444 lines
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444 lines
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* Copyright (C) 2010-2015 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This document is the property of Apple Inc.
* It is considered confidential and proprietary.
* This document may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form,
* in whole or in part, without the express written permission of
* Apple Inc.
#include <debug.h>
#include <drivers/display.h>
#include <drivers/flash_nor.h>
#include <drivers/iic.h>
#include <drivers/power.h>
#include <lib/devicetree.h>
#include <lib/env.h>
#include <lib/mib.h>
#include <lib/syscfg.h>
#include <platform.h>
#include <platform/gpio.h>
#include <platform/gpiodef.h>
#include <platform/memmap.h>
#include <sys.h>
#include <sys/boot.h>
#include <sys/menu.h>
#include <sys/task.h>
#include <target.h>
// These are sequential revision numbers, reordered from the hardware straps
#define N94_ILLEGAL_BOARD (255)
#define N94_PROTO1_BOARD (10)
#define N94_PROTO1a_BOARD (9)
#define N94_PROTO2_BOARD (8)
#define N94_PROTO3_BOARD (7)
#define N94_PROTO3a_BOARD (6)
#define N94_EVT1_BOARD (5)
#define N94_EVT1a_BOARD (4)
#define N94_EVT2_BOARD (3)
#define N94_DVT_BOARD (2)
#define N94_PVT_BOARD (1)
#define N94_PRQ_BOARD (0)
// Convert the 4-bit hardware board rev to a monotonic software rev
static u_int8_t hw_rev_to_sw[] = {
N94_PROTO3a_BOARD, // also DEV3a, N78 D300 DEV
N94_PROTO3_BOARD, // also PreProto3, DEV3
N94_PROTO1_BOARD, // and DEV2
N94_PROTO1a_BOARD, // and DEV1
N94_EVT2_BOARD, // and DEV4 (probably)
static u_int32_t n94_get_board_rev(void);
static u_int32_t display_config;
MIB_CONSTANT(kMIBTargetOsPictureScale, kOIDTypeUInt32, 2);
MIB_CONSTANT(kMIBTargetPictureRotate, kOIDTypeInt32, 0);
void target_early_init(void)
// OTP-AO matching code for TellurideNanshan DVT: <rdar://problem/9876366>
if (N94_DVT_BOARD == n94_get_board_rev()) {
uint8_t pmu_setup[][2] = {
// buck0 and buck2 controls are set in powerconfig.h for all revs
{ 0x18, 0x01 }, // BANKSEL=1
{ 0xe0, 0x01 }, // Enable test mode
{ 0xa9, 0x48 }, // 0us blanking time
{ 0xd2, 0x33 }, // 0-180 phasing
{ 0xa3, 0xa2 }, // reduce charger headroom by 50mV
{ 0xe0, 0x00 }, // Disable test mode
{ 0x18, 0x00 }, // BANKSEL=0
int entries = sizeof(pmu_setup) / (2*sizeof(uint8_t)), index;
for (index = 0; index < entries; index++)
iic_write(0, 0xe8, pmu_setup[index], 2);
void target_late_init(void)
if (target_config_dev()) {
if (n94_get_board_rev() >= N94_PROTO2_BOARD)
} else {
if (n94_get_board_rev() >= N94_EVT1_BOARD)
void target_init(void)
// All AP and PMU GPIOS for the radios are set by pinconfig.h
// and powerconfig.h. While the AP settings are compatible with wake,
// the BB PMU will be in reset thanks to powerconfig.h providing
// dedicated cold boot settings. The AppleARMFunctions in the device
// tree will take care of the rest for a cold boot.
void target_quiesce_hardware(void)
void target_poweroff(void)
int target_bootprep(enum boot_target target)
switch (target) {
; // do nothing
return 0;
bool target_should_recover(void)
return platform_get_request_dfu2() && power_has_usb();
bool target_should_poweron(bool *cold_button_boot)
if (power_get_boot_flag() == kPowerBootFlagColdButton) *cold_button_boot = true;
*cold_button_boot = false;
return !*cold_button_boot || platform_get_request_dfu1();
bool target_should_poweroff(bool at_boot)
return platform_get_request_dfu1() && (!at_boot || !power_has_usb());
void target_watchdog_tickle(void)
u_int32_t value = gpio_read(GPIO_WDOG_TICKLE);
gpio_write(GPIO_WDOG_TICKLE, value ^ 1);
void * target_get_display_configuration(void)
display_config = 0x00000963;
return ((void *)(&display_config));
void target_setup_default_environment(void)
env_set("boot-device", "nand0", 0);
env_set("display-color-space","RGB888", 0);
env_set("display-timing", "n94", 0);
u_int32_t target_lookup_backlight_cal(int index)
return (index == 2) ? 0x09 : 0;
int target_update_device_tree(void)
u_int32_t board_rev = n94_get_board_rev();
DTNode *clcd_node, *backlight_node;
DTNode *node;
uint32_t propSize, propCnt;
char *propName;
void *propData;
// Update the DWI node with the actual voltages
if (FindNode(0, "arm-io/dwi", &node)) {
propName = "voltages-buck0";
if (FindProperty(node, &propName, &propData, &propSize)) {
propCnt = propSize / sizeof(u_int32_t);
platform_get_cpu_voltages(propCnt, propData);
platform_convert_voltages(0, propCnt, propData);
propName = "voltages-buck2";
if (FindProperty(node, &propName, &propData, &propSize)) {
propCnt = propSize / sizeof(u_int32_t);
platform_get_soc_voltages(propCnt, propData);
platform_convert_voltages(2, propCnt, propData);
// Find the CLCD node
FindNode(0, "arm-io/clcd", &clcd_node);
if (FindNode(0, "arm-io/mipi-dsim/lcd", &node)) {
extern int pinot_update_device_tree(DTNode *pinot_node, DTNode *clcd_node, DTNode *backlight_node);
FindNode(0, "backlight", &backlight_node);
pinot_update_device_tree(node, clcd_node, backlight_node);
if (board_rev > N94_EVT1a_BOARD)
// old headset circutry
if (FindNode(0, "arm-io/i2c0/headset-switch", &node)) {
propName = "function-ext_switch";
if (FindProperty(node, &propName, &propData, &propSize)) {
strlcpy(propName, "unused-ext_switch", kPropNameLength);
if (FindNode(0, "arm-io/i2c0/audio0", &node)) {
propName = "unused-hpout_ref_control";
if (FindProperty(node, &propName, &propData, &propSize)) {
strlcpy(propName, "function-hpout_ref_control", kPropNameLength);
else if (board_rev > N94_EVT1_BOARD)
// old headset circutry
if (FindNode(0, "arm-io/i2c0/headset-switch", &node)) {
propName = "switch-config";
if (FindProperty(node, &propName, &propData, &propSize)) {
*(uint32_t *)propData = 0;
if (FindNode(0, "arm-io/i2c0/audio0", &node)) {
propName = "headphone-pop-workaround";
if (FindProperty(node, &propName, &propData, &propSize)) {
*(uint32_t *)propData = 1;
else if (board_rev > N94_DVT_BOARD)
if (FindNode(0, "arm-io/i2c0/headset-switch", &node)) {
propName = "switch-config";
if (FindProperty(node, &propName, &propData, &propSize)) {
*(uint32_t *)propData = 0x1a;
if (board_rev > N94_PRQ_BOARD)
if (FindNode(0, "arm-io/i2c0/audio0", &node)) {
propName = "headphone-pop-workaround";
if (FindProperty(node, &propName, &propData, &propSize)) {
*(uint32_t *)propData |= 0x8;
if (board_rev > N94_PROTO3a_BOARD) {
// <rdar://problem/8777592>
if (FindNode(0, "arm-io/dwi", &node)) {
propName = "dwi-version";
if (FindProperty(node, &propName, &propData, &propSize))
((u_int32_t *)propData)[0] = 0;
// Pulldown on BB_WAKE_AP, removed for <rdar://problem/8929181>
power_gpio_configure(1, 0xBB);
// Update the highland-park node with acoustic transducer scale data
if (FindNode(0, "arm-io/highland-park", &node)) {
propName = "at-scale";
if (FindProperty(node, &propName, &propData, &propSize)) {
syscfgCopyDataForTag('ATSc', propData, propSize);
if (FindNode(0, "arm-io/i2c0/audio0", &node)) {
propName = "at-scale";
if (FindProperty(node, &propName, &propData, &propSize)) {
syscfgCopyDataForTag('ATSc', propData, propSize);
// Update the als calibration data
if (FindNode(0, "arm-io/i2c1/als", &node)) {
propName = "alsCalibration";
if (FindProperty(node, &propName, &propData, &propSize)) {
syscfgCopyDataForTag('AlsC', propData, propSize);
propName = "als-colorCfg";
if (FindProperty(node, &propName, &propData, &propSize)) {
syscfgCopyDataForTag('ClrC', propData, propSize);
// Update the compass calibration data
if (FindNode(0, "arm-io/i2c1/compass", &node)) {
propName = "compass-calibration";
if (FindProperty(node, &propName, &propData, &propSize)) {
syscfgCopyDataForTag('CPAS', propData, propSize);
// Update the gyro calibration data
if (FindNode(0, "arm-io/i2c2/gyro", &node)) {
propName = "low-temp-offset";
if (FindProperty(node, &propName, &propData, &propSize)) {
syscfgCopyDataForTag('LTGO', propData, propSize);
propName = "high-temp-offset";
if (FindProperty(node, &propName, &propData, &propSize)) {
syscfgCopyDataForTag('HTGO', propData, propSize);
propName = "gyro-sensitivity-calibration";
if (FindProperty(node, &propName, &propData, &propSize)) {
syscfgCopyDataForTag('GSCl', propData, propSize);
propName = "gyro-temp-table";
if (FindProperty(node, &propName, &propData, &propSize)) {
syscfgCopyDataForTag('GYTT', propData, propSize);
propName = "gyro-interrupt-calibration";
if (FindProperty(node, &propName, &propData, &propSize)) {
syscfgCopyDataForTag('GICl', propData, propSize);
// Update the gyro calibration data
if (FindNode(0, "arm-io/i2c2/gyro1", &node)) {
propName = "low-temp-offset";
if (FindProperty(node, &propName, &propData, &propSize)) {
syscfgCopyDataForTag('LTGO', propData, propSize);
propName = "high-temp-offset";
if (FindProperty(node, &propName, &propData, &propSize)) {
syscfgCopyDataForTag('HTGO', propData, propSize);
propName = "gyro-sensitivity-calibration";
if (FindProperty(node, &propName, &propData, &propSize)) {
syscfgCopyDataForTag('GSCl', propData, propSize);
propName = "gyro-temp-table";
if (FindProperty(node, &propName, &propData, &propSize)) {
syscfgCopyDataForTag('GYTT', propData, propSize);
propName = "gyro-interrupt-calibration";
if (FindProperty(node, &propName, &propData, &propSize)) {
syscfgCopyDataForTag('GICl', propData, propSize);
// Update accelerometer calibration data
if (FindNode(0, "arm-io/i2c2/accelerometer", &node)) {
propName = "low-temp-accel-offset";
if (FindProperty(node, &propName, &propData, &propSize)) {
syscfgCopyDataForTag('LTAO', propData, propSize);
propName = "accel-sensitivity-calibration";
if (FindProperty(node, &propName, &propData, &propSize)) {
syscfgCopyDataForTag('ASCl', propData, propSize);
// Update prox calibration data
if (FindNode(0, "arm-io/spi1/multi-touch", &node)) {
propName = "prox-calibration";
if (FindProperty(node, &propName, &propData, &propSize)) {
syscfgCopyDataForTag('PxCl', propData, propSize);
// Update charger calibration data
if (FindNode(0, "charger", &node)) {
propName = "usb-input-limit-calibration";
if (FindProperty(node, &propName, &propData, &propSize)) {
syscfgCopyDataForTag('CBAT', propData, propSize);
return 0;
static u_int32_t n94_get_board_rev(void)
u_int32_t gpio_board_rev;
gpio_configure(GPIO_BOARD_REV0, GPIO_CFG_IN);
gpio_configure(GPIO_BOARD_REV1, GPIO_CFG_IN);
gpio_configure(GPIO_BOARD_REV2, GPIO_CFG_IN);
gpio_configure(GPIO_BOARD_REV3, GPIO_CFG_IN);
gpio_configure_pupdn(GPIO_BOARD_REV0, GPIO_PDN);
gpio_configure_pupdn(GPIO_BOARD_REV1, GPIO_PDN);
gpio_configure_pupdn(GPIO_BOARD_REV2, GPIO_PDN);
gpio_configure_pupdn(GPIO_BOARD_REV3, GPIO_PDN);
spin(100); // Wait 100us
gpio_board_rev =
(gpio_read(GPIO_BOARD_REV3) << 3) |
(gpio_read(GPIO_BOARD_REV2) << 2) |
(gpio_read(GPIO_BOARD_REV1) << 1) |
(gpio_read(GPIO_BOARD_REV0) << 0);
gpio_configure(GPIO_BOARD_REV0, GPIO_CFG_DFLT);
gpio_configure(GPIO_BOARD_REV1, GPIO_CFG_DFLT);
gpio_configure(GPIO_BOARD_REV2, GPIO_CFG_DFLT);
gpio_configure(GPIO_BOARD_REV3, GPIO_CFG_DFLT);
// Convert and sanity-check
gpio_board_rev = hw_rev_to_sw[gpio_board_rev & 0xf];
if (N94_ILLEGAL_BOARD == gpio_board_rev)
panic("Illegal board revision");
return (gpio_board_rev);