2658 lines
82 KiB
2658 lines
82 KiB
alarm_cobra_altitude,,cobra/alarm_altitude.wav,0.99,0.99,na,,,360,6000,local,,,,,cobrapilot pilotcobra
alarm_cobra_caution,,cobra/alarm_caution.wav,0.99,0.99,na,,,360,6000,local,,,,,cobrapilot pilotcobra
alarm_cobra_pullup,,cobra/alarm_pullup.wav,0.99,0.99,na,,,360,6000,local,,,,,cobrapilot pilotcobra
alarm_cobra_warning,,cobra/alarm_warning.wav,0.99,0.99,na,,,360,6000,local,,,,,cobrapilot pilotcobra
weap_rearming,,cobra/weap_rearming.wav,0.99,0.99,wpnplyr,,,360,6000,auto,,,,,cobrapilot pilotcobra
#include maps\_utility;
#include maps\_helicopter_globals;
#include common_scripts\utility;
#using_animtree( "vehicles" );
/* DVARS */
// dvar to give player's cobra unlimited ammo
// 0 - regular
// 1 - unlimited
setDvarIfUninitialized( "cobrapilot_unlimited_ammo", "0" );
// dvar to toggle the mode at which ammo reloading points operate
// 0 - player manually hovers above the point and ammo and health is regened
// 1 - players controls are taken away and sequence is started
setDvarIfUninitialized( "cobrapilot_farp_mode", "0" );
// dvar to set how the edge of the world acts
// 0 - nothing happens, player can fly out of bounds without penalty
// 1 - control is taken away and helicopter is automatically flown in bounds
// 2 - warning message pops up and player must fly in bounds within the time limit
setDvarIfUninitialized( "cobrapilot_edge_of_world_type", "2" );
// turn on/off the gunner in your chopper
// 0 - off
// 1 - on
setDvarIfUninitialized( "cobrapilot_gunner_enabled", "0" );
// turn on/off the wingman
// 0 - off
// 1 - on
setDvarIfUninitialized( "cobrapilot_wingman_enabled", "0" );
// difficulty dvar
// easy, medium, hard, insane
setdvar( "cobrapilot_difficulty", "easy" );
// dvar to turn on debug info ( prints, lines, etc )
setDvarIfUninitialized( "cobrapilot_debug", "0" );
// turn on/off cockpit sounds
// 0 - off
// 1 - on
setDvarIfUninitialized( "cobrapilot_sounds_enabled", "0" );
/* Old cobra settings
level.cobra_weapon_tags = [];
level.cobra_weapon_tags[ "cobra_20mm" ][ 0 ] = "tag_flash";
level.cobra_weapon_tags[ "cobra_FFAR" ][ 0 ] = "tag_store_r_2";
level.cobra_weapon_tags[ "cobra_Hellfire" ][ 0 ] = "tag_store_l_1_a";
level.cobra_weapon_tags[ "cobra_Hellfire" ][ 1 ] = "tag_store_l_1_b";
level.cobra_weapon_tags[ "cobra_Hellfire" ][ 2 ] = "tag_store_l_1_c";
level.cobra_weapon_tags[ "cobra_Hellfire" ][ 3 ] = "tag_store_l_1_d";
level.cobra_weapon_tags[ "cobra_Hellfire" ][ 4 ] = "tag_store_r_1_a";
level.cobra_weapon_tags[ "cobra_Hellfire" ][ 5 ] = "tag_store_r_1_b";
level.cobra_weapon_tags[ "cobra_Hellfire" ][ 6 ] = "tag_store_r_1_c";
level.cobra_weapon_tags[ "cobra_Hellfire" ][ 7 ] = "tag_store_r_1_d";
level.cobra_weapon_tags[ "cobra_Hellfire" ][ 8 ] = "tag_store_l_2_a";
level.cobra_weapon_tags[ "cobra_Hellfire" ][ 9 ] = "tag_store_l_2_b";
level.cobra_weapon_tags[ "cobra_Hellfire" ][ 10 ] = "tag_store_l_2_c";
level.cobra_weapon_tags[ "cobra_Hellfire" ][ 11 ] = "tag_store_l_2_d";
level.cobra_weapon_tags[ "cobra_Sidewinder" ][ 0 ] = "tag_store_l_wing";
level.cobra_weapon_tags[ "cobra_Sidewinder" ][ 1 ] = "tag_store_r_wing";
// Little Bird Config
level.cobra_weapon_tags = [];
level.cobra_weapon_tags[ "cobra_20mm" ][ 0 ] = "tag_minigun_attach_left";
level.cobra_weapon_tags[ "cobra_20mm" ][ 1 ] = "tag_minigun_attach_right";
level.cobra_weapon_tags[ "cobra_FFAR" ][ 0 ] = "tag_missile_left";
level.cobra_weapon_tags[ "cobra_FFAR" ][ 1 ] = "tag_missile_right";
level.cobra_weapon_tags[ "cobra_Hellfire" ][ 0 ] = "tag_missile_left";
level.cobra_weapon_tags[ "cobra_Hellfire" ][ 1 ] = "tag_missile_right";
level.cobra_weapon_tags[ "cobra_Sidewinder" ][ 0 ] = "tag_missile_left";
level.cobra_weapon_tags[ "cobra_Sidewinder" ][ 1 ] = "tag_missile_right";
level.cobra_missile_models = [];
level.cobra_missile_models[ "cobra_Hellfire" ] = "projectile_hellfire_missile";
level.cobra_missile_models[ "cobra_Sidewinder" ] = "projectile_sidewinder_missile";
// 20mm Chain Gun
weapon = weaponsSystems_Create_Weapon();
weapon.v[ "weapon" ] = "cobra_20mm";
// M197 20mm Cannon
weapon.v[ "realWeaponName" ] = &"COBRAPILOT_20MM";
weapon.v[ "weaponNameLocationX" ] = 573;
weapon.v[ "weaponNameLocationY" ] = 149;
weapon.v[ "equipButton" ] = "BUTTON_A";
weapon.v[ "equipShader" ] = "cobra_controls_a";
weapon.v[ "singleShot" ] = false;
weapon.v[ "targetType" ] = "dummy";
weapon.v[ "requireLock" ] = false;
weapon.v[ "maxAmmo" ] = 750;
weapon.v[ "ammoPickupIncrement" ] = 50;
weapon.v[ "tags" ] = level.cobra_weapon_tags[ "cobra_20mm" ];
weaponsSystems_Add_Weapon( weapon );
// Unguided Rockets
weapon = weaponsSystems_Create_Weapon();
weapon.v[ "weapon" ] = "cobra_FFAR";
// LAU-61C/A Unguided Rockets
weapon.v[ "realWeaponName" ] = &"COBRAPILOT_FFAR";
weapon.v[ "weaponNameLocationX" ] = 573;
weapon.v[ "weaponNameLocationY" ] = 167;
weapon.v[ "equipButton" ] = "BUTTON_B";
weapon.v[ "equipShader" ] = "cobra_controls_b";
weapon.v[ "singleShot" ] = false;
weapon.v[ "targetType" ] = "dummy";
weapon.v[ "requireLock" ] = false;
weapon.v[ "maxAmmo" ] = 38;
weapon.v[ "ammoPickupIncrement" ] = 4;
weapon.v[ "tags" ] = level.cobra_weapon_tags[ "cobra_FFAR" ];
weaponsSystems_Add_Weapon( weapon );
// Hellfire
weapon = weaponsSystems_Create_Weapon();
weapon.v[ "weapon" ] = "cobra_Hellfire";
// AGM-114 Hellfire Anti-Tank
weapon.v[ "realWeaponName" ] = &"COBRAPILOT_HELLFIRE";
weapon.v[ "weaponNameLocationX" ] = 573;
weapon.v[ "weaponNameLocationY" ] = 185;
weapon.v[ "equipButton" ] = "BUTTON_X";
weapon.v[ "equipShader" ] = "cobra_controls_x";
weapon.v[ "hudShader" ] = "veh_hud_hellfire";
weapon.v[ "hudShader_size_x" ] = 200;
weapon.v[ "hudShader_size_y" ] = 200;
weapon.v[ "singleShot" ] = true;
weapon.v[ "targetType" ] = "ground";
weapon.v[ "requireLock" ] = true;
weapon.v[ "lockonTime" ] = 1500;
weapon.v[ "maxAmmo" ] = 8;
weapon.v[ "ammoPickupIncrement" ] = 1;
weapon.v[ "tags" ] = level.cobra_weapon_tags[ "cobra_Hellfire" ];
weaponsSystems_Add_Weapon( weapon );
// Sidewinder
weapon = weaponsSystems_Create_Weapon();
weapon.v[ "weapon" ] = "cobra_Sidewinder";
// AIM-9 Sidewinder Air-to-Air
weapon.v[ "realWeaponName" ] = &"COBRAPILOT_SIDEWINDER";
weapon.v[ "sound_armed_loop" ] = "weap_aim9_growl4";
weapon.v[ "weaponNameLocationX" ] = 573;
weapon.v[ "weaponNameLocationY" ] = 203;
weapon.v[ "equipButton" ] = "BUTTON_Y";
weapon.v[ "equipShader" ] = "cobra_controls_y";
weapon.v[ "hudShader" ] = "veh_hud_sidewinder";
weapon.v[ "hudShader_size_x" ] = 200;
weapon.v[ "hudShader_size_y" ] = 200;
weapon.v[ "singleShot" ] = true;
weapon.v[ "targetType" ] = "air";
weapon.v[ "requireLock" ] = true;
weapon.v[ "lockonTime" ] = 3000;
weapon.v[ "maxAmmo" ] = 2;
weapon.v[ "ammoPickupIncrement" ] = 1;
weapon.v[ "ammoPickupDelay_Min" ] = 1.0;
weapon.v[ "ammoPickupDelay_Max" ] = 2.0;
weapon.v[ "tags" ] = level.cobra_weapon_tags[ "cobra_Sidewinder" ];
weaponsSystems_Add_Weapon( weapon );
// Warning you are leaving the mission area! Turn back!
// You left the mission area! Mission Failed!
// No Ammo
precacheString( &"COBRAPILOT_NO_AMMO" );
// Requires Lock-On
precacheString( &"COBRAPILOT_NO_LOCK" );
// Objective indicator marks the ammo reload helipad
level.vehicleSpawnCallbackThread = ::vehicle_Spawn_Callback_Thread;
level.cobraHealth = [];
level.cobraHealth[ "easy" ] = 9000;
level.cobraHealth[ "medium" ] = 7000;
level.cobraHealth[ "hard" ] = 3000;
level.cobraHealth[ "insane" ] = 1500;
level.flareButton1 = "BUTTON_LSHLDR";
level.flareButton2 = "BUTTON_RSHLDR";
level.stats = [];
level.stats[ "enemies_killed" ] = 0;
level.stats[ "damage_taken" ] = 0;
level.stats[ "cobra_20mm" ] = 0;
level.stats[ "cobra_FFAR" ] = 0;
level.stats[ "cobra_Hellfire" ] = 0;
level.stats[ "cobra_Sidewinder" ] = 0;
level.stats[ "flares_used" ] = 0;
level.cosine = [];
level.cosine[ "45" ] = cos( 45 );
level.cosine[ "55" ] = cos( 55 );
level.GunnerTargetRange = 16000;
level.GunnerTargetFOV = level.cosine[ "55" ];
level.GunnerWeapon = "cobra_20mm_copilot";
level.GunnerWeaponPlayerEquiv = "cobra_20mm";
precacheItem( level.GunnerWeapon );
level.flare_fx = [];
level.flare_fx[ "cobra" ] = loadfx( "misc/flares_cobra" );
level.flare_fx[ "cobra_player" ] = loadfx( "misc/flares_cobra" );
level.flare_fx[ "hind" ] = loadfx( "misc/flares_cobra" );
level.player_death_fx = loadfx( "explosions/cobrapilot_vehicle_explosion" );
level.initialFOV = 65;
level.weaponZoomFOV = 35;
precacheShader( "compass_waypoint_farp" );
precacheShader( "cobra_health" );
// precache gunner character
precacheModel( "body_complete_sp_cobra_pilot_desert_zack" );
// precache materials used for missile hint indicators
level.missileHintIndicator_Missile = "veh_hud_missile";
level.missileHintIndicator_Missile_Flash = "veh_hud_missile_flash";
level.missileHintIndicator_Missile_Offscreen = "veh_hud_missile_offscreen";
level.missileHintIndicator_Arrow = [];
level.missileHintIndicator_Arrow[ "left" ] = "veh_hud_missile_arrow_left";
level.missileHintIndicator_Arrow[ "right" ] = "veh_hud_missile_arrow_right";
level.missileHintIndicator_Arrow[ "forward" ] = "veh_hud_missile_arrow_forward";
level.missileHintIndicator_Arrow[ "back" ] = "veh_hud_missile_arrow_back";
precacheShader( level.missileHintIndicator_Missile );
precacheShader( level.missileHintIndicator_Missile_Flash );
precacheShader( level.missileHintIndicator_Missile_Offscreen );
precacheShader( level.missileHintIndicator_Arrow[ "left" ] );
precacheShader( level.missileHintIndicator_Arrow[ "right" ] );
precacheShader( level.missileHintIndicator_Arrow[ "forward" ] );
precacheShader( level.missileHintIndicator_Arrow[ "back" ] );
level.cobrapilot_difficulty = getdvar( "cobrapilot_difficulty" );
assert( isdefined( level.cobraHealth[ level.cobrapilot_difficulty ] ) );
level.flyablecobra_starting_health = level.cobraHealth[ level.cobrapilot_difficulty ];
level.flyablecobra_healthWarning_value = 1000;
level.flyablecobra_healthRegenIncrement = int( level.flyablecobra_starting_health / 6 );
level.flyablecobra_healthRegenRate = 1.0;
level.flyablecobra_healthLeakIncrement = 30;
level.flyablecobra_healthLeakRate = 1.0;
if ( getdvar( "cobrapilot_edge_of_world_type") == "1" )
array_thread( getentarray( "border_outer", "targetname" ), ::borderwall_method1 );
else if ( getdvar( "cobrapilot_edge_of_world_type") == "2" )
thread edge_Of_World();
//thread ammo_Reload_Station();
//thread incommingMissile_Think();
if ( getdvar( "cobrapilot_gunner_enabled") == "1" )
chopper thread gunner_spawn();
array_thread( getentarray( "cobra", "targetname" ), ::setup_player_usable_vehicle );
array_thread( getentarray( "flyable_heli", "targetname" ), ::setup_player_usable_vehicle );
assert( isdefined( self ) );
assert( isdefined( self.target ) );
self.trigger = getent( self.target, "targetname" );
assert( isdefined( self.trigger ) );
self.script_targetoffset_z = -100;
self makeUnusable();
self thread wait_player_enter();
self notify( "stop_kicking_up_dust" );
for ( ;; )
self.trigger waittill( "trigger", pilot );
if ( pilot.classname == "player" )
wait 0.05;
level thread player_enter_chopper( self, pilot );
player_enter_chopper( chopper, pilot )
chopper useby( pilot );
chopper setjitterparams( ( 3, 3, 3 ), 0.5, 1.5 );
chopper.hudelems = spawnstruct();
pilot.ignoreme = true;
chopper.pilot = pilot;
chopper.pilot.currentWeapon = 0;
chopper.playercontrolled = true;
thread player_becomes_pilot_model( chopper );
chopper thread startRotors();
chopper thread maps\_vehicle::aircraft_dust_kickup();
chopper.gunner_use_turret = false;
if ( level.cobraWeapon[ chopper.pilot.currentWeapon ].v[ "weapon" ] != level.GunnerWeaponPlayerEquiv )
chopper.gunner_use_turret = true;
if ( ( isdefined( level.cobraWeapon ) ) && ( level.cobraWeapon.size > 0 ) )
chopper setVehWeapon( level.cobraWeapon[ chopper.pilot.currentWeapon ].v[ "weapon" ] );
chopper notify( "nodeath_thread" );
chopper notify( "no_regen_health" );
chopper notify( "stop_turret_shoot" );
chopper notify( "stop_friendlyfire_shield" );
chopper notify( "stop_vehicle_wait" );
chopper thread globalThink();
chopper thread weaponsSystems();
chopper.pilot freezeControls( true );
chopper waittill( "takeoff" );
chopper thread setChopperHealth();
chopper setGoalYaw( chopper.angles[ 1 ] );
chopper setVehGoalPos( chopper.origin + ( 0, 0, 40 ), 1 );
chopper waittill( "goal" );
chopper returnPlayerControl();
chopper.pilot freezeControls( false );
player_becomes_pilot_model( chopper )
if ( chopper.vehicletype != "cobra_player" )
assert( isdefined( chopper.pilot ) );
chopper.pilot hide();
chopper.pilotModel = spawn( "script_model", chopper getTagOrigin( "tag_pilot" ) );
chopper.pilotModel.angles = chopper getTagAngles( "tag_pilot" );
chopper.pilotModel setmodel( "body_complete_sp_cobra_pilot_desert_zack" );
chopper.pilotModel linkto( chopper, "tag_pilot", ( 0, 0, -40 ), ( 0, 0, 0 ) );
chopper.pilotModel useAnimTree( #animtree );
while ( isdefined( chopper ) )
chopper.pilotModel setFlaggedAnim( "pilot_idle_anim", %cobra_copilot_idle );
chopper.pilotModel waittillmatch( "pilot_idle_anim", "end" );
self useAnimTree( #animtree );
startUp = true;
rate = 0.2;
rate_inc = 0.2;
rate_time = 0.2;
while ( isdefined( self ) )
self setFlaggedAnim( "rotor_anim", %bh_rotors, 1.0, 0.1, rate );
if ( startUp )
wait rate_time;
rate += rate_inc;
if ( rate >= 4.0 )
rate = 1.0;
startUp = false;
self notify( "takeoff" );
if ( self.vehicletype == "cobra_player" )
self setModel( "vehicle_cobra_helicopter_fly" );
self waittillmatch( "rotor_anim", "end" );
assert( isdefined( self.pilot ) );
self.health = level.flyablecobra_starting_health;
self.currenthealth = level.flyablecobra_starting_health;
self.maxhealth = level.flyablecobra_starting_health;
self health_indicator_create();
self thread health_indicator_damageWait();
self thread health_think();
vehicle_Spawn_Callback_Thread( vehicle )
vehicle thread globalThink();
if ( !isdefined( vehicle.script_cobratarget ) )
if ( vehicle.script_cobratarget != 1 )
assert( isdefined( vehicle.script_targettype ) );
if ( !isdefined( vehicle.script_targetoffset_z ) )
vehicle.script_targetoffset_z = 0;
offset = ( 0, 0, vehicle.script_targetoffset_z );
cobraTarget_Add( level.player, vehicle, vehicle.script_targettype, offset );
ent = spawnStruct();
ent.v = [];
name of weapon defined in asset manager
real name of weapon used for hud/info, should be a localized string name
sound to play when this weapon becomes equipped
sound_armed_loop (optional):
sound to loop while this weapon is armed
weaponNameLocationX / weaponNameLocationY:
x and y coordinate for realWeaponName text on the HUD
button pressed to equip this weapon
shader to use when this weapon is equipped
hudShader (optional):
shader to use for the HUD when this vehicle is equiped
hudShader_size_x (optional) / hudShader_size_y (optional):
size of the hudShader
if true, player must release the fire button before firing another shot
if false, holding the fire button fires multiple shots sequentially
dummy - no targeting, just straight projectiles
ground - targets ground targets only
air - targets air targets only
lockonTime (optional):
number of milliseconds required for lockon to engage
shader targets use that are valid, but not locked
shader valid targets use when they are offscreen
shader targets use when they are fully locked on
when a target is being locked (but isn't fully locked yet) it flashes this shader until full lock is reached
shader targets use that the current weapon system can't target
shader invalid targets use when they are offscreen
maxinum number of rounds the helicopter can hold
number of rounds picked up each time the helicopter picks up ammo
ammoPickupDelay_Min / ammoPickupDelay_Max:
min and max random wait time between weapon pickups
array of tags on the helicopter where projectiles originate from
// set some defaults
ent.v[ "weapon" ] = undefined;
ent.v[ "realWeaponName" ] = undefined;
ent.v[ "sound_armed" ] = "cobra_weapon_change";
ent.v[ "sound_armed_loop" ] = undefined;
ent.v[ "weaponNameLocationX" ] = undefined;
ent.v[ "weaponNameLocationY" ] = undefined;
ent.v[ "equipButton" ] = undefined;
ent.v[ "equipShader" ] = undefined;
ent.v[ "hudShader" ] = undefined;
ent.v[ "hudShader_size_x" ] = undefined;
ent.v[ "hudShader_size_y" ] = undefined;
ent.v[ "singleShot" ] = false;
ent.v[ "targetType" ] = undefined;
ent.v[ "requireLock" ] = false;
ent.v[ "lockonTime" ] = undefined;
ent.v[ "shader_target" ] = "veh_hud_target";
ent.v[ "shader_target_offscreen" ] = "veh_hud_target_offscreen";
ent.v[ "shader_lock" ] = "veh_hud_target_lock";
ent.v[ "shader_locking" ] = "veh_hud_target_locking";
ent.v[ "shader_invalid" ] = "veh_hud_target_invalid";
ent.v[ "shader_invalid_offscreen" ] = "veh_hud_target_invalid_offscreen";
ent.v[ "maxAmmo" ] = undefined;
ent.v[ "ammoPickupIncrement" ] = undefined;
ent.v[ "ammoPickupDelay_Min" ] = 0.5;
ent.v[ "ammoPickupDelay_Max" ] = 1.2;
ent.v[ "tags" ] = undefined;
return ent;
weaponsSystems_Add_Weapon( weapon )
if ( !isdefined( level.cobraWeapon ) )
level.cobraWeapon = [];
assert( isdefined( level.cobraWeapon ) );
assert( isdefined( weapon.v[ "weapon" ] ) );
assert( isdefined( weapon.v[ "realWeaponName" ] ) );
assert( isdefined( weapon.v[ "sound_armed" ] ) );
assert( isdefined( weapon.v[ "weaponNameLocationX" ] ) );
assert( isdefined( weapon.v[ "weaponNameLocationY" ] ) );
assert( isdefined( weapon.v[ "equipButton" ] ) );
assert( isdefined( weapon.v[ "equipShader" ] ) );
assert( isdefined( weapon.v[ "singleShot" ] ) );
assert( isdefined( weapon.v[ "targetType" ] ) );
assert( isdefined( weapon.v[ "shader_target" ] ) );
assert( isdefined( weapon.v[ "shader_target_offscreen" ] ) );
assert( isdefined( weapon.v[ "shader_lock" ] ) );
assert( isdefined( weapon.v[ "shader_locking" ] ) );
assert( isdefined( weapon.v[ "shader_invalid" ] ) );
assert( isdefined( weapon.v[ "shader_invalid_offscreen" ] ) );
assert( isdefined( weapon.v[ "maxAmmo" ] ) );
assert( isdefined( weapon.v[ "ammoPickupIncrement" ] ) );
assert( isdefined( weapon.v[ "ammoPickupDelay_Min" ] ) );
assert( isdefined( weapon.v[ "ammoPickupDelay_Max" ] ) );
assert( isdefined( weapon.v[ "tags" ] ) );
assert( weapon.v[ "tags" ].size > 0 );
index = level.cobraWeapon.size;
level.cobraWeapon[ index ] = weapon;
level.cobraWeapon[ index ].v[ "currentAmmo" ] = level.cobraWeapon[ index ].v[ "maxAmmo" ];
level.cobraWeapon[ index ].v[ "nextTag" ] = 0;
//precache the weapons localized string name
precacheString( level.cobraWeapon[ index ].v[ "realWeaponName" ] );
//precache the weapon
precacheItem( level.cobraWeapon[ index ].v[ "weapon" ] );
//precache the shaders
if ( isdefined( level.cobraWeapon[ index ].v[ "hudShader" ] ) )
precacheShader( level.cobraWeapon[ index ].v[ "hudShader" ] );
precacheShader( level.cobraWeapon[ index ].v[ "equipShader" ] );
precacheShader( level.cobraWeapon[ index ].v[ "shader_target" ] );
precacheShader( level.cobraWeapon[ index ].v[ "shader_target_offscreen" ] );
precacheShader( level.cobraWeapon[ index ].v[ "shader_lock" ] );
precacheShader( level.cobraWeapon[ index ].v[ "shader_locking" ] );
precacheShader( level.cobraWeapon[ index ].v[ "shader_invalid" ] );
precacheShader( level.cobraWeapon[ index ].v[ "shader_invalid_offscreen" ] );
// create the HUD weapon name
level.cobraWeapon[ index ].v[ "weaponNameHUD" ] = newHudElem();
level.cobraWeapon[ index ].v[ "weaponNameHUD" ].x = level.cobraWeapon[ index ].v[ "weaponNameLocationX" ];
level.cobraWeapon[ index ].v[ "weaponNameHUD" ].y = level.cobraWeapon[ index ].v[ "weaponNameLocationY" ];
level.cobraWeapon[ index ].v[ "weaponNameHUD" ].alignX = "left";
level.cobraWeapon[ index ].v[ "weaponNameHUD" ].alignY = "middle";
level.cobraWeapon[ index ].v[ "weaponNameHUD" ].horzAlign = "left";
level.cobraWeapon[ index ].v[ "weaponNameHUD" ].vertAlign = "middle";
level.cobraWeapon[ index ].v[ "weaponNameHUD" ].foreground = true;
level.cobraWeapon[ index ].v[ "weaponNameHUD" ].fontscale = 1.0;
level.cobraWeapon[ index ].v[ "weaponNameHUD" ].color = ( 0, 1, 0 );
level.cobraWeapon[ index ].v[ "weaponNameHUD" ] setText( level.cobraWeapon[ index ].v[ "realWeaponName" ] );
// create the HUD ammo counter
if ( getdvar( "cobrapilot_unlimited_ammo" ) == "0" )
level.cobraWeapon[ index ].v[ "ammoCounter" ] = newHudElem();
level.cobraWeapon[ index ].v[ "ammoCounter" ].x = level.cobraWeapon[ index ].v[ "weaponNameLocationX" ] + 160;
level.cobraWeapon[ index ].v[ "ammoCounter" ].y = level.cobraWeapon[ index ].v[ "weaponNameLocationY" ];
level.cobraWeapon[ index ].v[ "ammoCounter" ].alignX = "center";
level.cobraWeapon[ index ].v[ "ammoCounter" ].alignY = "middle";
level.cobraWeapon[ index ].v[ "ammoCounter" ].horzAlign = "left";
level.cobraWeapon[ index ].v[ "ammoCounter" ].vertAlign = "middle";
level.cobraWeapon[ index ].v[ "ammoCounter" ].foreground = true;
level.cobraWeapon[ index ].v[ "ammoCounter" ].fontscale = 1.0;
level.cobraWeapon[ index ].v[ "ammoCounter" ].color = ( 0, 1, 0 );
level.cobraWeapon[ index ].v[ "ammoCounter" ] setValue( level.cobraWeapon[ index ].v[ "currentAmmo" ] );
assert( isdefined( self ) );
assert( isdefined( self.pilot ) );
assert( self.pilot.classname == "player" );
if ( !isdefined( level.cobraWeapon ) )
if ( level.cobraWeapon.size == 0 )
level endon( "cobra_death" );
self thread weaponsSystems_HUD();
self thread weaponsSystems_Fire_Missile();
self thread weaponsSystems_zoom();
for ( ;; )
for ( i = 0 ; i < level.cobraWeapon.size ; i++ )
if ( self.pilot buttonPressed( level.cobraWeapon[ i ].v[ "equipButton" ] ) )
// stop the equip loop sound of the old weapon if it was playing one
// activate the weapon
if ( self.pilot.currentWeapon == i )
self.pilot weaponsSystems_buttonRelease_Wait( level.cobraWeapon[ self.pilot.currentWeapon ].v[ "equipButton" ] );
self.pilot.currentWeapon = i;
if ( level.cobraWeapon[ self.pilot.currentWeapon ].v[ "weapon" ] == level.GunnerWeaponPlayerEquiv )
self.gunner_use_turret = false;
self notify( "gunner_stop_firing" );
self clearTurretTarget();
self.gunner_use_turret = true;
self setVehWeapon( level.cobraWeapon[ self.pilot.currentWeapon ].v[ "weapon" ] );
level notify( "weapon_armed" );
// stop any lockon sounds that might have started
if ( ( isdefined( level.cobraTarget ) ) && ( level.cobraTarget.size > 0 ) )
for ( i = 0 ; i < level.cobraTarget.size ; i++ )
self thread cobraTarget_holdWait_missileLock_Sound_Stop( level.cobraTarget[ i ] );
// play weapon equip sound and if the weapon has an armed loop sound play it now
if ( getdvar( "cobrapilot_sounds_enabled" ) == "1" )
self.pilot playLocalSound( level.cobraWeapon[ self.pilot.currentWeapon ].v[ "sound_armed" ] );
self thread weaponSystems_EquipLoopSound_Start();
cobraTarget_UpdateShaders_All( self.pilot );
self.pilot weaponsSystems_buttonRelease_Wait( level.cobraWeapon[ self.pilot.currentWeapon ].v[ "equipButton" ] );
wait 0.05;
if ( getdvar( "cobrapilot_sounds_enabled" ) != "1" )
if ( !isdefined( level.cobraWeapon[ self.pilot.currentWeapon ].v[ "sound_armed_loop" ] ) )
if ( isdefined( level.weaponEquipLoopSoundPlaying ) )
level.weaponEquipLoopSoundPlaying = true;
self.pilot thread playLoopSoundForSeeking( level.cobraWeapon[ self.pilot.currentWeapon ].v[ "sound_armed_loop" ] );
if ( getdvar( "cobrapilot_sounds_enabled" ) != "1" )
level.weaponEquipLoopSoundPlaying = undefined;
if ( !isdefined( level.cobraWeapon[ self.pilot.currentWeapon ].v[ "sound_armed_loop" ] ) )
self.pilot notify( "stop sound" + level.cobraWeapon[ self.pilot.currentWeapon ].v[ "sound_armed_loop" ] );
weaponsSystems_buttonRelease_Wait( button )
assert( isdefined( self ) );
assert( self.classname == "player" );
level endon( "cobra_death" );
prof_begin( "cobrapilot_weapons_systems" );
while ( self buttonPressed( button ) )
wait 0.05;
prof_end( "cobrapilot_weapons_systems" );
assert( isdefined( self ) );
if ( !isdefined( level.cobraWeapon ) )
if ( level.cobraWeapon.size == 0 )
// weapon selection display
controller_layout_size_x = 300;
controller_layout_size_y = 75;
self.hudelems.controller_layout = newClientHudElem( self.pilot );
self.hudelems.controller_layout.x = 25;
self.hudelems.controller_layout.y = 10;
self.hudelems.controller_layout.alignX = "right";
self.hudelems.controller_layout.alignY = "bottom";
self.hudelems.controller_layout.horzAlign = "right";
self.hudelems.controller_layout.vertAlign = "bottom";
self.hudelems.controller_layout.foreground = true;
// weapon HUD
self.hudelems.weapon_hud = newClientHudElem( self.pilot );
self.hudelems.weapon_hud.x = 0;
self.hudelems.weapon_hud.y = 0;
self.hudelems.weapon_hud.alignX = "center";
self.hudelems.weapon_hud.alignY = "middle";
self.hudelems.weapon_hud.horzAlign = "center";
self.hudelems.weapon_hud.vertAlign = "middle";
self.hudelems.weapon_hud.foreground = true;
self.hudelems.weapon_hud.alpha = 0;
level endon( "cobra_death" );
for ( ;; )
prof_begin( "cobrapilot_weapons_systems" );
assert( isdefined( self.pilot.currentWeapon ) );
// weapon selection display
assert( isdefined( level.cobraWeapon[ self.pilot.currentWeapon ].v[ "equipShader" ] ) );
self.hudelems.controller_layout setshader( level.cobraWeapon[ self.pilot.currentWeapon ].v[ "equipShader" ], controller_layout_size_x, controller_layout_size_y );
// weapon HUD
if ( isdefined( level.cobraWeapon[ self.pilot.currentWeapon ].v[ "hudShader" ] ) )
assert( isdefined( level.cobraWeapon[ self.pilot.currentWeapon ].v[ "hudShader_size_x" ] ) );
assert( isdefined( level.cobraWeapon[ self.pilot.currentWeapon ].v[ "hudShader_size_y" ] ) );
self.hudelems.weapon_hud setshader( level.cobraWeapon[ self.pilot.currentWeapon ].v[ "hudShader" ], level.cobraWeapon[ self.pilot.currentWeapon ].v[ "hudShader_size_x" ], level.cobraWeapon[ self.pilot.currentWeapon ].v[ "hudShader_size_y" ] );
self.hudelems.weapon_hud.alpha = 1;
self.hudelems.weapon_hud.alpha = 0;
prof_end( "cobrapilot_weapons_systems" );
level waittill( "weapon_armed" );
self endon( "death" );
level endon( "cobra_death" );
for ( ;; )
// code notify that the trigger was pulled
self waittill( "turret_fire" );
// make sure the player has ammo
if ( getdvar( "cobrapilot_unlimited_ammo" ) != "1" )
if ( level.cobraWeapon[ self.pilot.currentWeapon ].v[ "currentAmmo" ] <= 0 )
self thread weaponsSystems_noAmmo_Warning();
// get the missile lock target if there is one
missileTarget = weaponsSystems_Get_Missile_Target();
// check if the weapon requires lockon, and that the player meets the requirements
if ( ( level.cobraWeapon[ self.pilot.currentWeapon ].v[ "requireLock" ] == true ) && ( !isdefined( missileTarget ) ) )
thread weaponsSystems_noLock_Warning();
// fire the weapon from the next tag to be used
// if there are targets that are locked, fire the missile at those targets
eMissile = undefined;
if ( isdefined( missileTarget ) )
eMissile = self fireWeapon( level.cobraWeapon[ self.pilot.currentWeapon ].v[ "tags" ][ level.cobraWeapon[ self.pilot.currentWeapon ].v[ "nextTag" ] ], missileTarget.targetEntity );
missileTarget.targetEntity notify( "incomming_missile", eMissile );
if ( !isdefined( missileTarget.targetEntity.incomming_Missiles ) )
missileTarget.targetEntity.incomming_Missiles = [];
missileTarget.targetEntity.incomming_Missiles = array_add( missileTarget.targetEntity.incomming_Missiles, eMissile );
thread missile_deathWait( eMissile, missileTarget.targetEntity );
eMissile = self fireWeapon( level.cobraWeapon[ self.pilot.currentWeapon ].v[ "tags" ][ level.cobraWeapon[ self.pilot.currentWeapon ].v[ "nextTag" ] ] );
assert( isdefined( eMissile ) );
assert( isdefined( level.stats[ level.cobraWeapon[ self.pilot.currentWeapon ].v[ "weapon" ] ] ) );
level.stats[ level.cobraWeapon[ self.pilot.currentWeapon ].v[ "weapon" ] ]++ ;
if ( isdefined( self.hasAttachedWeapons ) )
if ( ( isdefined( level.cobra_missile_models ) ) && ( isdefined( level.cobra_missile_models[ level.cobraWeapon[ self.pilot.currentWeapon ].v[ "weapon" ] ] ) ) )
modelname = level.cobra_missile_models[ level.cobraWeapon[ self.pilot.currentWeapon ].v[ "weapon" ] ];
tagname = level.cobraWeapon[ self.pilot.currentWeapon ].v[ "tags" ][ level.cobraWeapon[ self.pilot.currentWeapon ].v[ "nextTag" ] ];
self weaponsSystems_Detach_Weapon( modelname, tagname );
// update what the next tag should be - some weapons only use one tag so it will remain the same
level.cobraWeapon[ self.pilot.currentWeapon ].v[ "nextTag" ]++ ;
if ( level.cobraWeapon[ self.pilot.currentWeapon ].v[ "nextTag" ] >= level.cobraWeapon[ self.pilot.currentWeapon ].v[ "tags" ].size )
level.cobraWeapon[ self.pilot.currentWeapon ].v[ "nextTag" ] = 0;
// take away ammo and update the ammo counter on the hud
if ( getdvar( "cobrapilot_unlimited_ammo" ) == "0" )
level.cobraWeapon[ self.pilot.currentWeapon ].v[ "currentAmmo" ] -- ;
level.cobraWeapon[ self.pilot.currentWeapon ].v[ "ammoCounter" ] setValue( level.cobraWeapon[ self.pilot.currentWeapon ].v[ "currentAmmo" ] );
// some weapons require player to release the fire button before a second shot is fired
if ( level.cobraWeapon[ self.pilot.currentWeapon ].v[ "singleShot" ] )
self.pilot weaponsSystems_buttonRelease_Wait( "BUTTON_RTRIG" );
weaponsSystems_Detach_Weapon( modelname, tagname )
if ( getdvar( "cobrapilot_unlimited_ammo" ) == "1" )
// build list of all attached models
attachedModelCount = self getattachsize();
attachedModels = [];
for ( i = 0 ; i < attachedModelCount ; i++ )
attachedModels[ i ] = self getattachmodelname( i );
// check to see if this model is attached to this model
// if it is, see if it's on the matching tagname
qAttached = false;
for ( i = 0 ; i < attachedModels.size ; i++ )
if ( attachedModels[ i ] != modelname )
sName = self getattachtagname( i );
if ( tolower( tagname ) != tolower( sName ) )
qAttached = true;
if ( qAttached )
self detach( modelname, tagname );
println( "FAILED TO DETACH MODEL: " + modelname + " from tag: " + tagname );
weaponsSystems_Attach_Weapon( weapon )
if ( getdvar( "cobrapilot_unlimited_ammo" ) == "1" )
// build list of all attached models
attachedModelCount = self getattachsize();
//attachedModels = [];
//for ( i = 0 ; i < attachedModelCount ; i++ )
// attachedModels[ i ] = self getattachmodelname( i );
// find an open tag that this model could get attached to
if ( !isdefined( level.cobra_missile_models[ weapon ] ) )
missileModel = level.cobra_missile_models[ weapon ];
attachToTag = undefined;
for ( i = 0 ; i < level.cobra_weapon_tags[ weapon ].size ; i++ )
tag = level.cobra_weapon_tags[ weapon ][ i ];
// check if a model is already attached to this tag
if ( weaponsSystems_Model_Attached_To_Tag( tag ) )
attachToTag = tag;
if ( isdefined( attachToTag ) )
self attach( missileModel, attachToTag );
//println( "FAILED TO ATTACH MODEL: " + missileModel );
weaponsSystems_Model_Attached_To_Tag( tagname )
// find if a model is attached to this tag
attachedModelCount = self getattachsize();
for ( i = 0 ; i < attachedModelCount ; i++ )
if ( self getattachtagname( i ) == tagname )
return true;
return false;
level endon( "cobra_death" );
missileTarget = undefined;
if ( !isdefined( level.cobraTarget ) )
return missileTarget;
if ( !isdefined( level.cobraTarget.size ) )
return missileTarget;
prof_begin( "cobrapilot_weapons_systems" );
// find the missile with the lowest .locked time
for ( i = 0 ; i < level.cobraTarget.size ; i++ )
if ( !isdefined( level.cobraTarget[ i ].locked ) )
if ( !isdefined( missileTarget ) )
missileTarget = level.cobraTarget[ i ];
if ( level.cobraTarget[ i ].locked < missileTarget.locked )
missileTarget = level.cobraTarget[ i ];
prof_end( "cobrapilot_weapons_systems" );
if ( isdefined( missileTarget ) )
missileTarget.locked = getTime();
return missileTarget;
self notify( "noammo_warning" );
self endon( "noammo_warning" );
if ( isdefined( self.hudelems.noammo_warning ) )
self.hudelems.noammo_warning destroy();
self.hudelems.noammo_warning = newClientHudElem( self.pilot );
self.hudelems.noammo_warning.x = 0;
self.hudelems.noammo_warning.y = 40;
self.hudelems.noammo_warning.alignX = "center";
self.hudelems.noammo_warning.alignY = "middle";
self.hudelems.noammo_warning.horzAlign = "center";
self.hudelems.noammo_warning.vertAlign = "middle";
self.hudelems.noammo_warning.foreground = true;
// No Ammo
self.hudelems.noammo_warning setText( &"COBRAPILOT_NO_AMMO" );
self.hudelems.noammo_warning.fontscale = 1.5;
if ( getdvar( "cobrapilot_sounds_enabled" ) == "1" )
self.pilot playLocalSound( "cobra_no_ammo" );
self.hudelems.noammo_warning.alpha = 1;
wait 0.5;
self.hudelems.noammo_warning fadeOverTime( 1.0 );
self.hudelems.noammo_warning.alpha = 0;
wait 1.0;
self.hudelems.noammo_warning destroy();
self notify( "nolock_warning" );
self endon( "nolock_warning" );
if ( isdefined( self.hudelems.nolock_warning ) )
self.hudelems.nolock_warning destroy();
self.hudelems.nolock_warning = newClientHudElem( self.pilot );
self.hudelems.nolock_warning.x = 0;
self.hudelems.nolock_warning.y = 40;
self.hudelems.nolock_warning.alignX = "center";
self.hudelems.nolock_warning.alignY = "middle";
self.hudelems.nolock_warning.horzAlign = "center";
self.hudelems.nolock_warning.vertAlign = "middle";
self.hudelems.nolock_warning.foreground = true;
// Requires Lock-On
self.hudelems.nolock_warning setText( &"COBRAPILOT_NO_LOCK" );
self.hudelems.nolock_warning.fontscale = 1.5;
if ( getdvar( "cobrapilot_sounds_enabled" ) == "1" )
self.pilot playLocalSound( "cobra_no_ammo" );
self.hudelems.nolock_warning.alpha = 1;
wait 0.5;
self.hudelems.nolock_warning fadeOverTime( 1.0 );
self.hudelems.nolock_warning.alpha = 0;
wait 1.0;
self.hudelems.nolock_warning destroy();
assert( isdefined( self ) );
assert( isdefined( self.pilot ) );
assert( self.pilot.classname == "player" );
level endon( "cobra_death" );
self.pilot endon( "death" );
wait 0.05;
self.pilot reset_fov_for_player();
for ( ;; )
while ( !self.pilot buttonPressed( "BUTTON_LSTICK" ) )
wait 0.05;
self.pilot change_fov_for_player( level.weaponZoomFOV );
while ( self.pilot buttonPressed( "BUTTON_LSTICK" ) )
wait 0.05;
self.pilot reset_fov_for_player();
change_fov_for_player( targetFOV )
targetFOV = int( targetFOV );
fov = int( getdvar( "cg_fov" ) );
if ( isdefined( fov ) && fov > 0 )
level.initialFOV = fov;
fovFraction = targetFOV / level.initialFOV;
fovFraction = cap_value( fovFraction, 0.2, 2.0 );
self change_fov_scale_for_player( fovFraction );
self change_fov_scale_for_player( 1.0 );
change_fov_scale_for_player( scale )
if ( self == level.player )
setsaveddvar( "cg_playerFovScale0", scale );
else if ( self == level.player2 )
setsaveddvar( "cg_playerFovScale1", scale );
assertMsg( "Flyable helicopters currently only supports single player or coop with 2 players. Playing with more than 2 players is not yet supported" );
cobraTarget_Add( player, targetEntity, targetType, targetOffset )
// adds a new entity target to the targets array
assert( isdefined( player ) );
assert( player.classname == "player" );
assert( isdefined( targetEntity ) );
assert( isdefined( targetType ) );
assert( targetType == "air" || targetType == "ground" || targetType == "dummy" );
prof_begin( "cobrapilot_weapons_systems" );
if ( !isdefined( targetOffset ) )
targetOffset = ( 0, 0, 0 );
if ( !isdefined( level.cobraTarget ) )
level.cobraTarget = [];
index = level.cobraTarget.size;
level.cobraTarget[ index ] = spawnstruct();
level.cobraTarget[ index ].targetEntity = targetEntity;
level.cobraTarget[ index ].targetType = targetType;
level.cobraTarget[ index ].targetOffset = targetOffset;
level.cobraTarget[ index ].playerOwner = player;
//level.cobraTarget[ index ].hudelem = newClientHudElem( player );
//level.cobraTarget[ index ].hudelem SetShader( "veh_hud_target", 1, 1 );
//level.cobraTarget[ index ].hudelem SetWayPoint( true, true, true );
//level.cobraTarget[ index ].hudelem SetTargetEnt( targetEntity );
target_set( level.cobraTarget[ index ].targetEntity, level.cobraTarget[ index ].targetOffset );
level.cobraTarget[ index ].targetEntity.target_initilized = true;
thread cobraTarget_Death( level.cobraTarget[ index ] );
level notify( "targets_updated" );
prof_end( "cobrapilot_weapons_systems" );
cobraTarget_UpdateShaders_All( player );
thread cobraTarget_check_missileLock_All( player );
cobraTarget_Death( targetStruct )
targetStruct.targetEntity waittill( "death" );
cobraTarget_holdWait_missileLock_Sound_Stop( targetStruct );
// if the sidewinder weapon was targeting this target, clear the target reticle
if ( isdefined( targetStruct.sideWinder_targeted ) )
cobraTarget_Sidewinder_ReticleLockOn_Stop( targetStruct );
level.stats[ "enemies_killed" ]++ ;
cobraTarget_Remove( targetStruct );
cobraTarget_Remove( targetStruct )
prof_begin( "cobrapilot_weapons_systems" );
//targetStruct.hudelem destroy();
level.cobraTarget = array_remove( level.cobraTarget, targetStruct );
target_remove( targetStruct.targetEntity );
level notify( "targets_updated" );
prof_end( "cobrapilot_weapons_systems" );
cobraTarget_UpdateShaders_All( player )
// updates shaders for all targets in the targets array
// if ground missiles are armed ground targets show "target" shader and air targets show "invalid" shader
// if air missiles are armed air targets show "target" shader and ground targets show "invalid" shader
// if dummy missiles are armed all targets show "target" shader
assert( isdefined( player ) );
assert( player.classname == "player" );
// player isn't in a chopper yet
if ( !isdefined( player.currentWeapon ) )
if ( !isdefined( level.cobraTarget ) )
if ( !isdefined( level.cobraTarget.size ) )
if ( !isdefined( level.cobraWeapon ) )
if ( level.cobraWeapon.size == 0 )
prof_begin( "cobrapilot_weapons_systems" );
for ( i = 0 ; i < level.cobraTarget.size ; i++ )
// if the target type matches the weapon type (ie weapon type is "ground" and target type is also "ground")
// then make this target have a valid target shader
// if the weapon type is "dummy" then all targets are valid
// otherwise give it the invalid target shader
if ( level.cobraTarget[ i ].playerOwner != player )
if ( level.cobraWeapon[ player.currentWeapon ].v[ "targetType" ] == "dummy" )
cobraTarget_UpdateShader( player, level.cobraTarget[ i ], "target" );
else if ( level.cobraTarget[ i ].targetType == level.cobraWeapon[ player.currentWeapon ].v[ "targetType" ] )
cobraTarget_UpdateShader( player, level.cobraTarget[ i ], "target" );
cobraTarget_UpdateShader( player, level.cobraTarget[ i ], "invalid" );
prof_end( "cobrapilot_weapons_systems" );
cobraTarget_UpdateShader( player, targetStruct, shader )
assert( isdefined( player ) );
assert( player.classname == "player" );
assert( isdefined( targetStruct ) );
assert( isdefined( targetStruct.targetEntity ) );
assert( isdefined( shader ) );
//assert( isdefined( targetStruct.hudelem ) );
assertEx( isdefined( targetStruct.targetEntity.target_initilized ), "Script is trying to do setShader on a target that hasn't run target_set. This is supposed to be impossible" );
switch( shader )
case "target":
//targetStruct.hudelem setShader( level.cobraWeapon[ player.currentWeapon ].v[ "shader_target" ] );
target_setShader( targetStruct.targetEntity, level.cobraWeapon[ player.currentWeapon ].v[ "shader_target" ] );
target_setOffscreenShader( targetStruct.targetEntity, level.cobraWeapon[ player.currentWeapon ].v[ "shader_target_offscreen" ] );
case "lock":
//targetStruct.hudelem setShader( level.cobraWeapon[ player.currentWeapon ].v[ "shader_lock" ] );
target_setShader( targetStruct.targetEntity, level.cobraWeapon[ player.currentWeapon ].v[ "shader_lock" ] );
target_setOffscreenShader( targetStruct.targetEntity, level.cobraWeapon[ player.currentWeapon ].v[ "shader_target_offscreen" ] );
case "locking":
//targetStruct.hudelem setShader( level.cobraWeapon[ player.currentWeapon ].v[ "shader_locking" ] );
target_setShader( targetStruct.targetEntity, level.cobraWeapon[ player.currentWeapon ].v[ "shader_locking" ] );
target_setOffscreenShader( targetStruct.targetEntity, level.cobraWeapon[ player.currentWeapon ].v[ "shader_target_offscreen" ] );
case "invalid":
//targetStruct.hudelem setShader( level.cobraWeapon[ player.currentWeapon ].v[ "shader_invalid" ] );
target_setShader( targetStruct.targetEntity, level.cobraWeapon[ player.currentWeapon ].v[ "shader_invalid" ] );
target_setOffscreenShader( targetStruct.targetEntity, level.cobraWeapon[ player.currentWeapon ].v[ "shader_invalid_offscreen" ] );
assertMsg( "shader must be target, lock, locking, or invalid" );
if ( !isdefined( level.cobraTarget ) )
if ( !isdefined( level.cobraTarget.size ) )
prof_begin( "cobrapilot_weapons_systems" );
for ( i = 0 ; i < level.cobraTarget.size ; i++ )
cobraTarget_Sidewinder_ReticleLockOn_Stop( level.cobraTarget[ i ] );
level.cobraTarget[ i ].sideWinder_targeted = undefined;
level.cobraTarget[ i ].locking = undefined;
level.cobraTarget[ i ].locked = undefined;
prof_end( "cobrapilot_weapons_systems" );
cobraTarget_check_missileLock_All( player )
wait 0.05;
assert( isdefined( player ) && ( player.classname == "player" ) );
if ( !isdefined( level.cobraWeapon ) )
if ( level.cobraWeapon.size == 0 )
if ( !isdefined( player.currentWeapon ) )
level notify( "checking for missile locks" );
level endon( "checking for missile locks" );
level endon( "cobra_death" );
for ( ;; )
prof_begin( "cobrapilot_weapons_systems" );
assert( isdefined( level.cobraTarget ) );
if ( !isdefined( level.cobraTarget.size ) )
level waittill( "targets_updated" );
if ( !isdefined( level.cobraTarget.size ) )
if ( level.cobraWeapon[ player.currentWeapon ].v[ "targetType" ] == "ground" )
boxHalfWidth = ( level.cobraWeapon[ player.currentWeapon ].v[ "hudShader_size_x" ] / 2 ) - 25;
boxHalfHeight = ( level.cobraWeapon[ player.currentWeapon ].v[ "hudShader_size_y" ] / 2 ) - 25;
// logic for hellfire missile lockons
for ( i = 0 ; i < level.cobraTarget.size ; i++ )
z_type = level.cobraTarget[ i ].targetType;
z_weap = player.currentWeapon;
z_weaponmode = level.cobraWeapon[ player.currentWeapon ].v[ "targetType" ];
if ( level.cobraTarget[ i ].targetType != level.cobraWeapon[ player.currentWeapon ].v[ "targetType" ] )
prof_end( "cobrapilot_weapons_systems" );
cobraTarget_check_missileLock_Ground( level.cobraTarget[ i ], boxHalfWidth, boxHalfHeight );
else if ( level.cobraWeapon[ player.currentWeapon ].v[ "targetType" ] == "air" )
circleRadius = ( level.cobraWeapon[ player.currentWeapon ].v[ "hudShader_size_x" ] / 2 ) - 10;
for ( i = 0 ; i < level.cobraTarget.size ; i++ )
if ( level.cobraTarget[ i ].targetType != level.cobraWeapon[ player.currentWeapon ].v[ "targetType" ] )
prof_end( "cobrapilot_weapons_systems" );
cobraTarget_check_missileLock_Air( level.cobraTarget[ i ], circleRadius );
prof_end( "cobrapilot_weapons_systems" );
level waittill( "weapon_armed" );
prof_end( "cobrapilot_weapons_systems" );
wait 0.05;
cobraTarget_isLockingOn( targetStruct, boxHalfWidth, boxHalfHeight, circleRadius )
assert( isdefined( targetStruct ) );
assert( isdefined( targetStruct.targetEntity ) );
if ( isdefined( boxHalfWidth ) )
assert( isdefined( boxHalfHeight ) );
if ( ( !isdefined( boxHalfWidth ) ) && ( !isdefined( boxHalfHeight ) ) )
assert( isdefined( circleRadius ) );
inReticle = false;
sightTrace = false;
prof_begin( "cobrapilot_weapons_systems" );
inReticle = target_isinrect( targetStruct.targetEntity, level.player, int( getdvar( "cg_fov" ) ), boxHalfWidth, boxHalfHeight );
if ( inReticle )
sightTrace = sighttracepassed( level.player getEye() + ( 0, 0, 100 ), targetStruct.targetEntity.origin + targetStruct.targetOffset + ( 0, 0, 100 ), false, undefined );
prof_end( "cobrapilot_weapons_systems" );
if ( inReticle && sightTrace )
return true;
return false;
cobraTarget_check_missileLock_Ground( targetStruct, boxHalfWidth, boxHalfHeight )
level endon( "weapon_armed" );
assert( isdefined( targetStruct ) );
assert( isdefined( targetStruct.targetEntity ) );
assert( isdefined( boxHalfWidth ) );
assert( isdefined( boxHalfHeight ) );
if ( cobraTarget_isLockingOn( targetStruct, boxHalfWidth, boxHalfHeight ) )
thread cobraTarget_holdWait_missileLock_Ground( targetStruct, boxHalfWidth, boxHalfHeight );
cobraTarget_UpdateShader( level.player, targetStruct, "target" );
cobraTarget_holdWait_missileLock_Ground( targetStruct, boxHalfWidth, boxHalfHeight )
level endon( "weapon_armed" );
level endon( "cobra_death" );
assert( isdefined( targetStruct ) );
assert( isdefined( targetStruct.targetEntity ) );
assert( isdefined( boxHalfWidth ) );
assert( isdefined( boxHalfHeight ) );
targetStruct.targetEntity endon( "death" );
if ( isdefined( targetStruct.locking ) )
if ( isdefined( targetStruct.locked ) )
targetStruct.locking = getTime();
lockStartTime = getTime();
prof_begin( "cobrapilot_weapons_systems" );
thread cobraTarget_holdWait_missileLock_Sound_Start( targetStruct, "weap_hellfire_seeking" );
while ( cobraTarget_isLockingOn( targetStruct, boxHalfWidth, boxHalfHeight ) )
cobraTarget_UpdateShader( level.player, targetStruct, "locking" );
wait 0.4;
cobraTarget_UpdateShader( level.player, targetStruct, "target" );
wait 0.4;
currentTime = getTime();
elapsedTime = currentTime - lockStartTime;
if ( elapsedTime > level.cobraWeapon[ level.player.currentWeapon ].v[ "lockonTime" ] )
thread cobraTarget_holdLock_missileLock_Ground( targetStruct, boxHalfWidth, boxHalfHeight );
prof_end( "cobrapilot_weapons_systems" );
thread cobraTarget_holdWait_missileLock_Sound_Stop( targetStruct );
prof_end( "cobrapilot_weapons_systems" );
targetStruct.locking = undefined;
cobraTarget_holdLock_missileLock_Ground( targetStruct, boxHalfWidth, boxHalfHeight )
level endon( "weapon_armed" );
level endon( "cobra_death" );
assert( isdefined( targetStruct ) );
assert( isdefined( targetStruct.targetEntity ) );
assert( isdefined( boxHalfWidth ) );
assert( isdefined( boxHalfHeight ) );
targetStruct.targetEntity endon( "death" );
cobraTarget_UpdateShader( level.player, targetStruct, "lock" );
prof_begin( "cobrapilot_weapons_systems" );
targetStruct.locked = targetStruct.locking;
targetStruct.locking = undefined;
thread cobraTarget_holdWait_missileLock_Sound_Stop( targetStruct );
if ( getdvar( "cobrapilot_sounds_enabled" ) == "1" )
level.player playLocalSound( "weap_hellfire_lock" );
while ( cobraTarget_isLockingOn( targetStruct, boxHalfWidth, boxHalfHeight ) )
wait 0.05;
targetStruct.locked = undefined;
prof_end( "cobrapilot_weapons_systems" );
cobraTarget_holdWait_missileLock_Sound_Start( targetStruct, alias )
if ( getdvar( "cobrapilot_sounds_enabled" ) != "1" )
level endon( "cobra_death" );
level endon( "stop_cobra_hellfire_locking_sound" );
assert( isdefined( targetStruct ) );
assert( isdefined( alias ) );
if ( isdefined( targetStruct.locking_sound_playing ) )
targetStruct.locking_sound_playing = alias;
targetStruct thread playLoopSoundForSeeking( alias );
cobraTarget_holdWait_missileLock_Sound_Stop( targetStruct )
if ( getdvar( "cobrapilot_sounds_enabled" ) != "1" )
assert( isdefined( targetStruct ) );
if ( !isdefined( targetStruct.locking_sound_playing ) )
targetStruct notify( "stop sound" + targetStruct.locking_sound_playing );
targetStruct.locking_sound_playing = undefined;
cobraTarget_check_missileLock_Air( targetStruct, circleRadius )
level endon( "weapon_armed" );
assert( isdefined( targetStruct ) );
assert( isdefined( targetStruct.targetEntity ) );
assert( isdefined( circleRadius ) );
if ( cobraTarget_Sidewinder_Has_Target() )
if ( target_isincircle( targetStruct.targetEntity, level.player, int( getdvar( "cg_fov" ) ), circleRadius ) )
targetStruct.sideWinder_targeted = true;
thread cobraTarget_holdWait_missileLock_Air( targetStruct, circleRadius );
cobraTarget_UpdateShader( level.player, targetStruct, "target" );
cobraTarget_holdWait_missileLock_Air( targetStruct, circleRadius )
level endon( "weapon_armed" );
level endon( "cobra_death" );
assert( isdefined( targetStruct ) );
assert( isdefined( targetStruct.targetEntity ) );
assert( isdefined( targetStruct.sideWinder_targeted ) );
assert( isdefined( circleRadius ) );
targetStruct.targetEntity endon( "death" );
if ( isdefined( targetStruct.locking ) )
if ( isdefined( targetStruct.locked ) )
targetStruct.locking = getTime();
lockStartTime = getTime();
prof_begin( "cobrapilot_weapons_systems" );
thread cobraTarget_Sidewinder_ReticleLockOn_Start( targetStruct );
while ( target_isincircle( targetStruct.targetEntity, level.player, int( getdvar( "cg_fov" ) ), circleRadius ) )
cobraTarget_UpdateShader( level.player, targetStruct, "locking" );
wait 0.4;
cobraTarget_UpdateShader( level.player, targetStruct, "target" );
wait 0.4;
currentTime = getTime();
elapsedTime = currentTime - lockStartTime;
if ( elapsedTime > level.cobraWeapon[ level.player.currentWeapon ].v[ "lockonTime" ] )
thread cobraTarget_holdLock_missileLock_Air( targetStruct, circleRadius );
prof_end( "cobrapilot_weapons_systems" );
prof_end( "cobrapilot_weapons_systems" );
cobraTarget_Sidewinder_ReticleLockOn_Stop( targetStruct );
targetStruct.locking = undefined;
cobraTarget_holdLock_missileLock_Air( targetStruct, circleRadius )
level endon( "weapon_armed" );
level endon( "cobra_death" );
assert( isdefined( targetStruct ) );
assert( isdefined( targetStruct.targetEntity ) );
assert( isdefined( circleRadius ) );
targetStruct.targetEntity endon( "death" );
cobraTarget_UpdateShader( level.player, targetStruct, "lock" );
targetStruct.targetEntity notify( "missile_lock", level.playervehicle );
prof_begin( "cobrapilot_weapons_systems" );
targetStruct.locked = targetStruct.locking;
targetStruct.locking = undefined;
thread cobraTarget_holdWait_missileLock_Sound_Stop( targetStruct );
thread cobraTarget_holdWait_missileLock_Sound_Start( targetStruct, "weap_aim9_lock" );
while ( target_isincircle( targetStruct.targetEntity, level.player, int( getdvar( "cg_fov" ) ), circleRadius ) )
wait 0.05;
cobraTarget_Sidewinder_ReticleLockOn_Stop( targetStruct );
targetStruct.locked = undefined;
cobraTarget_UpdateShader( level.player, targetStruct, "target" );
prof_end( "cobrapilot_weapons_systems" );
for ( i = 0 ; i < level.cobraTarget.size ; i++ )
if ( isdefined( level.cobraTarget[ i ].sideWinder_targeted ) )
return true;
return false;
cobraTarget_Sidewinder_ReticleLockOn_Start( targetStruct )
targetStruct endon( "Sidewinder_ReticleLockOn_Stop" );
assert( isdefined( targetStruct ) );
assert( isdefined( targetStruct.targetEntity ) );
targetStruct.targetEntity endon( "death" );
segmentLength = ( level.cobraWeapon[ level.player.currentWeapon ].v[ "lockonTime" ] / 3 );
lockOnTime = ( level.cobraWeapon[ level.player.currentWeapon ].v[ "lockonTime" ] / 1000 );
target_startreticlelockon( targetStruct.targetEntity, lockOnTime );
lockonAliasList = [];
lockonAliasList[ 0 ] = "weap_aim9_growl1";
lockonAliasList[ 1 ] = "weap_aim9_growl2";
lockonAliasList[ 2 ] = "weap_aim9_growl3";
for ( i = 0 ; i < lockonAliasList.size ; i++ )
thread cobraTarget_holdWait_missileLock_Sound_Stop( targetStruct );
thread cobraTarget_holdWait_missileLock_Sound_Start( targetStruct, lockonAliasList[ i ] );
lastPhaseTime = getTime();
while ( ( getTime() - lastPhaseTime ) < segmentLength )
wait 0.05;
cobraTarget_Sidewinder_ReticleLockOn_Stop( targetStruct )
assert( isdefined( targetStruct ) );
targetStruct.targetEntity notify( "missile_lock_ended", level.playervehicle );
targetStruct notify( "Sidewinder_ReticleLockOn_Stop" );
targetStruct.sideWinder_targeted = undefined;
thread cobraTarget_holdWait_missileLock_Sound_Stop( targetStruct );
thread weaponSystems_EquipLoopSound_Start();
health_indicator_create( pilot )
assert( isdefined( self ) );
assert( isdefined( self.pilot ) );
// red screen overlay
self.hudelems.cobra_health_overlay = newClientHudElem( self.pilot );
self.hudelems.cobra_health_overlay.x = 0;
self.hudelems.cobra_health_overlay.y = 0;
self.hudelems.cobra_health_overlay setshader( "splatter_alt_sp", 640, 480 );
self.hudelems.cobra_health_overlay.alignX = "left";
self.hudelems.cobra_health_overlay.alignY = "top";
self.hudelems.cobra_health_overlay.horzAlign = "fullscreen";
self.hudelems.cobra_health_overlay.vertAlign = "fullscreen";
self.hudelems.cobra_health_overlay.alpha = 0;
// color changing health icon
self.hudelems.cobra_health_icon = newClientHudElem( self.pilot );
self.hudelems.cobra_health_icon.x = -10;
self.hudelems.cobra_health_icon.y = -65;
self.hudelems.cobra_health_icon.alignX = "right";
self.hudelems.cobra_health_icon.alignY = "bottom";
self.hudelems.cobra_health_icon.horzAlign = "right";
self.hudelems.cobra_health_icon.vertAlign = "bottom";
self.hudelems.cobra_health_icon.foreground = true;
self.hudelems.cobra_health_icon setshader( "cobra_health", 128, 48 );
self.hudelems.cobra_health_icon.alpha = 1;
self.hudelems.cobra_health_icon.color = ( 0, 1, 0 );
level endon( "cobra_death" );
for ( ;; )
self waittill( "damage" );
// flash the red overlay on the screen
thread health_indicator_redScreenFlash( self.hudelems.cobra_health_overlay );
newColor = self health_indicator_getColor();
self.hudelems.cobra_health_icon.color = ( newColor[ 0 ], newColor[ 1 ], newColor[ 2 ] );
color = ( 1, 0, 0 );
//define what colors to use
color_severe = [];
color_severe[ 0 ] = 1.0;
color_severe[ 1 ] = 0.0;
color_severe[ 2 ] = 0.0;
color_moderate = [];
color_moderate[ 0 ] = 1.0;
color_moderate[ 1 ] = 0.5;
color_moderate[ 2 ] = 0.0;
color_repaired = [];
color_repaired[ 0 ] = 0.0;
color_repaired[ 1 ] = 1.0;
color_repaired[ 2 ] = 0.0;
//default color
SetValue = [];
SetValue[ 0 ] = color_severe[ 0 ];
SetValue[ 1 ] = color_severe[ 1 ];
SetValue[ 2 ] = color_severe[ 2 ];
//define where the non blend points are
severe = 0;
moderate = ( level.flyablecobra_starting_health / 2 );
repaired = level.flyablecobra_starting_health;
iPercentage = undefined;
difference = undefined;
increment = undefined;
value = self.health;
if ( ( value > severe ) && ( value <= moderate ) )
iPercentage = int( value * ( 100 / moderate ) );
for ( colorIndex = 0 ; colorIndex < SetValue.size ; colorIndex++ )
difference = ( color_moderate[ colorIndex ] - color_severe[ colorIndex ] );
increment = ( difference / 100 );
SetValue[ colorIndex ] = color_severe[ colorIndex ] + ( increment * iPercentage );
else if ( ( value > moderate ) && ( value <= repaired ) )
iPercentage = int( ( value - moderate ) * ( 100 / ( repaired - moderate ) ) );
for ( colorIndex = 0 ; colorIndex < SetValue.size ; colorIndex++ )
difference = ( color_repaired[ colorIndex ] - color_moderate[ colorIndex ] );
increment = ( difference / 100 );
SetValue[ colorIndex ] = color_moderate[ colorIndex ] + ( increment * iPercentage );
return SetValue;
level endon( "cobra_death" );
if ( isdefined( level.lowhealth_warning_playing ) )
level.lowhealth_warning_playing = true;
if ( getdvar( "cobrapilot_sounds_enabled" ) == "1" )
self.pilot thread play_loop_sound_on_entity( "alarm_cobra_death_imminent" );
self.pilot notify( "stop sound" + "alarm_cobra_death_imminent" );
level.lowhealth_warning_playing = undefined;
level endon( "cobra_death" );
self endon( "stop_health_leak" );
for ( ;; )
if ( self.health - level.flyablecobra_healthLeakIncrement <= 0 )
self thread cobra_death();
self.health -= level.flyablecobra_healthLeakIncrement;
level.stats[ "damage_taken" ] += level.flyablecobra_healthLeakIncrement;
self notify( "damage" );
wait level.flyablecobra_healthLeakRate;
health_indicator_redScreenFlash( overlay )
level notify( "redScreenFlash" );
level endon( "redScreenFlash" );
overlay fadeOverTime( 0.1 );
overlay.alpha = 1;
wait 0.2;
overlay fadeOverTime( 0.5 );
overlay.alpha = 0;
level waittill( "cobra_death" );
// remove hud elements when player dies
self.hudelems.controller_layout destroy();
self.hudelems.weapon_hud destroy();
level endon( "cobra_death" );
for ( ;; )
level waittill( "health_regen" );
if ( self.health >= level.flyablecobra_starting_health )
// add health
self.health += level.flyablecobra_healthRegenIncrement;
if ( self.health > level.flyablecobra_starting_health )
self.health = level.flyablecobra_starting_health;
if ( self.health > level.flyablecobra_healthWarning_value )
self thread health_warningSound_Stop();
self notify( "stop_health_leak" );
newColor = health_indicator_getColor();
self.hudelems.cobra_health_icon.color = ( newColor[ 0 ], newColor[ 1 ], newColor[ 2 ] );
if ( getdvar( "cobrapilot_sounds_enabled" ) == "1" )
self.pilot playLocalSound( "cobra_health_pickup" );
wait level.flyablecobra_healthRegenRate;
self thread health_removeHudElems();
fatalImpactRate = 1500;
self thread health_Regen_Station();
for ( ;; )
self waittill( "veh_collision", velocity, collisionNormal );
prof_begin( "cobrapilot_health_system" );
Impending Collision Notify
self waittill( "veh_predictedcollision", velocity, collisionNormal );
(use dvar g_helicopterLookaheadTime to specify how far ahead to check for impending collisions)
impactVelocity = vectordot( velocity, collisionNormal );
slideVelocity = length( velocity - ( vector_multiply( collisionNormal, impactVelocity ) ) );
impactVelocity = abs( impactVelocity );
// reduce damage from slide velocity
slideVelocity = ( slideVelocity / 2 );
impactAmount = impactVelocity;
if ( slideVelocity > impactVelocity )
impactAmount = slideVelocity;
// cap the impact rate to not exceed fatalImpactRate since it wont mater at that point anyways
if ( impactAmount > fatalImpactRate )
impactAmount = fatalImpactRate;
damage = int( impactAmount * ( level.flyablecobra_starting_health / fatalImpactRate ) );
if ( damage <= 200 )
prof_end( "cobrapilot_health_system" );
directionOfImpact = vector_multiply( collisionNormal, -1 );
directionOfImpact = self.origin + directionOfImpact;
prof_end( "cobrapilot_health_system" );
level.stats[ "damage_taken" ] += damage;
bDeath = false;
if ( ( self.health - damage ) <= 0 )
bDeath = true;
if ( getdvar( "cobrapilot_sounds_enabled" ) == "1" )
self.pilot playLocalSound( "helicopter_collide" );
self.health -= damage;
if ( self.health <= level.flyablecobra_healthWarning_value )
self thread health_warningSound_Start();
self thread health_leak();
self joltbody( directionOfImpact, ( damage / 1900 ) );
self notify( "damage" );
if ( bDeath )
self cobra_death();
wait 0.25;
self.crashing = true;
self thread maps\_vehicle::kill_fx( self.model );
self thread maps\_vehicle::helicopter_crash_move();
self waittill( "crash_done" );
self notify( "stop_looping_death_fx" );
self notify( "death_finished" );
self useby( self.pilot );
self.pilot enablehealthshield( false );
self.pilot kill ( self.pilot.origin );
self.pilot enablehealthshield( true );
level notify ( "cobra_death" );
self freevehicle();
self delete();
if ( getdvar( "cobrapilot_sounds_enabled" ) == "1" )
self.pilot playLocalSound( "helicopter_crash" );
self.health = 1;
self useby( self.pilot );
self hide();
self.pilot enablehealthshield( false );
level notify( "cobra_death" );
fxOrigin = self.pilot.origin;
playfx( level.player_death_fx, fxOrigin );
self.pilot kill( self.pilot.origin );
self.pilot enablehealthshield( true );
level endon( "cobra_death" );
thread missileIndicator_MissileFlashNotifies();
for ( ;; )
level.playervehicle waittill( "incomming_missile", eMissile );
assert( isdefined( eMissile ) );
thread missileIndicator( eMissile );
thread incommingMissile_Missile_Death( eMissile );
thread incommingMissile_Sound_Start();
incommingMissile_Missile_Death( eMissile )
level endon( "cobra_death" );
eMissile waittill( "death" );
if ( !isdefined( level.missile_launched_warning_playing ) )
level.missile_launched_warning_playing = 0;
level.missile_launched_warning_playing++ ;
if ( level.missile_launched_warning_playing > 1 )
if ( getdvar( "cobrapilot_sounds_enabled" ) == "1" )
level.player thread play_loop_sound_on_entity( "alarm_cobra_enemy_launch" );
level.missile_launched_warning_playing -- ;
if ( level.missile_launched_warning_playing > 0 )
level.player notify( "stop sound" + "alarm_cobra_enemy_launch" );
if ( !isdefined( level.cobraWeapon ) )
if ( level.cobraWeapon.size == 0 )
level endon( "cobra_death" );
array_thread( getentarray( "ammo_reload", "targetname" ), ::ammo_Reload_Station_Notify, "ammo_reload" );
if ( getdvar( "cobrapilot_unlimited_ammo" ) == "1" )
for ( ;; )
regenPoint = undefined;
level waittill( "ammo_reload", regenPoint, trigger );
if ( getdvar( "cobrapilot_farp_mode" ) == "0" )
for ( i = 0 ; i < level.cobraWeapon.size ; i++ )
thread ammo_Reload_Station_Add_Ammo( level.cobraWeapon[ i ] );
wait 0.05;
else if ( getdvar( "cobrapilot_farp_mode" ) == "1" )
thread ammo_Reload_Station_AutoLand_HintPrint( regenPoint, trigger );
ammo_Reload_Station_Cinematic_Reload( regenPoint, trigger );
ammo_Reload_Station_Cinematic_Reload( regenPoint, trigger )
assert( isdefined( regenPoint ) );
hoverPoint = regenPoint + ( 0, 0, 300 );
level.player freezeControls( true );
level.playervehicle Vehicle_SetSpeed( 30, 5 );
level.playervehicle setVehGoalPos( hoverPoint, 1 );
level.playervehicle waittill( "goal" );
level.player unlink();
level.playervehicle useby( level.player );
level.player takeAllWeapons();
viewingEnt = undefined;
viewingEnt = trigger ammo_Reload_Station_Get_Viewing_Ent();
assert( isdefined( viewingEnt ) );
assert( viewingEnt.classname == "script_model" );
assert( viewingEnt.model == "tag_origin" );
level.player playerlinktodelta( viewingEnt, "tag_origin", 1.0 );
wait 0.05;
level.player setPlayerAngles( vectorToAngles( ( level.playervehicle.origin - ( 0, 0, 56 ) ) - viewingEnt.origin ) );
wait 5;
level.player linkto( level.playervehicle );
//level.playervehicle makeUsable();
level.playervehicle useby( level.player );
//level.playervehicle makeUnusable();
level.playervehicle returnplayercontrol();
level.player freezeControls( false );
viewingEnt = undefined;
ents = getentarray( "ammo_viewpoint", "targetname" );
viewingEnt = getClosest( self.origin, ents );
assert( isdefined( viewingEnt ) );
return viewingEnt;
ammo_Reload_Station_AutoLand_HintPrint( hoverPoint, trigger )
if ( isdefined( level.playervehicle.farp_autoland_print_on ) )
level.playervehicle.farp_autoland_print_on = true;
// create print
//iprintlnbold( "in" );
while ( level.playervehicle isTouching( trigger ) )
wait 0.05;
// remove print
//iprintlnbold( "out" );
level.playervehicle.farp_autoland_print_on = undefined;
ammo_Reload_Station_Notify( notifyString )
assert( isdefined( notifyString ) );
level endon( "cobra_death" );
farpicon = newHudElem();
farpicon setShader( "compass_waypoint_farp", 6, 6 );
farpicon.x = self.origin[ 0 ];
farpicon.y = self.origin[ 1 ];
farpicon.z = self.origin[ 2 ];
farpicon.alpha = .75;
farpicon SetWayPoint( true, false );
trig = undefined;
if ( getdvar( "cobrapilot_farp_mode" ) == "1" )
trig = spawn( "trigger_radius", self.origin, 16, 1500, 1000 );
for ( ;; )
vehicle = undefined;
if ( getdvar( "cobrapilot_farp_mode" ) == "0" )
self waittill( "trigger", vehicle );
else if ( getdvar( "cobrapilot_farp_mode" ) == "1" )
assert( isdefined( trig ) );
trig waittill( "trigger", vehicle );
if ( !isdefined( vehicle ) )
if ( vehicle != level.playervehicle )
regenPoint = self.origin;
if ( isdefined( self.target ) )
ent = getent( self.target, "targetname" );
if ( isdefined( ent ) )
regenPoint = ent.origin;
if ( isdefined( trig ) )
level notify( notifyString, regenPoint, trig );
level notify( notifyString, regenPoint, self );
level notify( "health_regen" );
if ( getdvar( "cobrapilot_farp_mode" ) == "1" )
while ( vehicle isTouching( trig ) )
wait 0.05;
ammo_Reload_Station_Add_Ammo( weapon )
level endon( "cobra_death" );
if ( isdefined( weapon.reloading ) )
weapon.reloading = true;
wait randomFloatRange( weapon.v[ "ammoPickupDelay_Min" ], weapon.v[ "ammoPickupDelay_Max" ] );
if ( weapon.v[ "currentAmmo" ] >= weapon.v[ "maxAmmo" ] )
weapon.reloading = undefined;
// add ammo and update the ammo counter on the hud
weapon.v[ "currentAmmo" ] += weapon.v[ "ammoPickupIncrement" ];
if ( weapon.v[ "currentAmmo" ] > weapon.v[ "maxAmmo" ] )
weapon.v[ "currentAmmo" ] = weapon.v[ "maxAmmo" ];
// attach missiles back onto the chopper since they were detached when fired
for ( i = 0 ; i < weapon.v[ "ammoPickupIncrement" ] ; i++ )
level.playervehicle weaponsSystems_Attach_Weapon( weapon.v[ "weapon" ] );
if ( getdvar( "cobrapilot_sounds_enabled" ) == "1" )
level.player playLocalSound( "cobra_ammo_reload" );
weapon.v[ "ammoCounter" ] setValue( weapon.v[ "currentAmmo" ] );
weapon.reloading = undefined;
// When the player hits the border wall triggers the helicopter controls are taken over and the chopper
// is turned around and flown back into the map boundaries
level endon ( "cobra_death" );
target = getent( self.target, "targetname" );
self waittill ( "trigger", vehicle );
if ( vehicle != level.playervehicle )
normalvec = vectornormalize( target.origin - level.playervehicle.origin );
movetospot = level.playervehicle.origin + vector_multiply( normalvec, 2000 );
movetospot = ( movetospot[0], movetospot[1], level.playervehicle.origin[2] );
level.playervehicle Vehicle_SetSpeed( 60, 25 );
level.playervehicle setvehgoalpos( movetospot, 0 );
level.playervehicle waittill ( "goal" );
level.playervehicle returnplayercontrol();
// When the player leaves the playable area a warning is printed on the screen.
// The player must re-enter the playable area within a time limit or else the
//mission is failed
level endon ( "cobra_death" );
array_thread( getentarray( "border_inner", "targetname" ), ::edge_Of_World_Notify, "border_inner" );
array_thread( getentarray( "border_outer", "targetname" ), ::edge_Of_World_Notify, "border_outer" );
for (;;)
level waittill( "border_outer" );
level notify( "player_out_of_bounds" );
thread edge_Of_World_Warning();
level waittill( "border_inner" );
level notify( "player_in_bounds" );
if ( isdefined( level.edge_of_world_warning ) )
level.edge_of_world_warning destroy();
if ( isdefined( level.edge_of_world_timer ) )
level.edge_of_world_timer destroy();
edge_Of_World_Notify( notifyString )
assert( isdefined( notifyString ) );
level endon ( "cobra_death" );
self waittill ( "trigger", vehicle );
if ( vehicle != level.playervehicle )
level notify( notifyString );
level notify( "edge_Of_World_Warning" );
level endon( "edge_Of_World_Warning" );
level endon ( "player_in_bounds" );
// max number of seconds player is allowed out of bounds
// when this time is exceeded the mission is failed
outOfBoundsMaxTime = 15;
if ( !isdefined( level.edge_of_world_warning ) )
level.edge_of_world_warning = newHudElem();
level.edge_of_world_warning.x = 0;
level.edge_of_world_warning.y = 0;
level.edge_of_world_warning.alignX = "center";
level.edge_of_world_warning.alignY = "middle";
level.edge_of_world_warning.horzAlign = "center";
level.edge_of_world_warning.vertAlign = "middle";
level.edge_of_world_warning.foreground = true;
level.edge_of_world_warning setText( &"COBRAPILOT_EDGE_OF_WORLD_WARNING" );
level.edge_of_world_warning.fontscale = 2;
level.edge_of_world_warning.color = ( 1, 0, 0 );
if ( !isdefined( level.edge_of_world_timer ) )
level.edge_of_world_timer = newHudElem();
level.edge_of_world_timer.x = 0;
level.edge_of_world_timer.y = 20;
level.edge_of_world_timer.alignX = "center";
level.edge_of_world_timer.alignY = "middle";
level.edge_of_world_timer.horzAlign = "center";
level.edge_of_world_timer.vertAlign = "middle";
level.edge_of_world_timer.foreground = true;
level.edge_of_world_timer.fontscale = 2;
level.edge_of_world_timer.color = ( 1, 0, 0 );
level.edge_of_world_timer setTimer( outOfBoundsMaxTime );
level.edge_of_world_warning.alpha = 1;
outOfBoundsTime = getTime();
wait 0.25;
while( getTime() - outOfBoundsTime < outOfBoundsMaxTime * 1000 )
wait 0.6;
level.edge_of_world_warning fadeOverTime( 0.2 );
level.edge_of_world_warning.alpha = 0;
level.edge_of_world_timer fadeOverTime( 0.2 );
level.edge_of_world_timer.alpha = 0;
wait 0.2;
level.edge_of_world_warning fadeOverTime( 0.2 );
level.edge_of_world_warning.alpha = 1;
level.edge_of_world_timer fadeOverTime( 0.2 );
level.edge_of_world_timer.alpha = 1;
wait 0.2;
setdvar( "ui_deadquote", "@COBRAPILOT_EDGE_OF_WORLD_FAIL" );
playLoopSoundForSeeking( alias )
org = spawn( "script_origin", ( 0, 0, 0 ) );
org endon( "death" );
thread delete_on_death( org );
org.origin = level.player.origin;
org.angles = level.player.angles;
org linkto( level.player );
org playloopsound( alias );
self waittill( "stop sound" + alias );
org stoploopsound( alias );
org delete();
gunner_spawn( chopper )
gunner = spawn( "script_model", level.playervehicle getTagOrigin( "tag_gunner" ) );
gunner.angles = level.playervehicle getTagAngles( "tag_gunner" );
gunner linkto( level.playervehicle, "tag_gunner" );
gunner setModel( "body_complete_sp_cobra_pilot_desert_zack" );
gunner useAnimTree( #animtree );
chopper thread gunner_think( gunner );
gunner_think( gunner )
level.playervehicle endon( "death" );
level.player endon( "death" );
gunner thread gunner_lookAtTarget();
for ( ;; )
if ( self.gunner_use_turret == false )
while ( self.gunner_use_turret == false )
wait 0.1;
wait randomfloatrange( 0.5, 1.2 );
eTarget = level.playervehicle getEnemyTarget( level.GunnerTargetRange, level.GunnerTargetFOV, true, true );
if ( isdefined( eTarget ) )
gunner thread gunner_lookAtTarget( eTarget );
level.playervehicle thread shootEnemyTarget_Bullets( eTarget );
else if ( getdvar( "cobrapilot_debug" ) == "1" )
iprintln( "no valid targets" );
gunner thread gunner_lookAtTarget();
wait 2;
gunner_lookAtTarget( eTarget )
level.playervehicle endon( "death" );
level.player endon( "death" );
self notify( "stop_looking_at_target" );
self endon( "stop_looking_at_target" );
if ( isdefined( eTarget ) )
eTarget endon( "death" );
for ( ;; )
if ( isdefined( self.lookingAtTarget ) && isdefined( eTarget ) )
blendTime = 0.1;
blendTime = 1.0;
self.lookingAtTarget = true;
blendAmount = self gunner_getBlendNumber( eTarget );
self setanim( %cobra_copilot_idle_l, blendAmount[ 0 ], blendTime );
self setanim( %cobra_copilot_idle, blendAmount[ 1 ], blendTime );
self setanim( %cobra_copilot_idle_r, blendAmount[ 2 ], blendTime );
if ( !isdefined( eTarget ) )
self.lookingAtTarget = undefined;
wait blendTime;
gunner_getBlendNumber( eTarget )
blendAmount = [];
blendAmount[ 0 ] = 0.0; // left
blendAmount[ 1 ] = 1.0; // forward
blendAmount[ 2 ] = 0.0; // right
if ( !isdefined( eTarget ) )
return blendAmount;
//prof_begin( "cobrapilot_ai" );
forward = anglesToForward( level.playervehicle.angles );
right = anglesToRight( level.playervehicle.angles );
t = ( eTarget.origin - level.playervehicle.origin );
s = vectorDot( t, right );
f = vectorDot( t, forward );
assert( f != 0 );
value = ( s / f );
if ( value < 0 )
// turn head to the left
value = abs( value );
if ( value > 1.0 )
value = 1.0;
blendAmount[ 0 ] = value; // left
blendAmount[ 1 ] = 1 - value; // forward
blendAmount[ 2 ] = 0.0; // right
else if ( value > 0 )
// turn head to the right
value = abs( value );
if ( value > 1.0 )
value = 1.0;
blendAmount[ 0 ] = 0.0; // left
blendAmount[ 1 ] = 1 - value; // forward
blendAmount[ 2 ] = value; // right
//prof_end( "cobrapilot_ai" );
return blendAmount;
missileIndicator( eMissile )
missileIndicator = spawnstruct();
missileIndicator.eMissile = eMissile;
target_set( missileIndicator.eMissile );
target_setShader( missileIndicator.eMissile, level.missileHintIndicator_Missile );
target_setOffscreenShader( missileIndicator.eMissile, level.missileHintIndicator_Missile_Offscreen );
// LEFT arrow
missileIndicator.arrowLeft = newHudElem();
missileIndicator.arrowLeft.x = -160;
missileIndicator.arrowLeft.y = 0;
missileIndicator.arrowLeft.alignX = "center";
missileIndicator.arrowLeft.alignY = "middle";
missileIndicator.arrowLeft.horzAlign = "center";
missileIndicator.arrowLeft.vertAlign = "middle";
missileIndicator.arrowLeft.foreground = true;
missileIndicator.arrowLeft.alpha = 0;
missileIndicator.arrowLeft setshader( level.missileHintIndicator_Arrow[ "left" ], 80, 160 );
// RIGHT arrow
missileIndicator.arrowRight = newHudElem();
missileIndicator.arrowRight.x = 160;
missileIndicator.arrowRight.y = 0;
missileIndicator.arrowRight.alignX = "center";
missileIndicator.arrowRight.alignY = "middle";
missileIndicator.arrowRight.horzAlign = "center";
missileIndicator.arrowRight.vertAlign = "middle";
missileIndicator.arrowRight.foreground = true;
missileIndicator.arrowRight.alpha = 0;
missileIndicator.arrowRight setshader( level.missileHintIndicator_Arrow[ "right" ], 80, 160 );
// FORWARD arrow
missileIndicator.arrowForward = newHudElem();
missileIndicator.arrowForward.x = 0;
missileIndicator.arrowForward.y = -160;
missileIndicator.arrowForward.alignX = "center";
missileIndicator.arrowForward.alignY = "middle";
missileIndicator.arrowForward.horzAlign = "center";
missileIndicator.arrowForward.vertAlign = "middle";
missileIndicator.arrowForward.foreground = true;
missileIndicator.arrowForward.alpha = 0;
missileIndicator.arrowForward setshader( level.missileHintIndicator_Arrow[ "forward" ], 160, 80 );
// BACK arrow
missileIndicator.arrowBack = newHudElem();
missileIndicator.arrowBack.x = 0;
missileIndicator.arrowBack.y = 160;
missileIndicator.arrowBack.alignX = "center";
missileIndicator.arrowBack.alignY = "middle";
missileIndicator.arrowBack.horzAlign = "center";
missileIndicator.arrowBack.vertAlign = "middle";
missileIndicator.arrowBack.foreground = true;
missileIndicator.arrowBack.alpha = 0;
missileIndicator.arrowBack setshader( level.missileHintIndicator_Arrow[ "back" ], 160, 80 );
thread missileIndicator_MissileDeath( missileIndicator );
thread missileIndicator_MissileFlash( missileIndicator );
// find where the missile is relative to the player so it can draw the appropriate arrows
eMissile endon( "death" );
level.player endon( "death" );
level.playervehicle endon( "death" );
for ( ;; )
// uses level.player angles instead of the cobra's angles so that it works when the player is in freelook
level waittill( "incomming_missile_blink_on" );
prof_begin( "cobrapilot_weapons_systems" );
forwardvec = anglestoforward( level.player.angles );
backvec = vector_multiply( forwardvec, -1 );
rightvec = anglestoright( level.player.angles );
leftvec = vector_multiply( rightVec, -1 );
vecToMissile = vectorNormalize( missileIndicator.eMissile.origin - ( level.player getOrigin() ) );
// forward arrow
missileIndicator.arrowForward.alpha = 0;
vecdot = vectordot( forwardvec, vecToMissile );
if ( vecdot > level.cosine[ "45" ] )
missileIndicator.arrowForward.alpha = 1;
// back arrow
missileIndicator.arrowBack.alpha = 0;
vecdot = vectordot( backvec, vecToMissile );
if ( vecdot > level.cosine[ "45" ] )
missileIndicator.arrowBack.alpha = 1;
// left arrow
missileIndicator.arrowLeft.alpha = 0;
vecdot = vectordot( leftvec, vecToMissile );
if ( vecdot > level.cosine[ "45" ] )
missileIndicator.arrowLeft.alpha = 1;
// right arrow
missileIndicator.arrowRight.alpha = 0;
vecdot = vectordot( rightvec, vecToMissile );
if ( vecdot > level.cosine[ "45" ] )
missileIndicator.arrowRight.alpha = 1;
prof_end( "cobrapilot_weapons_systems" );
level waittill( "incomming_missile_blink_off" );
missileIndicator.arrowForward.alpha = 0;
missileIndicator.arrowBack.alpha = 0;
missileIndicator.arrowLeft.alpha = 0;
missileIndicator.arrowRight.alpha = 0;
missileIndicator_MissileFlash( missileIndicator )
level.playervehicle endon( "death" );
assert( isdefined( missileIndicator.eMissile ) );
missileIndicator.eMissile endon( "death" );
for ( ;; )
level waittill( "incomming_missile_blink_off" );
target_setShader( missileIndicator.eMissile, level.missileHintIndicator_Missile_Flash );
target_setOffscreenShader( missileIndicator.eMissile, level.missileHintIndicator_Missile_Flash );
level waittill( "incomming_missile_blink_on" );
target_setShader( missileIndicator.eMissile, level.missileHintIndicator_Missile );
target_setOffscreenShader( missileIndicator.eMissile, level.missileHintIndicator_Missile_Offscreen );
missileIndicator_MissileDeath( missileIndicator )
level.playervehicle endon( "death" );
assert( isdefined( missileIndicator.eMissile ) );
missileIndicator.eMissile waittill( "death" );
if ( isdefined( missileIndicator.arrowLeft ) )
missileIndicator.arrowLeft destroy();
if ( isdefined( missileIndicator.arrowRight ) )
missileIndicator.arrowRight destroy();
if ( isdefined( missileIndicator.arrowForward ) )
missileIndicator.arrowForward destroy();
if ( isdefined( missileIndicator.arrowBack ) )
missileIndicator.arrowBack destroy();
level.playervehicle endon( "death" );
level.player endon( "death" );
for ( ;; )
wait 0.2;
level notify( "incomming_missile_blink_off" );
wait 0.1;
level notify( "incomming_missile_blink_on" );
} |