
203 lines
5.2 KiB

#include maps\_utility;
if ( getdvar( "cobrapilot_surface_to_air_missiles_enabled" ) == "" )
setdvar( "cobrapilot_surface_to_air_missiles_enabled", "1" );
self tryReload();
self thread fireMissile();
self thread turret_think();
self thread detachall_on_death();
self waittill( "death" );
self DetachAll();
self endon( "death" );
if ( !isdefined( self.script_turret ) )
if ( self.script_turret == 0 )
assert( isdefined( self.script_team ) );
// if the turret has a radius then use that radius instead of a default value
self.attackRadius = 30000;
if ( isdefined( self.radius ) )
self.attackRadius = self.radius;
while ( !isdefined( level.cobrapilot_difficulty ) )
wait 0.05;
difficultyScaler = 1.0;
if ( level.cobrapilot_difficulty == "easy" )
difficultyScaler = 0.5;
if ( level.cobrapilot_difficulty == "medium" )
difficultyScaler = 1.7;
if ( level.cobrapilot_difficulty == "hard" )
difficultyScaler = 1.0;
if ( level.cobrapilot_difficulty == "insane" )
difficultyScaler = 1.5;
self.attackRadius *= difficultyScaler;
if ( getdvar( "cobrapilot_debug" ) == "1" )
iprintln( "surface-to-air missile range difficultyScaler = " + difficultyScaler );
for ( ;; )
wait( 2 + randomfloat( 1 ) );
// get a target
eTarget = undefined;
eTarget = maps\_helicopter_globals::getEnemyTarget( self.attackRadius, undefined, false, true );
if ( !isdefined( eTarget ) )
// offset where the missile should aim
aimOrigin = eTarget.origin;
if ( isdefined( eTarget.script_targetoffset_z ) )
aimOrigin += ( 0, 0, eTarget.script_targetoffset_z );
// aim the turret at the target
self setTurretTargetVec( aimOrigin );
level thread turret_rotate_timeout( self, 5.0 );
self waittill( "turret_rotate_stopped" );
self clearTurretTarget();
// once the turret it aimed make sure the target is still within attacking range
if ( distance( self.origin, eTarget.origin ) > self.attackRadius )
// make sure a sight trace can still pass so the missile doens't launch into a wall or something
sightTracePassed = false;
sightTracePassed = sighttracepassed( self.origin, eTarget.origin + ( 0, 0, 150 ), false, self );
if ( !sightTracePassed )
// fire the missile and wait a while
if ( getdvar( "cobrapilot_surface_to_air_missiles_enabled" ) == "1" )
self notify( "shoot_target", eTarget );
self waittill( "missile_fired", eMissile );
if ( isdefined( eMissile ) )
if ( level.cobrapilot_difficulty == "hard" )
wait( 1 + randomfloat( 2 ) );
else if ( level.cobrapilot_difficulty == "insane" )
eMissile waittill( "death" );
turret_rotate_timeout( turret, time )
turret endon( "death" );
turret endon( "turret_rotate_stopped" );
wait time;
turret notify( "turret_rotate_stopped" );
within_attack_range( targetEnt )
d = distance( ( self.origin[ 0 ], self.origin[ 1 ], 0 ), ( targetEnt.origin[ 0 ], targetEnt.origin[ 1 ], 0 ) );
zDiff = ( targetEnt.origin[ 2 ] - self.origin[ 2 ] );
if ( zDiff <= 750 )
return false;
zMod = zDiff * 2.5;
if ( d <= ( self.attackRadius + zMod ) )
return true;
return false;
self endon( "death" );
for ( ;; )
self waittill( "shoot_target", targetEnt );
assert( isdefined( targetEnt ) );
assert( isdefined( self.missileTags[ self.missileLaunchNextTag ] ) );
// fire the missile
eMissile = undefined;
if ( !isdefined( targetEnt.script_targetoffset_z ) )
targetEnt.script_targetoffset_z = 0;
offset = ( 0, 0, targetEnt.script_targetoffset_z );
eMissile = self fireWeapon( self.missileTags[ self.missileLaunchNextTag ], targetEnt, offset );
assert( isdefined( eMissile ) );
if ( getdvar( "cobrapilot_debug" ) == "1" )
level thread draw_missile_target_line( eMissile, targetEnt, offset );
if ( !isdefined( targetEnt.incomming_Missiles ) )
targetEnt.incomming_Missiles = [];
targetEnt.incomming_Missiles = array_add( targetEnt.incomming_Missiles, eMissile );
thread maps\_helicopter_globals::missile_deathWait( eMissile, targetEnt );
// detach the missile from the model
self detach( self.missileModel, self.missileTags[ self.missileLaunchNextTag ] );
//update tag and ammo info
self.missileLaunchNextTag++ ;
self.missileAmmo -- ;
// send a notify to the target that it has a missile heading it's way
targetEnt notify( "incomming_missile", eMissile );
// reload if we need to ( this makes it reload right after the last shot is fired )
self tryReload();
wait 0.05;
self notify( "missile_fired", eMissile );
draw_missile_target_line( eMissile, targetEnt, offset )
eMissile endon( "death" );
for ( ;; )
line( eMissile.origin, targetEnt.origin + offset );
wait 0.05;
if ( !isdefined( self.missileAmmo ) )
self.missileAmmo = 0;
if ( !isdefined( self.missileLaunchNextTag ) )
self.missileLaunchNextTag = 0;
if ( self.missileAmmo > 0 )
for ( i = 0 ; i < self.missileTags.size ; i++ )
self attach( self.missileModel, self.missileTags[ i ] );
self.missileAmmo = self.missileTags.size;
self.missileLaunchNextTag = 0;