
649 lines
17 KiB

#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\_utility;
#include maps\_hud_util;
/* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
PMC & CO-OP Money system
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- */
// constants
CONST_money_notify_interval = 5000; // Email notifies every $2000 earned
CONST_money_kill = 100;
CONST_money_kill_melee = 150;
CONST_money_juggernaut_kill = 500;
CONST_money_juggernaut_kill_melee = 600;
CONST_money_objective = 500;
CONST_money_completion = 1000;
CONST_bonus_money_sound = "extra_money_reward";
CONST_lootSound = "loot_drop_epic";
CONST_lootString = "New mail!";
CONST_lootIcon = "temp_mail_icon";
CONST_lootColor = ( 0.55, 1, 0.55 );
precacheshader( "line_horizontal" );
precacheshader( "line_vertical" );
precacheshader( "gradient_fadein" );
precachemenu( "coop_eog_summary" );
precachemenu( "coop_eog_summary2" );
precachemenu( "sp_eog_summary" );
level.reward[ "kill" ] = CONST_money_kill;
level.reward[ "kill_melee" ] = CONST_money_kill_melee;
level.reward[ "juggernaut_kill" ] = CONST_money_juggernaut_kill;
level.reward[ "juggernaut_kill_melee" ] = CONST_money_juggernaut_kill_melee;
level.reward[ "completion" ] = CONST_money_completion;
thread setupLoot();
thread money_setup();
foreach ( player in level.players )
player thread money_player_init();
if ( !isDefined( self.summary ) )
self.summary[ "summary" ] = [];
self.summary[ "summary" ][ "intervals" ] = 0;
self.summary[ "summary" ][ "completion" ] = 0;
self.summary[ "summary" ][ "total_money" ] = 0;
self.summary[ "summary" ][ "mission_start_time" ] = getTime();
self.moneyUpdateTotal = 0;
self.hud_moneyupdate = newclientHudElem( self );
self.hud_moneyupdate.horzAlign = "center";
self.hud_moneyupdate.vertAlign = "middle";
self.hud_moneyupdate.alignX = "center";
self.hud_moneyupdate.alignY = "middle";
self.hud_moneyupdate.x = 0;
self.hud_moneyupdate.y = -60;
self.hud_moneyupdate.font = "default";
self.hud_moneyupdate.fontscale = 2;
self.hud_moneyupdate.archived = false;
self.hud_moneyupdate.color = ( 0.55, 1, 0.55 );
self.hud_moneyupdate fontPulseInit();
self.hud_totalmoney = newclientHudElem( self );
self.hud_totalmoney.horzAlign = "right";
self.hud_totalmoney.vertAlign = "top";
self.hud_totalmoney.alignX = "right";
self.hud_totalmoney.alignY = "top";
self.hud_totalmoney.x = 0;
self.hud_totalmoney.y = 0;
self.hud_totalmoney.font = "default";
self.hud_totalmoney.fontscale = 2;
self.hud_totalmoney.archived = false;
self.hud_totalmoney.color = ( 0.55, 1, 0.55 );
self.hud_totalmoney.alpha = 0;
self.hud_totalmoney.label = "";
self.hud_totalmoney fontPulseInit();
self thread initNotifyMessage();
self thread show_total_money();
if ( is_coop() )
titleSize = 2.5;
textSize = 1.75;
iconSize = 24;
font = "objective";
point = "TOP";
relativePoint = "BOTTOM";
yOffset = 30;
xOffset = 0;
titleSize = 2.5;
textSize = 1.75;
iconSize = 30;
font = "objective";
point = "TOP";
relativePoint = "BOTTOM";
yOffset = 30;
xOffset = 0;
self.notifyTitle = createClientFontString( font, titleSize );
self.notifyTitle setPoint( point, undefined, xOffset, yOffset );
self.notifyTitle.glowColor = ( 0.2, 0.3, 0.7 );
self.notifyTitle.glowAlpha = 1;
self.notifyTitle.hideWhenInMenu = true;
self.notifyTitle.archived = false;
self.notifyTitle.alpha = 0;
self.notifyText = createClientFontString( font, textSize );
self.notifyText setParent( self.notifyTitle );
self.notifyText setPoint( point, relativePoint, 0, 0 );
self.notifyText.glowColor = ( 0.2, 0.3, 0.7 );
self.notifyText.glowAlpha = 1;
self.notifyText.hideWhenInMenu = true;
self.notifyText.archived = false;
self.notifyText.alpha = 0;
self.notifyText2 = createClientFontString( font, textSize );
self.notifyText2 setParent( self.notifyTitle );
self.notifyText2 setPoint( point, relativePoint, 0, 0 );
self.notifyText2.glowColor = ( 0.2, 0.3, 0.7 );
self.notifyText2.glowAlpha = 1;
self.notifyText2.hideWhenInMenu = true;
self.notifyText2.archived = false;
self.notifyText2.alpha = 0;
self.notifyIcon = createClientIcon( "white", iconSize, iconSize );
self.notifyIcon setParent( self.notifyText2 );
self.notifyIcon setPoint( point, relativePoint, 0, 0 );
self.notifyIcon.hideWhenInMenu = true;
self.notifyIcon.archived = false;
self.notifyIcon.alpha = 0;
self.doingNotify = false;
self.notifyQueue = [];
// Shows total money the player has earned in the corner of the screen
// Fades in when money is made, counts up, then fades out
assert( isdefined( self.hud_totalmoney ) );
currentCount = 0;
moneyToAddPerFrame = 10;
for ( ;; )
while ( self.summary[ "summary" ][ "total_money" ] == currentCount )
wait 0.05;
currentCount += moneyToAddPerFrame;
if ( currentCount > self.summary[ "summary" ][ "total_money" ] )
currentCount = self.summary[ "summary" ][ "total_money" ];
self notify( "stop_total_money_fade" );
self.hud_totalmoney.alpha = 1;
self.hud_totalmoney setValue( currentCount );
if ( self.summary[ "summary" ][ "total_money" ] == currentCount )
self thread show_total_money_fadeout();
wait 0.05;
self endon( "stop_total_money_fade" );
//self.hud_totalmoney thread fontPulse( self );
wait 3.0;
self.hud_totalmoney fadeOverTime( 0.75 );
self.hud_totalmoney.alpha = 0;
// returns bool if player's current money satisfies an email notification
// self is player
cur_money = self.summary[ "summary" ][ "total_money" ];
cur_emails = self.summary[ "summary" ][ "intervals" ]; // number of emails
// notify condition A
// send player email every CONST_money_notify_interval dollars
if ( cur_emails < int( cur_money / CONST_money_notify_interval ) )
self email_popup();
giveLoot( self );
//iprintln( self.summary[ "summary" ][ "intervals" ] + "th email" );
self.summary[ "summary" ][ "intervals" ]++ ;
// in dollars $$$
registerMoneyType( "kill", CONST_money_kill );
registerMoneyType( "kill_melee", CONST_money_kill_melee );
registerMoneyType( "juggernaut_kill", CONST_money_juggernaut_kill );
registerMoneyType( "juggernaut_kill_melee", CONST_money_juggernaut_kill_melee );
registerMoneyType( "headshot", CONST_money_juggernaut_kill );
registerMoneyType( "assist", 0 );
registerMoneyType( "objective", CONST_money_objective );
registerMoneyType( "completion", CONST_money_completion );
registerMoneyType( "suicide", 0 );
registerMoneyType( "teamkill", 0 );
self waittill( "death", attacker, type, weapon );
// split for recursive call
self giveMoney_helper( attacker, type );
giveMoney_helper( attacker, type )
if ( isdefined( attacker ) && !isplayer( attacker ) )
if ( isdefined( self.saved_player_attacker ) )
attacker = self.saved_player_attacker;
// if AI removed by script/game, no money to player
if ( !isdefined( attacker ) )
playBonusSound = false;
juggernaut = false;
killType = "kill";
if ( isdefined( self.juggernaut ) )
killType = "juggernaut_kill";
juggernaut = true;
playBonusSound = true;
// Melee kills are worth more money cuz you're good like dat
if ( ( isdefined( type ) ) && ( issubstr( tolower( type ), "melee" ) ) )
if ( juggernaut )
killType = "juggernaut_kill_melee";
killType = "kill_melee";
playBonusSound = true;
// if player is last to kill, give player kill points
if ( isPlayer( attacker ) )
if ( getdvar( "money_sharing" ) == "1" )
foreach ( player in level.players )
if ( isdefined( self.kill_reward_money ) )
if ( killType == "kill_melee" && isdefined( self.kill_melee_reward_money ) )
player thread giveMoney( killType, self.kill_melee_reward_money, attacker );
player thread giveMoney( killType, self.kill_reward_money, attacker );
player thread giveMoney( killType, undefined, attacker );
attacker thread giveMoney( killType );
if ( playBonusSound )
attacker playLocalSound( CONST_bonus_money_sound );
// no money if enemy was finished off by other enemies
if ( isAI( attacker ) && attacker isBadGuy() )
// if enemy shot by player was killed by destructibles
if ( is_special_targetname_attacker( attacker ) )
if ( isdefined( attacker.attacker ) )
self thread giveMoney_helper( attacker.attacker );
// if enemy shot by player was killed by natural causes, no money
if ( !isPlayer( attacker ) && !isAI( attacker ) )
// if enemy shot by player was killed by friendly, give assist
if ( isdefined( self.attacker_list ) && self.attacker_list.size > 0 )
for ( i = 0; i < self.attacker_list.size; i++ )
// if attacker is player and not the last to kill, give player assist points
if ( isPlayer( self.attacker_list[ i ] ) && self.attacker_list[ i ] != attacker )
self.attacker_list[ i ] thread giveMoney( "assist" );
if ( getdvar( "money_sharing" ) == "1" )
foreach ( player in level.players )
player giveMoney( "objective" );
else if ( isdefined( self ) && isPlayer( self ) )
self giveMoney( "objective" );
level.player giveMoney( "objective" );
is_special_targetname_attacker( attacker )
assert( isdefined( attacker ) );
if ( !isdefined( attacker.targetname ) )
return false;
if ( attacker.targetname == "destructible" )
return true;
if ( string_starts_with( attacker.targetname, "sentry_" ) )
return true;
return false;
self thread giveMoney_think();
self.attacker_list = [];
self.last_attacked = 0;
self add_damage_function( ::took_damage );
took_damage( damage, attacker, direction_vec, point, type, modelName, tagName )
if ( !isdefined( self ) )
// AI removed, no need to keep track
if ( !isdefined( attacker ) )
// this is to make sure player gets money after killing enemy during their traversal anim
if ( isplayer( attacker ) )
self.saved_player_attacker = attacker;
currentTime = gettime();
timeElapsed = currentTime - self.last_attacked;
if ( timeElapsed <= 10 * 3000 ) // 10 * 1000
self.attacker_list[ self.attacker_list.size ] = attacker;
self.last_attacked = gettime();
self.attacker_list = [];
self.attacker_list[ 0 ] = attacker;
self.last_attacked = gettime();
// used by _utility.gsc, edit with care
updatePlayerMoney( type, value, attacker )
self notify( "update_money" );
self endon( "update_money" );
if ( getdvar( "money_enable", "0" ) != "1" )
// optional in game reward control
if ( getdvar( "in_game_reward" ) != "1" )
allowed_types = "completion ";
allowed_types_array = strTok( allowed_types, " " );
//disabled_types = "kill kill_melee juggernaut_kill juggernaut_kill_melee headshot assist objective";
//disabled_types_array = [];
//disabled_types_array = strTok( disabled_types, " " );
foreach ( s_type in allowed_types_array )
if ( type != s_type )
if ( !isDefined( value ) )
if ( isDefined( level.scoreInfo[ type ] ) )
value = getScoreInfoValue( type );
value = getScoreInfoValue( "kill" );
// update reward value trackers
value = int( value );
if ( !( type == "kill" || type == "kill_melee" || type == "headshot" ) )
self.summary[ "summary" ][ "completion" ] += value; // if custom reward type, it counts towards level completion
else if ( type == "assist" )
// assist points can never add up over kill points
if ( value > getScoreInfoValue( "kill" ) )
value = getScoreInfoValue( "kill" );
self.moneyUpdateTotal += value;
bShowMoneyUpdate = true;
if ( isdefined( attacker ) && self != attacker )
bShowMoneyUpdate = false;
if ( bShowMoneyUpdate )
// $
self.hud_moneyupdate.label = "";
self.hud_moneyupdate setValue( self.moneyUpdateTotal );
self.hud_moneyupdate.alpha = 0.65;
self.hud_moneyupdate thread fontPulse( self );
wait 1;
if ( bShowMoneyUpdate )
self.hud_moneyupdate fadeOverTime( 0.75 );
self.hud_moneyupdate.alpha = 0;
self.summary[ "summary" ][ "total_money" ] += self.moneyUpdateTotal;
self.moneyUpdateTotal = 0;
// email notify
self thread money_mailNotify();
self.baseFontScale = self.fontScale;
self.maxFontScale = self.fontScale * 2;
//self.moveUpSpeed = 1.25;
self.inFrames = 3;
self.outFrames = 5;
fontPulse( player )
self notify( "fontPulse" );
self endon( "fontPulse" );
scaleRange = self.maxFontScale - self.baseFontScale;
//self thread fontMoveup( -60 );
while ( self.fontScale < self.maxFontScale )
self.fontScale = min( self.maxFontScale, self.fontScale + ( scaleRange / self.inFrames ) );
wait 0.05;
while ( self.fontScale > self.baseFontScale )
self.fontScale = max( self.baseFontScale, self.fontScale - ( scaleRange / self.outFrames ) );
wait 0.05;
fontMoveup( start )
self endon( "fontPulse" );
self.y = start;
while ( abs( start ) - abs( self.y ) < 60 )
self.y = self.y - self.moveUpSpeed;
wait 0.05;
// ============== LOOT NOTIFY ================
giveLoot( attacker )
if ( !isDefined( attacker.lootIcon ) )
attacker.lootIcon = attacker createIcon( "white", 32, 16 );
attacker.lootIcon setPoint( "TOPRIGHT", undefined, getDvarFloat( "scr_loot_offsetX" ), getDvarFloat( "scr_loot_offsetY" ) );
attacker.lootIcon.alpha = 0;
if ( !isDefined( attacker.lootString ) )
attacker.lootString = attacker createFontString( "default", 1.5 );
attacker.lootString setParent( attacker.lootIcon );
attacker.lootString setPoint( "RIGHT", "LEFT", 0, 0 );
attacker.lootString setText( "ASDF" );
attacker.lootString.glowColor = ( 1, 1, 1 );
attacker.lootString.glowAlpha = 0;
attacker.lootString.alpha = 0;
attacker.lootString fontPulseInit();
if ( !isDefined( attacker.moneyString ) )
attacker.moneyString = attacker createFontString( "default", 2 );
attacker.moneyString setParent( attacker.lootIcon );
attacker.moneyString setPoint( "RIGHT", "LEFT", 0, 0 );
attacker.moneyString setText( "ASDF" );
attacker.moneyString.glowColor = ( 1, 1, 1 );
attacker.moneyString.glowAlpha = 0;
attacker.moneyString.alpha = 0;
attacker.moneyString fontPulseInit();
attacker.lootIcon setPoint( "TOPRIGHT", undefined, getDvarFloat( "scr_loot_offsetX" ), getDvarFloat( "scr_loot_offsetY" ) );
attacker.lootString setPoint( "RIGHT", "LEFT", -10, 0 );
attacker.moneyString setPoint( "RIGHT", "LEFT", -10, 20 );
attacker thread showLoot( CONST_lootString, CONST_lootIcon, CONST_lootSound, CONST_lootColor );
attacker thread showMoney( attacker.summary[ "summary" ][ "total_money" ] );
showMoney( amount )
self endon( "got_loot" );
self endon( "disconnect" );
self.moneyString setText( "$0" );
self thread moneyCountUp( amount );
self.moneyString.alpha = 1;
self.moneyString.color = CONST_lootColor;
if ( getDvarInt( "scr_loot_slowPrint" ) )
self.moneyString setPulseFX( 100, int( getDvarFloat( "scr_loot_showTime" ) * 1000 ), 1000 );
self.moneyString thread fontPulse( self );
wait( getDvarFloat( "scr_loot_showTime" ) );
self.moneyString fadeOverTime( 1.0 );
self.moneyString.alpha = 0;
moneyCountUp( amount )
self endon( "got_loot" );
self endon( "disconnect" );
counts = 10;
for ( i = counts; i > 0; i -- )
self.moneyString setText( "$" + int( amount / i ) );
wait 0.1;
showLoot( lootString, lootIcon, lootSound, lootColor )
self notify( "got_loot" );
self endon( "got_loot" );
self endon( "disconnect" );
wait( getDvarFloat( "scr_loot_dropDelay" ) );
self playLocalSound( lootSound );
self.lootString setText( lootString );
self.lootString.alpha = 1;
self.lootString.color = lootColor;
if ( getDvarInt( "scr_loot_slowPrint" ) )
self.lootString setPulseFX( 100, int( getDvarFloat( "scr_loot_showTime" ) * 1000 ), 1000 );
self.lootString thread fontPulse( self );
self.lootIcon setIconShader( lootIcon );
self.lootIcon.alpha = 1;
wait( getDvarFloat( "scr_loot_showTime" ) );
self.lootString fadeOverTime( 1.0 );
self.lootString.alpha = 0;
self.lootIcon fadeOverTime( 1.0 );
self.lootIcon.alpha = 0;
precacheShader( "temp_mail_icon" );
if ( getDvar( "scr_loot_dropDelay" ) == "" )
setDvar( "scr_loot_dropDelay", 0.0 );
if ( getDvar( "scr_loot_showTime" ) == "" )
setDvar( "scr_loot_showTime", 7.0 );
if ( getDvar( "scr_loot_offsetX" ) == "" )
setDvar( "scr_loot_offsetX", 0 );
if ( getDvar( "scr_loot_offsetY" ) == "" )
setDvar( "scr_loot_offsetY", 0 );
if ( getDvar( "scr_loot_slowPrint" ) == "" )
setDvar( "scr_loot_slowPrint", 1 );
// ============== helpers ===============
registerMoneyType( type, value )
level.scoreInfo[ type ][ "value" ] = value;
getScoreInfoValue( type )
return( level.scoreInfo[ type ][ "value" ] );