
229 lines
5.2 KiB

#include maps\mp\_utility;
#include common_scripts\utility;
precacheString( &"SCRIPT_RADIATION_DEATH" );
radiationFields = getentarray("radiation", "targetname");
if (radiationFields.size > 0)
precacheshellshock( "mp_radiation_low" );
precacheshellshock( "mp_radiation_med" );
precacheshellshock( "mp_radiation_high" );
foreach ( trigger in radiationFields )
trigger thread common_scripts\_dynamic_world::triggerTouchThink( ::playerEnterArea, ::playerLeaveArea );
thread onPlayerConnect();
for ( ;; )
level waittill ( "connected", player );
player.numAreas = 0;
playerEnterArea( trigger )
if ( self.numAreas == 1 )
self radiationEffect();
playerLeaveArea( trigger )
assert( self.numAreas >= 0 );
if ( self.numAreas != 0 )
self.poison = 0;
self notify( "leftTrigger");
if ( isDefined( self.radiationOverlay ) )
self.radiationOverlay fadeoutBlackOut( .10, 0 );
soundWatcher( soundOrg )
self waittill_any( "death", "leftTrigger" );
self stopLoopSound();
self endon( "disconnect" );
self endon( "game_ended" );
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "leftTrigger" );
self.poison = 0;
self thread soundWatcher( self );
while (1)
self.poison ++;
switch( self.poison )
case 1:
self.radiationSound = "item_geigercouner_level2";
self playLoopSound( self.radiationSound );
self ViewKick( 1, self.origin );
case 3:
self shellshock( "mp_radiation_low", 4);
self.radiationSound = "item_geigercouner_level3";
self stopLoopSound();
self playLoopSound( self.radiationSound );
self ViewKick( 3, self.origin );
self doRadiationDamage(15);
case 4:
self shellshock( "mp_radiation_med", 5);
self.radiationSound = "item_geigercouner_level3";
self stopLoopSound();
self playLoopSound( self.radiationSound );
self ViewKick( 15, self.origin );
self thread blackout();
self doRadiationDamage(25);
case 6:
self shellshock( "mp_radiation_high", 5);
self.radiationSound = "item_geigercouner_level4";
self stopLoopSound();
self playLoopSound( self.radiationSound );
self ViewKick( 75, self.origin );
self doRadiationDamage(45);
case 8:
self shellshock( "mp_radiation_high", 5);
self.radiationSound = "item_geigercouner_level4";
self stopLoopSound();
self playLoopSound( self.radiationSound );
self ViewKick( 127, self.origin );
self doRadiationDamage(175);
blackout( )
self endon( "disconnect" );
self endon( "game_ended" );
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "leftTrigger" );
if ( !isDefined( self.radiationOverlay ) )
self.radiationOverlay = newClientHudElem( self );
self.radiationOverlay.x = 0;
self.radiationOverlay.y = 0;
self.radiationOverlay setshader( "black", 640, 480 );
self.radiationOverlay.alignX = "left";
self.radiationOverlay.alignY = "top";
self.radiationOverlay.horzAlign = "fullscreen";
self.radiationOverlay.vertAlign = "fullscreen";
self.radiationOverlay.alpha = 0;
min_length = 1;
max_length = 2;
min_alpha = .25;
max_alpha = 1;
min_percent = 5;
max_percent = 100;
fraction = 0;
for ( ;; )
while ( self.poison > 1 )
percent_range = max_percent - min_percent;
fraction = ( self.poison - min_percent ) / percent_range;
if ( fraction < 0 )
fraction = 0;
else if ( fraction > 1 )
fraction = 1;
length_range = max_length - min_length;
length = min_length + ( length_range * ( 1 - fraction ) );
alpha_range = max_alpha - min_alpha;
alpha = min_alpha + ( alpha_range * fraction );
end_alpha = fraction * 0.5;
if ( fraction == 1 )
duration = length / 2;
self.radiationOverlay fadeinBlackOut( duration, alpha );
self.radiationOverlay fadeoutBlackOut( duration, end_alpha);
// wait a variable amount based on self.radiation.totalpercent, this is the space in between pulses
//wait 1;
wait( fraction * 0.5 );
if ( fraction == 1 )
if ( self.radiationOverlay.alpha != 0 )
self.radiationOverlay fadeoutBlackOut( 1, 0);
wait 0.05;
self.radiationOverlay fadeinBlackOut( 2, 0);
doRadiationdamage( iDamage )
self thread [[ level.callbackPlayerDamage ]](
self,// eInflictor The entity that causes the damage.( e.g. a turret )
self,// eAttacker The entity that is attacking.
iDamage,// iDamage Integer specifying the amount of damage done
0,// iDFlags Integer specifying flags that are to be applied to the damage
"MOD_SUICIDE",// sMeansOfDeath Integer specifying the method of death
"claymore_mp",// sWeapon The weapon number of the weapon used to inflict the damage
self.origin,// vPoint The point the damage is from?
( 0,0,0 ) - self.origin,// vDir The direction of the damage
"none",// sHitLoc The location of the hit
0// psOffsetTime The time offset for the damage
fadeinBlackOut( duration, alpha )
self fadeOverTime( duration );
self.alpha = alpha;
wait duration;
fadeoutBlackOut( duration, alpha )
self fadeOverTime( duration );
self.alpha = alpha;
wait duration;