPos2 - fxPos ); ent.v[ "delay" ] = waittime; ent.v[ "exploder" ] = num; // deprecated return; } fx = spawn( "script_origin", ( 0, 0, 0 ) ); // println ("total ", getentarray ("script_origin","classname").size); fx.origin = fxPos; fx.angles = vectortoangles( fxPos2 - fxPos ); // fx.targetname = "exploder"; fx.script_exploder = num; fx.script_fxid = fxId; fx.script_delay = waittime; fx.script_firefx = fireFx; fx.script_firefxdelay = ( fireFxDelay );// for awhile the script exported strings for this value so we cast it to float fx.script_firefxsound = fireFxSound; fx.script_sound = fxSound; fx.script_earthquake = fxQuake; fx.script_damage = ( fxDamage ); fx.script_radius = ( damage_radius ); fx.script_soundalias = soundalias; fx.script_firefxtimeout = ( fireFxTimeout ); fx.script_repeat = ( repeat ); fx.script_delay_min = ( delay_min ); fx.script_delay_max = ( delay_max ); fx.script_exploder_group = exploder_group; forward = anglestoforward( fx.angles ); forward = vector_multiply( forward, 150 ); fx.targetPos = fxPos + forward; if ( !isdefined( level._script_exploders ) ) level._script_exploders = []; level._script_exploders[ level._script_exploders.size ] = fx; createfx_showOrigin( fxid, fxPos, waittime, fxpos2, "exploderfx", fx, undefined, fireFx, fireFxDelay, fireFxSound, fxSound, fxQuake, fxDamage, soundalias, repeat, delay_min, delay_max, damage_radius, fireFxTimeout ); } /* loopfxRotate(fxId, fxPos, waittime, angle, fxStart, fxStop, timeout) { level thread print_org ("loopfx", fxId, fxPos, waittime); level thread loopfxthread (fxId, fxPos, waittime, fxPos2, fxStart, fxStop, timeout); } */ loopfx( fxId, fxPos, waittime, fxPos2, fxStart, fxStop, timeout ) { println( "Loopfx is deprecated!" ); ent = createLoopEffect( fxId ); ent.v[ "origin" ] = fxPos; ent.v[ "angles" ] = ( 0, 0, 0 ); if ( isdefined( fxPos2 ) ) ent.v[ "angles" ] = vectortoangles( fxPos2 - fxPos ); ent.v[ "delay" ] = waittime; } /* loopfx(fxId, fxPos, waittime, fxPos2, fxStart, fxStop, timeout) { level thread print_org ("loopfx", fxId, fxPos, waittime); level thread loopfxthread (fxId, fxPos, waittime, fxPos2, fxStart, fxStop, timeout); } */ create_looper() { //assert (isdefined(self.looper)); self.looper = playLoopedFx( level._effect[ self.v[ "fxid" ] ], self.v[ "delay" ], self.v[ "origin" ], 0, self.v[ "forward" ], self.v[ "up" ] ); create_loopsound(); } create_loopsound() { self notify( "stop_loop" ); if ( isdefined( self.v[ "soundalias" ] ) && ( self.v[ "soundalias" ] != "nil" ) ) { if ( isdefined( self.v[ "stopable" ] ) && self.v[ "stopable" ] ) { if ( isdefined( self.looper ) ) self.looper thread loop_fx_sound( self.v[ "soundalias" ], self.v[ "origin" ], "death" ); else thread loop_fx_sound( self.v[ "soundalias" ], self.v[ "origin" ], "stop_loop" ); } else { if ( isdefined( self.looper ) ) self.looper thread loop_fx_sound( self.v[ "soundalias" ], self.v[ "origin" ] ); else thread loop_fx_sound( self.v[ "soundalias" ], self.v[ "origin" ] ); } } } loopfxthread() { waitframe(); // println ( "fx testing running Id: ", fxId ); // if ((isdefined (level.scr_sound)) && (isdefined (level.scr_sound[fxId]))) // loopSound(level.scr_sound[fxId], fxPos); if ( isdefined( self.fxStart ) ) level waittill( "start fx" + self.fxStart ); while ( 1 ) { /* if (isdefined (ent.org2)) { fxAngle = vectorNormalize (ent.org2 - ent.org); looper = playLoopedFx( level._effect[fxId], ent.delay, ent.org, 0, fxAngle ); } else looper = playLoopedFx( level._effect[fxId], ent.delay, ent.org, 0 ); */ create_looper(); if ( isdefined( self.timeout ) ) thread loopfxStop( self.timeout ); if ( isdefined( self.fxStop ) ) level waittill( "stop fx" + self.fxStop ); else return; if ( isdefined( self.looper ) ) self.looper delete(); if ( isdefined( self.fxStart ) ) level waittill( "start fx" + self.fxStart ); else return; } } loopfxChangeID( ent ) { self endon( "death" ); ent waittill( "effect id changed", change ); } loopfxChangeOrg( ent ) { self endon( "death" ); for ( ;; ) { ent waittill( "effect org changed", change ); self.origin = change; } } loopfxChangeDelay( ent ) { self endon( "death" ); ent waittill( "effect delay changed", change ); } loopfxDeletion( ent ) { self endon( "death" ); ent waittill( "effect deleted" ); self delete(); } loopfxStop( timeout ) { self endon( "death" ); wait( timeout ); self.looper delete(); } loopSound( sound, Pos, waittime ) { // level thread print_org ("loopSound", sound, Pos, waittime); level thread loopSoundthread( sound, Pos, waittime ); } loopSoundthread( sound, pos, waittime ) { org = spawn( "script_origin", ( pos ) ); org.origin = pos; // println ("hello1 ", org.origin, sound); org playLoopSound( sound ); } gunfireloopfx( fxId, fxPos, shotsMin, shotsMax, shotdelayMin, shotdelayMax, betweenSetsMin, betweenSetsMax ) { thread gunfireloopfxthread( fxId, fxPos, shotsMin, shotsMax, shotdelayMin, shotdelayMax, betweenSetsMin, betweenSetsMax ); } gunfireloopfxthread( fxId, fxPos, shotsMin, shotsMax, shotdelayMin, shotdelayMax, betweenSetsMin, betweenSetsMax ) { level endon( "stop all gunfireloopfx" ); waitframe(); if ( betweenSetsMax < betweenSetsMin ) { temp = betweenSetsMax; betweenSetsMax = betweenSetsMin; betweenSetsMin = temp; } betweenSetsBase = betweenSetsMin; betweenSetsRange = betweenSetsMax - betweenSetsMin; if ( shotdelayMax < shotdelayMin ) { temp = shotdelayMax; shotdelayMax = shotdelayMin; shotdelayMin = temp; } shotdelayBase = shotdelayMin; shotdelayRange = shotdelayMax - shotdelayMin; if ( shotsMax < shotsMin ) { temp = shotsMax; shotsMax = shotsMin; shotsMin = temp; } shotsBase = shotsMin; shotsRange = shotsMax - shotsMin; fxEnt = spawnFx( level._effect[ fxId ], fxPos ); fxEnt willNeverChange(); for ( ;; ) { shotnum = shotsBase + randomint( shotsRange ); for ( i = 0;i < shotnum;i++ ) { triggerFx( fxEnt ); wait( shotdelayBase + randomfloat( shotdelayRange ) ); } wait( betweenSetsBase + randomfloat( betweenSetsRange ) ); } } gunfireloopfxVec( fxId, fxPos, fxPos2, shotsMin, shotsMax, shotdelayMin, shotdelayMax, betweenSetsMin, betweenSetsMax ) { thread gunfireloopfxVecthread( fxId, fxPos, fxPos2, shotsMin, shotsMax, shotdelayMin, shotdelayMax, betweenSetsMin, betweenSetsMax ); } gunfireloopfxVecthread( fxId, fxPos, fxPos2, shotsMin, shotsMax, shotdelayMin, shotdelayMax, betweenSetsMin, betweenSetsMax ) { level endon( "stop all gunfireloopfx" ); waitframe(); if ( betweenSetsMax < betweenSetsMin ) { temp = betweenSetsMax; betweenSetsMax = betweenSetsMin; betweenSetsMin = temp; } betweenSetsBase = betweenSetsMin; betweenSetsRange = betweenSetsMax - betweenSetsMin; if ( shotdelayMax < shotdelayMin ) { temp = shotdelayMax; shotdelayMax = shotdelayMin; shotdelayMin = temp; } shotdelayBase = shotdelayMin; shotdelayRange = shotdelayMax - shotdelayMin; if ( shotsMax < shotsMin ) { temp = shotsMax; shotsMax = shotsMin; shotsMin = temp; } shotsBase = shotsMin; shotsRange = shotsMax - shotsMin; fxPos2 = vectornormalize( fxPos2 - fxPos ); fxEnt = spawnFx( level._effect[ fxId ], fxPos, fxPos2 ); fxEnt willNeverChange(); for ( ;; ) { shotnum = shotsBase + randomint( shotsRange ); for ( i = 0;i < int( shotnum / level.fxfireloopmod );i++ ) { triggerFx( fxEnt ); delay = ( ( shotdelayBase + randomfloat( shotdelayRange ) ) * level.fxfireloopmod ); if ( delay < .05 ) delay = .05; wait delay; } wait( shotdelayBase + randomfloat( shotdelayRange ) ); wait( betweenSetsBase + randomfloat( betweenSetsRange ) ); } } setfireloopmod( value ) { level.fxfireloopmod = 1 / value; } setup_fx() { if ( ( !isdefined( self.script_fxid ) ) || ( !isdefined( self.script_fxcommand ) ) || ( !isdefined( self.script_delay ) ) ) { // println (self.script_fxid); // println (self.script_fxcommand); // println (self.script_delay); // println ("Effect at origin ", self.origin," doesn't have script_fxid/script_fxcommand/script_delay"); // self delete(); return; } // println ("^a Command:", self.script_fxcommand, " Effect:", self.script_fxID, " Delay:", self.script_delay, " ", self.origin); if ( isdefined( self.model ) ) if ( self.model == "toilet" ) { self thread burnville_paratrooper_hack(); return; } org = undefined; if ( isdefined( self.target ) ) { ent = getent( self.target, "targetname" ); if ( isdefined( ent ) ) org = ent.origin; } fxStart = undefined; if ( isdefined( self.script_fxstart ) ) fxStart = self.script_fxstart; fxStop = undefined; if ( isdefined( self.script_fxstop ) ) fxStop = self.script_fxstop; if ( self.script_fxcommand == "OneShotfx" ) OneShotfx( self.script_fxId, self.origin, self.script_delay, org ); if ( self.script_fxcommand == "loopfx" ) loopfx( self.script_fxId, self.origin, self.script_delay, org, fxStart, fxStop ); if ( self.script_fxcommand == "loopsound" ) loopsound( self.script_fxId, self.origin, self.script_delay ); self delete(); } burnville_paratrooper_hack() { normal = ( 0, 0, self.angles[ 1 ] ); // println ("z: paratrooper fx hack: ", normal); id = level._effect[ self.script_fxId ]; origin = self.origin; // if (isdefined (self.script_delay)) // wait (self.script_delay); wait 1; level thread burnville_paratrooper_hack_loop( normal, origin, id ); self delete(); } burnville_paratrooper_hack_loop( normal, origin, id ) { while ( 1 ) { // iprintln ("z: playing paratrooper fx", origin); playfx( id, origin ); wait( 30 + randomfloat( 40 ) ); } } create_triggerfx() { //assert (isdefined(self.looper)); if( ! verify_effects_assignment( self.v[ "fxid" ] ) ) return; self.looper = spawnFx( level._effect[ self.v[ "fxid" ] ], self.v[ "origin" ], self.v[ "forward" ], self.v[ "up" ] ); triggerFx( self.looper, self.v[ "delay" ] ); self.looper willNeverChange(); create_loopsound(); } verify_effects_assignment( effectID ) { if( isdefined ( level._effect[ effectID ] ) ) return true; if( ! isdefined( level._missing_FX ) ) level._missing_FX = []; level._missing_FX[ self.v[ "fxid" ] ] = effectID; verify_effects_assignment_print( effectID ); return false; } verify_effects_assignment_print( effectID ) { level notify ( "verify_effects_assignment_print" ); level endon ( "verify_effects_assignment_print" ); wait .05; //allow errors on the same frame to que up before printing println("Error:"); println("Error:**********MISSING EFFECTS IDS**********"); keys = getarraykeys( level._missing_FX ); foreach( key in keys ) { println( "Error: Missing Effects ID assignment for: "+ key ); } println("Error:"); assertmsg( "Missing Effects ID assignments ( see console )" ); } OneShotfxthread() { waitframe(); if ( self.v[ "delay" ] > 0 ) wait self.v[ "delay" ]; /* if ( isdefined( self.v[ "fire_range" ] ) ) { thread fire_radius( self.v[ "origin" ], self.v[ "fire_range" ] ); } */ [[ level.func[ "create_triggerfx" ] ]](); }