327 lines
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327 lines
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#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\_utility;
#include maps\_anim;
#include maps\_stealth_utility;
#include maps\_stealth_shared_utilities;
self friendly_init();
self thread friendly_visibility_logic();
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "pain_death" );
current_stance_func = self._stealth.logic.current_stance_func;
//for right now - we only do this for player...the system actually looks good doing it for player only,
//but maybe in the future we'll want to change this...if we do theres a bunch of evaluation stuff
//based on stance in the _behavior script that will have to be changed.
if ( isPlayer( self ) )
self thread player_movespeed_calc_loop();
while ( 1 )
self ent_flag_wait( "_stealth_enabled" );
//find the current stance
self [[ current_stance_func ]]();
assert( ent_flag( "_stealth_enabled" ) ); // there should be no wait in the above current_stance_func
//now compute maxVisibleDist based on current awareness level, stance, and movement speed
self.maxVisibleDist = self friendly_compute_score();
//maxVisibleDist is not under the _stealth struct because it's actually an AI value that
//code reads - this decides how visible you are to enemies
wait .05;
return length( self getVelocity() );
velocity = length( self getVelocity() );
stance = self._stealth.logic.stance;
add = [];
add[ "stand" ] = 30;
add[ "crouch" ] = 15;
add[ "prone" ] = 4;
sub = [];
sub[ "stand" ] = 40;
sub[ "crouch" ] = 25;
sub[ "prone" ] = 10;
if ( !velocity )
self._stealth.logic.player_pc_velocity = 0;
else if ( velocity > self._stealth.logic.player_pc_velocity )
self._stealth.logic.player_pc_velocity += add[ stance ];
if ( self._stealth.logic.player_pc_velocity > velocity )
self._stealth.logic.player_pc_velocity = velocity;
else if ( velocity < self._stealth.logic.player_pc_velocity )
self._stealth.logic.player_pc_velocity -= sub[ stance ];
if ( self._stealth.logic.player_pc_velocity < 0 )
self._stealth.logic.player_pc_velocity = 0;
//println( self._stealth.logic.player_pc_velocity );
return self._stealth.logic.player_pc_velocity;
friendly_compute_score( stance )
if ( !isdefined( stance ) )
stance = self._stealth.logic.stance;
if ( stance == "back" )
stance = "prone";
detection_level = level._stealth.logic.detection_level;
score_range = level._stealth.logic.detect_range[ detection_level ][ stance ];
if ( self ent_flag( "_stealth_in_shadow" ) )
score_range *= .5;
if ( score_range < level._stealth.logic.detect_range[ "hidden" ][ "prone" ] )
score_range = level._stealth.logic.detect_range[ "hidden" ][ "prone" ];
score_move = self._stealth.logic.movespeed_multiplier[ detection_level ][ stance ];
if ( isdefined( self._stealth_move_detection_cap ) && score_move > self._stealth_move_detection_cap )
score_move = self._stealth_move_detection_cap;
return( score_range + score_move );
return self.a.pose;
return self.angles;
self._stealth.logic.stance = self [[ self._stealth.logic.getstance_func ]]();
self._stealth.logic.oldstance = self._stealth.logic.stance;
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "pain_death" );
angles_func = self._stealth.logic.getangles_func;
velocity_func = self._stealth.logic.getvelocity_func;
oldangles = self [[ angles_func ]]();
while ( 1 )
self ent_flag_wait( "_stealth_enabled" );
score = undefined;
//if he's in shadow - movement has no effect
if ( self ent_flag( "_stealth_in_shadow" ) )
score = 0;
score = self [[ velocity_func ]]();
//self._stealth.logic.movespeed_multiplier[ "hidden" ][ "stand" ]
foreach ( statename, state in self._stealth.logic.movespeed_multiplier )
foreach ( stancename, stance in state )
stance = score * self._stealth.logic.movespeed_scale[ statename ][ stancename ];
oldangles = self [[ angles_func ]]();
wait .1;
return self getstance();
return self getplayerangles();
stance = self [[ self._stealth.logic.getstance_func ]]();
//first - are we going through a stance change? if so - then forget this part entirely...because
//this is the logic that tells us whether to go through a stance change or not, and if we calculate
//it when we're already going through one...then the timer gets reset every frmae and we'll never ever
//come out of this state
if ( !self._stealth.logic.stance_change )
//is our current stance the same as our old stance? if not, then figure out if we were moving up
//of moving down...if moving down
switch( stance )
case "prone":
if ( self._stealth.logic.oldstance != "prone" )
self._stealth.logic.stance_change = self._stealth.logic.stance_change_time;
case "crouch":
if ( self._stealth.logic.oldstance == "stand" )
self._stealth.logic.stance_change = self._stealth.logic.stance_change_time;
//ok so this means we're moving down...if so then make our current stance actually our
//old stance over .2 seconds until we actually get to the lower stance in the game
//we do this because the player is still moving at a high speed when he goes
//into a lower stance - which messes with the movespeed multiplier calculation
//so we want to delay it a moment to give the player a chance to slow down
if ( self._stealth.logic.stance_change )
self._stealth.logic.stance = self._stealth.logic.oldstance;
// fuckin retarded floating point miscaclculation that i need to detect for...this will
// never hit 0 - it will hit an incredibly small number, then go negative...ghey
if ( self._stealth.logic.stance_change > .05 )
self._stealth.logic.stance_change -= .05;
self._stealth.logic.stance_change = 0;
self._stealth.logic.stance = stance;
self._stealth.logic.oldstance = stance;
//otherwise lets set our stance to the current stance...and make our old stance also the current stance
//we can set the old stance at the same time, because we already decided above that either our old stance
//was the same stance, or that we just finished go through a stance change, and either way - it's safe to set
//the old stance
self._stealth.logic.stance = stance;
self._stealth.logic.oldstance = stance;
/* SETUP */
self ent_flag_init( "_stealth_in_shadow" );
self ent_flag_init( "_stealth_enabled" );
self ent_flag_set( "_stealth_enabled" );
assertex( !isdefined( self._stealth ), "you called maps\_stealth_logic::friendly_init() twice on the same ai or player" );
self._stealth = spawnstruct();
self._stealth.logic = spawnstruct();
if ( isPlayer( self ) )
self._stealth.logic.getstance_func = ::friendly_getstance_player;
self._stealth.logic.getangles_func = ::friendly_getangles_player;
if ( level.Console )
self._stealth.logic.getvelocity_func = ::friendly_getvelocity;
self._stealth.logic.getvelocity_func = ::player_getvelocity_pc;
self._stealth.logic.player_pc_velocity = 0;
self._stealth.logic.current_stance_func = ::friendly_compute_stances_player;
self._stealth.logic.getstance_func = ::friendly_getstance_ai;
self._stealth.logic.getangles_func = ::friendly_getangles_ai;
self._stealth.logic.getvelocity_func = ::friendly_getvelocity;
self._stealth.logic.current_stance_func = ::friendly_compute_stances_ai;
self._stealth.logic.stance_change_time = .2;
self._stealth.logic.stance_change = 0;
self._stealth.logic.oldstance = self [[ self._stealth.logic.getstance_func ]]();
self._stealth.logic.stance = self [[ self._stealth.logic.getstance_func ]]();
self._stealth.logic.spotted_list = [];
self._stealth.logic.movespeed_multiplier = [];
self._stealth.logic.movespeed_scale = [];
self._stealth.logic.movespeed_multiplier[ "hidden" ] = [];
self._stealth.logic.movespeed_multiplier[ "hidden" ][ "prone" ] = 0;
self._stealth.logic.movespeed_multiplier[ "hidden" ][ "crouch" ] = 0;
self._stealth.logic.movespeed_multiplier[ "hidden" ][ "stand" ] = 0;
self._stealth.logic.movespeed_multiplier[ "spotted" ] = [];
self._stealth.logic.movespeed_multiplier[ "spotted" ][ "prone" ] = 0;
self._stealth.logic.movespeed_multiplier[ "spotted" ][ "crouch" ] = 0;
self._stealth.logic.movespeed_multiplier[ "spotted" ][ "stand" ] = 0;
hidden = [];
hidden[ "prone" ] = 3;
hidden[ "crouch" ] = 2;
hidden[ "stand" ] = 2;
spotted = [];
spotted[ "prone" ] = 2;
spotted[ "crouch" ] = 2;
spotted[ "stand" ] = 2;
self friendly_set_movespeed_scale( hidden, spotted );
friendly_set_movespeed_scale( hidden, spotted )
if ( isdefined( hidden ) )
self._stealth.logic.movespeed_scale[ "hidden" ][ "prone" ] = hidden[ "prone" ];
self._stealth.logic.movespeed_scale[ "hidden" ][ "crouch" ] = hidden[ "crouch" ];
self._stealth.logic.movespeed_scale[ "hidden" ][ "stand" ] = hidden[ "stand" ];
if ( isdefined( spotted ) )
self._stealth.logic.movespeed_scale[ "spotted" ][ "prone" ] = spotted[ "prone" ];
self._stealth.logic.movespeed_scale[ "spotted" ][ "crouch" ] = spotted[ "crouch" ];
self._stealth.logic.movespeed_scale[ "spotted" ][ "stand" ] = spotted[ "stand" ];
} |