95 lines
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95 lines
2.6 KiB
#include common_scripts\utility;
#using_animtree( "animated_props" );
// wait until the end of the frame so that maps can init their trees
// in their _anim instead of only above _load
level.init_animatedmodels_dump = false;
level.anim_prop_models_animtree = #animtree;
if ( !isdefined( level.anim_prop_models ) )
level.anim_prop_models = [];// this is what the LD puts in their map
animated_models = GetEntArray( "animated_model", "targetname" );
array_thread( animated_models, ::model_init );
// one or more of the models initialized by model_init() was not setup by the map
// so print this helpful note so the designer can see how to add it ot their level
if ( level.init_animatedmodels_dump )
AssertMsg( "anims not cached for animated prop model, Repackage Zones and Rebuild Precache Script in Launcher:" );
// Handle blended tree anims differently
foreach ( model in animated_models )
keys = GetArrayKeys( level.anim_prop_models[ model.model ] );
scriptedWind = false;
foreach ( key in keys )
if ( key == "still" )
scriptedWind = true;
if ( scriptedWind )
model thread animateTreeWind();
model thread animateModel();
if ( IsDefined( level.wind ) )
level.wind = SpawnStruct();
level.wind.rate = 0.4;
level.wind.weight = 1;
level.wind.variance = 0.2;
if ( !isdefined( level.anim_prop_models[ self.model ] ) )
level.init_animatedmodels_dump = true;
// TODO: instead of purely random, do round-robin animation selection to get an even spread
self UseAnimTree( #animtree );
keys = GetArrayKeys( level.anim_prop_models[ self.model ] );
animkey = keys[ RandomInt( keys.size ) ];
animation = level.anim_prop_models[ self.model ][ animkey ];
self SetAnim( animation, 1, self GetAnimTime( animation ), 1 );
self SetAnimTime( animation, RandomFloatRange( 0, 1 ) );
self UseAnimTree( #animtree );
wind = "strong";
while ( 1 )
thread blendTreeAnims( wind );
level waittill( "windchange", wind );
blendTreeAnims( animation )
level endon( "windchange" );
windweight = level.wind.weight;
windrate = level.wind.rate + RandomFloat( level.wind.variance );
self SetAnim( level.anim_prop_models[ self.model ][ "still" ], 1, self GetAnimTime( level.anim_prop_models[ self.model ][ "still" ] ), windrate );
self SetAnim( level.anim_prop_models[ self.model ][ animation ], windweight, self GetAnimTime( level.anim_prop_models[ self.model ][ animation ] ), windrate );