894 lines
37 KiB
894 lines
37 KiB
import argparse
import collections
import csv
import pipes
import sys
import openpyxl
except ImportError:
openpyxl = None
class ParseError(Exception): pass
Representation of one pin in the GPIO config
class BasePin(object):
default_drive = 'X1'
valid_pupdn = set(["PULL_UP", "PULL_DOWN", ""])
valid_drive_strength = set()
def __init__(self, gpio_pin_number):
self.gpio_pin_number = int(gpio_pin_number)
self.bump_name = None
self.net_name = None
self.function = None
self.drive_strength = 'X1'
self.pupd = None
self.bus_hold = None
self.input_mode = None
self.row_number = None
self.slew_rate = ''
self.rom = None
def to_pinconfig_line(self):
if None in (self.bump_name, self.net_name, self.function, self.drive_strength, self.pupd):
raise ParseError, "Some attributes were unset for pin %d: %s" % (self.gpio_pin_number, (self.bump_name, self.net_name, self.function, self.drive_strength, self.pupd))
if self.drive_strength == self.default_drive:
drive_strength = ''
drive_strength = "DRIVE_{}".format(self.drive_strength)
if self.slew_rate == '':
slew_rate = ''
slew_rate = "{}_SLEW".format(self.slew_rate)
non_empty_props = [i for i in [self.function, self.pupd, drive_strength, slew_rate, self.bus_hold, self.input_mode] if i]
args = " | ".join(non_empty_props) + ","
return [args, "// {:>3} : {}".format(self.gpio_pin_number, self.bump_name), "-> " + self.net_name]
def set_function(self, fn):
cfg_map = { 'in': 'CFG_IN',
'input': 'CFG_IN',
'out0': 'CFG_OUT_0',
'out 0': 'CFG_OUT_0',
'out1': 'CFG_OUT_1',
'out 1': 'CFG_OUT_1',
'alt func 0': 'CFG_FUNC0',
'alt func 1': 'CFG_FUNC1',
'alt func 2': 'CFG_FUNC2',
'int rising': 'CFG_IN',
'int falling': 'CFG_IN',
'int any': 'CFG_IN',
'disable': 'CFG_DISABLED',
'disabled': 'CFG_DISABLED',
# The numbering offset isn't a typo, these are legacy
'function 1': 'CFG_FUNC0',
'function 2': 'CFG_FUNC1',
'function 3': 'CFG_FUNC2',
self.function = cfg_map[fn.lower()]
def set_net_name(self, name):
self.net_name = name.strip()
def set_bump_name(self, name):
self.bump_name = name.strip()
def set_drive_strength(self, strength):
if strength == '':
strength = self.default_drive
strength = strength.upper()
if strength.isdigit():
strength = self.drive_strength_prefix + strength
if not strength in self.valid_drive_strength:
sorted_drive_strengths = sorted(self.valid_drive_strength, key=lambda item: (int(item[1:])))
raise ParseError, "drive strength '{}' not valid (options are {})".format(strength.upper(), sorted_drive_strengths)
self.drive_strength = strength
def set_pupd(self, pupd):
pupd_map = { 'pullup strong' : 'PULL_UP_STRONG',
'spu' : 'PULL_UP_STRONG',
'pullup': 'PULL_UP',
'pu': 'PULL_UP',
'pulldown': 'PULL_DOWN',
'pd': 'PULL_DOWN',
'disable': '',
'': ''}
if not pupd_map[pupd.lower()] in self.valid_pupdn:
pretty_pupdn = filter(lambda x : pupd_map[x] in self.valid_pupdn , pupd_map.keys())
raise ParseError, "pu/pd value '{}' not valid (options are {})".format(pupd, pretty_pupdn)
self.pupd = pupd_map[pupd.lower()]
class PinV1(BasePin):
valid_drive_strength = set(["X1", "X2", "X3", "X4"])
drive_strength_prefix = 'X'
def set_bus_hold(self, hold):
bus_hold_map = { '': '', '0': '', None: '', 'y': 'BUS_HOLD', 'yes': 'BUS_HOLD', '1': 'BUS_HOLD'}
self.bus_hold = bus_hold_map[hold.lower()]
class PinV2(BasePin):
valid_drive_strength = set(["X1", "X2", "X4", "X6"])
drive_strength_prefix = 'X'
def set_bus_hold(self, hold):
bus_hold_map = { '': '', '0': '', None: '', 'y': 'BUS_HOLD', 'yes': 'BUS_HOLD', '1': 'BUS_HOLD'}
self.bus_hold = bus_hold_map[hold.lower()]
class PinV3(BasePin):
valid_drive_strength = set(["X1", "X2", "X4", "X6"])
drive_strength_prefix = 'X'
def set_slew_rate(self, slew):
slew_map = { '': '', None: '', "fast": "FAST", "slow": "SLOW" }
self.slew_rate = slew_map[slew.lower()]
class PinV4(PinV3):
def set_input_mode(self, mode):
mode_map = { '': '', None: '', 'cmos': '', 'schmitt': 'INPUT_SCHMITT', 'Schmitt': 'INPUT_SCHMITT'}
self.input_mode = mode_map[mode]
class PinV5(PinV4):
default_drive = 'S0'
valid_drive_strength = set(["S0", "S1", "S2", "S3", "S4", "S5", "S6", "S7", "S8", "S9", "S10", "S11", "S12", "S13", "S14", "S15"])
drive_strength_prefix = 'S'
valid_pupdn = set(["PULL_UP_STRONG", "PULL_UP", "PULL_DOWN", ""])
def set_slew_rate(self, slew):
slew_map = { '': '', None: '', "fast": "FAST", "slow": "SLOW", "very fast": "VERY_FAST" }
self.slew_rate = slew_map[slew.lower()]
class ReservedPin(object):
def to_pinconfig_line(self):
return ["CFG_DISABLED,"]
class GPIODomainInfo(object):
def __init__(self, offset, count, reserved):
self.id_offset = offset
self.pin_count = count
self.reserved_pins = reserved
class GPIODomain(object):
def __init__(self, info, pin_class):
self.id_offset = info.id_offset
self.pin_count = info.pin_count
self.reserved_pins = info.reserved_pins
# GPIO domains must start and end on 8-pin boundaries
assert self.id_offset % 8 == 0
if self.pin_count % 8 != 0:
new_pin_count = self.pin_count + 8 - self.pin_count % 8
self.reserved_pins |= set(range(self.id_offset + self.pin_count, self.id_offset + new_pin_count))
self.pin_count = new_pin_count
self.pins = [None] * self.pin_count
for i in range(self.pin_count):
if not i + self.id_offset in self.reserved_pins:
pin = pin_class(i)
pin = ReservedPin()
self.pins[i] = pin
def has_pin_id(self, pin_id):
return pin_id >= self.id_offset and pin_id < self.id_offset + self.pin_count
def get_pin(self, pin_id):
if not self.has_pin_id(pin_id):
raise IndexError
return self.pins[pin_id - self.id_offset]
class BasePinConfig(object):
# Should be overridden in subclasses to a subclass of BasePin
pin_class = None
domain_info = None
def __init__(self):
self.domains = [GPIODomain(info, self.pin_class) for info in self.domain_info]
def get_pin(self, pin_id):
for d in self.domains:
if d.has_pin_id(pin_id):
return d.get_pin(pin_id)
raise IndexError
def array_declaration(self, array_type, name, domain_index):
if domain_index == 0:
count_label = ''
count_label = '_{}'.format(domain_index)
templ = 'static const {} {}_{}[GPIO{}_GROUP_COUNT * GPIOPADPINS] = {{'
return templ.format(array_type, name, domain_index, count_label)
def to_pinconfig_struct(self, name, array_type, max_domains):
lines = []
for domain_idx in range(min(len(self.domains), max_domains)):
domain = self.domains[domain_idx]
pin_matrix = [domain.pins[i].to_pinconfig_line() for i in range(domain.pin_count)]
pin_matrix = tab_align(pin_matrix, min_column_tabs={0: 8})
lines.append(self.array_declaration(array_type, name, domain_idx))
rownum = 0
for row in pin_matrix:
if (rownum % 8) == 0:
lines.append("\n/* Port {:2} */".format(rownum/8))
rownum += 1
return "\n".join(lines)
class BasePinConfigV1(BasePinConfig):
array_type = 'uint32_t'
pin_class = PinV1
class BasePinConfigV2(BasePinConfig):
array_type = 'uint32_t'
pin_class = PinV2
class BasePinConfigV3(BasePinConfig):
array_type = 'uint32_t'
pin_class = PinV3
class BasePinConfigV4(BasePinConfig):
array_type = 'uint32_t'
pin_class = PinV4
class BasePinConfigV5(BasePinConfig):
array_type = 'uint32_t'
pin_class = PinV5
class H4APinConfig(BasePinConfigV1):
domain_info = [GPIODomainInfo(offset=0, count=208, reserved=set())]
class H5PPinConfig(BasePinConfigV2):
domain_info = [GPIODomainInfo(offset=0, count=232, reserved=set())]
class H5GPinConfig(BasePinConfigV2):
reserved_pins = set(range(14, 32) + range(140, 160) + range(212, 224) + range(241, 248))
domain_info = [GPIODomainInfo(offset=0, count=248, reserved=reserved_pins)]
class AlcatrazPinConfig(BasePinConfigV3):
reserved_pins = set(range(24, 32) + range(45, 64) + range(151, 160) + range(173, 192))
domain_info = [GPIODomainInfo(offset=0, count=195, reserved=reserved_pins)]
class FijiPinConfig(BasePinConfigV4):
reserved_pins = set(range(16, 32) + range(88, 96) + range(140, 160))
domain_info = [GPIODomainInfo(offset=0, count=204, reserved=reserved_pins)]
class CapriPinConfig(BasePinConfigV4):
reserved_pins = set(range(16, 32))
domain_info = [GPIODomainInfo(offset=0, count=184, reserved=reserved_pins)]
class M7PinConfig(BasePinConfigV4):
reserved_pins = set(range(10, 32))
domain_info = [GPIODomainInfo(offset=0, count=138, reserved=reserved_pins),
GPIODomainInfo(offset=160, count=50, reserved=set())]
class MauiPinConfig(BasePinConfigV4):
reserved_pins = set(range(55, 64) + range(92, 96) + range(152, 160) + range(168, 192))
domain_info = [GPIODomainInfo(offset=0, count=199, reserved=reserved_pins),
GPIODomainInfo(offset=288, count=28, reserved=set())]
class ElbaPinConfig(BasePinConfigV5):
reserved_pins = set(range(37, 64) + range(125, 128) + range(142, 160))
domain_info = [GPIODomainInfo(offset=0, count=220, reserved=reserved_pins),
GPIODomainInfo(offset=288, count=28, reserved=set())]
class CaymanPinConfig(BasePinConfigV5):
ap_reserved_pins = set(range(55, 64) + range(92, 96) + range(104, 128) + range(155, 160) + range(188, 192))
aop_reserved_pins = set(range(318, 320) + range(330, 352))
domain_info = [GPIODomainInfo(offset=0, count=208, reserved=ap_reserved_pins), # AP
GPIODomainInfo(offset=288, count=85, reserved=aop_reserved_pins), # AOP
GPIODomainInfo(offset=256, count=7, reserved=set())] # SEP
output_domains = 2
class M8PinConfig(BasePinConfigV5):
ap_reserved_pins = set(range(138, 160))
aop_reserved_pins = set(range(264, 288))
domain_info = [GPIODomainInfo(offset=32, count=139, reserved=ap_reserved_pins), # AP
GPIODomainInfo(offset=256, count=96, reserved=aop_reserved_pins), # AOP
GPIODomainInfo(offset=0, count=7, reserved=set()),
GPIODomainInfo(offset=192, count=96, reserved=set())]
output_domains = 2
def excel_reader(filename, sheet):
workbook = openpyxl.load_workbook(filename, data_only=True)
except IOError:
sys.stderr.write('Could not open workbook {}\n'.format(filename))
return None
worksheet = workbook.get_sheet_by_name(sheet)
except KeyError:
sys.stderr.write('Could not open worksheet {}\n'.format(sheet))
return None
def row_generator(ws):
def cell_to_str(cell):
value = cell.value
if value is None:
value = ''
return unicode(value)
for row in ws.rows:
yield [cell_to_str(cell) for cell in row]
return row_generator(worksheet)
def try_parse_hex(i):
return int(i, 16)
except ValueError:
return None
def row_is_empty(row):
for col in row:
if not col is None and len(col.strip()) > 0:
return False
return True
def row_is_footer(row):
for col in row:
if not col is None:
stripped = col.strip()
if len(stripped) > 0 and stripped != '--':
return False
return True
class CSVParser(object):
def __init__(self, pinconfig_class, per_target_headers):
self.pinconfig_class = pinconfig_class
self.per_target_headers = per_target_headers
self.targets = per_target_headers.keys()
# Map the standardized name for a property to a list of acceptable names
self.header_name_map = { 'gpio_id': ['gpio id', 'id'],
'net_name': ['net name', 'net names'],
'bump_name': ['ball name', 'pad name'],
'configurable': ['gpio configurable'],
'drive_strength': ['drive strength', 'drive strength (ma)'],
'drive_strength_ap': ['drive strength form factor', 'drive strength ap'],
'drive_strength_dev': ['drive strength dev'],
'pupd': ['pu/pd', 'pullup/pulldown', 'pull-up/pull-down'],
'function': ['config', 'dir', 'SecureROM config'],
'rom': ['rom function']}
if callable(getattr(self.pinconfig_class.pin_class, 'set_slew_rate', None)):
self.header_name_map['slew_rate'] = ['slew rate', 'gpio_sr']
self.header_name_map['slew_rate_ap'] = ['slew rate form factor', 'gpio_sr ap']
self.header_name_map['slew_rate_dev'] = ['slew rate dev', 'gpio_sr dev']
if callable(getattr(self.pinconfig_class.pin_class, 'set_bus_hold', None)):
self.header_name_map['bus_hold'] = ['bus hold', 'gpio_bh']
if callable(getattr(self.pinconfig_class.pin_class, 'set_input_mode', None)):
self.header_name_map['input_mode'] = ['input mode', 'input select', 'gpio_is']
def create_pinconfig(self):
return self.pinconfig_class()
def parse_version(self, row):
for col in row:
lowercase_col = col.lower()
if 'rev' in lowercase_col or 'version' in lowercase_col or 'ver' in lowercase_col:
return lowercase_col
return None
def canonical_header(self, header):
for canonical, options in self.header_name_map.iteritems():
if header.lower() in options:
return canonical
return None
def find_headers(self, row, rom):
lowercase_row = map(lambda x: x.lower(), row)
columns_per_target = {}
columns_per_config = collections.defaultdict(dict)
per_config_columns = set()
ignore_missing_keys = set()
missing_keys = set()
# create a mapping from canonical header names to column indices
header_map = {}
for idx in range(len(lowercase_row)):
header = lowercase_row[idx]
canonical = self.canonical_header(header)
if canonical is None:
header_map[canonical] = idx
# some parameters can be specified per config (ap/dev). figure out
# which if any are done that way for this spreadsheet
config_names = ['ap', 'dev']
for key in ['drive_strength', 'slew_rate', 'net_name']:
config_to_key_map = {x: '{}_{}'.format(key, x) for x in config_names}
per_config_keys = set(config_to_key_map.values())
if per_config_keys <= set(header_map):
assert True, 'error message' # XXX
# used in the loop below to skip over columns that are per config
# passed back to the caller for use in parsing rows
for config in config_names:
columns_per_config[config][key] = header_map[config_to_key_map[config]]
elif not per_config_keys.isdisjoint(set(header_map)):
# either all or none of per-config columns should be present
found = ', '.join(sorted(set(header_map) & per_config_keys))
raise ParseError('All or none of the per-config {} columns must be specified (found {})'.format(key, found))
# this key isn't per config, so fall through to the logic below, but
# let the missing column checker know the per-config columns won't be present
# If no per-config columns were set, then there's only one configuration.
# Set up the key map accordingly
if len(columns_per_config) == 0:
for key in ['drive_strength', 'slew_rate']:
columns_per_config['all'][key] = header_map[key]
for target in self.targets:
target_header_name_map = self.per_target_headers[target]
columns_per_target[target] = {}
for key in self.header_name_map.keys():
if key in per_config_columns:
if key in target_header_name_map:
header = target_header_name_map[key]
# This value has a column per target, so find the per-target header in the row
idx = lowercase_row.index(header.lower())
except ValueError:
sys.stderr.write('Could not find target {}\'s "{}" column "{}"\n'.format(target, key, header))
columns_per_target[target][key] = idx
# This value has one column for all targets, so find one of the standard headers in the row
for header in self.header_name_map[key]:
if header.lower() in lowercase_row:
idx = lowercase_row.index(header.lower())
columns_per_target[target][key] = idx
if rom:
for key, value in target_header_name_map.iteritems():
if key == 'function' and value.lower() != 'SecureROM Config'.lower():
sys.stderr.write('ROM pins should have SecureROM Config column defined\n')
# Some columns are optional
missing_keys -= set(['configurable', 'input_mode'])
# ROM Function is optional if not --rom
if not rom:
missing_keys -= set(['rom'])
# Marked as being unneeded by the per-config column logic
missing_keys -= ignore_missing_keys
if len(missing_keys) == 0:
missing_keys = None
return columns_per_target, columns_per_config, missing_keys
def parse(self, filename, force=False, rom=False, sheet=None):
if filename.endswith('.xlsx'):
if openpyxl is None:
sys.stderr.write('To import Excel sheets, install the openpyxl package\n')
return None, None
if sheet is None:
sys.stderr.write('To import Excel sheets, specify the --sheet option\n')
return None, None
reader = excel_reader(filename, sheet)
if reader is None:
return None, None
reader = csv.reader(open(filename, "rU"))
row_number = 0
# top row has version number
row0 = reader.next()
row_number += 1
# next non-blank row has headers
while True:
row1 = reader.next()
row_number += 1
if len(filter(lambda x: len(x.strip()) > 0, row1)) > 0:
version = self.parse_version(row0)
if version is None:
sys.stderr.write('Could not find version in 1st row\n')
return None, None
columns_per_target, columns_per_config, missing = self.find_headers(row1, rom)
except ParseError as e:
return None, None
if not missing is None:
missing_options = {"{} ({})".format(col, " or ".join(self.header_name_map[col])) for col in missing}
sys.stderr.write('Missing columns:\n{}\n'.format('\n '.join(missing_options)))
return None, None
if len(columns_per_config) == 1:
configs = ['all']
configs = ['ap', 'dev']
pinconfigs = {}
for target in self.targets:
pinconfigs[target] = {}
for config in configs:
pinconfigs[target][config] = self.create_pinconfig()
have_error = False
for row in reader:
row_number += 1
if row_is_empty(row):
if row_is_footer(row):
for target, target_columns in columns_per_target.iteritems():
for config, config_columns in columns_per_config.iteritems():
columns = {}
parsed_props = {prop: row[column].strip() for prop, column in columns.iteritems()}
# If the optional 'GPIO Configurable' column is present, make sure it says y or yes
if not parsed_props['configurable'].lower() in ('y', 'yes'):
# And then get rid of the column, because the code below can't do anything with it
del parsed_props['configurable']
except KeyError:
gpio_id = int(parsed_props['gpio_id'])
except ValueError:
if rom and parsed_props['gpio_id'] == '':
raise ParseError('Invalid GPIO ID "{}"'.format(parsed_props['gpio_id']))
pinconfig = pinconfigs[target][config]
pin = pinconfig.get_pin(gpio_id)
except IndexError:
raise ParseError('GPIO ID {} is out of range'.format(gpio_id))
if isinstance(pin, ReservedPin):
raise ParseError('GPIO ID {} is reserved pin'.format(gpio_id))
elif not pin.row_number is None:
raise ParseError('GPIO ID {} redefined (previously defined on row {})'.format(pin.gpio_id, pin.row_number))
pin.row_number = row_number
# The setters for all of the columns are predictable based on their name
for prop, value in parsed_props.iteritems():
if rom:
if prop == 'function':
if parsed_props['rom'].lower() in ('y', 'yes'):
value = parsed_props['function']
value = 'disabled'
if prop == 'net_name':
if not parsed_props['rom'].lower() in ('y', 'yes'):
value = ''
if prop != 'gpio_id' and prop != 'rom':
setter = getattr(pin, 'set_' + prop)
except KeyError:
raise ParseError('Invalid value "{}" for key {} in column "{}"'.format(value, prop, row1[columns[prop]]))
except ParseError as e:
sys.stderr.write('Row {:3}, Config {:3}: {}\n'.format(row_number, config, e))
have_error = True
if not have_error or force:
return version, pinconfigs
return None, None
def tab_align(data_matrix, tabwidth=8, min_spacing_slack=1, min_column_tabs={}):
def rounduptab(x):
return int(((x + float(tabwidth-1))/tabwidth))*tabwidth
def tab(x):
if x % tabwidth:
return rounduptab(x)
return x+tabwidth
num_cols = max(map(len, data_matrix))
# Compute max number of characters seen for each column
max_char_counts = [0]*num_cols
for column, min_width in min_column_tabs.iteritems():
max_char_counts[column] = min_width*tabwidth
def grow_count(new_row):
for i in range(len(new_row)):
max_char_counts[i] = max(max_char_counts[i], rounduptab(len(new_row[i]) + min_spacing_slack))
for row in data_matrix:
def pad_tabs(item, required_length):
length = len(item)
tabcount = 0
while length < required_length:
return "%s%s" % (item, '\t'*tabcount)
def format_row(row):
return "".join([pad_tabs(a, b) for (a,b) in zip(row, max_char_counts)]).rstrip()
return [ format_row(x) for x in data_matrix ]
def print_pinconfigs(target_config_pinconfigs, pinconfig_class, version, radar, copyright, commandline, prefix, rom, header):
array_type = pinconfig_class.array_type
num_domains = len(pinconfig_class.domain_info)
if hasattr(pinconfig_class, 'output_domains'):
if pinconfig_class.output_domains < num_domains:
num_domains = pinconfig_class.output_domains
targets = sorted(target_config_pinconfigs.keys())
configs = sorted(target_config_pinconfigs[targets[0]].keys())
if header:
pinconfig_prefix = 'gpio_default_cfg'
pinconfig_prefix = 'pinconfig'
if not prefix is None:
pinconfig_prefix = "{}_{}".format(pinconfig_prefix, prefix)
if rom:
assert configs == ['all']
assert len(targets) == 1
assert len(configs) == 1
assert configs == ['ap', 'dev'] or configs == ['all']
print "/*"
print " * Copyright (C) {} Apple Inc. All rights reserved.".format(copyright)
print " *"
print " * This document is the property of Apple Inc."
print " * It is considered confidential and proprietary."
print " *"
print " * This document may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form,"
print " * in whole or in part, without the express written permission of"
print " * Apple Inc."
print " */"
print ""
print "/* THIS FILE IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED BY tools/csvtopinconfig.py. DO NOT EDIT!"
print " I/O Spreadsheet version: {}".format(version)
print " I/O Spreadsheet tracker: {}".format(radar)
print " Generated with oldskool_csvtopinconfig.py. For new projects, use the regular csvtopinconfig.py"
print " Conversion command: {}".format(commandline)
print "*/"
print ""
if header:
print "#ifndef __PLATFORM_PINCONFIG_H"
print "#define __PLATFORM_PINCONFIG_H"
print ""
print "#include <debug.h>"
print "#include <drivers/apple/gpio.h>"
print "#include <platform.h>"
print "#include <platform/soc/hwregbase.h>"
print "#include <stdint.h>"
if len(targets) > 1:
print "#include <target/boardid.h>"
print ""
for target in targets:
for config in configs:
if len(targets) == 1:
if len(configs) == 1:
name = pinconfig_prefix
name = '{}_{}'.format(pinconfig_prefix, config.lower())
if len(configs) == 1:
name = '{}_{}'.format(pinconfig_prefix, target.lower())
name = '{}_{}{}'.format(pinconfig_prefix, target.lower(), config.lower())
print target_config_pinconfigs[target][config].to_pinconfig_struct(name, array_type, num_domains)
if header:
print ""
print "#endif /* __PLATFORM_PINCONFIG_H */"
print 'struct pinconfig_map {'
print '\tuint32_t board_id;'
print '\tuint32_t board_id_mask;'
print '\tconst {} *pinconfigs[GPIOC_COUNT];'.format(array_type)
print '};'
print ''
print 'static const struct pinconfig_map cfg_map[] = {'
if len(targets) == 1:
if len(configs) == 1:
# just one target and one config, so make a map that spits out the same pinconfig
# for all board IDs
pinconfigs = ', '.join(map(lambda x: '{}_{}'.format(pinconfig_prefix, x), range(num_domains)))
print '\t{{ 0, 0, {{ {} }} }},'.format(pinconfigs)
elif len(configs) == 2:
# One target, but ap/dev configs, so make a map that selects ap/dev based on the lsb
# of the board ID
pinconfigs = ', '.join(map(lambda x: '{}_ap_{}'.format(pinconfig_prefix, x), range(num_domains)))
print '\t{{ 0, 1, {{ {} }} }},'.format(pinconfigs)
pinconfigs = ', '.join(map(lambda x: '{}_dev_{}'.format(pinconfig_prefix, x), range(num_domains)))
print '\t{{ 1, 1, {{ {} }} }},'.format(pinconfigs)
assert False, 'Can\'t handle more than 2 configs per target'
for target in targets:
if len(configs) == 1:
pinconfigs = ', '.join(map(lambda x: '{}_{}_{}'.format(pinconfig_prefix, target.lower(), x), range(num_domains)))
print '\t{{ TARGET_BOARD_ID_{}AP, ~1, {{ {} }} }},'.format(target.upper(), pinconfigs)
elif len(configs) == 2:
pinconfigs = ', '.join(map(lambda x: '{}_{}ap_{}'.format(pinconfig_prefix, target.lower(), x), range(num_domains)))
print '\t{{ TARGET_BOARD_ID_{}AP, ~0, {{ {} }} }},'.format(target.upper(), pinconfigs)
pinconfigs = ', '.join(map(lambda x: '{}_{}dev_{}'.format(pinconfig_prefix, target.lower(), x), range(num_domains)))
print '\t{{ TARGET_BOARD_ID_{}DEV, ~0, {{ {} }} }},'.format(target.upper(), pinconfigs)
assert False, 'Can\'t handle more than 2 configs per target'
print '};'
print ''
if prefix is None:
print 'const {} * target_get_default_gpio_cfg(uint32_t gpioc)'.format(array_type)
print 'const {} * target_get_{}_gpio_cfg(int gpioc)'.format(array_type, prefix)
print '{'
print '\tstatic const struct pinconfig_map *selected_map = NULL;'
print ''
print '\tif (selected_map == NULL) {';
print '\t\tuint32_t board_id = platform_get_board_id();'
print '\t\tfor (unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(cfg_map)/sizeof(cfg_map[0]); i++) {'
print '\t\t\tif ((board_id & cfg_map[i].board_id_mask) == cfg_map[i].board_id) {'
print '\t\t\t\tselected_map = &cfg_map[i];'
print '\t\t\t\tbreak;'
print '\t\t\t}'
print '\t\t}'
print ''
print '\t\tif (selected_map == NULL)'
print '\t\t\tpanic("no default pinconfig for board id %u", board_id);'
print '\t}'
print ''
print '\tASSERT(gpioc < GPIOC_COUNT);'
print '\treturn selected_map->pinconfigs[gpioc];'
print '}'
def main():
soc_classes = collections.OrderedDict()
soc_classes['h4a'] = H4APinConfig
soc_classes['h5p'] = H5PPinConfig
soc_classes['h5g'] = H5GPinConfig
soc_classes['alcatraz'] = AlcatrazPinConfig
soc_classes['h6'] = AlcatrazPinConfig
soc_classes['h6p'] = AlcatrazPinConfig
soc_classes['fiji'] = FijiPinConfig
soc_classes['h7p'] = FijiPinConfig
soc_classes['capri'] = CapriPinConfig
soc_classes['h7g'] = CapriPinConfig
soc_classes['m7'] = M7PinConfig
soc_classes['h8p'] = MauiPinConfig
soc_classes['maui'] = MauiPinConfig
soc_classes['h8g'] = ElbaPinConfig
soc_classes['elba'] = ElbaPinConfig
soc_classes['h9p'] = CaymanPinConfig
soc_classes['cayman'] = CaymanPinConfig
soc_classes['m8'] = M8PinConfig
argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Converts CSV file to iBoot pinconfig.h format')
argparser.add_argument('--soc', required=True, choices=soc_classes.keys())
argparser.add_argument('--config-column', type=str, action='append')
argparser.add_argument('--pupd-column', type=str, action='append')
argparser.add_argument('--prefix', type=str, help='prefix for auto-generated variable and function names')
argparser.add_argument('--copyright', type=str, default='YEAR', help='Year(s) to put in copyright notice')
argparser.add_argument('--netname-column', type=str, action='append')
argparser.add_argument('--radar', type=str, help='Link to spreadsheet tracker radar')
argparser.add_argument('--force', action="store_true", help='attempt ouput even when there are parsing errors')
argparser.add_argument('--rom', action="store_true", help='all pins except ROM function pins are disabled')
argparser.add_argument('--header', action="store_true", help='generate a C header file instead of a C source file')
argparser.add_argument('--sheet', default=None, help='sheet to read from when reading Excel files')
args = argparser.parse_args()
pinconfig_class = soc_classes[args.soc]
per_target_headers = collections.defaultdict(dict)
if not args.config_column is None:
for item in map(lambda x: x.split(":"), args.config_column):
if len(item) == 1:
target = None
column = item[0]
elif len(item) == 2:
target = item[0].upper()
column = item[1]
sys.stderr.write("Invalid config-column parameter\n")
if 'function' in per_target_headers[target]:
sys.stderr.write("Duplicate target in --config-column: \"{}\"".format(target))
per_target_headers[target]['function'] = column
if not args.pupd_column is None:
for item in map(lambda x: x.split(":"), args.pupd_column):
if len(item) == 1:
target = None
column = item[0]
elif len(item) == 2:
target = item[0].upper()
column = item[1]
sys.stderr.write("Invalid pupd-column parameter\n")
if 'pupd' in per_target_headers[target]:
sys.stderr.write("Duplicate target in --pupd-column: \"{}\"".format(target))
per_target_headers[target]['pupd'] = column
if not args.netname_column is None:
for item in map(lambda x: x.split(":"), args.netname_column):
if len(item) == 1:
target = None
column = item[0]
elif len(item) == 2:
target = item[0].upper()
column = item[1]
sys.stderr.write("Invalid netname-column parameter\n")
if 'net_name' in per_target_headers[target]:
sys.stderr.write("Duplicate target in --netname-column: \"{}\"".format(target))
per_target_headers[target]['net_name'] = column
if not per_target_headers:
per_target_headers[None] = {}
parser = CSVParser(pinconfig_class, per_target_headers)
version, pinconfigs = parser.parse(args.filename, force=args.force, rom=args.rom, sheet=args.sheet)
if pinconfigs is None:
def pretty_arg(arg):
if arg == args.filename:
return '<filename>'
return pipes.quote(arg)
commandline = './tools/oldskool_csvtopinconfig.py {}'.format(' '.join(pretty_arg(a) for a in sys.argv[1:]))
print_pinconfigs(pinconfigs, pinconfig_class=pinconfig_class, version=version, radar=args.radar, copyright=args.copyright, commandline=commandline, prefix=args.prefix, rom=args.rom, header=args.header)
if __name__ == '__main__':