
360 lines
9.1 KiB

#include animscripts\combat_utility;
#include animscripts\utility;
#include animscripts\shared;
#include common_scripts\utility;
#using_animtree( "generic_human" );
// TODO:
// - figure out why aiming range is incorrect (aiming arc seems a bit off)
self endon( "killanimscript" );
animscripts\utility::initialize( "cover_prone" );
// TODO: run cover crouch or exposed crouch
if ( weaponClass( self.weapon ) == "rocketlauncher" )
if ( isDefined( self.a.arrivalType ) && self.a.arrivalType == "prone_saw" )
assert( isDefined( self.node.turretInfo ) );
self animscripts\cover_wall::useSelfPlacedTurret( "saw_bipod_prone", "weapon_saw_MG_Setup" );
else if ( isDefined( self.node.turret ) )
self animscripts\cover_wall::useStationaryTurret();
// if we're too close to our enemy, stand up
// (285 happens to be the same distance at which we leave cover and go into exposed if our enemy approaches)
if ( isDefined( self.enemy ) && lengthSquared( self.origin - self.enemy.origin ) < squared( 512 ) )
self thread animscripts\combat::main();
self setup_cover_prone();
self.coverNode = self.node;
self OrientMode( "face angle", self.coverNode.angles[ 1 ] );
self.a.goingToProneAim = true;
self setProneAnimNodes( -45, 45, %prone_legs_down, %exposed_modern, %prone_legs_up );
if ( self.a.pose != "prone" )
self prone_transitionTo( "prone" );
self EnterProneWrapper( 0 );
self thread aimIdleThread();
setupProneAim( 0.2 );
self setAnim( %prone_aim_5, 1, 0.1 );
// face the direction of our covernode
self OrientMode( "face angle", self.coverNode.angles[ 1 ] );
self animmode( "zonly_physics" );
self proneCombatMainLoop();
self notify( "stop_deciding_how_to_shoot" );
self.a.goingToProneAim = undefined;
self endon( "killanimscript" );
self endon( "kill_idle_thread" );
for ( ;; )
idleAnim = animArrayPickRandom( "prone_idle" );
self setflaggedanimlimited( "idle", idleAnim );
self waittillmatch( "idle", "end" );
self clearanim( idleAnim, .2 );
UpdateProneWrapper( time )
self UpdateProne( %prone_aim_feet_45up, %prone_aim_feet_45down, 1, time, 1 );
self setanim( %exposed_aiming, 1, .2 );
self endon( "killanimscript" );
self thread trackShootEntOrPos();
// self thread ReacquireWhenNecessary();
self thread animscripts\shoot_behavior::decideWhatAndHowToShoot( "normal" );
// self resetGiveUpOnEnemyTime();
desynched = ( gettime() > 2500 );
for ( ;; )
self animscripts\utility::IsInCombat();// reset our in - combat state
self UpdateProneWrapper( 0.05 );
if ( !desynched )
wait( 0.05 + randomfloat( 1.5 ) );
desynched = true;
if ( !isdefined( self.shootPos ) )
assert( !isdefined( self.shootEnt ) );
if ( considerThrowGrenade() )
wait( 0.05 );
assert( isdefined( self.shootPos ) );// we can use self.shootPos after this point.
// self resetGiveUpOnEnemyTime();
// if we're too close to our enemy, stand up
// (285 happens to be the same distance at which we leave cover and go into exposed if our enemy approaches)
distSqToShootPos = lengthsquared( self.origin - self.shootPos );
if ( self.a.pose != "crouch" && self isStanceAllowed( "crouch" ) && distSqToShootPos < squared( 400 ) )
if ( distSqToShootPos < squared( 285 ) )
prone_transitionTo( "crouch" );
self thread animscripts\combat::main();
if ( considerThrowGrenade() )// TODO: make considerThrowGrenade work with shootPos rather than only self.enemy
if ( self proneReload( 0 ) )
if ( aimedAtShootEntOrPos() )
self clearAnim( %add_fire, .2 );
// idleThread() is running, so just waiting a bit will cause us to idle
wait( 0.05 );
proneReload( threshold )
return Reload( threshold, self animArray( "reload" ) );
self setDefaultAimLimits( self.node );
anim_array = [];
anim_array[ "straight_level" ] = %prone_aim_5;
anim_array[ "fire" ] = %prone_fire_1;
anim_array[ "semi2" ] = %prone_fire_burst;
anim_array[ "semi3" ] = %prone_fire_burst;
anim_array[ "semi4" ] = %prone_fire_burst;
anim_array[ "semi5" ] = %prone_fire_burst;
anim_array[ "single" ] = array( %prone_fire_1 );
anim_array[ "burst2" ] = %prone_fire_burst;// ( will be limited to 2 shots )
anim_array[ "burst3" ] = %prone_fire_burst;
anim_array[ "burst4" ] = %prone_fire_burst;
anim_array[ "burst5" ] = %prone_fire_burst;
anim_array[ "burst6" ] = %prone_fire_burst;
anim_array[ "reload" ] = %prone_reload;
anim_array[ "look" ] = array( %prone_twitch_look, %prone_twitch_lookfast, %prone_twitch_lookup );
anim_array[ "grenade_safe" ] = array( %prone_grenade_A, %prone_grenade_A );
anim_array[ "grenade_exposed" ] = array( %prone_grenade_A, %prone_grenade_A );
anim_array[ "exposed_idle" ] = array( %prone_idle );
anim_array[ "hide_to_look" ] = %coverstand_look_moveup;
anim_array[ "look_idle" ] = %coverstand_look_idle;
anim_array[ "look_to_hide" ] = %coverstand_look_movedown;
anim_array[ "look_to_hide_fast" ] = %coverstand_look_movedown_fast;
anim_array[ "stand_2_prone" ] = %stand_2_prone_nodelta;
anim_array[ "crouch_2_prone" ] = %crouch_2_prone;
anim_array[ "prone_2_stand" ] = %prone_2_stand_nodelta;
anim_array[ "prone_2_crouch" ] = %prone_2_crouch;
anim_array[ "stand_2_prone_firing" ] = %stand_2_prone_firing;
anim_array[ "crouch_2_prone_firing" ] = %crouch_2_prone_firing;
anim_array[ "prone_2_stand_firing" ] = %prone_2_stand_firing;
anim_array[ "prone_2_crouch_firing" ] = %prone_2_crouch_firing;
self.a.array = anim_array;
tryThrowingGrenade( throwAt, safe )
theanim = undefined;
if ( isdefined( safe ) && safe )
theanim = animArrayPickRandom( "grenade_safe" );
theanim = animArrayPickRandom( "grenade_exposed" );
self animMode( "zonly_physics" );// Unlatch the feet
self.keepClaimedNodeIfValid = true;
armOffset = ( 32, 20, 64 );// needs fixing!
threwGrenade = TryGrenade( throwAt, theanim );
self.keepClaimedNodeIfValid = false;
return threwGrenade;
if ( isdefined( anim.throwGrenadeAtPlayerASAP ) && isAlive( level.player ) )
if ( tryThrowingGrenade( level.player, 200 ) )
return true;
if ( isdefined( self.enemy ) )
return tryThrowingGrenade( self.enemy, 850 );
return false;
if ( !isdefined( self.weapon ) || !WeaponIsAuto( self.weapon ) )
return false;
if ( isdefined( self.node ) && distanceSquared( self.origin, self.node.origin ) < 16 * 16 )
return false;// we're on a node and can't use an animation with a delta
if ( isDefined( self.enemy ) && self canSee( self.enemy ) && !isdefined( self.grenade ) && self getAimYawToShootEntOrPos() < 20 )
return animscripts\move::MayShootWhileMoving();
return false;
prone_transitionTo( newPose )
if ( newPose == self.a.pose )
self clearanim( %root, .3 );
self endFireAndAnimIdleThread();
if ( shouldFireWhileChangingPose() )
transAnim = animArray( self.a.pose + "_2_" + newPose + "_firing" );
transAnim = animArray( self.a.pose + "_2_" + newPose );
if ( newPose == "prone" )
// this is crucial. if it doesn't have this notetrack, we won't call enterProneWrapper!
assert( animHasNotetrack( transAnim, "anim_pose = \"prone\"" ) );
self setFlaggedAnimKnobAllRestart( "trans", transAnim, %body, 1, .2, 1.0 );
animscripts\shared::DoNoteTracks( "trans" );
assert( self.a.pose == newPose );
self setAnimKnobAllRestart( animarray( "straight_level" ), %body, 1, .25 );
setupProneAim( .25 );
finishNoteTracks( animname )
self endon( "killanimscript" );
animscripts\shared::DoNoteTracks( animname );
setupProneAim( transTime )
self setAnimKnobAll( %prone_aim_5, %body, 1, transTime );
self setAnimLimited( %prone_aim_2_add, 1, transTime );
self setAnimLimited( %prone_aim_4_add, 1, transTime );
self setAnimLimited( %prone_aim_6_add, 1, transTime );
self setAnimLimited( %prone_aim_8_add, 1, transTime );
proneTo( newPose, rate )
assert( self.a.pose == "prone" );
// self OrientMode( "face angle", self.angles[1] );
self clearanim( %root, .3 );
transAnim = undefined;
if ( shouldFireWhileChangingPose() )
if ( newPose == "crouch" )
transAnim = %prone_2_crouch_firing;
else if ( newPose == "stand" )
transAnim = %prone_2_stand_firing;
if ( newPose == "crouch" )
transAnim = %prone_2_crouch;
else if ( newPose == "stand" )
transAnim = %prone_2_stand_nodelta;
if ( isdefined( self.prone_anim_override ) )
transAnim = self.prone_anim_override;
if ( isdefined( self.prone_rate_override ) )
rate = self.prone_rate_override;
assert( isDefined( transAnim ) );
if ( !isdefined( rate ) )
rate = 1;
self ExitProneWrapper( getAnimLength( transAnim ) / 2 );
self setFlaggedAnimKnobAllRestart( "trans", transAnim, %body, 1, .2, rate );
animscripts\shared::DoNoteTracks( "trans" );
self clearAnim( transAnim, 0.1 );
assert( self.a.pose == newPose );
// self.a.pose = newPose; // failsafe