
7287 lines
193 KiB
Raw Permalink Blame History

#include maps\_utility;
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\_anim;
#include maps\_blizzard;
#include maps\_vehicle;
#include maps\_stealth_utility;
#include maps\_stealth_shared_utilities;
#include maps\contingency_anim;
level.price_destroys_btr = false;
setsaveddvar( "sm_sunShadowScale", 0.5 );// optimization
setsaveddvar( "r_lightGridEnableTweaks", 1 );
setsaveddvar( "r_lightGridIntensity", 1.24 );
setsaveddvar( "r_lightGridContrast", 0 );
//level.ai_dont_glow_in_thermal = true;
level.min_btr_fighting_range = 400;
level.explosion_dist_sense = 1500;
level.default_goalradius = 7200;
level.goodFriendlyDistanceFromPlayerSquared = 250 * 250;
level.corpse_behavior_doesnt_require_player_sight = true;
level.attackheliRange = 7000;
level.min_time_between_uav_launches = 24 * 1000;
level.dont_use_global_uav_kill_dialog = true;
PreCacheItem( "remote_missile_snow" );
level.remote_missile_snow = true;
level.bcs_maxTalkingDistFromPlayer = 5000; // default = 1500
level.visionThermalDefault = "contingency_thermal_inverted";
level.VISION_UAV = "contingency_thermal_inverted";
level.cosine[ "60" ] = cos( 60 );
level.cosine[ "70" ] = cos( 70 );
//thermal fx overrides
SetThermalBodyMaterial( "thermalbody_snowlevel" );
level.friendly_thermal_Reflector_Effect = loadfx( "misc/thermal_tapereflect" );
PreCacheRumble( "tank_rumble" );
precacheItem( "remote_missile_not_player" );
precacheModel( "com_computer_keyboard_obj" );
default_start( ::start_start );
add_start( "start", ::start_start, "Start" );
//add_start( "bridge", ::start_bridge, "Bridge" );
add_start( "slide", ::start_slide, "Slide" );
add_start( "woods", ::start_woods, "Woods" );
add_start( "midwoods", ::start_midwoods, "mid woods" );
add_start( "ridge", ::start_ridge, "ridge" );
//add_start( "village", ::start_village, "village" );
add_start( "base", ::start_base, "Base" );
add_start( "defend_sub", ::start_defend_sub, "defend_sub" );
//add_start( "sub", ::start_sub, "Submarine" );
//add_start( "exit_sub", ::start_exit_sub, "Exit Submarine" );
//add_start( "sub_gas_mask", ::start_sub_gas_mask, "Sub w/ gas mask" );
build_light_override( "btr80", "vehicle_btr80", "spotlight", "TAG_FRONT_LIGHT_RIGHT", "misc/spotlight_btr80_daytime", "spotlight", 0.2 );
build_light_override( "btr80", "vehicle_btr80", "spotlight_turret", "TAG_TURRET_LIGHT", "misc/spotlight_btr80_daytime", "spotlight_turret", 0.0 );
level.weaponClipModels = [];
level.weaponClipModels[0] = "weapon_m16_clip";
level.weaponClipModels[1] = "weapon_kriss_clip";
level.weaponClipModels[2] = "weapon_ak47_tactical_clip";
level.weaponClipModels[3] = "weapon_m4_clip";
level.weaponClipModels[4] = "weapon_magpul_masada_clip";
level.weaponClipModels[5] = "weapon_dragunov_clip";
level.weaponClipModels[6] = "weapon_famas_clip";
level.dead_vehicles = [];
precacheString( &"CONTINGENCY_LINE1" );
precacheString( &"CONTINGENCY_LINE2" );
precacheString( &"CONTINGENCY_LINE3" );
precacheString( &"CONTINGENCY_LINE4" );
precacheString( &"CONTINGENCY_LINE5" );
precacheString( &"CONTINGENCY_OBJ_DEFEND_SUB" );
precacheString( &"CONTINGENCY_OBJ_ENTER_SUB" );
precacheString( &"CONTINGENCY_OBJ_TURN_KEY" );
precacheString( &"CONTINGENCY_OBJ_EXIT_SUB" );
precacheString( &"CONTINGENCY_OBJ_DEFEND" );
precacheString( &"CONTINGENCY_OBJ_ENTER_BASE" );
precacheString( &"CONTINGENCY_OBJ_PRICE" );
precacheString( &"CONTINGENCY_USE_DRONE" );
precacheString( &"CONTINGENCY_TURN_KEY" );
precacheString( &"CONTINGENCY_DONT_LEAVE" );
maps\_load::set_player_viewhand_model( "viewhands_player_arctic_wind" );
thread maps\contingency_amb::main();
//maps\_utility::set_vision_set( "contingency", 0 );
// maps\_remotemissile::init_radio_dialogue();
createThreatBiasGroup( "bridge_guys" );
createThreatBiasGroup( "truck_guys" );
createThreatBiasGroup( "bridge_stealth_guys" );
createThreatBiasGroup( "dogs" );
createThreatBiasGroup( "price" );
createThreatBiasGroup( "player" );
createThreatBiasGroup( "end_patrol" );
level.player setthreatbiasgroup( "player" );
//Make first group ignored by second group
SetIgnoreMeGroup( "price", "dogs" );
//ignoreEachOther( "left_rooftop_enemies", "players_group" );
//Set threat bias of first group against second group
setthreatbias( "player", "bridge_stealth_guys", 1000 );
setthreatbias( "player", "truck_guys", 1000 );
//setthreatbias( "end_patrol", "price", 1000 );
precacheItem( "at4_straight" );
precacheItem( "rpg_straight" );
precacheItem( "zippy_rockets" );
precacheItem( "zippy_rockets_inverted" );
precacheItem( "semtex_grenade" );
precacheItem( "facemask" );
flag_init( "saying_base_on_alert" );
flag_init( "said_second_uav_in_position" );
flag_init( "everyone_set_green" );
flag_init( "said_convoy_coming" );
flag_init( "saying_patience" );
flag_init( "stop_stealth_music" );
flag_init( "price_starts_moving" );
flag_init( "all_bridge_guys_dead" );
thread flag_when_all_bridge_guys_dead();
thread flag_when_second_group_of_stragglers_are_dead();
flag_init( "second_group_of_stragglers_are_dead" );
flag_init( "saying_contact" );
flag_init( "said_follow_me" );
flag_init( "someone_became_alert" );
flag_init( "price_is_hiding" );
flag_init( "truck_guys_alerted" );
flag_init( "jeep_stopped" );
flag_init( "convoy_hide_section_complete" );
flag_init( "attach_rocket" );
flag_init( "fire_rocket" );
flag_init( "drop_rocket" );
flag_init( "done_with_exploding_trees" );
flag_init( "first_uav_spawned" );
flag_init( "first_uav_destroyed" );
flag_init( "second_uav_in_position" );
flag_init( "rasta_and_bricktop_dialog_done" );
flag_init( "player_turned_key" );
flag_init( "player_in_uaz" );
//flag_init( "dialog_woods_first_patrol" );
//flag_init( "dialog_woods_first_dog_patrol" );
//flag_init( "dialog_woods_second_dog_patrol" );
//flag_init( "dialog_woods_first_stationary" );
//flag_init( "dialog_woods_blocking_stationary" );
flag_init( "time_to_use_UAV" );
flag_init( "both_gauntlets_destroyed" );
flag_init( "time_to_race_to_submarine" );
flag_init( "player_key_rdy" );
flag_init( "close_sub_hatch" );
thread stealth_music_control();
//thread dialog_theyre_looking_for_you();
thread dialog_we_are_spotted();
thread dialog_stealth_recovery();
thread dialog_price_kill();
thread dialog_price_kill_dog();
thread dialog_player_kill_master();
thread dialog_enemy_saw_corpse();
// Remote Missile
level.player.remotemissile_actionslot = 4;
level.player thread maps\_remotemissile::RemoteMissileDetonatorNotify();
level.player stealth_plugin_basic();
level.player thread playerSnowFootsteps();
player_speed_percent( 90 );
destroyable_trees = getentarray( "trigger_tree_explosion", "targetname" );
foreach( trigger in destroyable_trees )
trigger thread setup_destroyable_tree();
//tree_destruction_chain = getstruct( "tree_destruction_chain", "targetname" );
//thread destroy_chain( tree_destruction_chain );
//thread spawn_bridge_trucks();
truck_patrol_vehicles = getentarray( "truck_patrol", "targetname" );
array_thread( truck_patrol_vehicles, ::add_spawn_function, ::setup_bridge_trucks );
truck_guys = getentarray( "truck_guys", "script_noteworthy" );
array_thread( truck_guys, ::add_spawn_function, ::base_truck_guys_think );
rasta_spawners = getentarray( "rasta", "script_noteworthy" );
array_thread( rasta_spawners, ::add_spawn_function, ::setup_rasta );
bricktop_spawners = getentarray( "bricktop", "script_noteworthy" );
array_thread( bricktop_spawners, ::add_spawn_function, ::setup_bricktop );
village_redshirt = getentarray( "village_redshirt", "script_noteworthy" );
if( isdefined( village_redshirt ) )
array_thread( village_redshirt, ::add_spawn_function, ::setup_village_redshirt );
start_of_base_redshirt = getentarray( "start_of_base_redshirt", "script_noteworthy" );
if( isdefined( start_of_base_redshirt ) )
array_thread( start_of_base_redshirt, ::add_spawn_function, ::setup_base_redshirt );
level.village_defenders_dead = 0;
village_defenders = getentarray( "village_defenders", "targetname" );
array_thread( village_defenders, ::add_spawn_function, ::setup_village_defenders );
base_starting_guys = getentarray( "base_starting_guys", "script_noteworthy" );
array_thread( base_starting_guys, ::add_spawn_function, ::setup_base_starting_guys );
base_vehicles = getentarray( "base_vehicles", "script_noteworthy" );
array_thread( base_vehicles, ::add_spawn_function, ::setup_base_vehicles );
base_troop_transport1 = getent( "base_troop_transport1", "targetname" );
base_troop_transport1 add_spawn_function( ::unload_when_close_to_player );
base_troop_transport1 add_spawn_function( ::dialog_destroyed_vehicle, "cont_cmt_goodkilltruck" );
base_troop_transport2 = getent( "base_troop_transport2", "targetname" );
base_troop_transport2 add_spawn_function( ::unload_when_close_to_player );
base_troop_transport2 add_spawn_function( ::dialog_destroyed_vehicle, "cont_cmt_goodkilltruck" );
base_truck2 = getent( "base_truck2", "targetname" );
base_truck2 add_spawn_function( ::unload_when_close_to_player );
base_truck2 add_spawn_function( ::dialog_destroyed_vehicle, "cont_cmt_directhitjeep" );
price_spawner = getent( "price", "script_noteworthy" );
price_spawner add_spawn_function( ::setup_price );
price_spawner add_spawn_function( ::set_threatbias_group, "price" );
//base_truck_guys = getentarray( "base_truck_guys", "script_noteworthy" );
//array_thread( base_truck_guys, ::add_spawn_function, ::setup_remote_missile_target_rider );
//defend_sub_vehicle_guys = getentarray( "defend_sub_vehicle_guys", "script_noteworthy" );
//array_thread( defend_sub_vehicle_guys, ::add_spawn_function, ::setup_remote_missile_target_rider );
//base_starting_guys_truckriders = getentarray( "base_starting_guys_truckriders", "targetname" );
//array_thread( base_starting_guys_truckriders, ::add_spawn_function, ::setup_remote_missile_target_rider );
//defend_sub_final_guys = getentarray( "defend_sub_final_guys", "targetname" );
//array_thread( defend_sub_final_guys, ::add_spawn_function, maps\_remotemissile::setup_remote_missile_target );
//base_defenders = getentarray( "base_defenders", "script_noteworthy" );
//array_thread( base_defenders, ::add_spawn_function, maps\_remotemissile::setup_remote_missile_target );
//base_starting_guys = getentarray( "base_starting_guys", "targetname" );
//array_thread( base_starting_guys, ::add_spawn_function, maps\_remotemissile::setup_remote_missile_target );
add_global_spawn_function( "axis", ::setup_remote_missile_target_guy );
add_global_spawn_function( "axis", ::setup_count_predator_infantry_kills );
//add_global_spawn_function( "axis", ::tons_of_health );
thread dialog_handle_predator_infantry_kills();
flag_init( "base_troop_transport2_spawned" );
base_troop_transport2 = getent( "base_troop_transport2", "targetname" );
base_troop_transport2 add_spawn_function( ::flag_set, "base_troop_transport2_spawned" );
village_truck_guys = getentarray( "village_truck_guys", "script_noteworthy" );
array_thread( village_truck_guys, ::add_spawn_function, ::village_truck_guys_setup );
//end_patrol = getentarray( "end_patrol", "targetname" );
//array_thread( end_patrol, ::add_spawn_function, ::set_threatbias_group, "end_patrol" );
sub_ladder = getent( "sub_ladder", "targetname" );
sub_ladder.realOrigin = sub_ladder.origin;
sub_ladder.origin += ( 0, 0, -10000 );
thread setup_sub_hatch();
thread setup_dont_leave_failure();
thread setup_dont_leave_hint();
add_hint_string( "hint_dont_leave_price", &"CONTINGENCY_DONT_LEAVE", ::should_break_dont_leave );
add_hint_string( "hint_predator_drone", &"HELLFIRE_USE_DRONE", ::should_break_use_drone );
add_hint_string( "hint_steer_drone", &"SCRIPT_PLATFORM_STEER_DRONE", ::should_break_steer_drone );
thread objective_main();
self.health = 100000;
thread handle_start();
start = getstruct( "base_start_player", "targetname" );
level.player setOrigin( start.origin );
level.player setPlayerAngles( start.angles );
friendlies = getentarray( "start_friendly", "targetname" );
friendlies2 = getentarray( "rasta_and_bricktop", "targetname" );
friendlies = array_combine( friendlies, friendlies2 );
//array_thread( friendlies, ::spawn_ai );
friendly_starts = getstructarray( "base_start_friendly", "targetname" );
for ( i = 0 ; i < friendlies.size ; i++ )
friendlies[ i ].origin = friendly_starts[ i ].origin;
friendlies[ i ].angles = friendly_starts[ i ].angles;
friendlies[ i ] spawn_ai();
wait .1;
level.price.colornode_func = ::dialog_moving_to_new_position_in_village;
level.price forceUseWeapon( "aug_scope", "primary" );
thread spawn_second_uav();
flag_set( "player_on_ridge" );
flag_set( "leaving_village" );
thread handle_base();
start = getstruct( "defend_sub_start_player", "targetname" );
level.player setOrigin( start.origin );
level.player setPlayerAngles( start.angles );
friendlies = getentarray( "start_friendly", "targetname" );
friendlies2 = getentarray( "rasta_and_bricktop", "targetname" );
friendlies = array_combine( friendlies, friendlies2 );
//array_thread( friendlies, ::spawn_ai );
friendly_starts = getstructarray( "defend_sub_start_friendly", "targetname" );
for ( i = 0 ; i < friendlies.size ; i++ )
friendlies[ i ].origin = friendly_starts[ i ].origin;
friendlies[ i ].angles = friendly_starts[ i ].angles;
friendlies[ i ] spawn_ai();
flag_set( "stop_stealth_music" );
level.player takeallweapons();
level.player giveWeapon( "aa12" );
level.player giveWeapon( "m240_heartbeat_reflex_arctic" );
level.player switchToWeapon( "m240_heartbeat_reflex_arctic" );
level.player giveWeapon( "fraggrenade" );
level.player setOffhandSecondaryClass( "flash" );
level.player giveWeapon( "flash_grenade" );
wait .1;
level.rasta set_force_color( "g" );
level.rasta enable_ai_color();
level.bricktop set_force_color( "g" );
level.bricktop enable_ai_color();
level.price set_force_color( "g" );
level.price enable_ai_color();
level.price forceUseWeapon( "aug_scope", "primary" );
friendlies = getaiarray( "allies" );
foreach( g in friendlies )
g thread turn_off_stealth_settings();
thread spawn_second_uav();
flag_set( "player_on_ridge" );
flag_set( "leaving_village" );
flag_set( "base_alerted" );
//flag_set( "price_splits_off" );
thread base_arrival_music();
thread handle_defend_sub();
wait 4;
//Price, I can barely see Roach's chute on my satellite feed. Too much interference. Do you see him, over?
thread radio_dialogue( "cont_cmt_barelysee" );
thread dialog_i_cant_see_roach();
price_spawner = getent( "price", "script_noteworthy" );
price_spawner spawn_ai();
//price_intro_talk_pos = getnode( "price_intro_talk_pos", "script_noteworthy" );
//level.price setgoalnode( price_intro_talk_pos );
//level.price.goalradius = 64;
thread cargo_choppers();
thread price_intro_anim();
//wait .2;
//thread dialog_intro();
//flag_wait_either ( "price_goes_to_road", "said_follow_me" );
//level.price SetLookAtEntity();// clears it
thread dialog_lets_follow_quietly();
flag_wait ( "start_first_patrol" );
autosave_by_name( "start_first_patrol" );
first_patrol = getentarray( "first_patrol", "targetname" );
foreach( guy in first_patrol )
guy thread spawn_with_delays();
flag_wait( "price_starts_moving" );
flag_wait( "patrol_in_sight" );
thread hide_and_kill_first_stragglers();
thread hide_and_kill_everyone();
thread dialog_first_patrol_spotted();
//flag_wait( "cross_bridge_patrol_dead" );//guy and dog that look over the bridge
//flag_wait( "rightside_patrol_dead" );
flag_wait( "start_truck_patrol" );
if( !flag( "cross_bridge_patrol_dead" ) && !flag( "first_stragglers_dead" ) && !flag( "rightside_patrol_dead" ) )
thread autosave_stealth();
level.price.ignoreall = true;
thread spawn_vehicles_from_targetname_and_drive( "truck_patrol" );
wait 1;
//level.price thread disable_cqbwalk();
//level.price thread hide_from_bridge_convoy();
thread dialog_convoy_coming();
flag_wait_any( "last_truck_left", "player_is_crossing_bridge", "all_bridge_guys_dead" );
//thread autosave_stealth();
level.price notify( "stop_smart_path_following" );
price_rdy_vs_stragglers = getnode( "price_rdy_vs_stragglers", "targetname" );
level.price thread price_smart_path_following( price_rdy_vs_stragglers );
level.price thread friendly_adjust_movement_speed();
flag_wait( "price_slide_prep" );
level.price.ignoreall = false;
thread handle_slide();
start = getstruct( "slide_start_player", "targetname" );
level.player setOrigin( start.origin );
level.player setPlayerAngles( start.angles );
friendlies = getentarray( "start_friendly", "targetname" );
//array_thread( friendlies, ::spawn_ai );
friendly_starts = getstructarray( "slide_start_friendly", "targetname" );
for ( i = 0 ; i < friendlies.size ; i++ )
friendlies[ i ].origin = friendly_starts[ i ].origin;
friendlies[ i ].angles = friendly_starts[ i ].angles;
friendlies[ i ] spawn_ai();
wait .1;
level.price enable_cqbwalk();
//price_pre_slide_node = getnode( "price_pre_slide", "targetname" );
//price_pre_slide_node = getnode( "price_fire_loc", "targetname" );
//level.price setgoalnode( price_pre_slide_node );
//level.price.goalradius = 64;
//flag_set( "start_btr_slide" );
thread handle_slide();
//#using_animtree( "generic_human" );
price_destroys_btr = level.price_destroys_btr;
thread cargo_choppers2();
level.price notify( "stop_smart_path_following" );
//if( !price_destroys_btr )
price_pre_slide_node = getnode( "price_fire_loc", "targetname" );
price_pre_slide_node thread Price_Caution_Stop();
//level.price setgoalnode( price_pre_slide_node );
//level.price.goalradius = 64;
// wait 2.5;
flag_wait( "start_btr_slide" );
println( "hit flag" );
println( "anim starting" );
level.price notify( "stop_adjust_movement_speed" );
//second btr is the one with the script to kill the player.
//if( price_destroys_btr )
thread setup_tree_destroyer();
level.btr_slider = spawn_vehicle_from_targetname( "btr_slider" );
level.btr_slider thread vehicle_lights_on( "spotlight spotlight_turret" );
level.btr_slider thread maps\_vehicle::damage_hints();
level.btr_slider thread fake_treads();
//thread debug_timer();
//level.btr_slider = spawn_anim_model( "contingency_btr_slide" );
//wait 1;
level.btr_slider.animname = "contingency_btr_slide";
btr81_slide_node = getstruct("btr81_slide_node", "targetname" );
//thread draw_line_for_time ( btr81_slide_node.origin, btr81_slide_node.origin + (0,0,32), 0, 1, 1, 999);
btr81_slide_node thread anim_single_solo( level.btr_slider, "contingency_btr_slide" );
level.btr_slider playsound( "scn_con_bmp_skid" );
//thread dialog_btr_incoming();
//thread debug_timer();
//if( price_destroys_btr )
// price_fire_loc = getent( "price_fire_loc_new", "targetname" );
// level.price notify( "stop_smart_path_following" );
// wait 1.3;
// level.price thread disable_cqbwalk();
// level.price pushplayer( true );
// fire_pos_ent = price_fire_loc;
// thing = level.btr_slider;
// thing_offset = (0,0,0);
// level.price destroy_thing_with_at4( fire_pos_ent, thing, thing_offset, true );
//thread end_btr_slide();
wait_to_hide = 2.8;
wait wait_to_hide;
level notify( "run_to_woods" );
level.price anim_stopanimscripted();
level.price thread dialogue_queue( "cont_pri_incoming" );
//level.price disable_cqbwalk();
//price_quick_hide_loc = getnode( "price_into_the_woods_path", "targetname" );
//level.price setgoalnode( price_quick_hide_loc );
//wait (5.45 - wait_to_hide);
thread stealth_ai_ignore_tree_explosions();
thread dialog_into_the_woods();
thread end_of_tree_explosions();
level.price pushplayer( true );
//this is price running fast into the woods
level.price thread disable_cqbwalk();
//level.price set_generic_run_anim( "sprint", true );
level.price.sprint = true;
level.price.moveplaybackrate = .9;
level.price thread faster_price_if_player_close();
price_into_the_woods_path = getnode( "price_into_the_woods_path", "targetname" );
level.price thread follow_path( price_into_the_woods_path );
thread handle_woods();
start = getstruct( "woods_start_player", "targetname" );
level.player setOrigin( start.origin );
level.player setPlayerAngles( start.angles );
friendlies = getentarray( "start_friendly", "targetname" );
//array_thread( friendlies, ::spawn_ai );
friendly_starts = getstructarray( "woods_start_friendly", "targetname" );
for ( i = 0 ; i < friendlies.size ; i++ )
friendlies[ i ].origin = friendly_starts[ i ].origin;
friendlies[ i ].angles = friendly_starts[ i ].angles;
friendlies[ i ] spawn_ai();
wait .1;
level.price thread disable_cqbwalk();
level.price.moveplaybackrate = 1.2;
level.price.goalradius = 64;
level.price setgoalpos( ( -28257.9, -8877.1, 840.5 ) );
thread handle_woods();
start = getstruct( "midwoods_start_player", "targetname" );
level.player setOrigin( start.origin );
level.player setPlayerAngles( start.angles );
friendlies = getentarray( "start_friendly", "targetname" );
//array_thread( friendlies, ::spawn_ai );
friendly_starts = getstructarray( "midwoods_start_friendly", "targetname" );
for ( i = 0 ; i < friendlies.size ; i++ )
friendlies[ i ].origin = friendly_starts[ i ].origin;
friendlies[ i ].angles = friendly_starts[ i ].angles;
friendlies[ i ] spawn_ai();
wait .1;
flag_set( "safe_from_btrs" );
level.price thread enable_cqbwalk();
woods_stealth_path_start = getnode( "price_overlook_stream", "targetname" );
level.price thread price_smart_path_following( woods_stealth_path_start );
thread dialog_russians_looking_for_you();
thread handle_midwoods();
flag_wait( "safe_from_btrs" );
thread monitor_player_returns_to_btrs();
enemies = GetAISpeciesArray( "axis", "all" );
foreach( guy in enemies )
if( distance( level.player.origin, guy.origin ) > 1500 )
guy delete();
thread dialog_russians_looking_for_you();
level.price notify( "_utility::follow_path" );
level.price notify( "stop_going_to_node" );// kills the last call to go_to_node
level.price.moveplaybackrate = 1;
//level.price clear_run_anim();
level.price pushplayer( true );//so he doesnt stop when the player is in front
level.price_maxsightdistsqrd_woods = 40*40;
level.price.maxsightdistsqrd = level.price_maxsightdistsqrd_woods;//keeps him from being jumpy at cover nodes
//aiarray = GetAIArray( "axis" );
//foreach( ai in aiarray )
// ai delete();
//Slow down. They cant follow us this far.
//iprintlnbold( "Slow down. Their vehicles cant follow us this far." );
//level.price thread radio_dialogue( "cont_pri_slowdown" );
level.price thread dialogue_queue( "cont_pri_slowdown" );
//level.price stealth_fog_smart_stance();
//woods_guys = getentarray( "woods_guys", "targetname" );
//foreach( guy in woods_guys )
// guy spawn_ai();
level.price.sprint = undefined;
level.price thread enable_cqbwalk();
woods_stealth_path_start = getnode( "price_woods_path_start", "targetname" );
level.price thread price_smart_path_following( woods_stealth_path_start );
thread handle_midwoods();
thread dialog_looking_for_us();
thread dialog_woods_first_patrol();
thread dialog_woods_first_dog_patrol();
thread dialog_woods_second_dog_patrol();
thread dialog_woods_first_stationary();
thread dialog_woods_blocking_stationary();
//level.price thread price_move_speed_think();
//level.price enable_stealth_smart_stance();
//level.price enable_dynamic_run_speed();
//enable_dynamic_run_speed( pushdist, sprintdist, stopdist, jogdist, group, dontChangeMovePlaybackRate )
//level.price thread follow_path( woods_stealth_path_start );
thread handle_ridge();
start = getstruct( "ridge_start_player", "targetname" );
level.player setOrigin( start.origin );
level.player setPlayerAngles( start.angles );
friendlies = getentarray( "start_friendly", "targetname" );
//array_thread( friendlies, ::spawn_ai );
friendly_starts = getstructarray( "ridge_start_friendly", "targetname" );
for ( i = 0 ; i < friendlies.size ; i++ )
friendlies[ i ].origin = friendly_starts[ i ].origin;
friendlies[ i ].angles = friendly_starts[ i ].angles;
friendlies[ i ] spawn_ai();
wait .1;
thread handle_ridge();
//because of stealth clean up
//rasta and bricktop could destroy the gauntlets beofre the UAV shows
if( ( isalive( level.gauntlet_east ) ) && ( isalive( level.gauntlet_west ) ) )
//ambient_villagers = getentarray( "ambient_villagers", "targetname" );
//foreach( guy in ambient_villagers )
// guy spawn_ai();
flag_set( "first_uav_spawned" );
thread dialog_approaching_ridge();
level.uav = spawn_vehicle_from_targetname_and_drive( "first_uav" );
level.uav playLoopSound( "uav_engine_loop" );
level.uavRig = spawn( "script_model", level.uav.origin );
level.uavRig setmodel( "tag_origin" );
thread UAVRigAiming();
flag_wait( "player_on_ridge" );
if( stealth_is_everything_normal() )
enemies = GetAISpeciesArray( "axis", "all" );
foreach( mf in enemies )
if( !( mf cansee( level.player ) ) )
mf delete();
enemies = GetAISpeciesArray( "axis", "all" );
foreach( mf in enemies )
if( distance( mf.origin, level.player.origin ) > 2300 )
mf delete();
mf thread setup_stealth_enemy_cleanup();
enemies = GetAISpeciesArray( "axis", "all" );
level.stealth_enemies_remaining = enemies.size;
while( level.stealth_enemies_remaining > 0 )
wait 1;
level.price thread disable_cqbwalk();
flag_wait( "price_on_ridge" );
if( ( isalive( level.gauntlet_east ) ) && ( isalive( level.gauntlet_west ) ) )
level.last_uav_launch_time = gettime();
level.player.has_remote_detonator = true;
level.player giveWeapon( "remote_missile_detonator" );
level.player SetActionSlot( 4, "weapon", "remote_missile_detonator" );
if( !flag( "player_slid_down" ) )
//This ridge is perfect.
level.price dialogue_queue( "cont_pri_ridgeisperfect" );
//radio_dialogue( "cont_pri_ridgeisperfect" );
//Roach take control of the UAV.
level.price dialogue_queue( "cont_pri_controluav" );
//radio_dialogue( "cont_pri_controluav" );
level.player thread display_hint( "hint_predator_drone" );
if( !flag( "going_down_ridge" ) )
wait 3;
if( !flag( "going_down_ridge" ) && ( !isdefined( level.player.is_controlling_UAV ) ) )
wait 3;
level.last_uav_launch_time = gettime();
level.player.has_remote_detonator = true;
level.player giveWeapon( "remote_missile_detonator" );
level.player SetActionSlot( 4, "weapon", "remote_missile_detonator" );
if( ( isalive( level.gauntlet_east ) ) && ( isalive( level.gauntlet_west ) ) )
flag_set( "first_uav_destroyed" );
gauntlet_west = getent( "gauntlet_west", "targetname" );
stinger_source = spawn( "script_origin", gauntlet_west.origin + (0,0,220) );
//thread maps\_debug::drawArrowForever ( stinger_source, gauntlet_west.angles );
fire_stinger_at_uav( stinger_source );
//waht happened?
if( !flag ( "going_down_ridge" ) )
//Roach - let's go.
level.price thread dialogue_queue( "cont_pri_roachletsgo" );
//thread radio_dialogue( "cont_pri_roachletsgo" );
//price moves
flag_set( "going_down_ridge" );
rasta_spawners = getentarray( "rasta", "script_noteworthy" );
array_thread( rasta_spawners, ::add_spawn_function, ::setup_rasta_village );
bricktop_spawners = getentarray( "bricktop", "script_noteworthy" );
array_thread( bricktop_spawners, ::add_spawn_function, ::setup_bricktop_village );
thread price_slides_down_the_ridge();
//thread village_spawners();
level.price thread enable_cqbwalk();
flag_wait( "approaching_ridge" );
level notify( "stop_snow" );
//thread village_enemies();
level.gauntlet_east = spawn_vehicle_from_targetname( "gauntlet_east" );
level.gauntlet_west = spawn_vehicle_from_targetname( "gauntlet_west" );
level.price disable_ai_color();
level.price notify( "stop_smart_path_following" );
ridge_price_overlook = getnode( "ridge_price_overlook", "targetname" );
level.price setgoalnode( ridge_price_overlook );
level.price.goalradius = 64;
level.price notify( "stop_dynamic_run_speed" );
thread first_uav_sequence();
flag_wait( "player_slid_down" );
flag_set( "stop_stealth_music" );
thread dialog_roach_change_guns();
if( isalive( level.btr_slider ) )
level.btr_slider delete();
if( isalive( level.btr_tree_destroyer ) )
level.btr_tree_destroyer delete();
thread price_changes_weapons();
autosave_by_name( "village_fight" );
thread save_when_x_are_killed();
first_villagers = getentarray( "first_villagers", "targetname" );
foreach( guy in first_villagers )
guy spawn_ai();
//must kill stealth before base
//flag_wait_either( "first_villagers_dead", "start_village_fight" );
flag_clear( "_stealth_spotted" );
thread spawn_ghosts_team();
//thread spawn_village_trucks_at_right_time();
if( isalive( level.gauntlet_east ) )
level.gauntlet_east waittill( "death" );
if( isalive( level.gauntlet_west ) )
level.gauntlet_west waittill( "death" );
//change obj:
flag_set( "both_gauntlets_destroyed" );
add_wait( ::flag_wait, "second_uav_in_position" );
add_func( ::spawn_second_uav );
thread do_wait();
//timeout the dialog if the player doesnt get close to the guys
add_wait( ::_wait, 30 );
add_func( ::flag_set, "start_village_fight" );
thread do_wait();
flag_set( "rasta_and_bricktop_dialog_done" );
flag_set( "second_uav_in_position" );
flag_set( "start_village_fight" );
autosave_by_name( "village_fight2" );
wait 1;
level.price thread turn_off_stealth_settings();
//level.price.colornode_func = ::dialog_moving_to_new_position_in_village;
village_defenders = getentarray( "village_defenders", "targetname" );
foreach( guy in village_defenders )
guy spawn_ai();
//add_wait( ::flag_wait, "second_uav_in_position" );
//add_func( ::display_hint, "hint_predator_drone" );
//thread do_wait();
//level.player thread display_hint( "hint_predator_drone" );
flag_wait( "leaving_village" );
thread handle_base();
// MikeD: Disable radio in _remotemissile until the dialog for the base is complete.
level.uav_radio_disabled = true;
level.price thread dead_vehicle_blocking_path();
level.rasta thread dead_vehicle_blocking_path();
alive = 0;
f_guys = getaiarray( "allies" );
foreach( f in f_guys )
if( ( f == level.rasta ) || ( f == level.price ) )
f thread replace_on_death();
desired = 3 - alive;
start_of_base_redshirt = getentarray( "start_of_base_redshirt", "targetname" );
for( i = 0 ; i < desired ; i++ )
start_of_base_redshirt[ i ] spawn_ai();
thread dialog_second_uav_in_position();
thread base_autosave_logic();
level notify( "stop_snow" );
//stealth + color node system
thread setup_friendlies_for_base();
//get rid of village enemies
retreat_pos = getstruct( "village_enemies_retreat_pos", "targetname" ).origin;
enemies = getaiarray( "axis" );
foreach( mf in enemies )
mf thread village_enemies_setup_retreat( retreat_pos );
//spawn stuff thats unaware:
base_starting_guys = getentarray( "base_starting_guys", "targetname" );
foreach( guy in base_starting_guys )
guy spawn_ai();
thread setup_base_idling_vehicles();
thread nag_player_to_destroy_btr();
add_wait( ::waittill_base_alerted );
add_func( ::flag_set, "base_alerted" );
thread do_wait();
thread dialog_sub_spotted();
flag_wait( "base_alerted" );
thread base_arrival_music();
thread base_alarm_sound();
wait 1;
thread dialog_base_on_alert();
thread dialog_progress_through_base();
activate_trigger_with_targetname( "friendlies_enter_base" );
thread timer_start();
friendlies = getaiarray( "allies" );
foreach( g in friendlies )
g thread turn_off_stealth_settings();
if( isalive( level.base_btr2 ) )
end_if_cant_see = false;
no_misses = false;
level.base_btr2 thread bmp_turret_attack_player( end_if_cant_see, no_misses );
if( isalive( level.base_truck1 ) )
level.base_truck1 thread unload_base_truck();
wait 2;
if( isalive( level.base_heli ) )
thread gopath( level.base_heli );
level.base_heli.circling = true;
level.base_heli.no_attractor = true;
level.base_heli = thread maps\_attack_heli::begin_attack_heli_behavior( level.base_heli );
//flag_wait( "player_is_halfway_to_sub" );
thread handle_defend_sub();
flag_wait( "price_splits_off" );
thread kill_helicopter_fail_safe();
if( isalive( level.base_btr2 ) )
level.base_btr2 kill();
wait 3;
flag_clear( "respawn_friendlies" );
autosave_by_name( "defend" );
thread setup_vehicle_gate( "gate1" );
thread setup_vehicle_gate( "gate2" );
level.price.colornode_func = undefined;
thread dialog_price_splits_off();
level.price disable_ai_color();
price_key_pos = getent( "price_key_pos", "targetname" );
level.price setgoalpos( price_key_pos.origin );
level.price.goalradius = 64;
wait 4;
greens = get_force_color_guys( "allies", "g" );
array_thread( greens, ::set_force_color, "b" );
activate_trigger_with_targetname( "friendlies_go_to_guardhouse" );
thread setup_defend_sub_vehicles();
enemies = getaiarray( "axis" );
foreach( guy in enemies )
guy.combatmode = "cover";
guy setgoalpos( level.player.origin );
flag_wait( "price_inside_sub" );
//All right, I'm inside the sub! Cover me, I need a few minutes!
radio_dialogue( "cont_pri_insidesub" );
//Alert! The use of nuclear weapons has been authorized.
//Launch codes verified authentic. Launch codes accepted.
//Set condition one-SQ. Nuclear missile launch authorized.
//Now spinning up missiles 1 through 4 and 8 through 12 for strategic missile launch<63>
//Target package 572 has been authorized. Standing by for target confirmation and launch order.
flag_wait_or_timeout( "defend_sub_vehicle_guys_dead", 50 );
flag_wait( "player_on_guardhouse" );
flee_pos = getstruct( "sub_obj_enemies_flee", "targetname" ).origin;
enemies = getaiarray( "axis" );
foreach( guy in enemies )
guy thread enemies_flee( flee_pos );
stinger_source = getent( "defend_sub_stinger_source", "targetname" );
//thread maps\_debug::drawArrowForever ( stinger_source, gauntlet_west.angles );
fire_stinger_at_uav( stinger_source );
thread breakforsub_music();
println( "^3z: thread breakforsub_music(); " );
//thread debug_timer();
wait 1;
autosave_by_name( "defend2" );
defend_sub_final_guys = getentarray( "defend_sub_final_guys", "targetname" );
foreach( guy in defend_sub_final_guys )
guy spawn_ai();
wait 5;
activate_trigger_with_targetname( "contacts_south" );
//Contact to the south, on the dock next to the sub!
level.rasta dialogue_queue( "cont_gst_nexttosub" );
flag_set( "close_sub_hatch" );
battlechatter_off( "allies" );
battlechatter_off( "axis" );
wait 10;
thread open_sub_missile_doors();
wait 4;
flee_pos = getstruct( "contacts_south_flee_pos", "targetname" ).origin;
enemies = getaiarray( "axis" );
foreach( guy in enemies )
//if( !isdefined( guy.targetname ) )
// continue;
//if( guy.targetname == "defend_sub_final_guys" )
guy thread enemies_flee( flee_pos );
ai = getaiarray();
foreach( guy in ai )
guy.dontevershoot = true;
//Price, are you there? The silo doors are opening on the sub, I repeat, the silo doors are opening on the sub!
level.rasta dialogue_queue( "cont_gst_youthere" );
wait 2.4;
//Price, come in!! They're opening the silo doors on the sub!!! Hurry!!!
level.rasta dialogue_queue( "cont_gst_comein" );
wait 2;
//Price, do you copy??? The silo doors are open, I repeat, the silo doors are open!!
level.rasta dialogue_queue( "cont_gst_doyoucopy" );
wait 1;
radio_dialogue( "cont_pri_good2" );
thread launch_nuke();
//What<61>? Wait...wait, Price - no!!!
level.rasta dialogue_queue( "cont_gst_whatwait" );
wait 2;
//We have a nuclear missile launch, missile in the air missile in the air!! Code black code black!!
level.rasta dialogue_queue( "cont_gst_codeblack" );
//Price what have you done???
//level.rasta dialogue_queue( "cont_gst_whathaveyoudone" );
wait 1;
//flee_pos = getstruct( "dock_enemies_flee", "targetname" ).origin;
//enemies = getaiarray( "axis" );
//foreach( guy in enemies )
// guy thread enemies_flee( flee_pos );
//wait 15;
//iprintlnbold( "Next Mission" );
// time = 0;
// while( 1 )
// {
// println( "time " + time );
// time++;
// wait 1;
// }
// start = getstruct( "sub_start_player", "targetname" );
// level.player setOrigin( start.origin );
// level.player setPlayerAngles( start.angles );
// friendlies = getentarray( "start_friendly", "targetname" );
// friendlies2 = getentarray( "rasta_and_bricktop", "targetname" );
// friendlies = array_combine( friendlies, friendlies2 );
// //array_thread( friendlies, ::spawn_ai );
// friendly_starts = getstructarray( "sub_start_friendly", "targetname" );
// for ( i = 0 ; i < friendlies.size ; i++ )
// {
// friendlies[ i ].origin = friendly_starts[ i ].origin;
// friendlies[ i ].angles = friendly_starts[ i ].angles;
// friendlies[ i ] spawn_ai();
// }
// flag_set( "stop_stealth_music" );
// music_stop();
// level.player takeallweapons();
// level.player giveWeapon( "aa12" );
// level.player giveWeapon( "m240_heartbeat_reflex_arctic" );
// level.player switchToWeapon( "m240_heartbeat_reflex_arctic" );
// level.player giveWeapon( "fraggrenade" );
// level.player setOffhandSecondaryClass( "flash" );
// level.player giveWeapon( "flash_grenade" );
// wait .1;
// level.rasta set_force_color( "g" );
// level.rasta enable_ai_color();
// level.bricktop set_force_color( "g" );
// level.bricktop enable_ai_color();
// level.price set_force_color( "g" );
// level.price enable_ai_color();
// level.price forceUseWeapon( "aug_scope", "primary" );
// disable_stealth_system();
// friendlies = getaiarray( "allies" );
// foreach( g in friendlies )
// g thread turn_off_stealth_settings();
// thread spawn_second_uav();
// flag_set( "player_on_ridge" );
// flag_set( "leaving_village" );
// thread handle_sub();
// start_sub();
// wait 2;
// thread put_on_player_gas_mask();
// level notify( "stop_snow" );
// thread start_tear_gas_fx();
// thread start_tear_gas_guys();
// thread sub_ladder();
// flag_wait( "friendlies_or_player_at_sub" );
// flee_pos = getstruct( "sub_obj_enemies_flee", "targetname" ).origin;
// enemies = getaiarray( "axis" );
// foreach( guy in enemies )
// guy thread enemies_flee( flee_pos );
// level.price.colornode_func = undefined;
// thread dialog_at_sub();
// flag_wait( "obj_sub_entrance" );//player at sub
// level.price disable_ai_color();
// price_on_sub = getnode( "price_on_sub", "targetname" );
// level.price setgoalnode( price_on_sub );
// flag_wait( "player_on_sub" );
// //Roach! Get your mask on!
// level.price dialogue_queue( "cont_pri_getmaskon" );
// thread put_on_player_gas_mask();
// if( !flag( "player_dropping_into_sub" ) )
// {
// //Down the hatch, lets go!
// level.price thread dialogue_queue( "cont_pri_downthehatch" );
// }
// flag_wait( "player_dropping_into_sub" );
// if( isalive( level.rasta ) )
// level.rasta kill();
// if( isalive( level.bricktop ) )
// level.bricktop kill();
// level.price set_battlechatter( false );
// killTimer();
// flag_wait( "player_is_clear_of_ladder" );
// price_drop_pos = getent( "price_drop_pos", "targetname" );
// price_drop_kill_pos = getent( "price_drop_kill_pos", "targetname" );
// level.price setgoalpos( price_drop_kill_pos.origin );
// price_drop_bottom_pos = getent( "price_drop_bottom_pos", "targetname" );
// level.price forceteleport( price_drop_bottom_pos.origin, price_drop_bottom_pos.angles );
// level.price.goalradius = 64;
// level.price.baseaccuracy = 500000;
// //level.price.shootstyleoverride = "single";
// level.price.a.specialShootBehavior = ::single_shots;
// flag_wait( "tear_gas_guys_dead" );
// thread spawn_sub_enemies();
// price_key_pos = getent( "price_key_pos", "targetname" );
// level.price setgoalpos( price_key_pos.origin );
// level.price.goalradius = 64;
// level.price.ignoreall = true;
// level.price.ignoreme = true;
// //Roach! I need a few minutes! Cover me!
// level.price dialogue_queue( "cont_pri_needfewminutes" );
// //Alert! The use of nuclear weapons has been authorized.
// //Price! I'm on my way to the east gate with our transport, over!
// radio_dialogue( "cont_cmt_eastgate" );
// //Copy that Soap!
// level.price dialogue_queue( "cont_pri_copythatsoap" );
// //Launch codes verified authentic. Launch codes accepted.
// //Set condition one-SQ. Nuclear missile launch authorized.
// //Now spinning up missiles 1 through 4 and 8 through 12 for strategic missile launch<63>
// //Target package 572 has been authorized. Standing by for target confirmation and launch order.
// //Roach! I'm almost done! Hold your ground!!
// level.price dialogue_queue( "cont_pri_almostdone" );
// //Price! How much longer do you need to sink the sub? We're almost at the gate!
// radio_dialogue( "cont_cmt_muchlonger" );
// //Soap, I'm not sinking the sub - I'm launching the nukes.
// level.price dialogue_queue( "cont_pri_notsinking" );
// //The bloody hell you are!!!!
// radio_dialogue( "cont_cmt_bloodyhell" );
// thread activate_players_key();
// //There's no time to explain! Roach! Turn that key over there! Hurry! They've scrambled MiGs to take us out!
// level.price dialogue_queue( "cont_pri_notime" );
// level notify( "stop_sub_enemies" );
// thread dialog_turn_key_nags();
// flag_wait( "player_turned_key" );
// thread handle_exit_sub();
// //Missiles are ready for launch. Ten<65>Nine<6E>Eight<68>Seven<65>Six...Five<76>Four<75>Three<65>Two<77>One<6E>ignition on missiles 1 through 4 and 8 through 12 for strategic missile launch.
// start = getstruct( "exit_sub_start_player", "targetname" );
// level.player setOrigin( start.origin );
// level.player setPlayerAngles( start.angles );
// friendlies = getentarray( "start_friendly", "targetname" );
// //friendlies2 = getentarray( "rasta_and_bricktop", "targetname" );
// //friendlies = array_combine( friendlies, friendlies2 );
// //array_thread( friendlies, ::spawn_ai );
// friendly_starts = getstructarray( "exit_sub_start_friendly", "targetname" );
// for ( i = 0 ; i < friendlies.size ; i++ )
// {
// friendlies[ i ].origin = friendly_starts[ i ].origin;
// friendlies[ i ].angles = friendly_starts[ i ].angles;
// friendlies[ i ] spawn_ai();
// }
// flag_set( "stop_stealth_music" );
// music_stop();
// level.player takeallweapons();
// level.player giveWeapon( "aa12" );
// level.player giveWeapon( "m240_heartbeat_reflex_arctic" );
// level.player switchToWeapon( "m240_heartbeat_reflex_arctic" );
// level.player giveWeapon( "fraggrenade" );
// level.player setOffhandSecondaryClass( "flash" );
// level.player giveWeapon( "flash_grenade" );
// wait .1;
// //level.rasta set_force_color( "g" );
// //level.rasta enable_ai_color();
// //level.bricktop set_force_color( "g" );
// //level.bricktop enable_ai_color();
// //level.price set_force_color( "g" );
// //level.price enable_ai_color();
// level.price forceUseWeapon( "aug_scope", "primary" );
// disable_stealth_system();
// friendlies = getaiarray( "allies" );
// foreach( g in friendlies )
// g thread turn_off_stealth_settings();
// thread spawn_second_uav();
// flag_set( "player_on_ridge" );
// flag_set( "leaving_village" );
// thread handle_exit_sub();
// level notify( "stop_snow" );
// level.soap_truck = spawn_vehicle_from_targetname( "soap_truck" );
// level.soap_truck.dontunloadonend = true;
// price_wait_for_truck_node = getnode( "price_wait_for_truck_node", "targetname" );
// level.price setgoalnode( price_wait_for_truck_node );
// //We're done here! Let's go!
// level.price thread dialogue_queue( "cont_pri_donehereletsgo" );
// flag_wait( "player_on_sub" );
// flee_pos = getstruct( "exit_sub_start_player", "targetname" ).origin;
// enemies = getaiarray( "axis" );
// foreach( guy in enemies )
// guy thread enemies_flee( flee_pos );
// thread gopath( level.soap_truck );
// level.uaz = level.soap_truck;
// level.uaz thread uaz_control();
// //Roach! Get to the truck! Move! Move!!
// level.price thread dialogue_queue( "cont_pri_gettotruck" );
// flag_wait( "soap_truck_arrived" );
// friendlies = [];
// friendlies[ friendlies.size ] = level.price;
// level.soap_truck thread vehicle_load_ai( friendlies );
// flag_wait( "player_in_uaz" );
// soap_truck_reverse_path = getvehiclenode( "soap_truck_reverse_path", "targetname" );
// soap_truck_exit_path = getvehiclenode( "soap_truck_exit_path", "targetname" );
// level.soap_truck StartPath( soap_truck_reverse_path );
// //soap_truck thread maps\_vehicle::vehicle_paths( soap_truck_reverse_path );
// //soap_truck.veh_pathdir = "reverse";
// //soap_truck.veh_transmission = "reverse";
// wait 6;
// thread launch_nuke();
// //flag_wait( "soap_truck_finished_reverse" );
// //Sometimes you can't end a war with a bullet, Soap.
// level.price dialogue_queue( "cont_pri_endawar" );
// wait 2;
// level.soap_truck StartPath( soap_truck_exit_path );
// //soap_truck thread maps\_vehicle::vehicle_paths( soap_truck_exit_path );
// //soap_truck.veh_pathdir = "forward";
// //soap_truck.veh_transmission = "forward";
// //level waittill( "forever" );
// //iprintlnbold( "end of scripting" );
// wait 4;
// nextmission();
flag_set( "stop_stealth_music" );
music_stop( .5 );
wait 1;
level endon( "stop_base_arrival_music" );
music_TIME = musicLength( "contingency_base_arrival" );
while( 1 )
MusicPlayWrapper( "contingency_base_arrival" );
wait music_TIME;
flag_set( "stop_stealth_music" );
level notify( "stop_base_arrival_music" );
music_stop( 1 );
//wait .1;
//MusicPlayWrapper( "contingency_breakforsub" );
level.player playsound( "contingency_breakforsub" );
start_amount = level.enemies_killed;
needed = 20 + start_amount;
while( level.enemies_killed < needed )
wait 1;
autosave_by_name( "x_killed" );
flag_wait( "magic_break_stealth" );
enemies = GetAISpeciesArray( "axis", "all" );
if( enemies.size > 0 )
enemies[0].favoriteenemy = level.player;
wait 4;
weap = level.player getcurrentweapon();
if( ( weap == level.starting_sidearm ) || ( weap == level.starting_rifle ) )
//Roach, they know we're here. You might want to grab a different weapon.
level.price dialogue_queue( "cont_pri_grabweapon" );
bricktop_spawner = getent( "bricktop", "script_noteworthy" );
bricktop_spawner spawn_ai();
rasta_spawner = getent( "rasta", "script_noteworthy" );
rasta_spawner spawn_ai();
if( isalive( level.gauntlet_east ) )
level.gauntlet_east waittill( "death" );
other_guys = getentarray( "village_redshirt", "script_noteworthy" );
foreach( guy in other_guys )
guy spawn_ai();
//Soap - Rasta and Bricktop are here.
level.price dialogue_queue( "cont_pri_rastaandbricktop" );
//Roger that. The second UAV is almost in position.
radio_dialogue( "cont_cmt_2nduav" );
flag_set( "said_second_uav_in_position" );
self thread maps\_vehicle::tread( "tag_wheel_back_left", "back_left", undefined, undefined, 25 );
self thread maps\_vehicle::tread( "tag_wheel_back_right", "back_right", undefined, undefined, 25 );
wait 8;
self notify( "kill_treads_forever" );
level.player endon( "death" );
level endon( "safe_from_btrs" );
while( 1 )
wait .1;
if( distance( level.player.origin, level.price.origin ) < 400 )
level.price.moveplaybackrate = 1;
vec2 = VectorNormalize( ( level.player.origin - level.price.origin ) );
vec = anglestoforward( level.price.angles );
vecdot = vectordot( vec, vec2 );//dot of my angle vs player position
//vecdot > 0 means in 180 in front
if( vecdot > 0 )// player is in front of me
level.price.moveplaybackrate = 1;
level.price.moveplaybackrate = .9;
//I'm going for the sub!
level.price dialogue_queue( "cont_pri_goingforsub" );
//Cover me from that guardhouse by the west gate!
level.price dialogue_queue( "cont_pri_coverme" );
//Roger that!
level.rasta dialogue_queue( "cont_gst_rogerthat" );
//Roach, we have to get to that guardhouse by the west gate to cover Price! Follow me!
level.rasta dialogue_queue( "cont_gst_guardhouse" );
while( !flag( "player_on_guardhouse" ) )
wait 20;
if( flag( "player_on_guardhouse" ) )
//Cover me from that guardhouse by the west gate!
level.price dialogue_queue( "cont_pri_coverme" );
wait 20;
if( flag( "player_on_guardhouse" ) )
//Roach, we have to get to that guardhouse by the west gate to cover Price! Follow me!
level.rasta dialogue_queue( "cont_gst_guardhouse" );
wait 24;
level.defend_sub_truck2 = spawn_vehicle_from_targetname_and_drive( "defend_sub_truck2" );
level.defend_sub_truck2 thread friendlies_shoot_at_truck_until_its_unloads();
level.defend_sub_truck2 thread dialog_destroyed_vehicle( "cont_cmt_goodkilltruck" );
wait 1;
level.defend_sub_truck3 = spawn_vehicle_from_targetname_and_drive( "defend_sub_truck3" );
level.defend_sub_truck3 thread friendlies_shoot_at_truck_until_its_unloads();
level.defend_sub_truck3 thread dialog_destroyed_vehicle( "cont_cmt_goodkilltruck" );
wait 3;
//Incoming! Two trucks to the east!
level.rasta thread dialogue_queue( "cont_gst_twotruckseast" );
wait 15;
level.defend_sub_truck1 = spawn_vehicle_from_targetname_and_drive( "defend_sub_truck1" );
level.defend_sub_truck1 thread friendlies_shoot_at_truck_until_its_unloads();
level.defend_sub_truck1 thread dialog_destroyed_vehicle( "cont_cmt_goodkilltruck" );
wait 2;
level.defend_sub_jeep1 = spawn_vehicle_from_targetname_and_drive( "defend_sub_jeep1" );
level.defend_sub_jeep1 thread friendlies_shoot_at_truck_until_its_unloads();
level.defend_sub_jeep1 thread dialog_destroyed_vehicle( "cont_cmt_goodkilltruck" );
//level.defend_sub_btr1 = spawn_vehicle_from_targetname_and_drive( "defend_sub_btr1" );
//level.defend_sub_btr1 thread friendlies_shoot_at_truck_until_its_unloads();
//level.defend_sub_btr1 thread vehicle_lights_on( "spotlight spotlight_turret" );
wait 3;
//More vehicles to the east! Use the Hellfires!
level.rasta thread dialogue_queue( "cont_gst_morevehicleseast" );
//wait 8;
//if( isalive( level.defend_sub_btr1 ) )
// end_if_cant_see = false;
// no_misses = false;
// level.defend_sub_btr1 thread bmp_turret_attack_player( end_if_cant_see, no_misses );
setup_vehicle_gate( stringname )
flag_wait( stringname );
gates = getentarray( stringname, "targetname" );
foreach( gate in gates )
dir = -160;
if( gate.script_noteworthy == "left" )
dir = 160;
gate movex( dir, 2, 1, 0 );
while( 1 )
flag_clear( stringname );
wait .2;
if( !flag( stringname ) )
foreach( gate in gates )
dir = 160;
if( gate.script_noteworthy == "left" )
dir = -160;
gate movex( dir, 2, 1, 0 );
sub_hatch_th = getent( "sub_hatch_th", "targetname" );
sub_hatch_th trigger_off();
hatch_model = getent( "hatch_model", "targetname" );
hatch_model_collision = getent( "hatch_model_collision", "targetname" );
hatch_model_collision linkto( hatch_model );
hatch_model rotatepitch( 120, .05 );
flag_wait( "close_sub_hatch" );
hatch_model rotatepitch( -120, 5 );
wait 2;
sub_hatch_th trigger_on();
wait 4;
sub_hatch_th trigger_off();
sub_missile_doors = getentarray( "sub_missile_door", "targetname" );
current_side = "left";
current_num = 1;
open_time = 2;
shake_time = .1;
time_between_doors = 1.6;
while( 1 )
foreach( door in sub_missile_doors )
if( ( door.script_noteworthy == current_side ) && ( int( door.script_namenumber ) == current_num ) )
door thread open_sub_missile_door_action( open_time, shake_time );
if( current_side == "left" )
current_side = "right";
current_side = "left";
if( current_num > 4 )
wait time_between_doors;
open_sub_missile_door_action( open_time, shake_time )
org = Spawn( "script_origin", ( 0, 0, 1 ) );
org.origin = self.origin;
org PlaySound( "missile_hatch_slams_open", "sounddone" );
door = self;
if( door.script_noteworthy == "left" )
door rotateroll( -60, open_time, .2 );
door rotateroll( 60, open_time, .2 );
wait open_time;
door rotateroll( -1, shake_time );
wait shake_time;
door rotateroll( 1, shake_time );
wait shake_time;
wait 1;
org stopsounds();
wait 1;
org delete();
flag_wait( "first_patrol_cqb" );
first_patrol_cqb = getentarray( "first_patrol_cqb", "targetname" );
foreach( guy in first_patrol_cqb )
guy spawn_ai();
wait 6;
//Looks like they're searching for us.
radio_dialogue( "cont_pri_searchingforus" );
//level.player playsound( "scn_icbm_missile_launch" );
//icbm_missile01 thread play_loop_sound_on_entity( "scn_icbm_missile2_loop" );
icbm_missile01 = getent( "icbm_missile01", "targetname" );
missile01_start = getent( "missile01_start", "targetname" );
missile01_end = getent( "missile01_end", "targetname" );
//PlayFX( getfx("icbm_launch") , icbm_missile01.origin );
//Earthquake( <scale>, <duration>, <source>, <radius> )
earthquake( 0.3, 12, icbm_missile01.origin, 8000 );
level.player PlayRumbleLoopOnEntity( "tank_rumble" );
level.player delaycall( 8.0, ::stopRumble, "tank_rumble" );
icbm_missile01 playsound( "scn_con_icbm_ignition" );
icbm_missile01 linkto( missile01_start );
//point, time, accel time, decel time
missile01_start moveto( missile01_end.origin, 50, 10, 0 );
// icbm_missile thread maps\_utility::playSoundOnTag( "parachute_land_player" );
playfxontag( level._effect[ "smoke_geotrail_icbm" ], icbm_missile01, "TAG_NOZZLE" );
exploder( "icbm_launch" );
//playfxontag( level._effect[ "smoke_geotrail_icbm" ], icbm_missile01, "tag_origin" );
wait 1;
if( distance( level.player.origin, missile01_start.origin ) < 600 )
level.player dodamage( ( level.player.health + 1000 ), missile01_start.origin );
icbm_missile01 playloopsound( "scn_con_icbm_rocket_loop" );
missile01_start waittill( "movedone" );
icbm_missile01 delete();
trigger = spawn( "trigger_radius", self gettagorigin( "tag_passenger" ) + (0,0,-48), 0, 72, 72);
trigger enablelinkto();
trigger linkto( self );
trigger waittill( "trigger" );
level.player allowProne( false );
level.player allowCrouch( false );
level.player allowStand( true );
enablePlayerWeapons( false );
level.player.rig = spawn_anim_model( "player_rig" );
level.player.rig hide();
level.player.rig linkto( self, "tag_body" );
self thread anim_single_solo( level.player.rig, "boneyard_uaz_mount" , "tag_body" );
self thread ride_uaz_door();
level.player PlayerLinkToBlend( level.player.rig, "tag_player", 0.5 );
wait 0.5;
level.player.rig show();
level.player PlayerLinkToDelta( level.player.rig, "tag_player", 0.5, 180, 180, 75, 25, true );
self waittill( "boneyard_uaz_mount" );
// self thread player_rig_adjust_height();
level.player.rig hide();
//enablePlayerWeapons( true );
level.player LerpViewAngleClamp( 0.5, 0.5, 0, 180, 180, 75, 35 );
flag_set( "player_in_uaz" );
level endon( "stop_sub_enemies" );
sub_enemies = getentarray( "sub_enemies", "targetname" );//6 total
while( 1 )
desired = 1 + randomint( 3 );
while( desired > 0 )
sub_enemies[ (desired-1) ] spawn_ai();
wait randomintrange( 4, 14 );
flag_wait( "player_on_sub" );
sub_ladder = getent( "sub_ladder", "targetname" );
sub_ladder.realOrigin = sub_ladder.origin;
sub_ladder.origin += ( 0, 0, -10000 );
flag_wait( "player_turned_key" );
sub_ladder.origin = sub_ladder.realOrigin;
self.shootstyle = "single";
flag_set( "player_key_rdy" );
players_key = getent( "players_key", "targetname" );
players_key glow();
players_key setCursorHint( "HINT_NOICON" );
// Press and hold ^3&&1^7 to pick up the turret.
players_key setHintString( &"CONTINGENCY_TURN_KEY" );
players_key makeUsable();
players_key waittill( "trigger", player );
//predator_drone_control playsound( "scn_invasion_controlrig_pickup" );
flag_set( "player_turned_key" );
players_key stopGlow();
players_key makeUnusable();
wait 10;
first_line = true;
while( !flag( "player_turned_key" ) )
if( first_line )
//Roach! We're running out of time! Turn the key!!!
level.price dialogue_queue( "cont_pri_runningout" );
first_line = false;
//Roach! Trust me! Turn - your - key!!!
level.price dialogue_queue( "cont_pri_trustme" );
first_line = true;
wait 10;
flag_wait( "player_dropping_into_sub" );
tear_gas_nodes = getentarray( "tear_gas_nodes", "script_noteworthy" );
foreach( anode in tear_gas_nodes )
spawner = getent( anode.target, "targetname" );
anim_name = anode.script_animation;
spawner add_spawn_function( ::setup_tear_gas_guy, anim_name, anode );
spawner spawn_ai();
flag_wait( "player_dropping_into_sub" );
exploder( "tear_gas_submarine" );
setup_tear_gas_guy( anim_name, anode )
self.health = 1;
//self gun_remove();
self.allowdeath = true;
self.ragdoll_immediate = true;
anode thread anim_generic( self, anim_name );
time_past = 0;
while( time_past < 70 )
wait .05;
time_past = time_past + .05;
println( "time past: " + time_past );
//thread debug_timer();
//orig_nightVisionFadeInOutTime = GetDvar( "nightVisionFadeInOutTime" );
//orig_nightVisionPowerOnTime = GetDvar( "nightVisionPowerOnTime" );
//SetSavedDvar( "nightVisionPowerOnTime", 0.5 );
//SetSavedDvar( "nightVisionFadeInOutTime", 0.5 );
//SetSavedDvar( "overrideNVGModelWithKnife", 1 );
//SetSavedDvar( "nightVisionDisableEffects", 1 );
level.player disableweapons();
//level.player takeallweapons();
level.player giveweapon( "facemask" );
level.player switchtoWeapon( "facemask" );
//wait( 0.01 );// give the knife override a frame to catch up
level.player ForceViewmodelAnimation( "facemask", "nvg_down" );
wait( 2.0 );
level.player thread play_loop_sound_on_tag( "gas_mask_breath" );
SetSavedDvar( "hud_gasMaskOverlay", 1 );
wait( 2.5 );
level.player takeweapon( "facemask" );
level.player enableweapons();
//level.player playloopsound( "gas_mask_breath" );
//SetSavedDvar( "nightVisionDisableEffects", 0 );
//SetSavedDvar( "overrideNVGModelWithKnife", 0 );
//SetSavedDvar( "nightVisionPowerOnTime", orig_nightVisionPowerOnTime );
//SetSavedDvar( "nightVisionFadeInOutTime", orig_nightVisionFadeInOutTime );
level endon( "base_btr2_dead" );
while( 1 )
flag_wait( "nag_player_to_destroy_btr" );
//Destroy that armored vehicle!
level.price dialogue_queue( "cont_pri_armoredvehicle" );
wait 10;
// while( level.village_defenders_dead < 6 )
// wait 1;
// level.village_troop_transport = spawn_vehicle_from_targetname_and_drive( "village_troop_transport" );
// level.village_troop_transport thread friendlies_shoot_at_truck_until_its_unloads();
// level.village_troop_transport thread maps\_remotemissile::setup_remote_missile_target();
// wait 1;
// level.village_troop_transport2 = spawn_vehicle_from_targetname_and_drive( "village_troop_transport2" );
// level.village_troop_transport2 thread maps\_remotemissile::setup_remote_missile_target();
// level.village_troop_transport2 thread friendlies_shoot_at_truck_until_its_unloads();
level.base_truck1 endon( "death" );
level.base_truck1 Vehicle_SetSpeed( 0, 15 );
//wait .1;
level.base_truck1 maps\_vehicle::vehicle_unload();
wait 1;
if( isdefined( level.base_truck1.has_target_shader ) )
level.base_truck1.has_target_shader = undefined;
Target_Remove( level.base_truck1 );
if( isdefined( level.remote_missile_targets ) )
level.remote_missile_targets = array_remove( level.remote_missile_targets, level.base_truck1 );
self disable_stealth_for_ai();
self.no_pistol_switch = undefined;
self.ignoreall = false;
self.fixednode = true;
self thread set_battlechatter( true );
self set_friendlyfire_warnings( true );
self.dontEverShoot = undefined;
self.grenadeammo = 3;
self.ignoreme = false;
self pushplayer( false );
self.ignoresuppression = false;
dialog = [];
//The base is under attack! I repeat, the base is under attack! Alert! Alert! They may be trying to reach the Kamarov!
dialog[dialog.size] = "cont_bpa_underattack";
//Terminate enemy forces with extreme prejudice! Do not allow them to sink the Kamarov!
dialog[dialog.size] = "cont_bpa_prejudice";
//2nd Platoon, reinforce submarine pens two, five, and seven! Establish blocking positions to the east and west of the mess hall to stop the intruders!
dialog[dialog.size] = "cont_bpa_2ndplatoon";
//Alert! Enemy forces have penetrated the perimeter and are making their way towards the submarines!
dialog[dialog.size] = "cont_bpa_alert";
//All submarine maintenance crews, get to your battlestation and prepare to dive immediately! I repeat, all submarine maintenance crews, get to your battlestations and prepare to dive immediately!
dialog[dialog.size] = "cont_bpa_battlestations";
current = 0;
base_pa = getent( "base_pa", "targetname" );
base_alarm_sound = getent( "base_alarm_sound", "targetname" );
while( !flag( "price_splits_off" ) )
while( 1 )
base_alarm_sound playloopsound( "emt_alarm_base_alert" );
base_alarm_sound.playing = true;
wait 8;
base_alarm_sound StopLoopSound();
base_alarm_sound.playing = undefined;
wait 1;
base_pa playsound( dialog[ current ] );
if( current >= dialog.size )
current = 0;
wait 12;
if( isdefined( base_alarm_sound.playing ) )
base_alarm_sound StopLoopSound();
level endon( "base_alerted" );
level endon( "_stealth_spotted" );
level.player waittill( "projectile_impact", weaponName, position, radius );
if( isdefined( self.ridingvehicle ) )
self endon( "death" );
self waittill( "jumpedout" );
self thread maps\_remotemissile::setup_remote_missile_target();
dialog_destroyed_vehicle( dialog )
self endon( "unloaded" );
self waittill( "death" );
wait .05;//so that old_veh_num is accurate
if( !isdefined( level.vehicles_killed ) )
level.vehicles_killed = 1;
level.veh_type = dialog;
self waittill( "death" );
if( isdefined( self.ridingvehicle ) )
wait .05;
if( !isdefined( level.enemies_killed ) )
level.enemies_killed = 1;
dialog = [];
dialog[dialog.size] = "cont_cmt_mutlipleconfirmed";
dialog[dialog.size] = "cont_cmt_3kills";
dialog[dialog.size] = "cont_cmt_theyredown";
last_line = 0;
said_direct_hit = false;
level.enemies_killed = 0;
level.vehicles_killed = 0;
said_good_effect = false;
kills = 0;
while( 1 )
level waittill( "remote_missile_exploded" );
old_num = level.enemies_killed;
old_veh_num = level.vehicles_killed;
wait .3;
veh_kills = level.vehicles_killed - old_veh_num;
if( isdefined( level.uav_killstats[ "ai" ] ) )
kills = level.uav_killstats[ "ai" ];
//wait a bit before saying the line
wait 1.2;
if( flag( "saying_base_on_alert" ) )
if( veh_kills == 1 )
radio_dialogue( level.veh_type );
if( veh_kills > 1 )
if( said_good_effect )
//Good hit. Multiple vehicles destroyed.
radio_dialogue( "cont_cmt_goodhitvehicles" );
said_good_effect = false;
//Good effect on target. Multiple enemy vehicles KIA.
radio_dialogue( "cont_cmt_goodeffectkia" );
said_good_effect = true;
if( kills == 0 )
if( kills == 1 )
if( said_direct_hit )
radio_dialogue( "cont_cmt_hesdown" );
said_direct_hit = false;
radio_dialogue( "cont_cmt_directhit" );
said_direct_hit = true;
if( kills > 5 )
radio_dialogue( "cont_cmt_fivepluskias" );
radio_dialogue( dialog[last_line] );
if( last_line >= dialog.size )
last_line = 0;
// self.free_on_death = true;
self endon( "death" );
self thread vehicle_death_paths();
self thread unload_when_stuck();
self thread maps\_remotemissile::setup_remote_missile_target();
self waittill( "unloaded" );
if( isdefined( self.has_target_shader ) )
self.has_target_shader = undefined;
Target_Remove( self );
level.remote_missile_targets = array_remove( level.remote_missile_targets, self );
count = 0;
last_bad_path_time = -10000;
while( 1 )
// bad_path nofies are every 0.5 seconds
self waittill( "bad_path" );
if ( GetTime() - last_bad_path_time < 5000 )
count = 0;
last_bad_path_time = GetTime();
// We sat here too long with a bad path, see if there are any dead script vehicles blocking us
if ( count >= 9 ) // 9 to be safe, since bad_paths are notified every 0.5 seconds... Meaning 10 notifies every 5 seconds.
count = 0;
foreach ( vehicle in level.dead_vehicles )
if ( IsDefined( vehicle ) && !IsAlive( vehicle ) && DistanceSquared( vehicle.origin, self.origin ) < 300 * 300 )
vehicle thread dead_vehicle_enable_paths_thread();
self notify( "stop_vehicle_enabled_paths" );
self endon( "stop_vehicle_enabled_paths" );
self.dead_vehicle_enable_paths = true;
self ConnectPaths();
wait( 5 );
self DisconnectPaths();
self.dead_vehicle_enable_paths = undefined;
self endon( "delete" );
// Notify from _vehicle::vehicle_kill, after the phys vehicle is blown up and disconnectpaths
self waittill( "kill_badplace_forever" );
level.dead_vehicles[ level.dead_vehicles.size ] = self;
min_dist = 50 * 50;
death_origin = self.origin;
while ( IsDefined( self ) )
if ( IsDefined( self.dead_vehicle_enable_paths ) )
wait( 0.5 );
if ( DistanceSquared( self.origin, death_origin ) > min_dist )
death_origin = self.origin;
// Connect the paths before we get to far away from the death_origin
self ConnectPaths();
// Don't disconnectpaths until we're done moving.
while ( 1 )
if ( IsDefined( self.dead_vehicle_enable_paths ) )
wait( 0.5 );
wait( 0.05 );
if ( !IsDefined( self ) )
if ( DistanceSquared( self.origin, death_origin ) < 1 )
death_origin = self.origin;
// Now disconnectpaths after we have settled
self DisconnectPaths();
wait( 0.05 );
self endon( "unloading" );
self endon( "death" );
while( 1 )
wait 2;
if( self Vehicle_GetSpeed() < 2 )
self Vehicle_SetSpeed( 0, 15 );
self.dontunloadonend = true;
self thread maps\_vehicle::vehicle_unload();
self endon( "unloading" );
self endon( "death" );
self waittill_entity_in_range( level.player, 1000 );
self Vehicle_SetSpeed( 0, 15 );
self.dontunloadonend = true;
self thread maps\_vehicle::vehicle_unload();
//Direct hit on the enemy helo. Nice shot Roach.
//level.scr_radio[ "cont_cmt_directhitshelo" ] = "cont_cmt_directhitshelo";
//Good effect on target. BTR destroyed.
//level.scr_radio[ "cont_cmt_btrdestroyed" ] = "cont_cmt_btrdestroyed";
//Direct hit on that jeep.
//level.scr_radio[ "cont_cmt_directhitjeep" ] = "cont_cmt_directhitjeep";
//Good kill. Truck destroyed.
//level.scr_radio[ "cont_cmt_goodkilltruck" ] = "cont_cmt_goodkilltruck";
level.base_heli = spawn_vehicle_from_targetname( "base_heli" );
level.base_heli.helicopter_predator_target_shader = true;
level.base_heli.enableRocketDeath = true;
level.base_heli thread maps\_remotemissile::setup_remote_missile_target();
level.base_heli thread maps\_vehicle::damage_hint_bullet_only();
level.base_heli thread dialog_destroyed_vehicle( "cont_cmt_directhitshelo" );
level.base_btr2 = spawn_vehicle_from_targetname( "base_btr2" );
level.base_btr2 thread maps\_remotemissile::setup_remote_missile_target();
level.base_btr2 thread vehicle_lights_on( "spotlight spotlight_turret" );
level.base_btr2 thread dialog_destroyed_vehicle( "cont_cmt_btrdestroyed" );
// level.base_btr2.free_on_death = true;
level.base_truck1 = spawn_vehicle_from_targetname( "base_truck1" );
level.base_truck1 thread maps\_remotemissile::setup_remote_missile_target();
level.base_truck1 thread dialog_destroyed_vehicle( "cont_cmt_directhitjeep" );
// level.base_truck1.free_on_death = true;
thread vehicles_move_when_player_can_see_them();
friendlies = getaiarray( "allies" );
foreach( guy in friendlies )
guy enable_ai_color();
guy set_force_color( "g" );
guy.pathrandompercent = 200;
guy.dontevershoot = true;
guy set_battlechatter( false );
guy set_friendlyfire_warnings( false );
level.price set_force_color( "r" );
flag_wait( "obj_base_entrance" );
flag_set( "everyone_set_green" );
level.price set_force_color( "g" );
flag_wait( "base_alerted" );
friendlies = getaiarray( "allies" );
foreach( guy in friendlies )
guy.dontevershoot = undefined;
guy set_battlechatter( true );
guy set_friendlyfire_warnings( true );
while( ( !isdefined( level.player.is_controlling_UAV ) ) && !flag( "obj_base_entrance" ) )
wait .05;
thread gopath( level.base_btr2 );
thread gopath( level.base_truck1 );
ai_event[ "ai_eventDistExplosion" ] = [];
ai_event[ "ai_eventDistExplosion" ][ "spotted" ] = 0;
ai_event[ "ai_eventDistExplosion" ][ "hidden" ] = 0;
stealth_ai_event_dist_custom( ai_event );
flag_wait( "done_with_exploding_trees" );
wait 1;
ai_event[ "ai_eventDistExplosion" ] = [];
ai_event[ "ai_eventDistExplosion" ][ "spotted" ] = level.explosion_dist_sense;
ai_event[ "ai_eventDistExplosion" ][ "hidden" ] = level.explosion_dist_sense;
stealth_ai_event_dist_custom( ai_event );
dialog_moving_to_new_position_in_village( p_node )
if( !isdefined( level.dialog_moving_to_new_position_time ) )
level.dialog_moving_to_new_position_time = gettime();
if( gettime() < ( level.dialog_moving_to_new_position_time + ( 15 * 1000 ) ) )
level.dialog_moving_to_new_position_time = gettime();
friendlies = getaiarray( "allies" );
friendlies[ randomint( friendlies.size ) ] custom_battlechatter( "order_move_combat" );
enemies_flee( flee_pos )
self endon ( "death" );
self setgoalpos( flee_pos );
self.ignoreme = true;
self.goalradius = 96;
self waittill( "goal" );
while( self cansee ( level.player ) )
wait 1;
self kill();
village_enemies_setup_retreat( retreat_pos )
self endon ( "death" );
flag_wait( "leaving_village" );
self setgoalpos( retreat_pos );
self.ignoreme = true;
self.goalradius = 32;
self waittill( "goal" );
while( self cansee ( level.player ) )
wait 1;
self kill();
smart_barney( end_flag, end_goal, end_volume )
self notify( "stop_barney" );
self endon( "stop_barney" );
self endon( "death" );
self ClearGoalVolume();
self thread friendly_adjust_movement_speed();
self.goalheight = 200;
self.goalradius = 300;
//level.taco setgoalentity( level.player );
self.fixednode = false;
while( !flag( end_flag ) )
player = level.player.origin;
vec = VectorNormalize( end_goal - player );
forward = vector_multiply( vec, 400 );
goal = forward + player;
self setgoalpos( goal );
//println(" player " + level.player.origin + " goal " + forward );
//if( !isdefined( self.favoriteenemy ) )
// goal_enemies = end_volume get_ai_touching_volume( "axis" );
// if( goal_enemies.size )
// self.favoriteenemy = goal_enemies[0];
//check for nearby BMPs
wait .5;
self notify( "stop_adjust_movement_speed" );
self.moveplaybackrate = 1.0;
self setgoalpos( end_goal );
if( isdefined( end_volume ) )
self setgoalvolume( end_volume );
flag_wait( "going_down_ridge" );
count = 3 * 20;
base_time = count;
dot = .9;
dot_only = true;
for ( ;; )
org = level.price GetEye();
if ( !player_looking_at( org, dot, dot_only ) )
if ( count <= 0 )
count = base_time;
wait( 0.05 );
level.price forceUseWeapon( "aug_scope", "primary" );
//level.price forceUseWeapon( "ak47_arctic_acog", "primary" );
//self endon( "death" );
self MakeEntitySentient( "axis" );
self waittill_either( "unloaded", "death" );
self.ignoreme = true;
// flag_wait ( "going_down_ridge" );
// if( !flag( "_stealth_spotted" ) )
// {
// enemies = getaiarray( "axis" );
// foreach( mf in enemies )
// mf delete();
// }
// disable_stealth_system();
level endon( "price_starts_moving" );
flag_wait( "_stealth_spotted" );
level.price anim_stopanimscripted();
spot = getstruct( "price_intro_talk_struct", "script_noteworthy" );
spot thread handle_stealth_spotted();
spot anim_reach_solo( level.price, "intro" );
spot anim_single_solo( level.price, "intro" );
flag_set( "price_starts_moving" );
level.price notify( "_utility::follow_path" );
level.price notify( "stop_going_to_node" );// kills the last call to go_to_node
level.price disable_ai_color();
level.price thread enable_cqbwalk();
price_smart_path_to_road = getnode( "price_smart_path_to_road", "targetname" );
level.price thread price_smart_path_following( price_smart_path_to_road );
flag_wait( "price_on_ridge" );
wait 3;
flag_wait( "going_down_ridge" );
//level.price allowedstances( "stand" );
buddy_slide_node = getent( "ridge_price_overlook_org", "targetname" );
//buddy_slide_node = getstruct( "buddy_slide_node", "targetname" );
//buddy_slide_node anim_reach_solo( level.price, "slide" );
buddy_slide_node anim_single_solo( level.price, "slide" );
//level.price allowedstances( "stand", "crouch", "prone" );
level.price thread disable_cqbwalk();
if( !flag( "everyone_set_green" ) )
level.price set_force_color( "r" );
level.price enable_ai_color();
activate_trigger_with_targetname( "price_in_village_start" );
flag_wait( "price_splits_off" );
wait 2;
if( !isalive( level.base_heli ) )
origin = ( -13500.0, 876.0, 749.0 );
kill_heli_fail_safe = getstruct( "kill_heli_fail_safe", "targetname" );
if( isdefined( kill_heli_fail_safe ) )
origin = kill_heli_fail_safe.origin;
newMissile = MagicBullet( "zippy_rockets", origin, level.base_heli.origin );
newMissile Missile_SetTargetEnt( level.base_heli );
fire_stinger( stinger_source )
forward = AnglesToForward( level.uav.angles );
forwardfar = vector_multiply( forward, 10000 );
end = forwardfar + level.uav.origin;
if( isdefined( level.player.is_controlling_UAV ) )
PlayFX( getfx( "thermal_missle_flash_inverted" ), stinger_source );
newMissile = MagicBullet( "zippy_rockets_inverted", stinger_source, end );
PlayFX( getfx( "missle_flash" ), stinger_source );
newMissile = MagicBullet( "zippy_rockets", stinger_source, end );
newMissile Missile_SetTargetEnt( level.uav );
return newMissile;
while( 1 )
flag_wait( "player_leaving_map" );
display_hint_timeout( "hint_dont_leave_price", 5 );
wait 5;
flag_wait( "player_left_map" );
level notify ( "mission failed" );
setDvar( "ui_deadquote", &"CONTINGENCY_DONT_LEAVE_FAILURE");
flag_wait( "truckguys_dead" );
flag_wait( "cross_bridge_patrol_dead" );
flag_wait( "first_stragglers_dead" );
flag_wait( "rightside_patrol_dead" );
flag_set( "all_bridge_guys_dead" );
if( flag( "player_returning_to_map" ) )
return true;
return false;
break_hint = false;
if( isdefined( level.uav_is_destroyed ) )
break_hint = true;
if( !isalive( level.uav ) )
break_hint = true;
if( isdefined( level.player.is_flying_missile ) )
break_hint = true;
if( flag( "base_alerted" ) )
break_hint = true;
if( level.player getCurrentWeapon() == "remote_missile_detonator" )
break_hint = true;
return break_hint;
break_hint = false;
if( level.player getCurrentWeapon() == "remote_missile_detonator" )
break_hint = true;
if( ( level.hint_steer_drone_time + 5000 ) < gettime() )
break_hint = true;
return break_hint;
fire_stinger_at_uav( stinger_source )
level.uav maps\_vehicle::godoff();
level.uav.health = 400;
attractor = Missile_CreateAttractorEnt( level.uav, 100000, 60000 );
stinger_source playsound( "gauntlet_fires" );
stinger_source playsound( "gauntlet_ignition" );
newMissile = fire_stinger( stinger_source.origin );
old_org = level.uav.origin;
old_dist = 9999999999;
while ( IsDefined( newMissile ) )
if( !isalive( level.uav ) )
dist = Distance( newMissile.origin, level.uav.origin );
if ( dist <= 200 )
if( dist > old_dist )
old_dist = dist;
old_org = level.uav.origin;
wait .05;
if( IsDefined( newMissile ) )
newMissile delete();
playfx( getfx( "uav_explosion" ), old_org );
level.uav thread play_sound_on_tag( "uav_explode" );
level.uav_is_destroyed = true;
level.player maps\_remotemissile::disable_uav( false, true );
level notify( "uav_destroyed" );
if( isdefined( level.uav ) )
level.uav delete();
if( !isalive( level.uav ) )
if( isdefined( level.uav_is_destroyed ) )
focus_points = getentarray( "uav_focus_point", "targetname" );
village_focus_point = getent( "village_focus_point", "script_noteworthy" );
level endon( "uav_destroyed" );
level.uav endon ( "death" );
for ( ;; )
//if ( IsDefined( level.uavTargetEnt ) )
// targetPos = level.uavTargetEnt.origin;
if( flag( "leaving_village" ) )
closest_focus = getclosest( level.player.origin, focus_points );
targetPos = closest_focus.origin;
targetPos = village_focus_point.origin;
//else if ( IsDefined( level.uavTargetPos ) )
// targetPos = level.uavTargetPos;
// targetpos = ( -17052.6, -4000.98, 696.409 );
angles = VectorToAngles( targetPos - level.uav.origin );
level.uavRig MoveTo( level.uav.origin, 0.10, 0, 0 );
level.uavRig RotateTo( ANGLES, 0.10, 0, 0 );
wait 0.05;
level.uav_is_destroyed = undefined;
level.player maps\_remotemissile::enable_uav( false, "remote_missile_detonator" );
restart_rig = false;
if( !isalive( level.uav ) )
restart_rig = true;
level.uav = spawn_vehicle_from_targetname_and_drive( "second_uav" );
level.uav playLoopSound( "uav_engine_loop" );
if( !isdefined( level.uavRig ) )
level.uavRig = spawn( "script_model", level.uav.origin );
level.uavRig setmodel( "tag_origin" );
if( restart_rig )
thread UAVRigAiming();
weapList = level.player GetWeaponsListAll();
has_remote = false;
foreach( weap in weapList )
if( weap == "remote_missile_detonator" )
has_remote = true;
if( !has_remote )
level.player giveWeapon( "remote_missile_detonator" );
level.player SetActionSlot( 4, "weapon", "remote_missile_detonator" );
dialog = [];
dialog[dialog.size ] = "cont_ru0_woods";
dialog[dialog.size ] = "cont_ru1_woods";
dialog[dialog.size ] = "cont_ru2_woods";
dialog[dialog.size ] = "cont_ru3_woods";
dialog[dialog.size ] = "cont_ru4_woods";
while( !flag( "approaching_ridge" ) )
wait ( randomfloatrange( 2, 4 ) );
guys = getentarray( "cqb_patrol", "script_noteworthy" );
guys = array_randomize( guys );
foreach( guy in guys )
if( isalive( guy ) )
selection = dialog[ randomint( dialog.size ) ];
println( "guy.export " + guy.export + " sound " + selection );
guy playsound( selection );
if( !stealth_is_everything_normal() )
level endon( "someone_became_alert" );
//Soap, what's the status of our air support?
level.price dialogue_queue( "cont_pri_airsupport" );
//radio_dialogue( "cont_pri_airsupport" );
wait 1;
//The UAV is almost in position.
radio_dialogue( "cont_cmt_almostinpos" );
//Roger that.
level.price dialogue_queue( "cont_pri_rogerthat" );
//radio_dialogue( "cont_pri_rogerthat" );
// Diable the _remotemissile dialogue until this sequence is done
level.uav_radio_disabled = true;
wait 2;
level.price dialogue_queue( "cont_pri_bollocks" );
//radio_dialogue( "cont_pri_bollocks" );
//What just happened?
radio_dialogue( "cont_cmt_whathappened" );
//There's a mobile SAM site in the village. It just took out our UAV.
level.price dialogue_queue( "cont_pri_mobilesaminvillage" );
//radio_dialogue( "cont_pri_mobilesaminvillage" );
//Soap, we need another UAV, sharpish!
level.price dialogue_queue( "cont_pri_uavsharpish" );
//radio_dialogue( "cont_pri_uavsharpish" );
// Re-enable the _remotemissile dialogue until this sequence is done
level.uav_radio_disabled = undefined;
// //Stand back!
// dialogue_queue( "cont_rst_standback" );
// //Get back!
// dialogue_queue( "cont_rst_getback" );
if( flag( "start_village_fight" ) )
level endon( "start_village_fight" );
while( !isalive( level.rasta ) )
wait 1;
level.price waittill_entity_in_range( level.rasta, 300 );
level.price waittill_entity_in_range( level.player, 600 );
//Nice work on that SAM site.
level.price dialogue_queue( "cont_pri_nicework" );
//Thanks, but we better get moving - those explosions are gonna attract a lot of attention.
level.rasta dialogue_queue( "cont_rst_getmoving" );
//wait 1;
self endon( "death" );
self waittill( "jumpedout" );
self.goalradius = 8000;
price_smart_path_following( first_node )
self endon( "stop_smart_path_following" );
self.smart_path_following_node = first_node;
self setgoalnode( first_node );
if( !isdefined( first_node.target ) )
next_node = getnode( first_node.target, "targetname" );
while( 1 )
trigger = undefined;
volume = undefined;
links = getentarray( next_node.script_linkto, "script_linkname" );
//get the flag trigger linked to the next_node
foreach( link in links )
if( link.classname == "trigger_multiple_flag_set" )
trigger = link;
if( link.classname == "info_volume" )
volume = link;
assert( isdefined( trigger ) );
assert( isdefined( trigger.script_flag ) );
assert( isdefined( volume ) );
// a flag trigger the player passes through
flag_wait( trigger.script_flag );
// the volume linked to the flag trigger
volume waittill_volume_dead();
level notify( next_node.targetname );//so we can react to price deciding to move
if( flag( "_stealth_spotted" ) )
flag_waitopen( "_stealth_spotted" );
// volume is clear, trigger is hit, go to the node
self setgoalnode( next_node );
self.smart_path_following_node = next_node;
if( !isdefined( next_node.target ) )
//get the next node
next_node = getnode( next_node.target, "targetname" );
destroy_chain( start_ent )
current_target = start_ent;
while( 1 )
if( isdefined( current_target.script_linkTo ) )
tree = getent( current_target.script_linkTo, "script_linkname" );
tree notify ( "explode" );
wait .2;
if( isdefined( current_target.script_delay ) )
wait current_target.script_delay;
if( isdefined( current_target.target ) )
next_target = getstruct( current_target.target, "targetname" );
assert( isdefined( next_target ) );
current_target = next_target;
wait 3;
level.btr_tree_destroyer = spawn_vehicle_from_targetname_and_drive( "btr_tree_destroyer" );
level.btr_tree_destroyer vehicle_lights_on( "spotlight spotlight_turret" );
level.btr_tree_destroyer thread monitor_distance_player_vs_price();
level.btr_tree_destroyer thread maps\_vehicle::damage_hints();
self notify( "stop_adjust_movement_speed" );
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "stop_adjust_movement_speed" );
wait randomfloatrange( .5, 1.5 );
while( friendly_should_speed_up() )
//iPrintLnBold( "friendlies speeding up" );
self.moveplaybackrate = 2.5;
wait 0.05;
self.moveplaybackrate = 1.0;
prof_begin( "friendly_movement_rate_math" );
if ( distanceSquared( self.origin, self.goalpos ) <= level.goodFriendlyDistanceFromPlayerSquared )
prof_end( "friendly_movement_rate_math" );
return false;
// check if AI is visible in player's FOV
if ( within_fov( level.player.origin, level.player getPlayerAngles(), self.origin, level.cosine[ "70" ] ) )
prof_end( "friendly_movement_rate_math" );
return false;
prof_end( "friendly_movement_rate_math" );
return true;
level endon( "player_slid_down" );
flag_wait( "returning_to_btrs" );
//level.player waittill_entity_in_range( level.btr_slider, 2200 );
level.btr_tree_destroyer setturrettargetent( level.player );
shots = randomintrange( 2, 5 );
for ( i = 0; i < shots; i++ )
level.btr_tree_destroyer fireWeapon();
wait( 0.35 );
level.btr_slider setturrettargetent( level.player );
wait( randomfloatrange( .2, .5 ) );
shots = randomintrange( 2, 4 );
for ( i = 0; i < shots; i++ )
level.btr_slider fireWeapon();
level.btr_tree_destroyer fireWeapon();
wait( 0.35 );
level.player dodamage( ( level.player.health + 1000 ), level.btr_tree_destroyer.origin );
wait 10;
level endon( "safe_from_btrs" );
while( 1 )
level.player waittill_entity_out_of_range( level.price, 1000 );
vec2 = VectorNormalize( ( level.player.origin - level.price.origin ) );
//vec_goal = VectorNormalize( ( level.price.goalpos - level.price.origin ) );//angle of where I'm supposed to go
//vecdot = vectordot( vec_goal, vec2 );//dot my my goal dir vs player position
vec = anglestoforward( level.price.angles );
vecdot = vectordot( vec, vec2 );//dot of my angle vs player position
//vecdot > 0 means in 180 in front
if( vecdot < 0 )// player is behind my goal dir
wait .1;
level notify( "shoot_at_player" );//stops the scripted tree destruction
self setturrettargetent( level.player );
shots = randomintrange( 2, 5 );
for ( i = 0; i < shots; i++ )
self fireWeapon();
wait( 0.35 );
level.btr_slider setturrettargetent( level.player );
wait( randomfloatrange( .2, .5 ) );
shots = randomintrange( 2, 4 );
for ( i = 0; i < shots; i++ )
level.btr_slider fireWeapon();
self fireWeapon();
wait( 0.35 );
level.player dodamage( ( level.player.health + 1000 ), self.origin );
level endon( "shoot_at_player" );//stops the scripted tree destruction
flag_wait( "end_of_tree_explosions" );
wait 2;
destroyable_trees = getentarray( "trigger_tree_explosion", "targetname" );
thread random_tree_impact_sounds( destroyable_trees );
level.btr_tree_destroyer fireWeapon();
wait .2;
thread random_tree_impact_sounds( destroyable_trees );
level.btr_tree_destroyer fireWeapon();
wait .2;
thread random_tree_impact_sounds( destroyable_trees );
level.btr_tree_destroyer fireWeapon();
wait 1;
thread random_tree_impact_sounds( destroyable_trees );
level.btr_tree_destroyer fireWeapon();
wait .5;
level.btr_tree_destroyer fireWeapon();
wait 1;
thread random_tree_impact_sounds( destroyable_trees );
level.btr_tree_destroyer fireWeapon();
wait .2;
thread random_tree_impact_sounds( destroyable_trees );
level.btr_tree_destroyer fireWeapon();
wait .2;
level.btr_tree_destroyer fireWeapon();
wait .5;
thread random_tree_impact_sounds( destroyable_trees );
level.btr_tree_destroyer fireWeapon();
wait .8;
level.btr_tree_destroyer fireWeapon();
wait 1;
level.btr_tree_destroyer fireWeapon();
wait 1;
level.btr_tree_destroyer fireWeapon();
wait 2;
level.btr_tree_destroyer fireWeapon();
flag_set( "done_with_exploding_trees" );
random_tree_impact_sounds( destroyable_trees )
loc = destroyable_trees[ randomint( destroyable_trees.size ) ];
loc playsound( "contingency_tree_impact" );
loc playsound( "contingency_tree_fall" );
//level._effect[ "tree_snow_dump_fast" ] = loadfx( "snow/tree_snow_dump_fast" );
//level._effect[ "tree_snow_dump_fast_small" ] = loadfx( "snow/tree_snow_dump_fast_small" );
//level._effect[ "tree_snow_fallen" ] = loadfx( "snow/tree_snow_fallen" );
//level._effect[ "tree_snow_fallen_small" ] = loadfx( "snow/tree_snow_fallen_small" );
level endon( "shoot_at_player" );
small_tree = false;
tree_base = getent( self.target, "targetname" );
destroyed_top = undefined;
clip_brush = undefined;
if( tree_base.model == "foliage_tree_pine_snow_tall_b_broken_btm" )
small_tree = true;
tree_base.endmodel = tree_base.model;
tree_base setmodel( "foliage_tree_pine_snow_tall_b" );
tree_base.endmodel = tree_base.model;
tree_base setmodel( "foliage_tree_pine_snow_tall_c" );
parts = getentarray( tree_base.target, "targetname" );
foreach( part in parts )
if( part.classname == "script_model" )
destroyed_top = part;
if( part.classname == "script_brushmodel" )
clip_brush = part;
assert( isdefined( destroyed_top ) );
destroyed_top.goalangles = destroyed_top.angles;
//destroyed_top.angles = (0, tree_base.angles[1], 0);
destroyed_top.angles = tree_base.angles;
destroyed_top hide();
hits_ground = false;
if( ( isdefined( destroyed_top.script_noteworthy ) ) && ( destroyed_top.script_noteworthy == "hits_the_ground" ) )
hits_ground = true;
if( hits_ground )
assert( isdefined( clip_brush ) );
if( isdefined( clip_brush ) )
assert( hits_ground );
clip_brush notsolid();
self waittill( "trigger" );
//while( !isdefined( level.price ) )
// wait 1;
if( isalive( level.btr_slider ) )
level.btr_slider setturrettargetvec( destroyed_top.origin );
level.btr_slider fireWeapon();
if( isalive( level.btr_tree_destroyer ) )
level.btr_tree_destroyer setturrettargetvec( destroyed_top.origin );
level.btr_tree_destroyer fireWeapon();
destroyed_top playsound( "contingency_tree_impact" );
tree_base playsound( "contingency_tree_fall" );
tree_base setmodel( tree_base.endmodel );
forward = AnglesToForward( destroyed_top.angles );
up = AnglesToUp( destroyed_top.angles );
if( small_tree )
playfx( getfx( "tree_snow_dump_fast_small" ), destroyed_top.origin, up , forward );
playfx( getfx( "tree_snow_dump_fast" ), destroyed_top.origin, up , forward );
destroyed_top show();
//drop_time = randomfloatrange( .6, 1.4 );
//if( isdefined( destroyed_top.script_duration ) )
// drop_time = destroyed_top.script_duration;
// drop_time = 1;
pre_hit_fx_time = .25;
if( small_tree )
pre_hit_fx_time = pre_hit_fx_time - .25;
drop_time = 2;
//drop_time = drop_time * 2;
accel_time = drop_time;
//destroyed_top rotatepitch( 90, drop_time, accel_time, 0);
//destroyed_top thread maps\_debug::drawOrgForever();
destroyed_top RotateTo( destroyed_top.goalangles, drop_time, accel_time, 0 );
wait ( drop_time - pre_hit_fx_time );
if( hits_ground )
forward = AnglesToForward( destroyed_top.angles );
up = AnglesToUp( destroyed_top.angles );
if( small_tree )
//destroyed_top thread maps\_debug::drawOrgForever();
playfx( getfx( "tree_snow_fallen_small" ), destroyed_top.origin , up , forward );
//destroyed_top thread maps\_debug::drawOrgForever();
playfx( getfx( "tree_snow_fallen_heavy" ), destroyed_top.origin , up , forward );
wait pre_hit_fx_time;
//tree has stopped falling
if( hits_ground )
if( level.player istouching( clip_brush ) )
level.player kill();
clip_brush solid();
if( ( hits_ground ) && ( !small_tree ) )
if( level.player point_in_fov( destroyed_top.origin ) )
Earthquake( 0.3, .3, destroyed_top.origin, 2000 );
destroyed_top playsound( "contingency_tree_ground" );
if( !hits_ground )
forward = AnglesToForward( destroyed_top.angles );
up = AnglesToUp( destroyed_top.angles );
if( small_tree )
//destroyed_top thread maps\_debug::drawOrgForever();
playfx( getfx( "tree_snow_fallen_small" ), destroyed_top.origin , up , forward );
//destroyed_top thread maps\_debug::drawOrgForever();
playfx( getfx( "tree_snow_fallen" ), destroyed_top.origin , up , forward );
//if( !isdefined( destroyed_top.script_duration ) )
shake_time = .2;
destroyed_top movez( 4, shake_time, 0, shake_time );
wait shake_time;
destroyed_top movez( -3, shake_time, 0, shake_time );
wait shake_time;
destroyed_top movez( 2, shake_time, 0, shake_time );
wait shake_time;
destroyed_top movez( -1, shake_time, 0, shake_time );
wait shake_time;
shake_time = .2;
destroyed_top rotatepitch( 3, shake_time, shake_time, 0);
wait shake_time;
destroyed_top rotatepitch( -2, shake_time, shake_time, 0);
wait shake_time;
destroyed_top rotatepitch( 1, shake_time, shake_time, 0);
wait shake_time;
first_line = true;
while( 1 )
level waittill( "_stealth_saw_corpse" );
wait 2;
if( flag( "_stealth_spotted" ) )
if( first_line )
//Looks like they found a body.
radio_dialogue( "cont_pri_foundabody" );
first_line = false;
//They found a body.
radio_dialogue( "cont_pri_foundabody2" );
first_line = true;
if( flag( "_stealth_spotted" ) )
level endon( "_stealth_spotted" );
wait 10;
//kill at same time
radio_dialogue( "cont_pri_sametime" );
wait 3;
level.price.ignoreall = false;
level.price.dontevershoot = undefined;
level.price.baseaccuracy = 5000000;
ai = GetAIspeciesArray( "axis", "all" );
foreach ( actor in ai )
actor.no_price_kill_callout = true;
actor.dontattackme = undefined;
//level.price.favoriteenemy = actor;
if( flag( "_stealth_spotted" ) )
wait 3;
if( !stealth_is_everything_normal() )
if( !isdefined( level.good_kill_dialog_time ) )
level.good_kill_dialog_time = gettime();
if( gettime() < ( level.good_kill_dialog_time + ( 15 * 1000 ) ) )
level.good_kill_dialog_time = gettime();
level notify( "player kill dialog" );
dialog = [];
dialog[ dialog.size ] = "cont_pri_good";
dialog[ dialog.size ] = "cont_pri_beautiful";
//Not bad, but I've seen better.
//dialog[ dialog.size ] = "cont_pri_seenbetter";
//Nicely done.
dialog[ dialog.size ] = "cont_pri_nicelydone";
//Well done.
dialog[ dialog.size ] = "cont_pri_welldone";
//Good work.
dialog[ dialog.size ] = "cont_pri_goodwork";
dialog[ dialog.size ] = "cont_pri_impressive";
line = 0;
while( 1 )
level waittill( "player kill dialog" );
radio_dialogue( dialog[ line ] );
if( line >= dialog.size )
line = 0;
current_line = 0;
dialog = [];
//Got one.
dialog[ dialog.size ] = "cont_pri_gotone";
//He's down.
dialog[ dialog.size ] = "cont_pri_hesdown2";
//Tango down.
dialog[ dialog.size ] = "cont_pri_tangodown";
//Good night.
dialog[ dialog.size ] = "cont_pri_goodnight";
//Target eliminated.
dialog[ dialog.size ] = "cont_pri_targeteliminated";
//Target down.
dialog[ dialog.size ] = "cont_pri_targetdown";
while( 1 )
level waittill( "dialog_price_kill" );
wait 1.5;
if( isdefined( level.dont_brag_when_following_your_own_orders_time ) )
if( gettime() < ( level.dont_brag_when_following_your_own_orders_time + ( 15 * 1000 ) ) )
if( !isdefined( level.good_kill_dialog_time ) )
level.good_kill_dialog_time = gettime();
if( gettime() < ( level.good_kill_dialog_time + ( 3 * 1000 ) ) )
level.good_kill_dialog_time = gettime();
dialog_line = dialog[ current_line ];
radio_dialogue( dialog_line );//dont cut off the other line but clear the que
if( current_line >= dialog.size )
current_line = 0;
current_line = 0;
dialog_dog = [];
//Nap time.
dialog_dog[ dialog_dog.size ] = "cont_pri_naptime";
//Down boy.
dialog_dog[ dialog_dog.size ] = "cont_pri_downboy";
while( 1 )
level waittill( "dialog_price_kill_dog" );
wait 1.5;
if( isdefined( level.dont_brag_when_following_your_own_orders_time ) )
if( gettime() < ( level.dont_brag_when_following_your_own_orders_time + ( 15 * 1000 ) ) )
if( !isdefined( level.good_kill_dialog_time ) )
level.good_kill_dialog_time = gettime();
if( gettime() < ( level.good_kill_dialog_time + ( 3 * 1000 ) ) )
level.good_kill_dialog_time = gettime();
dialog_line = dialog_dog[ current_line ];
radio_dialogue( dialog_line );//dont cut off the other line but clear the que
if( current_line >= dialog_dog.size )
current_line = 0;
self waittill( "damage", damage, attacker );
if ( !isdefined( attacker ) )
if ( ( isplayer( attacker ) ) && ( isdefined( self.script_deathflag ) ) )
if( self.script_deathflag != "blocking_stationary_dead" )
thread price_helps_kill_group( self.script_deathflag );
self waittill( "death", killer );
if ( !isdefined( killer ) )
if ( isplayer( killer ) )
thread dialog_player_kill();
if( ( level.price == killer ) && ( !isdefined( self.no_price_kill_callout ) ) )
if( self.type == "dog" )
level notify( "dialog_price_kill_dog" );
level notify( "dialog_price_kill" );
if( flag( "player_on_ridge" ) )
level endon( "player_on_ridge" );
failure = [];
//Don't give away our position, Roach. This is only going to get harder.
failure[ failure.size ] = "cont_pri_giveawayposition";
//Roach, we can't afford to keep giving away our position like that. Maintain a low profile!
failure[ failure.size ] = "cont_pri_lowprofile";
//What the hell was that? You trying to get us killed?
failure[ failure.size ] = "cont_pri_getuskilled";
//Does the word stealth mean anything to you?
failure[ failure.size ] = "cont_pri_thewordstealth";
line = 0;
while( 1 )
flag_wait( "_stealth_spotted" );
wait 1;
flag_waitopen( "_stealth_spotted" );
wait 1;
radio_dialogue( failure[ line ] );
if( line >= failure.size )
line = 0;
failure = [];
//We're spotted! Go loud! Take them out!
failure[ failure.size ] = "cont_pri_goloud";
//They're on to us! Open fire!
failure[ failure.size ] = "cont_pri_ontous";
//We're spotted! Take them out!
failure[ failure.size ] = "cont_pri_werespotted";
failure = array_randomize( failure );
line = 0;
while( 1 )
flag_wait( "_stealth_spotted" );
radio_dialogue_stop();//kills current line
radio_dialogue( failure[ line ] );
if( line >= failure.size )
line = 0;
wait 1;
flag_waitopen( "_stealth_spotted" );
wait 1;
level.price thread disable_cqbwalk();
level.price SetLookAtEntity();// clears it
if( flag( "someone_became_alert" ) )
level endon( "someone_became_alert" );
if( flag( "saying_patience" ) )
level endon( "saying_patience" );
flag_set( "saying_contact" );
//Contact. Enemy patrol 30 meters to our front.
radio_dialogue( "cont_pri_30metersfront" );
wait 2;
//Five men, automatic rifles, frag grenades. One German Shepherd.
radio_dialogue( "cont_pri_fivemen" );
wait .1;
//Dogs... I hate dogs.
radio_dialogue( "cont_cmt_hatedogs" );
wait .4;
//These Russian dogs are like pussycats compared to the ones in Pripyat.
radio_dialogue( "cont_pri_russiandogs" );
//wait .3;
//Its good to have you back, old man.
radio_dialogue( "cont_cmt_haveyouback" );
//wait .3;
//Roger that.
radio_dialogue( "cont_pri_rogerthat2" );
flag_clear( "saying_contact" );
//wait 3;
level.price thread enable_cqbwalk();
wait 6;
if( flag( "_stealth_spotted" ) )
if( flag( "someone_became_alert" ) )
level endon( "someone_became_alert" );
//Soap, our intel was off. The Russians have mobile SAMs.
level.price dialogue_queue( "cont_pri_intelwasoff" );
//Roger that.
radio_dialogue( "cont_cmt_rogerthat" );
//Have you found us some transport?
level.price dialogue_queue( "cont_pri_foundtransport" );
//radio_dialogue( "cont_pri_foundtransport" );
//I'm working on it. Out.
radio_dialogue( "cont_cmt_workingonit" );
level endon( "_stealth_spotted" );
level endon( "someone_became_alert" );
level waittill( "price_starts_following" );
if( flag( "saying_contact" ) )
flag_waitopen( "saying_contact" );
if( flag( "said_convoy_coming" ) )
//Let's follow them quietly, and pick off any stragglers.
radio_dialogue( "cont_pri_pickoffstragglers" );
flag_wait( "cross_bridge_patrol_dead" );
flag_wait( "rightside_patrol_dead" );
flag_set( "second_group_of_stragglers_are_dead" );
if( flag( "second_group_of_stragglers_are_dead" ) )
level endon( "second_group_of_stragglers_are_dead" );
level endon( "_stealth_spotted" );
flag_wait( "price_in_position_remaining_group" );
//wait_till_every_thing_stealth_normal_for( 1 );
thread price_is_ready_vs_everyone();
//level endon( "someone_became_alert" );
//I'm ready. Lets take them all out at once.
radio_dialogue( "cont_pri_imready" );
if( flag( "cross_bridge_patrol_dead" ) || flag( "rightside_patrol_dead" ) )
//You handle the two on the left.
radio_dialogue( "cont_pri_twoonleft" );
if( isdefined( self.script_delay ) )
wait self.script_delay;
self spawn_ai();
//level.price.dontevershoot = undefined;
//thread price_takes_next_path_when_they_are_dead();
if( flag( "_stealth_spotted" ) )
level endon( "_stealth_spotted" );
flag_wait( "patience" );
flag_set( "saying_patience" );
level notify( "saying_patience" );
level.price thread enable_cqbwalk();
//Patience<63>don't do anything stupid.
radio_dialogue( "cont_pri_patience" );
wait .5;
if( !flag( "start_truck_patrol" ) )
//We'll have to take 'em out at the same time.
radio_dialogue( "cont_pri_sametime" );
flag_wait( "price_in_position_first_group" );
flag_wait( "first_stragglers_stopped" );
flag_wait( "last_truck_left" );
wait_till_every_thing_stealth_normal_for( 1 );
autosave_by_name( "first_stragglers" );
if( flag( "someone_became_alert" ) )
level endon( "someone_became_alert" );
if( flag( "first_stragglers_dead" ) )
level endon( "first_stragglers_dead" );
thread price_is_ready_vs_first_stragglers();
wait 1;
flag_wait( "they_have_split_up" );
//Now's your chance. Take one of 'em out.
//radio_dialogue( "cont_pri_yourchance" );
//iprintlnbold( "Two of them have stopped for a smoke. Take one and I'll take out the other." );
radio_dialogue( "cont_pri_forasmoke" );
ai = GetAIspeciesArray( "axis", "all" );
foreach ( actor in ai )
if( ( isdefined( actor.script_noteworthy ) ) && ( actor.script_noteworthy == "rightside_patrol" ) )
actor.threatbias = 20000;
level.price.ignoreall = false;
level.player waittill( "weapon_fired" );
wait .2; //give enemy chance to die and price chance to pick other target
level.price.dontevershoot = undefined;
level.price.baseaccuracy = 5000000;
//ai = getentarray( "first_stragglers", "script_noteworthy" );
//foreach ( actor in ai )
// self.dontattackme = undefined;
// level.price.favoriteenemy = self;
// level.price.baseaccuracy = 5000000;
// self.health = 1;
ai = GetAIspeciesArray( "axis", "all" );
foreach ( actor in ai )
actor.no_price_kill_callout = true;
actor.dontattackme = undefined;
//level.price.favoriteenemy = actor;
actor.health = 1;
flag_wait( "second_group_of_stragglers_are_dead" );
level.price.ignoreall = false;
level.player waittill( "weapon_fired" );
wait .2; //give enemy chance to die and price chance to pick other target
level.price.dontevershoot = undefined;
level.price.baseaccuracy = 5000000;
//ai = getentarray( "first_stragglers", "script_noteworthy" );
//foreach ( actor in ai )
// self.dontattackme = undefined;
// level.price.favoriteenemy = self;
// level.price.baseaccuracy = 5000000;
// self.health = 1;
ai = GetAIspeciesArray( "axis", "all" );
foreach ( actor in ai )
if( ( isdefined( actor.script_noteworthy ) ) && ( actor.script_noteworthy == "first_stragglers" ) )
actor.no_price_kill_callout = true;
actor.dontattackme = undefined;
level.price.favoriteenemy = actor;
actor.health = 1;
flag_wait( "first_stragglers_dead" );
if( flag( "_stealth_spotted" ) )
level.price.dontevershoot = true;
level.price.baseaccuracy = 1;
level.price.ignoreall = true;
price_helps_kill_group( script_deathflag )
level endon( "_stealth_spotted" );
level.price.maxsightdistsqrd = 8000*8000;
wait .2;
level.price.dontevershoot = undefined;
level.price.baseaccuracy = 5000000;
//ai = getentarray( "first_stragglers", "script_noteworthy" );
//foreach ( actor in ai )
// self.dontattackme = undefined;
// level.price.favoriteenemy = self;
// level.price.baseaccuracy = 5000000;
// self.health = 1;
ai = GetAIspeciesArray( "axis", "all" );
while( !flag( script_deathflag ) )
foreach ( actor in ai )
if( !isalive( actor ) )
if( ( isdefined( actor.script_deathflag ) ) && ( actor.script_deathflag == script_deathflag ) )
//actor.no_price_kill_callout = true;
actor.dontattackme = undefined;
actor.threatbias = 5000;
if( !isalive( level.price.enemy ) )
level.price.favoriteenemy = actor;
actor.health = 1;
wait .1;
//foreach ( actor in ai )
// if( ( isdefined( actor.script_deathflag ) ) && ( actor.script_deathflag == script_deathflag ) )
// {
// actor.no_price_kill_callout = true;
// actor.dontattackme = undefined;
// level.price.favoriteenemy = actor;
// actor.health = 1;
// }
//flag_wait( script_deathflag );
if( flag( "player_on_ridge" ) )
if( flag( "_stealth_spotted" ) )
level.price.dontevershoot = true;
level.price.baseaccuracy = 1;
level.price.maxsightdistsqrd = level.price_maxsightdistsqrd_woods;
// flag_wait( "first_stragglers_dead" );
// //clean up
// if( !flag( "_stealth_spotted" ) )
// {
// level.price.dontevershoot = true;
// ai = GetAIspeciesArray( "axis", "all" );
// foreach ( actor in ai )
// self.ignoreme = false;
// }
// level.price.baseaccuracy = 1;
// if( flag( "price_is_hiding" ) )
// return;
// price_path_side_of_road = getent( "price_path_side_of_road", "targetname" );
// level.price thread follow_path( price_path_side_of_road );
//if( flag( "price_is_hiding" ) )
// return;
thread price_takes_next_path_if_stealth_is_broken();
//flag_set( "price_is_hiding" );
//level.price notify( "stop_going_to_node" );
//level.price disable_dynamic_run_speed();
//level.price disable_stealth_smart_stance();
//level.price notify( "stop_dynamic_run_speed" );
//level.price notify( "stop_going_to_node" );//end follow_path
//level.price enable_ai_color();
//level.price set_force_color( "y" );
//price_hides_from_convoy = getnode( "price_hides_from_convoy", "targetname" );
//level.price setgoalnode( price_hides_from_convoy );
level.price.ignoreall = true;
level endon( "_stealth_spotted" );
flag_wait_or_timeout( "last_jeep_arrived", 20 );
wait 4;
wait_till_every_thing_stealth_normal_for( 1 );
//Looks like they saw your parachute.
radio_dialogue( "cont_pri_yourparachute" );
flag_set( "convoy_hide_section_complete" );
thread dialog_lets_keep_moving();
level.price.ignoreall = false;
level.price thread enable_cqbwalk();
price_goes_halfway_across_bridge = getnode( "price_goes_halfway_across_bridge", "targetname" );
level.price thread price_smart_path_following( price_goes_halfway_across_bridge );
//level.price thread price_move_speed_think();
//level.price enable_stealth_smart_stance();
//level.price enable_dynamic_run_speed();
//path_start_cross_bridge = getent( "path_start_cross_bridge", "targetname" );
//level.price thread follow_path( path_start_cross_bridge );
//level.price.ignoreall = false;
//level endon( "someone_became_alert" );
//level waittill( "price_goes_halfway_across_bridge" );
//Let's keep moving.
thread radio_dialogue( "cont_pri_keepmoving" );
level endon( "convoy_hide_section_complete" );
flag_wait( "_stealth_spotted" );
wait 1;
flag_waitopen( "_stealth_spotted" );
wait 2;
//Let's keep moving.
//thread radio_dialogue( "cont_pri_keepmoving" );
//level.price thread price_move_speed_think();
//level.price enable_stealth_smart_stance();
//level.price enable_dynamic_run_speed();
level.price thread enable_cqbwalk();
price_goes_halfway_across_bridge = getnode( "price_goes_halfway_across_bridge", "targetname" );
level.price thread price_smart_path_following( price_goes_halfway_across_bridge );
//path_start_cross_bridge = getent( "path_start_cross_bridge", "targetname" );
//level.price thread follow_path( path_start_cross_bridge );
//level.price.ignoreall = false;
//Wait for me to get into position.
radio_dialogue( "cont_pri_waitposition" );
// if( flag( "rightside_patrol_dead" ) )
// return; //skips the autosave
// wait_till_every_thing_stealth_normal_for( 2 );
// //iprintlnbold( "Take out the two in the woods on the otherside of the bridge" );
// if( !flag( "rightside_patrol_dead" ) )
// radio_dialogue( "cont_pri_twoinwoods" );
// flag_wait( "rightside_patrol_dead" );
// autosave_stealth();
// if( flag( "cross_bridge_patrol_dead" ) )
// return; //skips the autosave
// wait 2;
// wait_till_every_thing_stealth_normal_for( 2 );
// if( !flag( "cross_bridge_patrol_dead" ) )
// {
// ai = GetAIspeciesArray( "axis", "all" );
// foreach ( actor in ai )
// {
// if( ( isdefined( actor.script_noteworthy ) ) && ( actor.script_noteworthy == "cross_bridge_patrol" ) )
// actor SetThreatBiasGroup( "bridge_guys" );
// }
// SetThreatBiasAgainstAll( "bridge_guys", 2000 );
// price_targets_bridge_patrol = getnode( "price_targets_bridge_patrol", "targetname" );
// level.price setgoalnode( price_targets_bridge_patrol );
// thread dialog_wait_for_me_to_get_into_position();
// //level.price.ignoreall = false;
// //thread price_ignores_truck_guys_momentarily();
// flag_wait( "price_in_position_vs_bridge" );
// thread price_is_ready_vs_bridge_patrol();
// wait 2;
// //iprintlnbold( "I'm ready. Lets take them all out at once." );
// radio_dialogue( "cont_pri_imready" );
// }
// flag_wait( "cross_bridge_patrol_dead" );
// autosave_stealth();
// //Make first group ignored by second group
// SetIgnoreMeGroup( "truck_guys", "price" );
// level.price.ignoreall = false;
// flag_wait_either( "cross_bridge_patrol_dead", "_stealth_spotted" );
// //SetThreatBias( "truck_guys", "price", 0 );
// SetThreatBias( "price", "truck_guys", 0 );
level.player waittill( "weapon_fired" );
wait .2; //give enemy chance to die and price chance to pick other target
level.price.dontevershoot = undefined;
level.price.baseaccuracy = 5000000;
level.price.ignoreall = false;
//ai = getentarray( "first_stragglers", "script_noteworthy" );
//foreach ( actor in ai )
// self.dontattackme = undefined;
// level.price.favoriteenemy = self;
// level.price.baseaccuracy = 5000000;
// self.health = 1;
ai = GetAIspeciesArray( "axis", "all" );
foreach ( actor in ai )
if( ( isdefined( actor.script_noteworthy ) ) && ( actor.script_noteworthy == "cross_bridge_patrol" ) )
actor.no_price_kill_callout = true;
actor.dontattackme = undefined;
level.price.favoriteenemy = actor;
actor.health = 1;
level.player endon( "weapon_fired" );
flag_wait( "dialog_woods_first_patrol" );
//wait 6;
if( flag( "someone_became_alert" ) )
//iprintlnbold( "let them pass" );
//Let them pass.
level.price radio_dialogue( "cont_pri_letpass" );
flag_wait( "dialog_woods_first_dog_patrol" );
if( flag( "someone_became_alert" ) )
//Dog patrol.
level.price radio_dialogue( "cont_pri_dogpatrol" );
flag_wait( "dialog_woods_first_stationary" );
if( flag( "someone_became_alert" ) )
if( flag( "first_stationary_dead" ) )
level endon( "someone_became_alert" );
//Three man patrol dead ahead.
level.price radio_dialogue( "cont_pri_3manpatrol" );
weap = level.player getcurrentweapon();
if( ( weap != level.starting_sidearm ) && ( weap != level.starting_rifle ) )
//Firing an unsuppressed weapon is going to alert a lot of enemies, Roach.
level.price radio_dialogue( "cont_pri_alertenemies" );
//Take them out or leave them be. It's your call.
level.price radio_dialogue( "cont_pri_yourcall" );
level.dont_brag_when_following_your_own_orders_time = gettime();
ai = GetAIspeciesArray( "axis", "all" );
foreach ( actor in ai )
if( !isdefined( actor.script_noteworthy ) )
if( actor.script_noteworthy == "blocking_group_left_two" )
actor.threatbias = 20000;
level.player waittill( "weapon_fired" );
level.price.maxsightdistsqrd = 8000*8000;
wait .2; //give enemy chance to die and price chance to pick other target
level.price.dontevershoot = undefined;
level.price.baseaccuracy = 5000000;
//ai = getentarray( "first_stragglers", "script_noteworthy" );
//foreach ( actor in ai )
// self.dontattackme = undefined;
// level.price.favoriteenemy = self;
// level.price.baseaccuracy = 5000000;
// self.health = 1;
ai = GetAIspeciesArray( "axis", "all" );
while( !flag( "blocking_stationary_dead" ) )
foreach ( actor in ai )
if( !isalive( actor ) )
if( !isdefined( actor.script_noteworthy ) )
if( actor.script_noteworthy == "blocking_group_left_two" )
if( !isalive( level.price.enemy ) )
level.price.favoriteenemy = actor;
//actor.no_price_kill_callout = true;
actor.dontattackme = undefined;
//level.price.favoriteenemy = actor;
actor.health = 1;
foreach ( actor in ai )
if( !isalive( actor ) )
if( !isdefined( actor.script_noteworthy ) )
if( actor.script_noteworthy == "two_on_right" )
//actor.no_price_kill_callout = true;
actor.dontattackme = undefined;
//level.price.favoriteenemy = actor;
actor.health = 1;
wait .1;
//ai = GetAIspeciesArray( "axis", "all" );
//foreach ( actor in ai )
// if( isdefined( actor.script_noteworthy ) )
// {
// if( ( actor.script_noteworthy == "two_on_right" ) || ( actor.script_noteworthy == "blocking_group_right_two" ) )
// {
// if( actor.script_noteworthy == "two_on_right" )
// actor.threatbias = 2000;
// actor.no_price_kill_callout = true;
// actor.dontattackme = undefined;
// //level.price.favoriteenemy = actor;
// actor.health = 1;
// }
// }
flag_wait( "dialog_woods_blocking_stationary" );
if( flag( "someone_became_alert" ) )
if( flag( "blocking_stationary_dead" ) )
level endon( "someone_became_alert" );
thread price_is_ready_vs_blocking_stationary();
//Large patrol at 12 o'clock.
level.price radio_dialogue( "cont_pri_largepatrol12" );
//We can't slip by them. Get ready to take them out quickly.
level.price radio_dialogue( "cont_pri_cantslipby" );
level.price radio_dialogue( "cont_pri_twoonright" );
//level.price thread add_dialogue_line( "Price", "Take the two on the right." );
//iprintlnbold( "You handle the two on the left" );
//level.price radio_dialogue( "cont_pri_twoonleft" );
level.dont_brag_when_following_your_own_orders_time = gettime();
flag_wait( "dialog_woods_second_dog_patrol" );
if( flag( "someone_became_alert" ) )
end_patrol = getentarray( "end_patrol", "targetname" );
foreach( guy in end_patrol )
if( isalive( guy ) )
guy.threatbias = 10000;
//We got another dog patrol.
level.price radio_dialogue( "cont_pri_anotherdogpatrol" );
//iprintlnbold( "Take them out or try to slip past. Your call." );
level.price radio_dialogue( "cont_pri_slippast" );
level endon( "_stealth_spotted" );
level endon( "someone_became_alert" );
flag_set( "said_convoy_coming" );
level notify( "said_convoy_coming" );
//Convoy coming, get out of sight.
//level.price dialogue_queue( "cont_pri_convoycoming" );
level.price radio_dialogue( "cont_pri_convoycoming" );
//wait 13;
wait 2;
//Let them pass.
//level.price dialogue_queue( "cont_pri_letthempass" );
level.price radio_dialogue( "cont_pri_letthempass" );
current_line = 0;
dialog = [];
//Quick! Hide in the woods! You alerted one of them!
dialog[ dialog.size ] = "cont_pri_hideinwoods";
//Get into the woods! Hide!
dialog[ dialog.size ] = "cont_pri_getintowoods";
//They're alerted! Hide in the woods! Move!
dialog[ dialog.size ] = "cont_pri_theyrealerted";
while( 1 )
level waittill( "dialog_someone_is_alert" );
dialog_line = dialog[ current_line ];
radio_dialogue( dialog_line );//dont cut off the other line but clear the que
if( current_line >= dialog.size )
current_line = 0;
while( 1 )
flag_wait( "someone_became_alert" );
if( !flag( "price_is_hiding" ) )
level.price.fixednode = true;
level.price enable_ai_color();
level.price set_force_color( "y" );
flag_set( "price_is_hiding" );
flag_waitopen( "someone_became_alert" );
self endon( "death" );
self ent_flag_waitopen( "_stealth_normal" );
self.ignoreme = false;
if( flag( "someone_became_alert" ) )
flag_set( "someone_became_alert" );
thread monitor_waittill_stealth_normal();
wait 1;//gives player a chance to kill the guy before warning dialog
if( flag( "_stealth_spotted" ) )
level notify( "dialog_someone_is_alert" );
wait_till_every_thing_stealth_normal_for( 3 );
flag_clear( "someone_became_alert" );
wait_till_every_thing_stealth_normal_for( time )
while( 1 )
if( stealth_is_everything_normal() )
wait time;
if( stealth_is_everything_normal() )
wait 1;
level.price dialogue_queue( "cont_pri_followme" );
//level.price radio_dialogue( "cont_pri_followme" );
wait 2;
level.price dialogue_queue( "cont_pri_intothewoods" );
//level.price radio_dialogue( "cont_pri_intothewoods" );
level endon( "base_alerted" );
flag_wait( "said_second_uav_in_position" );
wait 1;
flag_wait( "obj_base_entrance" );
//There's the submarine! Right below that crane!
level.price dialogue_queue( "cont_pri_belowcrane" );
//Roach, soften up their defenses with the Hellfires!
level.price dialogue_queue( "cont_pri_softendefenses" );
autosave_by_name( "base" );
wait 1;
level.player thread display_hint_timeout( "hint_predator_drone", 6 );
//Watch for the blinking strobes. That<61>s us.
level.price dialogue_queue( "cont_pri_strobes" );
flag_set( "saying_base_on_alert" );
//That got their attention!
radio_dialogue( "cont_cmt_gotattention" );
//The whole base has gone on alert!
radio_dialogue( "cont_cmt_baseonalert" );
//You'd better hurry. You've only got a couple of minutes before that submarine dives.
radio_dialogue( "cont_cmt_betterhurry" );
// MikeD: Restore uav radio in _remotemissile, and let the player know if the the uav is 'reloading'
level.uav_radio_disabled = undefined;
//We're moving!
level.price dialogue_queue( "cont_pri_weremoving" );
flag_clear( "saying_base_on_alert" );
flag_wait( "player_is_halfway_to_sub" );
//You're halfway there!
radio_dialogue( "cont_cmt_halwaythere" );
if( isalive( level.base_heli ) )
//Take out that helicopter!
level.price dialogue_queue( "cont_pri_takeoutheli" );
level.base_heli MakeEntitySentient( "axis" );
flag_wait( "base_troop_transport2_spawned" );
wait 2;
//Use a Hellfire on that truck!
level.price dialogue_queue( "cont_pri_usehellfire" );
dialog_time_nags( total_time )
time_past = 0;
dialog = [];
//We've got to hurry! That sub isn't going to wait for us!
dialog[ dialog.size ] = "cont_pri_subwontwait";
//Go go go!
dialog[ dialog.size ] = "cont_pri_gogogo";
//Get to the sub! Hurry!
dialog[ dialog.size ] = "cont_pri_gettosub";
dialog = array_randomize( dialog );
current = 0;
while( 1 )
wait 30;
time_past = time_past + 30;
time_remaining = total_time - time_past;
if( time_remaining == 90 )
//90 seconds!
radio_dialogue( "cont_cmt_90secs" );
if( time_remaining == 60 )
//60 seconds!
radio_dialogue( "cont_cmt_60secs" );
if( time_remaining == 30 )
//30 seconds! Move!
radio_dialogue( "cont_cmt_30secs" );
if( time_remaining == 0 )
if( cointoss() )
level.price dialogue_queue( dialog[current] );
if( current >= dialog.size )
current = 0;
//Soap, we've reached the sub!
level.price dialogue_queue( "cont_pri_reachedsub" );
//Roger that!
radio_dialogue( "cont_cmt_rogerthat2" );
kill_btr_slider( newMissile )
fire_time = gettime();
newMissile waittill( "death" );
if( gettime() > fire_time + 2000 )
return;//we missed
self setmodel( "vehicle_btr80_snow_d" );
playfx( getfx( "btr_explosion" ), self.origin );
StopFXOnTag( getfx( "btr_spotlight" ), self, "TAG_FRONT_LIGHT_RIGHT" );
StopFXOnTag( getfx( "btr_spotlight" ), self, "TAG_TURRET_LIGHT" );
level endon( "saying_contact" );
level.price SetLookAtEntity( level.player );
//wait 5;
//Price, I can barely see Roach's chute on my satellite feed. Too much interference. Do you see him, over?
radio_dialogue( "cont_cmt_barelysee" );
level.price SetLookAtEntity();// clears it
//Soap, I found Roach. He appears to be intact.
//level.price dialogue_queue( "cont_pri_foundroach" );
level.price radio_dialogue( "cont_pri_foundroach" );
//We're going to head northwest to the sub base, over.
//level.price dialogue_queue( "cont_pri_headnw" );
level.price radio_dialogue( "cont_pri_headnw" );
wait 1;
//Copy that. I've located Rasta and Alpha, they landed pretty far to the east, over.
radio_dialogue( "cont_cmt_fareast" );
//Tell them to proceed with the mission, we'll regroup if possible.
//level.price dialogue_queue( "cont_pri_proceed" );
level.price radio_dialogue( "cont_pri_proceed" );
//wait 1;
////Have you found us some transport, over?
//level.price radio_dialogue( "cont_pri_foundtransport" );
////I'm working on it. Out.
//radio_dialogue( "cont_cmt_workingonit" );
//level.price SetLookAtEntity( level.player );
wait 1;
flag_set( "said_follow_me" );
//Roach, follow me and stay out of sight.
radio_dialogue( "cont_pri_outofsight" );
//level.price SetLookAtEntity();// clears it
if( flag( "stop_stealth_music" ) )
level endon ( "stop_stealth_music" );
//flag_wait( "first_two_guys_in_sight" );
while( 1 )
thread stealth_music_hidden_loop();
flag_wait( "_stealth_spotted" );
music_stop( .2 );
wait .5;
thread stealth_music_busted_loop();
flag_waitopen( "_stealth_spotted" );
music_stop( 3 );
wait 3.25;
music_TIME = musicLength( "contingency_stealth" );
//music_TIME = 528;
//level endon( "player_in_hanger" );
level endon( "_stealth_spotted" );
if( flag( "stop_stealth_music" ) )
level endon ( "stop_stealth_music" );
while( 1 )
MusicPlayWrapper( "contingency_stealth" );
wait music_TIME;
wait 10;
music_TIME = musicLength( "contingency_stealth_busted" );
//music_TIME = 154;
//level endon( "player_in_hanger" );
level endon( "_stealth_spotted" );
if( flag( "stop_stealth_music" ) )
level endon ( "stop_stealth_music" );
while( 1 )
MusicPlayWrapper( "contingency_stealth_busted" );
wait music_TIME;
wait 3;
cargo_heli_spawners = getentarray( "cargo_heli_group2", "targetname" );
foreach ( spawner in cargo_heli_spawners )
Cargo_item_spawners = getentarray( spawner.script_noteworthy, "targetname" );
foreach ( ent in cargo_item_spawners )
ent Hide();
spawner.cargo_item_spawners = cargo_item_spawners;
flag_wait( "cargo_choppers_2" );
thread dialog_russians_have_sams();
current_spawner = 0;
num_of_groups = 1;
while( num_of_groups > 0 )
//group = randomintrange( 2, 4 );
group = cargo_heli_spawners.size;
while( group > 0 )
if( current_spawner >= cargo_heli_spawners.size )
current_spawner = 0;
thread spawn_cargo_chopper( cargo_heli_spawners[current_spawner] );
wait ( randomfloatrange(1.3, 1.8 ) );
//flag_wait( "second_heli_group" );
//wait( randomintrange( 15, 24 ) );
cargo_heli_spawners = getentarray( "cargo_heli", "targetname" );
foreach ( spawner in cargo_heli_spawners )
Cargo_item_spawners = getentarray( spawner.script_noteworthy, "targetname" );
foreach ( ent in cargo_item_spawners )
ent Hide();
spawner.cargo_item_spawners = cargo_item_spawners;
current_spawner = 0;
num_of_groups = 1;
while( num_of_groups > 0 )
//group = randomintrange( 2, 4 );
group = cargo_heli_spawners.size;
while( group > 0 )
if( current_spawner >= cargo_heli_spawners.size )
current_spawner = 0;
thread spawn_cargo_chopper( cargo_heli_spawners[current_spawner] );
wait ( randomfloatrange(1.3, 1.8 ) );
//flag_wait( "second_heli_group" );
//wait( randomintrange( 15, 24 ) );
spawn_cargo_chopper( cargo_heli_spawner )
cargo_heli = vehicle_spawn( cargo_heli_spawner );
//cargo_heli = spawn_vehicle_from_targetname( "cargo_heli" );
wait .1;//vehicle spawns in one place and then moves on the first frame
cargo_item_spawners = cargo_heli_spawner.cargo_item_spawners;
new_cargo = [];
for( i = 0 ; i < cargo_item_spawners.size ; i++ )
new_cargo[i] = spawn( cargo_item_spawners[i].classname, cargo_item_spawners[i].origin );
new_cargo[i].angles = cargo_item_spawners[i].angles;
if( new_cargo[i].classname == "script_model" )
new_cargo[i] setmodel( cargo_item_spawners[i].model );
new_cargo[i] linkto( cargo_heli );
wait .1;
thread gopath( cargo_heli );
cargo_heli waittill( "death" );
foreach ( ent in new_cargo )
ent Delete();
destroy_thing_with_at4( fire_pos_ent, thing, thing_offset, missile_func )
guys = [];
guys[ guys.size ] = self;
fire_pos_ent anim_reach_and_plant( guys, "at4_fire" );
self.allowPain = false;
self notify( "finished_anim_reach" );
fire_pos_ent thread anim_custom_animmode( guys, "gravity", "at4_fire" );
//price_fire_loc anim_reach_solo( level.price, "at4_fire" );
//price_fire_loc thread anim_single_solo( level.price, "at4_fire" );
self waittill( "attach rocket" );//notetrack
self place_weapon_on( "at4", "chest" );
//self detach( "weapon_AT4", "TAG_STOWED_BACK" );
//self attach( "weapon_AT4", tag );
self waittill( "fire rocket" );//notetrack
gun = self gettagorigin( tag );
newMissile = MagicBullet( "at4_straight", gun, ( thing.origin + thing_offset ) );
//if( isdefined( missile_func ) )
// level.btr_slider thread kill_btr_slider( newMissile );
self waittill( "drop rocket" );//notetrack
org_hand = self gettagorigin( tag );
angles_hand = self gettagangles( tag );
self place_weapon_on( "at4", "none" );
model_at4 = spawn( "script_model", org_hand );
model_at4 setmodel( "weapon_at4" );
model_at4.angles = angles_hand;
fire_pos_ent waittill( "at4_fire" );
self.allowPain = true;
self waittill( "death" );
level.bricktop = self;
self.animname = "bricktop";
//self thread magic_bullet_shield();
//flag_wait( "base_alerted" );
//self thread stop_magic_bullet_shield();
//self thread replace_on_death();
self thread replace_on_death();
//self thread magic_bullet_shield();
//flag_wait( "base_alerted" );
//self thread stop_magic_bullet_shield();
//self thread replace_on_death();
self thread magic_bullet_shield();
if( isalive( level.gauntlet_east ) )
self place_weapon_on( "at4", "back" );
fire_pos_ent = getent( self.target, "targetname" );
thing = level.gauntlet_east;
thing_offset = (0,0,64);
self thread destroy_thing_with_at4( fire_pos_ent, thing, thing_offset );
self waittill( "finished_anim_reach" );
//Stand back!
level.rasta dialogue_queue( "cont_rst_standback" );
fire_pos_ent waittill( "at4_fire" );
self thread stop_magic_bullet_shield();
self set_force_color( "g" );
self enable_ai_color();
self.animname = "rasta";
level.rasta = self;
self thread magic_bullet_shield();
if( isalive( level.gauntlet_west ) )
self place_weapon_on( "at4", "back" );
fire_pos_ent = getent( self.target, "targetname" );
thing = level.gauntlet_west;
thing_offset = (0,0,64);
self thread destroy_thing_with_at4( fire_pos_ent, thing, thing_offset );
self waittill( "finished_anim_reach" );
//Get back!
level.rasta dialogue_queue( "cont_rst_getback" );
fire_pos_ent waittill( "at4_fire" );
self set_force_color( "g" );
self enable_ai_color();
//Check your fire! Check your fire! Friendlies coming in at your 12!
level.rasta dialogue_queue( "cont_rst_checkfire" );
self.goalradius = 32;
start = getent( "rasta_start", "targetname" );
self setgoalpos ( start.origin );
self waittill( "goal" );
first_grenade_target = getent( start.target, "targetname" );
target_org = first_grenade_target.origin;
org = self gettagorigin( "TAG_INHAND" );
vec = VectorNormalize( target_org - org );
forward = vector_multiply( vec, 30 );
pos = forward + org;
self.grenadeawareness = 0;
//draw_line_for_time( <org1> , <org2> , <r> , <g> , <b> , <timer> )
//thread draw_line_for_time( pos , target_org , 1 , 0, 0 , 3 );
grenade = MagicGrenade( "semtex_grenade", pos, target_org );
grenade thread maps\_detonategrenades::semtex_sticky_handle( self );
//Stand back!
thread dialogue_queue( "cont_rst_standback" );
wait 1;
second_grenade_throw_position = getent( first_grenade_target.target, "targetname" );
self setgoalpos ( second_grenade_throw_position.origin );
self waittill( "goal" );
second_grenade_target = getent( second_grenade_throw_position.target, "targetname" );
target_org = second_grenade_target.origin;
org = self gettagorigin( "TAG_INHAND" );
vec = VectorNormalize( target_org - org );
forward = vector_multiply( vec, 30 );
pos = forward + org;
//draw_line_for_time( <org1> , <org2> , <r> , <g> , <b> , <timer> )
//thread draw_line_for_time( pos , target_org , 1 , 0, 0 , 3 );
grenade = MagicGrenade( "semtex_grenade", pos, target_org );
grenade thread maps\_detonategrenades::semtex_sticky_handle( self );
//Get back!
thread dialogue_queue( "cont_rst_getback" );
self.grenadeawareness = 1;
//wait 1;
//done_with_throwing_position = getent( second_grenade_target.target, "targetname" );
//self setgoalpos ( done_with_throwing_position.origin );
//self waittill( "goal" );
//if( isalive( level.gauntlet_east ) )
// level.gauntlet_east waittill( "death" );
//if( isalive( level.gauntlet_west ) )
// level.gauntlet_west waittill( "death" );
self.goalradius = 2000;
level.price = self;
level.price.animname = "price";
if( level.price_destroys_btr )
level.price place_weapon_on( "at4", "back" );
//level.price thread disable_ai_color();
// level.price stealth_plugin_aicolor();
// array = [];
// array[ "hidden" ] = ::do_nothing;
// array[ "spotted" ] = ::do_nothing;
// level.price stealth_color_state_custom( array );
level.price enable_ai_color();
level.price.pathRandomPercent = 0;
level.price thread magic_bullet_shield();
//level.price thread price_bullet_sheild(); //disables bullet shield if player is too far
//level.price thread price_handle_death(); //mission fail if price dies
level.price make_hero();
level.price.allowdeath = false;
//level.price.dontshootwhilemoving = true;//tried it and it looks bad.
//level.price thread stealth_price_accuracy_control();
//level.price.baseaccuracy = 5000000;
//all stuff from scoutsniper that might be a good idea
// level.price thread price_death();
// level.price setthreatbiasgroup( "price" );
self thread animscripts\utility::PersonalColdBreath();
stealth_set_default_stealth_function( "bridge_area", ::stealth_bridge_area );
stealth_set_default_stealth_function( "woods", ::stealth_woods );
stealth_set_default_stealth_function( "base", ::stealth_base );
ai_event = [];
ai_event[ "ai_eventDistNewEnemy" ] = [];
ai_event[ "ai_eventDistNewEnemy" ][ "spotted" ] = 512;
ai_event[ "ai_eventDistNewEnemy" ][ "hidden" ] = 256;
ai_event[ "ai_eventDistExplosion" ] = [];
ai_event[ "ai_eventDistExplosion" ][ "spotted" ] = level.explosion_dist_sense;
ai_event[ "ai_eventDistExplosion" ][ "hidden" ] = level.explosion_dist_sense;
ai_event[ "ai_eventDistDeath" ] = [];
ai_event[ "ai_eventDistDeath" ][ "spotted" ] = 512;
ai_event[ "ai_eventDistDeath" ][ "hidden" ] = 512; // used to be 256
ai_event[ "ai_eventDistPain" ] = [];
ai_event[ "ai_eventDistPain" ][ "spotted" ] = 256;
ai_event[ "ai_eventDistPain" ][ "hidden" ] = 256; // used to be 256
ai_event[ "ai_eventDistBullet" ] = [];
ai_event[ "ai_eventDistBullet" ][ "spotted" ] = 96;
ai_event[ "ai_eventDistBullet" ][ "hidden" ] = 96;
ai_event[ "ai_eventDistFootstep" ] = [];
ai_event[ "ai_eventDistFootstep" ][ "spotted" ] = 300;
ai_event[ "ai_eventDistFootstep" ][ "hidden" ] = 300;
ai_event[ "ai_eventDistFootstepWalk" ] = [];
ai_event[ "ai_eventDistFootstepWalk" ][ "spotted" ] = 300;
ai_event[ "ai_eventDistFootstepWalk" ][ "hidden" ] = 300;
ai_event[ "ai_eventDistFootstepSprint" ] = [];
ai_event[ "ai_eventDistFootstepSprint" ][ "spotted" ] = 400;
ai_event[ "ai_eventDistFootstepSprint" ][ "hidden" ] = 400;
stealth_ai_event_dist_custom( ai_event );
rangesHidden = [];
rangesHidden[ "prone" ] = 800;
rangesHidden[ "crouch" ] = 1200;
rangesHidden[ "stand" ] = 1600;
rangesSpotted = [];
rangesSpotted[ "prone" ] = 8192;
rangesSpotted[ "crouch" ] = 8192;
rangesSpotted[ "stand" ] = 8192;
stealth_detect_ranges_set( rangesHidden, rangesSpotted );
stealth_alert_level_duration( 0.5 );
stealth_ai_event_dist_custom( ai_event );
array = [];
array[ "sight_dist" ] = 400;
array[ "detect_dist" ] = 200;
stealth_corpse_ranges_custom( array );
ai_event[ "ai_eventDistFootstep" ] = [];
ai_event[ "ai_eventDistFootstep" ][ "spotted" ] = 120;
ai_event[ "ai_eventDistFootstep" ][ "hidden" ] = 120;
ai_event[ "ai_eventDistFootstepWalk" ] = [];
ai_event[ "ai_eventDistFootstepWalk" ][ "spotted" ] = 60;
ai_event[ "ai_eventDistFootstepWalk" ][ "hidden" ] = 60;
ai_event[ "ai_eventDistFootstepSprint" ] = [];
ai_event[ "ai_eventDistFootstepSprint" ][ "spotted" ] = 400;
ai_event[ "ai_eventDistFootstepSprint" ][ "hidden" ] = 400;
stealth_ai_event_dist_custom( ai_event );
rangesHidden = [];
rangesHidden[ "prone" ] = 250;
rangesHidden[ "crouch" ] = 450;
rangesHidden[ "stand" ] = 500;
rangesSpotted = [];
rangesSpotted[ "prone" ] = 500;
rangesSpotted[ "crouch" ] = 500;
rangesSpotted[ "stand" ] = 600;
stealth_detect_ranges_set( rangesHidden, rangesSpotted );
alert_duration = [];
alert_duration[0] = 1;
alert_duration[1] = 1;
alert_duration[2] = 1;
alert_duration[3] = 0.75;
// easy and normal have 2 alert levels so the above times are effectively doubled
stealth_alert_level_duration( alert_duration[ level.gameskill ] );
wait 3;//default is 2.25
self stealth_plugin_basic();
if ( isplayer( self ) )
//threat_array[ "warning1" ] = maps\_stealth_threat_enemy::enemy_alert_level_warning2;
switch( self.team )
case "axis":
if( self.type == "dog" )
self thread dogs_have_small_fovs_when_stopped();
self set_threatbias_group( "dogs" );
self thread attach_flashlight();
self.pathrandompercent = 0;
self stealth_plugin_threat();
self stealth_pre_spotted_function_custom( ::woods_prespotted_func );
//self stealth_threat_behavior_custom( threat_array );
threat_array[ "warning1" ] = maps\_stealth_threat_enemy::enemy_alert_level_warning2;
threat_array[ "attack" ] = ::small_goal_attack_behavior;//default
self stealth_threat_behavior_custom( threat_array );
self stealth_enable_seek_player_on_spotted();
self stealth_plugin_corpse();
self stealth_plugin_event_all();
self.baseaccuracy = 2;
self.fovcosine = .5;
self.fovcosinebusy = .1;
self thread monitor_someone_became_alert();
self thread monitor_stealth_kills();
self thread monitor_stealth_pain();
self init_cold_patrol_anims();
if( isdefined( self.script_noteworthy ) && ( self.script_noteworthy == "cqb_patrol" ) )
if( isdefined( self.script_patroller ) )
wait .05;
self clear_run_anim();
self thread enable_cqbwalk();
self.alertlevel = "alert";
self.disablearrivals = undefined;
self.disableexits = undefined;
//if( isdefined( self.script_pet ) )
// self.moveplaybackrate = .4;
self.moveplaybackrate = .8;
thread scan_when_idle();
case "allies":
//use the bridge area settings!
self endon( "death" );
while( 1 )
self set_generic_idle_anim( "cqb_stand_idle_scan" );
self waittill( "clearing_specialIdleAnim" );
self stealth_plugin_basic();
if ( isplayer( self ) )
switch( self.team )
case "axis":
if( self.type == "dog" )
self thread dogs_have_small_fovs_when_stopped();
self set_threatbias_group( "dogs" );
//self thread flashlight_when_alerted();
if( ( isdefined( self.script_noteworthy ) ) && ( self.script_noteworthy == "truck_guys" ) )
self set_threatbias_group( "truck_guys" );
self set_threatbias_group( "bridge_stealth_guys" );
self stealth_plugin_threat();
//self stealth_pre_spotted_function_custom( ::clifftop_prespotted_func );
self.pathrandompercent = 0;
threat_array[ "warning1" ] = maps\_stealth_threat_enemy::enemy_alert_level_warning2;
threat_array[ "attack" ] = ::small_goal_attack_behavior;//default
self stealth_threat_behavior_custom( threat_array );
self stealth_enable_seek_player_on_spotted();
self stealth_plugin_corpse();
self stealth_plugin_event_all();
self.baseaccuracy = 3;
self.fovcosine = .86; // for the 2nd group -z
self.fovcosinebusy = .1;
//self thread dialog_price_kill();
self thread monitor_stealth_kills();//price and player kill dialog
self thread monitor_someone_became_alert();
if( ( isdefined ( self.script_type ) ) && ( self.script_type == "cold_patrol" ) )
self init_cold_patrol_anims();
case "allies":
//self.grenadeawareness = 0;//dont chase grenades
//self._stealth.behavior.no_prone = true;
//self._stealth.behavior.wait_resume_path = 4;
//self._stealth_move_detection_cap = 0;
//dynamic_run_speed settings:
//self.drs_pushdist = 250;
//self.drs_sprintdist = 0;//was 60
//self.drs_stopdist = 400;
//self thread stealth_plugin_smart_stance();
//self thread stealth_no_fog_smart_stance();
//self.dynamic_run_response_time = 1;
array = [];
array[ "hidden" ] = ::stealth_friendly_state_hidden;
array[ "spotted" ] = ::stealth_friendly_state_spotted;
stealth_basic_states_custom( array );
self stealth_plugin_basic();
if ( isplayer( self ) )
switch( self.team )
case "axis":
//self thread flashlight_when_alerted();
self stealth_plugin_threat();
//self stealth_pre_spotted_function_custom( ::clifftop_prespotted_func );
self.pathrandompercent = 0;
//threat_array[ "warning1" ] = maps\_stealth_threat_enemy::enemy_alert_level_warning2;
threat_array[ "attack" ] = ::large_goal_ambush_attack_behavior;//default
self stealth_threat_behavior_custom( threat_array );
//self stealth_enable_seek_player_on_spotted();
//self stealth_plugin_corpse();
self stealth_plugin_event_all();
//self.baseaccuracy = 3;
self.fovcosine = .76; // for the 2nd group -z
self.fovcosinebusy = .1;
//self thread dialog_price_kill();
//self thread monitor_stealth_kills();//price and player kill dialog
//self thread monitor_someone_became_alert();
if( ( isdefined ( self.script_type ) ) && ( self.script_type == "cold_patrol" ) )
self init_cold_patrol_anims();
case "allies":
//self.grenadeawareness = 0;//dont chase grenades
//self._stealth.behavior.no_prone = true;
//self._stealth.behavior.wait_resume_path = 4;
//self._stealth_move_detection_cap = 0;
//dynamic_run_speed settings:
//self.drs_pushdist = 250;
//self.drs_sprintdist = 0;//was 60
//self.drs_stopdist = 400;
//self thread stealth_plugin_smart_stance();
//self thread stealth_no_fog_smart_stance();
//self.dynamic_run_response_time = 1;
array = [];
array[ "hidden" ] = ::stealth_friendly_state_hidden;
array[ "spotted" ] = ::stealth_friendly_state_spotted;
stealth_basic_states_custom( array );
// self notify( "start_dynamic_run_speed" );
// self endon( "death" );
// self endon( "stop_dynamic_run_speed" );
// self endon( "start_dynamic_run_speed" );
// if ( !isdefined( self.ent_flag[ "dynamic_run_speed_stopped" ] ) )
// {
// self ent_flag_init( "dynamic_run_speed_stopped" );
// self ent_flag_init( "dynamic_run_speed_stopping" );
// }
// else
// {
// self ent_flag_clear( "dynamic_run_speed_stopping" );
// self ent_flag_clear( "dynamic_run_speed_stopped" );
// }
// self thread price_move_speed_handle_cleanup();
// self.run_speed_state = "";
// fardist_min = 500 * 500;
// fardist_max = 600 * 600;
// stopdist_min = 250 * 250;
// stopdist_max = 400 * 400;
// ai_slow_dist = 1400 * 1400;
// ai_stop_dist_min = 850 * 850;
// ai_stop_dist_max = 950 * 950;//tweaking these breaks hide and kill stragglers
// responsiveness_ai = .2;
// //responsiveness_player_loc = 4;
// //player_loc_count = responsiveness_player_loc / responsiveness_ai;
// //ticks = 0;
// while ( 1 )
// {
// closest_dist = self GetClosestEnemySqDist();
// if( !isdefined( closest_dist ) )
// closest_dist = 99999999;
// //enemies = GetAISpeciesArray( "axis", "all" );
// //
// //if ( enemies.size == 0 )
// // closest_dist = 99999999;
// //else
// // closest_dist = distance ( level.player.origin, ( getClosest( level.player.origin, enemies ) ).origin );
// if ( ( closest_dist < ai_stop_dist_min ) )
// {
// /#
// println( "price_dynamic: enemy close. stopping (min). " + closest_dist/closest_dist );
// #/
// price_dynamic_run_set( "stop" );
// wait responsiveness_ai;
// continue;
// }
// if ( ( closest_dist < ai_stop_dist_max ) && ( self.run_speed_state == "stop" ) )
// {
// println( "price_dynamic: enemy close. stopping (max). " + closest_dist/closest_dist );
// price_dynamic_run_set( "stop" );
// wait responsiveness_ai;
// continue;
// }
// //how far is the player from price
// dist = DistanceSquared( self.origin, level.player.origin );
// /*
// angles1 = vectortoangles( self.goalpos - self.origin );
// forward1 = anglestoforward( angles1 );
// angles2 = vectortoangles( level.player.origin - self.origin );
// forward2 = anglestoforward( angles2 );
// vectordor( forward1, forward2 );
// */
// //normal = VectorNormalize( end_origin - start_origin );
// //forward = AnglesToForward( start_angles );
// //dot = VectorDot( forward, normal );
// //vec = anglestoforward( self.angles );
// vec_goal = VectorNormalize( ( self.goalpos - self.origin ) );//angle of where I'm supposed to go
// vec2 = VectorNormalize( ( level.player.origin - self.origin ) );
// //vecdot = vectordot( vec, vec2 );//dot of my angle vs player position
// vecdot = vectordot( vec_goal, vec2 );//dot my my goal dir vs player position
// //level.g = vecdot;
// if ( ( dist > stopdist_max ) && ( vecdot < 0 ) )//vecdot > 0 means in 180 in front
// {
// println( "price_dynamic: price too far in front (max). stopping. " + vecdot );
// price_dynamic_run_set( "stop" );
// wait responsiveness_ai;
// continue;
// }
// if ( ( dist > stopdist_min ) && ( self.run_speed_state == "stop" ) && ( vecdot < 0 ) )
// {
// println( "price_dynamic: price too far in front (min). stopping. " + vecdot );
// price_dynamic_run_set( "stop" );
// wait responsiveness_ai;
// continue;
// }
// if ( ( closest_dist < ai_slow_dist ) )
// {
// /#
// println( "price_dynamic: enemy close. crouch. " + closest_dist/closest_dist );
// #/
// price_dynamic_run_set( "crouch" );
// wait responsiveness_ai;
// continue;
// }
// if ( ( vecdot > - .25 ) && ( dist > fardist_max ) )
// {
// println( "price_dynamic: player in front (max). running. " );
// price_dynamic_run_set( "run" );
// wait responsiveness_ai;
// continue;
// }
// if ( ( vecdot > - .25 ) && ( dist > fardist_min ) && ( self.run_speed_state == "run" ) )
// {
// println( "price_dynamic: player in front (min). running. " );
// price_dynamic_run_set( "run" );
// wait responsiveness_ai;
// continue;
// }
// //otherwise cqb
// println( "price_dynamic: cqb " );
// price_dynamic_run_set( "cqb" );
// wait responsiveness_ai;
// }
//price_dynamic_run_set( speed )
// if ( self.run_speed_state == speed )
// return;
// self notify( "dynamic_run_speed_changing" );
// self.run_speed_state = speed;
// switch( speed )
// {
// case "cqb":
// self.pathenemyfightdist = 192;
// self.pathenemylookahead = 192;
// self enable_cqbwalk();
// self allowedstances( "stand", "crouch", "prone" );
// self notify( "stop_loop" );
// self anim_stopanimscripted();
// self ent_flag_clear( "dynamic_run_speed_stopped" );
// break;
// case "run":
// self.pathenemyfightdist = 192;
// self.pathenemylookahead = 192;
// self disable_cqbwalk();
// self allowedstances( "stand", "crouch", "prone" );
// self notify( "stop_loop" );
// self anim_stopanimscripted();
// self ent_flag_clear( "dynamic_run_speed_stopped" );
// break;
// case "stop":
// self thread price_dynamic_run_stop();
// break;
// case "crouch":
// self.pathenemyfightdist = 192;
// self.pathenemylookahead = 192;
// self allowedstances( "crouch" );
// self disable_cqbwalk();
// self notify( "stop_loop" );
// self anim_stopanimscripted();
// self ent_flag_clear( "dynamic_run_speed_stopped" );
// break;
// }
// self endon( "start_dynamic_run_speed" );
// self endon( "death" );
// self price_dynamic_run_speed_cleanup_wait();
// self disable_cqbwalk();
// self allowedstances( "stand", "crouch", "prone" );
// self.pathenemyfightdist = 192;
// self.pathenemylookahead = 192;
// self notify( "stop_loop" );
// self anim_stopanimscripted();
// self ent_flag_clear( "dynamic_run_speed_stopping" );
// self ent_flag_clear( "dynamic_run_speed_stopped" );
// level endon( "_stealth_spotted" );
// self waittill( "stop_dynamic_run_speed" );
// self notify( "stop_going_to_node" );
// wait 1;
// self.oldgoal = self.goalpos;
// self.oldradius = self.goalradius;
// self setgoalpos( self.origin );
// self.goalradius = 90;
// self waittill( "dynamic_run_speed_changing" );
// self.goalradius = self.oldradius;
// if( isdefined( self.last_set_goalent ) )
// {
// self thread follow_path( self.last_set_goalent );
// }
// else
// {
// self setgoalpos( self.oldradius );
// }
//price_dynamic_run_set( speed )
// if ( self.run_speed_state == speed )
// return;
// self.run_speed_state = speed;
// switch( speed )
// {
// case "cqb":
// self.moveplaybackrate = 1;
// self enable_cqbwalk();
// self allowedstances( "stand", "crouch", "prone" );
// self notify( "stop_loop" );
// self ent_flag_clear( "dynamic_run_speed_stopped" );
// break;
// case "run":
// self disable_cqbwalk();
// if ( IsDefined( level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "DRS_run" ] ) )
// {
// if ( IsArray( level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "DRS_run" ] ) )
// self set_generic_run_anim_array( "DRS_run" );
// else
// self set_generic_run_anim( "DRS_run" );
// }
// else
// self clear_run_anim();
// //self AllowedStances( "stand", "crouch", "prone" );
// self notify( "stop_loop" );
// self anim_stopanimscripted();
// self ent_flag_clear( "dynamic_run_speed_stopped" );
// break;
// case "stop":
// self thread price_dynamic_move_speed_stop();
// break;
// case "crouch":
// self.moveplaybackrate = 1;
// self clear_run_anim();
// self allowedstances( "crouch" );
// self disable_cqbwalk();
// self notify( "stop_loop" );
// self ent_flag_clear( "dynamic_run_speed_stopped" );
// break;
// }
// self endon( "start_dynamic_run_speed" );
// self endon( "death" );
// self.moveplaybackrate = 1;
// self clear_run_anim();
// self allowedstances( "stand", "crouch", "prone" );
// self notify( "stop_loop" );
// self ent_flag_clear( "dynamic_run_speed_stopping" );
// self ent_flag_clear( "dynamic_run_speed_stopped" );
self endon( "death" );
if ( self ent_flag( "dynamic_run_speed_stopped" ) )
if ( self ent_flag( "dynamic_run_speed_stopping" ) )
self endon( "stop_dynamic_run_speed" );
self ent_flag_set( "dynamic_run_speed_stopping" );
self ent_flag_set( "dynamic_run_speed_stopped" );
//->turned this off because I think checking the current movement would fix whatever this was trying to
//if( self ent_flag_exist( "_stealth_stance_handler" ) )
// self ent_flag_waitopen( "_stealth_stance_handler" );
stop = "DRS_run_2_stop";
self maps\_anim::anim_generic_custom_animmode( self, "gravity", stop );
self ent_flag_clear( "dynamic_run_speed_stopping" );// this flag gets cleared if we endon
//moved this line below clearing the stopping flag so we make sure that clears before this function has a chance to end.
if( !self ent_flag( "dynamic_run_speed_stopped" ) )
self endon( "dynamic_run_speed_stopped" );
//if he's already playing a looping animation - we can assume its part of level logic and
//it makes sense not to play a stopping animation or play dialogue to tell you to catch up
if ( IsDefined( self.loops ) && self.loops > 0 )
while ( self ent_flag( "dynamic_run_speed_stopped" ) )
//->turned this off because I think checking the current movement would fix whatever this was trying to
//if( self ent_flag_exist( "_stealth_stance_handler" ) )
// self ent_flag_waitopen( "_stealth_stance_handler" );
idle = "DRS_stop_idle";
self thread maps\_anim::anim_generic_loop( self, idle );
if ( IsDefined( level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "signal_go" ] ) )
self handsignal( "go" );
wait RandomFloatRange( 12, 20 );
if ( self ent_flag_exist( "_stealth_stance_handler" ) )
self ent_flag_waitopen( "_stealth_stance_handler" );
self notify( "stop_loop" );
if ( !self ent_flag( "dynamic_run_speed_stopped" ) )
if ( IsDefined( level.dynamic_run_speed_dialogue ) )
string = random( level.dynamic_run_speed_dialogue );
level thread radio_dialogue_queue( string );
if ( IsDefined( level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "signal_go" ] ) )
self handsignal( "go" );
self endon( "death" );
while( 1 )
self waittill( "master_reached_patrol_end" );
self.fovcosine = .99;
self notify( "end_patrol" );
self waittill( "_stealth_normal" );//be came alert
self.fovcosine = .76;
self.pathrandompercent = 200;
self thread disable_cqbwalk();
if( isdefined( self.script_stealthgroup ) )
self thread maps\_stealth_shared_utilities::enemy_announce_spotted( self.origin );
self.goalradius = 400;
self.favoriteenemy = level.player;
self setgoalentity( level.player );
self waittill( "death" );
self.pathrandompercent = 200;
self thread disable_cqbwalk();
self thread maps\_stealth_shared_utilities::enemy_announce_spotted( self.origin );
self.goalradius = 400;
self endon( "death" );
self ent_flag_set( "_stealth_override_goalpos" );
while ( isdefined( self.enemy ) && self ent_flag( "_stealth_enabled" ) )
self setgoalpos( self.enemy.origin );
wait 4;
self endon( "death" );
self.ignoreme = true;
self.maxsightdistsqrd = 600*600;
flag_wait( "base_alerted" );
self.ignoreme = false;
self.maxsightdistsqrd = 8000*8000;
// if( isdefined( self._stealth ) )
// {
// self ent_flag_clear( "_stealth_normal" );
// self stealth_ai_clear_custom_idle_and_react();
// }
// self stopanimscripted();
// self notify( "killanimscripts" );
self.favoriteenemy = level.player;
//self.ignoreme = false;
//self notify( "end_patrol" );
wait 1;
self.favoriteenemy = undefined;
self.pathrandompercent = 200;
self thread disable_cqbwalk();
self.combatmode = "ambush";
self setgoalpos( self.origin );
self.goalradius = 4000;
self.maxsightdistsqrd = 8000*8000;
// self._stealth.behavior.No_Prone = true;
// // i do this because the player doesn't look as bad sneaking up on the enemies
// // friendlies however don't look as good getting so close
// looking_away = [];
// looking_away[ "stand" ] = 0;
// looking_away[ "crouch" ] = -800;
// looking_away[ "prone" ] = -800;//was -800
// neutral = [];
// neutral[ "stand" ] = 200;
// neutral[ "crouch" ] = 0;
// neutral[ "prone" ] = 0;
// looking_towards = [];
// looking_towards[ "stand" ] = 200;
// looking_towards[ "crouch" ] = 0;
// looking_towards[ "prone" ] = 0;
// stealth_friendly_stance_handler_distances_set( looking_away, neutral, looking_towards );
// self._stealth.behavior.No_Prone = true;
// // i do this because the player doesn't look as bad sneaking up on the enemies
// // friendlies however don't look as good getting so close
// looking_away = [];
// looking_away[ "stand" ] = -700;
// looking_away[ "crouch" ] = -700;
// looking_away[ "prone" ] = -700;
// neutral = [];
// neutral[ "stand" ] = -500;
// neutral[ "crouch" ] = -700;
// neutral[ "prone" ] = -700;
// looking_towards = [];
// looking_towards[ "stand" ] = -100;
// looking_towards[ "crouch" ] = -200;
// looking_towards[ "prone" ] = -200;
// stealth_friendly_stance_handler_distances_set( looking_away, neutral, looking_towards );
flag_clear( "price_is_hiding" );
self.no_pistol_switch = true;
//dont aim at dudes in the woods
if( ( !flag( "player_on_ridge" ) ) && flag( "safe_from_btrs" ) )
self.maxsightdistsqrd = level.price_maxsightdistsqrd_woods;
self.ignoreCloseFoliage = true;
//dont run to color nodes before village
if( !flag( "approaching_ridge" ) )
self disable_ai_color();
if( isdefined( self.smart_path_following_node ) )
self thread enable_cqbwalk();
self thread price_smart_path_following( self.smart_path_following_node );
self pushplayer( true );
self.fixednode = true;
//self set_force_color( "r" );
self thread set_battlechatter( false );
self set_friendlyfire_warnings( false );
self.dontEverShoot = true;
self.grenadeammo = 0;
self.forceSideArm = undefined;
//used to be ignore all - but that makes him not aim at enemies when exposed - which isn't good...also
//after stealth groups were created we want to differentiate between who should be shot at and who shouldn't
//so we don't all of a sudden alert another stealth group by shooting at them
//self.dontEverShoot = true;
self.ignoreme = true;
//self enable_ai_color();
self.ignoresuppression = true;
setsaveddvar( "ai_friendlyfireblockduration", 0 );
setsaveddvar( "ai_friendlysuppression", 0 );
self notify( "stop_dynamic_run_speed" );
self.no_pistol_switch = undefined;
self.ignoreall = false;
self.fixednode = true;
self.ignoreCloseFoliage = true;
//dont run to color nodes if in the woods
if( ( !flag( "approaching_ridge" ) ) && !flag( "safe_from_btrs" ) )
self enable_ai_color();
self set_force_color( "y" );
self thread set_battlechatter( false );//BCS sounds bad in combat right now
self set_friendlyfire_warnings( true );
self.dontEverShoot = undefined;
//self thread set_battlechatter( true );
self.maxsightdistsqrd = 8000*8000;
self.grenadeammo = 0;
//used to be ignore all - but that makes him not aim at enemies when exposed - which isn't good...also
//after stealth groups were created we want to differentiate between who should be shot at and who shouldn't
//so we don't all of a sudden alert another stealth group by shooting at them
//self.dontEverShoot = false;//self.ignoreall = false;
self.ignoreme = false;
//self.disablearrivals = true;
//self.disableeXits = true;
self pushplayer( false );
//self disable_cqbwalk();
//self thread maps\_stealth_behavior_friendly::friendly_spotted_getup_from_prone();
//self allowedstances( "prone", "crouch", "stand" );
//self anim_stopanimscripted();
//self disable_ai_color();
//self setgoalpos( self.origin );
self.ignoresuppression = false;
setsaveddvar( "ai_friendlyfireblockduration", 2000 );
setsaveddvar( "ai_friendlysuppression", 1 );
// make sure we alternate instead of doing a random selection
if( !IsDefined( level.lastColdPatrolAnimSetAssigned ) )
level.lastColdPatrolAnimSetAssigned = "none";
if( level.lastColdPatrolAnimSetAssigned != "huddle" )
self.patrol_walk_anim = "patrol_cold_huddle";
self.patrol_walk_twitch = "patrol_twitch_weights";
self.patrol_scriptedanim[ "pause" ][ 0 ] = "patrol_cold_huddle_pause";
self.patrol_stop[ "pause" ] = "patrol_cold_huddle_stop";
self.patrol_start[ "pause" ] = "patrol_cold_huddle_start";
self.patrol_stop[ "path_end_idle" ] = "patrol_cold_huddle_stop";
self.patrol_end_idle[ 0 ] = "patrol_cold_huddle_pause";
level.lastColdPatrolAnimSetAssigned = "huddle";
self.patrol_walk_anim = "patrol_cold_crossed";
self.patrol_walk_twitch = "patrol_twitch_weights";
self.patrol_scriptedanim[ "pause" ][ 0 ] = "patrol_cold_crossed_pause";
self.patrol_stop[ "pause" ] = "patrol_cold_crossed_stop";
self.patrol_start[ "pause" ] = "patrol_cold_crossed_start";
self.patrol_stop[ "path_end_idle" ] = "patrol_cold_crossed_stop";
self.patrol_end_idle[ 0 ] = "patrol_cold_crossed_pause";
level.lastColdPatrolAnimSetAssigned = "crossed";
self endon( "death" );
flag_wait( "truck_guys_alerted" );
println( "truck_guys_alerted" );
flag_wait( "convoy_half_way_across_bridge" );
guys = get_living_ai_array( "truck_guys", "script_noteworthy" );
if( guys.size == 0 )
self Vehicle_SetSpeed( 0, 15 );
screamer = random( guys );
screamer maps\_stealth_shared_utilities::enemy_announce_wtf();
//wait .5;
//self waittill( "safe_to_unload" );
self Vehicle_SetSpeed( 0, 15 );
wait 1;
self maps\_vehicle::vehicle_unload();
flag_set( "jeep_stopped" );
self endon( "death" );
//if ( flag( "_stealth_spotted" ) || self ent_flag( "_stealth_attack" ) )
// return;
level endon( "_stealth_spotted" );
self endon( "_stealth_attack" );
self ent_flag_init( "jumped_out" );
self ent_flag_init( "not_first_attack" );
self thread truck_guys_think_jumpout();
self maps\_stealth_shared_utilities::ai_create_behavior_function( "animation", "wrapper", ::truck_animation_wrapper );
//corpse_array = [];
//corpse_array[ "saw" ] = ::truck_guys_reaction_behavior;
//corpse_array[ "found" ] = ::truck_guys_reaction_behavior;
//self stealth_corpse_behavior_custom( corpse_array );
alert_array = [];
//alert_array[ "warning1" ] = ::truck_guys_reaction_behavior;
//alert_array[ "warning2" ] = ::truck_guys_reaction_behavior;
alert_array[ "attack" ] = ::truck_alert_level_attack;//default
self stealth_threat_behavior_custom( alert_array );
awareness_array = [];
awareness_array[ "explode" ] = ::truck_guys_no_enemy_reaction_behavior;
awareness_array[ "heard_scream" ] = ::truck_guys_no_enemy_reaction_behavior;
awareness_array[ "doFlashBanged" ] = ::truck_guys_no_enemy_reaction_behavior;
foreach ( key, value in awareness_array )
self maps\_stealth_event_enemy::stealth_event_mod( key, value );
self ent_flag_set( "_stealth_behavior_reaction_anim" );
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "_stealth_attack" );
level endon( "_stealth_spotted" );
wait 2;
self waittill( "_stealth_bad_event_listener" );
self maps\_stealth_shared_utilities::enemy_reaction_state_alert();
self ent_flag_set( "not_first_attack" );
truck_guys_base_search_behavior( node )
self endon( "_stealth_enemy_alert_level_change" );
level endon( "_stealth_spotted" );
self endon( "_stealth_attack" );
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "pain_death" );
self thread base_truck_guys_attacked_again();
self.disablearrivals = false;
self.disableexits = false;
distance = distance( node.origin, self.origin );
self setgoalnode( node );
self.goalradius = distance * .5;
wait 0.05; // because stealth system keeps clearing run anim on every enemy_animation_wrapper
self set_generic_run_anim( "_stealth_patrol_cqb" );
self waittill( "goal" );
self set_generic_run_anim( "patrol_cold_gunup_search", true );
self.disablearrivals = true;
self.disableexits = true;
self maps\_stealth_shared_utilities::enemy_runto_and_lookaround( node );
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "pain_death" );
while ( 1 )
self waittill( "jumpedout" );
self._stealth.behavior.last_spot = self.origin;
//self enemy_set_original_goal( self.origin );
self.got_off_truck_origin = self.origin;
self ent_flag_set( "jumped_out" );
self waittill( "enteredvehicle" );
wait .15;
self ent_flag_clear( "jumped_out" );
self ent_flag_set( "_stealth_behavior_reaction_anim" );
truck_animation_wrapper( type )
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "pain_death" );
flag_set( "truck_guys_alerted" );
self ent_flag_wait( "jumped_out" );
self maps\_stealth_shared_utilities::enemy_animation_wrapper( type );
truck_guys_reaction_behavior( type )
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "pain_death" );
level endon( "_stealth_spotted" );
self endon( "_stealth_attack" );
flag_set( "truck_guys_alerted" );
self ent_flag_wait( "jumped_out" );
if ( !flag( "truck_guys_alerted" ) )
if ( flag_exist( "truck_guys_not_going_back" ) && flag( "truck_guys_not_going_back" ) )
if ( !flag( "_stealth_spotted" ) && !self ent_flag( "_stealth_attack" ) )
player = get_closest_player( self.origin );
node = maps\_stealth_shared_utilities::enemy_find_free_pathnode_near( player.origin, 1500, 128 );
if ( isdefined( node ) )
self thread truck_guys_base_search_behavior( node );
spotted_flag = self group_get_flagname( "_stealth_spotted" );
if ( flag( spotted_flag ) )
self flag_waitopen( spotted_flag );
self waittill( "normal" );
truck_guys_no_enemy_reaction_behavior( type )
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "pain_death" );
level endon( "_stealth_spotted" );
self endon( "_stealth_attack" );
flag_set( "truck_guys_alerted" );
self ent_flag_wait( "jumped_out" );
if ( !flag( "truck_guys_alerted" ) )
if ( flag_exist( "truck_guys_not_going_back" ) && flag( "truck_guys_not_going_back" ) )
if ( !flag( "_stealth_spotted" ) && !self ent_flag( "_stealth_attack" ) )
origin = self._stealth.logic.event.awareness_param[ type ];
node = self maps\_stealth_shared_utilities::enemy_find_free_pathnode_near( origin, 300, 40 );
self thread maps\_stealth_shared_utilities::enemy_announce_wtf();
if ( isdefined( node ) )
self thread truck_guys_base_search_behavior( node );
spotted_flag = self group_get_flagname( "_stealth_spotted" );
if ( flag( spotted_flag ) )
self flag_waitopen( spotted_flag );
self waittill( "normal" );
truck_alert_level_attack( enemy )
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "pain_death" );
flag_set( "truck_guys_alerted" );
self ent_flag_wait( "jumped_out" );
self small_goal_attack_behavior();
//self maps\_stealth_threat_enemy::enemy_close_in_on_target();
//self cliffhanger_enemy_attack_behavior();
setObjectiveWaypoint( objName, text )
objective = level.objectives[objName];
if( isdefined( text ) )
Objective_SetPointerTextOverride( objective.id, text );
Objective_SetPointerTextOverride( objective.id );
registerObjective( objName, objText, objOrigin )
flag_init( objName );
if( !isdefined( level.objectives ) )
level.objectives = [];
objID = level.objectives.size;
newObjective = spawnStruct();
newObjective.name = objName;
newObjective.id = objID;
newObjective.state = "invisible";
newObjective.text = objText;
newObjective.origin = objOrigin;
newObjective.added = false;
level.objectives[objName] = newObjective;
return newObjective;
setObjectiveState( objName, objState )
assert( isDefined( level.objectives[objName] ) );
objective = level.objectives[objName];
objective.state = objState;
if ( !objective.added )
objective_add( objective.id, objective.state, objective.text, objective.origin );
objective.added = true;
objective_state( objective.id, objective.State );
if ( objective.state == "done" )
flag_set( objName );
setObjectiveString( objName, objString )
objective = level.objectives[objName];
objective.text = objString;
objective_string( objective.id, objString );
setObjectiveLocation( objName, objLoc )
objective = level.objectives[objName];
objective.loc = objLoc;
objective_position( objective.id, objective.loc );
setObjectiveLocationMoving( objName, objEnt, offset )
level notify( "moving " + objName );
level endon( "moving " + objName );
objective = level.objectives[objName];
Objective_OnEntity( objective.id, objEnt, offset );
//while( objective.state != "done" )
// if( !isdefined( objEnt ) )
// break;
// objective_position( objective.id, objEnt.origin + (0,0,64) );
// wait .05;
setObjectiveRemaining( objName, objString, objRemaining )
assert( isDefined( level.objectives[objName] ) );
objective = level.objectives[objName];
if ( !objRemaining )
objective_string( objective.id, objString );
objective_string( objective.id, objString, objRemaining );
//default_start( ::start_start );
//add_start( "start", ::start_start, "Start" );
////add_start( "bridge", ::start_bridge, "Bridge" );
//add_start( "slide", ::start_slide, "Slide" );
//add_start( "woods", ::start_woods, "Woods" );
//add_start( "ridge", ::start_ridge, "ridge" );
//add_start( "village", ::start_village, "village" );
//add_start( "base", ::start_base, "Base" );
//add_start( "dock", ::start_dock, "Dock" );
//add_start( "sub", ::start_sub, "Submarine" );
switch( level.start_point )
case "default":
case "start":
case "slide":
case "woods":
case "midwoods":
case "ridge":
case "village":
case "base":
case "defend_sub":
//case "exit_sub":
// objective_exit_sub();
flag_wait( "price_starts_moving" );
while( !isdefined( level.price ) )
wait .1;
registerObjective( "obj_price", &"CONTINGENCY_OBJ_PRICE", level.price.origin );
setObjectiveState( "obj_price", "current" );
thread setObjectiveLocationMoving( "obj_price", level.price, (0,0,70) );
//flag_wait( "time_to_use_UAV" );
if( level.gameSkill > 1 )
flag_wait( "base_alerted" );
flag_wait( "price_splits_off" );
//flag_wait( "both_gauntlets_destroyed" );
setObjectiveState( "obj_price", "done" );
// obj_base_entrance = getent( "obj_base_entrance", "targetname" );
// registerObjective( "obj_enter", &"CONTINGENCY_OBJ_ENTER_BASE", obj_base_entrance.origin );
// setObjectiveState( "obj_enter", "current" );
// flag_wait( "obj_base_entrance" );
// setObjectiveState( "obj_enter", "done" );
if( level.gameSkill <= 1 )
origin = ( -11742.0, 2368.0, 643.0 );
obj_reach_split_off = getstruct( "obj_reach_split_off", "targetname" );
if( isdefined( obj_reach_split_off ) )
origin = obj_reach_split_off.origin;
registerObjective( "obj_reach", &"CONTINGENCY_OBJ_ENTER_SUB", origin );
setObjectiveState( "obj_reach", "current" );
flag_wait( "price_splits_off" );
setObjectiveState( "obj_reach", "done" );
//obj_sub_entrance = getent( "obj_sub_entrance", "targetname" );
//registerObjective( "obj_sub", &"CONTINGENCY_OBJ_ENTER_SUB", obj_sub_entrance.origin );
//setObjectiveState( "obj_sub", "current" );
flag_wait( "price_splits_off" );
origin = getstruct( "obj_guard_house", "targetname" ).origin;
registerObjective( "obj_sub", &"CONTINGENCY_OBJ_DEFEND_SUB", origin + (0,0,48) );
setObjectiveState( "obj_sub", "current" );
setObjectiveWaypoint( "obj_sub", &"CONTINGENCY_OBJ_DEFEND" );
//setObjectiveString( "obj_sub", &"CONTINGENCY_OBJ_DEFEND_SUB" );
//setObjectiveLocation( "obj_sub", origin + (0,0,48) );
flag_wait( "close_sub_hatch" );
setObjectiveState( "obj_sub", "done" );
// flag_wait( "obj_sub_entrance" );
// origin = getstruct( "control_sub_obj_pos", "targetname" ).origin;
// setObjectiveString( "obj_sub", &"CONTINGENCY_OBJ_CONTROL_SUB" );
// setObjectiveLocation( "obj_sub", origin );
// flag_wait( "player_key_rdy" );
// origin = getent( "players_key", "targetname" ).origin;
// setObjectiveString( "obj_sub", &"CONTINGENCY_OBJ_TURN_KEY" );
// setObjectiveLocation( "obj_sub", origin );
// flag_wait( "player_turned_key" );
// setObjectiveState( "obj_sub", "done" );
// while( !isdefined( level.soap_truck ) )
// wait .1;
// registerObjective( "obj_exit", &"CONTINGENCY_OBJ_EXIT_SUB", level.soap_truck.origin );
// setObjectiveState( "obj_exit", "current" );
// thread setObjectiveLocationMoving( "obj_exit", level.soap_truck );
// flag_wait( "player_in_uaz" );
// setObjectiveState( "obj_exit", "done" );
save = true;
flag_wait( "base_entrance" );
if( isdefined( level.timer_allowed_time ) )
time_passed = ( gettime() - level.timer_start_time ) / 1000;
println( "time passed " + time_passed );
time_left = level.timer_allowed_time - time_passed;
println( "time left " + time_left );
if( time_left < 90 )
save = false;
save = true;
if( save )
autosave_by_name( "partway1" );
flag_wait( "player_is_halfway_to_sub" );
if( isdefined( level.timer_allowed_time ) )
time_passed = ( gettime() - level.timer_start_time ) / 1000;
println( "time passed " + time_passed );
time_left = level.timer_allowed_time - time_passed;
println( "time left " + time_left );
if( time_left < 80 )
save = false;
save = true;
if( save )
autosave_by_name( "partway2" );
flag_wait( "base_ending" );
if( isdefined( level.timer_allowed_time ) )
time_passed = ( gettime() - level.timer_start_time ) / 1000;
println( "time passed " + time_passed );
time_left = level.timer_allowed_time - time_passed;
println( "time left " + time_left );
if( time_left < 40 )
save = false;
save = true;
if( save )
autosave_by_name( "partway3" );
if ( getdvar( "notimer" ) == "1" )
dialogue_line = undefined;
level.timer_allowed_time = undefined;
switch( level.gameSkill )
case 0:// easy
//iSeconds = 240;
case 1:// regular
//iSeconds = 240;
case 2:// hardened
level.timer_allowed_time = 180;
case 3:// veteran
level.timer_allowed_time = 120;
assert( isdefined( level.timer_allowed_time ) );
thread dialog_time_nags( level.timer_allowed_time );
level thread timer_logic( level.timer_allowed_time, &"CONTINGENCY_TIME_TO_ENTER_SUB" );
level.timer_start_time = gettime();
timer_logic( iSeconds, sLabel, bUseTick )
if ( getdvar( "notimer" ) == "1" )
if ( !isdefined( bUseTick ) )
bUseTick = false;
// destroy any previous timer just in case
level endon( "kill_timer" );
level.hudTimerIndex = 20;
level.timer = maps\_hud_util::get_countdown_hud( -250 );
level.timer SetPulseFX( 30, 900000, 700 );// something, decay start, decay duration
level.timer.label = sLabel;
level.timer settenthstimer( iSeconds );
level.start_time = gettime();
if ( bUseTick == true )
thread timer_tick();
wait( iSeconds );
//flag_set( "timer_expired" );
level.timer destroy();
// Mission failed. The objective was not completed in time.
level thread mission_failed_out_of_time( &"CONTINGENCY_SUB_TIMER_EXPIRED" );
level notify( "kill_timer" );
if ( isdefined( level.timer ) )
level.timer destroy();
level endon( "stop_timer_tick" );
level endon( "kill_timer" );
while ( true )
wait( 1 );
level.player thread play_sound_on_entity( "countdown_beep" );
level notify( "timer_tick" );
mission_failed_out_of_time( deadquote )
level.player endon( "death" );
level endon( "kill_timer" );
level notify( "mission failed" );
level.player freezeControls( true );
//level.player thread player_death_effect();
//level.player thread play_sound_on_entity( "airplane_final_explosion" );
musicstop( 1 );
setDvar( "ui_deadquote", deadquote );
level notify( "kill_timer" );
set_threatbias_group( group )
assert( threatbiasgroupexists( group ) );
self setthreatbiasgroup( group );
self endon( "death" );
self ent_flag_waitopen( "_stealth_normal" );
wait randomfloatrange( .2, .8 );
PlayFXOnTag( level._effect[ "flashlight" ], self, "tag_flash" );
self.have_flashlight = true;
PlayFXOnTag( level._effect[ "flashlight" ], self, "tag_flash" );
self.have_flashlight = true;
bmp_turret_attack_player( end_if_cant_see, no_misses )
if( !isdefined( end_if_cant_see ) )
end_if_cant_see = false;
if( !isdefined( no_misses ) )
no_misses = false;
//self thread debug_bmp_hit_player();
self endon( "stop_shooting" );
self endon( "death" );
while ( 1 )
//choose our target based on distance and visibility
player = get_closest_player( self.origin );
if ( ! can_see_player( player ) )
dif_player = get_different_player( player );
if ( can_see_player( dif_player ) )
player = dif_player;
wait( randomfloatrange( 0.8, 1.3 ) );
// don't try to shoot a player with an RPG or Stinger
//if ( player usingAntiAirWeapon() )
// continue;
//dont try to shoot a player who is hiding a safe volume
//if ( player is_hidden_from_heli( self ) )
// continue;
//wait for player to be visible
while ( !can_see_player( player ) )
wait( randomfloatrange( 0.2, 0.6 ) );//was .8 1.3
if( !no_misses )
//saw player, now miss for 2 bursts
miss_player( player );
wait( randomfloatrange( 0.8, 2.4 ) );
miss_player( player );
wait( randomfloatrange( 0.8, 2.4 ) );
//if player is still exposed then hit him
while ( can_see_player( player ) )
fire_at_player( player );
wait( randomfloatrange( 2, 3 ) );
//player is hidden, now will suppress/hit him for 1 burst if he tries to peek out
//fire_at_player( player );
//wait( randomfloatrange( .3, 1 ) );
if( end_if_cant_see )
if( !can_see_player( player ) )
self clearturrettarget();
self.turret_busy = false;
//self ent_flag_clear( "spotted_player" );
//flag_clear ("bmp_has_spotted_player" );
self notify( "stop_shooting" );
//fire_at_player( player );
can_see_player( player )
if( distance( self.origin, level.player.origin ) < level.min_btr_fighting_range )
return false;
tag_flash_loc = self getTagOrigin( "tag_flash" );
//BulletTracePassed( <start>, <end>, <hit characters>, <ignore entity> );
player_eye = player geteye();
if ( SightTracePassed( tag_flash_loc, player_eye, false, self ) )
if( isdefined( level.debug ) )
line( tag_flash_loc, player_eye, ( 0.2, 0.5, 0.8 ), 0.5, false, 60 );
return true;
//println( " ---trace failed" );
return false;
fire_at_player( player )
burstsize = randomintrange( 3, 5 );
//println(" **HITTING PLAYER, burst: " + burstsize );
fireTime = .2;
for ( i = 0; i < burstsize; i++ )
self setturrettargetent( player, randomvector( 20 ) + ( 0, 0, 32 ) );//randomvec was 50
self fireweapon();
wait fireTime;
miss_player( player )
//println(" missing player" );
//miss_vec = randomvector( 100 );
//miss_vec = randomvectorrange( 40, 100 );
//point in front of player
forward = AnglesToForward( level.player.angles );
forwardfar = vector_multiply( forward, 100 );
miss_vec = forwardfar + randomvector( 50 );
burstsize = randomintrange( 4, 6 );
fireTime = .2;
for ( i = 0; i < burstsize; i++ )
offset = randomvector( 15 ) + miss_vec + (0,0,64);
//println( " offset: " + offset );
//thread draw_line_for_time( self.origin+(0,0,128), player.origin+offset, 0, 0, 1, 2 );
//thread draw_line_for_time( player.origin+offset+(0,0,4), player.origin+offset, 0, 0, 1, 2 );
self setturrettargetent( player, offset );
self fireweapon();
wait fireTime;