
196 lines
5.4 KiB

#include maps\_utility;
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\_anim;
#using_animtree( "generic_human" );
level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "wounded_idle" ][ 0 ] = %wounded_carry_closet_idle_wounded;
level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "pickup_wounded" ] = %wounded_carry_pickup_closet_wounded_straight;
level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "pickup_carrier" ] = %wounded_carry_pickup_closet_carrier_straight;
level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "wounded_walk_loop" ][ 0 ] = %wounded_carry_fastwalk_wounded_relative;
level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "carrier_walk_loop" ] = %wounded_carry_fastwalk_carrier;
level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "wounded_walk_loop" ][ 0 ] = %wounded_carry_sprint_wounded;
level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "carrier_walk_loop" ] = %wounded_carry_sprint_carrier;
level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "putdown_wounded" ] = %wounded_carry_putdown_closet_wounded;
level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "putdown_carrier" ] = %wounded_carry_putdown_closet_carrier;
setWounded( eNode )
assert( isAI( self ) );
assert( isAlive( self ) );
assert( isdefined( eNode ) );
self animscripts\shared::DropAIWeapon();
// make the president go into his wounded idle
self.woundedNode = eNode;
self.woundedNode thread anim_generic_loop( self, "wounded_idle", "stop_wounded_idle" );
self.allowdeath = true;
move_president_to_node( wounded, eNode )
goto_and_pickup_wounded( wounded, eNode );
carry_to_and_putdown_wounded( wounded, eNode );
move_president_to_node_nopickup( wounded, eNode )
wounded forceTeleport( self.origin, self.angles );
carry_to_and_putdown_wounded( wounded, eNode );
goto_and_pickup_wounded( wounded, eNode )
// don't use this, internal only
// use move_president_to_node()
assert( isdefined( self ) );
assert( isAI( self ) );
assert( isAlive( self ) );
assert( isdefined( wounded ) );
assert( isAI( wounded ) );
assert( isAlive( wounded ) );
assert( isdefined( eNode ) );
assert( isdefined( wounded.woundedNode ) );
// get the carrier to the president
wounded.woundedNode anim_generic_reach( self, "pickup_carrier" );
// carrier picks up the president, they both play the pickup anim
wounded notify( "stop_wounded_idle" );
wounded.woundedNode notify( "stop_wounded_idle" );
wounded.allowdeath = true;
wounded.woundedNode thread anim_generic( wounded, "pickup_wounded" );
wounded.woundedNode anim_generic( self, "pickup_carrier" );
self.dontMelee = true;
wounded invisibleNotSolid();
link_wounded( wounded )
self endon( "death" );
wounded endon( "death" );
wounded linkto( self, "tag_origin" );
// wait for carrier to get a path and start move script
wait 0.05;
wounded thread anim_generic_loop( wounded, "wounded_walk_loop", "stop_carried_loop" );
carry_to_and_putdown_wounded( wounded, eNode )
// don't use this, internal only
// use move_president_to_node()
assert( isdefined( self ) );
assert( isAI( self ) );
assert( isAlive( self ) );
assert( isdefined( wounded ) );
assert( isAI( wounded ) );
assert( isAlive( wounded ) );
assert( isdefined( eNode ) );
wounded.being_carried = true;
// once the carrier arrives set his walk anim to the carry walk
self thread set_generic_run_anim( "carrier_walk_loop", true );
wounded notify( "stop_wounded_idle" );
wounded.woundedNode notify( "stop_wounded_idle" );
// president gets linked to the carrier and plays a loop anim
setsaveddvar( "ai_friendlyFireBlockDuration", 0 );
self animmode( "none" );
self.allowpain = false;
self.disableBulletWhizbyReaction = true;
self.ignoreall = true;
self.ignoreme = true;
self.grenadeawareness = 0;
self setFlashbangImmunity( true );
self.neverEnableCqb = true;
self.disablearrivals = true;
self.disableexits = true;
self.nododgemove = true;
self disable_cqbwalk();
self.oldgoal = self.goalradius;
self thread link_wounded( wounded );
while( isdefined( eNode.target ) )
self.ignoresuppression = true;
self.disablearrivals = true;
goal = getent( eNode.target, "targetname" );
if( !isdefined( goal.target ) )
eNode = goal;
self.goalradius = 64;
self setgoalpos( goal.origin );
self waittill( "goal" );
eNode = goal;
// carrier walks to the new node for putdown anim
eNode anim_generic_reach( self, "putdown_carrier" );
// carrier arrives, put down the president. They both play putdown anim
wounded.woundedNode = eNode;
wounded notify( "stop_carried_loop" );
wounded unlink();
self.ignoresuppression = false;
self.disablearrivals = false;
self.goalradius = self.oldgoal;
self thread clear_run_anim();
wounded.woundedNode thread anim_generic( self, "putdown_carrier" );
wounded.woundedNode anim_generic( wounded, "putdown_wounded" );
setsaveddvar( "ai_friendlyFireBlockDuration", 2000 );
self.allowpain = true;
self.disableBulletWhizbyReaction = false;
self.ignoreall = false;
//self.ignoreme = false;
self.grenadeawareness = 1;
self setFlashbangImmunity( false );
self.dontMelee = undefined;
self.neverEnableCqb = undefined;
self.disablearrivals = undefined;
self.disableexits = undefined;
self.nododgemove = false;
self pushplayer( false );
wounded visibleSolid();
wounded.woundedNode thread anim_generic_loop( wounded, "wounded_idle", "stop_wounded_idle" );
wounded.allowdeath = true;
wounded notify( "stop_putdown" );
wounded.being_carried = undefined;