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Getting set up with the fake hierarchy:
Modify lib/pki/rules.mk: set PKI_APPLE_ROOT_CA=0 to switch to the fake hierarchy and build a debug app test, ie. iBSS.
Load the various images
Get the keys and certs and CSRs from lib/pki/fake_ca.h for the intermediate: intermediate-cert.pem intermediate-key.pem, put them into separate .pem files.
Convert intermediate-cert.pem to der using openssl x509 -in intermediate-cert.pem -outform der -out intermediate-cert.der.
The USB_SERIAL_NUMBER header contains the board specific info, you may need to modify.
Useful images to create:
Images that try to set the current settings. Production status, chip and security domain should never be set by image itself.
img-dev-sdom-chip --development --chipType 0x8720 --domain darwin
img-dev-sdom-chip-epoch --development --chipType 0x8720 --domain darwin --epoch 0
img-dev-sdom-chip-boardid --development --chipType 0x8720 --domain darwin --boardID 0
img-dev-sdom-chip-uniqueid --development --chipType 0x8720 --domain darwin --uniqueID 0x????
One image to make sure the production switch works as expected. Modify chipid_get_production_mode in platform/*/chipid/chipid.c to simulate a production unit.
img-prod-sdom-chip --production --chipType 0x8720 --domain darwin
One leaf for the current settings:
spec-dev-8720-darwin --development --chipType 0x8720 --domain darwin
Leafs that modifies one of the settings away from the default (always supposed to come from the cert)
spec-dev-8720-manu --development --chipType 0x8720 --domain manufacturer
spec-dev-8920-darwin --development --chipType 0x8920 --domain darwin
spec-prod-8720-darwin --production --chipType 0x8720 --domain darwin
Leafs that modify epoch, boardid or ecid, away from the default (okay for the image to specify if cert doesn't)
spec-dev-8720-darwin-wrong-epoch --development --chipType 0x8720 --domain darwin --epoch 1
spec-dev-8720-darwin-wrong-boardid --development --chipType 0x8720 --domain darwin --boardID 1
spec-dev-8720-darwin-wrong-ecid --development --chipType 0x8720 --domain darwin --uniqueID 0
Tests of image and leaf combinations:
spec-dev-8720-darwin img-dev-sdom-chip OK
spec-dev-8720-manu img-dev-sdom-chip FAIL
spec-dev-8920-darwin img-dev-sdom-chip FAIL
spec-prod-8720-darwin img-dev-sdom-chip OK
spec-prod-8720-darwin img-dev-sdom-chip OK * board set to return production
spec-dev-8720-darwin img-prod-sdom-chip FAIL * board set to return production
spec-dev-8720-darwin-wrong-epoch img-dev-sdom-chip-epoch FAIL
spec-dev-8720-darwin-wrong-boardid img-dev-sdom-chip-boardid FAIL
spec-dev-8720-darwin-wrong-ecid img-dev-sdom-chip-uniqueid FAIL (w/ 32 bit clipped ECID)
Make img3 specs and put them into the extensions.txt file used during signing:
make-img3-specs is a shell script that converts img3 blobs into spec extensions to be used when signing.
make-img3-specs > extensions.txt
Generating one key that will be shared for all issued leafs:
openssl req -newkey rsa:1024 -sha1 -days 365 -sha1 \
-subj "/C=US/O=Apple Inc./OU=Apple Secure Boot Certification Authority/CN=S5L8900 Secure Boot" \
-nodes -out leaf-csr.pem -keyout leaf-key.pem
(note: common name is not checked in leaf - platform is derived from embedded img3)
Sign all leafs:
for i in spec-dev-8720-darwin spec-dev-8720-manu spec-dev-8920-darwin spec-prod-8720-darwin \
spec-dev-8720-darwin-wrong-epoch spec-dev-8720-darwin-wrong-boardid spec-dev-8720-darwin-wrong-ecid;
openssl x509 -req -sha1 -in leaf-csr.pem -CA intermediate-cert.pem -CAkey intermediate-key.pem \
-set_serial 42 -outform der -out $i.der -extfile extensions.txt -extensions $i
Create and sign images:
to_binary_hash.c is an emergency hack for conversion from image3maker output.
The image is generated and signed in the first steps:
image3maker --create --imagefile iBSS.img3 --type ibot --data iBSS.bin <pass in tags for image here>
image3maker --hashForSigning --imagefile iBSS.img3 | to_binary_hash > iBSS.hash
openssl rsautl -sign -inkey leaf-key.pem -in iBSS.hash -out iBSS.sig
It can be tested with various leafs (because all use the same key):
cat intermediate-cert.der spec-dev-8720-darwin.der > chain.der
image3maker --signWithData --signWithSignature iBSS.sig --signWithCertChain chain.der --imagefile iBSS.img3