3248 lines
106 KiB
3248 lines
106 KiB
#include common_scripts\utility;
#using_animtree( "destructibles" );
// Car alarm constants
CAR_ALARM_ALIAS = "car_alarm";
CAR_ALARM_OFF_ALIAS = "car_alarm_off";
SetDevDvarIfUninitialized( "debug_destructibles", "0" );
SetDevDvarIfUninitialized( "destructibles_enable_physics", "1" );
SetDevDvarIfUninitialized( "destructibles_show_radiusdamage", "0" );
level.destructibleSpawnedEntsLimit = 50;
level.destructibleSpawnedEnts = [];
level.currentCarAlarms = 0;
level.commonStartTime = GetTime();
level.created_destructibles = [];
if ( !isdefined( level.func ) )
// this array will be filled with code commands that SP or MP may use but doesn't exist in the other.
level.func = [];
destructibles_enabled = true;
destructibles_enabled = ( GetDvarInt( "destructibles_enabled", 1 ) == 1 );
if ( destructibles_enabled )
deletables = GetEntArray( "delete_on_load", "targetname" );
foreach ( ent in deletables )
ent Delete();
SetDevDvarIfUninitialized( "scr_destructible_warning", "1" );
if ( GetDvarInt( "scr_destructible_warning", 1 ) == 1 )
thread warn_about_old_destructible();
wait 1;
// Find all old prefabs and print warning/errors about them so they get updated
destructibles = GetEntArray( "destructible", "targetname" );
if ( destructibles.size != 0 )
PrintLn( "This map contains old destructible vehicle prefabs which no longer work properly. Please update them to use the new vehicle prefabs in map_source\\prefabs\\destructible\\. See console for a list of vehicles that you need to updated." );
PrintLn( "^1###################################################^0" );
PrintLn( "^1###################################################^0" );
PrintLn( "^1###################################################^0" );
foreach ( vehicle in destructibles )
PrintLn( "^1Destructible vehicle at ( " + vehicle.origin + " ) uses an old prefab. Update it to use a prefab located in prefabs\destructible\^0" );
PrintLn( "^1###################################################^0" );
PrintLn( "^1###################################################^0" );
PrintLn( "^1###################################################^0" );
AssertMsg( "This map contains old destructible vehicle prefabs which no longer work properly. Please update them to use the new vehicle prefabs in map_source\\prefabs\\destructible\\. See console for a list of vehicles that you need to updated." );
// Find all destructibles by their targetnames and run the setup
// array_thread( GetEntArray( "destructible_vehicle", "targetname" ), ::setup_destructibles );
//assuring orders -nate
vehicles = GetEntArray( "destructible_vehicle", "targetname" );
foreach ( vehicle in vehicles )
vehicle setup_destructibles();
destructible_toy = GetEntArray( "destructible_toy", "targetname" );
foreach ( toy in destructible_toy )
toy setup_destructibles();
total = 0;
if ( GetDvarInt( "destructibles_locate" ) > 0 )
// Print out the destructibles we created and where they are all located
PrintLn( "##################" );
PrintLn( "##################" );
PrintLn( "" );
keys = GetArrayKeys( level.created_destructibles );
foreach ( key in keys )
PrintLn( key + ": " + level.created_destructibles[ key ].size );
total += level.created_destructibles[ key ].size;
PrintLn( "" );
PrintLn( "Total: " + total );
PrintLn( "" );
PrintLn( "Locations:" );
foreach ( key in keys )
foreach ( destructible in level.created_destructibles[ key ] )
PrintLn( key + ": " + destructible.origin );
//destructible thread maps\_debug::drawOrgForever();
PrintLn( "" );
PrintLn( "##################" );
PrintLn( "##################" );
PrintLn( "##################" );
level.created_destructibles = undefined;
setup_destructibles( cached )
if ( !isdefined( cached ) )
cached = false;
// Figure out what destructible information this entity should use
destuctableInfo = undefined;
AssertEx( IsDefined( self.destructible_type ), "Destructible object with targetname 'destructible' does not have a 'destructible_type' key / value" );
self.modeldummyon = false;// - nate added for vehicle dummy stuff. This is so I can turn a destructible into a dummy and throw it around on jeepride.
self add_damage_owner_recorder(); // Mackey added to track who is damaging the car
self.destuctableInfo = common_scripts\_destructible_types::makeType( self.destructible_type );
//println( "### DESTRUCTIBLE ### assigned infotype index: " + self.destuctableInfo );
if ( self.destuctableInfo < 0 )
// Store what destructibles we create and where they are located so we can get a list in the console
if ( !isdefined( level.created_destructibles[ self.destructible_type ] ) )
level.created_destructibles[ self.destructible_type ] = [];
nextIndex = level.created_destructibles[ self.destructible_type ].size;
level.created_destructibles[ self.destructible_type ][ nextIndex ] = self;
if ( !cached )
// Attach all parts to the entity
if ( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts ) )
self.destructible_parts = [];
for ( i = 0; i < level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts.size; i++ )
// create the struct where the info for each entity will be held
self.destructible_parts[ i ] = SpawnStruct();
// set it's current state to 0 since it has never taken damage yet and will be on it's first state
self.destructible_parts[ i ].v[ "currentState" ] = 0;
// if it has a health value then store it's value
if ( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ i ][ 0 ].v[ "health" ] ) )
self.destructible_parts[ i ].v[ "health" ] = level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ i ][ 0 ].v[ "health" ];
// find random attachements such as random advertisements on taxi cabs and attach them now
if ( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ i ][ 0 ].v[ "random_dynamic_attachment_1" ] ) )
randAttachmentIndex = RandomInt( level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ i ][ 0 ].v[ "random_dynamic_attachment_1" ].size );
attachTag = level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ i ][ 0 ].v[ "random_dynamic_attachment_tag" ][ randAttachmentIndex ];
attach_model_1 = level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ i ][ 0 ].v[ "random_dynamic_attachment_1" ][ randAttachmentIndex ];
attach_model_2 = level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ i ][ 0 ].v[ "random_dynamic_attachment_2" ][ randAttachmentIndex ];
clipToRemove = level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ i ][ 0 ].v[ "clipToRemove" ][ randAttachmentIndex ];
self thread do_random_dynamic_attachment( attachTag, attach_model_1, attach_model_2, clipToRemove );
// continue if it's the base model since its not an attached part
if ( i == 0 )
// attach the part now
modelName = level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ i ][ 0 ].v[ "modelName" ];
tagName = level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ i ][ 0 ].v[ "tagName" ];
stateIndex = 1;
while ( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ i ][ stateIndex ] ) )
stateTagName = level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ i ][ stateIndex ].v[ "tagName" ];
stateModelName = level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ i ][ stateIndex ].v[ "modelName" ];
if ( IsDefined( stateTagName ) && stateTagName != tagName )
self hideapart( stateTagName );
if ( self.modeldummyon )
self.modeldummy hideapart( stateTagName );
// some destructibles have collision that needs to change due to the large change in the destructible when it blows pu
if ( IsDefined( self.target ) )
thread destructible_handles_collision_brushes();
// Make this entity take damage and wait for events
if ( self.code_classname != "script_vehicle" )
self SetCanDamage( true );
if ( isSP() )
self thread connectTraverses();
self thread destructible_think();
destructible_create( type, tagName, health, validAttackers, validDamageZone, validDamageCause )
// Creates a new information structure for a destructible object
Assert( IsDefined( type ) );
if ( !isdefined( level.destructible_type ) )
level.destructible_type = [];
destructibleIndex = level.destructible_type.size;
destructibleIndex = level.destructible_type.size;
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ] = SpawnStruct();
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].v[ "type" ] = type;
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts = [];
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ 0 ][ 0 ] = SpawnStruct();
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ 0 ][ 0 ].v[ "modelName" ] = self.model;
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ 0 ][ 0 ].v[ "tagName" ] = tagName;
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ 0 ][ 0 ].v[ "health" ] = health;
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ 0 ][ 0 ].v[ "validAttackers" ] = validAttackers;
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ 0 ][ 0 ].v[ "validDamageZone" ] = validDamageZone;
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ 0 ][ 0 ].v[ "validDamageCause" ] = validDamageCause;
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ 0 ][ 0 ].v[ "godModeAllowed" ] = true;
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ 0 ][ 0 ].v[ "rotateTo" ] = self.angles;
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ 0 ][ 0 ].v[ "vehicle_exclude_anim" ] = false;
destructible_part( tagName, modelName, health, validAttackers, validDamageZone, validDamageCause, alsoDamageParent, physicsOnExplosion, grenadeImpactDeath, receiveDamageFromParent )
// Adds a part to the last created destructible information structure
destructibleIndex = ( level.destructible_type.size - 1 );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts.size ) );
partIndex = level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts.size;
Assert( partIndex > 0 );
stateIndex = 0;
destructible_info( partIndex, stateIndex, tagName, modelName, health, validAttackers, validDamageZone, validDamageCause, alsoDamageParent, physicsOnExplosion, grenadeImpactDeath, undefined, receiveDamageFromParent );
destructible_state( tagName, modelName, health, validAttackers, validDamageZone, validDamageCause, grenadeImpactDeath, splashRotation )
// Adds a new part that is a state of the last created part
// When the previous part reaches zero health this part will show up
// and the previous part will be removed
destructibleIndex = ( level.destructible_type.size - 1 );
partIndex = ( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts.size - 1 );
stateIndex = ( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ].size );
if ( !isdefined( tagName ) && partIndex == 0 )
tagName = level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ 0 ].v[ "tagName" ];
destructible_info( partIndex, stateIndex, tagName, modelName, health, validAttackers, validDamageZone, validDamageCause, undefined, undefined, grenadeImpactDeath, splashRotation );
destructible_fx( tagName, fxName, useTagAngles, damageType, groupNum, fxCost )
//assert( IsDefined( tagName ) );
Assert( IsDefined( fxName ) );
if ( !isdefined( useTagAngles ) )
useTagAngles = true;
if ( !isdefined( groupNum ) )
groupNum = 0;
if ( !isdefined( fxCost ) )
fxCost = 0;
destructibleIndex = ( level.destructible_type.size - 1 );
partIndex = ( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts.size - 1 );
stateIndex = ( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ].size - 1 );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ] ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ] ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ] ) );
fx_size = 0;
if ( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "fx_filename" ] ) )
if ( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "fx_filename" ][ groupNum ] ) )
fx_size = level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "fx_filename" ][ groupNum ].size;
if ( IsDefined( damageType ) )
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "fx_valid_damagetype" ][ groupNum ][ fx_size ] = damageType;
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "fx_filename" ][ groupNum ][ fx_size ] = fxName;
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "fx_tag" ][ groupNum ][ fx_size ] = tagName;
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "fx_useTagAngles" ][ groupNum ][ fx_size ] = useTagAngles;
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "fx_cost" ][ groupNum ][ fx_size ] = fxCost;
destructible_loopfx( tagName, fxName, loopRate, fxCost )
Assert( IsDefined( tagName ) );
Assert( IsDefined( fxName ) );
Assert( IsDefined( loopRate ) );
Assert( loopRate > 0 );
if ( !isdefined( fxCost ) )
fxCost = 0;
destructibleIndex = ( level.destructible_type.size - 1 );
partIndex = ( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts.size - 1 );
stateIndex = ( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ].size - 1 );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ] ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ] ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ] ) );
fx_size = 0;
if ( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "loopfx_filename" ] ) )
fx_size = level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "loopfx_filename" ].size;
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "loopfx_filename" ][ fx_size ] = fxName;
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "loopfx_tag" ][ fx_size ] = tagName;
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "loopfx_rate" ][ fx_size ] = loopRate;
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "loopfx_cost" ][ fx_size ] = fxCost;
destructible_healthdrain( amount, interval, badplaceRadius, badplaceTeam )
Assert( IsDefined( amount ) );
destructibleIndex = ( level.destructible_type.size - 1 );
partIndex = ( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts.size - 1 );
stateIndex = ( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ].size - 1 );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ] ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ] ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ] ) );
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "healthdrain_amount" ] = amount;
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "healthdrain_interval" ] = interval;
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "badplace_radius" ] = badplaceRadius;
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "badplace_team" ] = badplaceTeam;
destructible_sound( soundAlias, soundCause, groupNum )
Assert( IsDefined( soundAlias ) );
destructibleIndex = ( level.destructible_type.size - 1 );
partIndex = ( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts.size - 1 );
stateIndex = ( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ].size - 1 );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ] ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ] ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ] ) );
if ( !isdefined( groupNum ) )
groupNum = 0;
if ( !isdefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "sound" ] ) )
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "sound" ] = [];
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "soundCause" ] = [];
if ( !isdefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "sound" ][ groupNum ] ) )
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "sound" ][ groupNum ] = [];
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "soundCause" ][ groupNum ] = [];
index = level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "sound" ][ groupNum ].size;
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "sound" ][ groupNum ][ index ] = soundAlias;
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "soundCause" ][ groupNum ][ index ] = soundCause;
destructible_loopsound( soundAlias, loopsoundCause )
Assert( IsDefined( soundAlias ) );
destructibleIndex = ( level.destructible_type.size - 1 );
partIndex = ( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts.size - 1 );
stateIndex = ( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ].size - 1 );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ] ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ] ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ] ) );
if ( !isdefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "loopsound" ] ) )
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "loopsound" ] = [];
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "loopsoundCause" ] = [];
index = level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "loopsound" ].size;
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "loopsound" ][ index ] = soundAlias;
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "loopsoundCause" ][ index ] = loopsoundCause;
destructible_anim( animName, animTree, animType, vehicle_exclude, groupNum, mpAnim, maxStartDelay, animRateMin, animRateMax )
if ( !isdefined( vehicle_exclude ) )
vehicle_exclude = false;
Assert( IsDefined( anim ) );
Assert( IsDefined( animName ) );
Assert( IsDefined( animtree ) );
if ( !isdefined( groupNum ) )
groupNum = 0;
array = [];
array[ "anim" ] = animName;
array[ "animTree" ] = animtree;
array[ "animType" ] = animType;
array[ "vehicle_exclude_anim" ] = vehicle_exclude;
array[ "groupNum" ] = groupNum;
array[ "mpAnim" ] = mpAnim;
array[ "maxStartDelay" ] = maxStartDelay;
array[ "animRateMin" ] = animRateMin;
array[ "animRateMax" ] = animRateMax;
add_array_to_destructible( "animation", array );
destructible_spotlight( tag )
AssertEx( IsDefined( tag ), "Tag wasn't defined for destructible_spotlight" );
array = [];
array[ "spotlight_tag" ] = tag;
array[ "spotlight_fx" ] = "spotlight_fx";
array[ "spotlight_brightness" ] = 0.85;
array[ "randomly_flip" ] = true;
dvars = [];
dvars[ "r_spotlightendradius" ] = 1200;
dvars[ "r_spotlightstartradius" ] = 50;
array[ "dvars" ] = dvars;
add_keypairs_to_destructible( array );
add_key_to_destructible( key, val )
AssertEx( IsDefined( key ), "Key wasn't defined!" );
AssertEx( IsDefined( val ), "Val wasn't defined!" );
array = [];
array[ key ] = val;
add_keypairs_to_destructible( array );
"Name: add_keypairs_to_destructible( <array> )"
"Summary: Goes through the array and adds each key/val to .v."
"Module: Destructibles"
"MandatoryArg: <array>: Array of keypairs."
"Example: add_keypairs_to_destructible( array );"
"SPMP: singleplayer"
add_keypairs_to_destructible( array )
// add a single flat array to the destructible, overwriting any existing identical keys.
destructibleIndex = level.destructible_type.size - 1;
partIndex = level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts.size - 1;
stateIndex = level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ].size - 1;
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ] ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ] ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ] ) );
foreach ( key, val in array )
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ key ] = val;
"Name: add_array_to_destructible( <array_name> , <array> )"
"Summary: Goes through the array and adds each key/val to .v."
"Module: Destructibles"
"MandatoryArg: <array_name>: Array of keypairs."
"MandatoryArg: <array>: Array of keypairs."
"Example: add_array_to_destructible( array );"
"SPMP: singleplayer"
add_array_to_destructible( array_name, array )
// add an array under a key name, so you can have multiple arrays under a given key name
destructibleIndex = level.destructible_type.size - 1;
partIndex = level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts.size - 1;
stateIndex = level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ].size - 1;
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ] ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ] ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ] ) );
v = level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v;
if ( !isdefined( v[ array_name ] ) )
v[ array_name ] = [];
v[ array_name ][ v[ array_name ].size ] = array;
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v = v;
destructibleIndex = ( level.destructible_type.size - 1 );
partIndex = ( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts.size - 1 );
stateIndex = ( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ].size - 1 );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ] ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ] ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ] ) );
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "triggerCarAlarm" ] = true;
destructible_lights_out( range )
if ( !isdefined( range ) )
range = 256;
destructibleIndex = ( level.destructible_type.size - 1 );
partIndex = ( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts.size - 1 );
stateIndex = ( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ].size - 1 );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ] ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ] ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ] ) );
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "break_nearby_lights" ] = range;
random_dynamic_attachment( tagName, attachment_1, attachment_2, clipToRemove )
// made so I can put random advertisements on the destructible taxi cabs without making lots of destructible types for each version
Assert( IsDefined( tagName ) );
Assert( IsDefined( attachment_1 ) );
if ( !isdefined( attachment_2 ) )
attachment_2 = "";
destructibleIndex = ( level.destructible_type.size - 1 );
partIndex = ( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts.size - 1 );
//stateIndex = ( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ].size - 1 );
stateIndex = 0;
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ] ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ] ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ] ) );
if ( !isdefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "random_dynamic_attachment_1" ] ) )
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "random_dynamic_attachment_1" ] = [];
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "random_dynamic_attachment_2" ] = [];
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "random_dynamic_attachment_tag" ] = [];
index = level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "random_dynamic_attachment_1" ].size;
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "random_dynamic_attachment_1" ][ index ] = attachment_1;
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "random_dynamic_attachment_2" ][ index ] = attachment_2;
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "random_dynamic_attachment_tag" ][ index ] = tagName;
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "clipToRemove" ][ index ] = clipToRemove;
destructible_physics( physTagName, physVelocity )
destructibleIndex = ( level.destructible_type.size - 1 );
partIndex = ( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts.size - 1 );
stateIndex = ( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ].size - 1 );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ] ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ] ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ] ) );
if ( !isdefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "physics" ] ) )
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "physics" ] = [];
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "physics_tagName" ] = [];
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "physics_velocity" ] = [];
index = level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "physics" ].size;
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "physics" ][ index ] = true;
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "physics_tagName" ][ index ] = physTagName;
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "physics_velocity" ][ index ] = physVelocity;
destructible_splash_damage_scaler( damage_multiplier )
destructibleIndex = ( level.destructible_type.size - 1 );
partIndex = ( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts.size - 1 );
stateIndex = ( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ].size - 1 );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ] ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ] ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ] ) );
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "splash_damage_scaler" ] = damage_multiplier;
destructible_explode( force_min, force_max, rangeSP, rangeMP, mindamage, maxdamage, continueDamage, originOffset, earthQuakeScale, earthQuakeRadius )
destructibleIndex = ( level.destructible_type.size - 1 );
partIndex = ( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts.size - 1 );
stateIndex = ( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ].size - 1 );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ] ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ] ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ] ) );
if ( isSP() )
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "explode_range" ] = rangeSP;
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "explode_range" ] = rangeMP;
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "explode" ] = true;
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "explode_force_min" ] = force_min;
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "explode_force_max" ] = force_max;
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "explode_mindamage" ] = mindamage;
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "explode_maxdamage" ] = maxdamage;
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "continueDamage" ] = continueDamage;
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "originOffset" ] = originOffset;
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "earthQuakeScale" ] = earthQuakeScale;
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "earthQuakeRadius" ] = earthQuakeRadius;
destructible_info( partIndex, stateIndex, tagName, modelName, health, validAttackers, validDamageZone, validDamageCause, alsoDamageParent, physicsOnExplosion, grenadeImpactDeath, splashRotation, receiveDamageFromParent )
Assert( IsDefined( partIndex ) );
Assert( IsDefined( stateIndex ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type ) );
Assert( level.destructible_type.size > 0 );
if ( IsDefined( modelName ) )
modelName = ToLower( modelName );
destructibleIndex = ( level.destructible_type.size - 1 );
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ] = SpawnStruct();
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "modelName" ] = modelName;
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "tagName" ] = tagName;
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "health" ] = health;
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "validAttackers" ] = validAttackers;
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "validDamageZone" ] = validDamageZone;
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "validDamageCause" ] = validDamageCause;
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "alsoDamageParent" ] = alsoDamageParent;
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "physicsOnExplosion" ] = physicsOnExplosion;
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "grenadeImpactDeath" ] = grenadeImpactDeath;
// sanity check please. I set this here so that I don't have to do isdefined on every part evertime it gets hit
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "godModeAllowed" ] = false;
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "splashRotation" ] = splashRotation;
level.destructible_type[ destructibleIndex ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "receiveDamageFromParent" ] = receiveDamageFromParent;
// I needed this to be seperate for vehicle scripts.
// Precache referenced models and load referenced effects
if ( !isdefined( level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts ) )
//if ( !isdefined( level.precachedModels ) )
// level.precachedModels = [];
for ( i = 0; i < level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts.size; i++ )
for ( j = 0; j < level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ i ].size; j++ )
if ( level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ i ].size <= j )
if ( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ i ][ j ].v[ "modelName" ] ) )
//model = level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ i ][ j ].v[ "modelName" ];
//if ( !isdefined( level.precachedModels[ model ] ) )
// level.precachedModels[ model ] = true;
// println( "precachemodel( " + model + " )" );
PreCacheModel( level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ i ][ j ].v[ "modelName" ] );
// in MP we have to precache animations that will be used
if ( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ i ][ j ].v[ "animation" ] ) )
animGroups = level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ i ][ j ].v[ "animation" ];
foreach ( group in animGroups )
if ( IsDefined( group[ "mpAnim" ] ) )
noself_func( "precacheMpAnim", group[ "mpAnim" ] );
// find random attachements such as random advertisements on taxi cabs and precache them now
if ( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ i ][ j ].v[ "random_dynamic_attachment_1" ] ) )
foreach ( model in level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ i ][ j ].v[ "random_dynamic_attachment_1" ] )
if ( IsDefined( model ) && model != "" )
PreCacheModel( model );
//if ( !isdefined( level.precachedModels[ model ] ) )
// level.precachedModels[ model ] = true;
// println( "precachemodel( " + model + " )" );
//if ( !isdefined( level.precachedModels[ model + DESTROYED_ATTACHMENT_SUFFIX ] ) )
// level.precachedModels[ model + DESTROYED_ATTACHMENT_SUFFIX ] = true;
// println( "precachemodel( " + model + DESTROYED_ATTACHMENT_SUFFIX + " )" );
foreach ( model in level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ i ][ j ].v[ "random_dynamic_attachment_2" ] )
if ( IsDefined( model ) && model != "" )
PreCacheModel( model );
//if ( !isdefined( level.precachedModels[ model ] ) )
// level.precachedModels[ model ] = true;
// println( "precachemodel( " + model + " )" );
//if ( !isdefined( level.precachedModels[ model + DESTROYED_ATTACHMENT_SUFFIX ] ) )
// level.precachedModels[ model + DESTROYED_ATTACHMENT_SUFFIX ] = true;
// println( "precachemodel( " + model + DESTROYED_ATTACHMENT_SUFFIX + " )" );
// I needed this to be seperate for vehicle scripts.
// Precache referenced models and load referenced effects
if ( !isdefined( level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts ) )
//if ( !isdefined( level.precachedFX ) )
// level.precachedFX = [];
for ( i = 0; i < level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts.size; i++ )
for ( j = 0; j < level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ i ].size; j++ )
if ( level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ i ].size <= j )
part = level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ i ][ j ];
if ( IsDefined( part.v[ "fx_filename" ] ) )
for ( g = 0; g < part.v[ "fx_filename" ].size; g++ )
// for multiple checks on fx when doing conditional fx playing
fx_filenames = part.v[ "fx_filename" ][ g ];
if ( IsDefined( fx_filenames ) )
// has we already set this up?
if ( IsDefined( part.v[ "fx" ] ) && IsDefined( part.v[ "fx" ][ g ] ) && part.v[ "fx" ][ g ].size == fx_filenames.size )
foreach ( idx, fx_filename in fx_filenames )
level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ i ][ j ].v[ "fx" ][ g ][ idx ] = _loadfx( fx_filename );
//if ( !isdefined( level.precachedFX[ fx_filename ] ) )
// level.precachedFX[ fx_filename ] = true;
// println( "loadfx( " + fx_filename + " )" );
loopfx_filenames = level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ i ][ j ].v[ "loopfx_filename" ];
if ( IsDefined( loopfx_filenames ) )
// has we already set this up?
if ( IsDefined( part.v[ "loopfx" ] ) && part.v[ "loopfx" ].size == loopfx_filenames.size )
foreach ( idx, loopfx_filename in loopfx_filenames )
level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ i ][ j ].v[ "loopfx" ][ idx ] = _loadfx( loopfx_filename );
//if ( !isdefined( level.precachedFX[ loopfx_filename ] ) )
// level.precachedFX[ loopfx_filename ] = true;
// println( "loadfx( " + loopfx_filename + " )" );
canDamageDestructible( testDestructible )
foreach ( destructible in self.destructibles )
if ( destructible == testDestructible )
return true;
return false;
// Force it to run update part one time first so we can have parts with
// 0 health that will start on level load instead of waiting for damage
damage = 0;
modelName = self.model;
tagName = undefined;
point = self.origin;
direction_vec = undefined;
attacker = undefined;
damageType = undefined;
self destructible_update_part( damage, modelName, tagName, point, direction_vec, attacker, damageType );
// Wait until this entity takes damage
self endon( "stop_taking_damage" );
for ( ;; )
// set these to undefined to clear them for each loop to save variables
damage = undefined;
attacker = undefined;
direction_vec = undefined;
point = undefined;
type = undefined;
modelName = undefined;
tagName = undefined;
partName = undefined;
dflags = undefined;
self waittill( "damage", damage, attacker, direction_vec, point, type, modelName, tagName, partName, dflags );
prof_begin( "_destructible" );
if ( !isdefined( damage ) )
if ( IsDefined( attacker ) && IsDefined( attacker.type ) && attacker.type == "soft_landing" && !attacker canDamageDestructible( self ) )
if ( isSP() )
damage *= SP_DAMAGE_BIAS;
damage *= MP_DAMAGE_BIAS;
if ( damage <= 0 )
if ( IsDefined( attacker ) && IsPlayer( attacker ) )
self.damageOwner = attacker;
type = getDamageType( type );
Assert( IsDefined( type ) );
// shotguns only do one notify so we need to amp up the damage
if ( is_shotgun_damage( attacker, type ) )
if ( isSP() )
damage *= SP_SHOTGUN_BIAS;
damage *= MP_SHOTGUN_BIAS;
if ( GetDvarInt( "debug_destructibles" , 0 ) == 1 )
Print3d( point, ".", ( 1, 1, 1 ), 1.0, 0.5, 100 );
if ( IsDefined( damage ) )
IPrintLn( "damage amount: " + damage );
if ( IsDefined( modelName ) )
IPrintLn( "hit model: " + modelName );
if ( IsDefined( tagName ) )
IPrintLn( "hit model tag: " + tagName );
IPrintLn( "hit model tag: " );
// override for when base model is damaged. We dont want to pass in empty strings
if ( !isdefined( modelName ) || ( modelName == "" ) )
Assert( IsDefined( self.model ) );
modelName = self.model;
if ( IsDefined( tagName ) && tagName == "" )
if ( IsDefined( partName ) && partName != "" && partName != "tag_body" && partName != "body_animate_jnt" )
tagName = partName;
tagName = undefined;
baseModelTag = level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ 0 ][ 0 ].v[ "tagName" ];
if ( IsDefined( baseModelTag ) && IsDefined( partName ) && ( baseModelTag == partName ) )
tagName = undefined;
prof_end( "_destructible" );
// special handling for splash and projectile damage
if ( type == "splash" )
if ( GetDvarInt( "debug_destructibles" , 0 ) == 1 )
IPrintLn( "type = splash" );
if ( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ 0 ][ 0 ].v[ "splash_damage_scaler" ] ) )
damage *= level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ 0 ][ 0 ].v[ "splash_damage_scaler" ];
if ( isSP() )
self destructible_splash_damage( Int( damage ), point, direction_vec, attacker, type );
self thread destructible_update_part( Int( damage ), modelName, tagName, point, direction_vec, attacker, type );
is_shotgun_damage( attacker, type )
if ( type != "bullet" )
return false;
if ( !isdefined( attacker ) )
return false;
currentWeapon = undefined;
if ( IsPlayer( attacker ) )
currentweapon = attacker getCurrentWeapon();
if ( !isdefined( currentweapon ) )
return false;
class = weaponClass( currentweapon );
if ( isdefined( class ) && class == "spread" )
return true;
return false;
getPartAndStateIndex( modelName, tagName )
Assert( IsDefined( modelName ) );
info = SpawnStruct();
info.v = [];
partIndex = -1;
stateIndex = -1;
Assert( IsDefined( self.model ) );
if ( ( ToLower( modelName ) == ToLower( self.model ) ) && ( !isdefined( tagName ) ) )
modelName = self.model;
tagName = undefined;
partIndex = 0;
stateIndex = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts.size; i++ )
stateIndex = self.destructible_parts[ i ].v[ "currentState" ];
if ( level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ i ].size <= stateIndex )
if ( !isdefined( tagName ) )
if ( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ i ][ stateIndex ].v[ "tagName" ] ) )
partTagName = level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ i ][ stateIndex ].v[ "tagName" ];
if ( partTagName == tagName )
partIndex = i;
Assert( stateIndex >= 0 );
Assert( IsDefined( partIndex ) );
info.v[ "stateIndex" ] = stateindex;
info.v[ "partIndex" ] = partindex;
return info;
destructible_update_part( damage, modelName, tagName, point, direction_vec, attacker, damageType, partInfo )
// Find what part this is, or is a child of. If the base model was
// the entity that was damaged the part index will be -1
if ( !isdefined( self.destructible_parts ) )
if ( self.destructible_parts.size == 0 )
prof_begin( "_destructible" );
info = getPartAndStateIndex( modelName, tagName );
stateIndex = info.v[ "stateIndex" ];
partIndex = info.v[ "partIndex" ];
prof_end( "_destructible" );
if ( partIndex < 0 )
// Deduct the damage amount from the part's health
// If the part runs out of health go to the next state
state_before = stateIndex;
updateHealthValue = false;
delayModelSwap = false;
prof_begin( "_destructible" );
for ( ;; )
stateIndex = self.destructible_parts[ partIndex ].v[ "currentState" ];
// there isn't another state to go to when damaged
if ( !isdefined( level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ] ) )
// see if the model is also supposed to damage the parent
if ( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ 0 ].v[ "alsoDamageParent" ] ) )
if ( getDamageType( damageType ) != "splash" )
ratio = level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ 0 ].v[ "alsoDamageParent" ];
parentDamage = Int( damage * ratio );
self thread notifyDamageAfterFrame( parentDamage, attacker, direction_vec, point, damageType, "", "" );
// loop through all parts to see which ones also need to get this damage applied to them ( based on their "receiveDamageFromParent" value )
if ( getDamageType( damageType ) != "splash" )
foreach ( part in level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts )
if ( !isdefined( part[ 0 ].v[ "receiveDamageFromParent" ] ) )
if ( !isdefined( part[ 0 ].v[ "tagName" ] ) )
ratio = part[ 0 ].v[ "receiveDamageFromParent" ];
Assert( ratio > 0 );
childDamage = Int( damage * ratio );
childTagName = part[ 0 ].v[ "tagName" ];
self thread notifyDamageAfterFrame( childDamage, attacker, direction_vec, point, damageType, "", childTagName );
if ( !isdefined( level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "health" ] ) )
if ( !isdefined( self.destructible_parts[ partIndex ].v[ "health" ] ) )
if ( updateHealthValue )
self.destructible_parts[ partIndex ].v[ "health" ] = level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "health" ];
updateHealthValue = false;
if ( GetDvarInt( "debug_destructibles" , 0 ) == 1 )
IPrintLn( "stateindex: " + stateIndex );
IPrintLn( "damage: " + damage );
IPrintLn( "health( before ): " + self.destructible_parts[ partIndex ].v[ "health" ] );
// Handle grenades hitting glass parts. Grenades should make the glass completely break instead of just doing 1 damage and shattering the glass
if ( ( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "grenadeImpactDeath" ] ) ) && ( damageType == "impact" ) )
damage = 100000000;
// apply the damage to the part if the attacker was a valid attacker
savedHealth = self.destructible_parts[ partIndex ].v[ "health" ];
validAttacker = self isAttackerValid( partIndex, stateIndex, attacker );
if ( validAttacker )
validDamageCause = self isValidDamageCause( partIndex, stateIndex, damageType );
if ( validDamageCause )
if ( IsDefined( attacker ) )
if ( IsPlayer( attacker ) )
self.player_damage += damage;
if ( attacker != self )
self.non_player_damage += damage;
// Chad - ask Brent why we think melee is worth 100000 damage
if ( IsDefined( damageType ) )
if ( damageType == "melee" || damageType == "impact" )
damage = 100000;
self.destructible_parts[ partIndex ].v[ "health" ] -= damage;
if ( GetDvarInt( "debug_destructibles" , 0 ) == 1 )
IPrintLn( "health( after ): " + self.destructible_parts[ partIndex ].v[ "health" ] );
// if the part still has health left then we're done
if ( self.destructible_parts[ partIndex ].v[ "health" ] > 0 )
prof_end( "_destructible" );
// cap on the number of destructibles killed in a single frame
if ( IsDefined( partInfo ) )
partInfo.v[ "fxcost" ] = get_part_FX_cost_for_action_state( partIndex, self.destructible_parts[ partIndex ].v[ "currentState" ] );
add_destructible_to_frame_queue( self, partInfo, damage );
self.waiting_for_queue = true;
self waittill( "queue_processed", success );
self.waiting_for_queue = undefined;
if ( !success )// can we be destroyed this frame?
self.destructible_parts[ partIndex ].v[ "health" ] = savedHealth;
// if the part ran out of health then carry over to the next part
damage = Int( abs( self.destructible_parts[ partIndex ].v[ "health" ] ) );
// Brent asks - why is this condition here? It'll never trigger given that abs() does the following:
// "fabs returns the absolute value of x. Absolute value is a number's distance from zero on the number line. The absolute value of -4 is 4; the absolute value of 4 is 4."
// It should probably be removed
if ( damage < 0 )
prof_end( "_destructible" );
self.destructible_parts[ partIndex ].v[ "currentState" ]++;
stateIndex = self.destructible_parts[ partIndex ].v[ "currentState" ];
actionStateIndex = ( stateIndex - 1 );
// use these rather than re-getting them all the time. This insures that we do
// not overwrite their values too.
action_v = undefined;
if ( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ actionStateIndex ] ) )
action_v = level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ actionStateIndex ].v;
state_v = undefined;
if ( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ] ) )
state_v = level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v;
if ( !isdefined( level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ actionStateIndex ] ) )
prof_end( "_destructible" );
// A state change is required so detach the old model or replace it if
// it's the base model that took the damage.
// Then attach the model ( if specified ) used for the new state
// Only do this if there is another state to go to, some parts might have
// fx or anims, or sounds but no next model to go to
// if the part is meant to explode on this state set a flag. Actual explosion will be done down below
if ( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ actionStateIndex ].v[ "explode" ] ) )
self.exploding = true;
// stop all previously looped sounds
if ( IsDefined( self.loopingSoundStopNotifies ) && IsDefined( self.loopingSoundStopNotifies[ toString( partIndex ) ] ) )
for ( i = 0; i < self.loopingSoundStopNotifies[ toString( partIndex ) ].size; i++ )
self notify( self.loopingSoundStopNotifies[ toString( partIndex ) ][ i ] );
if ( isSP() && self.modeldummyon )
self.modeldummy notify( self.loopingSoundStopNotifies[ toString( partIndex ) ][ i ] );
self.loopingSoundStopNotifies[ toString( partIndex ) ] = undefined;
// setup our destructible light if we want one and can find one
if ( IsDefined( action_v[ "break_nearby_lights" ] ) )
self destructible_get_my_breakable_light( action_v[ "break_nearby_lights" ] );
// swap the model
// this doesn't work when threaded off to another function
if ( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ] ) )
if ( partIndex == 0 ) // base model damaged
newModel = state_v[ "modelName" ];
if ( IsDefined( newModel ) && newModel != self.model )
self SetModel( newModel );
if ( isSP() && self.modeldummyon )
self.modeldummy SetModel( newModel );
destructible_splash_rotatation( state_v );
else // part was damaged, not the base model
// handle a part getting damaged here - must be detached and reattached
self hideapart( tagName );
if ( isSP() && self.modeldummyon )
self.modeldummy hideapart( tagName );
tagName = state_v[ "tagName" ];
if ( IsDefined( tagName ) )
self showapart( tagName );
if ( isSP() && self.modeldummyon )
self.modeldummy showapart( tagName );
eModel = get_dummy();
// If its exploding clear all previous animations on the destructible. The only animation that will play after this is an explosion animation
if ( IsDefined( self.exploding ) )
self clear_anims( eModel );
// if the part has an anim then play it now
groupNumber = destructible_animation_think( action_v, eModel, damageType, partIndex );
// if the part has fx then play it now
groupNumber = destructible_fx_think( action_v, eModel, damageType, partIndex, groupNumber );
// if the part has a soundalias then play it now
groupNumber = destructible_sound_think( action_v, eModel, damageType, groupNumber );
// if the part has a looping fx then play it now
if ( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ actionStateIndex ].v[ "loopfx" ] ) )
loopfx_size = level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ actionStateIndex ].v[ "loopfx_filename" ].size;
if ( loopfx_size > 0 )
self notify( "FX_State_Change" + partIndex );
for ( idx = 0; idx < loopfx_size; idx++ )
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ actionStateIndex ].v[ "loopfx_tag" ][ idx ] ) );
loopfx = level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ actionStateIndex ].v[ "loopfx" ][ idx ];
loopfx_tag = level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ actionStateIndex ].v[ "loopfx_tag" ][ idx ];
loopRate = level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ actionStateIndex ].v[ "loopfx_rate" ][ idx ];
self thread loopfx_onTag( loopfx, loopfx_tag, loopRate, partIndex );
// if the part has a looping soundalias then start looping it now
if ( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ actionStateIndex ].v[ "loopsound" ] ) )
for ( i = 0; i < level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ actionStateIndex ].v[ "loopsound" ].size; i++ )
validSoundCause = self isValidSoundCause( "loopsoundCause", action_v, i, damageType );
if ( validSoundCause )
loopsoundAlias = level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ actionStateIndex ].v[ "loopsound" ][ i ];
loopsoundTagName = level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ actionStateIndex ].v[ "tagName" ];
self thread play_loop_sound_on_destructible( loopsoundAlias, loopsoundTagName );
if ( !isdefined( self.loopingSoundStopNotifies ) )
self.loopingSoundStopNotifies = [];
if ( !isdefined( self.loopingSoundStopNotifies[ toString( partIndex ) ] ) )
self.loopingSoundStopNotifies[ toString( partIndex ) ] = [];
size = self.loopingSoundStopNotifies[ toString( partIndex ) ].size;
self.loopingSoundStopNotifies[ toString( partIndex ) ][ size ] = "stop sound" + loopsoundAlias;
// if the part is supposed to trigger a car alarm
if ( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ actionStateIndex ].v[ "triggerCarAlarm" ] ) )
self thread do_car_alarm();
// if the part is supposed to trigger a car alarm
if ( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ actionStateIndex ].v[ "break_nearby_lights" ] ) )
self thread break_nearest_light();
// if the part should drain health then start the drain
if ( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ actionStateIndex ].v[ "healthdrain_amount" ] ) )
self notify( "Health_Drain_State_Change" + partIndex );
healthdrain_amount = level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ actionStateIndex ].v[ "healthdrain_amount" ];
healthdrain_interval = level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ actionStateIndex ].v[ "healthdrain_interval" ];
healthdrain_modelName = level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ actionStateIndex ].v[ "modelName" ];
healthdrain_tagName = level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ actionStateIndex ].v[ "tagName" ];
badplaceRadius = level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ actionStateIndex ].v[ "badplace_radius" ];
badplaceTeam = level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ actionStateIndex ].v[ "badplace_team" ];
if ( healthdrain_amount > 0 )
Assert( ( IsDefined( healthdrain_interval ) ) && ( healthdrain_interval > 0 ) );
self thread health_drain( healthdrain_amount, healthdrain_interval, partIndex, healthdrain_modelName, healthdrain_tagName, badplaceRadius, badplaceTeam );
// if the part is meant to explode on this state then do it now. Causes all attached models to become physics with the specified force
if ( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ actionStateIndex ].v[ "explode" ] ) )
delayModelSwap = true;
force_min = level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ actionStateIndex ].v[ "explode_force_min" ];
force_max = level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ actionStateIndex ].v[ "explode_force_max" ];
range = level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ actionStateIndex ].v[ "explode_range" ];
mindamage = level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ actionStateIndex ].v[ "explode_mindamage" ];
maxdamage = level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ actionStateIndex ].v[ "explode_maxdamage" ];
continueDamage = level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ actionStateIndex ].v[ "continueDamage" ];
originOffset = level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ actionStateIndex ].v[ "originOffset" ];
earthQuakeScale = level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ actionStateIndex ].v[ "earthQuakeScale" ];
earthQuakeRadius = level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ actionStateIndex ].v[ "earthQuakeRadius" ];
if ( IsDefined( attacker ) && attacker != self )
// Achievement Hook
self.attacker = attacker;
// Only add .damage_type to script_vehicles that happen to be destructibles (ie UAZ)
// This hook provides info so the vehicle can do _player_stat::register_kill()
if ( self.code_classname == "script_vehicle" )
self.damage_type = damageType;
self thread explode( partIndex, force_min, force_max, range, mindamage, maxdamage, continueDamage, originOffset, earthQuakeScale, earthQuakeRadius, attacker );
// if the part should do physics here then initiate the physics and velocity
physTagOrigin = undefined;
if ( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ actionStateIndex ].v[ "physics" ] ) )
for ( i = 0; i < level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ actionStateIndex ].v[ "physics" ].size; i++ )
physTagOrigin = undefined;
physTagName = level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ actionStateIndex ].v[ "physics_tagName" ][ i ];
physVelocity = level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ actionStateIndex ].v[ "physics_velocity" ][ i ];
initial_velocity = undefined;
if ( IsDefined( physVelocity ) )
physTagAngles = undefined;
if ( IsDefined( physTagName ) )
physTagAngles = self GetTagAngles( physTagName );
else if ( IsDefined( tagName ) )
physTagAngles = self GetTagAngles( tagName );
Assert( IsDefined( physTagAngles ) );
physTagOrigin = undefined;
if ( IsDefined( physTagName ) )
physTagOrigin = self GetTagOrigin( physTagName );
else if ( IsDefined( tagName ) )
physTagOrigin = self GetTagOrigin( tagName );
Assert( IsDefined( physTagOrigin ) );
phys_x = physVelocity[ 0 ] - 5 + RandomFloat( 10 );
phys_y = physVelocity[ 1 ] - 5 + RandomFloat( 10 );
phys_z = physVelocity[ 2 ] - 5 + RandomFloat( 10 );
forward = AnglesToForward( physTagAngles ) * phys_x * RandomFloatRange( 80, 110 );
right = AnglesToRight( physTagAngles ) * phys_y * RandomFloatRange( 80, 110 );
up = AnglesToUp( physTagAngles ) * phys_z * RandomFloatRange( 80, 110 );
initial_velocity = forward + right + up;
if ( GetDvarInt( "debug_destructibles" , 0 ) == 1 )
thread draw_line_for_time( physTagOrigin, physTagOrigin + initial_velocity, 1, 1, 1, 5.0 );
initial_velocity = point;
impactDir = ( 0, 0, 0 );
if ( IsDefined( attacker ) )
impactDir = attacker.origin;
initial_velocity = VectorNormalize( point - impactDir );
initial_velocity = vector_multiply( initial_velocity, 200 );
Assert( IsDefined( initial_velocity ) );
if ( IsDefined( physTagName ) )
// Do physics on another part, and continue this thread since the current part is still unaffected by the physics
// get the partIndex that cooresponds to what the tagname is
physPartIndex = undefined;
for ( j = 0; j < level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts.size; j++ )
if ( !isdefined( level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ j ][ 0 ].v[ "tagName" ] ) )
if ( level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ j ][ 0 ].v[ "tagName" ] != physTagName )
physPartIndex = j;
if ( IsDefined( physTagOrigin ) )
self thread physics_launch( physPartIndex, 0, physTagOrigin, initial_velocity );
self thread physics_launch( physPartIndex, 0, point, initial_velocity );
// Do physics on this part, therefore ending this thread
if ( IsDefined( physTagOrigin ) )
self thread physics_launch( partIndex, actionStateIndex, physTagOrigin, initial_velocity );
self thread physics_launch( partIndex, actionStateIndex, point, initial_velocity );
prof_end( "_destructible" );
updateHealthValue = true;
prof_end( "_destructible" );
destructible_splash_rotatation( v )
// rotate model due to splash damage direction, optional
model_rotation = v[ "splashRotation" ];
model_rotate_to = v[ "rotateTo" ];
if ( !isdefined( model_rotate_to ) )
if ( !isdefined( model_rotation ) )
if ( !model_rotation )
self.angles = ( self.angles[ 0 ], model_rotate_to[ 1 ], self.angles[ 2 ] );
// parameter damageType can be single damage or multiple damages separated by spaces
damage_not( damageType )
toks = StrTok( damageType, " " );
damages_tok = StrTok( "splash melee bullet splash impact unknown", " " );
new_string = "";
foreach ( idx, tok in toks )
damages_tok = array_remove( damages_tok, tok );
foreach ( damages in damages_tok )
new_string += damages + " ";
return new_string;
destructible_splash_damage( damage, point, direction_vec, attacker, damageType )
if ( damage <= 0 )
if ( IsDefined( self.exploded ) )
// Fill an array of all possible parts that might have been splash damaged
if ( !isdefined( level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts ) )
damagedParts = self getAllActiveParts( direction_vec );
if ( damagedParts.size <= 0 )
damagedParts = self setDistanceOnParts( damagedParts, point );
closestPartDist = getLowestPartDistance( damagedParts );
Assert( IsDefined( closestPartDist ) );
// Damage each part depending on how close it was to the splash damage point
prof_begin( "_destructible" );
foreach ( part in damagedParts )
distanceMod = ( part.v[ "distance" ] * 1.4 );
damageAmount = ( damage - ( distanceMod - closestPartDist ) );
if ( damageAmount <= 0 )
if ( IsDefined( self.exploded ) )
if ( GetDvarInt( "debug_destructibles" , 0 ) == 1 )
if ( IsDefined( part.v[ "tagName" ] ) )
Print3d( self GetTagOrigin( part.v[ "tagName" ] ), damageAmount, ( 1, 1, 1 ), 1.0, 0.5, 200 );
self thread destructible_update_part( damageAmount, part.v[ "modelName" ], part.v[ "tagName" ], point, direction_vec, attacker, damageType, part );
prof_end( "_destructible" );
getAllActiveParts( direction_vec )
activeParts = [];
Assert( IsDefined( self.destuctableInfo ) );
if ( !isdefined( level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts ) )
return activeParts;
prof_begin( "_destructible" );
for ( i = 0; i < level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts.size; i++ )
partIndex = i;
currentState = self.destructible_parts[ partIndex ].v[ "currentState" ];
// Splash damage rotation, rotation angle only calculated for state that has this option enabled
for ( j = 0; j < level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ].size; j++ )
splash_rotation = level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ j ].v[ "splashRotation" ];
if ( IsDefined( splash_rotation ) && splash_rotation )
rotate_to_angle = VectorToAngles( direction_vec );
rotate_to_angle_y = rotate_to_angle[ 1 ] - 90;
level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ j ].v[ "rotateTo" ] = ( 0, rotate_to_angle_y, 0 );
if ( !isdefined( level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ currentState ] ) )
tagName = level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ currentState ].v[ "tagName" ];
if ( !isdefined( tagName ) )
tagName = "";
if ( tagName == "" )
modelName = level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ currentState ].v[ "modelName" ];
if ( !isdefined( modelName ) )
modelName = "";
activePartIndex = activeParts.size;
activeParts[ activePartIndex ] = SpawnStruct();
activeParts[ activePartIndex ].v[ "modelName" ] = modelName;
activeParts[ activePartIndex ].v[ "tagName" ] = tagName;
prof_end( "_destructible" );
return activeParts;
setDistanceOnParts( partList, point )
prof_begin( "_destructible" );
for ( i = 0; i < partList.size; i++ )
d = Distance( point, self GetTagOrigin( partList[ i ].v[ "tagName" ] ) );
partList[ i ].v[ "distance" ] = d;
prof_end( "_destructible" );
return partList;
getLowestPartDistance( partList )
closestDist = undefined;
prof_begin( "_destructible" );
foreach ( part in partList )
Assert( IsDefined( part.v[ "distance" ] ) );
d = part.v[ "distance" ];
if ( !isdefined( closestDist ) )
closestDist = d;
if ( d < closestDist )
closestDist = d;
prof_end( "_destructible" );
return closestDist;
isValidSoundCause( soundCauseVar, action_v, soundIndex, damageType, groupNum )
if ( isdefined( groupNum ) )
soundCause = action_v[ soundCauseVar ][ groupNum ][ soundIndex ];
soundCause = action_v[ soundCauseVar ][ soundIndex ];
if ( !isdefined( soundCause ) )
return true;
if ( soundCause == damageType )
return true;
return false;
isAttackerValid( partIndex, stateIndex, attacker )
// return true if the vehicle is being force exploded
if ( IsDefined( self.forceExploding ) )
return true;
// return false if the vehicle is trying to explode but it's not allowed to
if ( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "explode" ] ) )
if ( IsDefined( self.dontAllowExplode ) )
return false;
if ( !isdefined( attacker ) )
return true;
if ( attacker == self )
return true;
sType = level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "validAttackers" ];
if ( !isdefined( sType ) )
return true;
if ( sType == "no_player" )
if ( !isplayer( attacker ) )
return true;
if ( !isdefined( attacker.damageIsFromPlayer ) )
return true;
if ( attacker.damageIsFromPlayer == false )
return true;
if ( sType == "player_only" )
if ( IsPlayer( attacker ) )
return true;
if ( IsDefined( attacker.damageIsFromPlayer ) && attacker.damageIsFromPlayer )
return true;
if ( sType == "no_ai" && IsDefined( level.isAIfunc ) )
if ( ![[ level.isAIfunc ]]( attacker ) )
return true;
if ( sType == "ai_only" && IsDefined( level.isAIfunc ) )
if ( [[ level.isAIfunc ]]( attacker ) )
return true;
AssertMsg( "Invalid attacker rules on destructible vehicle. Valid types are: ai_only, no_ai, player_only, no_player" );
return false;
isValidDamageCause( partIndex, stateIndex, damageType )
if ( !isdefined( damageType ) )
return true;
godModeAllowed = level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "godModeAllowed" ];
if ( godModeAllowed && ( ( IsDefined( self.godmode ) && self.godmode ) || ( IsDefined( self.script_bulletshield ) && self.script_bulletshield ) && damageType == "bullet" ) )
return false;
validType = level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "validDamageCause" ];
if ( !isdefined( validType ) )
return true;
if ( ( validType == "splash" ) && damageType != "splash" )
return false;
if ( ( validType == "no_melee" ) && damageType == "melee" || damageType == "impact" )
return false;
return true;
getDamageType( type )
//returns a simple damage type: melee, bullet, splash, or unknown
if ( !isdefined( type ) )
return "unknown";
type = ToLower( type );
switch( type )
case "mod_melee":
case "mod_crush":
case "melee":
return "melee";
case "mod_pistol_bullet":
case "mod_rifle_bullet":
case "bullet":
return "bullet";
case "mod_grenade":
case "mod_grenade_splash":
case "mod_projectile":
case "mod_projectile_splash":
case "mod_explosive":
case "splash":
return "splash";
case "mod_impact":
return "impact";
case "unknown":
return "unknown";
return "unknown";
damage_mirror( parent, modelName, tagName )
self notify( "stop_damage_mirror" );
self endon( "stop_damage_mirror" );
parent endon( "stop_taking_damage" );
self SetCanDamage( true );
for ( ;; )
self waittill( "damage", damage, attacker, direction_vec, point, type );
parent notify( "damage", damage, attacker, direction_vec, point, type, modelName, tagName );
damage = undefined;
attacker = undefined;
direction_vec = undefined;
point = undefined;
type = undefined;
// Mackey added to track who is damaging the car
self.player_damage = 0;
self.non_player_damage = 0;
self.car_damage_owner_recorder = true;
loopfx_onTag( loopfx, loopfx_tag, loopRate, partIndex )
self endon( "FX_State_Change" + partIndex );
self endon( "delete_destructible" );
level endon( "putout_fires" );
while( isdefined( self ) )
eModel = get_dummy();
PlayFXOnTag( loopfx, eModel, loopfx_tag );
wait loopRate;
health_drain( amount, interval, partIndex, modelName, tagName, badplaceRadius, badplaceTeam )
self endon( "Health_Drain_State_Change" + partIndex );
level endon( "putout_fires" );
self endon( "destroyed" );
if( IsDefined( badplaceRadius ) && IsDefined( level.destructible_badplace_radius_multiplier ) )
badplaceRadius *= level.destructible_badplace_radius_multiplier;
if( IsDefined( amount ) &&IsDefined( level.destructible_health_drain_amount_multiplier ) )
amount *= level.destructible_health_drain_amount_multiplier;
wait interval;
self.healthDrain = true;
uniqueName = undefined;
// disable the badplace radius call if level.disable_destructible_bad_places is true
if ( IsDefined( level.disable_destructible_bad_places ) && level.disable_destructible_bad_places )
badplaceRadius = undefined;
if ( IsDefined( badplaceRadius ) && IsDefined( badplaceTeam ) && isSP() )
uniqueName = "" + GetTime();
if ( !isdefined( self.disableBadPlace ) )
if ( IsDefined( self.script_radius ) )
// overwrite the badplace radius from the map
badplaceRadius = self.script_radius;
Assert( IsDefined( level.badplace_cylinder_func ) );
if ( badplaceTeam == "both" )
call [[ level.badplace_cylinder_func ]]( uniqueName, 0, self.origin, badplaceRadius, 128, "allies", "bad_guys" );
call [[ level.badplace_cylinder_func ]]( uniqueName, 0, self.origin, badplaceRadius, 128, badplaceTeam );
self thread badplace_remove( uniqueName );
while ( isdefined( self ) && self.destructible_parts[ partIndex ].v[ "health" ] > 0 )
if ( GetDvarInt( "debug_destructibles" , 0 ) == 1 )
IPrintLn( "health before damage: " + self.destructible_parts[ partIndex ].v[ "health" ] );
IPrintLn( "doing " + amount + " damage" );
self notify( "damage", amount, self, ( 0, 0, 0 ), ( 0, 0, 0 ), "MOD_UNKNOWN", modelName, tagName );
wait interval;
self notify( "remove_badplace" );
badplace_remove( uniqueName )
self waittill_any( "destroyed", "remove_badplace" );
Assert( IsDefined( uniqueName ) );
Assert( IsDefined( level.badplace_delete_func ) );
call [[ level.badplace_delete_func ]]( uniqueName );
physics_launch( partIndex, stateIndex, point, initial_velocity )
modelName = level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "modelName" ];
tagName = level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ stateIndex ].v[ "tagName" ];
self hideapart( tagName );
if ( GetDvarInt( "destructibles_enable_physics", 1 ) == 0 )
// If we've reached the max number of spawned physics models for destructible vehicles then delete one before creating another
if ( level.destructibleSpawnedEnts.size >= level.destructibleSpawnedEntsLimit )
physics_object_remove( level.destructibleSpawnedEnts[ 0 ] );
// Spawn a model to use for physics using the modelname and position of the part
physicsObject = Spawn( "script_model", self GetTagOrigin( tagName ) );
physicsObject.angles = self GetTagAngles( tagName );
physicsObject SetModel( modelName );
// Keep track of the new part so it can be removed later if we reach the max
level.destructibleSpawnedEnts[ level.destructibleSpawnedEnts.size ] = physicsObject;
// Do physics on the model
physicsObject PhysicsLaunchClient( point, initial_velocity );
physics_object_remove( ent )
newArray = [];
for ( i = 0; i < level.destructibleSpawnedEnts.size; i++ )
if ( level.destructibleSpawnedEnts[ i ] == ent )
newArray[ newArray.size ] = level.destructibleSpawnedEnts[ i ];
level.destructibleSpawnedEnts = newArray;
if ( isdefined( ent ) )
ent Delete();
explode( partIndex, force_min, force_max, range, mindamage, maxdamage, continueDamage, originOffset, earthQuakeScale, earthQuakeRadius, attacker )
Assert( IsDefined( force_min ) );
Assert( IsDefined( force_max ) );
if( IsDefined( range ) && IsDefined( level.destructible_explosion_radius_multiplier ) )
range *= level.destructible_explosion_radius_multiplier;
if ( !isdefined( originOffset ) )
originOffset = 80;
if ( !isdefined( continueDamage ) || ( IsDefined( continueDamage ) && !continueDamage ) )
if ( IsDefined( self.exploded ) )
self.exploded = true;
self notify( "exploded", attacker );
level notify( "destructible_exploded" );
if ( self.code_classname == "script_vehicle" )
self notify( "death", attacker, self.damage_type );
// check if there is a disconnect paths brush to disconnect any traverses
if ( isSP() )
self thread disconnectTraverses();
wait 0.05;
currentState = self.destructible_parts[ partIndex ].v[ "currentState" ];
Assert( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ] ) );
tagName = undefined;
if ( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ currentState ] ) )
tagName = level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ currentState ].v[ "tagName" ];
if ( IsDefined( tagName ) )
explosionOrigin = self GetTagOrigin( tagName );
explosionOrigin = self.origin;
self notify( "damage", maxdamage, self, ( 0, 0, 0 ), explosionOrigin, "MOD_EXPLOSIVE", "", "" );
self notify( "stop_car_alarm" );
prof_begin( "_destructible" );
if ( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts ) )
for ( i = ( level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts.size - 1 ); i >= 0; i-- )
if ( i == partIndex )
stateIndex = self.destructible_parts[ i ].v[ "currentState" ];
if ( stateIndex >= level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ i ].size )
stateIndex = level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ i ].size - 1;
modelName = level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ i ][ stateIndex ].v[ "modelName" ];
tagName = level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ i ][ stateIndex ].v[ "tagName" ];
if ( !isdefined( modelName ) )
if ( !isdefined( tagName ) )
// dont do physics on parts that are supposed to be removed on explosion
if ( IsDefined( level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ i ][ 0 ].v[ "physicsOnExplosion" ] ) )
if ( level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ i ][ 0 ].v[ "physicsOnExplosion" ] > 0 )
velocityScaler = level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ i ][ 0 ].v[ "physicsOnExplosion" ];
point = self GetTagOrigin( tagName );
initial_velocity = VectorNormalize( point - explosionOrigin );
initial_velocity = vector_multiply( initial_velocity, RandomFloatRange( force_min, force_max ) * velocityScaler );
self thread physics_launch( i, stateIndex, point, initial_velocity );
//self.destructible_parts[ i ] Hide();
prof_end( "_destructible" );
stopTakingDamage = ( !isdefined( continueDamage ) || ( IsDefined( continueDamage ) && !continueDamage ) );
if ( stopTakingDamage )
self notify( "stop_taking_damage" );
wait 0.05;
damageLocation = explosionOrigin + ( 0, 0, originOffset );
isVehicle = ( GetSubStr( level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].v[ "type" ], 0, 7 ) == "vehicle" );
if ( isVehicle )
anim.lastCarExplosionTime = GetTime();
anim.lastCarExplosionDamageLocation = damageLocation;
anim.lastCarExplosionLocation = explosionOrigin;
anim.lastCarExplosionRange = range;
// turn off friendly fire when they blow up so the player doesn't get accidental friendly fire mission failure
level thread set_disable_friendlyfire_value_delayed( 1 );
if ( isSP() )
if ( level.gameskill == 0 && !self player_touching_post_clip() )
self RadiusDamage( damageLocation, range, maxdamage, mindamage, self, "MOD_RIFLE_BULLET" );
self RadiusDamage( damageLocation, range, maxdamage, mindamage, self );
if ( IsDefined( self.damageOwner ) && isVehicle )
self.damageOwner notify( "destroyed_car" );
level notify( "player_destroyed_car", self.damageOwner, damageLocation );
if ( !isdefined( self.damageOwner ) )
self RadiusDamage( damageLocation, range, maxdamage, mindamage, self );
self RadiusDamage( damageLocation, range, maxdamage, mindamage, self.damageOwner );
if ( isVehicle )
self.damageOwner notify( "destroyed_car" );
level notify( "player_destroyed_car", self.damageOwner, damageLocation );
if ( IsDefined( earthQuakeScale ) && IsDefined( earthQuakeRadius ) )
Earthquake( earthQuakeScale, 2.0, damageLocation, earthQuakeRadius );
if ( GetDvarInt( "destructibles_show_radiusdamage" ) == 1 )
thread debug_radiusdamage_circle( damageLocation, range, maxdamage, mindamage );
// explosion damage done, resume friendly fire if it was enabled
level thread set_disable_friendlyfire_value_delayed( 0, 0.05 );
magnitudeScaler = 0.01;
magnitude = range * magnitudeScaler;
Assert( magnitude > 0 );
range *= .99;
PhysicsExplosionSphere( damageLocation, range, 0, magnitude );
if ( stopTakingDamage )
self SetCanDamage( false );
self thread cleanupVars();
self notify( "destroyed" );
// wait so we can make sure they are no longer needed
wait 0.05;
if ( !isdefined( self ) )
if ( isdefined( self.waiting_for_queue ) )
self waittill( "queue_processed" );
if ( !isdefined( self ) )
self.animsapplied = undefined;
self.attacker = undefined;
self.car_damage_owner_recorder = undefined;
self.caralarm = undefined;
self.damageowner = undefined;
self.destructible_parts = undefined;
self.destructible_type = undefined;
self.destuctableinfo = undefined;
self.healthdrain = undefined;
self.non_player_damage = undefined;
self.player_damage = undefined;
set_disable_friendlyfire_value_delayed( value, delay )
level notify( "set_disable_friendlyfire_value_delayed" );
level endon( "set_disable_friendlyfire_value_delayed" );
Assert( IsDefined( value ) );
if ( IsDefined( delay ) )
wait delay;
level.friendlyFireDisabledForDestructible = value;
if ( !isSP() )
return false;
if ( !arcadeMode() )
return false;
if ( level.script == "ac130" )
return false;
if ( IsDefined( level.allCarsDamagedByPlayer ) )
return true;
return self maps\_gameskill::player_did_most_damage();
clip = get_traverse_disconnect_brush();
if ( !isdefined( clip ) )
Assert( IsDefined( level.connectPathsFunction ) );
clip call [[ level.connectPathsFunction ]]();
clip.origin -= ( 0, 0, 10000 );
clip = get_traverse_disconnect_brush();
if ( !isdefined( clip ) )
clip.origin += ( 0, 0, 10000 );
Assert( IsDefined( level.disconnectPathsFunction ) );
clip call [[ level.disconnectPathsFunction ]]();
clip.origin -= ( 0, 0, 10000 );
if ( !isdefined( self.target ) )
return undefined;
targets = GetEntArray( self.target, "targetname" );
foreach ( target in targets )
if ( IsSpawner( target ) )
if ( IsDefined( target.script_destruct_collision ) )
if ( target.code_classname == "light" )
if ( !target.spawnflags & 1 )
return target;
hideapart( tagName )
self HidePart( tagName );
showapart( tagName )
self ShowPart( tagName );
self.dontAllowExplode = true;
self.dontAllowExplode = undefined;
self.forceExploding = true;
self notify( "damage", 100000, self, self.origin, self.origin, "MOD_EXPLOSIVE", "", "" );
if ( !isSP() )
return self;
if ( self.modeldummyon )
eModel = self.modeldummy;
eModel = self;
return eModel;
play_loop_sound_on_destructible( alias, tag )
eModel = get_dummy();
org = Spawn( "script_origin", ( 0, 0, 0 ) );
if ( IsDefined( tag ) )
org.origin = eModel GetTagOrigin( tag );
org.origin = eModel.origin;
org PlayLoopSound( alias );
eModel thread force_stop_sound( alias );
eModel waittill( "stop sound" + alias );
if ( !isdefined( org ) )
org StopLoopSound( alias );
org Delete();
force_stop_sound( alias )
self endon( "stop sound" + alias );
level waittill( "putout_fires" );
self notify( "stop sound" + alias );
notifyDamageAfterFrame( damage, attacker, direction_vec, point, damageType, modelName, tagName )
if ( IsDefined( level.notifyDamageAfterFrame ) )
level.notifyDamageAfterFrame = true;
if ( IsDefined( self.exploded ) )
level.notifyDamageAfterFrame = undefined;
if ( isSP() )
damage /= SP_DAMAGE_BIAS;
damage /= MP_DAMAGE_BIAS;
self notify( "damage", damage, attacker, direction_vec, point, damageType, modelName, tagName );
level.notifyDamageAfterFrame = undefined;
play_sound( alias, tag )
if ( IsDefined( tag ) )
org = Spawn( "script_origin", self GetTagOrigin( tag ) );
org Hide();
org LinkTo( self, tag, ( 0, 0, 0 ), ( 0, 0, 0 ) );
org = Spawn( "script_origin", ( 0, 0, 0 ) );
org Hide();
org.origin = self.origin;
org.angles = self.angles;
org LinkTo( self );
org PlaySound( alias );
wait( 5.0 );
if ( IsDefined( org ) )
org Delete();
toString( num )
return( "" + num );
if ( IsDefined( self.carAlarm ) )
self.carAlarm = true;
if ( !should_do_car_alarm() )
self.car_alarm_org = Spawn( "script_model", self.origin );
self.car_alarm_org Hide();
self.car_alarm_org PlayLoopSound( CAR_ALARM_ALIAS );
Assert( level.currentCarAlarms <= MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_CAR_ALARMS );
self thread car_alarm_timeout();
self waittill( "stop_car_alarm" );
level.lastCarAlarmTime = GetTime();
self.car_alarm_org StopLoopSound( CAR_ALARM_ALIAS );
self.car_alarm_org Delete();
self endon( "stop_car_alarm" );
// Car alarm only lasts this long until it automatically shuts up
if ( !isdefined( self ) )
self thread play_sound( CAR_ALARM_OFF_ALIAS );
self notify( "stop_car_alarm" );
// If there is already car alarms going off then don't trigger another one
if ( level.currentCarAlarms >= MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_CAR_ALARMS )
return false;
// If the player hasn't heard a car alarm yet during this level
timeElapsed = undefined;
if ( !isdefined( level.lastCarAlarmTime ) )
if ( cointoss() )
return true;
timeElapsed = GetTime() - level.commonStartTime;
timeElapsed = GetTime() - level.lastCarAlarmTime;
Assert( IsDefined( timeElapsed ) );
// If the player hasn't heard a car alarm in a while then do one
if ( level.currentCarAlarms == 0 && timeElapsed >= NO_CAR_ALARM_MAX_ELAPSED_TIME )
return true;
if ( RandomInt( 100 ) <= 33 )
return true;
return false;
do_random_dynamic_attachment( tagName, attach_model_1, attach_model_2, clipToRemove )
Assert( IsDefined( tagName ) );
Assert( IsDefined( attach_model_1 ) );
spawnedModels = [];
if ( isSP() )
self Attach( attach_model_1, tagName, false );
if ( IsDefined( attach_model_2 ) && attach_model_2 != "" )
self Attach( attach_model_2, tagName, false );
//attach doesn't work in MP so fake it
spawnedModels[ 0 ] = Spawn( "script_model", self GetTagOrigin( tagName ) );
spawnedModels[ 0 ].angles = self GetTagAngles( tagName );
spawnedModels[ 0 ] SetModel( attach_model_1 );
spawnedModels[ 0 ] LinkTo( self, tagName );
if ( IsDefined( attach_model_2 ) && attach_model_2 != "" )
spawnedModels[ 1 ] = Spawn( "script_model", self GetTagOrigin( tagName ) );
spawnedModels[ 1 ].angles = self GetTagAngles( tagName );
spawnedModels[ 1 ] SetModel( attach_model_2 );
spawnedModels[ 1 ] LinkTo( self, tagName );
// remove collision that might not be used for this attachment
if ( isdefined( clipToRemove ) )
tagOrg = self getTagOrigin( tagName );
clip = get_closest_with_targetname( tagOrg, clipToRemove );
if ( isdefined( clip ) )
clip delete();
self waittill( "exploded" );
if ( isSP() )
self Detach( attach_model_1, tagName );
self Attach( attach_model_1 + DESTROYED_ATTACHMENT_SUFFIX, tagName, false );
if ( IsDefined( attach_model_2 ) && attach_model_2 != "" )
self Detach( attach_model_2, tagName );
self Attach( attach_model_2 + DESTROYED_ATTACHMENT_SUFFIX, tagName, false );
spawnedModels[ 0 ] SetModel( attach_model_1 + DESTROYED_ATTACHMENT_SUFFIX );
if ( IsDefined( attach_model_2 ) && attach_model_2 != "" )
spawnedModels[ 1 ] SetModel( attach_model_2 + DESTROYED_ATTACHMENT_SUFFIX );
get_closest_with_targetname( origin, targetname )
closestDist = undefined;
closestEnt = undefined;
ents = getentarray( targetname, "targetname" );
foreach ( ent in ents )
d = distanceSquared( origin, ent.origin );
if ( !isdefined( closestDist ) || ( d < closestDist ) )
closestDist = d;
closestEnt = ent;
return closestEnt;
post_clip = undefined;
if ( !IsDefined( self.target ) )
return false;
targets = GetEntArray( self.target, "targetname" );
foreach ( target in targets )
if ( IsDefined( target.script_destruct_collision ) && target.script_destruct_collision == "post" )
post_clip = target;
if ( !IsDefined( post_clip ) )
return false;
player = get_player_touching( post_clip );
if ( IsDefined( player ) )
return true;
return false;
get_player_touching( ent )
foreach ( player in level.players )
if ( !IsAlive( player ) )
if ( ent IsTouching( player ) )
return player;
return undefined;
return GetDvar( "specialops" ) == "1";
targets = GetEntArray( self.target, "targetname" );
collision_funcs = [];
collision_funcs[ "pre" ] = ::collision_brush_pre_explosion;
collision_funcs[ "post" ] = ::collision_brush_post_explosion;
foreach ( target in targets )
if ( !isdefined( target.script_destruct_collision ) )
self thread [[ collision_funcs[ target.script_destruct_collision ] ]]( target );
collision_brush_pre_explosion( clip )
waittillframeend;// wait for same area post brushes to connect before we disconnect
if ( isSP() )
clip call [[ level.disconnectPathsFunction ]]();
self waittill( "exploded" );
if ( isSP() )
clip call [[ level.connectPathsFunction ]]();
clip Delete();
collision_brush_post_explosion( clip )
clip NotSolid();
if ( isSP() )
clip call [[ level.connectPathsFunction ]]();
self waittill( "exploded" );
waittillframeend;// wait for same area pre brushes to connect before we disconnect
if ( isSP() )
clip call [[ level.disconnectPathsFunction ]]();
if ( is_so() )
player = get_player_touching( clip );
if ( isdefined( player ) )
assertex( isdefined( level.func_destructible_crush_player ), "Special Ops requires level.func_destructible_crush_player to be defined." );
self thread [[ level.func_destructible_crush_player ]]( player );
thread debug_player_in_post_clip( clip );
clip Solid();
debug_player_in_post_clip( clip )
wait( 0.1 );
player = get_player_touching( clip );
if ( IsDefined( player ) )
AssertEx( !IsAlive( player ), "Player is in a clip of a destructible, but is still alive. He's either in godmode or we're doing something wrong. Player will be stuck now." );
destructible_get_my_breakable_light( range )
AssertEx( !isdefined( self.breakable_light ), "Tried to define my breakable light twice" );
// light = getClosest( self.origin, GetEntArray("light_destructible","targetname") );
// beh getClosest is SP only.. to lazy to port right now.
// find the nearest light with targetname light_destructible within range and turn it out. scripting stuff in prefabs is still hard.
lights = GetEntArray( "light_destructible", "targetname" );
if ( isSP() )// mp lacks noteworthy powers
lights2 = GetEntArray( "light_destructible", "script_noteworthy" );
lights = array_combine( lights, lights2 );
if ( !lights.size )
shortest_distance = range * range;
the_light = undefined;
foreach ( light in lights )
dist = DistanceSquared( self.origin, light.origin );
if ( dist < shortest_distance )
the_light = light;
shortest_distance = dist;
if ( !isdefined( the_light ) )
self.breakable_light = the_light;
break_nearest_light( range )
if ( !isdefined( self.breakable_light ) )
self.breakable_light SetLightIntensity( 0 );
debug_radiusdamage_circle( center, radius, maxdamage, mindamage )
circle_sides = 16;
angleFrac = 360 / circle_sides;
// Z circle
circlepoints = [];
for ( i = 0; i < circle_sides; i++ )
angle = ( angleFrac * i );
xAdd = Cos( angle ) * radius;
yAdd = Sin( angle ) * radius;
x = center[ 0 ] + xAdd;
y = center[ 1 ] + yAdd;
z = center[ 2 ];
circlepoints[ circlepoints.size ] = ( x, y, z );
thread debug_circle_drawlines( circlepoints, 5.0, ( 1, 0, 0 ), center );
// X circle
circlepoints = [];
for ( i = 0; i < circle_sides; i++ )
angle = ( angleFrac * i );
xAdd = Cos( angle ) * radius;
yAdd = Sin( angle ) * radius;
x = center[ 0 ];
y = center[ 1 ] + xAdd;
z = center[ 2 ] + yAdd;
circlepoints[ circlepoints.size ] = ( x, y, z );
thread debug_circle_drawlines( circlepoints, 5.0, ( 1, 0, 0 ), center );
// Y circle
circlepoints = [];
for ( i = 0; i < circle_sides; i++ )
angle = ( angleFrac * i );
xAdd = Cos( angle ) * radius;
yAdd = Sin( angle ) * radius;
x = center[ 0 ] + yAdd;
y = center[ 1 ];
z = center[ 2 ] + xAdd;
circlepoints[ circlepoints.size ] = ( x, y, z );
thread debug_circle_drawlines( circlepoints, 5.0, ( 1, 0, 0 ), center );
// draw center and range with values
Print3d( center, maxdamage, ( 1, 1, 1 ), 1, 1, 100 );
Print3d( center + ( radius, 0, 0 ), mindamage, ( 1, 1, 1 ), 1, 1, 100 );
debug_circle_drawlines( circlepoints, duration, color, center )
Assert( IsDefined( center ) );
for ( i = 0; i < circlepoints.size; i++ )
start = circlepoints[ i ];
if ( i + 1 >= circlepoints.size )
end = circlepoints[ 0 ];
end = circlepoints[ i + 1 ];
thread debug_line( start, end, duration, color );
thread debug_line( center, start, duration, color );
debug_line( start, end, duration, color )
if ( !isdefined( color ) )
color = ( 1, 1, 1 );
for ( i = 0; i < ( duration * 20 ); i++ )
Line( start, end, color );
wait 0.05;
spotlight_tag_origin_cleanup( tag_origin )
tag_origin endon( "death" );
level waittill( "new_destructible_spotlight" );
tag_origin Delete();
spotlight_fizzles_out( action_v, eModel, damageType, partIndex, tag_origin )
level endon( "new_destructible_spotlight" );
thread spotlight_tag_origin_cleanup( tag_origin );
maxVal = action_v[ "spotlight_brightness" ];
noself_func( "setsaveddvar", "r_spotlightbrightness", maxVal );
wait( RandomFloatRange( 2, 5 ) );
steps = RandomIntRange( 5, 11 );
for ( i = 0; i < steps; i++ )
noself_func( "setsaveddvar", "r_spotlightbrightness", maxVal * 0.65 );
wait( 0.05 );
noself_func( "setsaveddvar", "r_spotlightbrightness", maxVal );
wait( 0.05 );
destructible_fx_think( action_v, eModel, damageType, partIndex );
level.destructible_spotlight Delete();
tag_origin Delete();
destructible_spotlight_think( action_v, eModel, damageType, partIndex )
// spotlights are MP only
if ( !isSP() )
if ( !isdefined( self.breakable_light ) )
emodel self_func( "startignoringspotLight" );
// set all the dvars for this light type
foreach ( dvar, val in action_v[ "dvars" ] )
noself_func( "setsaveddvar", dvar, val );
if ( !isdefined( level.destructible_spotlight ) )
level.destructible_spotlight = spawn_tag_origin();
fx = getfx( action_v[ "spotlight_fx" ] );
PlayFXOnTag( fx, level.destructible_spotlight, "tag_origin" );
//self.breakable_light thread maps\_debug::drawForwardForever( 200, (1,0,0) );
//level.destructible_spotlight thread maps\_debug::drawForwardForever( 200, (1,1,0) );
level notify( "new_destructible_spotlight" );
level.destructible_spotlight Unlink();
tag_origin = spawn_tag_origin();
tag_origin LinkTo( self, action_v[ "spotlight_tag" ], ( 0, 0, 0 ), ( 0, 0, 0 ) );
//eModel thread maps\_debug::drawTagForever( action_v[ "spotlight_tag" ] );
level.destructible_spotlight.origin = self.breakable_light.origin;
level.destructible_spotlight.angles = self.breakable_light.angles;
level.destructible_spotlight thread spotlight_fizzles_out( action_v, eModel, damageType, partIndex, tag_origin );
wait( 0.05 );// Wait for the spawned tag_origin to get to the right place before linking
if ( IsDefined( tag_origin ) )
// can be deleted during wait
level.destructible_spotlight LinkTo( tag_origin );
is_valid_damagetype( damageType, v, idx, groupNum )
valid_damagetype = undefined;
if ( IsDefined( v[ "fx_valid_damagetype" ] ) )
valid_damagetype = v[ "fx_valid_damagetype" ][ groupNum ][ idx ];
if ( !isdefined( valid_damagetype ) )
return true;
return IsSubStr( valid_damagetype, damageType );
destructible_sound_think( action_v, eModel, damageType, groupNum )
if ( isdefined( self.exploded ) )
return undefined;
if ( !isDefined( action_v[ "sound" ] ) )
return undefined;
if ( !isdefined( groupNum ) )
groupNum = 0;
assert( isDefined( action_v[ "sound" ][ groupNum ] ) );
for ( i = 0; i < action_v[ "sound" ][ groupNum ].size; i++ )
validSoundCause = self isValidSoundCause( "soundCause", action_v, i, damageType, groupNum );
if ( !validSoundCause )
soundAlias = action_v[ "sound" ][ groupNum ][ i ];
soundTagName = action_v[ "tagName" ]; //chad - dont think I need a groupnum index here, but now we probably can't support playing sounds on multiple tags within one group
eModel thread play_sound( soundAlias, soundTagName );
return groupNum;
destructible_fx_think( action_v, eModel, damageType, partIndex, groupNum )
if ( !isdefined( action_v[ "fx" ] ) )
return undefined;
if ( !isdefined( groupNum ) )
groupNum = randomInt( action_v[ "fx_filename" ].size );
if ( !isDefined( action_v[ "fx" ][ groupNum ] ) )
println( "^1destructible tried to use custom groupNum for FX but that group didn't exist" );
groupNum = randomInt( action_v[ "fx_filename" ].size );
assert( isDefined( action_v[ "fx" ][ groupNum ] ) );
fx_size = action_v[ "fx_filename" ][ groupNum ].size;
for ( idx = 0; idx < fx_size; idx++ )
if ( !is_valid_damagetype( damageType, action_v, idx, groupNum ) )
fx = action_v[ "fx" ][ groupNum ][ idx ];
if ( IsDefined( action_v[ "fx_tag" ][ groupNum ][ idx ] ) )
fx_tag = action_v[ "fx_tag" ][ groupNum ][ idx ];
self notify( "FX_State_Change" + partIndex );
if ( action_v[ "fx_useTagAngles" ][ groupNum ][ idx ] )
PlayFXOnTag( fx, eModel, fx_tag );
fxOrigin = eModel GetTagOrigin( fx_tag );
forward = ( fxOrigin + ( 0, 0, 100 ) ) - fxOrigin;
PlayFX( fx, fxOrigin, forward );
fxOrigin = eModel.origin;
forward = ( fxOrigin + ( 0, 0, 100 ) ) - fxOrigin;
PlayFX( fx, fxOrigin, forward );
return groupNum;
destructible_animation_think( action_v, eModel, damageType, partIndex )
if ( IsDefined( self.exploded ) )
return undefined;
if ( !isdefined( action_v[ "animation" ] ) )
return undefined;
if ( IsDefined( action_v[ "randomly_flip" ] ) && !isdefined( self.script_noflip ) )
if ( cointoss() )
// flip it around for randomness
self.angles += ( 0, 180, 0 );
// this stuff is SP only
if ( IsDefined( action_v[ "spotlight_tag" ] ) )
thread destructible_spotlight_think( action_v, eModel, damageType, partIndex );
wait( 0.05 );
array = random( action_v[ "animation" ] );
animName = array[ "anim" ];
animTree = array[ "animTree" ];
groupNum = array[ "groupNum" ];
mpAnim = array[ "mpAnim" ];
maxStartDelay = array[ "maxStartDelay" ];
animRateMin = array[ "animRateMin" ];
animRateMax = array[ "animRateMax" ];
if ( !isdefined( animRateMin ) )
animRateMin = 1.0;
if ( !isdefined( animRateMax ) )
animRateMax = 1.0;
if ( animRateMin == animRateMax )
animRate = animRateMin;
animRate = RandomFloatRange( animRateMin, animRateMax );
vehicle_dodge_part_animation = array[ "vehicle_exclude_anim" ];
if ( self.code_classname == "script_vehicle" && vehicle_dodge_part_animation )
return undefined;
eModel self_func( "useanimtree", animTree );
animType = array[ "animType" ];
if ( !isdefined( self.animsApplied ) )
self.animsApplied = [];
self.animsApplied[ self.animsApplied.size ] = animName;
if ( IsDefined( self.exploding ) )
self clear_anims( eModel );
if ( IsDefined( maxStartDelay ) && maxStartDelay > 0 )
wait RandomFloat( maxStartDelay );
// Multiplayer animations work now
if ( !isSP() )
if ( IsDefined( mpAnim ) )
self self_func( "scriptModelPlayAnim", mpAnim );
return groupNum;
if ( animType == "setanim" )
eModel self_func( "setanim", animName, 1.0, 1.0, animRate );
return groupNum;
if ( animType == "setanimknob" )
eModel self_func( "setanimknob", animName, 1.0, 0, animRate );
return groupNum;
AssertMsg( "Tried to play an animation on a destructible with an invalid animType: " + animType );
return undefined;
clear_anims( eModel )
//clear all previously blended anims if the vehicle is exploding so the explosion doesn't have to blend with anything
if ( IsDefined( self.animsApplied ) )
foreach ( animation in self.animsApplied )
if ( isSP() )
eModel self_func( "clearanim", animation, 0 );
eModel self_func( "scriptModelClearAnim" );
level.destroyedCount = 0;
level.destroyedCountTimeout = 0.5;
if ( isSP() )
level.maxDestructions = 20;
level.maxDestructions = 2;
wait( level.destroyedCountTimeout );
Assert( level.destroyedCount >= 0 );
return( level.destroyedCount );
return( level.maxDestructions );
level.destructibleFrameQueue = [];
add_destructible_to_frame_queue( destructible, partInfo, damage )
entNum = self GetEntityNumber();
if ( !isDefined( level.destructibleFrameQueue[ entNum ] ) )
level.destructibleFrameQueue[ entNum ] = SpawnStruct();
level.destructibleFrameQueue[ entNum ].entNum = entNum;
level.destructibleFrameQueue[ entNum ].destructible = destructible;
level.destructibleFrameQueue[ entNum ].totalDamage = 0;
level.destructibleFrameQueue[ entNum ].nearDistance = 9999999;
level.destructibleFrameQueue[ entNum ].fxCost = 0;
level.destructibleFrameQueue[ entNum ].fxCost += partInfo.v[ "fxcost" ];
level.destructibleFrameQueue[ entNum ].totalDamage += damage;
if ( partInfo.v[ "distance" ] < level.destructibleFrameQueue[ entNum ].nearDistance )
level.destructibleFrameQueue[ entNum ].nearDistance = partInfo.v[ "distance" ];
thread handle_destructible_frame_queue();
level notify( "handle_destructible_frame_queue" );
level endon( "handle_destructible_frame_queue" );
wait( 0.05 );
currentQueue = level.destructibleFrameQueue;
level.destructibleFrameQueue = [];
sortedQueue = sort_destructible_frame_queue( currentQueue );
for ( i = 0; i < sortedQueue.size; i++ )
if ( get_destroyed_count() < get_max_destroyed_count() )
if ( sortedQueue[ i ].fxCost )
thread add_to_destroyed_count();
sortedQueue[ i ].destructible notify( "queue_processed", true );
sortedQueue[ i ].destructible notify( "queue_processed", false );
sort_destructible_frame_queue( unsortedQueue )
sortedQueue = [];
foreach ( destructibleInfo in unsortedQueue )
sortedQueue[ sortedQueue.size ] = destructibleInfo;
// insertion sort
for ( i = 1; i < sortedQueue.size; i++ )
queueStruct = sortedQueue[ i ];
for ( j = i - 1; j >= 0 && get_better_destructible( queueStruct, sortedQueue[ j ] ) == queueStruct; j-- )
sortedQueue[ j + 1 ] = sortedQueue[ j ];
sortedQueue[ j + 1 ] = queueStruct;
return sortedQueue;
get_better_destructible( destructibleInfo1, destructibleInfo2 )
// this is very basic; we can also account for distance, fxcost, etc... if we need to
if ( destructibleInfo1.totalDamage > destructibleInfo2.totalDamage )
return destructibleInfo1;
return destructibleInfo2;
get_part_FX_cost_for_action_state( partIndex, actionStateIndex )
fxCost = 0;
if ( !isDefined( level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ actionStateIndex ] ) )
return fxCost;
action_v = level.destructible_type[ self.destuctableInfo ].parts[ partIndex ][ actionStateIndex ].v;
if ( IsDefined( action_v[ "fx" ] ) )
foreach ( fxCostObj in action_v[ "fx_cost" ] )
foreach ( fxCostVal in fxCostObj )
fxCost += fxCostVal;
return fxCost;
} |