
260 lines
7.4 KiB

#include common_scripts\utility;
#include common_scripts\_fx;
#include common_scripts\_createfx;
#include maps\_utility;
#include maps\_createfx;
OneShotfx: Fires an effect once.
maps\_fx::OneShotfx( effectname, (x y z), predelay);
maps\_fx::OneShotfx(level.medFire, // Medium fire effect
(-701, -18361, 148), // Origin
5); // Wait 5 seconds before doing effect
Loopfx: Loops an effect with a waittime.
maps\_fx::loopfx( effectname, (x y z), delay_between_shots);
maps\_fx::loopfx(level.medFire, // Medium fire effect
(-701, -18361, 148), // Origin
0.3); // Wait 0.3 seconds between shots
GunFireLoopfx: Simulates bursts of fire.
maps\_fx::gunfireloopfx(fxId, fxPos, shotsMin, shotsMax, shotdelayMin, shotdelayMax, betweenSetsMin, betweenSetsMax)
maps\_fx::gunfireloopfx (level.medFire, // Medium fire effect
(-701, -18361, 148), // Origin
10, 15, // 10 to 15 shots
0.1, 0.3, // 0.1 to 0.3 seconds between shots
2.5, 9); // 2.5 to 9 seconds between sets of shots.
GrenadeExplosionfx: Creates a grenade explosion with view jitter.
maps\_fx::GrenadeExplosionfx((x y z));
maps\_fx::GrenadeExplosionfx( (-701, -18361, 148) ); // origin
if ( ( !isdefined( self.script_fxid ) ) || ( !isdefined( self.script_fxcommand ) ) || ( !isdefined( self.script_delay ) ) )
println( "Effect at origin ", self.origin, " doesn't have script_fxid/script_fxcommand/script_delay" );
self delete();
if ( isdefined( self.target ) )
org = getent( self.target ).origin;
org = "undefined";
// println ("^a Command:", self.script_fxcommand, " Effect:", self.script_fxID, " Delay:", self.script_delay, " ", self.origin);
if ( self.script_fxcommand == "OneShotfx" )
println( "maps\_fx::OneShotfx(\"" + self.script_fxid + "\", " + self.origin + ", " + self.script_delay + ", " + org + ");" );
if ( self.script_fxcommand == "loopfx" )
println( "maps\_fx::LoopFx(\"" + self.script_fxid + "\", " + self.origin + ", " + self.script_delay + ", " + org + ");" );
if ( self.script_fxcommand == "loopsound" )
println( "maps\_fx::LoopSound(\"" + self.script_fxid + "\", " + self.origin + ", " + self.script_delay + ", " + org + ");" );
script_playfx( id, pos, pos2 )
if ( !id )
if ( isdefined( pos2 ) )
playfx( id, pos, pos2 );
playfx( id, pos );
script_playfxontag( id, ent, tag )
if ( !id )
playfxontag( id, ent, tag );
GrenadeExplosionfx( pos )
playfx( level._effect[ "mechanical explosion" ], pos );
earthquake( 0.15, 0.5, pos, 250 );
// TODO: Add explosion effect and view jitter
// println("The script command grenadeExplosionEffect has been removed. maps\\_fx::GrenadeExplosionfx must be set up to make an effect and jitter the view.");
soundfx( fxId, fxPos, endonNotify )
org = spawn( "script_origin", ( 0, 0, 0 ) );
org.origin = fxPos;
org playloopsound( fxId );
if ( isdefined( endonNotify ) )
org thread soundfxDelete( endonNotify );
ent = level thread createfx_showOrigin ( fxId, fxPos, undefined, undefined, "soundfx" );
ent.delay = 0;
ent endon ("effect deleted");
ent.soundfx = org;
soundfxDelete( endonNotify )
level waittill( endonNotify );
self delete();
rainfx( fxId, fxId2, fxPos )
org = spawn( "script_origin", ( 0, 0, 0 ) );
org.origin = fxPos;
org thread rainLoop( fxId, fxId2 );
//ent = level thread createfx_showOrigin( fxId, fxPos, undefined, undefined, "rainfx", undefined, fxId2 );
//ent.delay = 0;
//ent endon ("effect deleted");
//ent.soundfx = org;
rainLoop( hardRain, lightRain )
// org playloopsound (fxId);
self endon( "death" );
blend = spawn( "sound_blend", ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) );
blend.origin = self.origin;
self thread blendDelete( blend );
blend2 = spawn( "sound_blend", ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) );
blend2.origin = self.origin;
self thread blendDelete( blend2 );
// lerp of 0 will play _null only
blend setSoundBlend( lightRain + "_null", lightRain, 0 );
blend2 setSoundBlend( hardRain + "_null", hardRain, 1 );
rain = "hard";
blendTime = undefined;
for ( ;; )
level waittill( "rain_change", change, blendTime );
blendTime *= 20;// internal framerate
assert( change == "hard" || change == "light" || change == "none" );
assert( blendtime > 0 );
if ( change == "hard" )
if ( rain == "none" )
blendTime *= 0.5;// gotta do 2 blends to go from none to hard
for ( i = 0;i < blendtime;i++ )
blend setSoundBlend( lightRain + "_null", lightRain, i / blendtime );
wait( 0.05 );
rain = "light";
if ( rain == "light" )
for ( i = 0;i < blendtime;i++ )
blend setSoundBlend( lightRain + "_null", lightRain, 1 - ( i / blendtime ) );
blend2 setSoundBlend( hardRain + "_null", hardRain, i / blendtime );
wait( 0.05 );
if ( change == "none" )
if ( rain == "hard" )
blendTime *= 0.5;// gotta do 2 blends to go from hard to none
for ( i = 0;i < blendtime;i++ )
blend setSoundBlend( lightRain + "_null", lightRain, ( i / blendtime ) );
blend2 setSoundBlend( hardRain + "_null", hardRain, 1 - ( i / blendtime ) );
wait( 0.05 );
rain = "light";
if ( rain == "light" )
for ( i = 0;i < blendtime;i++ )
blend setSoundBlend( lightRain + "_null", lightRain, 1 - ( i / blendtime ) );
wait( 0.05 );
if ( change == "light" )
if ( rain == "none" )
for ( i = 0;i < blendtime;i++ )
blend setSoundBlend( lightRain + "_null", lightRain, i / blendtime );
wait( 0.05 );
if ( rain == "hard" )
for ( i = 0;i < blendtime;i++ )
blend setSoundBlend( lightRain + "_null", lightRain, i / blendtime );
blend2 setSoundBlend( hardRain + "_null", hardRain, 1 - ( i / blendtime ) );
wait( 0.05 );
rain = change;
blendDelete( blend )
self waittill( "death" );
blend delete();
/*QUAKED trigger_multiple_fx_watersheeting (0.12 0.23 1.0) ? AI_AXIS AI_ALLIES AI_NEUTRAL NOTPLAYER VEHICLE TRIGGER_SPAWN TOUCH_ONCE
Activates the water sheeting effect covering the screen.
Set script_duration to specify the duration. defaults to 3 seconds.*/
watersheeting( trigger )
duration = 3;
if ( isdefined( trigger.script_duration ) )
duration = trigger.script_duration;
while( true )
trigger waittill( "trigger", other );
if ( IsPlayer( other ) )
other SetWaterSheeting( 1, duration );
wait duration * 0.2;