window.address = location.hostname + (location.port ? ':' + location.port : ''); window.origin = location.protocol + '//' + window.address; function toBool (data) { if (data > 0) { return "Yes"; } return "No"; } function getFfType (data) { switch(data) { case 0: return "Disabled"; case 1: return "Enabled"; case 2: return "Reflected"; case 3: return "Shared"; default: return "Disabled"; } } function getServerInfo(status, countPlayers) { var mod = status.fs_game; if (!mod) { mod = ""; } var row = ""; row += "Map: " + status.mapname + "Gametype: " + status.g_gametype + "Players: " + countPlayers + "/" + status.sv_maxclients + ""; row += "" row += "Mod: " + mod.replace(/^mods\//g, "") + "Security Level: " + status.sv_securityLevel + "Password Protected: " + toBool(status.isPrivate) + ""; row += "" row += "Hardcore Mode: " + toBool(status.g_hardcore) + "KillCam: " + toBool(status.scr_game_allowkillcam) + "Friendly Fire: " + getFfType(status.scr_team_fftype) + ""; row += "" $("#serverinfo").append(row); } function buildPlayerList(players) { for (var i = 0; i < players.length; ++i) { var row = ""; row += "" + players[i].name + ""; row += "" + players[i].test_client + ""; row += "" + players[i].score + ""; row += "" + players[i].ping + ""; row += ""; $("#players").append(row); } if (players.length == 0) { $("#playertable").fadeOut(1); } } function buildPage(data) { // Get dvar sv_hostname and remove color codes var hostname = (data["status"]["sv_hostname"]).replace(/\^[0-9:;c]/g, ""); // Set title document.title = hostname $("#servername").text(document.title); getServerInfo(data["status"], data["players"].length); buildPlayerList(data["players"]); $('body').fadeIn(300); } $(document).ready(function() { $("#connect").click(function() { location.replace("iw4x://" + window.address); }); $.getJSON(origin + "/info", function(data) { console.log(data); setTimeout(buildPage.bind(undefined, data), 10); }).fail(function() { alert("An error occured while updating the server information!"); }); $("#footer").click(function() { location.replace(""); }); });