// Note that this script is called from the level script command animscripted, only for AI. If animscripted // is done on a script model, this script is not called - startscriptedanim is called directly. #using_animtree( "generic_human" ); main() { //thread [[anim.println]]("Entering animscripts\\scripted. anim: ",self.codeScripted["anim"],", notify: ",self.codeScripted["notifyName"],", dialogue: ",self.scripted_dialogue,", facial: ",self.facial_animation, "root: ", self.codeScripted["root"]);#/ self endon( "death" ); // wait (0); self notify( "killanimscript" ); self notify( "clearSuppressionAttack" ); self.a.suppressingEnemy = false; self.codeScripted[ "root" ] = %body; // TEMP! self endon( "end_sequence" ); // Causes potential variable overflow in Stalingrad // self thread DebugPrintEndSequence(); self startscriptedanim( self.codeScripted[ "notifyName" ], self.codeScripted[ "origin" ], self.codeScripted[ "angles" ], self.codeScripted[ "anim" ], self.codeScripted[ "animMode" ], self.codeScripted[ "root" ] ); self.codeScripted = undefined; // if (isdefined (self.facial_animation)) // { // self SetFlaggedAnimRestart("scripted_anim_facedone", self.facial_animation, 1, .1, 1); // self.facial_animation = undefined; // } if ( isdefined( self.scripted_dialogue ) || isdefined( self.facial_animation ) ) { self animscripts\face::SaySpecificDialogue( self.facial_animation, self.scripted_dialogue, 0.9, "scripted_anim_facedone" ); self.facial_animation = undefined; self.scripted_dialogue = undefined; } if ( isdefined( self.deathstring_passed ) ) self.deathstring = self.deathstring_passed; self waittill( "killanimscript" ); } #using_animtree( "generic_human" ); init( notifyName, origin, angles, theAnim, animMode, root ) { self.codeScripted[ "notifyName" ] = notifyName; self.codeScripted[ "origin" ] = origin; self.codeScripted[ "angles" ] = angles; self.codeScripted[ "anim" ] = theAnim; if ( isDefined( animMode ) ) self.codeScripted[ "animMode" ] = animMode; else self.codeScripted[ "animMode" ] = "normal"; if ( isDefined( root ) ) self.codeScripted[ "root" ] = root; else self.codeScripted[ "root" ] = %body; } // Causes potential variable overflow in Stalingrad /* DebugPrintEndSequence() { self endon ("death"); self waittill ("end_sequence"); /#thread [[anim.println]]("scripted.gsc: \"end_sequence\" was notified. Time: ",GetTime(),".");#/ } */