
173 lines
9.5 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include common_scripts\utility;
level._effect[ "explosions/large_vehicle_explosion" ] = loadfx( "explosions/large_vehicle_explosion" );
//walking through water
level._effect[ "water_stop" ] = LoadFX( "misc/parabolic_water_stand" );
level._effect[ "water_movement" ] = LoadFX( "misc/parabolic_water_movement" );
level._effect[ "rocket_hits_heli" ] = LoadFX( "explosions/grenadeExp_metal" );
//Zodiac Wake
level._effect[ "zodiac_wake_geotrail" ] = LoadFX( "treadfx/zodiac_wake_geotrail_af_chase" );
// only ever see the front of the players boat plays on tag_origin
level._effect[ "zodiac_leftground" ] = LoadFX( "misc/watersplash_large" );
//Zodiac bigbump
level._effect[ "player_zodiac_bumpbig" ] = LoadFX( "misc/watersplash_large" );
level._effect[ "zodiac_bumpbig" ] = LoadFX( "misc/watersplash_large" );
level._effect_tag[ "zodiac_bumpbig" ] = "tag_guy2";// pushing this farther forward so the player sees it better.
//Zodiac bump
level._effect[ "player_zodiac_bump" ] = LoadFX( "impacts/large_waterhit" );
level._effect[ "zodiac_bump" ] = LoadFX( "impacts/large_waterhit" );
//zodiac collision
level._effect[ "zodiac_collision" ] = LoadFX( "misc/watersplash_large" );
level._effect_tag[ "zodiac_collision" ] = "TAG_DEATH_FX";// pushing this farther forward so the player sees it better.
//Zodiac Bounce Small Left
level._effect[ "zodiac_bounce_small_left" ] = LoadFX( "water/zodiac_splash_bounce_small" );
level._effect_tag[ "zodiac_bounce_small_left" ] = "TAG_FX_LF";
//Zodiac Bounce Small Right
level._effect[ "zodiac_bounce_small_right" ] = LoadFX( "water/zodiac_splash_bounce_small" );
level._effect_tag[ "zodiac_bounce_small_right" ] = "TAG_FX_RF";
//Zodiac Bounce Large Left
level._effect[ "zodiac_bounce_large_left" ] = LoadFX( "water/zodiac_splash_bounce_large" );
level._effect_tag[ "zodiac_bounce_large_left" ] = "TAG_FX_LF";
//Zodiac Bounce Large Right
level._effect[ "zodiac_bounce_large_right" ] = LoadFX( "water/zodiac_splash_bounce_large" );
level._effect_tag[ "zodiac_bounce_large_right" ] = "TAG_FX_RF";
//Zodiac Turn Hard Left /Hit left
level._effect[ "zodiac_sway_left" ] = LoadFX( "water/zodiac_splash_turn_hard" );
level._effect_tag[ "zodiac_sway_left" ] = "TAG_FX_LF";
//Zodiac Turn Hard Right /Hit right
level._effect[ "zodiac_sway_right" ] = LoadFX( "water/zodiac_splash_turn_hard" );
level._effect_tag[ "zodiac_sway_right" ] = "TAG_FX_RF";
//Zodiac Turn Light Left
level._effect[ "zodiac_sway_left_light" ] = LoadFX( "water/zodiac_splash_turn_light" );
level._effect_tag[ "zodiac_sway_left_light" ] = "TAG_FX_LF";
//Zodiac Turn Light Right
level._effect[ "zodiac_sway_right_light" ] = LoadFX( "water/zodiac_splash_turn_light" );
level._effect_tag[ "zodiac_sway_right_light" ] = "TAG_FX_RF";
level.zodiac_fx_sound[ "zodiac_bump" ] = "water_boat_splash_small";
level.zodiac_fx_sound[ "zodiac_bumpbig" ] = "water_boat_splash";
level.zodiac_fx_sound[ "player_zodiac_bump" ] = "water_boat_splash_small_plr";
level.zodiac_fx_sound[ "player_zodiac_bumpbig" ] = "water_boat_splash_plr";
//two bumps small and big. change them at points in the level to allow more or less visibility.
level.water_sheating_time[ "bump_big_start" ] = 2;
level.water_sheating_time[ "bump_small_start" ] = 1;
// sheeting time smaller just so action can be more visible. I'm just trying this I suppose
level.water_sheating_time[ "bump_big_after_rapids" ] = 4;
level.water_sheating_time[ "bump_small_after_rapids" ] = 2;
// water sheating time when the player dies. meant to be really long to cover up some nasty.
level.water_sheating_time[ "bump_big_player_dies" ] = 7;
level.water_sheating_time[ "bump_small_player_dies" ] = 3;
//player falls over waterfall, this shoots up just as they go over.
level._effect[ "splash_over_waterfall" ] = LoadFX( "misc/watersplash_large" );
//player falls over waterfall, this shoots up when they hit below
level._effect[ "player_hits_water_after_waterfall" ] = LoadFX( "misc/watersplash_large" );
level._effect[ "powerline_runner_cheap" ] = loadfx( "explosions/powerline_runner_cheap" );
level._effect[ "firelp_small_pm_a_nolight" ] = LoadFX( "fire/firelp_small_pm_a_nolight" );
level._effect[ "firelp_large_pm_nolight" ] = LoadFX( "fire/firelp_large_pm_nolight" );
level._effect[ "heli_crash_fire" ] = LoadFX( "fire/pavelow_crash_large" );
level._effect[ "heli_crash_fire_short_smoke" ] = LoadFX( "fire/pavelow_crash_large_short_smoke" );
level._effect[ "no_effect" ] = LoadFX( "misc/no_effect" );
level._effect[ "player_stabbed" ] = LoadFX( "impacts/player_stabbed" );
level._effect[ "player_knife_wound" ] = LoadFX( "impacts/player_knife_wound" );
level._effect[ "player_knife_pull_1" ] = LoadFX( "impacts/player_knife_pull_1" );
level._effect[ "player_knife_pull_2" ] = LoadFX( "impacts/player_knife_pull_2" );
level._effect[ "blood_sheperd_eye" ] = LoadFX( "misc/blood_sheperd_eye" );
level._effect[ "blood_sheperd_eye_geotrail" ] = LoadFX( "misc/blood_sheperd_eye_geotrail" );
level._effect[ "revolver_bullets" ] = LoadFX( "shellejects/revolver_af_chase" );
level._effect[ "crawl_dust_sandstorm_runner" ] = LoadFX( "impacts/crawl_dust_sandstorm_runner" );
level._effect[ "footstep_dust_sandstorm_runner" ] = LoadFX( "impacts/footstep_dust_sandstorm_runner" );
level._effect[ "footstep_dust_sandstorm_small_runner" ] = LoadFX( "impacts/footstep_dust_sandstorm_small_runner" );
level._effect[ "bodyfall_dust_sandstorm_large_runner" ] = LoadFX( "impacts/bodyfall_dust_sandstorm_large_runner" );
// need something cool here.
level._effect[ "body_falls_from_ropes_splash" ] = LoadFX( "impacts/large_waterhit" );
level._effect[ "sand_storm_distant" ] = LoadFX( "weather/sand_storm_distant" );
level._effect[ "sand_storm_canyon_light" ] = LoadFX( "weather/sand_storm_canyon_light" );
level._effect[ "sand_storm_player" ] = LoadFX( "weather/sand_storm_player" );
level._effect[ "sand_storm_intro" ] = LoadFX( "weather/sand_storm_intro" );
level._effect[ "sand_storm_light" ] = LoadFX( "weather/sand_storm_light" );
level._effect[ "sand_storm_distant_oriented" ] = LoadFX( "weather/sand_storm_distant_oriented" );
level._effect[ "sand_spray_detail_runner0x400" ] = LoadFX( "dust/sand_spray_detail_runner_0x400" );
level._effect[ "sand_spray_detail_runner400x400" ] = LoadFX( "dust/sand_spray_detail_afchase_runner_400x400" );
level._effect[ "sand_spray_detail_oriented_runner" ] = LoadFX( "dust/sand_spray_detail_oriented_runner" );
level._effect[ "sand_spray_detail_oriented_runner" ] = LoadFX( "dust/sand_spray_detail_oriented_runner" );
level._effect[ "sand_spray_cliff_oriented_runner" ] = LoadFX( "dust/sand_spray_cliff_oriented_runner" );
level._effect[ "dust_wind_fast" ] = LoadFX( "dust/dust_wind_fast_afcaves" );
level._effect[ "dust_wind_canyon" ] = LoadFX( "dust/dust_wind_canyon_far" );
level._effect[ "steam_vent_large_wind" ] = LoadFX( "smoke/steam_vent_large_wind" );
level._effect[ "ground_fog_afchase" ] = LoadFX( "smoke/ground_fog_afchase" );
level._effect[ "light_shaft_ground_dust_small" ] = LoadFX( "dust/light_shaft_ground_dust_small" );
level._effect[ "light_shaft_ground_dust_large" ] = LoadFX( "dust/light_shaft_ground_dust_large" );
level._effect[ "light_shaft_ground_dust_small_yel" ] = LoadFX( "dust/light_shaft_ground_dust_small_yel" );
level._effect[ "light_shaft_ground_dust_large_yel" ] = LoadFX( "dust/light_shaft_ground_dust_large_yel" );
level._effect[ "light_shaft_motes_afchase" ] = LoadFX( "dust/light_shaft_motes_afchase" );
if ( level.script == "ending" )
level._effect[ "light_glow_white_bulb" ] = LoadFX( "dust/light_shaft_motes_afchase" );
level._effect[ "light_glow_white_bulb" ] = LoadFX( "misc/light_glow_white_bulb" );
level._effect[ "splash_underwater_afchase" ] = loadfx( "water/splash_underwater_afchase" );
level._effect[ "rapids_splash_0x1000" ] = LoadFX( "water/rapids_splash_0x1000" );
level._effect[ "rapids_splash_1000x1000" ] = LoadFX( "water/rapids_splash_1000x1000" );
level._effect[ "rapids_splash_large" ] = LoadFX( "water/rapids_splash_large" );
level._effect[ "rapids_splash_large_dark" ] = LoadFX( "water/rapids_splash_large_dark" );
level._effect[ "rapids_splash_large_far" ] = LoadFX( "water/rapids_splash_large_far" );
level._effect[ "waterfall_afchase" ] = LoadFX( "water/waterfall_afchase" );
level._effect[ "waterfall_base_afchase" ] = LoadFX( "water/waterfall_base_afchase" );
level._effect[ "heli_blinds_player" ] = LoadFX( "weather/sand_storm_player_blind" );
level._effect[ "shepherd_anaconda" ] = LoadFX( "muzzleflashes/desert_eagle_flash_wv");
// this overrides the blizzard snow fx.
//Zodiac Bounce Small Left
level._effect[ "pavelow_minigunner_splash_add" ] = LoadFX( "water/zodiac_splash_bounce_small" );
level._effect[ "bloodpool_ending" ] = Loadfx( "impacts/deathfx_bloodpool_ending" );
if ( GetDvarInt( "r_reflectionProbeGenerate" ) )