
948 lines
24 KiB

#include animscripts\Combat_utility;
#include animscripts\Utility;
#include common_scripts\Utility;
#using_animtree( "generic_human" );
cover_wall_think( coverType )
self endon( "killanimscript" );
self.coverNode = self.node;
self.coverType = coverType;
if ( !isDefined( self.node.turret ) )
animscripts\cover_behavior::turnToMatchNodeDirection( 0 );
if ( coverType == "crouch" )
self setup_cover_crouch( "unknown" );
self.coverNode initCoverCrouchNode();
self setup_cover_stand( "unknown" );
self.a.aimIdleThread = undefined;
// face the direction of our covernode
self OrientMode( "face angle", self.coverNode.angles[ 1 ] );
if ( isDefined( self.weapon ) && usingMG() && isDefined( self.node ) && isDefined( self.node.turretInfo ) && canspawnturret() )
if ( coverType == "crouch" )
if ( isRPD( self.weapon ) )
weaponInfo = "rpd_bipod_crouch";
weaponInfo = "saw_bipod_crouch";
if ( isRPD( self.weapon ) )
weaponInfo = "rpd_bipod_stand";
weaponInfo = "saw_bipod_stand";
if ( isRPD( self.weapon ) )
weaponModel = "weapon_rpd_MG_Setup";
weaponModel = "weapon_saw_MG_Setup";
self useSelfPlacedTurret( weaponInfo, weaponModel );
else if ( isDefined( self.node ) && isDefined( self.node.turret ) )
self useStationaryTurret();
self animmode( "normal" );
//start in hide position
if ( coverType == "crouch" && self.a.pose == "stand" )
transAnim = animArray( "stand_2_hide" );
time = getAnimLength( transAnim );
self setAnimKnobAllRestart( transAnim, %body, 1, 0.2, fasterAnimSpeed() );
self thread animscripts\shared::moveToOriginOverTime( self.coverNode.origin, time );
wait time;
self.a.coverMode = "hide";
loopHide( .4 );// need to transition to hide here in case we didn't do an approach
if ( distanceSquared( self.origin, self.coverNode.origin ) > 1 )
self thread animscripts\shared::moveToOriginOverTime( self.coverNode.origin, .4 );
wait( .2 );
if ( coverType == "crouch" )
self.a.pose = "crouch";
wait( .2 );
wait 0.1;
self animmode( "zonly_physics" );
if ( coverType == "crouch" )
if ( self.a.pose == "prone" )
self ExitProneWrapper( 1 );
self.a.pose = "crouch";// in case we only lerped into the pose
if ( self.coverType == "stand" )
self.a.special = "cover_stand";
self.a.special = "cover_crouch";
behaviorCallbacks = spawnstruct();
if ( !self.fixedNode )
behaviorCallbacks.moveToNearByCover = animscripts\cover_behavior::moveToNearbyCover;
behaviorCallbacks.reload = ::coverReload;
behaviorCallbacks.leaveCoverAndShoot = ::popUpAndShoot;
behaviorCallbacks.look = ::look;
behaviorCallbacks.fastlook = ::fastLook;
behaviorCallbacks.idle = ::idle;
behaviorCallbacks.flinch = ::flinch;
behaviorCallbacks.grenade = ::tryThrowingGrenade;
behaviorCallbacks.grenadehidden = ::tryThrowingGrenadeStayHidden;
behaviorCallbacks.blindfire = ::blindfire;
animscripts\cover_behavior::main( behaviorCallbacks );
isRPD( weapon )
return getSubStr( weapon, 0, 3 ) == "rpd" && (weapon.size == 3 || weapon[3] == "_");
if ( isdefined( self.crouchingIsOK ) )
// it's only ok to crouch at this node if we can see out from a crouched position.
crouchHeightOffset = ( 0, 0, 42 );
forward = anglesToForward( self.angles );
self.crouchingIsOK = sightTracePassed( self.origin + crouchHeightOffset, self.origin + crouchHeightOffset + vector_multiply( forward, 64 ), false, undefined );
setup_cover_crouch( exposedAnimSet )
self setDefaultAimLimits( self.coverNode );
self setup_crouching_anim_array( exposedAnimSet );
setup_cover_stand( exposedAnimSet )
self setDefaultAimLimits( self.coverNode );
self setup_standing_anim_array( exposedAnimSet );
Reload( 2.0, animArray( "reload" ) );// ( reload no matter what )
return true;
self.keepClaimedNodeIfValid = true;
if ( isdefined( self.ramboChance ) && randomFloat( 1 ) < self.ramboChance )
if ( rambo() )
return true;
if ( !pop_up() )
return false;
self endFireAndAnimIdleThread();
if ( isDefined( self.shootPos ) )
distSqToShootPos = lengthsquared( self.origin - self.shootPos );
// too close for RPG or out of ammo
if ( usingRocketLauncher() && ( distSqToShootPos < squared( 512 ) || self.a.rockets < 1 ) )
if ( self.a.pose == "stand" )
animscripts\shared::throwDownWeapon( %RPG_stand_throw );
animscripts\shared::throwDownWeapon( %RPG_crouch_throw );
self.coverCrouchLean_aimmode = undefined;
self.keepClaimedNodeIfValid = false;
return true;
self endon( "return_to_cover" );
self maps\_gameskill::didSomethingOtherThanShooting();
while ( 1 )
if ( isdefined( self.shouldReturnToCover ) )
if ( !isdefined( self.shootPos ) ) {
assert( !isdefined( self.shootEnt ) );
// give shoot_behavior a chance to iterate
self waittill( "do_slow_things" );
if ( isdefined( self.shootPos ) )
if ( !self.bulletsInClip )
// crouch only
if ( self.coverType == "crouch" && needToChangeCoverMode() )
// TODO: if changing between stances without returning to cover is implemented,
// we can't just endon("return_to_cover") because it will cause problems when it
// happens while changing stance.
// see corner's implementation of this idea for a better implementation.
// NYI
// if they're moving too fast for us to respond intelligently to them,
// give up on firing at them for the moment
if ( needToChangeCoverMode() )
self clearAnim( %add_fire, .2 );
if ( self.coverType == "crouch" )
self thread angleRangeThread();// gives stopShooting notify when shootPosOutsideLegalYawRange returns true
self thread aimIdleThread();
if ( !hasEnemySightPos() )
return false;
animType = "rambo";
if ( randomint( 10 ) < 2 )
animType = "rambo_fail";
if ( !animArrayAnyExist( animType ) )
return false;
if ( self.coverType == "crouch" && !self.coverNode.crouchingIsOK )
return false;
pitch = getShootPosPitch( self.coverNode.origin + getNodeOffset( self.coverNode ) );
if ( pitch > 15 )
return false;
forward = anglesToForward( self.angles );
stepto = self.origin + vector_multiply( forward, -16 );
if ( !self mayMoveToPoint( stepto ) )
return false;
self.coverPosEstablishedTime = gettime();
self animMode( "zonly_physics" );
self.keepClaimedNodeIfValid = true;
self.isRambo = true;
self.a.prevAttack = "rambo";
self.changingCoverPos = true;
self thread animscripts\shared::ramboAim( 0 );
ramboAnim = animArrayPickRandom( animType );
self setFlaggedAnimKnobAllRestart( "rambo", ramboAnim, %body, 1, .2, 1 );
self animscripts\shared::DoNoteTracks( "rambo" );
self notify( "rambo_aim_end" );
self.changingCoverPos = false;
self.keepClaimedNodeIfValid = false;
self.lastRamboTime = getTime();
self.changingCoverPos = false;
self.isRambo = undefined;
return true;
self endon( "end_idle" );
while ( 1 )
useTwitch = ( randomint( 2 ) == 0 && animArrayAnyExist( "hide_idle_twitch" ) );
if ( useTwitch )
idleanim = animArrayPickRandom( "hide_idle_twitch" );
idleanim = animarray( "hide_idle" );
playIdleAnimation( idleAnim, useTwitch );
if ( !animArrayAnyExist( "hide_idle_flinch" ) )
return false;
forward = anglesToForward( self.angles );
stepto = self.origin + vector_multiply( forward, -16 );
if ( !self mayMoveToPoint( stepto ) )
return false;
self animmode( "zonly_physics" );
self.keepClaimedNodeIfValid = true;
flinchanim = animArrayPickRandom( "hide_idle_flinch" );
playIdleAnimation( flinchanim, true );
self.keepClaimedNodeIfValid = false;
return true;
playIdleAnimation( idleAnim, needsRestart )
if ( needsRestart )
self setFlaggedAnimKnobAllRestart( "idle", idleAnim, %body, 1, 0.25, 1 );
self setFlaggedAnimKnobAll( "idle", idleAnim, %body, 1, 0.25, 1 );
self.a.coverMode = "hide";
self animscripts\shared::DoNoteTracks( "idle" );
look( lookTime )
if ( !isdefined( self.a.array[ "hide_to_look" ] ) )
return false;
if ( !peekOut() )
return false;
animscripts\shared::playLookAnimation( animArray( "look_idle" ), lookTime );// TODO: replace
lookanim = undefined;
if ( self isSuppressedWrapper() )
lookanim = animArray( "look_to_hide_fast" );
lookanim = animArray( "look_to_hide" );
self setflaggedanimknoballrestart( "looking_end", lookanim, %body, 1, .1 );
animscripts\shared::DoNoteTracks( "looking_end" );
return true;
if ( isdefined( self.coverNode.script_dontpeek ) )
return false;
// assuming no delta, so no maymovetopoint check
self setFlaggedAnimKnobAll( "looking_start", animArray( "hide_to_look" ), %body, 1, .2 );
animscripts\shared::DoNoteTracks( "looking_start" );
return true;
self setFlaggedAnimKnobAllRestart( "look", animArrayPickRandom( "look" ), %body, 1, .1 );
self animscripts\shared::DoNoteTracks( "look" );
return true;
// These should be adjusted in animation data
if ( self.a.coverMode == "left" || self.a.coverMode == "right" || self.a.coverMode == "over" )
return 1;
return randomfasterAnimSpeed();
assert( !isdefined( self.a.coverMode ) || self.a.coverMode == "hide" );
newCoverMode = getBestCoverMode();
timeleft = .1;
popupAnim = animArray( "hide_2_" + newCoverMode );
if ( !self mayMoveToPoint( getAnimEndPos( popupAnim ) ) )
return false;
if ( self.script == "cover_crouch" && newCoverMode == "lean" )
self.coverCrouchLean_aimmode = true;
if ( self.coverType == "crouch" )
self setup_cover_crouch( newCoverMode );
self setup_cover_stand( newCoverMode );
self.a.special = "none";
self.specialDeathFunc = undefined;
if ( self.coverType == "stand" )
self.a.special = "cover_stand_aim";
self.a.special = "cover_crouch_aim";
self.changingCoverPos = true;
self notify( "done_changing_cover_pos" );
self animmode( "zonly_physics" );
animRate = pop_up_and_hide_speed();
self setFlaggedAnimKnobAllRestart( "pop_up", popUpAnim, %body, 1, .1, animRate );
self thread DoNoteTracksForPopup( "pop_up" );
if ( animHasNoteTrack( popupAnim, "start_aim" ) )
self waittillmatch( "pop_up", "start_aim" );
timeleft = getAnimLength( popupAnim ) / animRate * ( 1 - self getAnimTime( popupAnim ) );
self waittillmatch( "pop_up", "end" );
timeleft = .1;
self clearAnim( popUpAnim, timeleft + 0.05 );
self.a.coverMode = newCoverMode;
self.a.prevAttack = newCoverMode;
self setup_additive_aim( timeleft );
self thread animscripts\shared::trackShootEntOrPos();
wait( timeleft );
if ( self isSniper() )
thread animscripts\shoot_behavior::sniper_glint_behavior();
self.changingCoverPos = false;
self.coverPosEstablishedTime = gettime();
self notify( "stop_popup_donotetracks" );
return true;
DoNoteTracksForPopup( animname )
self endon( "killanimscript" );
self endon( "stop_popup_donotetracks" );
self animscripts\shared::DoNoteTracks( animname );
setup_additive_aim( transTime )
if ( self.a.coverMode == "left" || self.a.coverMode == "right" )
aimCoverMode = "crouch";
aimCoverMode = self.a.coverMode;
self setAnimKnobAll( animArray( aimCoverMode + "_aim" ), %body, 1, transTime );
if ( aimCoverMode == "crouch" )
self setanimlimited( %covercrouch_aim2_add, 1, 0 );
self setanimlimited( %covercrouch_aim4_add, 1, 0 );
self setanimlimited( %covercrouch_aim6_add, 1, 0 );
self setanimlimited( %covercrouch_aim8_add, 1, 0 );
else if ( aimCoverMode == "stand" )
self setanimlimited( %exposed_aim_2, 1, 0 );
self setanimlimited( %exposed_aim_4, 1, 0 );
self setanimlimited( %exposed_aim_6, 1, 0 );
self setanimlimited( %exposed_aim_8, 1, 0 );
else if ( aimCoverMode == "lean" )
self setanimlimited( %exposed_aim_2, 1, 0 );
self setanimlimited( %exposed_aim_4, 1, 0 );
self setanimlimited( %exposed_aim_6, 1, 0 );
self setanimlimited( %exposed_aim_8, 1, 0 );
// these don't seem to have 45 degree aiming limits,
// so i'm using the exposed ones instead
/*self setanimlimited(%covercrouch_lean_aim2_add,1,0);
self setanimlimited(%covercrouch_lean_aim4_add,1,0);
self setanimlimited(%covercrouch_lean_aim6_add,1,0);
self setanimlimited(%covercrouch_lean_aim8_add,1,0);*/
else if ( aimCoverMode == "over" )
self setanimlimited( %coverstandaim_aim2_add, 1, 0 );
self setanimlimited( %coverstandaim_aim4_add, 1, 0 );
self setanimlimited( %coverstandaim_aim6_add, 1, 0 );
self setanimlimited( %coverstandaim_aim8_add, 1, 0 );
self notify( "return_to_cover" );
self.changingCoverPos = true; self notify( "done_changing_cover_pos" );
self endAimIdleThread();
animRate = pop_up_and_hide_speed();
self setFlaggedAnimKnobAll( "go_to_hide", animArray( self.a.coverMode + "_2_hide" ), %body, 1, 0.2, animRate );
self clearAnim( %exposed_modern, 0.2 );
self animscripts\shared::DoNoteTracks( "go_to_hide" );
self.a.coverMode = "hide";
if ( self.coverType == "stand" )
self.a.special = "cover_stand";
self.a.special = "cover_crouch";
self.changingCoverPos = false;
tryThrowingGrenadeStayHidden( throwAt )
// TODO: check suppression and add rambo grenade support
return tryThrowingGrenade( throwAt, true );
tryThrowingGrenade( throwAt, safe )
if ( isdefined( self.dontEverShoot ) || isdefined( throwAt.dontAttackMe ) )
return false;
theanim = undefined;
if ( isdefined( self.ramboChance ) && randomfloat( 1.0 ) < self.ramboChance )
theanim = animArrayPickRandom( "grenade_rambo" );
if ( isdefined( safe ) && safe )
theanim = animArrayPickRandom( "grenade_safe" );
theanim = animArrayPickRandom( "grenade_exposed" );
self animMode( "zonly_physics" );// Unlatch the feet
self.keepClaimedNodeIfValid = true;
threwGrenade = TryGrenade( throwAt, theanim );
self.keepClaimedNodeIfValid = false;
return threwGrenade;
if ( !animArrayAnyExist( "blind_fire" ) )
return false;
self animMode( "zonly_physics" );
self.keepClaimedNodeIfValid = true;
self setFlaggedAnimKnobAllRestart( "blindfire", animArrayPickRandom( "blind_fire" ), %body, 1, 0.2, 1 );
self animscripts\shared::DoNoteTracks( "blindfire" );
self.keepClaimedNodeIfValid = false;
return true;
createTurret( posEnt, weaponInfo, weaponModel )
turret = spawnTurret( "misc_turret", posEnt.origin, weaponInfo );
turret.angles = posEnt.angles;
turret.aiOwner = self;
turret setModel( weaponModel );
turret makeUsable();
turret setDefaultDropPitch( 0 );
if ( isDefined( posEnt.leftArc ) )
turret.leftArc = posEnt.leftArc;
if ( isDefined( posEnt.rightArc ) )
turret.rightArc = posEnt.rightArc;
if ( isDefined( posEnt.topArc ) )
turret.topArc = posEnt.topArc;
if ( isDefined( posEnt.bottomArc ) )
turret.bottomArc = posEnt.bottomArc;
return turret;
deleteIfNotUsed( owner )
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "being_used" );
wait .1;
if ( isdefined( owner ) )
assert( !isdefined( owner.a.usingTurret ) || owner.a.usingTurret != self );
owner notify( "turret_use_failed" );
self delete();
useSelfPlacedTurret( weaponInfo, weaponModel )
turret = self createTurret( self.node.turretInfo, weaponInfo, weaponModel );
if ( self useTurret( turret ) )
turret thread deleteIfNotUsed( self );
if ( isdefined( self.turret_function ) )
thread [[ self.turret_function ]]( turret );
// self setAnimKnob( %cover, 0, 0 );
self waittill( "turret_use_failed" );// generally this won't notify, and we'll just not do any more cover_wall for now
turret delete();
assert( isdefined( self.node ) );
assert( isdefined( self.node.turret ) );
turret = self.node.turret;
if ( !turret.isSetup )
// turret setmode( "auto_ai" ); // auto, auto_ai, manual, manual_ai
// turret startFiring(); // seems to be a bug with the turret being in manual mode to start with
// wait( 1 );
thread maps\_mg_penetration::gunner_think( turret );
self waittill( "continue_cover_script" );
// turret thread maps\_spawner::restorePitch();
// self useturret( turret ); // dude should be near the mg42
setup_crouching_anim_array( exposedAnimSet )
anim_array = [];
anim_array[ "hide_idle" ] = %covercrouch_hide_idle;
anim_array[ "hide_idle_twitch" ] = array(
//%covercrouch_twitch_5 // excluding #5 because it's a wave to someone behind him, and in idle twitches we don't know if that makes sense at the time
anim_array[ "hide_idle_flinch" ] = array(
%covercrouch_explosion_3*/ // these just don't look good for flinching
anim_array[ "hide_2_crouch" ] = %covercrouch_hide_2_aim;
anim_array[ "hide_2_stand" ] = %covercrouch_hide_2_stand;
anim_array[ "hide_2_lean" ] = %covercrouch_hide_2_lean;
anim_array[ "hide_2_right" ] = %covercrouch_hide_2_right;
anim_array[ "hide_2_left" ] = %covercrouch_hide_2_left;
anim_array[ "crouch_2_hide" ] = %covercrouch_aim_2_hide;
anim_array[ "stand_2_hide" ] = %covercrouch_stand_2_hide;
anim_array[ "lean_2_hide" ] = %covercrouch_lean_2_hide;
anim_array[ "right_2_hide" ] = %covercrouch_right_2_hide;
anim_array[ "left_2_hide" ] = %covercrouch_left_2_hide;
anim_array[ "crouch_aim" ] = %covercrouch_aim5;
anim_array[ "stand_aim" ] = %exposed_aim_5;
anim_array[ "lean_aim" ] = %covercrouch_lean_aim5;
anim_array[ "fire" ] = %exposed_shoot_auto_v2;
anim_array[ "semi2" ] = %exposed_shoot_semi2;
anim_array[ "semi3" ] = %exposed_shoot_semi3;
anim_array[ "semi4" ] = %exposed_shoot_semi4;
anim_array[ "semi5" ] = %exposed_shoot_semi5;
if ( weapon_pump_action_shotgun() )
if ( exposedAnimSet == "lean" || exposedAnimSet == "stand" )
anim_array[ "single" ] = array( %shotgun_stand_fire_1A );
anim_array[ "single" ] = array( %shotgun_crouch_fire );
anim_array[ "single" ] = array( %exposed_shoot_semi1 );
anim_array[ "burst2" ] = %exposed_shoot_burst3;// ( will be limited to 2 shots )
anim_array[ "burst3" ] = %exposed_shoot_burst3;
anim_array[ "burst4" ] = %exposed_shoot_burst4;
anim_array[ "burst5" ] = %exposed_shoot_burst5;
anim_array[ "burst6" ] = %exposed_shoot_burst6;
anim_array[ "blind_fire" ] = array( %covercrouch_blindfire_1, %covercrouch_blindfire_2, %covercrouch_blindfire_3, %covercrouch_blindfire_4 );
anim_array[ "reload" ] = %covercrouch_reload_hide;
anim_array[ "grenade_safe" ] = array( %covercrouch_grenadeA, %covercrouch_grenadeB );
anim_array[ "grenade_exposed" ] = array( %covercrouch_grenadeA, %covercrouch_grenadeB );
anim_array[ "exposed_idle" ] = array( %exposed_idle_alert_v1, %exposed_idle_alert_v2, %exposed_idle_alert_v3 );
anim_array[ "look" ] = array( %covercrouch_hide_look );
if ( isDefined( anim.ramboAnims ) )
anim_array[ "rambo" ] = anim.ramboAnims.covercrouch;
anim_array[ "rambo_fail" ] = anim.ramboAnims.covercrouchfail;
anim_array[ "grenade_rambo" ] = anim.ramboAnims.covercrouchgrenade;
self.a.array = anim_array;
setup_standing_anim_array( exposedAnimSet )
anim_array = [];
anim_array[ "hide_idle" ] = %coverstand_hide_idle;
anim_array[ "hide_idle_twitch" ] = array(
anim_array[ "hide_idle_flinch" ] = array(
anim_array[ "hide_2_stand" ] = %coverstand_hide_2_aim;
anim_array[ "stand_2_hide" ] = %coverstand_aim_2_hide;
anim_array[ "hide_2_over" ] = %coverstand_2_coverstandaim;
anim_array[ "over_2_hide" ] = %coverstandaim_2_coverstand;
if ( exposedAnimSet == "over" )
anim_array[ "over_aim" ] = %coverstandaim_aim5;
anim_array[ "fire" ] = %coverstandaim_autofire;
anim_array[ "semi2" ] = %coverstandaim_fire;
anim_array[ "semi3" ] = %coverstandaim_fire;
anim_array[ "semi4" ] = %coverstandaim_fire;
anim_array[ "semi5" ] = %coverstandaim_fire;
anim_array[ "single" ] = array( %coverstandaim_fire );
anim_array[ "burst2" ] = %coverstandaim_autofire;// ( will be limited to 2 shots )
anim_array[ "burst3" ] = %coverstandaim_autofire;
anim_array[ "burst4" ] = %coverstandaim_autofire;
anim_array[ "burst5" ] = %coverstandaim_autofire;
anim_array[ "burst6" ] = %coverstandaim_autofire;
anim_array[ "stand_aim" ] = %exposed_aim_5;
anim_array[ "fire" ] = %exposed_shoot_auto_v2;
anim_array[ "semi2" ] = %exposed_shoot_semi2;
anim_array[ "semi3" ] = %exposed_shoot_semi3;
anim_array[ "semi4" ] = %exposed_shoot_semi4;
anim_array[ "semi5" ] = %exposed_shoot_semi5;
if ( weapon_pump_action_shotgun() )
anim_array[ "single" ] = array( %shotgun_stand_fire_1A );
anim_array[ "single" ] = array( %exposed_shoot_semi1 );
anim_array[ "burst2" ] = %exposed_shoot_burst3;// ( will be limited to 2 shots )
anim_array[ "burst3" ] = %exposed_shoot_burst3;
anim_array[ "burst4" ] = %exposed_shoot_burst4;
anim_array[ "burst5" ] = %exposed_shoot_burst5;
anim_array[ "burst6" ] = %exposed_shoot_burst6;
anim_array["blind_fire"] = array( %coverstand_blindfire_1, %coverstand_blindfire_2 /*, %coverstand_blindfire_3*/ ); // #3 looks silly
anim_array[ "reload" ] = %coverstand_reloadA;
anim_array[ "look" ] = array( %coverstand_look_quick, %coverstand_look_quick_v2 );
anim_array[ "grenade_safe" ] = array( %coverstand_grenadeA, %coverstand_grenadeB );
anim_array[ "grenade_exposed" ] = array( %coverstand_grenadeA, %coverstand_grenadeB );
anim_array[ "exposed_idle" ] = array( %exposed_idle_alert_v1, %exposed_idle_alert_v2, %exposed_idle_alert_v3 );
anim_array[ "hide_to_look" ] = %coverstand_look_moveup;
anim_array[ "look_idle" ] = %coverstand_look_idle;
anim_array[ "look_to_hide" ] = %coverstand_look_movedown;
anim_array[ "look_to_hide_fast" ] = %coverstand_look_movedown_fast;
if ( isDefined( anim.ramboAnims ) )
anim_array[ "rambo" ] = anim.ramboAnims.coverstand;
anim_array[ "rambo_fail" ] = anim.ramboAnims.coverstandfail;
anim_array[ "grenade_rambo" ] = anim.ramboAnims.coverstandgrenade;
self.a.array = anim_array;
loopHide( transTime )
if ( !isdefined( transTime ) )
transTime = .1;
self setanimknoballrestart( animArray( "hide_idle" ), %body, 1, transTime );
self.a.coverMode = "hide";
self endon( "killanimscript" );
self notify( "newAngleRangeCheck" );
self endon( "newAngleRangeCheck" );
self endon( "return_to_cover" );
while ( 1 )
if ( needToChangeCoverMode() )
wait( 0.1 );
self notify( "stopShooting" );// For changing shooting pose to compensate for player moving
if ( self.coverType != "crouch" )
return false;
pitch = getShootPosPitch( self getEye() );
if ( self.a.coverMode == "lean" )
return pitch < 10;
return pitch > 45;
modes = [];
assert( isdefined( self.coverNode ) );
if ( self.coverType == "stand" )
modes = self.coverNode GetValidCoverPeekOuts();
modes[ modes.size ] = "stand";
pitch = getShootPosPitch( self.coverNode.origin + getNodeOffset( self.coverNode ) );
if ( pitch > 30 )
return "lean";
if ( pitch > 15 || !self.coverNode.crouchingIsOK )
return "stand";
modes = self.coverNode GetValidCoverPeekOuts();
modes[ modes.size ] = "crouch";
return getRandomCoverMode( modes );
getShootPosPitch( fromPos )
shootPos = getEnemyEyePos();
return AngleClamp180( vectorToAngles( shootPos - fromPos )[ 0 ] );