#include maps\_vehicle_aianim; #include maps\_vehicle; #using_animtree( "vehicles" ); main( model, type, no_death ) { //SNDFILE=vehicle_mi17 build_template( "mi17_noai", model, type ); build_localinit( ::init_local ); build_deathmodel( "vehicle_mi17_woodland" ); // RADNAME = _noai build_deathmodel( "vehicle_mi17_woodland_fly" );// RADNAME = _noai build_deathmodel( "vehicle_mi17_woodland_fly_cheap" );// RADNAME = _noai if ( !isdefined( no_death ) ) { mi17_death_fx = []; mi17_death_fx[ "vehicle_mi17_woodland" ] = "explosions/helicopter_explosion_mi17_woodland"; mi17_death_fx[ "vehicle_mi17_woodland_fly" ] = "explosions/helicopter_explosion_mi17_woodland_low"; mi17_death_fx[ "vehicle_mi17_woodland_fly_cheap" ] = "explosions/helicopter_explosion_mi17_woodland_low"; mi17_death_fx[ "vehicle_mi-28_flying" ] = "explosions/helicopter_explosion_mi17_woodland_low"; build_deathfx( "fire/fire_smoke_trail_L", "tag_engine_right", "mi17_helicopter_dying_loop", true, 0.05, true, 0.5, true ); build_deathfx( "explosions/aerial_explosion", "tag_engine_right", "mi17_helicopter_secondary_exp", undefined, undefined, undefined, 2.5, true ); build_deathfx( "explosions/aerial_explosion", "tag_deathfx", "mi17_helicopter_secondary_exp", undefined, undefined, undefined, 4.0 ); build_deathfx( mi17_death_fx[ model ], undefined, "mi17_helicopter_crash", undefined, undefined, undefined, - 1, undefined, "stop_crash_loop_sound" ); } else { assertex( no_death, "No_death must be undefined or true" ); } build_drive( %mi17_heli_rotors, undefined, 0 ); build_deathfx( "explosions/grenadeexp_default", "tag_engine_left", "mi17_helicopter_hit", undefined, undefined, undefined, 0.2, true ); build_deathfx( "explosions/grenadeexp_default", "tag_engine_right", "mi17_helicopter_hit", undefined, undefined, undefined, 0.5, true ); build_treadfx(); build_life( 999, 500, 1500 ); build_rumble( "tank_rumble", 0.15, 4.5, 600, 1, 1 ); build_team( "axis" ); randomStartDelay = randomfloatrange( 0, 1 ); build_light( model, "cockpit_blue_cargo01", "tag_light_cargo01", "misc/aircraft_light_cockpit_red", "interior", 0.0 ); build_light( model, "cockpit_blue_cockpit01", "tag_light_cockpit01", "misc/aircraft_light_cockpit_blue", "interior", 0.1 ); build_light( model, "white_blink", "tag_light_belly", "misc/aircraft_light_white_blink", "running", randomStartDelay ); build_light( model, "white_blink_tail", "tag_light_tail", "misc/aircraft_light_red_blink", "running", randomStartDelay ); build_light( model, "wingtip_green", "tag_light_L_wing", "misc/aircraft_light_wingtip_green", "running", randomStartDelay ); build_light( model, "wingtip_red", "tag_light_R_wing", "misc/aircraft_light_wingtip_red", "running", randomStartDelay ); } init_local() { // self.originheightoffset = 116; //TODO-FIXME: this is ugly. Derive from distance between tag_origin and tag_base or whatever that tag was. self.originheightoffset = distance( self gettagorigin( "tag_origin" ), self gettagorigin( "tag_ground" ) );// TODO - FIXME: this is ugly. Derive from distance between tag_origin and tag_base or whatever that tag was. self.fastropeoffset = 710;// TODO - FIXME: this is ugly. If only there were a getanimendorigin() command self.script_badplace = false;// All helicopters dont need to create bad places maps\_vehicle::lights_on( "running" ); maps\_vehicle::lights_on( "interior" ); } /*QUAKED script_vehicle_mi17_woodland_noai (1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 32) USABLE SPAWNER put this in your GSC: maps\_mi17_noai::main( "vehicle_mi17_woodland" ); and these lines in your CSV: include,vehicle_mi17_woodland_mi17_noai sound,vehicle_mi17,vehicle_standard,all_sp defaultmdl="vehicle_mi17_woodland" default:"vehicletype" "mi17_noai" default:"script_team" "axis" */ /*QUAKED script_vehicle_mi17_woodland_fly_noai (1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 32) USABLE SPAWNER put this in your GSC: maps\_mi17_noai::main( "vehicle_mi17_woodland_fly" ); and these lines in your CSV: include,vehicle_mi17_woodland_fly_mi17_noai sound,vehicle_mi17,vehicle_standard,all_sp defaultmdl="vehicle_mi17_woodland_fly" default:"vehicletype" "mi17_noai" default:"script_team" "axis" */ /*QUAKED script_vehicle_mi17_woodland_fly_cheap_noai (1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 32) USABLE SPAWNER put this in your GSC: maps\_mi17_noai::main( "vehicle_mi17_woodland_fly_cheap" ); and these lines in your CSV: include,vehicle_mi17_woodland_fly_cheap_mi17_noai sound,vehicle_mi17,vehicle_standard,all_sp defaultmdl="vehicle_mi17_woodland_fly_cheap" default:"vehicletype" "mi17_noai" default:"script_team" "axis" */