scriptPrintln( channel, msg ) { setprintchannel( channel ); println( msg ); setprintchannel( "script" ); } debugPrintln( channel, msg ) { setprintchannel( "script_debug" ); println( msg ); setprintchannel( "script" ); } draw_debug_line( start, end, timer ) { for ( i = 0;i < timer * 20;i++ ) { line( start, end, ( 1, 1, 0.5 ) ); wait( 0.05 ); } } waittillend( msg ) { self waittillmatch( msg, "end" ); } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: noself_func( , , , , )" "Summary: Runs a function from level.func, if it exists. Stand alone, doesn't run on anything. Useful for common scripts where a code function may not exist in one codebase or the other." "Module: Utility" "CallOn: An entity" "MandatoryArg: : String reference to level.func array." "OptionalArg: : " "OptionalArg: : " "OptionalArg: : " "OptionalArg: : " "Example: noself_func( "setsaveddvar", "r_spotlightbrightness", maxVal );" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ noself_func( func, parm1, parm2, parm3, parm4 ) { if ( !isdefined( level.func ) ) return; if ( !isdefined( level.func[ func ] ) ) return; if ( !isdefined( parm1 ) ) { call [[ level.func[ func ] ]](); return; } if ( !isdefined( parm2 ) ) { call [[ level.func[ func ] ]]( parm1 ); return; } if ( !isdefined( parm3 ) ) { call [[ level.func[ func ] ]]( parm1, parm2 ); return; } if ( !isdefined( parm4 ) ) { call [[ level.func[ func ] ]]( parm1, parm2, parm3 ); return; } call [[ level.func[ func ] ]]( parm1, parm2, parm3, parm4 ); } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: self_func( , , , , )" "Summary: Runs a function from level.func, if it exists. Runs on whatever calls it. Useful for common scripts where a code function may not exist in one codebase or the other." "Module: Utility" "CallOn: An entity" "MandatoryArg: : String reference to level.func array." "OptionalArg: : " "OptionalArg: : " "OptionalArg: : " "OptionalArg: : " "Example: level.player self_func( "some_player_function", 1, 2 );" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ self_func( func, parm1, parm2, parm3, parm4 ) { if ( !isdefined( level.func[ func ] ) ) return; if ( !isdefined( parm1 ) ) { self call [[ level.func[ func ] ]](); return; } if ( !isdefined( parm2 ) ) { self call [[ level.func[ func ] ]]( parm1 ); return; } if ( !isdefined( parm3 ) ) { self call [[ level.func[ func ] ]]( parm1, parm2 ); return; } if ( !isdefined( parm4 ) ) { self call [[ level.func[ func ] ]]( parm1, parm2, parm3 ); return; } self call [[ level.func[ func ] ]]( parm1, parm2, parm3, parm4 ); } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: randomvector( )" "Summary: returns a random vector centered on " "Module: Vector" "CallOn: Level" "MandatoryArg: : " "Example: direction = randomvector( 1 )" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ randomvector( num ) { return( randomfloat( num ) - num * 0.5, randomfloat( num ) - num * 0.5, randomfloat( num ) - num * 0.5 ); } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: randomvectorrange( , )" "Summary: returns a random vector centered between and " "Module: Vector" "CallOn: Level" "MandatoryArg: : " "MandatoryArg: : " "Example: direction = randomvectorrange( 5, 10 )" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ randomvectorrange( num_min, num_max ) { assert( isdefined( num_min ) ); assert( isdefined( num_max ) ); x = randomfloatrange( num_min, num_max ); if ( randomint( 2 ) == 0 ) x *= -1; y = randomfloatrange( num_min, num_max ); if ( randomint( 2 ) == 0 ) y *= -1; z = randomfloatrange( num_min, num_max ); if ( randomint( 2 ) == 0 ) z *= -1; return( x, y, z ); } angle_dif ( oldangle, newangle ) { // returns the difference between two yaws if ( oldangle == newangle ) return 0; while ( newangle > 360 ) newangle -= 360; while ( newangle < 0 ) newangle += 360; while ( oldangle > 360 ) oldangle -= 360; while ( oldangle < 0 ) oldangle += 360; olddif = undefined; newdif = undefined; if ( newangle > 180 ) newdif = 360 - newangle; else newdif = newangle; if ( oldangle > 180 ) olddif = 360 - oldangle; else olddif = oldangle; outerdif = newdif + olddif; innerdif = 0; if ( newangle > oldangle ) innerdif = newangle - oldangle; else innerdif = oldangle - newangle; if ( innerdif < outerdif ) return innerdif; else return outerdif; } sign( x ) { if ( x >= 0 ) return 1; return - 1; } track( spot_to_track ) { if ( isdefined( self.current_target ) ) { if ( spot_to_track == self.current_target ) return; } self.current_target = spot_to_track; } get_enemy_team( team ) { assertEx( team != "neutral", "Team must be allies or axis" ); teams = []; teams[ "axis" ] = "allies"; teams[ "allies" ] = "axis"; return teams[ team ]; } clear_exception( type ) { assert( isdefined( self.exception[ type ] ) ); self.exception[ type ] = anim.defaultException; } set_exception( type, func ) { assert( isdefined( self.exception[ type ] ) ); self.exception[ type ] = func; } set_all_exceptions( exceptionFunc ) { keys = getArrayKeys( self.exception ); for ( i = 0; i < keys.size; i++ ) { self.exception[ keys[ i ] ] = exceptionFunc; } } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: cointoss()" "Summary: 50/50 returns true" "Module: Utility" "CallOn: Level" "Example: if(cointoss())" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ cointoss() { return randomint( 100 ) >= 50 ; } choose_from_weighted_array( values, weights ) { assert( values.size == weights.size ); randomval = randomint( weights[ weights.size - 1 ] + 1 ); for ( i = 0; i < weights.size; i++ ) { if ( randomval <= weights[i] ) return values[i]; } } get_cumulative_weights( weights ) { cumulative_weights = []; sum = 0; for ( i = 0; i < weights.size; i++ ) { sum += weights[i]; cumulative_weights[i] = sum; } return cumulative_weights; } waittill_string( msg, ent ) { if ( msg != "death" ) self endon( "death" ); ent endon( "die" ); self waittill( msg ); ent notify( "returned", msg ); } waittill_multiple( string1, string2, string3, string4, string5 ) { self endon( "death" ); ent = spawnstruct(); ent.threads = 0; if ( isdefined( string1 ) ) { self thread waittill_string( string1, ent ); ent.threads++; } if ( isdefined( string2 ) ) { self thread waittill_string( string2, ent ); ent.threads++; } if ( isdefined( string3 ) ) { self thread waittill_string( string3, ent ); ent.threads++; } if ( isdefined( string4 ) ) { self thread waittill_string( string4, ent ); ent.threads++; } if ( isdefined( string5 ) ) { self thread waittill_string( string5, ent ); ent.threads++; } while ( ent.threads ) { ent waittill( "returned" ); ent.threads--; } ent notify( "die" ); } waittill_multiple_ents( ent1, string1, ent2, string2, ent3, string3, ent4, string4 ) { self endon( "death" ); ent = spawnstruct(); ent.threads = 0; if ( isdefined( ent1 ) ) { assert( isdefined( string1 ) ); ent1 thread waittill_string( string1, ent ); ent.threads++; } if ( isdefined( ent2 ) ) { assert( isdefined( string2 ) ); ent2 thread waittill_string( string2, ent ); ent.threads++; } if ( isdefined( ent3 ) ) { assert( isdefined( string3 ) ); ent3 thread waittill_string( string3, ent ); ent.threads++; } if ( isdefined( ent4 ) ) { assert( isdefined( string4 ) ); ent4 thread waittill_string( string4, ent ); ent.threads++; } while ( ent.threads ) { ent waittill( "returned" ); ent.threads--; } ent notify( "die" ); } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: waittill_any_return( , , , , )" "Summary: Waits for any of several messages then returns what it was." "Module: Utility" "MandatoryArg: : A string to wait on" "MandatoryArg: : A string to wait on" "OptionalArg: : A string to wait on" "OptionalArg: : A string to wait on" "OptionalArg: : A string to wait on" "Example: msg = level.player waittill_any_return( "weapon_fired", "player_flash", "player_frag" );" "SPMP: singleplayer" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ waittill_any_return( string1, string2, string3, string4, string5 ) { if ( ( !isdefined( string1 ) || string1 != "death" ) && ( !isdefined( string2 ) || string2 != "death" ) && ( !isdefined( string3 ) || string3 != "death" ) && ( !isdefined( string4 ) || string4 != "death" ) && ( !isdefined( string5 ) || string5 != "death" ) ) self endon( "death" ); ent = spawnstruct(); if ( isdefined( string1 ) ) self thread waittill_string( string1, ent ); if ( isdefined( string2 ) ) self thread waittill_string( string2, ent ); if ( isdefined( string3 ) ) self thread waittill_string( string3, ent ); if ( isdefined( string4 ) ) self thread waittill_string( string4, ent ); if ( isdefined( string5 ) ) self thread waittill_string( string5, ent ); ent waittill( "returned", msg ); ent notify( "die" ); return msg; } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: waittill_any_timeout( , , , , , )" "Summary: " "Module: Entity" "CallOn: An entity" "MandatoryArg: : " "OptionalArg: : " "Example: " "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ waittill_any_timeout( timeOut, string1, string2, string3, string4, string5 ) { if ( ( !isdefined( string1 ) || string1 != "death" ) && ( !isdefined( string2 ) || string2 != "death" ) && ( !isdefined( string3 ) || string3 != "death" ) && ( !isdefined( string4 ) || string4 != "death" ) && ( !isdefined( string5 ) || string5 != "death" ) ) self endon( "death" ); ent = spawnstruct(); if ( isdefined( string1 ) ) self thread waittill_string( string1, ent ); if ( isdefined( string2 ) ) self thread waittill_string( string2, ent ); if ( isdefined( string3 ) ) self thread waittill_string( string3, ent ); if ( isdefined( string4 ) ) self thread waittill_string( string4, ent ); if ( isdefined( string5 ) ) self thread waittill_string( string5, ent ); ent thread _timeout( timeOut ); ent waittill( "returned", msg ); ent notify( "die" ); return msg; } _timeout( delay ) { self endon( "die" ); wait( delay ); self notify( "returned", "timeout" ); } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: waittill_any( , , , , , , , )" "Summary: " "Module: Entity" "CallOn: An entity" "MandatoryArg: : a notify on which the entity should wait" "OptionalArg: - : optional other notifies to wait for" "Example: " "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ waittill_any( string1, string2, string3, string4, string5, string6, string7, string8 ) { assert( isdefined( string1 ) ); if ( isdefined( string2 ) ) self endon( string2 ); if ( isdefined( string3 ) ) self endon( string3 ); if ( isdefined( string4 ) ) self endon( string4 ); if ( isdefined( string5 ) ) self endon( string5 ); if ( isdefined( string6 ) ) self endon( string6 ); if ( isdefined( string7 ) ) self endon( string7 ); if ( isdefined( string8 ) ) self endon( string8 ); self waittill( string1 ); } waittill_any_ents( ent1, string1, ent2, string2, ent3, string3, ent4, string4, ent5, string5, ent6, string6, ent7, string7 ) { assert( isdefined( ent1 ) ); assert( isdefined( string1 ) ); if ( ( isdefined( ent2 ) ) && ( isdefined( string2 ) ) ) ent2 endon( string2 ); if ( ( isdefined( ent3 ) ) && ( isdefined( string3 ) ) ) ent3 endon( string3 ); if ( ( isdefined( ent4 ) ) && ( isdefined( string4 ) ) ) ent4 endon( string4 ); if ( ( isdefined( ent5 ) ) && ( isdefined( string5 ) ) ) ent5 endon( string5 ); if ( ( isdefined( ent6 ) ) && ( isdefined( string6 ) ) ) ent6 endon( string6 ); if ( ( isdefined( ent7 ) ) && ( isdefined( string7 ) ) ) ent7 endon( string7 ); ent1 waittill( string1 ); } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: isFlashed()" "Summary: Returns true if the player or an AI is flashed" "Module: Utility" "CallOn: An AI" "Example: flashed = level.price isflashed();" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ isFlashed() { if ( !isdefined( self.flashEndTime ) ) return false; return gettime() < self.flashEndTime; } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: flag_exist( )" "Summary: checks to see if a flag exists" "Module: Flag" "MandatoryArg: : name of the flag to check" "Example: if( flag_exist( "hq_cleared" ) );" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ flag_exist( message ) { return isdefined( level.flag[ message ] ); } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: flag( , )" "Summary: Checks if the flag is set. Returns true or false." "Module: Flag" "MandatoryArg: : name of the flag to check" "OptionalArg: : You can check the flag settings for a specific entity by passing the entity" "Example: if ( flag( "hq_cleared" ) )" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ flag( message ) { assertEx( isdefined( message ), "Tried to check flag but the flag was not defined." ); assertEx( isdefined( level.flag[ message ] ), "Tried to check flag " + message + " but the flag was not initialized." ); return level.flag[ message ]; } init_flags() { level.flag = []; level.flags_lock = []; level.generic_index = 0; if ( !isdefined( level.sp_stat_tracking_func ) ) level.sp_stat_tracking_func = ::empty_init_func; level.flag_struct = spawnstruct(); level.flag_struct assign_unique_id(); } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: flag_init( )" "Summary: Initialize a flag to be used. All flags must be initialized before using flag_set or flag_wait" "Module: Flag" "CallOn: " "MandatoryArg: : name of the flag to create" "Example: flag_init( "hq_cleared" );" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ flag_init( message ) { if ( !isDefined( level.flag ) ) { init_flags(); } /# if ( isdefined( level.first_frame ) && level.first_frame == -1 ) assertEx( !isDefined( level.flag[ message ] ), "Attempt to reinitialize existing message: " + message ); #/ level.flag[ message ] = false; /# // lock check #/ if ( !isdefined( level.trigger_flags ) ) { init_trigger_flags(); level.trigger_flags[ message ] = []; } else if ( !isdefined( level.trigger_flags[ message ] ) ) { level.trigger_flags[ message ] = []; } if ( issuffix( message, "aa_" ) ) { thread [[ level.sp_stat_tracking_func ]]( message ); } } empty_init_func( empty ) { } issuffix( msg, suffix ) { if ( suffix.size > msg.size ) return false; for ( i = 0; i < suffix.size; i++ ) { if ( msg[ i ] != suffix[ i ] ) return false; } return true; } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: flag_set( , )" "Summary: Sets the specified flag, all scripts using flag_wait will now continue." "Module: Flag" "MandatoryArg: : name of the flag to set" "OptionalArg: : Pass an entity with the flag_set" "Example: flag_set( "hq_broiled" );" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ flag_set( message, setter ) { /# assertEx( isDefined( level.flag[ message ] ), "Attempt to set a flag before calling flag_init: " + message ); //lock check #/ level.flag[ message ] = true; set_trigger_flag_permissions( message ); if ( isdefined( setter ) ) { level notify( message, setter );// notify needs to be very last thing called } else { level notify( message );// notify needs to be very last thing called } } assign_unique_id() { self.unique_id = "generic" + level.generic_index; level.generic_index++; } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: flag_wait( , )" "Summary: Waits until the specified flag is set." "Module: Flag" "MandatoryArg: : name of the flag to wait on" "OptionalArg: : You can wait until a flag is set for a specific entity" "Example: flag_wait( "hq_cleared" );" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ flag_wait( msg, entity ) { other = undefined; while ( !flag( msg ) ) { other = undefined; level waittill( msg, other ); // if we're waiting for the flag on a specific entity then we have to check // to see if the flag is set on that specific entity if ( isdefined( entity ) && flag( msg, entity ) ) break; } if ( isdefined( other ) ) return other; } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: flag_clear( , )" "Summary: Clears the specified flag." "Module: Flag" "MandatoryArg: : name of the flag to clear" "Example: flag_clear( "hq_cleared" );" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ flag_clear( message ) { /# assertEx( isDefined( level.flag[ message ] ), "Attempt to set a flag before calling flag_init: " + message ); // lock implementation tbd #/ //do this check so we don't unneccessarily send a notify if ( !flag( message ) ) return; level.flag[ message ] = false; set_trigger_flag_permissions( message ); level notify( message );// the notify needs to be the very last thing called in this function } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: flag_waitopen( )" "Summary: Waits for the flag to open" "Module: Flag" "MandatoryArg: : The flag" "Example: flag_waitopen( "get_me_bagels" );" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ flag_waitopen( msg ) { while ( flag( msg ) ) level waittill( msg ); } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: waittill_either( , )" "Summary: Waits until either message, on self" "Module: Utility" "CallOn: An entity or the level" "MandatoryArg: : First msg to wait on" "MandatoryArg: : Second msg to wait on" "Example: level waittill_either( "yo", "no" );" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ waittill_either( msg1, msg2 ) { self endon( msg1 ); self waittill( msg2 ); } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: array_thread( , , , , )" "Summary: Threads the < process > function on every entity in the < entities > array. The entity will become "self" in the specified function." "Module: Array" "CallOn: " "MandatoryArg: : array of entities to thread the process" "MandatoryArg: : pointer to a script function" "OptionalArg: : parameter 1 to pass to the process" "OptionalArg: : parameter 2 to pass to the process" "OptionalArg: : parameter 3 to pass to the process" "Example: array_thread( array_of_guys, ::set_ignoreme, false );" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ array_thread( entities, process, var1, var2, var3, var4, var5, var6, var7, var8, var9 ) { if ( !isdefined( var1 ) ) { foreach ( ent in entities ) ent thread [[ process ]](); return; } if ( !isdefined( var2 ) ) { foreach ( ent in entities ) ent thread [[ process ]]( var1 ); return; } if ( !isdefined( var3 ) ) { foreach ( ent in entities ) ent thread [[ process ]]( var1, var2 ); return; } if ( !isdefined( var4 ) ) { foreach ( ent in entities ) ent thread [[ process ]]( var1, var2, var3 ); return; } if ( !isdefined( var5 ) ) { foreach ( ent in entities ) ent thread [[ process ]]( var1, var2, var3, var4 ); return; } if ( !isdefined( var6 ) ) { foreach ( ent in entities ) ent thread [[ process ]]( var1, var2, var3, var4, var5 ); return; } if ( !isdefined( var7 ) ) { foreach ( ent in entities ) ent thread [[ process ]]( var1, var2, var3, var4, var5, var6 ); return; } if ( !isdefined( var8 ) ) { foreach ( ent in entities ) ent thread [[ process ]]( var1, var2, var3, var4, var5, var6, var7 ); return; } if ( !isdefined( var9 ) ) { foreach ( ent in entities ) ent thread [[ process ]]( var1, var2, var3, var4, var5, var6, var7, var8 ); return; } foreach ( ent in entities ) ent thread [[ process ]]( var1, var2, var3, var4, var5, var6, var7, var8, var9 ); return; } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: array_call( , , , , )" "Summary: Runs the code < process > function on every entity in the < entities > array. The entity will become "self" in the specified function." "Module: Array" "CallOn: " "MandatoryArg: : array of entities to thread the process" "MandatoryArg: : pointer to a code function" "OptionalArg: : parameter 1 to pass to the process" "OptionalArg: : parameter 2 to pass to the process" "OptionalArg: : parameter 3 to pass to the process" "Example: array_call( array_of_guys, ::set_ignoreme, false );" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ array_call( entities, process, var1, var2, var3 ) { if ( isdefined( var3 ) ) { foreach ( ent in entities ) ent call [[ process ]]( var1, var2, var3 ); return; } if ( isdefined( var2 ) ) { foreach ( ent in entities ) ent call [[ process ]]( var1, var2 ); return; } if ( isdefined( var1 ) ) { foreach ( ent in entities ) ent call [[ process ]]( var1 ); return; } foreach ( ent in entities ) ent call [[ process ]](); } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: array_thread4( , , , , , )" "Summary: " "Module: Entity" "CallOn: An entity" "MandatoryArg: : " "OptionalArg: : " "Example: " "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ array_thread4( entities, process, var1, var2, var3, var4 ) { array_thread( entities, process, var1, var2, var3, var4 ); } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: array_thread5( , , , , , , )" "Summary: " "Module: Entity" "CallOn: An entity" "MandatoryArg: : " "OptionalArg: : " "Example: " "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ array_thread5( entities, process, var1, var2, var3, var4, var5 ) { array_thread( entities, process, var1, var2, var3, var4, var5 ); } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: remove_undefined_from_array()" "Summary: remove elements from an array that are undefined" "Module: Array" "CallOn: " "MandatoryArg: : array to clear out" "Example: level.trigger_flags[ msg ] = remove_undefined_from_array( level.trigger_flags[ msg ] );" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ remove_undefined_from_array( array ) { newarray = []; for ( i = 0; i < array.size; i++ ) { if ( !isdefined( array[ i ] ) ) continue; newarray[ newarray.size ] = array[ i ]; } return newarray; } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: trigger_on( , )" "Summary: Turns a trigger on. This only needs to be called if it was previously turned off" "Module: Trigger" "CallOn: A trigger" "OptionalArg: : the name corrisponding to a targetname or script_noteworthy to grab the trigger internally" "OptionalArg: : the type( targetname, or script_noteworthy ) corrisponding to a name to grab the trigger internally" "Example: trigger trigger_on(); -or- trigger_on( "base_trigger", "targetname" )" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ trigger_on( name, type ) { if ( isdefined( name ) && isdefined( type ) ) { ents = getentarray( name, type ); array_thread( ents, ::trigger_on_proc ); } else self trigger_on_proc(); } trigger_on_proc() { if ( isDefined( self.realOrigin ) ) self.origin = self.realOrigin; self.trigger_off = undefined; } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: trigger_off( , )" "Summary: Turns a trigger off so it can no longer be triggered." "Module: Trigger" "CallOn: A trigger" "OptionalArg: : the name corrisponding to a targetname or script_noteworthy to grab the trigger internally" "OptionalArg: : the type( targetname, or script_noteworthy ) corrisponding to a name to grab the trigger internally" "Example: trigger trigger_off();" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ trigger_off( name, type ) { if ( isdefined( name ) && isdefined( type ) ) { ents = getentarray( name, type ); array_thread( ents, ::trigger_off_proc ); } else self trigger_off_proc(); } trigger_off_proc() { if ( !isDefined( self.realOrigin ) ) self.realOrigin = self.origin; if ( self.origin == self.realorigin ) self.origin += ( 0, 0, -10000 ); self.trigger_off = true; } set_trigger_flag_permissions( msg ) { // turns triggers on or off depending on if they have the proper flags set, based on their shift-g menu settings // this can be init before _load has run, thanks to AI. if ( !isdefined( level.trigger_flags ) ) return; // cheaper to do the upkeep at this time rather than with endons and waittills on the individual triggers level.trigger_flags[ msg ] = remove_undefined_from_array( level.trigger_flags[ msg ] ); array_thread( level.trigger_flags[ msg ], ::update_trigger_based_on_flags ); } update_trigger_based_on_flags() { true_on = true; if ( isdefined( self.script_flag_true ) ) { true_on = false; tokens = create_flags_and_return_tokens( self.script_flag_true ); // stay off unless all the flags are false foreach ( token in tokens ) { if ( flag( token ) ) { true_on = true; break; } } } false_on = true; if ( isdefined( self.script_flag_false ) ) { tokens = create_flags_and_return_tokens( self.script_flag_false ); // stay off unless all the flags are false foreach ( token in tokens ) { if ( flag( token ) ) { false_on = false; break; } } } [[ level.trigger_func[ true_on && false_on ] ]](); } create_flags_and_return_tokens( flags ) { tokens = strtok( flags, " " ); // create the flag if level script does not for ( i = 0; i < tokens.size; i++ ) { if ( !isdefined( level.flag[ tokens[ i ] ] ) ) { flag_init( tokens[ i ] ); } } return tokens; } init_trigger_flags() { level.trigger_flags = []; level.trigger_func[ true ] = ::trigger_on; level.trigger_func[ false ] = ::trigger_off; } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: getstruct( , )" "Summary: get a struct by target, targetname,script_noteworthy, or script_linkname types, must be called after maps\_load::main();" "Module: Struct" "CallOn: Level" "MandatoryArg: : name of key" "MandatoryArg: : key type" "Example: position = getstruct("waypoint1","targetname"); "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ getstruct( name, type ) { assertex( isdefined( name ) && isdefined( type ), "Did not fill in name and type" ); assertEx( isdefined( level.struct_class_names ), "Tried to getstruct before the structs were init" ); array = level.struct_class_names[ type ][ name ]; if ( !isdefined( array ) ) { return undefined; } if ( array.size > 1 ) { assertMsg( "getstruct used for more than one struct of type " + type + " called " + name + "." ); return undefined; } return array[ 0 ]; } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: getstructarray( , : " "MandatoryArg: : " "Example: fxemitters = getstructarray( "streetlights", "targetname" )" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ getstructarray( name, type ) { assertEx( isdefined( level.struct_class_names ), "Tried to getstruct before the structs were init" ); array = level.struct_class_names[ type ][ name ]; if ( !isdefined( array ) ) return []; return array; } struct_class_init() { assertEx( !isdefined( level.struct_class_names ), "level.struct_class_names is being initialized in the wrong place! It shouldn't be initialized yet." ); level.struct_class_names = []; level.struct_class_names[ "target" ] = []; level.struct_class_names[ "targetname" ] = []; level.struct_class_names[ "script_noteworthy" ] = []; level.struct_class_names[ "script_linkname" ] = []; foreach ( struct in level.struct ) { if ( isdefined( struct.targetname ) ) { if ( !isdefined( level.struct_class_names[ "targetname" ][ struct.targetname ] ) ) level.struct_class_names[ "targetname" ][ struct.targetname ] = []; size = level.struct_class_names[ "targetname" ][ struct.targetname ].size; level.struct_class_names[ "targetname" ][ struct.targetname ][ size ] = struct; } if ( isdefined( ) ) { if ( !isdefined( level.struct_class_names[ "target" ][ ] ) ) level.struct_class_names[ "target" ][ ] = []; size = level.struct_class_names[ "target" ][ ].size; level.struct_class_names[ "target" ][ ][ size ] = struct; } if ( isdefined( struct.script_noteworthy ) ) { if ( !isdefined( level.struct_class_names[ "script_noteworthy" ][ struct.script_noteworthy ] ) ) level.struct_class_names[ "script_noteworthy" ][ struct.script_noteworthy ] = []; size = level.struct_class_names[ "script_noteworthy" ][ struct.script_noteworthy ].size; level.struct_class_names[ "script_noteworthy" ][ struct.script_noteworthy ][ size ] = struct; } if ( isdefined( struct.script_linkname ) ) { assertex( !isdefined( level.struct_class_names[ "script_linkname" ][ struct.script_linkname ] ), "Two structs have the same linkname" ); level.struct_class_names[ "script_linkname" ][ struct.script_linkname ][ 0 ] = struct; } } } fileprint_start( file ) { /# filename = file; level.fileprint = 1; level.fileprintlinecount = 0; level.fileprint_filename = filename; #/ } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: fileprint_map_start( )" "Summary: starts map export with the file trees\cod3\cod3\map_source\xenon_export\ < filename > .map adds header / worldspawn entity to the map. Use this if you want to start a .map export." "Module: Fileprint" "CallOn: Level" "MandatoryArg: : " "OptionalArg: : " "Example: fileprint_map_start( filename );" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ fileprint_map_start() { /# // for the entity count level.fileprint_mapentcount = 0; fileprint_map_header( true ); #/ } fileprint_map_header( bInclude_blank_worldspawn ) { if ( !isdefined( bInclude_blank_worldspawn ) ) bInclude_blank_worldspawn = false; /# fileprint_launcher( "iwmap 6" ); fileprint_launcher( "\"000_Global\" flags active" ); fileprint_launcher( "\"The Map\" flags" ); if ( !bInclude_blank_worldspawn ) return; fileprint_map_entity_start(); fileprint_map_keypairprint( "classname", "worldspawn" ); fileprint_map_entity_end(); #/ } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: fileprint_map_keypairprint( , )" "Summary: prints a pair of keys to the current open map( by fileprint_map_start() )" "Module: Fileprint" "CallOn: Level" "MandatoryArg: : " "MandatoryArg: : " "Example: fileprint_map_keypairprint( "classname", "script_model" );" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ fileprint_map_keypairprint( key1, key2 ) { /# fileprint_launcher( "\"" + key1 + "\" \"" + key2 + "\"" ); #/ } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: fileprint_map_entity_start()" "Summary: prints entity number and opening bracket to currently opened file" "Module: Fileprint" "CallOn: Level" "Example: fileprint_map_entity_start();" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ fileprint_map_entity_start() { /# assert( isdefined( level.fileprint_mapentcount ), "need to start a map with fileprint_map_start() first" ); assert( !isdefined( level.fileprint_entitystart ) ); level.fileprint_entitystart = true; fileprint_launcher( "entity " + level.fileprint_mapentcount ); fileprint_launcher( "{" ); level.fileprint_mapentcount++; #/ } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: fileprint_map_entity_end()" "Summary: close brackets an entity, required for the next entity to begin" "Module: Fileprint" "CallOn: Level" "Example: fileprint_map_entity_end();" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ fileprint_map_entity_end() { /# fileprint_launcher( "}" ); level.fileprint_entitystart = undefined; #/ } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: fileprint_radiant_vec( )" "Summary: this converts a vector to a .map file readable format" "Module: Fileprint" "CallOn: An entity" "MandatoryArg: : " "Example: origin_string = fileprint_radiant_vec( vehicle.angles )" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ fileprint_radiant_vec( vector ) { /# string = "" + vector[ 0 ] + " " + vector[ 1 ] + " " + vector[ 2 ] + ""; return string; #/ } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: vector_multiply( , )" "Summary: multiply a vector" "Module: Vector" "CallOn: Level" "MandatoryArg: : vector to multiply" "MandatoryArg: : scale" "Example: vec = vector_multiply( vec, magnitude );" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ vector_multiply( vec, dif ) { vec = ( vec[ 0 ] * dif, vec[ 1 ] * dif, vec[ 2 ] * dif ); return vec; } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: array_remove( , )" "Summary: Returns < ents > array minus < remover > " "Module: Array" "CallOn: " "MandatoryArg: : array to remove < remover > from" "MandatoryArg: : entity to remove from the array" "Example: ents = array_remove( ents, guy );" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ array_remove( ents, remover ) { newents = []; foreach( index in ents ) { if ( index != remover ) newents[ newents.size ] = index; } return newents; } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: array_remove_array( , )" "Summary: " "Module: Entity" "CallOn: An entity" "MandatoryArg: : " "OptionalArg: : " "Example: " "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ array_remove_array( ents, remover_array ) { foreach( remover in remover_array ) ents = array_remove( ents, remover ); return ents; } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: array_removeUndefined( )" "Summary: Returns a new array of < array > minus the undefined indicies" "Module: Array" "CallOn: " "MandatoryArg: : The array to search for undefined indicies in." "Example: ents = array_removeUndefined( ents );" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ array_removeUndefined( array ) { newArray = []; for ( i = 0; i < array.size; i++ ) { if ( !isdefined( array[ i ] ) ) continue; newArray[ newArray.size ] = array[ i ]; } return newArray; } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: array_levelthread( , , , , )" "Summary: Threads the < process > function for every entity in the < entities > array. The level calls the function and each entity of the array is passed as the first parameter to the process." "Module: Array" "CallOn: " "MandatoryArg: : array of entities to thread the process" "MandatoryArg: : pointer to a script function" "OptionalArg: : parameter 1 to pass to the process" "OptionalArg: : parameter 2 to pass to the process" "OptionalArg: : parameter 3 to pass to the process" "Example: array_levelthread( getentarray( "palm", "targetname" ), ::palmTrees );" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ array_levelthread( array, process, var1, var2, var3 ) { if ( isdefined( var3 ) ) { foreach ( ent in array ) thread [[ process ]]( ent, var1, var2, var3 ); return; } if ( isdefined( var2 ) ) { foreach ( ent in array ) thread [[ process ]]( ent, var1, var2 ); return; } if ( isdefined( var1 ) ) { foreach ( ent in array ) thread [[ process ]]( ent, var1 ); return; } foreach ( ent in array ) thread [[ process ]]( ent ); } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: array_levelcall( , , , , )" "Summary: Calls the < process > function for every entity in the < entities > array. The level calls the function and each entity of the array is passed as the first parameter to the process." "Module: Array" "CallOn: " "MandatoryArg: : array of entities to thread the process" "MandatoryArg: : pointer to a code function" "OptionalArg: : parameter 1 to pass to the process" "OptionalArg: : parameter 2 to pass to the process" "OptionalArg: : parameter 3 to pass to the process" "Example: array_levelthread( array_of_trees, ::palmTrees );" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ array_levelcall( array, process, var1, var2, var3 ) { if ( isdefined( var3 ) ) { foreach ( ent in array ) call [[ process ]]( ent, var1, var2, var3 ); return; } if ( isdefined( var2 ) ) { foreach ( ent in array ) call [[ process ]]( ent, var1, var2 ); return; } if ( isdefined( var1 ) ) { foreach ( ent in array ) call [[ process ]]( ent, var1 ); return; } foreach ( ent in array ) call [[ process ]]( ent ); } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: add_to_array( , )" "Summary: Adds < ent > to < array > and returns the new array." "Module: Array" "CallOn: " "MandatoryArg: : The array to add < ent > to." "MandatoryArg: : The entity to be added." "Example: nodes = add_to_array( nodes, new_node );" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ add_to_array( array, ent ) { if ( !isdefined( ent ) ) return array; if ( !isdefined( array ) ) array[ 0 ] = ent; else array[ array.size ] = ent; return array; } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: flag_assert( )" "Summary: Asserts that a flag is clear. Useful for proving an assumption of a flag's state" "Module: Entity" "CallOn: An entity" "MandatoryArg: : flag name" "Example: flag_assert( "fairground_begins" );" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ flag_assert( msg ) { assertEx( !flag( msg ), "Flag " + msg + " set too soon!" ); } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: flag_wait_either( , )" "Summary: Waits until either of the the specified flags are set." "Module: Flag" "CallOn: " "MandatoryArg: : name of one flag to wait on" "MandatoryArg: : name of the other flag to wait on" "Example: flag_wait( "hq_cleared", "hq_destroyed" );" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ flag_wait_either( flag1, flag2 ) { for ( ;; ) { if ( flag( flag1 ) ) return; if ( flag( flag2 ) ) return; level waittill_either( flag1, flag2 ); } } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: flag_wait_either_return( , )" "Summary: Waits until either of the the specified flags are set, and returns the first one it found." "Module: Flag" "CallOn: " "MandatoryArg: : name of one flag to wait on" "MandatoryArg: : name of the other flag to wait on" "Example: flag_wait( "hq_cleared", "hq_destroyed" );" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ flag_wait_either_return( flag1, flag2 ) { for ( ;; ) { if ( flag( flag1 ) ) return flag1; if ( flag( flag2 ) ) return flag2; msg = level waittill_any_return( flag1, flag2 ); return msg; } } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: flag_wait_any( , , , , , )" "Summary: Waits until any of the the specified flags are set." "Module: Flag" "CallOn: " "MandatoryArg: : name of a flag to wait on" "MandatoryArg: : name of a flag to wait on" "OptionalArg: : name of a flag to wait on" "OptionalArg: : name of a flag to wait on" "Example: flag_wait_any( "hq_cleared", "hq_destroyed", "hq_overrun", "hq_skipped" );" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ flag_wait_any( flag1, flag2, flag3, flag4, flag5, flag6 ) { array = []; if ( isdefined( flag6 ) ) { array[ array.size ] = flag1; array[ array.size ] = flag2; array[ array.size ] = flag3; array[ array.size ] = flag4; array[ array.size ] = flag5; array[ array.size ] = flag6; } else if ( isdefined( flag5 ) ) { array[ array.size ] = flag1; array[ array.size ] = flag2; array[ array.size ] = flag3; array[ array.size ] = flag4; array[ array.size ] = flag5; } else if ( isdefined( flag4 ) ) { array[ array.size ] = flag1; array[ array.size ] = flag2; array[ array.size ] = flag3; array[ array.size ] = flag4; } else if ( isdefined( flag3 ) ) { array[ array.size ] = flag1; array[ array.size ] = flag2; array[ array.size ] = flag3; } else if ( isdefined( flag2 ) ) { flag_wait_either( flag1, flag2 ); return; } else { assertmsg( "flag_wait_any() needs at least 2 flags passed to it" ); return; } for ( ;; ) { for ( i = 0; i < array.size; i++ ) { if ( flag( array[ i ] ) ) return; } level waittill_any( flag1, flag2, flag3, flag4, flag5, flag6 ); } } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: flag_wait_any_return( , , , , , )" "Summary: Waits until any of the the specified flags are set, and returns the first set flag that was found." "Module: Flag" "CallOn: " "MandatoryArg: : name of a flag to wait on" "MandatoryArg: : name of a flag to wait on" "OptionalArg: : name of a flag to wait on" "OptionalArg: : name of a flag to wait on" "Example: returned = flag_wait_any_return( "hq_cleared", "hq_destroyed", "hq_overrun", "hq_skipped" );" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ flag_wait_any_return( flag1, flag2, flag3, flag4, flag5, flag6 ) { array = []; if ( isdefined( flag6 ) ) { array[ array.size ] = flag1; array[ array.size ] = flag2; array[ array.size ] = flag3; array[ array.size ] = flag4; array[ array.size ] = flag5; array[ array.size ] = flag6; } else if ( isdefined( flag5 ) ) { array[ array.size ] = flag1; array[ array.size ] = flag2; array[ array.size ] = flag3; array[ array.size ] = flag4; array[ array.size ] = flag5; } else if ( isdefined( flag4 ) ) { array[ array.size ] = flag1; array[ array.size ] = flag2; array[ array.size ] = flag3; array[ array.size ] = flag4; } else if ( isdefined( flag3 ) ) { array[ array.size ] = flag1; array[ array.size ] = flag2; array[ array.size ] = flag3; } else if ( isdefined( flag2 ) ) { msg = flag_wait_either_return( flag1, flag2 ); return msg; } else { assertmsg( "flag_wait_any_return() needs at least 2 flags passed to it" ); return; } for ( ;; ) { for ( i = 0; i < array.size; i++ ) { if ( flag( array[ i ] ) ) return array[ i ]; } msg = level waittill_any_return( flag1, flag2, flag3, flag4, flag5, flag6 ); return msg; } } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: flag_wait_all( , , , )" "Summary: Waits until all of the the specified flags are set." "Module: Flag" "CallOn: " "MandatoryArg: : name of a flag to wait on" "MandatoryArg: : name of a flag to wait on" "OptionalArg: : name of a flag to wait on" "OptionalArg: : name of a flag to wait on" "Example: flag_wait_any( "hq_cleared", "hq_destroyed", "hq_overrun", "hq_skipped" );" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ flag_wait_all( flag1, flag2, flag3, flag4 ) { if ( isdefined( flag1 ) ) flag_wait( flag1 ); if ( isdefined( flag2 ) ) flag_wait( flag2 ); if ( isdefined( flag3 ) ) flag_wait( flag3 ); if ( isdefined( flag4 ) ) flag_wait( flag4 ); } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: flag_wait_or_timeout( , )" "Summary: Waits until either the flag gets set or the timer elapses." "Module: Flag" "CallOn: " "MandatoryArg: : Amount of time to wait before continuing regardless of flag." "Example: flag_wait_or_timeout( "time_to_go", 3 );" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ flag_wait_or_timeout( flagname, timer ) { timerMS = timer * 1000; start_time = GetTime(); for ( ;; ) { if ( flag( flagname ) ) { break; } if ( GetTime() >= start_time + timerMS ) { break; } timeRemaining = timerMS - ( GetTime() - start_time ); // figure out how long we waited already, if at all timeRemainingSecs = timeRemaining / 1000; wait_for_flag_or_time_elapses( flagname, timeRemainingSecs ); } } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: flag_waitopen_or_timeout( , )" "Summary: Waits until either the flag gets cleared or the timer elapses." "Module: Flag" "CallOn: " "MandatoryArg: : Amount of time to wait before continuing regardless of flag." "Example: flag_waitopen_or_timeout( "time_to_go", 3 );" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ flag_waitopen_or_timeout( flagname, timer ) { start_time = gettime(); for ( ;; ) { if ( !flag( flagname ) ) break; if ( gettime() >= start_time + timer * 1000 ) break; wait_for_flag_or_time_elapses( flagname, timer ); } } wait_for_flag_or_time_elapses( flagname, timer ) { level endon( flagname ); wait( timer ); } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: delayCall( , , , , )" "Summary: delayCall is cool! It saves you from having to write extra script for once off commands. Note you don�t have to thread it off. delaycall is that smart!" "Module: Utility" "MandatoryArg: : The delay before the function occurs" "MandatoryArg: : The function to run." "OptionalArg: : parameter 1 to pass to the process" "OptionalArg: : parameter 2 to pass to the process" "OptionalArg: : parameter 3 to pass to the process" "OptionalArg: : parameter 4 to pass to the process" "Example: delayCall( ::flag_set, "player_can_rappel", 3 );" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ delayCall( timer, func, param1, param2, param3, param4 ) { // to thread it off thread delayCall_proc( func, timer, param1, param2, param3, param4 ); } delayCall_proc( func, timer, param1, param2, param3, param4 ) { if ( isSP() ) self endon( "death" ); wait( timer ); if ( isdefined( param4 ) ) self call [[ func ]]( param1, param2, param3, param4 ); else if ( isdefined( param3 ) ) self call [[ func ]]( param1, param2, param3 ); else if ( isdefined( param2 ) ) self call [[ func ]]( param1, param2 ); else if ( isdefined( param1 ) ) self call [[ func ]]( param1 ); else self call [[ func ]](); } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: noself_delayCall( , , , , , )" "Summary: Calls a command with no self (some commands don't support having self)." "Module: Utility" "MandatoryArg: : The delay before the function occurs" "MandatoryArg: : The function to run." "OptionalArg: : parameter 1 to pass to the process" "OptionalArg: : parameter 2 to pass to the process" "OptionalArg: : parameter 3 to pass to the process" "OptionalArg: : parameter 4 to pass to the process" "Example: noself_delayCall( ::setsaveddvar, "player_can_rappel", 1 );" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ noself_delayCall( timer, func, param1, param2, param3, param4 ) { // to thread it off thread noself_delayCall_proc( func, timer, param1, param2, param3, param4 ); } noself_delayCall_proc( func, timer, param1, param2, param3, param4 ) { wait( timer ); if ( isdefined( param4 ) ) call [[ func ]]( param1, param2, param3, param4 ); else if ( isdefined( param3 ) ) call [[ func ]]( param1, param2, param3 ); else if ( isdefined( param2 ) ) call [[ func ]]( param1, param2 ); else if ( isdefined( param1 ) ) call [[ func ]]( param1 ); else call [[ func ]](); } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: isSP()" "Summary: Returns false if the level name begins with mp_" "Module: Utility" "Example: if ( isSP() );" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ isSP() { return false; // this code is only loaded in MP, so obviously this is MP } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: string_starts_with( , )" "Summary: Returns true if the first string begins with the first string" "Module: Utility" "CallOn:" "MandatoryArg: String to check" "MandatoryArg: Beginning of string to check" "Example: if ( string_starts_with( "somestring", "somest" ) )" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ string_starts_with( string, start ) { assert( isdefined( string ) ); assert( isdefined( start ) ); if ( string.size < start.size ) return false; for ( i = 0 ; i < start.size ; i++ ) { if ( tolower( string[ i ] ) != tolower( start[ i ] ) ) return false; } return true; } plot_points( plotpoints, r, g, b, timer ) { lastpoint = plotpoints[ 0 ]; if ( !isdefined( r ) ) r = 1; if ( !isdefined( g ) ) g = 1; if ( !isdefined( b ) ) b = 1; if ( !isdefined( timer ) ) timer = 0.05; for ( i = 1;i < plotpoints.size;i++ ) { thread draw_line_for_time( lastpoint, plotpoints[ i ], r, g, b, timer ); lastpoint = plotpoints[ i ]; } } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: draw_line_for_time( , , , , , )" "Summary: Draws a line from < org1 > to < org2 > in the specified color for the specified duration" "Module: Debug" "CallOn: " "MandatoryArg: : starting origin for the line" "MandatoryArg: : ending origin for the line" "MandatoryArg: : red color value( 0 to 1 )" "MandatoryArg: : green color value( 0 to 1 )" "MandatoryArg: : blue color value( 0 to 1 )" "MandatoryArg: : time in seconds the line should last" "Example: thread draw_line_for_time( level.player.origin, vehicle.origin, 1, 0, 0, 10.0 );" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ draw_line_for_time( org1, org2, r, g, b, timer ) { timer = gettime() + ( timer * 1000 ); while ( gettime() < timer ) { line( org1, org2, ( r, g, b ), 1 ); wait .05; } } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: array_combine( , )" "Summary: Combines the two arrays and returns the resulting array. This function doesn't care if it produces duplicates in the array." "Module: Array" "CallOn: " "MandatoryArg: : first array" "MandatoryArg: : second array" "Example: combinedArray = array_combine( array1, array2 );" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ array_combine( array1, array2 ) { array3 = []; foreach ( item in array1 ) { array3[ array3.size ] = item; } foreach ( item in array2 ) { array3[ array3.size ] = item; } return array3; } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: flat_angle( )" "Summary: Returns the specified angle as a flat angle.( 45, 90, 30 ) becomes( 0, 90, 30 ). Useful if you just need an angle around Y - axis." "Module: Vector" "CallOn: " "MandatoryArg: : angles to flatten" "Example: yaw = flat_angle( node.angles );" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ flat_angle( angle ) { rangle = ( 0, angle[ 1 ], 0 ); return rangle; } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: flat_origin( )" "Summary: Returns a flat origin of the specified origin. Moves Z corrdinate to 0.( x, y, z ) becomes( x, y, 0 )" "Module: Vector" "CallOn: " "MandatoryArg: : origin to flatten" "Example: org = flat_origin( self.origin );" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ flat_origin( org ) { rorg = ( org[ 0 ], org[ 1 ], 0 ); return rorg; } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: draw_arrow_time( , , , )" "Summary: Draws an arrow pointing at < end > in the specified color for < duration > seconds." "Module: Entity" "CallOn: An entity" "MandatoryArg: : starting coordinate for the arrow" "MandatoryArg: : ending coordinate for the arrow" "MandatoryArg: :( r, g, b ) color array for the arrow" "MandatoryArg: : time in seconds to draw the arrow" "Example: thread draw_arrow_time( lasttarg.origin, targ.origin, ( 0, 0, 1 ), 5.0 );" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ draw_arrow_time( start, end, color, duration ) { level endon( "newpath" ); pts = []; angles = vectortoangles( start - end ); right = anglestoright( angles ); forward = anglestoforward( angles ); up = anglestoup( angles ); dist = distance( start, end ); arrow = []; range = 0.1; arrow[ 0 ] = start; arrow[ 1 ] = start + vector_multiply( right, dist * ( range ) ) + vector_multiply( forward, dist * - 0.1 ); arrow[ 2 ] = end; arrow[ 3 ] = start + vector_multiply( right, dist * ( -1 * range ) ) + vector_multiply( forward, dist * - 0.1 ); arrow[ 4 ] = start; arrow[ 5 ] = start + vector_multiply( up, dist * ( range ) ) + vector_multiply( forward, dist * - 0.1 ); arrow[ 6 ] = end; arrow[ 7 ] = start + vector_multiply( up, dist * ( -1 * range ) ) + vector_multiply( forward, dist * - 0.1 ); arrow[ 8 ] = start; r = color[ 0 ]; g = color[ 1 ]; b = color[ 2 ]; plot_points( arrow, r, g, b, duration ); } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: get_linked_ents()" "Summary: Returns an array of entities that SELF is linked to" "Module: Utility" "CallOn: An entity that links to other entities" "Example: spawners = heli get_linked_ents()" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ get_linked_ents() { array = []; if ( isdefined( self.script_linkto ) ) { linknames = get_links(); foreach ( name in linknames ) { entities = getentarray( name, "script_linkname" ); if ( entities.size > 0 ) array = array_combine( array, entities ); } } return array; } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: get_linked_ent()" "Summary: Returns a single entity that SELF is linked to" "Module: Utility" "CallOn: An entity that links to another entity" "Example: spawner = heli get_linked_ent()" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ get_linked_ent() { array = get_linked_ents(); assert( array.size == 1 ); assert( isdefined( array[ 0 ] ) ); return array[ 0 ]; } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: get_links( )" "Summary: " "Module: Entity" "CallOn: An entity" "MandatoryArg: : " "OptionalArg: : " "Example: " "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ get_links() { return strtok( self.script_linkTo, " " ); } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: run_thread_on_targetname( , , , , )" "Summary: Runs the specified thread on any entity with that targetname" "Module: Utility" "MandatoryArg: : The targetname" "MandatoryArg: : The function" "OptionalArg: : Optional argument" "OptionalArg: : Optional argument" "OptionalArg: : Optional argument" "Example: run_thread_on_targetname( "chopper_guys", ::add_spawn_function, ::chopper_guys_land );" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ run_thread_on_targetname( msg, func, param1, param2, param3 ) { array = getentarray( msg, "targetname" ); array_thread( array, func, param1, param2, param3 ); array = getstructarray( msg, "targetname" ); array_thread( array, func, param1, param2, param3 ); array = call [[ level.getNodeArrayFunction ]]( msg, "targetname" ); array_thread( array, func, param1, param2, param3 ); array = getvehiclenodearray( msg, "targetname" ); array_thread( array, func, param1, param2, param3 ); } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: run_thread_on_noteworthy( , , , , )" "Summary: Runs the specified thread on any entity with that noteworthy" "Module: Utility" "MandatoryArg: : The noteworthy" "MandatoryArg: : The function" "OptionalArg: : Optional argument" "OptionalArg: : Optional argument" "OptionalArg: : Optional argument" "Example: run_thread_on_noteworthy( "chopper_guys", ::add_spawn_function, ::chopper_guys_land );" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ run_thread_on_noteworthy( msg, func, param1, param2, param3 ) { array = getentarray( msg, "script_noteworthy" ); array_thread( array, func, param1, param2, param3 ); array = getstructarray( msg, "script_noteworthy" ); array_thread( array, func, param1, param2, param3 ); array = call [[ level.getNodeArrayFunction ]]( msg, "script_noteworthy" ); array_thread( array, func, param1, param2, param3 ); array = getvehiclenodearray( msg, "script_noteworthy" ); array_thread( array, func, param1, param2, param3 ); } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: draw_arrow( , , )" "Summary: Draws an arrow pointing at < end > in the specified color for < duration > seconds." "Module: Entity" "CallOn: An entity" "MandatoryArg: : starting coordinate for the arrow" "MandatoryArg: : ending coordinate for the arrow" "MandatoryArg: :( r, g, b ) color array for the arrow" "Example: draw_arrow( lasttarg.origin, targ.origin, ( 0, 0, 1 ));" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ draw_arrow( start, end, color ) { level endon( "newpath" ); pts = []; angles = vectortoangles( start - end ); right = anglestoright( angles ); forward = anglestoforward( angles ); dist = distance( start, end ); arrow = []; range = 0.05; arrow[ 0 ] = start; arrow[ 1 ] = start + vector_multiply( right, dist * ( range ) ) + vector_multiply( forward, dist * - 0.2 ); arrow[ 2 ] = end; arrow[ 3 ] = start + vector_multiply( right, dist * ( -1 * range ) ) + vector_multiply( forward, dist * - 0.2 ); for ( p = 0;p < 4;p++ ) { nextpoint = p + 1; if ( nextpoint >= 4 ) nextpoint = 0; line( arrow[ p ], arrow[ nextpoint ], color, 1.0 ); } } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: cap_value( value, minValue, maxValue )" "Summary: Caps a number value within a range" "Module: Utility" "MandatoryArg: : the int or float to cap" "OptionalArg: : minimum allowed value" "OptionalArg: : maximum allowed value" "Example: number = cap_value( number, 0.1, 2.0 );" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ cap_value( value, minValue, maxValue ) { assert( isdefined( value ) ); // handle a min value larger than a max value if ( minValue > maxValue ) return cap_value( value, maxValue, minValue ); assert( minValue <= maxValue ); if ( isdefined( minValue ) && ( value < minValue ) ) return minValue; if ( isdefined( maxValue ) && ( value > maxValue ) ) return maxValue; return value; } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: getfx( )" "Summary: Gets the associated level._effect" "Module: Utility" "MandatoryArg: : The effect" "Example: playfx ( getfx( "heli_dust_default" ), eOrgFx.origin + offset ); " "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ getfx( fx ) { assertEx( isdefined( level._effect[ fx ] ), "Fx " + fx + " is not defined in level._effect." ); return level._effect[ fx ]; } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: fxExists( )" "Summary: Returns whether or not an fx exists" "Module: Utility" "MandatoryArg: : The effect" "Example: if ( fxExists( "blah" ) )" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ fxExists( fx ) { return isdefined( level._effect[ fx ] ); } print_csv_asset( asset, type ) { fileline = type + "," + asset; if ( isdefined( level.csv_lines[ fileline ] ) ) return; level.csv_lines[ fileline ] = true; // fileprint_chk( level.fileprint, fileline ); } fileprint_csv_start( file ) { /# file = "scriptgen/" + file + ".csv"; level.csv_lines = []; #/ } _loadfx( effect ) { return loadfx( effect ); } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: getLastWeapon( )" "Summary: " "Module: Entity" "CallOn: An entity" "MandatoryArg: : " "OptionalArg: : " "Example: " "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ getLastWeapon() { assert( isDefined( self.saved_lastWeapon ) ); return self.saved_lastWeapon; } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: PlayerUnlimitedAmmoThread()" "Summary: " "Module: Entity" "CallOn: An entity" "Example: " "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ PlayerUnlimitedAmmoThread() { /# if ( !isdefined( self ) || self == level || self.code_classname != "player" ) player = level.player; else player = self; assert( isdefined( player ) ); while ( 1 ) { wait .5; if ( getdvar( "UnlimitedAmmoOff" ) == "1" ) continue; currentWeapon = player getCurrentWeapon(); if ( currentWeapon != "none" ) { currentAmmo = player GetFractionMaxAmmo( currentWeapon ); if ( currentAmmo < 0.2 ) player GiveMaxAmmo( currentWeapon ); } currentoffhand = player GetCurrentOffhand(); if ( currentoffhand != "none" ) { currentAmmo = player GetFractionMaxAmmo( currentoffhand ); if ( currentAmmo < 0.4 ) player GiveMaxAmmo( currentoffhand ); } } #/ } isUsabilityEnabled() { return ( !self.disabledUsability ); } _disableUsability() { self.disabledUsability++; self DisableUsability(); } _enableUsability() { self.disabledUsability--; assert( self.disabledUsability >= 0 ); if ( !self.disabledUsability ) self EnableUsability(); } resetUsability() { self.disabledUsability = 0; self EnableUsability(); } _disableWeapon() { self.disabledWeapon++; self disableWeapons(); } _enableWeapon() { self.disabledWeapon--; assert( self.disabledWeapon >= 0 ); if ( !self.disabledWeapon ) self enableWeapons(); } isWeaponEnabled() { return ( !self.disabledWeapon ); } _disableWeaponSwitch() { self.disabledWeaponSwitch++; self disableWeaponSwitch(); } _enableWeaponSwitch() { self.disabledWeaponSwitch--; assert( self.disabledWeaponSwitch >= 0 ); if ( !self.disabledWeaponSwitch ) self enableWeaponSwitch(); } isWeaponSwitchEnabled() { return ( !self.disabledWeaponSwitch ); } _disableOffhandWeapons() { self.disabledOffhandWeapons++; self DisableOffhandWeapons(); } _enableOffhandWeapons() { self.disabledOffhandWeapons--; assert( self.disabledOffhandWeapons >= 0 ); if ( !self.disabledOffhandWeapons ) self EnableOffhandWeapons(); } isOffhandWeaponEnabled() { return ( !self.disabledOffhandWeapons ); } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: random( )" "Summary: chose a random element of an array" "Module: Array" "CallOn: Level" "MandatoryArg: : " "Example: select_spot = random( array );" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ random( array ) { // process the array so it'll work with any string index arrays and arrays with missing entries. newarray = []; foreach ( index, value in array ) { newarray[ newarray.size ] = value; } if ( !newarray.size ) return undefined; return newarray[ randomint( newarray.size ) ]; } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: spawn_tag_origin()" "Summary: Spawn a script model with tag_origin model" "Module: Utility" "Example: ent = spawn_tag_origin();" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ spawn_tag_origin() { tag_origin = spawn( "script_model", ( 0, 0, 0 ) ); tag_origin setmodel( "tag_origin" ); tag_origin hide(); if ( isdefined( self.origin ) ) tag_origin.origin = self.origin; if ( isdefined( self.angles ) ) tag_origin.angles = self.angles; return tag_origin; } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: waittill_notify_or_timeout( , )" "Summary: " "Module: Entity" "CallOn: An entity" "MandatoryArg: : " "OptionalArg: : " "Example: " "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ waittill_notify_or_timeout( msg, timer ) { self endon( msg ); wait( timer ); } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: fileprint_launcher_start_file()" "Summary: Tells Launcher to start storing text to a file. Use in conjunction with fileprint_launcher() and fileprint_launcher_end_file() to append to that file and then instruct launcher to write the file." "Module: Print" "CallOn: Level" "Example: fileprint_launcher_start_file();" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ fileprint_launcher_start_file() { AssertEx( ! isdefined( level.fileprint_launcher ), "Can't open more than one file at a time to print through launcher." ); level.fileprintlauncher_linecount = 0; level.fileprint_launcher = true; fileprint_launcher( "GAMEPRINTSTARTFILE:" ); } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: fileprint_launcher( )" "Summary: Tell launcher to append text to current open file created by fileprint_launcher_start_file(), to be closed and written with fileprint_launcher_end_file() " "Module: Print" "CallOn: Level" "MandatoryArg: : " "Example: fileprint_launcher( "main()" );" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ fileprint_launcher( string ) { assert( isdefined( level.fileprintlauncher_linecount ) ); level.fileprintlauncher_linecount++; if( level.fileprintlauncher_linecount > 200 ) { wait .05; level.fileprintlauncher_linecount = 0; } println( "LAUNCHERPRINTLN:" + string ); } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: fileprint_launcher_end_file( , )" "Summary: Tell launcher to write out Text that has been started and appended to using fileprint_launcher_start_file() and fileprint_launcher(). you must end a file before you can start a new one." "Module: Print" "CallOn: Level" "MandatoryArg: : " "OptionalArg: : " "Example: fileprint_launcher_end_file( "\\share\\raw\\maps\\createart\\" + level.script + "_art.gsc, true );" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ fileprint_launcher_end_file( file_relative_to_game, bIsPerforceEnabled ) { if( !isdefined( bIsPerforceEnabled ) ) bIsPerforceEnabled = false; setDevDvarIfUninitialized("LAUNCHER_PRINT_FAIL", "0"); setDevDvarIfUninitialized("LAUNCHER_PRINT_SUCCESS", "0"); if( bIsPerforceEnabled ) fileprint_launcher( "GAMEPRINTENDFILE:GAMEPRINTP4ENABLED:"+file_relative_to_game ); else fileprint_launcher( "GAMEPRINTENDFILE:"+file_relative_to_game ); // wait for launcher to tell us that it's done writing the file TimeOut = gettime()+4000; // give launcher 4 seconds to print the file. while( getdvarint( "LAUNCHER_PRINT_SUCCESS" ) == 0 && getdvar( "LAUNCHER_PRINT_FAIL" ) == "0" && gettime() < TimeOut ) wait .05; if( ! ( gettime() < TimeOut ) ) { iprintlnbold("LAUNCHER_PRINT_FAIL:( TIMEOUT ): launcherconflict? restart launcher and try again? " ); setdevdvar("LAUNCHER_PRINT_FAIL", "0"); level.fileprint_launcher = undefined; return false; } failvar = getdvar("LAUNCHER_PRINT_FAIL"); if( failvar != "0" ) { iprintlnbold("LAUNCHER_PRINT_FAIL:( "+ failvar + " ): launcherconflict? restart launcher and try again? " ); setdevdvar("LAUNCHER_PRINT_FAIL", "0"); level.fileprint_launcher = undefined; return false; } setdevdvar("LAUNCHER_PRINT_FAIL", "0"); setdevdvar( "LAUNCHER_PRINT_SUCCESS", "0" ); level.fileprint_launcher = undefined; return true; } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: launcher_write_clipboard( )" "Summary: send a string to your Connected PC's clipboard through launcher" "Module: Print" "CallOn: An entity" "MandatoryArg: : " "OptionalArg: : " "Example: launcher_write_clipboard( Players_origin_string )" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ launcher_write_clipboard( str ) { level.fileprintlauncher_linecount = 0; fileprint_launcher( "LAUNCHER_CLIP:" + str ); } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: isDestructible()" "Summary: returns true if self is a destructible" "Module: Entity" "CallOn: An entity" "Example: if ( self isDestructible() )" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ isDestructible() { if ( !isdefined( self ) ) return false; return isdefined( self.destructible_type ); } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: pauseEffect( )" "Summary: " "Module: Entity" "CallOn: An entity" "MandatoryArg: : " "OptionalArg: : " "Example: " "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ pauseEffect() { common_scripts\_createfx::stop_fx_looper(); } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: activate_individual_exploder()" "Summary: Activates an individual exploder, rather than all the exploders of a given number" "Module: Utility" "CallOn: An exploder" "Example: exploder activate_individual_exploder();" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ activate_individual_exploder() { if ( IsDefined( self.v[ "firefx" ] ) ) self thread fire_effect(); if ( IsDefined( self.v[ "fxid" ] ) && self.v[ "fxid" ] != "No FX" ) self thread cannon_effect(); else if ( IsDefined( self.v[ "soundalias" ] ) && self.v[ "soundalias" ] != "nil" ) self thread sound_effect(); if ( IsDefined( self.v[ "loopsound" ] ) && self.v[ "loopsound" ] != "nil" ) self thread effect_loopsound(); if ( IsDefined( self.v[ "damage" ] ) ) self thread exploder_damage(); if ( IsDefined( self.v[ "earthquake" ] ) ) self thread exploder_earthquake(); if ( IsDefined( self.v[ "rumble" ] ) ) self thread exploder_rumble(); if ( self.v[ "exploder_type" ] == "exploder" ) self thread brush_show(); else if ( ( self.v[ "exploder_type" ] == "exploderchunk" ) || ( self.v[ "exploder_type" ] == "exploderchunk visible" ) ) self thread brush_throw(); else self thread brush_delete(); } waitframe() { wait( 0.05 ); } brush_delete() { // if( ent.v[ "exploder_type" ] != "normal" && !isdefined( ent.v[ "fxid" ] ) && !isdefined( ent.v[ "soundalias" ] ) ) // if( !isdefined( ent.script_fxid ) ) num = self.v[ "exploder" ]; if ( IsDefined( self.v[ "delay" ] ) ) wait( self.v[ "delay" ] ); else wait( .05 );// so it disappears after the replacement appears if ( !isdefined( self.model ) ) return; Assert( IsDefined( self.model ) ); if ( isSP() && ( self.model.spawnflags & 1 ) ) self.model call [[ level.connectPathsFunction ]](); if ( level.createFX_enabled ) { if ( IsDefined( self.exploded ) ) return; self.exploded = true; self.model Hide(); self.model NotSolid(); wait( 3 ); self.exploded = undefined; self.model Show(); self.model Solid(); return; } if ( !isdefined( self.v[ "fxid" ] ) || self.v[ "fxid" ] == "No FX" ) self.v[ "exploder" ] = undefined; waittillframeend;// so it hides stuff after it shows the new stuff self.model Delete(); } brush_throw() { if ( IsDefined( self.v[ "delay" ] ) ) wait( self.v[ "delay" ] ); ent = undefined; if ( IsDefined( self.v[ "target" ] ) ) ent = get_target_ent( self.v[ "target" ] ); if ( !isdefined( ent ) ) { self.model Delete(); return; } self.model Show(); if ( IsDefined( self.v[ "delay_post" ] ) ) wait( self.v[ "delay_post" ] ); startorg = self.v[ "origin" ]; startang = self.v[ "angles" ]; org = ent.origin; temp_vec = ( org - self.v[ "origin" ] ); x = temp_vec[ 0 ]; y = temp_vec[ 1 ]; z = temp_vec[ 2 ]; physics = IsDefined( self.v[ "physics" ] ); if ( physics ) { target = undefined; if ( IsDefined( ) ) target = ent get_target_ent(); if ( !isdefined( target ) ) { contact_point = startorg;// no spin just push it. throw_vec = ent.origin; } else { contact_point = ent.origin; throw_vec = vector_multiply( target.origin - ent.origin, self.v[ "physics" ] ); } // model = Spawn( "script_model", startorg ); // model.angles = startang; // model PhysicsLaunchClient( model.origin, temp_vec ); self.model PhysicsLaunchClient( contact_point, throw_vec ); return; } else { self.model RotateVelocity( ( x, y, z ), 12 ); self.model MoveGravity( ( x, y, z ), 12 ); } if ( level.createFX_enabled ) { if ( IsDefined( self.exploded ) ) return; self.exploded = true; wait( 3 ); self.exploded = undefined; self.v[ "origin" ] = startorg; self.v[ "angles" ] = startang; self.model Hide(); return; } self.v[ "exploder" ] = undefined; wait( 6 ); self.model Delete(); // self Delete(); } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: get_target_ent( )" "Summary: Returns whatever SINGLE ent is targetted, be it node, struct, or entity" "Module: Utility" "OptionalArg: : Optional target override" "Example: node = guy get_target_ent();" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ get_target_ent( target ) { if ( !isdefined( target ) ) target =; AssertEx( IsDefined( target ), "Self had no target!" ); ent = GetEnt( target, "targetname" ); if ( IsDefined( ent ) ) return ent; if ( isSP() ) { ent = call [[ level.getNodeFunction ]]( target, "targetname" ); if ( IsDefined( ent ) ) return ent; } ent = getstruct( target, "targetname" ); if ( IsDefined( ent ) ) return ent; ent = GetVehicleNode( target, "targetname" ); if ( IsDefined( ent ) ) return ent; AssertEx( "Tried to get ent, but there was no ent." ); } brush_show() { if ( IsDefined( self.v[ "delay" ] ) ) wait( self.v[ "delay" ] ); Assert( IsDefined( self.model ) ); self.model Show(); self.model Solid(); self.brush_shown = true; // used for hiding an exploder. if ( isSP() && ( self.model.spawnflags & 1 ) ) { if ( !isdefined( self.model.disconnect_paths ) ) self.model call [[ level.connectPathsFunction ]](); else self.model call [[ level.disconnectPathsFunction ]](); } if ( level.createFX_enabled ) { if ( IsDefined( self.exploded ) ) return; self.exploded = true; wait( 3 ); self.exploded = undefined; self.model Hide(); self.model NotSolid(); } } exploder_earthquake() { self exploder_delay(); eq = level.earthquake[ self.v[ "earthquake" ] ]; Earthquake( eq[ "magnitude" ], eq[ "duration" ], self.v[ "origin" ], eq[ "radius" ] ); } exploder_rumble() { if ( !isSP() ) return; self exploder_delay(); level.player PlayRumbleOnEntity( self.v[ "rumble" ] ); } exploder_delay() { if ( !isdefined( self.v[ "delay" ] ) ) self.v[ "delay" ] = 0; min_delay = self.v[ "delay" ]; max_delay = self.v[ "delay" ] + 0.001;// cant randomfloatrange on the same # if ( IsDefined( self.v[ "delay_min" ] ) ) min_delay = self.v[ "delay_min" ]; if ( IsDefined( self.v[ "delay_max" ] ) ) max_delay = self.v[ "delay_max" ]; if ( min_delay > 0 ) wait( RandomFloatRange( min_delay, max_delay ) ); } exploder_damage() { if ( IsDefined( self.v[ "delay" ] ) ) delay = self.v[ "delay" ]; else delay = 0; if ( IsDefined( self.v[ "damage_radius" ] ) ) radius = self.v[ "damage_radius" ]; else radius = 128; damage = self.v[ "damage" ]; origin = self.v[ "origin" ]; wait( delay ); // Range, max damage, min damage RadiusDamage( origin, radius, damage, damage ); } effect_loopsound() { if ( IsDefined( self.loopsound_ent ) ) { self.loopsound_ent Delete(); } // save off this info in case we delete the effect origin = self.v[ "origin" ]; alias = self.v[ "loopsound" ]; self exploder_delay(); self.loopsound_ent = play_loopsound_in_space( alias, origin ); } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: play_loopsound_in_space( , , )" "Summary: Use the PlayLoopSound command at a position in space. Unrelated to caller." "Module: Sound" "CallOn: Level" "MandatoryArg: : Sound alias to play" "MandatoryArg: : Origin of the sound" "Example: play_loopsound_in_space( "siren", level.speaker.origin );" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ play_loopsound_in_space( alias, origin ) { org = Spawn( "script_origin", ( 0, 0, 0 ) ); if ( !isdefined( origin ) ) origin = self.origin; org.origin = origin; org PlayLoopSound( alias, "sounddone" ); return org; } sound_effect() { self effect_soundalias(); } effect_soundalias() { // save off this info in case we delete the effect origin = self.v[ "origin" ]; alias = self.v[ "soundalias" ]; self exploder_delay(); play_sound_in_space( alias, origin ); } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: play_sound_in_space( , , )" "Summary: Play a sound at an origin, unrelated to caller" "Module: Sound" "CallOn: Level" "MandatoryArg: : Sound alias to play" "MandatoryArg: : Origin of the sound" "OptionalArg: : Play this sound as a master sound. Defaults to false" "Example: play_sound_in_space( "siren", level.speaker.origin );" "SPMP: singleplayer" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ play_sound_in_space( alias, origin, master ) { org = Spawn( "script_origin", ( 0, 0, 1 ) ); if ( !isdefined( origin ) ) origin = self.origin; org.origin = origin; if ( isSP() ) { if ( IsDefined( master ) && master ) org PlaySoundAsMaster( alias, "sounddone" ); else org PlaySound( alias, "sounddone" ); } else { if ( IsDefined( master ) && master ) org PlaySoundAsMaster( alias ); else org PlaySound( alias ); } org waittill( "sounddone" ); org Delete(); } cannon_effect() { if ( IsDefined( self.v[ "repeat" ] ) ) { thread exploder_playSound(); for ( i = 0; i < self.v[ "repeat" ]; i++ ) { PlayFX( level._effect[ self.v[ "fxid" ] ], self.v[ "origin" ], self.v[ "forward" ], self.v[ "up" ] ); self exploder_delay(); } return; } self exploder_delay(); // PlayFX( level._effect[ self.v[ "fxid" ] ], self.v[ "origin" ], self.v[ "forward" ], self.v[ "up" ] ); if ( IsDefined( self.looper ) ) self.looper Delete(); self.looper = SpawnFx( getfx( self.v[ "fxid" ] ), self.v[ "origin" ], self.v[ "forward" ], self.v[ "up" ] ); TriggerFX( self.looper ); exploder_playSound(); } exploder_playSound() { if ( !isdefined( self.v[ "soundalias" ] ) || self.v[ "soundalias" ] == "nil" ) return; play_sound_in_space( self.v[ "soundalias" ], self.v[ "origin" ] ); } fire_effect() { forward = self.v[ "forward" ]; up = self.v[ "up" ]; org = undefined; firefxSound = self.v[ "firefxsound" ]; origin = self.v[ "origin" ]; firefx = self.v[ "firefx" ]; ender = self.v[ "ender" ]; if ( !isdefined( ender ) ) ender = "createfx_effectStopper"; timeout = self.v[ "firefxtimeout" ]; fireFxDelay = 0.5; if ( IsDefined( self.v[ "firefxdelay" ] ) ) fireFxDelay = self.v[ "firefxdelay" ]; self exploder_delay(); if ( IsDefined( firefxSound ) ) level thread loop_fx_sound( firefxSound, origin, ender, timeout ); PlayFX( level._effect[ firefx ], self.v[ "origin" ], forward, up ); // loopfx( fxId, fxPos, waittime, fxPos2, fxStart, fxStop, timeout ) // maps\_fx::loopfx( firefx, origin, delay, org, undefined, ender, timeout ); } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: loop_fx_sound( , , , )" "Summary: " "Module: Entity" "CallOn: An entity" "MandatoryArg: : " "OptionalArg: : " "Example: " "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ loop_fx_sound( alias, origin, ender, timeout ) { org = Spawn( "script_origin", ( 0, 0, 0 ) ); if ( IsDefined( ender ) ) { thread loop_sound_delete( ender, org ); self endon( ender ); } org.origin = origin; org PlayLoopSound( alias ); if ( !isdefined( timeout ) ) { org willNeverChange(); return; } wait( timeout ); // org Delete(); } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: loop_sound_delete( , )" "Summary: " "Module: Entity" "CallOn: An entity" "MandatoryArg: : " "OptionalArg: : " "Example: " "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ loop_sound_delete( ender, ent ) { ent endon( "death" ); self waittill( ender ); ent Delete(); } exploder_before_load( num ) { // gotta wait twice because the createfx_init function waits once then inits all exploders. This guarentees // that if an exploder is run on the first frame, it happens after the fx are init. waittillframeend; waittillframeend; activate_exploder( num ); } exploder_after_load( num ) { activate_exploder( num ); } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: activate_exploder( )" "Summary: " "Module: Entity" "CallOn: An entity" "MandatoryArg: : " "OptionalArg: : " "Example: " "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ activate_exploder( num ) { num += ""; prof_begin( "activate_exploder" ); //here's a hook so you can know when a certain number of an exploder is going off level notify( "exploding_" + num ); for ( i = 0;i < level.createFXent.size;i++ ) { ent = level.createFXent[ i ]; if ( !isdefined( ent ) ) continue; if ( ent.v[ "type" ] != "exploder" ) continue; // make the exploder actually removed the array instead? if ( !isdefined( ent.v[ "exploder" ] ) ) continue; if ( ent.v[ "exploder" ] + "" != num ) continue; ent activate_individual_exploder(); } prof_end( "activate_exploder" ); } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: createLoopEffect( )" "Summary: " "Module: Entity" "CallOn: An entity" "MandatoryArg: : " "OptionalArg: : " "Example: " "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ createLoopEffect( fxid ) { ent = common_scripts\_createfx::createEffect( "loopfx", fxid ); ent.v[ "delay" ] = 0.5; return ent; } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: createOneshotEffect( )" "Summary: " "Module: Entity" "CallOn: An entity" "MandatoryArg: : " "OptionalArg: : " "Example: " "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ createOneshotEffect( fxid ) { // uses triggerfx ent = common_scripts\_createfx::createEffect( "oneshotfx", fxid ); ent.v[ "delay" ] = -15; return ent; } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: createExploder( )" "Summary: " "Module: Entity" "CallOn: An entity" "MandatoryArg: : " "OptionalArg: : " "Example: " "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ createExploder( fxid ) { ent = common_scripts\_createfx::createEffect( "exploder", fxid ); ent.v[ "delay" ] = 0; ent.v[ "exploder_type" ] = "normal"; return ent; } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: alphabetize( )" "Summary: " "Module: Entity" "CallOn: An entity" "MandatoryArg: : " "OptionalArg: : " "Example: " "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ alphabetize( array ) { if ( array.size <= 1 ) return array; addwaits = false; if ( isSP() ) addwaits = true; count = 0; for ( ;; ) { changed = false; for ( i = 0; i < array.size - 1; i++ ) { if ( is_later_in_alphabet( array[ i ], array[ i + 1 ] ) ) { val = array[ i ]; array[ i ] = array[ i + 1 ]; array[ i + 1 ] = val; changed = true; if ( addwaits ) { count++; if ( count >= 10 ) { count = 0; waitframe(); } } } } if ( !changed ) return array; } return array; } is_later_in_alphabet( string1, string2 ) { count = string1.size; if ( count >= string2.size ) count = string2.size; for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { val = alphabet_compare( string1[ i ], string2[ i ] ); if ( val == "1st" ) return true; if ( val == "2nd" ) return false; } return string1.size > string2.size; } alphabet_compare( a, b ) { list = []; val = 1; list[ "0" ] = val; val++; list[ "1" ] = val; val++; list[ "2" ] = val; val++; list[ "3" ] = val; val++; list[ "4" ] = val; val++; list[ "5" ] = val; val++; list[ "6" ] = val; val++; list[ "7" ] = val; val++; list[ "8" ] = val; val++; list[ "9" ] = val; val++; list[ "_" ] = val; val++; list[ "a" ] = val; val++; list[ "b" ] = val; val++; list[ "c" ] = val; val++; list[ "d" ] = val; val++; list[ "e" ] = val; val++; list[ "f" ] = val; val++; list[ "g" ] = val; val++; list[ "h" ] = val; val++; list[ "i" ] = val; val++; list[ "j" ] = val; val++; list[ "k" ] = val; val++; list[ "l" ] = val; val++; list[ "m" ] = val; val++; list[ "n" ] = val; val++; list[ "o" ] = val; val++; list[ "p" ] = val; val++; list[ "q" ] = val; val++; list[ "r" ] = val; val++; list[ "s" ] = val; val++; list[ "t" ] = val; val++; list[ "u" ] = val; val++; list[ "v" ] = val; val++; list[ "w" ] = val; val++; list[ "x" ] = val; val++; list[ "y" ] = val; val++; list[ "z" ] = val; val++; a = ToLower( a ); b = ToLower( b ); val1 = 0; if ( IsDefined( list[ a ] ) ) val1 = list[ a ]; val2 = 0; if ( IsDefined( list[ b ] ) ) val2 = list[ b ]; if ( val1 > val2 ) return "1st"; if ( val1 < val2 ) return "2nd"; return "same"; } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: play_loop_sound_on_entity( , )" "Summary: Play loop sound alias on an entity" "Module: Sound" "CallOn: An entity" "MandatoryArg: : Sound alias to loop" "OptionalArg: : Offset for sound origin relative to the world from the models origin." "Example: vehicle thread play_loop_sound_on_entity( "engine_belt_run" );" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ play_loop_sound_on_entity( alias, offset ) { org = Spawn( "script_origin", ( 0, 0, 0 ) ); org endon( "death" ); thread delete_on_death( org ); if ( IsDefined( offset ) ) { org.origin = self.origin + offset; org.angles = self.angles; org LinkTo( self ); } else { org.origin = self.origin; org.angles = self.angles; org LinkTo( self ); } // org endon( "death" ); org PlayLoopSound( alias ); // PrintLn( "playing loop sound ", alias, " on entity at origin ", self.origin, " at ORIGIN ", org.origin ); self waittill( "stop sound" + alias ); org StopLoopSound( alias ); org Delete(); } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: stop_loop_sound_on_entity( )" "Summary: Stop playing the the loop sound alias on an entity" "Module: Sound" "CallOn: An entity" "MandatoryArg: : Sound alias to stop looping" "Example: vehicle thread stop_loop_sound_on_entity( "engine_belt_run" );" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ stop_loop_sound_on_entity( alias ) { self notify( "stop sound" + alias ); } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: delete_on_death( )" "Summary: Delete the entity when "self" dies." "Module: Entity" "CallOn: An entity" "MandatoryArg: : " "OptionalArg: : " "Example: level.helicopter thread delete_on_death( someRandomScriptOriginThatISpawned );" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ delete_on_death( ent ) { //self ==> the entity you want to wait to die before deleting the ent ent endon( "death" ); self waittill( "death" ); if ( IsDefined( ent ) ) ent Delete(); } error( msg ) { PrintLn( "^c * ERROR * ", msg ); waitframe(); /# if ( GetDvar( "debug" ) != "1" ) AssertMsg( "This is a forced error - attach the log file. \n" + msg ); #/ } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: exploder( )" "Summary: Sets off the desired exploder" "Module: Utility" "MandatoryArg: : The exploder number" "Example: exploder( 5 );" "SPMP: both" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ exploder( num ) { [[ level.exploderFunction ]]( num ); } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: create_dvar( , )" "Summary: Initialize a dvar with a given value" "Module: Utility" "MandatoryArg: : Name of the dvar" "MandatoryArg: : Default value" "Example: create_dvar( "fish", "on" );" "SPMP: singleplayer" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ create_dvar( var, val ) { SetDvarIfUninitialized( var, val ); } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: setPing()" "Summary: Does nothing. Added for backward compatibility" "Module: Utility" "Example: self setPing( 100 );" "SPMP: multiplayer" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ setPing() { } /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: getPing()" "Summary: Returns a fixed number. Added for backward compatibility" "Module: Utility" "Example: self getPing();" "SPMP: multiplayer" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ getPing() { return 1; } void() { }