1677 lines
35 KiB
1677 lines
35 KiB
#include maps\_utility;
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\_hud_util;
#include maps\_specialops;
#include maps\_specialops_code;
#include maps\so_chopper_invasion;
// "Gunslinger One to ground, primary LZ is too hot! We've got ten-plus hostiles in our immediate AO and cannot remain on the ground, over!"
level.scr_radio[ "lift_off" ] = "so_chop_inv_hp1_lz2hot";
// "Ground forces, we're going to link up at the secondary extraction point. Head for the roof of Nate's Sports Bar, to the East."
level.scr_radio[ "objective" ] = "so_chop_inv_hp1_enghost";
// "Gunner, you are cleared to engage hostiles. Watch out for friendlies on the ground, over."
level.scr_radio[ "objective2" ] = "so_chop_inv_hp1_gunner";
// "Gunslinger-One to ground forces, find some cover! We are tracking a platoon-sized group of hostiles behind that barricade at the end of the street, over!"
level.scr_radio[ "drive_by" ] = "so_chop_inv_hp1_findcover";
// "Danger close ground forces, we're comin' in hot! Gunner, you are cleared to engage hostiles by the barricade."
level.scr_radio[ "start_drive_by" ] = "so_chop_inv_hp1_by_barricade";
// "Good effect on target, Gunner - whoa, hang on!"
level.scr_radio[ "evade_rpgs" ] = "so_chop_inv_hp1_goodeffect";
// "Ground forces be advised, we've got RPGs in the area, over. We’re coming back around for a strafing run here in a second."
level.scr_radio[ "evade_extra" ] = "so_chop_inv_hp1_rpgs";
// "Gunslinger-One to ground, we are starting our strafing run, over. Gunner, light 'em up."
level.scr_radio[ "drive_by_payback" ] = "so_chop_inv_hp1_lightemup";
// "Guns guns guns!"
level.scr_radio[ "drive_by_guns_guns_guns" ] = "so_chop_inv_hp1_guns";
// "Gunslinger-One to ground, repositioning to your location, over."
level.scr_radio[ "back_to_squad" ] = "so_chop_inv_hp1_reposition";
// "Gunslinger-One to ground, be advised, we are tracking a convoy of enemy trucks movin' in from the southeast, recommend you let us handle those, over."
level.scr_radio[ "convoy" ] = "so_chop_inv_hp1_ba_trucks";
// "Gunslinger-One to ground, we see you! Maintain your location on the roof, we're en route!"
level.scr_radio[ "on_the_roof" ] = "so_chop_inv_hp1_weseeyou";
// "Ground forces, let's go let's go! We are at the roof and ready to link up for extraction!"
level.scr_radio[ "end_reminder_1" ] = "so_chop_inv_hp1_letsgo";
// "Ground forces, pick up the pace, we're sitting ducks up here!"
level.scr_radio[ "end_reminder_2" ] = "so_chop_inv_hp1_pace";
// "Jump! You'll make it!"
level.scr_radio[ "jump" ] = "so_chop_inv_hp1_jump";
// "Ground forces, link up on the roof of Nate's Sports Bar!"
level.scr_radio[ "objective_reminder_1" ] = "so_chop_inv_hp1_linkup";
// "Gunslinger One to ground, meet us up on the roof of Nate's Sports Bar!"
level.scr_radio[ "objective_reminder_2" ] = "so_chop_inv_hp1_meetus";
// "Ground forces, get to the roof of Nate's Sports Bar!"
level.scr_radio[ "objective_reminder_3" ] = "so_chop_inv_hp1_gettoroof";
// "Gunner, watch your fire - that's a friendly!"
level.scr_radio[ "friendlyfire_1" ] = "so_chop_inv_hp1_friendly_01";
// "Gunner, that is friendly fire! Check your aim!"
level.scr_radio[ "friendlyfire_2" ] = "so_chop_inv_hp1_friendly_02";
// "That's a friendly down there, Gunner! Focus up!"
level.scr_radio[ "friendlyfire_3" ] = "so_chop_inv_hp1_friendly_03";
level._effect[ "chopper_minigun_shells" ] = LoadFX( "shellejects/20mm_cargoship" );
fx = getfx( "chopper_minigun_shells" );
tag = "tag_turret";
while ( 1 )
if ( self AttackButtonPressed() )
PlayFXOnTag( fx, level.chopper, tag );
wait( 0.05 );
level.enemies = [];
allspawners = GetSpawnerTeamArray( "axis" );
array_thread( allspawners, ::add_spawn_function, ::so_chopper_invasion_enemy_spawnfunc );
self pathrandompercent_set( 800 );
if ( IsSubStr( self.code_classname, "juggernaut" ) )
self thread so_chopper_invasion_juggernaut_init();
level.activeEnemies[ level.enemies.size ] = self;
self thread so_chopper_invasion_enemy_deathcleanup();
self SetThreatBiasGroup( "juggernauts" );
//self thread juggernaut_hud_box();
offset = ( 0, 0, 32 );
Target_Set( self, offset );
self waittill( "death" );
Target_Remove( self );
self waittill( "death" );
level.activeEnemies = array_remove( level.enemies, self );
// TODO maybe genericize this
get_targeted_line_array( start )
arr = [];
arr[ 0 ] = start;
point = start;
while ( IsDefined( point.target ) )
nextpoint = getstruct( point.target, "targetname" );
if ( !IsDefined( nextpoint ) )
nextpoint = GetEnt( point.target, "targetname" );
if ( !IsDefined( nextpoint ) )
nextpoint = GetNode( point.target, "targetname" );
if ( !IsDefined( nextpoint ) )
nextpoint = GetVehicleNode( point.target, "targetname" );
if ( IsDefined( nextpoint ) )
arr[ arr.size ] = nextpoint;
point = nextpoint;
return arr;
milliseconds( seconds )
return seconds * 1000;
seconds( milliseconds )
return milliseconds / 1000;
// AI Section ---------------------------------------------
self endon( "death" );
if ( !IsDefined( self.target ) )
points = getstructarray( self.target, "targetname" );
while ( 1 )
if ( points.size == 0 )
point = points[ 0 ];
if ( points.size > 1 )
point = points[ RandomInt( points.size ) ];
if ( IsDefined( point.radius ) )
self.goalradius = point.radius;
self SetGoalPos( point.origin );
self waittill( "goal" );
if ( IsDefined( point.script_noteworthy ) )
if ( point.script_noteworthy == "so_shoot_rpg" )
self.a.rockets = 1;
// target = GetEnt( "so_rpg_target", "targetname" );
self SetEntityTarget( level.chopper );
self.ignoreall = false;
level notify( "so_rpgs_shot" );
if ( IsDefined( point.script_flag_wait ) )
flag_wait( point.script_flag_wait );
if ( IsDefined( point.script_noteworthy ) )
if ( point.script_noteworthy == "so_shoot_rpg" )
self SetCanDamage( true );
point script_delay();
if ( IsDefined( point.script_noteworthy ) )
if ( point.script_noteworthy == "so_shoot_rpg" )
self ClearEntityTarget();
if ( !IsDefined( point.target ) )
points = getstructarray( point.target, "targetname" );
self.goalradius = level.default_goalradius;
self SetCanDamage( false );
next_time = 0;
duration = 3000;
while ( 1 )
level.groundplayer waittill( "damage", dmg, attacker );
if ( attacker == level.chopper )
if ( GetTime() > next_time )
next_time = GetTime() + duration;
chopper_dialog( "friendlyfire" );
// ---------------------
// --- CHOPPER STUFF ---
// ---------------------
#using_animtree( "vehicles" );
maps\_blackhawk_minigun::main( "vehicle_blackhawk_minigun_hero", "blackhawk_minigun_so" );
self ClearGoalYaw();
self.speed_setting = "none";
self chopper_default_speed();
self SetHoverParams( 50, 10, 3 );
self chopper_default_pitch_roll();
self SetNearGoalNotifyDist( 200 );
self SetMaxPitchRoll( 0, 0 );
if ( self.speed_setting == "default" )
self.speed_setting = "default";
// self Vehicle_SetSpeed( 15, 7.5 );
// self Vehicle_SetSpeed( 20, 10, 10 );
self Vehicle_SetSpeed( 20, 20, 20 );
if ( self.speed_setting == "slow" && self.speed_setting != "force_default" )
self.speed_setting = "slow";
self Vehicle_SetSpeed( 10, 20, 20 );
if ( self.speed_setting == "high" )
self.speed_setting = "high";
self Vehicle_SetSpeed( 30, 20, 20 );
// Mouns the player to the chopper
chopper_playermount( player )
player AllowCrouch( false );
player AllowProne( false );
player AllowSprint( false );
player AllowJump( false );
self maps\_blackhawk_minigun::player_mount_blackhawk_gun( true, player, false );
self chopper_defaults();
chopper_dialog( alias )
if ( flag( "special_op_terminated" ) )
aliases = [];
switch( alias )
case "end_reminder":
aliases[ 0 ] = "end_reminder_1";
aliases[ 1 ] = "end_reminder_2";
case "objective_reminder":
aliases[ 0 ] = "objective_reminder_1";
aliases[ 1 ] = "objective_reminder_2";
aliases[ 2 ] = "objective_reminder_3";
case "friendlyfire":
aliases[ 0 ] = "friendlyfire_1";
aliases[ 1 ] = "friendlyfire_2";
aliases[ 2 ] = "friendlyfire_3";
if ( aliases.size > 0 )
alias = aliases[ RandomInt( aliases.size ) ];
thread radio_dialogue( alias );
// Kicks off the chopper threads
// draw_high_obstacles();
self SetMaxPitchRoll( 30, 30 );
level.chopper_segment_points = 15;
level.chopper_range_from_point = 1300;
level.chopper_base_elevation = 3100;
level.chopper_lookat_point = level.groundplayer.origin;
chopper_dialog( "lift_off" );
// initial getting into the air
liftoffPath = get_targeted_line_array( self.start );
for ( i = 1; i < liftoffPath.size; i++ )
if ( i == 1 )
self Vehicle_SetSpeed( 20, 6, 6 );
self chopper_default_speed();
node = liftoffPath[ i ];
self SetGoalYaw( node.angles[ 1 ] );
self SetVehGoalPos( node.origin, 0 );
self waittill_either( "near_goal", "goal" );
chopper_dialog( "objective" );
chopper_dialog( "objective2" );
self chopper_defaults();
level.chopperhint_time = GetTime();
level.chopperplayer thread display_hint_timeout( "ads_slowdown", 5 );
self thread chopper_gun_face_entity( level.groundplayer );
self thread chopper_move_with_player();
// self thread chopper_target();
self thread debug_chopper_base_path();
if ( GetTime() > level.chopperhint_time + 2000 )
if ( chopperplayer_pressing_slowdown() )
return true;
return false;
spawner = GetEnt( "so_choppergunner_spawner", "targetname" );
drone = maps\_spawner::spawner_dronespawn( spawner );
drone LinkTo( level.chopper, "tag_player" );
level.chopper chopper_follow_path( "so_chopper_driveby", false );
level.chopper notify( "stop_chopper_gun_face_entity" );
level.chopper chopper_defaults();
level.chopper SetHoverParams( 10, 2, 1 );
level.chopper ClearLookAtEnt();
level.chopper thread chopper_gun_face_entity( getstruct( "so_chopper_gasstation_lookat", "targetname" ) );
wait( 1 );
struct = getstruct( "so_last_driveby_point", "script_noteworthy" );
level.chopper SetVehGoalPos( struct.origin, 1 );
level.chopper SetHoverParams( 10, 2, 1 );
level.chopper Vehicle_SetSpeed( 5, 1, 1 );
level.chopper thread chopper_fake_hover( struct.origin );
level waittill( "never" );
chopper_fake_hover( origin, dist, use_goal )
self endon( "stop_chopper_fake_hover" );
if ( !IsDefined( dist ) )
dist = 100;
while ( 1 )
x = RandomFloatRange( dist * -1, dist );
y = RandomFloatRange( dist * -1, dist );
z = RandomFloatRange( dist * -1, dist );
self SetVehGoalPos( origin + ( x, y, z ), 1 );
if ( IsDefined( use_goal ) && use_goal )
self Vehicle_SetSpeed( 5 + RandomInt( 10 ), 3, 3 );
self waittill( "goal" );
wait( RandomFloatRange( 3, 5 ) );
// while ( 1 )
// {
// wait( 0.5 );
// foreach ( ai in GetAIArray( "axis" ) )
// {
// if ( !IsDefined( ai.showing_as_target ) && IsAlive( ai ) && !( IsDefined( ai.a.special ) && ai.a.special == "none" ) )
// {
// ai.showing_as_target = true;
// Target_Set( ai, ( 0, 0, 32 ) );
// Target_SetShader( ai, "remotemissile_infantry_target" );
// Target_ShowToPlayer( ai, level.chopperplayer );
// }
// }
// }
// Handles the chopper orientation with the ground player
chopper_gun_face_entity( ent, wait_for_goal, delay )
self notify( "stop_chopper_gun_face_entity" );
self endon( "stop_chopper_gun_face_entity" );
if ( !IsDefined( level.chopper_gun_ground_entity ) )
level.chopper_gun_ground_entity = Spawn( "script_origin", self.origin );
if ( IsDefined( wait_for_goal ) && wait_for_goal )
self SetMaxPitchRoll( 20, 20 );
// self waittill_either( "near_goal", "goal" );
self waittill( "chopper_near_goal" );
self chopper_default_pitch_roll();
if ( !IsDefined( delay ) )
delay = 1;
self delayCall( delay, ::SetLookAtEnt, level.chopper_gun_ground_entity );
while ( 1 )
if ( ent == level.groundplayer )
lookat_origin = level.chopper_lookat_point;
lookat_origin = ent.origin;
// "forward" = vector from the chopper to the groundplayer
forwardvec = VectorNormalize( lookat_origin - self.origin );
forwardangles = VectorToAngles( forwardvec );
rightvec = AnglesToRight( forwardangles );
backvec = rightvec * -1;
neworigin = self.origin + ( backvec * 100 );
level.chopper_gun_ground_entity.origin = neworigin;
wait( 0.05 );
// Overall chopper movement thread
chopper_move_with_player( player )
thread debug_player_pos();
self.chopper_pathpoint = chopper_get_closest_pathpoint( 3 );
self.no_bline_to_goal = true;
just_started = true;
// update_direction_duration = 5000;
// next_update_direction = GetTime() + update_direction_duration;
self chopper_reset_range_points();
self.slowdown_points = [];
while ( 1 )
if ( self ent_flag( "manual_control" ) )
wait( 0.1 );
self SetNearGoalNotifyDist( 200 );
self.chopper_pathpoint = chopper_get_next_pathpoint( self.chopper_pathpoint[ "index" ] );
if ( just_started )
just_started = false;
self.no_bline_to_goal = false;
// if ( GetTime() > next_update_direction )
// {
// next_update_direction = GetTime() + update_direction_duration;
// chopper_update_enemy_direction();
// }
// enemies = GetAiArray( "axis" );
// self.slowdown_points = [];
// if ( GetDvarInt( "test_chopper_path" ) < 1 )
// {
// return;
// }
// if ( enemies.size == 0 )
// {
// return;
// }
// origins = ( 0, 0, 0 );
// foreach ( enemy in enemies )
// {
// origins += enemy.origin;
// }
// avg_origin = ( origins[ 0 ] / enemies.size, origins[ 1 ] / enemies.size, origins[ 2 ] / enemies.size );
// angles = VectorToAngles( avg_origin - level.groundplayer.origin );
// angles = ( AngleClamp( angles[ 0 ] ), AngleClamp( angles[ 1 ] ), AngleClamp( angles[ 2 ] ) );
// // Figure out what points along the chopper points for the angles
// y = AngleClamp( angles[ 1 ] + 180 );
// within = 60;
// for ( i = 0; i < level.chopper_segment_points; i++ )
// {
// temp = AngleClamp( ( ( 360 / level.chopper_segment_points ) * -1 ) * i );//* - 1 to have the reverse effect of movement( forward )
// if ( temp <= ( y + within ) && temp >= ( y - within ) )
// {
// self.slowdown_points[ i ] = true;
// }
// else
// {
// self.slowdown_points[ i ] = false;
// }
// }
// level thread debug_draw_enemy_direction( angles, "update_enemy_direction" );
// Keeps updating the choppers goal, incase the ground player moves, will end once the chopper
// reaches it's goal.
self endon( "chopper_near_goal" );
self endon( "manual_control" );
self thread chopper_notify_near_goal();
is_far = false;
while ( 1 )
pos = chopper_get_pathpoint( self.chopper_pathpoint[ "index" ] );
level thread debug_draw_chopper_line( pos, "final_destination", ( 0, 1, 0 ) );
// If the chopper is too far away from it's goal, figure out a b-line path to the closest
// Assume that we need to get back on track...
if ( !self.no_bline_to_goal && distance2d_squared( pos, self.origin ) > 1000 * 1000 )
// Stop the endon until we are close enough
is_far = true;
self notify( "stop_chopper_notify_near_goal" );
info = chopper_get_closest_pathpoint();
pos = info[ "point" ];
self.chopper_pathpoint = info;
level thread debug_draw_chopper_line( pos, "final_destination", ( 0, 1, 0 ) );
pos = chopper_get_bline_path_point( pos );
level thread debug_draw_chopper_line( pos, "closer_point" );
if ( self ent_flag( "manual_control" ) )
self SetVehGoalPos( pos );
self waittill_either( "near_goal", "goal" );
if ( is_far )
// Reinitiate the chopper_notify_near_goal since we stopped it before
self thread chopper_notify_near_goal();
is_far = false;
if ( self ent_flag( "manual_control" ) )
// Line( pos, pos + ( 0, 0, 2000 ), ( 1, 1, 0 ), 2 );
level thread debug_draw_chopper_line( pos, "closer_point" );
self SetVehGoalPos( pos );
wait( 0.1 );
if ( level.chopperplayer AdsButtonPressed() || level.chopperplayer UseButtonPressed() )
return true;
return false;
// if ( GetDvarInt( "test_chopper_slowdown" ) == 1 )
// {
if ( chopperplayer_pressing_slowdown() )
// }
self notify( "stop_chopper_notify_near_goal" );
self endon( "stop_chopper_notify_near_goal" );
self waittill_either( "near_goal", "goal" );
self notify( "chopper_near_goal" );
// Returns the 1 chopper flight path, depending on the num passed in
chopper_get_pathpoint( num )
add_angles = ( 360 / level.chopper_segment_points ) * -1;//* - 1 to have the reverse effect of movement( forward )
angles = ( 0, add_angles * num, 0 );
forward = AnglesToForward( angles );
// point = level.groundplayer.origin + vector_multiply( forward, level.chopper_range_from_point );
if ( is_player_in_parking_lot() )
level.chopper_lookat_point = get_parkinglot_point();
point = level.chopper_lookat_point + vector_multiply( forward, level.chopper_range_from_point );
level.chopper_lookat_point = get_closest_point_on_base_path();
point = level.chopper_lookat_point + vector_multiply( forward, level.chopper_range_from_point );
point = chopper_get_pointheight( point );
return point;
chopper_get_bline_path_point( pos )
angles = VectorToAngles( pos - level.chopper.origin );
forward = AnglesToForward( angles );
point = level.chopper.origin + vector_multiply( forward, 500 );
point = chopper_get_pointheight( point );
return point;
// Returns all of the choppers flight path points
points = [];
for ( i = 0; i < level.chopper_segment_points; i++ )
points[ i ] = chopper_get_pathpoint( i );
return points;
// Takes the given point and adjusts it's Z coordinate depending on the obstacles.
chopper_get_pointheight( point )
base = level.chopper_base_elevation;
height = base;
info = chopper_get_closest_obstacle_info( point );
if( IsDefined( info[ "struct" ] ) )
if ( info[ "dist" ] < info[ "min_radius" ] )
height = info[ "struct" ].origin[ 2 ];
// height = level.chopper_base_elevation + ( ( info[ "struct" ].origin[ 2 ] - level.chopper_base_elevation ) * ( info[ "dist" ] / ( info[ "max_radius" ] - info[ "min_radius" ] ) ) );
height_diff = info[ "struct" ].origin[ 2 ] - level.chopper_base_elevation;
height_perc = info[ "dist" ] / ( info[ "max_radius" ] - info[ "min_radius" ] );
height = base + ( height_diff * height_perc );
if( height < base )
height = base;
point = ( point[ 0 ], point[ 1 ], height );
return point;
// Return the closest and highest struct
chopper_get_closest_obstacle_info( point )
structs = getstructarray( "high_obstacle", "targetname" );
// First find all of the structs the point within it's radius.
close_structs = [];
dist_array = [];
min_radius_array = [];
max_radius_array = [];
foreach ( struct in structs )
max_radius = 600;
if ( IsDefined( struct.radius ) )
max_radius = struct.radius;
min_radius = max_radius * 0.5;
test_dist = Distance2D( point, struct.origin );
if ( test_dist < max_radius )
close_structs[ close_structs.size ] = struct;
dist_array[ dist_array.size ] = test_dist;
min_radius_array[ min_radius_array.size ] = min_radius;
max_radius_array[ max_radius_array.size ] = max_radius;
// Now filter out the highest struct and return it
highest_struct = undefined;
dist = undefined;
min_radius = undefined;
max_radius = undefined;
if ( close_structs.size > 0 )
highest_struct = close_structs[ 0 ];
dist = dist_array[ 0 ];
min_radius = min_radius_array[ 0 ];
max_radius = max_radius_array[ 0 ];
for ( i = 1; i < close_structs.size; i++ )
if ( close_structs[ i ].origin[ 2 ] > highest_struct.origin [ 2 ] )
highest_struct = close_structs[ i ];
dist = dist_array[ i ];
min_radius = min_radius_array[ i ];
max_radius = max_radius_array[ i ];
info = [];
info[ "struct" ] = highest_struct;
info[ "dist" ] = dist;
info[ "min_radius" ] = min_radius;
info[ "max_radius" ] = max_radius;
return info;
// 0 = along the X
chopper_set_range_points( min_num, max_num )
self.min_point_on_pathpoints = min_num;
self.max_point_on_pathpoints = max_num;
self.min_point_on_pathpoints = 0;
self.max_point_on_pathpoints = 0;
self.hover_direction = 1;
// Returns the next point (in array form for extra info) on the path
chopper_get_next_pathpoint( num )
points = chopper_get_pathpoints();
min_point = self.min_point_on_pathpoints;
max_point = self.max_point_on_pathpoints;
// if not 0 and 0, then stay within the range
if ( min_point - max_point != 0 )
if ( num == min_point )
self.hover_direction = 1;
else if ( num == max_point )
self.hover_direction = -1;
num = num + self.hover_direction;
self.hover_direction = 1;
if ( num < 0 )
num = level.chopper_segment_points - 1;
if ( num >= points.size )
num = 0;
info = [];
info[ "point" ] = points[ num ];
info[ "index" ] = num;
// Slow down section
// if ( GetDvarInt( "test_chopper_path" ) > 0 )
// {
// if ( self.slowdown_points.size > 0 )
// {
// if ( self.slowdown_points[ num ] )
// {
// info[ "enemydir" ] = true;
// }
// }
// }
return info;
// Returns the closest point (in array form for extra info) on the path
chopper_get_closest_pathpoint( add_index )
points = chopper_get_pathpoints();
dist = DistanceSquared( points[ 0 ], level.chopper.origin );
closest = points[ 0 ];
index = 0;
foreach ( i, point in points )
test = DistanceSquared( point, level.chopper.origin );
if ( test < dist )
closest = point;
index = i;
dist = test;
info = [];
if ( IsDefined( add_index ) )
index = index + add_index;
if ( index > level.chopper_segment_points )
index = index - level.chopper_segment_points;
info[ "point" ] = chopper_get_pathpoint( index );
info[ "index" ] = index;
info[ "point" ] = closest;
info[ "index" ] = index;
return info;
chopper_follow_path( path_targetname, follow_player_when_done, dialog, safe_flight )
self notify( "stop_chopper_fake_hover" );
self notify( "stop_chopper_gun_face_entity" );
self ClearLookAtEnt();
self.speed_setting = "none";
self ent_flag_set( "manual_control" );
if ( !IsDefined( safe_flight ) )
safe_flight = false;
path_start = getstruct( path_targetname, "targetname" );
path_point = path_start;
going_to_start = true;
while ( IsDefined( path_point ) )
if ( IsDefined( path_point.speed ) )
speed = path_point.speed;
accel = 20;
decel = 10;
if ( IsDefined( path_point.script_accel ) )
accel = path_point.script_accel;
if ( IsDefined( path_point.script_decel ) )
decel = path_point.script_decel;
self Vehicle_SetSpeed( path_point.speed, accel, decel );
if ( IsDefined( path_point.script_speed ) )
speed = path_point.script_speed;
accel = 20;
decel = 10;
if ( IsDefined( path_point.script_accel ) )
accel = path_point.script_accel;
if ( IsDefined( path_point.script_decel ) )
decel = path_point.script_decel;
self Vehicle_SetSpeedImmediate( path_point.script_speed, accel, decel );
if ( IsDefined( path_point.radius ) )
self SetNearGoalNotifyDist( path_point.radius );
stop_at_goal = false;
if ( IsDefined( path_point.script_stopnode ) && path_point.script_stopnode )
stop_at_goal = true;
self SetGoalYaw( path_point.angles[ 1 ] );
// If the chopper is too far away from it's goal, figure out a b-line path
if ( going_to_start && safe_flight )
while ( distance2d_squared( path_point.origin, self.origin ) > 1000 * 1000 )
point = chopper_get_bline_path_point( path_point.origin );
self SetVehGoalPos( point, stop_at_goal );
self waittill_either( "near_goal", "goal" );
self SetVehGoalPos( path_point.origin, stop_at_goal );
self waittill_either( "near_goal", "goal" );
if ( IsDefined( path_point.script_flag_set ) )
flag_set( path_point.script_flag_set );
going_to_start = false;
if ( IsDefined( path_point.script_noteworthy ) )
[[ level.chopper_funcs[ path_point.script_noteworthy ]]]();
path_point script_delay();
if ( !IsDefined( path_point.target ) )
path_point = getstruct( path_point.target, "targetname" );
self notify( "follow_path_done" );
if ( IsDefined( follow_player_when_done ) && follow_player_when_done )
self chopper_defaults();
self.chopper_pathpoint = chopper_get_closest_pathpoint();
self ent_flag_clear( "manual_control" );
self thread chopper_gun_face_entity( level.groundplayer, true );
if ( IsDefined( dialog ) )
chopper_dialog( dialog );
point = level.groundplayer.origin;
point = ( clamp( point[ 0 ], -2400, 3100 ), clamp( point[ 1 ], -5300, -700 ), point[ 2 ] );
return point;
paths = [];
struct_array = getstructarray( "base_player_path", "targetname" );
foreach ( struct in struct_array )
paths[ paths.size ] = get_targeted_line_array( struct );
points = [];
foreach ( path in paths )
for ( i = 0; i < path.size - 1; i++ )
points[ points.size ] = PointOnSegmentNearestToPoint( path[ i ].origin, path[ i + 1 ].origin, level.groundplayer.origin );
dist = DistanceSquared( points[ 0 ], level.groundplayer.origin );
closest_point = points[ 0 ];
foreach ( point in points )
test_dist = DistanceSquared( point, level.groundplayer.origin );
if ( test_dist < dist )
closest_point = point;
dist = test_dist;
// Let's not go more than 200 units off the base path
if ( distance2d_squared( closest_point, level.groundplayer.origin ) > 200 * 200 )
angles = VectorToAngles( level.groundplayer.origin - closest_point );
forward = AnglesToForward( angles );
closest_point = closest_point + vector_multiply( forward, 200 );
closest_point = level.groundplayer.origin;
return closest_point;
distance2d_squared( pos1, pos2 )
pos1 = ( pos1[ 0 ], pos1[ 1 ], 0 );
pos2 = ( pos2[ 0 ], pos2[ 1 ], 0 );
return DistanceSquared( pos1, pos2 );
return level.groundplayer IsTouching( GetEnt( "so_parkinglot", "targetname" ) );
// TRUCK Section ------------------------------------------
level.truck_spawner = GetEnt( "gas_station_truck", "targetname" );
level.truck_ai_spawners = GetEntArray( "so_truck_ai_spawner", "targetname" );
spawn_truck( targetname )
spawner = level.truck_spawner;
ai_spawners = level.truck_ai_spawners;
spawner.script_startinghealth = 5000;
spawner.targetname = "so_truck";
spawner.target = targetname;
foreach ( ai_spawner in ai_spawners )
ai_spawner.targetname = targetname;
truck = maps\_vehicle::spawn_vehicle_from_targetname_and_drive( "so_truck" );
truck thread truck_brakes();
// So the corpse of the truck cannot be moved
truck.free_on_death = true;
self waittill( "unloading" );
self set_brakes( 0.5 );
// FX -----------------------------------------------------
ent = Spawn( "script_model", ( 600, -4525, 2610 ) );
ent.angles = ( 357, 179, 177 );
ent SetModel( "tag_origin" );
PlayFxOnTag( level._effect[ "objective_smoke" ], ent, "tag_origin" );
ent thread smoke_mover_thread();
// Will need a new FX to finish this off.
spawn_angles = self.angles;
full_pitch = 60;
range = 1500;
while ( 1 )
wait( 1 );
dist = Distance2D( level.chopper.origin, self.origin );
percent = dist / range;
if ( percent < 1 )
percent = 1 - percent;
angles = VectorToAngles( vector2d( level.player.origin ) - vector2d( self.origin ) );
angles = ( angles[ 0 ] + ( full_pitch * percent ), angles[ 1 ], angles[ 2 ] );
self RotateTo( spawn_angles + angles, 0.5 );
self RotateTo( spawn_angles, 0.5 );
vector2d( vec )
return ( vec[ 0 ], vec[ 1 ], 0 );
// Exploders ----------------------------------------------
do_exploder_custom( current, option )
while( 1 )
exploder_stripped( current.script_prefab_exploder, option );
if( !isdefined( current.target ) )
next = GetEnt( current.target, "targetname" );
if( !isdefined( next ) )
current = next;
exploder_stripped( num, option )
num += "";
//here's a hook so you can know when a certain number of an exploder is going off
level notify( "exploding_" + num );
for ( i = 0;i < level.createFXent.size;i++ )
ent = level.createFXent[ i ];
if ( !isdefined( ent ) )
if ( ent.v[ "type" ] != "exploder" )
// make the exploder actually removed the array instead?
if ( !isdefined( ent.v[ "exploder" ] ) )
if ( ent.v[ "exploder" ] + "" != num )
ent.v[ "soundalias" ] = undefined;
ent.v[ "loopsound" ] = undefined;
ent.v[ "damage" ] = undefined;
ent.v[ "delay" ] = 0;
ent.v[ "delay_min" ] = undefined;
ent.v[ "delay_max" ] = undefined;
ent.v[ "earthquake" ] = undefined;
if ( IsDefined( option ) && option == "just_swap" )
ent.v[ "firefx" ] = undefined;
ent.v[ "fxid" ] = undefined;
ent activate_individual_exploder();
// DEBUG Section ------------------------------------------
if ( !debug_chopper_enabled() )
while ( 1 )
wait( 0.05 );
if ( is_player_in_parking_lot() )
closest_point = get_closest_point_on_base_path();
// level thread draw_linesegment_point( closest_point );
Line( closest_point, closest_point + ( 0, 0, 1000 ), ( 1, 0.5, 0 ) );
Line( closest_point, level.groundplayer.origin, ( 1, 1, 1 ) );
// Draw the player's location with chopper flight path
// Dvar debug_follow + number will have the fake ground player move along a path
// If not using debug_follow, the player can hit use to update the fake ground player's origin
// to whatever the chopper player is aiming at.
if ( !debug_chopper_enabled() )
level.groundplayer.origin = ( 84, 4450, 2260 );
thread draw_player_pos();
thread draw_chopper_path();
if ( GetDvarInt( "debug_follow" ) != 0 )
num = GetDvarInt( "debug_follow" );
start = getstruct( "follow_player_path_start" + num, "targetname" );
struct = start;
speed = 200;
while ( 1 )
dist = Distance( level.groundplayer.origin, struct.origin );
time = dist / speed;
level.groundplayer MoveTo( struct.origin, time, 0, 0 );
level.groundplayer waittill( "movedone" );
struct script_delay();
if( IsDefined( struct.target ) )
struct = getstruct( struct.target, "targetname" );
struct = start;
while ( 1 )
wait( 0.05 );
if ( level.player UseButtonPressed() )
eye = level.player GetEye();
forward = AnglesToForward( level.player GetPlayerAngles() );
forward_origin = eye + vector_multiply( forward, 10000 );
trace = BulletTrace( level.player GetEye(), forward_origin, false, self );
level.groundplayer.origin = trace[ "position" ];
foreach ( trigger in GetEntArray( "trigger_multiple_spawn", "classname" ) )
trigger thread debug_trigger_everything_think();
self notify( "stop_debug_trigger_everything_think" );
self endon( "stop_debug_trigger_everything_think" );
if ( !IsDefined( self.spawners ) )
self.spawners = GetEntArray( self.target, "targetname" );
foreach ( spawner in self.spawners )
spawner.old_count = spawner.count;
foreach ( spawner in self.spawners )
spawner.count = spawner.old_count;
while ( 1 )
wait( 0.05 );
if ( level.groundplayer IsTouching( self ) )
self notify( "trigger" );
// Draws the chopper flight path
while ( 1 )
wait( 0.05 );
points = chopper_get_pathpoints();
for ( i = 0; i < points.size; i++ )
next = i + 1;
if ( next == points.size )
next = 0;
color = ( 1, 1, 0.3 );
// if ( GetDvarInt( "test_chopper_path" ) > 0 )
// {
// if ( self.slowdown_points.size > 0 )
// {
// if ( self.slowdown_points[ i ] )
// {
// color = ( 0.3, 1, 0.3 );
// }
// }
// }
Line( points[ i ], points[ next ], color );
draw_linesegment_point( pos )
level notify( "stop_draw_linesegment_point" );
level endon( "stop_draw_linesegment_point" );
while ( 1 )
Line( pos, pos + ( 0, 0, 1000 ), ( 1, 1, 0.1 ) );
wait( 0.05 );
// Draws the ground player's position
draw_player_pos( pos )
while ( 1 )
wait( 0.05 );
Line( level.groundplayer.origin, level.groundplayer.origin + ( 0, 0, 1000 ), ( 0.3, 1, 0.3 ) );
// Draws all of the high objstacle points
structs = getstructarray( "high_obstacle", "targetname" );
foreach ( struct in structs )
struct thread draw_high_obstacle();
while ( 1 )
wait( 0.05 );
Line( self.origin, self.origin + ( 0, 0, -5000 ), ( 1, 1, 1 ) );
foreach ( ai in GetAIArray( "axis" ) )
ai Kill();
return GetDvarInt( "debug_chopper" ) == 1;
debug_draw_chopper_line( pos, note, color )
level notify( note );
level endon( note );
if ( !IsDefined( color ) )
color = ( 1, 1, 1 );
if ( !debug_chopper_enabled() )
while ( 1 )
wait( 0.05 );
Line( pos, level.chopper.origin, color );
debug_draw_enemy_direction( angle, note )
level notify( note );
level endon( note );
color = ( 1, 1, 1 );
if ( !debug_chopper_enabled() )
while ( 1 )
wait( 0.05 );
pos = level.groundplayer.origin + vector_multiply( AnglesToForward( angle ), 1000 );
Line( pos, level.groundplayer.origin, color );
} |