
30 lines
746 B

// step_up.gsc
// Makes the character step up onto a ledge. Currently the ledge is assumed to be 36 units.
#using_animtree( "generic_human" );
// do not do code prone in this script
self endon( "killanimscript" );
startnode = self getnegotiationstartnode();
assert( isdefined( startnode ) );
self OrientMode( "face angle", startnode.angles[ 1 ] );
realHeight = startnode.traverse_height - startnode.origin[ 2 ];
destination = ( realHeight );
reps = 6;
offset = ( 0, 0, destination / reps );
self traverseMode( "noclip" );// So he doesn't get stuck if the wall is a little too high
for ( i = 0;i < reps;i++ )
self teleport( self.origin + offset );
wait( 0.05 );
self traverseMode( "gravity" );