/* ** hud_fullscreen.menu modified by banz ** - fixed > 200 tokens error ** - moved 'follow previous / next player' - text to the right side ** ** ** thx to aerosoul94 for dumping this (ps3 version) ** thx to NTA for full ui_mp dump */ #include "ui/menudef.h" { menuDef { name "hud_fullscreen" rect 0 0 640 480 4 4 visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 itemDef { rect 0 0 640 480 4 4 ownerdraw 112 visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 background "splatter_alt" type 8 textscale 0.55 visible when ( ! ( weaponname( ) == "heli_remote_mp" ) && ! ( ( weaponname( ) == "ac130_105mm_mp" ) || ( weaponname( ) == "ac130_40mm_mp" ) || ( weaponname( ) == "ac130_25mm_mp" ) ) && ( ( ! ( ( spectatingclient( ) ) && dvarbool( "cg_thirdPersonSpectator" ) ) ) || inkillcam( ) ) ) } itemDef { rect 0 0 640 480 4 4 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0.9 1 1 0.3 background "ac130_overlay_grain" textscale 0.55 visible when ( scopedthermal( ) && ( ! ( ( spectatingclient( ) ) && dvarbool( "cg_thirdPersonSpectator" ) ) ) ) } itemDef { rect 0 0 640 480 4 4 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 background "ballistic_overlay" textscale 0.55 visible when ( ( getperk( "equipment" ) == "_specialty_blastshield" && ( ( ! ( dvarint( "scr_gameended" ) ) ) || inkillcam( ) ) ) && !( weaponname( ) == "heli_remote_mp" ) && ! ( ( weaponname( ) == "ac130_105mm_mp" ) || ( weaponname( ) == "ac130_40mm_mp" ) || ( weaponname( ) == "ac130_25mm_mp" ) ) && !missilecam( ) ) } itemDef { rect 0 0 640 480 4 4 style 3 decoration visible 1 forecolor 0.9 1 1 0.3 background "ac130_overlay_grain" textscale 0.55 visible when ( isempjammed( ) ) } itemDef { rect 0 -75 40 40 2 10 ownerdraw 80 visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 0.65 type 8 textscale 0.375 textstyle 3 visible when (( !ui_active() && !dvarbool( "g_hardcore" ) && !spectatingclient() && !inkillcam() && !dvarint( "scr_gameended" ) && !flashbanged( ) && ( !( weaponname() == "killstreak_ac130_mp" || weaponname() == "killstreak_helicopter_minigun_mp" || weaponname() == "killstreak_predator_missile_mp" || weaponname() == "ac130_105mm_mp" || weaponname() == "ac130_40mm_mp" || weaponname( ) == "ac130_25mm_mp" || adsjavelin() || weaponname() == "heli_remote_mp" || missilecam() ))) && !( ( ( ( !ui_active() && !dvarbool( "g_hardcore" ) && !flashbanged() && !isempjammed() && !dvarint( "scr_gameended" ) ) && ( milliseconds() - localvarint( "ui_show_youKilled" ) < 2500 && ( !( milliseconds() - localvarint( "ui_show_killedBy" ) < 4000 ) )) ) && !dvarbool( "ui_hide_playercards" ) && ! ( milliseconds() - localvarint( "ui_show_killedBy" ) < 4000 ) ) || ( !ui_active() && ( milliseconds() - localvarint( "ui_show_killedBy" ) < 4000 ) && !dvarbool( "ui_hide_playercards" )))) //fixed > 200 tokens error here ~ banz } itemDef { rect 0 -125 40 40 2 10 ownerdraw 72 visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 0.65 type 8 textscale 0.375 textstyle 3 visible when ( ( ( ! ( ui_active( ) ) ) && ( ! ( dvarbool( "g_hardcore" ) ) ) && ( ! ( spectatingclient( ) ) ) && ( ! ( inkillcam( ) ) ) && ( ! ( dvarint( "scr_gameended" ) ) ) && ( ! ( flashbanged( ) ) ) && ( ! ( ( weaponname( ) == "killstreak_ac130_mp" ) || ( weaponname( ) == "killstreak_helicopter_minigun_mp" ) || ( weaponname( ) == "killstreak_predator_missile_mp" ) || ( ( weaponname( ) == "ac130_105mm_mp" ) || ( weaponname( ) == "ac130_40mm_mp" ) || ( weaponname( ) == "ac130_25mm_mp" ) ) || ( adsjavelin( ) ) || ( weaponname( ) == "heli_remote_mp" ) || missilecam( ) ) ) ) ) } itemDef { rect 0 -125 0 0 2 2 ownerdraw 113 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 type 8 textfont 1 textscale 0.375 textstyle 3 visible when ( ( ! ( ui_active( ) ) ) && ( ! ( spectatingclient( ) ) ) ) } itemDef { name "talking" rect 108 48 24 24 8 8 ownerdraw 266 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 0.85 type 8 textscale 0.55 exp rect y ( 6 + ( ( ( ( dvarstring( "ui_danger_team" ) == "contested" ) || ( dvarstring( "ui_danger_team" ) != "BombExploded" && ( team( "name" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" && dvarstring( "ui_danger_team" ) == "axis" ) || ( team( "name" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" && dvarstring( "ui_danger_team" ) == "allies" ) ) || ( dvarstring( "ui_danger_team" ) != "BombExploded" && dvarstring( "ui_danger_team" ) == "none" ) || ( dvarstring( "ui_danger_team" ) != "BombExploded" && ( team( "name" ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" && dvarstring( "ui_danger_team" ) == "allies" ) || ( team( "name" ) == "TEAM_AXIS" && dvarstring( "ui_danger_team" ) == "axis" ) ) ) ) * 16 ) + ( ( dvarint( "ui_bomb_timer" ) ) * 26 ) ) visible when ( ( ( ! ( ui_active( ) ) ) && ( ! ( dvarbool( "g_hardcore" ) ) ) && ( ! ( inkillcam( ) ) ) && ( ! ( dvarint( "scr_gameended" ) ) ) ) ) } itemDef { name "talker1" rect 0 136 18 18 8 8 ownerdraw 193 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 type 8 textalignx 18 textaligny 17 textscale 0.375 textstyle 3 visible when ( ( ( ! ( ui_active( ) ) ) && ( ! ( dvarbool( "g_hardcore" ) ) ) && ( ! ( inkillcam( ) ) ) && ( ! ( dvarint( "scr_gameended" ) ) ) ) ) } itemDef { name "talker2" rect 0 154 18 18 8 8 ownerdraw 194 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 type 8 textalignx 18 textaligny 17 textscale 0.375 textstyle 3 visible when ( ( ( ! ( ui_active( ) ) ) && ( ! ( dvarbool( "g_hardcore" ) ) ) && ( ! ( inkillcam( ) ) ) && ( ! ( dvarint( "scr_gameended" ) ) ) ) ) } itemDef { name "talker3" rect 0 172 18 18 8 8 ownerdraw 195 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 type 8 textalignx 18 textaligny 17 textscale 0.375 textstyle 3 visible when ( ( ( ! ( ui_active( ) ) ) && ( ! ( dvarbool( "g_hardcore" ) ) ) && ( ! ( inkillcam( ) ) ) && ( ! ( dvarint( "scr_gameended" ) ) ) ) ) } itemDef { name "talker4" rect 0 190 18 18 8 8 ownerdraw 196 decoration visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 type 8 textalignx 18 textaligny 17 textscale 0.375 textstyle 3 visible when ( ( ( ! ( ui_active( ) ) ) && ( ! ( dvarbool( "g_hardcore" ) ) ) && ( ! ( inkillcam( ) ) ) && ( ! ( dvarint( "scr_gameended" ) ) ) ) ) } itemDef { rect -100 20 200 0 2 1 visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 0.65 textalign 9 textscale 0.375 textstyle 3 text "@CGAME_FOLLOWING" visible when ( ( ! ( inkillcam( ) ) ) && ( spectatingclient( ) || spectatingfree( ) ) && ( ! ( ui_active( ) ) ) && ( ! ( dvarint( "scr_gameended" ) ) ) ) } itemDef { rect -120 -35 180 5 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP //moved to the right side ~ banz //rect -115 0 180 5 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT 8 //hmm setting vertical align relative too ownerdraw 61 //follow previous / next player text visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 0.65 type 8 textalign 4 textscale 0.375 textstyle 3 visible when ( ( ! ( inkillcam( ) ) ) && ( spectatingclient( ) || spectatingfree( ) ) && ( ! ( ui_active( ) ) ) && ( ! ( dvarint( "scr_gameended" ) ) ) ) } itemDef { rect 6 -60 10 10 8 10 visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 0.45 type 19 textscale 0.375 textstyle 3 gamemsgwindowmode 1 visible when ( ( ! ( inkillcam( ) ) ) && ( ! ( ui_active( ) ) ) ) } itemDef { rect 0 -60 10 10 9 9 visible 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 type 19 textfont 1 textalign 1 textscale 0.375 textstyle 3 gamemsgwindowindex 1 gamemsgwindowmode 1 visible when ( ( ! ( inkillcam( ) ) ) && ( ! ( ui_active( ) ) ) ) } } }