
448 lines
10 KiB

#include maps\_hud_util;
#include maps\_utility;
#include common_scripts\utility;
// &&1 mR/hr
precacheString( &"SCOUTSNIPER_MRHR" );
// Avoid the radiation zones.\nListen for the clicks of the Geiger counter.
precacheString( &"SCRIPT_RADIATION_DEATH" );
precacheShellShock( "radiation_low" );
precacheShellShock( "radiation_med" );
precacheShellShock( "radiation_high" );
foreach ( key, player in level.players )
player.radiation = spawnstruct();
player.radiation.super_dose = false;
player.radiation.inside = false;
player ent_flag_init( "_radiation_poisoning" );
run_thread_on_targetname( "radiation", ::updateRadiationTriggers );
run_thread_on_targetname( "super_radiation", ::super_radiation_trigger );
array_thread( level.players, ::updateRadiationDosage );
array_thread( level.players, ::updateRadiationDosimeter );
array_thread( level.players, ::updateRadiationShock );
array_thread( level.players, ::updateRadiationBlackOut );
array_thread( level.players, ::updateRadiationSound );
array_thread( level.players, ::updateRadiationFlag );
array_thread( level.players, ::first_radiation_dialogue );
// array_thread( level.players, ::updateRadiationRatePercent );
self.members = 0;
for ( ;; )
self waittill( "trigger", player );
self thread updateRadiationTrigger_perplayer( player );
updateRadiationTrigger_perplayer( player )
if ( player.radiation.inside )
player.radiation.inside = true;
player.radiation.triggers[ player.radiation.triggers.size ] = self;
while ( player isTouching( self ) )
wait 0.05;
player.radiation.inside = false;
player.radiation.triggers = array_remove( player.radiation.triggers, self );
self waittill( "trigger", player );
player.radiation.super_dose = true;
self.radiation.triggers = [];
self.radiation.rate = 0;
self.radiation.ratepercent = 0;
self.radiation.total = 0;
self.radiation.totalpercent = 0;
update_frequency = 1;
min_rate = 0;
max_rate = 1100000 / ( 60 * update_frequency ); // 60 REM / PH
max_total = 200000; // 200 REM
range = max_rate - min_rate;
for ( ;; )
rates = [];
for ( i = 0 ; i < self.radiation.triggers.size ; i++ )
trigger = self.radiation.triggers[ i ];
dist = ( distance( self.origin, trigger.origin ) - 15 );
rates[ i ] = max_rate - ( max_rate / trigger.radius ) * dist;
rate = 0;
for ( i = 0 ; i < rates.size ; i++ )
rate = rate + rates[ i ];
if ( rate < min_rate )
rate = min_rate;
if ( rate > max_rate )
rate = max_rate;
self.radiation.rate = rate;
self.radiation.ratepercent = ( rate - min_rate ) / range * 100;
if ( self.radiation.super_dose )
rate = max_rate;
self.radiation.ratepercent = 100;
if ( self.radiation.ratepercent > 25 )
self.radiation.total += rate;
self.radiation.totalpercent = self.radiation.total / max_total * 100;
else if ( self.radiation.ratepercent < 1 && self.radiation.total > 0 )
self.radiation.total -= 1500;
if ( self.radiation.total < 0 )
self.radiation.total = 0;
self.radiation.totalpercent = self.radiation.total / max_total * 100;
wait update_frequency;
update_frequency = 1;
for ( ;; )
if ( self.radiation.ratepercent >= 75 )
self shellshock( "radiation_high", 5 );
else if ( self.radiation.ratepercent >= 50 )
self shellshock( "radiation_med", 5 );
else if ( self.radiation.ratepercent > 25 )
self shellshock( "radiation_low", 5 );
wait update_frequency;
self thread playRadiationSound();
for ( ;; )
if ( self.radiation.ratepercent >= 75 )
self.radiation.sound = "item_geigercouner_level4";
else if ( self.radiation.ratepercent >= 50 )
self.radiation.sound = "item_geigercouner_level3";
else if ( self.radiation.ratepercent >= 25 )
self.radiation.sound = "item_geigercouner_level2";
else if ( self.radiation.ratepercent > 0 )
self.radiation.sound = "item_geigercouner_level1";
self.radiation.sound = "none";
wait 0.05;
for ( ;; )
if ( self.radiation.ratepercent > 25 )
self ent_flag_set( "_radiation_poisoning" );
self ent_flag_clear( "_radiation_poisoning" );
wait 0.05;
wait .05;
orgin = spawn( "script_origin", ( 0, 0, 0 ) );
orgin.origin = self.origin;
orgin.angles = self.angles;
orgin linkto( self );
temp = self.radiation.sound;
for ( ;; )
if ( temp != self.radiation.sound )
orgin stoploopsound();
if ( isdefined( self.radiation.sound ) && self.radiation.sound != "none" )
orgin playloopsound( self.radiation.sound );
temp = self.radiation.sound;
wait 0.05;
update_frequency = 0.05;
ratepercent = newClientHudElem( self );
ratepercent.fontScale = 1.2;
ratepercent.x = 670;
ratepercent.y = 350;
ratepercent.alignX = "right";
ratepercent.label = "";
//if you wanna put back in - delete this line
ratepercent.alpha = 0;
for ( ;; )
ratepercent.label = self.radiation.ratepercent;
wait update_frequency;
// set an update rate
// add variance so it is never stuck at a single value
// add background radiation
// add a radiation icon
min_rate = 0.028;
max_rate = 100;
update_frequency = 1;
range = max_rate - min_rate;
last_origin = self.origin;
dosimeter = newClientHudElem( self );
dosimeter.fontScale = 1.2;
dosimeter.x = 676;
dosimeter.y = 360;
//if you wanna put back in - delete this line
dosimeter.alpha = 0;
dosimeter.alignX = "right";
// &&1 mR/hr
dosimeter.label = &"SCOUTSNIPER_MRHR";
dosimeter thread updateRadiationDosimeterColor( self );
for ( ;; )
if ( self.radiation.rate <= min_rate )
variance = randomfloatrange( -0.001, 0.001 );
dosimeter setValue( min_rate + variance );
//println( "min_rate: ", min_rate, "variance: ", variance );
else if ( self.radiation.rate > max_rate )
dosimeter setValue( max_rate );
// TODO: Display a warning icon that the meter is beyond it's range
dosimeter setValue( self.radiation.rate );
wait update_frequency;
updateRadiationDosimeterColor( player )
update_frequency = 0.05;
for ( ;; )
colorvalue = 1;
stepamount = 0.13;
while ( player.radiation.rate >= 100 )
if ( colorvalue <= 0 || colorvalue >= 1 )
stepamount = stepamount * - 1;
colorvalue = colorvalue + stepamount;
if ( colorvalue <= 0 )
colorvalue = 0;
if ( colorvalue >= 1 )
colorvalue = 1;
self.color = ( 1, colorvalue, colorvalue );
//println( "colorvalue: ", colorvalue );
wait update_frequency;
self.color = ( 1, 1, 1 );
wait update_frequency;
// this is to indicate you are near your limit of radiation and are about to pass out
// as you near the last 33%( maybe 50% or 75% ) of your max dosage this will be visible while taking more radiation above a TBD threshold
// doing blurring at the same time as darkening
// should pulse, pulses should get longer closer to death and more frequent
// ramp up intensity and frequency
// smooth out pulsing, sin/cos?
// ramp up the low end of alpha somehow
// change pulse to pulse in/out, check some new values to determine what level to pulse out to
level endon( "special_op_terminated" );
self endon( "death" );
overlay = newClientHudElem( self );
overlay.x = 0;
overlay.y = 0;
overlay setshader( "black", 640, 480 );
overlay.alignX = "left";
overlay.alignY = "top";
overlay.horzAlign = "fullscreen";
overlay.vertAlign = "fullscreen";
overlay.alpha = 0;
min_length = 1;
max_length = 4;
min_alpha = .25;
max_alpha = 1;
min_percent = 25;
max_percent = 100;
fraction = 0;
for ( ;; )
while ( self.radiation.totalpercent > 25 && self.radiation.ratepercent > 25 )
percent_range = max_percent - min_percent;
fraction = ( self.radiation.totalpercent - min_percent ) / percent_range;
if ( fraction < 0 )
fraction = 0;
else if ( fraction > 1 )
fraction = 1;
length_range = max_length - min_length;
length = min_length + ( length_range * ( 1 - fraction ) );
alpha_range = max_alpha - min_alpha;
alpha = min_alpha + ( alpha_range * fraction );
blur = 7.2 * alpha;
end_alpha = fraction * 0.5;
end_blur = 7.2 * end_alpha;
println( "fraction: ", fraction, " length: ", length, " alpha: ", alpha, " blur: ", blur );
if ( fraction == 1 )
duration = length / 2;
overlay fadeinBlackOut( duration, alpha, blur, self );
overlay fadeoutBlackOut( duration, end_alpha, end_blur, self );
// wait a variable amount based on self.radiation.totalpercent, this is the space in between pulses
//wait 1;
wait( fraction * 0.5 );
if ( fraction == 1 )
if ( overlay.alpha != 0 )
overlay fadeoutBlackOut( 1, 0, 0, self );
wait 0.05;
overlay fadeinBlackOut( 2, 1, 6, self );
self thread radiation_kill();
self.specialDamage = true;
self.specialDeath = true;
self.radiationDeath = true;
if ( !kill_wrapper() )
assert( !isAlive( self ) );
// Avoid the radiation zones.\nListen for the clicks of the Geiger counter.
setdvar( "ui_deadquote", quote );
fadeinBlackOut( duration, alpha, blur, player )
//target_blur = 7.2 * alpha;
self fadeOverTime( duration );
self.alpha = alpha;
player setBlurForPlayer( blur, duration );
wait duration;
fadeoutBlackOut( duration, alpha, blur, player )
//target_blur = 7.2 * alpha;
self fadeOverTime( duration );
self.alpha = alpha;
player setBlurForPlayer( blur, duration );
wait duration;
self endon( "death" );
while ( 1 )
self ent_flag_wait( "_radiation_poisoning" );
if ( level.script == "scoutsniper" || level.script == "co_scoutsniper" )
level thread function_stack( ::radio_dialogue, "scoutsniper_mcm_youdaft" );
level notify( "radiation_warning" );
self ent_flag_waitopen( "_radiation_poisoning" );
wait( 10 );