
538 lines
12 KiB

#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\_utility;
is_light_entity( ent )
return ent.classname == "light_spot" || ent.classname == "light_omni" || ent.classname == "light";
// This function never returns.
flickerLight( color0, color1, minDelay, maxDelay )
toColor = color0;
delay = 0.0;
for ( ;; )
fromColor = toColor;
toColor = color0 + ( color1 - color0 ) * randomfloat( 1.0 );
if ( minDelay != maxDelay )
delay += randomfloatrange( minDelay, maxDelay );
delay += minDelay;
colorDeltaPerTime = ( fromColor - toColor ) * ( 1 / delay );
while ( delay > 0 )
self setLightColor( toColor + colorDeltaPerTime * delay );
wait 0.05;
delay -= 0.05;
//ChrisC wants the lights off when probes are done
if ( getdvar( "r_reflectionProbeGenerate" ) == "1" )
self setLightIntensity( 0 );
on = self getLightIntensity();
off = .05;
curr = on;
transition_on = .3;
transition_off = .6;
increment_on = ( on - off ) / ( transition_on / .05 );
increment_off = ( on - off ) / ( transition_off / .05 );
for ( ;; )
//ramp down
time = 0;
while ( ( time < transition_off ) )
curr -= increment_off;
curr = clamp( curr, 0, 100 );
self setLightIntensity( curr );
time += .05;
wait( .05 );
//off wait time
wait( 1 );
//ramp up
time = 0;
while ( time < transition_on )
curr += increment_on;
curr = clamp( curr, 0, 100 );
self setLightIntensity( curr );
time += .05;
wait( .05 );
//on wait time
wait( .5 );
//ChrisC wants the lights off when probes are done
if ( getdvar( "r_reflectionProbeGenerate" ) == "1" )
self setLightIntensity( 0 );
on = self getLightIntensity();
off = .05;
linked_models = false;
lit_model = undefined;
unlit_model = undefined;
linked_lights = false;
linked_light_ents = [];
if ( isdefined( self.script_noteworthy ) )
linked_things = getentarray( self.script_noteworthy, "targetname" );
for ( i = 0; i < linked_things.size; i++ )
if ( is_light_entity( linked_things[ i ] ) )
linked_lights = true;
linked_light_ents[ linked_light_ents.size ] = linked_things[ i ];
if ( linked_things[ i ].classname == "script_model" )
lit_model = linked_things[ i ];
unlit_model = getent( lit_model.target, "targetname" );
linked_models = true;
//if (! isdefined ( lit_model ) )
// assertmsg( "primary light has lit model but not unlit model ( " + lit_model.origin + " ) " );
for ( ;; )
//off wait time
self setLightIntensity( off );
if ( linked_models )
lit_model hide();
unlit_model show();
wait( .8 );
//first flash
self setLightIntensity( on );
if ( linked_models )
lit_model show();
unlit_model hide();
wait( .1 );
self setLightIntensity( off );
if ( linked_models )
lit_model hide();
unlit_model show();
wait( .12 );
//second flash
self setLightIntensity( on );
if ( linked_models )
lit_model show();
unlit_model hide();
wait( .1 );
getclosests_flickering_model( origin )
//stuff in prefabs bleh. non of this script_noteworthy or linkto stuff works there. so doing closest thing with the light_flicker_model targetname
array = getentarray( "light_flicker_model", "targetname" );
return_array = [];
model = getclosest( origin, array );
if ( isdefined( model ) )
return_array[ 0 ] = model;
return return_array;// I'm losing my mind
//ChrisC wants the lights off when probes are done
if ( getdvar( "r_reflectionProbeGenerate" ) == "1" )
self setLightIntensity( 0 );
self endon( "stop_dynamic_light_behavior" );
self endon( "death" );
self.linked_models = false;
self.lit_model = undefined;
self.unlit_model = undefined;
self.linked_lights = false;
self.linked_light_ents = [];
self.linked_prefab_ents = undefined;
self.linked_things = [];
//prefabs need to support targetnames and script_linkTos to so that lights can be set up
//by simply linking them to a prefab containing the on/off models instead of jumping through hoops (currently bugged)
if ( isdefined( self.script_LinkTo ) )
self.linked_prefab_ents = self get_linked_ents();
assertex( self.linked_prefab_ents.size == 2, "Dynamic light at " + self.origin + " needs to script_LinkTo a prefab that contains both on and off light models" );
foreach( ent in self.linked_prefab_ents )
if ( ( isdefined( ent.script_noteworthy ) ) && ( ent.script_noteworthy == "on" ) )
self.lit_model = ent;
if ( ( isdefined( ent.script_noteworthy ) ) && ( ent.script_noteworthy == "off" ) )
self.unlit_model = ent;
if ( is_light_entity( ent ) )
self.linked_lights = true;
self.linked_light_ents[ self.linked_light_ents.size ] = ent;
assertex( isdefined( self.lit_model ), "Dynamic light at " + self.origin + " needs to script_LinkTo a prefab contains a script_model light with script_noteworthy of 'on' " );
assertex( isdefined( self.unlit_model ), "Dynamic light at " + self.origin + " needs to script_LinkTo a prefab contains a script_model light with script_noteworthy of 'on' " );
self.linked_models = true;
//----------old way of getting linked lights and models....still supported--------------//
if ( isdefined( self.script_noteworthy ) )
self.linked_things = getentarray( self.script_noteworthy, "targetname" );
if ( ( ! self.linked_things.size ) && ( !isdefined( self.linked_prefab_ents ) ) )
self.linked_things = getclosests_flickering_model( self.origin );
for ( i = 0; i < self.linked_things.size; i++ )
if ( is_light_entity( self.linked_things[ i ] ) )
self.linked_lights = true;
self.linked_light_ents[ self.linked_light_ents.size ] = self.linked_things[ i ];
if ( self.linked_things[ i ].classname == "script_model" )
self.lit_model = self.linked_things[ i ];
self.unlit_model = getent( self.lit_model.target, "targetname" );
self.linked_models = true;
//if (! isdefined ( self.lit_model ) )
// assertmsg( "primary light has lit model but not unlit model ( " + self.lit_model.origin + " ) " );
//----------old way of getting linked lights and models....still supported--------------//
self thread generic_flicker();
self endon( "stop_dynamic_light_behavior" );
self endon( "death" );
min_flickerless_time = .2;
max_flickerless_time = 1.5;
on = self getLightIntensity();
off = 0;
curr = on;
num = 0;
//Make the light flicker
while( isdefined( self ) )
num = randomintrange( 1, 10 );
while ( num )
wait( randomfloatrange( .05, .1 ) );
if ( curr > .2 )
curr = randomfloatrange( 0, .3 );
if ( self.linked_models )
self.lit_model hide();
self.unlit_model show();
curr = on;
if ( self.linked_models )
self.lit_model show();
self.unlit_model hide();
self setLightIntensity( curr );
if ( self.linked_lights )
for ( i = 0; i < self.linked_light_ents.size; i++ )
self.linked_light_ents[ i ] setLightIntensity( curr );
num -- ;
self setLightIntensity( on );
if ( self.linked_lights )
for ( i = 0; i < self.linked_light_ents.size; i++ )
self.linked_light_ents[ i ] setLightIntensity( on );
if ( self.linked_models )
self.lit_model show();
self.unlit_model hide();
wait( randomfloatrange( min_flickerless_time, max_flickerless_time ) );
flickerLightIntensity( minDelay, maxDelay )
on = self getLightIntensity();
off = 0;
curr = on;
num = 0;
for ( ;; )
num = randomintrange( 1, 10 );
while ( num )
wait( randomfloatrange( .05, .1 ) );
if ( curr > .2 )
curr = randomfloatrange( 0, .3 );
curr = on;
self setLightIntensity( curr );
num -- ;
self setLightIntensity( on );
wait( randomfloatrange( minDelay, maxDelay ) );
full = self getLightIntensity();
old_intensity = full;
for ( ;; )
intensity = randomfloatrange( full * 0.7, full * 1.2 );
timer = randomfloatrange( 0.3, 0.6 );
timer *= 20;
for ( i = 0; i < timer; i++ )
new_intensity = intensity * ( i / timer ) + old_intensity * ( ( timer - i ) / timer );
self setLightIntensity( new_intensity );
wait( 0.05 );
old_intensity = intensity;
// This function never returns.
strobeLight( intensity0, intensity1, period, kill_flag )
frequency = 360 / period;
time = 0;
while ( 1 )
interpolation = sin( time * frequency ) * 0.5 + 0.5;
self setLightIntensity( intensity0 + ( intensity1 - intensity0 ) * interpolation );
wait 0.05;
time += 0.05;
if ( time > period )
time -= period;
if( isdefined( kill_flag ) )
if( flag( kill_flag ) )
// This function is non - blocking. It will probably need to be moved to code if scripted lights are needed in multiplayer.
changeLightColorTo( targetColor, totalTime, accelTime, decelTime )
if ( !isdefined( accelTime ) )
accelTime = 0;
if ( !isdefined( decelTime ) )
decelTime = 0;
self thread changeLightColorToWorkerThread( targetColor, totalTime, accelTime, decelTime );
// Don't call directly; use 'changeLightColorTo' instead
changeLightColorToWorkerThread( targetColor, totalTime, accelTime, decelTime )
// Interpolation goes from 0 to 1 over totalTime, with const acceleration and deceleration given by their respective times.
// The descriptive equations are:
// midTime = totalTime - accelTime - decelTime
// fracAccel = 0.5 * accelRate * accelTime^2
// fracConst = velConst * midTime
// fracDecel = velConst * decelTime - 0.5 * decelRate * decelTime^2
// fracAccel + fracConst + fracDecel = 1
// velConst = accelRate * accelTime
// velConst = decelRate * decelTime
// The unknowns are fracAccel, fracConst, fracDecel, accelRate, decelRate, and velConst. We have six equations and six unknowns.
// So, these can be solved to give the following:
// accelRate = 2 / ( accelTime * ( totalTime + midTime ) )
// decelRate = 2 / ( decelTime * ( totalTime + midTime ) )
// velConst = 2 / ( totalTime + midTime )
// fracAccel = accelTime / ( totalTime + midTime )
// fracDecel = decelTime / ( totalTime + midTime )
// fracConst = 2 * midTime / ( totalTime + midTime )
startColor = self getLightColor();
timeFactor = 1 / ( totalTime * 2 - ( accelTime + decelTime ) );
time = 0;
if ( time < accelTime )
halfRate = timeFactor / accelTime;
while ( time < accelTime )
fraction = halfRate * time * time;
self setLightColor( vectorlerp( startColor, targetColor, fraction ) );
wait 0.05;
time += 0.05;
while ( time < totalTime - decelTime )
fraction = timeFactor * ( 2 * time - accelTime );
self setLightColor( vectorlerp( startColor, targetColor, fraction ) );
wait 0.05;
time += 0.05;
time = totalTime - time;
if ( time > 0 )
halfRate = timeFactor / decelTime;
while ( time > 0 )
fraction = 1 - halfRate * time * time;
self setLightColor( vectorlerp( startColor, targetColor, fraction ) );
wait 0.05;
time -= 0.05;
self setLightColor( targetColor );
thread tv_changes_intensity();
thread tv_changes_color();
self endon( "light_off" );
full = self getLightIntensity();
old_intensity = full;
for ( ;; )
intensity = randomfloatrange( full * 0.7, full * 1.2 );
timer = randomfloatrange( 0.3, 1.2 );
timer *= 20;
for ( i = 0; i < timer; i++ )
new_intensity = intensity * ( i / timer ) + old_intensity * ( ( timer - i ) / timer );
self setLightIntensity( new_intensity );
wait( 0.05 );
old_intensity = intensity;
self endon( "light_off" );
range = 0.5;
base = 0.5;
rgb = [];
old_rgb = [];
for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
rgb[ i ] = 0;
old_rgb[ i ] = 0;
for ( ;; )
for ( i = 0; i < rgb.size; i++ )
old_rgb[ i ] = rgb[ i ];
rgb[ i ] = randomfloat( range ) + base;
timer = randomfloatrange( 0.3, 1.2 );
timer *= 20;
for ( i = 0; i < timer; i++ )
new_rgb = [];
for ( p = 0; p < rgb.size; p++ )
new_rgb[ p ] = rgb[ p ] * ( i / timer ) + old_rgb[ p ] * ( ( timer - i ) / timer );
self setLightColor( ( new_rgb[ 0 ], new_rgb[ 1 ], new_rgb[ 2 ] ) );
wait( 0.05 );