902 lines
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902 lines
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// Copyright (C) 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
// This document is the property of Apple Inc.
// It is considered confidential and proprietary.
// This document may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form,
// in whole or in part, without the express written permission of
// Apple Inc.
#include "WMROAM.h"
#include "FIL.h"
#include "WMRTest.h"
#include "WMRConfig.h"
#include "WMRBuf.h"
// Static function definitions
static BOOL32 FILInterfaceTest(UInt16 *blockList);
static BOOL32 InitTestInfo(void);
static const char* FILErrorToString(Int32 filStatus);
static void InitPageListFromBlocks(const UInt16 *blockList, UInt32 *pageList);
static void FillBufferWithCountingPattern(UInt32 *buffer, UInt32 startValue, UInt32 bytes);
static void FillMetaBufferWithPattern(UInt8 *buffer, UInt32 startValue, UInt32 numPages);
static void FILTestHexdump(void *data, UInt32 length);
// Static variables
typedef struct
UInt32 pagesPerBlock;
UInt32 numBanks;
UInt32 numCE;
UInt32 bytesPerPage;
UInt32 bytesPerSpare;
UInt32 bufferBytesPerMeta;
UInt32 validBytesPerMeta;
UInt32 bootPageBytes;
UInt32 correctableSectorsPerPage;
} FILTestInfo;
static FILTestInfo testInfo;
static LowFuncTbl *pFIL = NULL;
static WMR_BufZone_t bufZone;
// Public functions
BOOL32 FIL_Test(void)
UInt16 blockList[AND_MAX_BANKS] = { 0 };
return FILInterfaceTest(blockList);
// Local functions
BOOL32 InitTestInfo(void)
pFIL = FIL_GetFuncTbl();
testInfo.pagesPerBlock = pFIL->GetDeviceInfo(AND_DEVINFO_PAGES_PER_BLOCK);
WMR_ASSERT(testInfo.pagesPerBlock > 0);
testInfo.numBanks = pFIL->GetDeviceInfo(AND_DEVINFO_NUM_OF_BANKS);
WMR_ASSERT(testInfo.numBanks > 0);
testInfo.numCE = pFIL->GetDeviceInfo(AND_DEVINFO_NUM_OF_CS);
WMR_ASSERT(testInfo.numCE > 0);
testInfo.bytesPerPage = pFIL->GetDeviceInfo(AND_DEVINFO_BYTES_PER_PAGE);
WMR_ASSERT(testInfo.bytesPerPage > 0);
testInfo.bytesPerSpare = pFIL->GetDeviceInfo(AND_DEVINFO_BYTES_PER_SPARE);
WMR_ASSERT(testInfo.bytesPerSpare > 0);
testInfo.bufferBytesPerMeta = 12;
testInfo.validBytesPerMeta = 10;
testInfo.bootPageBytes = pFIL->GetDeviceInfo(AND_DEVINFO_BYTES_PER_BL_PAGE);
WMR_ASSERT(testInfo.bootPageBytes > 0);
testInfo.correctableSectorsPerPage = testInfo.bytesPerPage / pFIL->GetDeviceInfo(AND_DEVINFO_CORRECTABLE_SIZE);
WMR_ASSERT(testInfo.correctableSectorsPerPage > 0);
return TRUE32;
static BOOL32 TestBootloaderBlock(UInt32 ce, UInt32 block, UInt8 *writeDataBuffer, UInt8 *verifyDataBuffer)
UInt32 base_page = block * testInfo.pagesPerBlock;
Int32 andStatus;
UInt32 testSeed = 1234567890;
UInt32 offset;
// Erase block
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Erasing CE %d Block %d\n", ce, block);
andStatus = pFIL->Erase(ce, block);
if (FIL_SUCCESS != andStatus)
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Erase failed with %s\n", FILErrorToString(andStatus));
return FALSE32;
for (offset = 0; offset < testInfo.pagesPerBlock; ++offset)
const UInt32 page = base_page + offset;
// Read bootloader page and verify clean
WMR_MEMSET(verifyDataBuffer, TEST_DATA_WATERMARK, testInfo.bytesPerPage);
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Using ReadBL for clean detect CE %d Page %d\n", (UInt32) ce, page);
andStatus = pFIL->ReadBLPage(ce, page, verifyDataBuffer);
if (FIL_SUCCESS_CLEAN != andStatus)
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "ReadBL Clean Detect failed with %s\n", FILErrorToString(andStatus));
return FALSE32;
// Write bootloader page
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Writing CE %d Page %d\n", (UInt32) ce, page);
FillBufferWithCountingPattern((UInt32*)writeDataBuffer, testSeed++, testInfo.bootPageBytes);
andStatus = pFIL->WriteBLPage(ce, page, writeDataBuffer);
if (FIL_SUCCESS != andStatus)
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Write failed with %s\n", FILErrorToString(andStatus));
return FALSE32;
// Read back and verify
WMR_MEMSET(verifyDataBuffer, TEST_DATA_WATERMARK, testInfo.bootPageBytes);
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "ReadBL CE %d Page %d\n", (UInt32) ce, page);
andStatus = pFIL->ReadBLPage(ce, page, verifyDataBuffer);
if (FIL_SUCCESS != andStatus)
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "ReadBL readback failed with %s\n", FILErrorToString(andStatus));
return FALSE32;
if (WMR_MEMCMP(writeDataBuffer, verifyDataBuffer, testInfo.bootPageBytes))
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Read back contents of boot page failed comparison\n");
return FALSE32;
return TRUE32;
// Block list is assumed to be numBanks long and non-overlapping banks
BOOL32 FILInterfaceTest(UInt16 *blockList)
UInt8 *writeDataBuffer = NULL;
UInt8 *writeMetaBuffer = NULL;
UInt8 *verifyDataBuffer = NULL;
UInt8 *verifyMetaBuffer = NULL;
Int32 andStatus;
UInt32 pageList[2 * AND_MAX_BANKS];
UInt16 ceList[AND_MAX_BANKS] = { 0 };
UInt8 *sectorStats = NULL;
UInt32 testSeed = 1234567890;
UInt16 bankIdx;
const UInt32 dataBufferSize = 2 * testInfo.numBanks * testInfo.bytesPerPage;
const UInt32 metaBufferSize = 2 * testInfo.numBanks * testInfo.bytesPerSpare;
const UInt32 sectorStatsSize = 2 * testInfo.numBanks * testInfo.correctableSectorsPerPage;
InitPageListFromBlocks(blockList, pageList);
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Starting FIL Interface Test\n");
writeMetaBuffer = WMR_MALLOC(metaBufferSize);
verifyMetaBuffer = WMR_MALLOC(metaBufferSize);
sectorStats = WMR_MALLOC(sectorStatsSize);
writeDataBuffer = WMR_Buf_Alloc_ForDMA(&bufZone, dataBufferSize);
verifyDataBuffer = WMR_Buf_Alloc_ForDMA(&bufZone, dataBufferSize);
WMR_BufZone_Rebase(&bufZone, (void **)&writeDataBuffer);
WMR_BufZone_Rebase(&bufZone, (void **)&verifyDataBuffer);
if (!writeDataBuffer || !writeMetaBuffer || !verifyDataBuffer || !verifyMetaBuffer || !sectorStats)
WMR_PANIC("Buffer allocations failed");
goto test_failed;
// Enable whitening if available
if (pFIL->SetWhiteningState) {
if (pFIL->RegisterCurrentTransaction) {
pFIL->RegisterCurrentTransaction(0,0, NULL);
WMR_ASSERT(TestBootloaderBlock(0, 16, writeDataBuffer, verifyDataBuffer));
// Erase Block
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Erasing CE %d Block %d\n", (UInt32) ceList[0], (UInt32) blockList[0]);
andStatus = pFIL->Erase(ceList[0], blockList[0]);
if (FIL_SUCCESS != andStatus)
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Erase failed with %s\n", FILErrorToString(andStatus));
goto test_failed;
// Clean check single page
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Clean checking CE %d Page %d\n", (UInt32) ceList[0], pageList[0]);
WMR_MEMSET(verifyDataBuffer, TEST_DATA_WATERMARK, testInfo.bytesPerPage);
WMR_MEMSET(verifyMetaBuffer, TEST_META_WATERMARK, testInfo.bytesPerSpare);
andStatus = pFIL->ReadWithECC(ceList[0], pageList[0], verifyDataBuffer, verifyMetaBuffer, NULL, NULL, FALSE32);
if (FIL_SUCCESS_CLEAN != andStatus)
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Clean Detect failed with %s\n", FILErrorToString(andStatus));
goto test_failed;
// Verify ReadNoECC on that page
// XXX put guard bytes at end of buffer to make sure the right number of bytes are read
WMR_MEMSET(verifyDataBuffer, TEST_DATA_WATERMARK, testInfo.bytesPerPage);
WMR_MEMSET(verifyMetaBuffer, TEST_META_WATERMARK, testInfo.bytesPerSpare);
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "ReadNoECC on clean CE %d Page %d\n", (UInt32) ceList[0], pageList[0]);
andStatus = pFIL->ReadNoECC(ceList[0], pageList[0], verifyDataBuffer, verifyMetaBuffer);
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "WARNING: ReadNoECC is unsupported on this platform - formatting will not work\n");
else if (FIL_SUCCESS != andStatus)
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "ReadNoECC failed with %s\n", FILErrorToString(andStatus));
goto test_failed;
WMR_MEMSET(writeDataBuffer, 0xFF, testInfo.bytesPerPage);
WMR_MEMSET(writeMetaBuffer, 0xFF, testInfo.bytesPerSpare);
if (WMR_MEMCMP(writeDataBuffer, verifyDataBuffer, testInfo.bytesPerPage))
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "ReadNoECC failed all 1's comparison in data section\n");
goto test_failed;
if (WMR_MEMCMP(writeMetaBuffer, verifyMetaBuffer, testInfo.bytesPerSpare))
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "ReadNoECC failed all 1's comparison in spare section\n");
goto test_failed;
// Clean check multiple pages
WMR_ASSERT(pFIL->ReadScatteredPages != NULL);
InitPageListFromBlocks(blockList, pageList);
// Pick two consecutive pages from the same block
pageList[1] = pageList[testInfo.numBanks];
ceList[0] = 0;
ceList[1] = 0;
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Clean checking CE %d Page %d & %d\n", (UInt32) ceList[0], pageList[0], pageList[1]);
andStatus = pFIL->ReadScatteredPages(ceList, pageList, verifyDataBuffer, verifyMetaBuffer, 2, NULL, NULL, FALSE32);
if (FIL_SUCCESS_CLEAN != andStatus)
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Multi-page clean detect failed with %s\n", FILErrorToString(andStatus));
goto test_failed;
// Program first page
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Writing CE %d Page %d\n", (UInt32) ceList[0], pageList[0]);
FillBufferWithCountingPattern((UInt32*)writeDataBuffer, testSeed++, testInfo.bytesPerPage);
FillMetaBufferWithPattern(writeMetaBuffer, testSeed++, 1);
andStatus = pFIL->Write(ceList[0], pageList[0], writeDataBuffer, writeMetaBuffer, FALSE32);
if (FIL_SUCCESS != andStatus)
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Write failed with %s\n", FILErrorToString(andStatus));
goto test_failed;
// Read back and verify
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Reading back CE %d Page %d\n", (UInt32) ceList[0], pageList[0]);
WMR_MEMSET(verifyDataBuffer, TEST_DATA_WATERMARK, testInfo.bytesPerPage);
WMR_MEMSET(verifyMetaBuffer, TEST_META_WATERMARK, testInfo.bufferBytesPerMeta);
andStatus = pFIL->ReadWithECC(ceList[0], pageList[0], verifyDataBuffer, verifyMetaBuffer, NULL, NULL, FALSE32);
if (FIL_SUCCESS != andStatus)
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Read back failed with %s\n", FILErrorToString(andStatus));
goto test_failed;
if (WMR_MEMCMP(writeMetaBuffer, verifyMetaBuffer, testInfo.bufferBytesPerMeta))
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Read back contents failed comparison in meta section\n");
goto test_failed;
if (WMR_MEMCMP(writeDataBuffer, verifyDataBuffer, testInfo.bytesPerPage))
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Read back contents failed comparison in data section\n");
goto test_failed;
// Verify ReadNoECC finds non-FF data
WMR_MEMSET(verifyDataBuffer, TEST_DATA_WATERMARK, testInfo.bytesPerPage);
WMR_MEMSET(verifyMetaBuffer, TEST_META_WATERMARK, testInfo.bytesPerSpare);
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "ReadNoECC on written CE %d Page %d\n", (UInt32) ceList[0], pageList[0]);
andStatus = pFIL->ReadNoECC(ceList[0], pageList[0], verifyDataBuffer, verifyMetaBuffer);
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "WARNING: ReadNoECC is unsupported on this platform - formatting will not work\n");
else if (FIL_SUCCESS != andStatus)
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "ReadNoECC failed with %s\n", FILErrorToString(andStatus));
goto test_failed;
WMR_MEMSET(writeDataBuffer, 0xFF, testInfo.bytesPerPage);
WMR_MEMSET(writeMetaBuffer, 0xFF, testInfo.bytesPerSpare);
if (!WMR_MEMCMP(writeMetaBuffer, verifyMetaBuffer, testInfo.bytesPerSpare))
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "ReadNoECC read all 1's on a programmed page in meta section\n");
goto test_failed;
if (!WMR_MEMCMP(writeDataBuffer, verifyDataBuffer, testInfo.bytesPerPage))
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "ReadNoECC read all 1's on a programmed page in data section\n");
goto test_failed;
// Read programmed + clean multiple, verify UECC status
InitPageListFromBlocks(blockList, pageList);
// Pick two consecutive pages from the same block
pageList[1] = pageList[testInfo.numBanks];
ceList[0] = 0;
ceList[1] = 0;
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Multi-page clean checking mixed CE %d Page %d & %d\n", (UInt32) ceList[0], pageList[0], pageList[1]);
andStatus = pFIL->ReadScatteredPages(ceList, pageList, verifyDataBuffer, verifyMetaBuffer, 2, NULL, NULL, FALSE32);
if (FIL_U_ECC_ERROR != andStatus)
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Multi-page clean checking mixed detect failed with %s\n", FILErrorToString(andStatus));
goto test_failed;
// Over-program the first page to induce real UECC
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Over-programming CE %d Page %d\n", (UInt32) ceList[0], pageList[0]);
WMR_MEMSET(writeDataBuffer, 0xA5, testInfo.bytesPerPage);
WMR_MEMSET(writeDataBuffer, 0xA5, testInfo.validBytesPerMeta);
andStatus = pFIL->Write(ceList[0], pageList[0], writeDataBuffer, writeMetaBuffer, FALSE32);
if (FIL_SUCCESS != andStatus)
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Write failed with %s\n", FILErrorToString(andStatus));
goto test_failed;
// Read back and verify UECC
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Reading back expecting UECC on CE %d Page %d\n", (UInt32) ceList[0], pageList[0]);
WMR_MEMSET(verifyDataBuffer, TEST_DATA_WATERMARK, testInfo.bytesPerPage);
WMR_MEMSET(verifyMetaBuffer, TEST_META_WATERMARK, testInfo.bufferBytesPerMeta);
andStatus = pFIL->ReadWithECC(ceList[0], pageList[0], writeDataBuffer, writeMetaBuffer, NULL, NULL, FALSE32);
if (FIL_U_ECC_ERROR != andStatus)
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Read with expected UECC failed with %s\n", FILErrorToString(andStatus));
goto test_failed;
// Program second page
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Writing CE %d Page %d\n", (UInt32) ceList[1], pageList[1]);
FillBufferWithCountingPattern((UInt32*)writeDataBuffer, testSeed++, testInfo.bytesPerPage);
FillMetaBufferWithPattern(writeMetaBuffer, testSeed++, 1);
andStatus = pFIL->Write(ceList[1], pageList[1], writeDataBuffer, writeMetaBuffer, FALSE32);
if (FIL_SUCCESS != andStatus)
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Write failed with %s\n", FILErrorToString(andStatus));
goto test_failed;
// Read back and verify
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Reading back CE %d Page %d\n", (UInt32) ceList[1], pageList[1]);
WMR_MEMSET(verifyDataBuffer, TEST_DATA_WATERMARK, testInfo.bytesPerPage);
WMR_MEMSET(verifyMetaBuffer, TEST_META_WATERMARK, testInfo.bufferBytesPerMeta);
andStatus = pFIL->ReadWithECC(ceList[1], pageList[1], verifyDataBuffer, verifyMetaBuffer, NULL, NULL, FALSE32);
if (FIL_SUCCESS != andStatus)
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Read back failed with %s\n", FILErrorToString(andStatus));
goto test_failed;
if (WMR_MEMCMP(writeMetaBuffer, verifyMetaBuffer, testInfo.bufferBytesPerMeta))
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Read back contents failed comparison in meta section\n");
goto test_failed;
if (WMR_MEMCMP(writeDataBuffer, verifyDataBuffer, testInfo.bytesPerPage))
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Read back contents failed comparison in data section\n");
goto test_failed;
// Read first + second pages and verify UECC status
// Also make sure that reading did not stop on first UECC
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Multi-page clean checking mixed CE %d Page %d & %d\n", (UInt32) ceList[0], pageList[0], pageList[1]);
WMR_MEMSET(verifyDataBuffer, TEST_DATA_WATERMARK, 2 * testInfo.bytesPerPage);
WMR_MEMSET(verifyMetaBuffer, TEST_META_WATERMARK, 2 * testInfo.bufferBytesPerMeta);
andStatus = pFIL->ReadScatteredPages(ceList, pageList, verifyDataBuffer, verifyMetaBuffer, 2, NULL, NULL, FALSE32);
if (FIL_U_ECC_ERROR != andStatus)
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Multi-page uecc checking mixed detect failed with %s\n", FILErrorToString(andStatus));
goto test_failed;
// Verify that the read continued after UECC (compare last buffer written versus the second page)
if (WMR_MEMCMP(writeMetaBuffer, verifyMetaBuffer + testInfo.bufferBytesPerMeta, testInfo.bufferBytesPerMeta))
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Read back contents of second page failed comparison in meta section\n");
goto test_failed;
if (WMR_MEMCMP(writeDataBuffer, verifyDataBuffer + testInfo.bytesPerPage, testInfo.bytesPerPage))
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Read back contents of second page failed comparison in data section\n");
goto test_failed;
// Erase block
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Erasing CE %d Block %d\n", (UInt32) ceList[0], (UInt32) blockList[0]);
andStatus = pFIL->Erase(ceList[0], blockList[0]);
if (FIL_SUCCESS != andStatus)
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Erase failed with %s\n", FILErrorToString(andStatus));
goto test_failed;
// Read bootloader page and verify clean
WMR_MEMSET(verifyDataBuffer, TEST_DATA_WATERMARK, testInfo.bytesPerPage);
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Using ReadBL for clean detect CE %d Page %d\n", (UInt32) ceList[0], pageList[0]);
andStatus = pFIL->ReadBLPage(ceList[0], pageList[0], verifyDataBuffer);
if (FIL_SUCCESS_CLEAN != andStatus)
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "ReadBL Clean Detect failed with %s\n", FILErrorToString(andStatus));
goto test_failed;
// Write bootloader page
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Writing CE %d Page %d\n", (UInt32) ceList[0], pageList[0]);
FillBufferWithCountingPattern((UInt32*)writeDataBuffer, testSeed++, testInfo.bootPageBytes);
andStatus = pFIL->WriteBLPage(ceList[0], pageList[0], writeDataBuffer);
if (FIL_SUCCESS != andStatus)
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Write failed with %s\n", FILErrorToString(andStatus));
goto test_failed;
// Read back and verify
WMR_MEMSET(verifyDataBuffer, TEST_DATA_WATERMARK, testInfo.bootPageBytes);
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "ReadBL CE %d Page %d\n", (UInt32) ceList[0], pageList[0]);
andStatus = pFIL->ReadBLPage(ceList[0], pageList[0], verifyDataBuffer);
if (FIL_SUCCESS != andStatus)
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "ReadBL Clean Detect failed with %s\n", FILErrorToString(andStatus));
goto test_failed;
if (WMR_MEMCMP(writeDataBuffer, verifyDataBuffer, testInfo.bootPageBytes))
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Read back contents of boot page failed comparison\n");
goto test_failed;
// Over-program the same page
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Over-program BL page CE %d Page %d\n", (UInt32) ceList[0], pageList[0]);
WMR_MEMSET(writeDataBuffer, 0xA5, testInfo.bootPageBytes);
andStatus = pFIL->WriteBLPage(ceList[0], pageList[0], writeDataBuffer);
if (FIL_SUCCESS != andStatus)
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Write failed with %s\n", FILErrorToString(andStatus));
goto test_failed;
// Read back and verify UECC
WMR_MEMSET(verifyDataBuffer, TEST_DATA_WATERMARK, testInfo.bootPageBytes);
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "ReadBL CE %d Page %d\n", (UInt32) ceList[0], pageList[0]);
andStatus = pFIL->ReadBLPage(ceList[0], pageList[0], verifyDataBuffer);
if (FIL_U_ECC_ERROR != andStatus)
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "ReadBL did not detect UECC with %s\n", FILErrorToString(andStatus));
goto test_failed;
// XXX Write the sections for multiple using VS (need to find paired blocks)
if (testInfo.numBanks == testInfo.numCE)
UInt16 wFailingCE = ~0;
UInt32 wFailingBlock = ~0;
// Setup up ceList for scattered ops
for (bankIdx = 0; bankIdx < testInfo.numCE; ++bankIdx)
ceList[bankIdx] = bankIdx;
pageList[bankIdx] = blockList[bankIdx] * testInfo.pagesPerBlock; //XXX this won't work for block gaps
// Erase multiple blocks
if (pFIL->EraseMultiple)
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "EraseMultiple on %d blocks\n", testInfo.numCE);
andStatus = pFIL->EraseMultiple(blockList, TRUE32, TRUE32, &wFailingCE, &wFailingBlock);
// only works for 1 bank per ce
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "EraseMultiple fallback on %d blocks\n", testInfo.numCE);
for (bankIdx = 0; bankIdx < testInfo.numCE; ++bankIdx)
andStatus = pFIL->Erase(bankIdx, blockList[bankIdx]);
if (FIL_SUCCESS != andStatus)
wFailingCE = bankIdx;
wFailingBlock = blockList[bankIdx];
if (FIL_SUCCESS != andStatus)
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Erase failed CE %d Block %d with %s\n", wFailingCE, wFailingBlock, FILErrorToString(andStatus));
goto test_failed;
// Clean check
WMR_MEMSET(verifyDataBuffer, TEST_DATA_WATERMARK, testInfo.numCE * testInfo.bytesPerPage);
WMR_MEMSET(verifyMetaBuffer, TEST_META_WATERMARK, testInfo.numCE * testInfo.bufferBytesPerMeta);
WMR_MEMSET(sectorStats, TEST_STATS_WATERMARK, testInfo.numCE * testInfo.correctableSectorsPerPage);
// Only check the first page of each block
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "ReadScatteredPages clean check on %d pages\n", testInfo.numCE);
andStatus = pFIL->ReadScatteredPages(ceList, pageList, verifyDataBuffer, verifyMetaBuffer, testInfo.numCE, NULL, sectorStats, FALSE32);
if (FIL_SUCCESS_CLEAN != andStatus)
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Readback clean check failed with %s\n", FILErrorToString(andStatus));
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Sector Stats:\n");
FILTestHexdump(sectorStats, testInfo.numCE * testInfo.correctableSectorsPerPage);
goto test_failed;
// Program scattered pages
WMR_ASSERT(pFIL->WriteScatteredPages != NULL);
FillBufferWithCountingPattern((UInt32*)writeDataBuffer, testSeed++, testInfo.numCE * testInfo.bytesPerPage);
FillMetaBufferWithPattern(writeMetaBuffer, testSeed++, testInfo.numCE);
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "WriteScatteredPages on %d pages\n", testInfo.numCE);
andStatus = pFIL->WriteScatteredPages(ceList, pageList, writeDataBuffer, writeMetaBuffer, testInfo.numCE, &wFailingCE, FALSE32, NULL);
if (FIL_SUCCESS != andStatus)
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "WriteScatteredPages failed CE %d with %s\n", wFailingCE, FILErrorToString(andStatus));
goto test_failed;
// Read back multiple pages
WMR_MEMSET(verifyDataBuffer, TEST_DATA_WATERMARK, testInfo.numCE * testInfo.bytesPerPage);
WMR_MEMSET(verifyMetaBuffer, TEST_META_WATERMARK, testInfo.numCE * testInfo.bufferBytesPerMeta);
WMR_MEMSET(sectorStats, TEST_STATS_WATERMARK, testInfo.numCE * testInfo.correctableSectorsPerPage);
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "ReadScatteredPages verify on %d pages\n", testInfo.numCE);
andStatus = pFIL->ReadScatteredPages(ceList, pageList, verifyDataBuffer, verifyMetaBuffer, testInfo.numCE, NULL, sectorStats, FALSE32);
if (FIL_SUCCESS != andStatus)
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "ReadScatteredPages failed with %s\n", FILErrorToString(andStatus));
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Sector Stats:\n");
FILTestHexdump(sectorStats, testInfo.numCE * testInfo.correctableSectorsPerPage);
goto test_failed;
if (WMR_MEMCMP(writeMetaBuffer, verifyMetaBuffer, testInfo.numCE * testInfo.bufferBytesPerMeta))
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Read back contents of pages failed comparison in meta section\n");
goto test_failed;
if (WMR_MEMCMP(writeDataBuffer, verifyDataBuffer, testInfo.numCE * testInfo.bytesPerPage))
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Read back contents of second page failed comparison in data section\n");
goto test_failed;
if (pFIL->EraseMultiple)
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "EraseMultiple on %d blocks\n", testInfo.numCE);
andStatus = pFIL->EraseMultiple(blockList, TRUE32, TRUE32, &wFailingCE, &wFailingBlock);
// only works for 1 bank per ce
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "EraseMultiple fallback on %d blocks\n", testInfo.numCE);
for (bankIdx = 0; bankIdx < testInfo.numCE; ++bankIdx)
andStatus = pFIL->Erase(bankIdx, blockList[bankIdx]);
if (FIL_SUCCESS != andStatus)
wFailingCE = bankIdx;
wFailingBlock = blockList[bankIdx];
if (FIL_SUCCESS != andStatus)
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Erase failed CE %d Block %d with %s\n", wFailingCE, wFailingBlock, FILErrorToString(andStatus));
goto test_failed;
// Clean check
WMR_MEMSET(verifyDataBuffer, TEST_DATA_WATERMARK, testInfo.numCE * testInfo.bytesPerPage);
WMR_MEMSET(verifyMetaBuffer, TEST_META_WATERMARK, testInfo.numCE * testInfo.bufferBytesPerMeta);
WMR_MEMSET(sectorStats, TEST_STATS_WATERMARK, testInfo.numCE * testInfo.correctableSectorsPerPage);
// Only check the first page of each block
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "ReadMultiplePages clean check on %d pages\n", testInfo.numCE);
andStatus = pFIL->ReadMultiplePages(pageList, verifyDataBuffer, verifyMetaBuffer, testInfo.numCE, NULL, sectorStats, FALSE32);
if (FIL_SUCCESS_CLEAN != andStatus)
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Readback clean check failed with %s\n", FILErrorToString(andStatus));
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Sector Stats:\n");
FILTestHexdump(sectorStats, testInfo.numCE * testInfo.correctableSectorsPerPage);
goto test_failed;
#endif /* if (!AND_DISABLE_READ_MULTIPLE) */
// Program multiple pages
FillBufferWithCountingPattern((UInt32*)writeDataBuffer, testSeed++, testInfo.numCE * testInfo.bytesPerPage);
FillMetaBufferWithPattern(writeMetaBuffer, testSeed++, testInfo.numCE);
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "WriteMultiplePages on %d pages\n", testInfo.numCE);
andStatus = pFIL->WriteMultiplePages(pageList, writeDataBuffer, writeMetaBuffer, testInfo.numCE, FALSE32, FALSE32, &wFailingCE, FALSE32, NULL);
if (FIL_SUCCESS != andStatus)
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "WriteMultiplePages failed CE %d with %s\n", wFailingCE, FILErrorToString(andStatus));
goto test_failed;
// Read back multiple pages
WMR_MEMSET(verifyDataBuffer, TEST_DATA_WATERMARK, testInfo.numCE * testInfo.bytesPerPage);
WMR_MEMSET(verifyMetaBuffer, TEST_META_WATERMARK, testInfo.numCE * testInfo.bufferBytesPerMeta);
WMR_MEMSET(sectorStats, TEST_STATS_WATERMARK, testInfo.numCE * testInfo.correctableSectorsPerPage);
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "ReadMultiplePages verify on %d pages\n", testInfo.numCE);
andStatus = pFIL->ReadMultiplePages(pageList, verifyDataBuffer, verifyMetaBuffer, testInfo.numCE, NULL, sectorStats, FALSE32);
if (FIL_SUCCESS != andStatus)
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "ReadMultiplePages failed with %s\n", FILErrorToString(andStatus));
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Sector Stats:\n");
FILTestHexdump(sectorStats, testInfo.numCE * testInfo.correctableSectorsPerPage);
goto test_failed;
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "ReadScatteredPages verify on %d pages\n", testInfo.numCE);
andStatus = pFIL->ReadScatteredPages(ceList, pageList, verifyDataBuffer, verifyMetaBuffer, testInfo.numCE, NULL, sectorStats, FALSE32);
if (FIL_SUCCESS != andStatus)
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "ReadScatteredPages failed with %s\n", FILErrorToString(andStatus));
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Sector Stats:\n");
FILTestHexdump(sectorStats, testInfo.numCE * testInfo.correctableSectorsPerPage);
goto test_failed;
#endif /* if (!AND_DISABLE_READ_MULTIPLE) */
if (WMR_MEMCMP(writeMetaBuffer, verifyMetaBuffer, testInfo.numCE * testInfo.bufferBytesPerMeta))
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Read back contents of pages failed comparison in meta section\n");
goto test_failed;
if (WMR_MEMCMP(writeDataBuffer, verifyDataBuffer, testInfo.numCE * testInfo.bytesPerPage))
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Read back contents of second page failed comparison in data section\n");
goto test_failed;
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Skipping Multi-Page test on VS formatted part\n");
(void) testSeed;
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Interface Test Passed\n");
return TRUE32;
WMR_PRINT(ALWAYS, "Interface Test Failed\n");
if (writeMetaBuffer)
WMR_FREE(writeMetaBuffer, metaBufferSize);
if (verifyMetaBuffer)
WMR_FREE(verifyMetaBuffer, metaBufferSize);
if (sectorStats)
WMR_FREE(sectorStats, sectorStatsSize);
return FALSE32;
const char * FILErrorToString(Int32 filStatus)
switch (filStatus)
return "FIL_SUCCESS";
return "FIL_U_ECC_ERROR";
return "UNKNOWN";
static void InitPageListFromBlocks(const UInt16 *blockList, UInt32 *pageList)
UInt32 pageIdx;
// Fill in page list based on provided blocks
// XXX Mind the block gap
for (pageIdx = 0; pageIdx < (2 * testInfo.numBanks); ++pageIdx)
pageList[pageIdx] = (blockList[pageIdx % testInfo.numBanks] * testInfo.pagesPerBlock) + (pageIdx / testInfo.numBanks);
static void FillBufferWithCountingPattern(UInt32 *buffer, UInt32 startValue, UInt32 bytes)
UInt32 wordIdx;
const UInt32 kWordsToFill = bytes / sizeof(UInt32);
for (wordIdx = 0; wordIdx < kWordsToFill; wordIdx += 1)
if ((wordIdx + 1) == kWordsToFill)
// Last word may not be full
UInt8 *endOfBuffer = (UInt8*) &buffer[wordIdx];
switch (bytes % sizeof(UInt32))
case 0:
endOfBuffer[1] = (startValue >> 24) & 0xFF;
// fall through
case 3:
endOfBuffer[1] = (startValue >> 16) & 0xFF;
// fall through
case 2:
endOfBuffer[1] = (startValue >> 8) & 0xFF;
// fall through
case 1:
endOfBuffer[1] = startValue & 0xFF;
buffer[wordIdx] = startValue++;
static void FillMetaBufferWithPattern(UInt8 *buffer, UInt32 startValue, UInt32 numPages)
typedef struct
UInt32 valid1;
UInt32 valid2;
UInt16 valid3;
UInt16 pad;
} _TestMeta;
_TestMeta *pTestMeta = (_TestMeta*) buffer;
while (numPages--)
pTestMeta->valid1 = startValue++;
pTestMeta->valid2 = startValue++;
pTestMeta->valid3 = startValue++;
pTestMeta->pad = ~0;
#define HEXDUMP_WIDTH (16)
static void FILTestHexdump(void *data, UInt32 length)
UInt32 i, j;
UInt8 *bytes = (UInt8*) data;
for (i = 0; i < length; i += HEXDUMP_WIDTH)
for (j = 0; (j < HEXDUMP_WIDTH) && ((i + j) < length); j++)
_WMR_PRINT(" %02x", (UInt32) *bytes++);