
869 lines
22 KiB

#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\_utility;
#include maps\_hud_util;
flag_init( "player_on_minigun" );
flag_init( "player_off_minigun" );
flag_init( "disable_overheat" );
flag_init( "minigun_lesson_learned" );
precacheShader( "white" );
precacheShader( "black" );
precacheShader( "hud_temperature_gauge" );
precacheRumble( "minigun_rumble" );
precacheShader( "popmenu_bg" );
level.turret_heat_status = 1;
level.turret_heat_max = 114;
level.turret_cooldownrate = 15;
level._effect[ "_minigun_overheat_haze" ] = loadfx( "distortion/abrams_exhaust" );
level._effect[ "_minigun_overheat_smoke" ] = loadfx( "distortion/armored_car_overheat" );
#using_animtree( "vehicles" );
level.scr_anim[ "minigun" ][ "spin" ] = %bh_minigun_spin_loop;
level.scr_animtree[ "minigun" ] = #animtree;
level.scr_model[ "minigun" ] = "weapon_minigun";
self.animname = "minigun";
self assign_animtree();
self thread minigun_used();
for ( ;; )
for ( ;; )
// wait for the player to get on the turret
if ( self player_on_minigun() )
wait( 0.05 );
//level thread overheat_enable();
flag_clear( "player_off_minigun" );
flag_set( "player_on_minigun" );
for ( ;; )
if ( !self player_on_minigun() )
wait( 0.05 );
flag_clear( "player_on_minigun" );
flag_set( "player_off_minigun" );
wait( 0.05 );
self stop_loop_sound_on_entity( "minigun_heli_gatling_fire" );
self notify( "stop sound" + "minigun_heli_gatling_fire" );
self.playingLoopSound = false;
level notify( "stopMinigunSound" );
//level thread overheat_disable();
//self.rumble_ent stoprumble( "minigun_rumble" );
//self ==> either the turret or the script_vehicle with the turret
self endon( "death" );
owner = undefined;
if ( !isdefined( self ) )
return false;
if ( self.classname == "script_vehicle" )
owner = self getvehicleowner();
if ( isdefined( owner ) && isplayer( owner ) )
return true;
return false;
if ( isdefined( self getturretowner() ) )
return true;
return false;
self endon( "death" );
//push the rumble origin in and out based on the momentum
closedist = 0;
fardist = 750;
between = fardist - closedist;
self.rumble_ent = spawn( "script_origin", self.minigunUser.origin );
self.rumble_ent linkto( self.minigunUser );
while ( flag( "player_on_minigun" ) )
wait .05;
if ( self.momentum <= 0 || !flag( "player_on_minigun" ) )
//org = level.player geteye() + vector_multiply( vectornormalize( anglestoforward( level.player getplayerangles() ) ), fardist - ( between * self.momentum ) );
self.rumble_ent.origin = self.minigunUser geteye() + ( 0, 0, fardist - ( between * self.momentum ) );
self.rumble_ent PlayRumbleOnentity( "minigun_rumble" );
self.rumble_ent delete();
self endon( "death" );
//Only need this logic for vehicle mounted miniguns
if ( self.classname != "script_vehicle" )
level endon( "player_off_minigun" );
self.playingLoopSound = false;
while ( flag( "player_on_minigun" ) )
wait( 0.05 );
if ( ( self.minigunUser attackbuttonpressed() ) && ( self.allowedToFire == true ) )
self thread minigun_fire_loop();
if ( self.playingLoopSound == true )
self notify( "stop sound" + "minigun_heli_gatling_fire" );
self.playingLoopSound = false;
level endon( "player_off_minigun" );
level endon( "player_off_blackhawk_gun" );
self notify( "playing_fire_loop_sound" );
self endon( "playing_fire_loop_sound" );
self.playingLoopSound = true;
self thread play_loop_sound_on_tag( "minigun_heli_gatling_fire", "tag_flash" );
while ( ( self.minigunUser attackbuttonpressed() ) && ( self.allowedToFire == true ) )
wait( 0.05 );
self endon( "death" );
//Only need this logic for vehicle mounted miniguns
if ( self.classname != "script_vehicle" )
level endon( "player_off_minigun" );
while( flag( "player_on_minigun" ) )
self waittill( "turret_fire" );
if ( self.allowedToFire == false )
self fireWeapon();
earthquake( 0.25, .13, self GetTagOrigin( "tag_turret" ), 200 );
wait( 0.01 );
level endon( "player_off_minigun" );
flag_wait( "player_on_minigun" );
//Tweakable values
if ( level.console )
overheat_time = 6; // full usage to overheat( original 8 )
overheat_time = 10;
cooldown_time = 4; // time to cool down from max heat back to 0 if not operated during this time( original 4 )
penalty_time = 7; // hold inoperative for this amount of time
rate = 0.02;
slow_rate = 0.02;
overheat_fx_rate = 0.35;
adsbuttonAccumulate = 0;// check for left trigger hold down duration
//Not to tweak
self.allowedToFire = false;
heatrate = 1 / ( overheat_time * 20 ); // increment of the temp gauge for heating up
coolrate = 1 / ( cooldown_time * 20 ); // increment of the temp gauge for cooling down
level.inuse = false;
momentum = 0;
self.momentum = 0;
heat = 0;
max = 1;
maxed = false;
firing = false;
maxed_time = undefined;
overheated = false;
penalized_time = 0; // if greater than gettime
startFiringTime = undefined;
oldheat = 0;
level.frames = 0;
level.normframes = 0;
next_overheat_fx = 0;
//thread minigun_rumble();
self thread minigun_fire();
self thread minigun_fire_sounds();
for ( ;; )
level.normframes++ ;
if ( flag( "player_on_minigun" ) )
if ( !level.inuse )
if ( ( self.minigunUser adsbuttonpressed() ) || ( self.minigunUser attackbuttonpressed() ) )
level.inuse = true;
self thread minigun_sound_spinup();
if ( ( !self.minigunUser attackbuttonpressed() ) && ( !self.minigunUser adsbuttonpressed() ) )
level.inuse = false;
self thread minigun_sound_spindown();
if ( self.minigunUser attackbuttonpressed() && overheated )
level.inuse = false;
self thread minigun_sound_spindown();
if ( !firing )
if ( self.minigunUser attackbuttonpressed() && !overheated && maxed )
firing = true;
startFiringTime = gettime();
if ( self.minigunUser attackbuttonpressed() && overheated )
firing = false;
startFiringTime = undefined;
if ( !self.minigunUser attackbuttonpressed() )
firing = false;
startFiringTime = undefined;
if ( self.minigunUser attackbuttonpressed() && !maxed )
firing = false;
startFiringTime = undefined;
if ( firing || level.inuse == true )
self thread minigun_sound_spindown();
firing = false;
level.inuse = false;
// if ( overheated )
// {
// if ( !( heat >= max ) )
// {
// overheated = false;
// startFiringTime = undefined;
// self enable_turret_fire();
// }
// }
if ( level.inuse )
momentum += rate;
self.momentum = momentum;
momentum -= slow_rate;
self.momentum = momentum;
if ( momentum > max )
momentum = max;
self.momentum = momentum;
if ( momentum < 0 )
momentum = 0;
self.momentum = momentum;
self notify( "done" );
//-----making max always true and commenting out rest to get rid of having to spin up
maxed = true;
self enable_turret_fire();
// if ( momentum == max )
// {
// maxed = true;
// maxed_time = gettime();
// self enable_turret_fire();
// }
// else
// {
// maxed = false;
// self disable_turret_fire();
// }
//-----making max always true and commenting out rest to get rid of having to spin up
// if ( firing && !overheated )
// {
// level.frames++ ;
// heat += heatrate;
// }
// if ( gettime() > penalized_time && !firing )
// heat -= coolrate;
// if ( heat > max )
// heat = max;
// if ( heat < 0 )
// heat = 0;
// level.heat = heat;
// level.turret_heat_status = int( heat * 114 );
// if ( isdefined( level.overheat_status2 ) )
// thread overheat_hud_update();
// if ( ( heat >= max ) && ( heat <= max ) && ( ( oldheat < max ) || ( oldheat > max ) ) )
// {
// overheated = true;
// penalized_time = gettime() + penalty_time * 1000;
// next_overheat_fx = 0;
// thread overheat_overheated();
// }
// oldheat = heat;
// if ( overheated )
// {
// self disable_turret_fire();
// firing = false;
// //playfxOnTag( getfx( "_minigun_overheat_haze" ), self, "tag_flash");
// if ( gettime() > next_overheat_fx )
// {
// playfxOnTag( getfx( "_minigun_overheat_smoke" ), self, "tag_flash" );
// next_overheat_fx = gettime() + overheat_fx_rate * 1000;
// }
// }
self setanim( getanim( "spin" ), 1, 0.2, momentum );
wait( 0.05 );
//self ==> the turret entity or the script_vehicle with the turret
self.allowedToFire = false;
if ( self.classname != "script_vehicle" )
self TurretFireDisable();
//self ==> the turret entity or the script_vehicle with the turret
self.allowedToFire = true;
if ( self.classname != "script_vehicle" )
self TurretFireEnable();
level endon( "player_off_minigun" );
level endon( "player_off_blackhawk_gun" );
level notify( "stopMinigunSound" );
level endon( "stopMinigunSound" );
Minigun_heli_gatling_spinup1 0.6 s
Minigun_heli_gatling_spinup2 0.5 s
Minigun_heli_gatling_spinup3 0.5 s
Minigun_heli_gatling_spinup4 0.5 s
if ( self.momentum < 0.25 )
self playsound( "minigun_heli_gatling_spinup1" );
wait 0.6;
self playsound( "minigun_heli_gatling_spinup2" );
wait 0.5;
self playsound( "minigun_heli_gatling_spinup3" );
wait 0.5;
self playsound( "minigun_heli_gatling_spinup4" );
wait 0.5;
if ( self.momentum < 0.5 )
self playsound( "minigun_heli_gatling_spinup2" );
wait 0.5;
self playsound( "minigun_heli_gatling_spinup3" );
wait 0.5;
self playsound( "minigun_heli_gatling_spinup4" );
wait 0.5;
if ( self.momentum < 0.75 )
self playsound( "minigun_heli_gatling_spinup3" );
wait 0.5;
self playsound( "minigun_heli_gatling_spinup4" );
wait 0.5;
if ( self.momentum < 1 )
self playsound( "minigun_heli_gatling_spinup4" );
wait 0.5;
thread minigun_sound_spinloop();
//Minigun_heli_gatling_spinloop (loops until canceled) 2.855 s
level endon( "player_off_minigun" );
level endon( "player_off_blackhawk_gun" );
level notify( "stopMinigunSound" );
level endon( "stopMinigunSound" );
while ( 1 )
self playsound( "minigun_heli_gatling_spin" );
wait 2.5;
level endon( "player_off_minigun" );
level endon( "player_off_blackhawk_gun" );
level notify( "stopMinigunSound" );
level endon( "stopMinigunSound" );
Minigun_heli_gatling_spindown4 0.5 s
Minigun_heli_gatling_spindown3 0.5 s
Minigun_heli_gatling_spindown2 0.5 s
Minigun_heli_gatling_spindown1 0.65 s
if ( self.momentum > 0.75 )
self stopsounds();
self playsound( "minigun_heli_gatling_spindown4" );
wait 0.5;
self playsound( "minigun_heli_gatling_spindown3" );
wait 0.5;
self playsound( "minigun_heli_gatling_spindown2" );
wait 0.5;
self playsound( "minigun_heli_gatling_spindown1" );
wait 0.65;
if ( self.momentum > 0.5 )
self playsound( "minigun_heli_gatling_spindown3" );
wait 0.5;
self playsound( "minigun_heli_gatling_spindown2" );
wait 0.5;
self playsound( "minigun_heli_gatling_spindown1" );
wait 0.65;
if ( self.momentum > 0.25 )
self playsound( "minigun_heli_gatling_spindown2" );
wait 0.5;
self playsound( "minigun_heli_gatling_spindown1" );
wait 0.65;
self playsound( "minigun_heli_gatling_spindown1" );
wait 0.65;
// //Draw the temperature gauge
// //level.turretOverheat = true;
// level thread overheat_hud();
// flag_clear( "disable_overheat" );
// //Erase the temperature gauge
// //level.turretOverheat = false;
// //level notify ( "disable_overheat" );
// flag_set( "disable_overheat" );
// level.savehere = undefined;
// waittillframeend;
// if ( isdefined( level.overheat_bg ) )
// level.overheat_bg destroy();
// if ( isdefined( level.overheat_status ) )
// level.overheat_status destroy();
// if ( isdefined( level.overheat_status2 ) )
// level.overheat_status2 destroy();
// if ( isdefined( level.overheat_flashing ) )
// level.overheat_flashing destroy();
// //Draw the temperature gauge and filler bar components
// level endon( "disable_overheat" );
// if ( !isdefined( level.overheat_bg ) )
// {
// level.overheat_bg = newhudelem();
// level.overheat_bg.alignX = "right";
// level.overheat_bg.alignY = "bottom";
// level.overheat_bg.horzAlign = "right";
// level.overheat_bg.vertAlign = "bottom";
// level.overheat_bg.x = 2;
// level.overheat_bg.y = -120;
// level.overheat_bg setShader( "hud_temperature_gauge", 35, 150 );
// level.overheat_bg.sort = 4;
// }
// barX = -10;
// barY = -152;
// //status bar
// if ( !isdefined( level.overheat_status ) )
// {
// level.overheat_status = newhudelem();
// level.overheat_status.alignX = "right";
// level.overheat_status.alignY = "bottom";
// level.overheat_status.horzAlign = "right";
// level.overheat_status.vertAlign = "bottom";
// level.overheat_status.x = barX;
// level.overheat_status.y = barY;
// level.overheat_status setShader( "white", 10, 0 );
// level.overheat_status.color = ( 1, .9, 0 );
// level.overheat_status.alpha = 0;
// level.overheat_status.sort = 1;
// }
// //draw fake bar to cover up a hitch
// if ( !isdefined( level.overheat_status2 ) )
// {
// level.overheat_status2 = newhudelem();
// level.overheat_status2.alignX = "right";
// level.overheat_status2.alignY = "bottom";
// level.overheat_status2.horzAlign = "right";
// level.overheat_status2.vertAlign = "bottom";
// level.overheat_status2.x = barX;
// level.overheat_status2.y = barY;
// level.overheat_status2 setShader( "white", 10, 0 );
// level.overheat_status2.color = ( 1, .9, 0 );
// level.overheat_status2.alpha = 0;
// level.overheat_status.sort = 2;
// }
// if ( !isdefined( level.overheat_flashing ) )
// {
// level.overheat_flashing = newhudelem();
// level.overheat_flashing.alignX = "right";
// level.overheat_flashing.alignY = "bottom";
// level.overheat_flashing.horzAlign = "right";
// level.overheat_flashing.vertAlign = "bottom";
// level.overheat_flashing.x = barX;
// level.overheat_flashing.y = barY;
// level.overheat_flashing setShader( "white", 10, level.turret_heat_max );
// level.overheat_flashing.color = ( .8, .16, 0 );
// level.overheat_flashing.alpha = 0;
// level.overheat_status.sort = 3;
// }
// //Gun has overheated - flash full temp bar, do not drain
// level endon( "disable_overheat" );
// if ( !flag( "disable_overheat" ) )
// {
// level.savehere = false;
// level.player thread play_sound_on_entity( "smokegrenade_explode_default" );
// level.overheat_flashing.alpha = 1;
// level.overheat_status.alpha = 0;
// level.overheat_status2.alpha = 0;
// level notify( "stop_overheat_drain" );
// level.turret_heat_status = level.turret_heat_max;
// thread overheat_hud_update();
// for ( i = 0;i < 4;i++ )
// {
// level.overheat_flashing fadeovertime( 0.5 );
// level.overheat_flashing.alpha = 0.5;
// wait 0.5;
// level.overheat_flashing fadeovertime( 0.5 );
// level.overheat_flashing.alpha = 1.0;
// }
// level.overheat_flashing fadeovertime( 0.5 );
// level.overheat_flashing.alpha = 0.0;
// level.overheat_status.alpha = 1;
// wait 0.5;
// thread overheat_hud_drain();
// wait 2;
// level.savehere = undefined;
// }
// level endon( "disable_overheat" );
// level notify( "stop_overheat_drain" );
// if ( level.turret_heat_status > 1 )
// level.overheat_status.alpha = 1;
// else
// {
// level.overheat_status.alpha = 0;
// level.overheat_status fadeovertime( 0.25 );
// }
// if ( isdefined( level.overheat_status2 ) && level.turret_heat_status > 1 )
// {
// level.overheat_status2.alpha = 1;
// level.overheat_status2 setShader( "white", 10, int( level.turret_heat_status ) );
// level.overheat_status scaleovertime( 0.05, 10, int( level.turret_heat_status ) );
// }
// else
// {
// level.overheat_status2.alpha = 0;
// level.overheat_status2 fadeovertime( 0.25 );
// }
// //set color of bar
// overheat_setColor( level.turret_heat_status );
// wait 0.05;
// if ( isdefined( level.overheat_status2 ) )
// level.overheat_status2.alpha = 0;
// if ( isdefined( level.overheat_status ) && level.turret_heat_status < level.turret_heat_max )
// thread overheat_hud_drain();
//overheat_setColor( value, fadeTime )
// level endon( "disable_overheat" );
// //define what colors to use
// color_cold = [];
// color_cold[ 0 ] = 1.0;
// color_cold[ 1 ] = 0.9;
// color_cold[ 2 ] = 0.0;
// color_warm = [];
// color_warm[ 0 ] = 1.0;
// color_warm[ 1 ] = 0.5;
// color_warm[ 2 ] = 0.0;
// color_hot = [];
// color_hot[ 0 ] = 0.9;
// color_hot[ 1 ] = 0.16;
// color_hot[ 2 ] = 0.0;
// //default color
// SetValue = [];
// SetValue[ 0 ] = color_cold[ 0 ];
// SetValue[ 1 ] = color_cold[ 1 ];
// SetValue[ 2 ] = color_cold[ 2 ];
// //define where the non blend points are
// cold = 0;
// warm = ( level.turret_heat_max / 2 );
// hot = level.turret_heat_max;
// iPercentage = undefined;
// difference = undefined;
// increment = undefined;
// if ( ( value > cold ) && ( value <= warm ) )
// {
// iPercentage = int( value * ( 100 / warm ) );
// for ( colorIndex = 0 ; colorIndex < SetValue.size ; colorIndex++ )
// {
// difference = ( color_warm[ colorIndex ] - color_cold[ colorIndex ] );
// increment = ( difference / 100 );
// SetValue[ colorIndex ] = color_cold[ colorIndex ] + ( increment * iPercentage );
// }
// }
// else if ( ( value > warm ) && ( value <= hot ) )
// {
// iPercentage = int( ( value - warm ) * ( 100 / ( hot - warm ) ) );
// for ( colorIndex = 0 ; colorIndex < SetValue.size ; colorIndex++ )
// {
// difference = ( color_hot[ colorIndex ] - color_warm[ colorIndex ] );
// increment = ( difference / 100 );
// SetValue[ colorIndex ] = color_warm[ colorIndex ] + ( increment * iPercentage );
// }
// }
// if ( isdefined( fadeTime ) )
// level.overheat_status fadeOverTime( fadeTime );
// if ( isdefined( level.overheat_status.color ) )
// level.overheat_status.color = ( SetValue[ 0 ], SetValue[ 1 ], SetValue[ 2 ] );
// if ( isdefined( level.overheat_status2.color ) )
// level.overheat_status2.color = ( SetValue[ 0 ], SetValue[ 1 ], SetValue[ 2 ] );
// level endon( "disable_overheat" );
// level endon( "stop_overheat_drain" );
// waitTime = 1.0;
// for ( ;; )
// {
// if ( level.turret_heat_status > 1 )
// level.overheat_status.alpha = 1;
// value = level.turret_heat_status - level.turret_cooldownrate;
// thread overheat_status_rampdown( value, waitTime );
// if ( value < 1 )
// value = 1;
// level.overheat_status scaleovertime( waitTime, 10, int( value ) );
// overheat_setColor( level.turret_heat_status, waitTime );
// wait waitTime;
// if ( isdefined( level.overheat_status ) && level.turret_heat_status <= 1 )
// level.overheat_status.alpha = 0;
// if ( isdefined( level.overheat_status2 ) && level.turret_heat_status <= 1 )
// level.overheat_status2.alpha = 0;
// }
//overheat_status_rampdown( targetvalue, time )
// level endon( "disable_overheat" );
// level endon( "stop_overheat_drain" );
// frames = ( 20 * time );
// difference = ( level.turret_heat_status - targetvalue );
// frame_difference = ( difference / frames );
// for ( i = 0; i < frames; i++ )
// {
// level.turret_heat_status -= frame_difference;
// if ( level.turret_heat_status < 1 )
// {
// level.turret_heat_status = 1;
// return;
// }
// wait 0.05;
// }
level.minigunHintSpin = createFontString( "default", 1.5 );
level.minigunHintSpin setPoint( "TOPLEFT", undefined, 0, 50 );
level.minigunHintSpin setText( &"SCRIPT_PLATFORM_MINIGUN_SPIN_HINT" );
level.minigunHintSpin.sort = 1;
level.minigunHintSpin.alpha = 0;
level.minigunHintFire = createFontString( "default", 1.5 );
level.minigunHintFire setPoint( "TOPRIGHT", undefined, 0, 50 );
level.minigunHintFire setText( &"SCRIPT_PLATFORM_MINIGUN_FIRE_HINT" );
level.minigunHintFire.sort = 1;
level.minigunHintFire.alpha = 0;
level.hintbackground1 = createIcon( "popmenu_bg", 200, 23 );
level.hintbackground1.hidewheninmenu = true;
level.hintbackground1 setPoint( "TOPLEFT", undefined, -80, 47 );
level.hintbackground1.alpha = 0;
level.hintbackground2 = createIcon( "popmenu_bg", 150, 23 );
level.hintbackground2.hidewheninmenu = true;
level.hintbackground2 setPoint( "TOPRIGHT", undefined, 60, 47 );
level.hintbackground2.alpha = 0;
level.minigunHintFire fadeovertime( .5 );
level.minigunHintFire.alpha = .8;
level.minigunHintSpin fadeovertime( .5 );
level.minigunHintSpin.alpha = .8;
level.hintbackground1 fadeovertime( .5 );
level.hintbackground1.alpha = .8;
level.hintbackground2 fadeovertime( .5 );
level.hintbackground2.alpha = .8;
level.minigunHintFire fadeovertime( .5 );
level.minigunHintFire.alpha = 0;
level.minigunHintSpin fadeovertime( .5 );
level.minigunHintSpin.alpha = 0;
level.hintbackground1 fadeovertime( .5 );
level.hintbackground1.alpha = 0;
level.hintbackground2 fadeovertime( .5 );
level.hintbackground2.alpha = 0;
level.minigunHintFire destroyElem();
level.minigunHintSpin destroyElem();
level.hintbackground1 destroyElem();
level.hintbackground2 destroyElem();