**	spectator radar by banz
**	thx to NTA for full ui_mp dump
** 	thx to aerosoul94 for the ps3 ui_mp dump
		name minimap_fullscreen
		fullscreen 0
		rect 3 3 0 0 8 8
		foreColor 1 1 1 1
		visible when ( ( ( ! ( ui_active( ) ) ) && ( ! ( flashbanged( ) ) ) && ( ! ( ( ( weaponname( ) == "killstreak_ac130_mp" ) || ( weaponname( ) == "killstreak_helicopter_minigun_mp" ) || ( weaponname( ) == "killstreak_predator_missile_mp" ) || ( ( weaponname( ) == "ac130_105mm_mp" ) || ( weaponname( ) == "ac130_40mm_mp" ) || ( weaponname( ) == "ac130_25mm_mp" ) ) || ( adsjavelin( ) ) || ( weaponname( ) == "heli_remote_mp" ) || missilecam( ) ) || ( getperk( "equipment" ) == "_specialty_blastshield" && ( ( ! ( dvarint( "scr_gameended" ) ) ) || inkillcam( ) ) ) ) ) && ( ! ( scoped( ) ) ) && ( ! ( selecting_location( ) ) ) && ( !isempjammed( ) ) && ( ( ! ( dvarbool( "g_hardcore" ) ) ) || radarisenabled( ) || dvarint( "g_compassShowEnemies" ) ) && ( ! ( dvarint( "scr_gameended" ) ) ) ) && ( ! ( milliseconds( ) - localvarint( "ui_show_killedBy" ) < 4000 || ( inkillcam( ) ) ) ) && ( ! ( selecting_location( ) ) ) && ( ! ( spectatingfree( ) ) ) ) 
		visible 1
			name minimap_border
			rect 3 3 100 100 8 8
			border 1
			borderSize 0.666667
			foreColor 1 1 1 1
			borderColor 1 1 1 0.35
			textScale 0.55
			visible 1
			rect 3 3 100 100 8 8
			style 3
			foreColor 0.89 0.98 0.95 0.05
			background minimap_scanlines
			textScale 0.55
			visible 1
			name minimap_map
			rect 3 3 100 100 8 8
			ownerdraw 159
			foreColor 1 1 1 1
			background compass_map_default
			type 8
			textScale 0.55
			visible 1
			name minimap_friendlies
			rect 3 3 100 100 8 8
			ownerdraw 158
			foreColor 1 1 1 1
			type 8
			textScale 0.55
			visible 1
			exp forecolor a ( 1 - radarjamintensity() )
			name minimap_objectives
			rect 3 3 100 100 8 8
			ownerdraw 152
			foreColor 1 1 1 1
			background objective_line
			type 8
			textScale 0.55
			visible 1
			name minimap_enemies
			rect 3 3 100 100 8 8
			ownerdraw 175
			foreColor 1 1 1 1
			type 8
			textScale 0.55
			visible 1
			exp forecolor a ( 1 - radarjamintensity() )
			name minimap_vehicles
			rect 3 3 100 100 8 8
			ownerdraw 155
			foreColor 1 1 1 1
			type 8
			textScale 0.55
			visible 1
			exp forecolor a ( 1 - radarjamintensity() )
			name minimap_planes
			rect 3 3 100 100 8 8
			ownerdraw 156
			foreColor 1 1 1 1
			type 8
			textScale 0.55
			visible 1
			exp forecolor a ( 1 - radarjamintensity() )
			name minimap_sentries
			rect 3 3 100 100 8 8
			ownerdraw 165
			foreColor 1 1 1 1
			type 8
			textScale 0.55
			visible 1
			exp forecolor a ( 1 - radarjamintensity() )
			name minimap_player
			rect 3 3 100 100 8 8
			ownerdraw 150
			foreColor 1 1 1 1
			background compassping_player
			type 8
			textScale 0.55
			visible 1
			exp forecolor a ( 1 - radarjamintensity() )
			rect 3 3 100 100 8 8
			style 3
			foreColor 0.64 0.74 0.71 1
			background white
			textScale 0.55
			visible 1
			visible when ( radarisjammed() )
			exp forecolor a ( radarjamintensity() )
			rect 3 3 100 100 8 8
			style 3
			foreColor 0.89 0.98 0.95 1
			background ac130_overlay_grain
			textScale 0.55
			visible 1
			visible when ( radarisjammed() )
			exp forecolor a ( radarjamintensity() )
			rect 3 3 100 100 8 8
			style 3
			foreColor 1 1 1 1
			background stencil_base
			textScale 0.55
			visible 1
			rect 3 3 100 100 8 8
			style 3
			foreColor 1 1 1 1
			background scanlines_stencil
			textScale 0.55
			visible 1 
			exp rect y ( ( -100 ) + ( ( 200 ) * ( 1 - ( ( milliseconds( ) % 4000 ) / 4000 ) ) ) )  
			rect 3 3 100 100 8 8
			style 3
			foreColor 0.89 0.98 0.95 1
			background stencil_fill
			textScale 0.55
			visible 1