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2017-09-08 09:24:16 -07:00
// kart.js
// Entity type for karts.
// by RHY3756547
// includes: gl-matrix.js (glMatrix 2.0)
// /formats/kcl.js
window.Kart = function(pos, angle, speed, kartN, charN, controller, scene) {
var k = this;
var minimumMove = 0.05;
var MAXSPEED = 24;
var BOOSTTIME = 90;
var kartSoundBase = 170;
var params = scene.gameRes.kartPhys.karts[kartN];
var offsets = scene.gameRes.kartOff.karts[kartN];
this.local = controller.local; = true;
this.preboost = true;
this.soundProps = {};
this.pos = pos;
this.angle = angle;
this.vel = vec3.create();
this.weight = params.weight;
this.params = params;
this.kartBounce = kartBounce;
this.speed = speed;
this.drifting = false;
this.driftMode = 0; //1 left, 2 right, 0 undecided
this.driftLanded = false; //if we haven't landed then apply a constant turn.
//powerslide info: to advance to the next mode you need to hold the same button for 10 or more frames. Mode 0 starts facing drift direction, 1 is other way, 2 is returning (mini spark), 3 is other way, 4 is returning (turbo spark)
this.driftPSTick = 0;
this.driftPSMode = 0;
this.kartTargetNormal = [0, 1, 0];
this.kartNormal = [0, 1, 0];
this.airTime = 0;
this.controller = controller;
this.driftOff = 0;
this.physicalDir = angle;
this.mat = mat4.create();
this.basis = mat4.create();
this.ylock = 0;
this.cannon = null;
this.gravity = [0, -0.17, 0]; //100% confirmed by me messing around with the gravity value in mkds. for sticky surface and loop should modify to face plane until in air
this.update = update;
this.sndUpdate = sndUpdate;
this.draw = draw;
this.drawKart = drawKart;
this.drawWheels = drawWheels;
this.drawChar = drawChar;
this.trackAttach = null; //a normal for the kart to attach to (loop)
this.boostMT = 0;
this.boostNorm = 0;
this.kartColVel = vec3.create();
this.kartColTimer = 0;
var charRes = scene.gameRes.getChar(charN);
var kartRes = scene.gameRes.getKart(kartN);
var kartPolys = [];
var kObj = kartRes.bmd.modelData.objectData[0];
for (var i=0; i<kObj.polys.objectData.length; i++) {
if (kObj.materials.names[kObj.polys.objectData[i].mat] != "kart_tire\0\0\0\0\0\0\0") kartPolys.push(i)
var tireRes = scene.gameRes.tireRes;
this.anim = new nitroAnimator(charRes.model.bmd, charRes.driveA);
this.charRes = charRes;
this.animMode = "drive";
this.driveAnimF = 14; //29 frames in total, 14 is mid
this.animFrame = 0; //only used for non drive anim
this.animMat = null;
this.lastInput = null;
//race statistics
this.lapNumber = 0;
this.passedKTP2 = false;
this.checkPointNumber = 0;
var nkm = scene.nkm;
var startLine = nkm.sections["KTPS"].entries[0];
var passLine = nkm.sections["KTP2"].entries[0];
var checkpoints = nkm.sections["CPOI"].entries;
var respawns = nkm.sections["CPOI"].entries;
var futureChecks = [1];
var hitGroundAnim = [ //length 13, on y axis
var charGroundAnim = [ //length 13, on y axis
var lastCollided = -1;
var lastBE = -1;
var lastColSounds = {};
var ylvel = 0;
var wheelTurn = 0;
var onGround;
var kartAnim = 0;
var groundAnim = -1;
var stuckTo = null;
var updateMat = true;
var drawMat = {
kart: mat4.create(),
wheels: [mat4.create(), mat4.create(), mat4.create(), mat4.create()],
character: mat4.create()
var soundMode = -1;
var sounds = { //sounds that can be simultaneous
kart: null,
drift: null,
lastTerrain: -1,
lastBE: -1,
drive: null,
boost: null,
powerslide: null,
boostSoundTrig: true, //true if a new boost sound can be played
transpose: 0
updateKartSound(0, {turn:0});
function recalcMat(view) {
var mat = mat4.mul([], view, k.mat);
var xscale = 1+Math.cos((kartAnim/4)*Math.PI)*0.015;
var yscale = 1+Math.cos(((kartAnim+4)/4)*Math.PI)*0.015;
if (groundAnim != -1) yscale *= hitGroundAnim[groundAnim];
mat4.translate(mat, mat, [0, -params.colRadius, 0]); //main part
var kmat = mat4.scale(drawMat.kart, mat, [16*xscale, 16*yscale, 16]);
for (var i=0; i<4; i++) {
var scale = 16*((i<2)?offsets.frontTireSize:1);
var wmat = mat4.translate(drawMat.wheels[i], mat, [0, 0, 0]);
if (groundAnim != -1) mat4.scale(wmat, wmat, [1, hitGroundAnim[groundAnim], 1]);
mat4.translate(wmat, wmat, offsets.wheels[i]);
mat4.scale(wmat, wmat, [scale, scale, scale]);
if (i<2) mat4.rotateY(wmat, wmat, ((k.driveAnimF-14)/14)*Math.PI/6);
mat4.rotateX(wmat, wmat, wheelTurn);
var scale = 16;
var pos = vec3.clone(offsets.chars[charN]);
if (groundAnim != -1) pos[1] *= charGroundAnim[groundAnim];
var cmat = mat4.translate(drawMat.character, mat, vec3.scale([], pos, 16))
mat4.scale(cmat, cmat, [scale, scale, scale]);
if (k.animMode == "drive") k.animMat = k.anim.setFrame(0, 0, k.driveAnimF);
else k.animMat = k.anim.setFrame(0, 0, k.animFrame++);
updateMat = false;
function drawChar(view, pMatrix) {
charRes.model.draw(drawMat.character, pMatrix, k.animMat);
function drawKart(view, pMatrix, gl) {
if (updateMat) recalcMat(view);
//if we're in simple shadows mode, draw the kart's stencil shadow.
if (false) {
//gl.enable(gl.CULL_FACE); //culling is fun!
gl.colorMask(false, false, false, false);
gl.stencilFunc(gl.ALWAYS, 1, 0xFF);
gl.stencilOp(gl.KEEP, gl.INCR, gl.KEEP);
kartRes.shadVol.draw(drawMat.kart, pMatrix, simpleMatStack);
gl.colorMask(true, true, true, true)
gl.stencilFunc(gl.LESS , 0, 0xFF);
gl.stencilOp(gl.KEEP, gl.KEEP, gl.KEEP);
kartRes.shadVol.draw(drawMat.kart, pMatrix, simpleMatStack);
for (var i=0; i<kartPolys.length; i++) {
kartRes.drawPoly(drawMat.kart, pMatrix, 0, kartPolys[i], simpleMatStack);
function drawWheels(view, pMatrix) {
if (updateMat) recalcMat(view);
var wheelMod = tireRes[];
for (var i=0; i<4; i++) {
wheelMod.draw(drawMat.wheels[i], pMatrix, simpleMatStack);
function draw(view, pMatrix) {
drawWheels(view, pMatrix);
drawKart(view, pMatrix);
drawChar(view, pMatrix);
function update(scene) {
var lastPos = vec3.clone(k.pos);
updateMat = true;
if (groundAnim != -1) {
if (++groundAnim >= hitGroundAnim.length) groundAnim = -1;
onGround = (k.airTime < 5);
kartAnim = (kartAnim+1)%8;
var input = k.controller.fetchInput();
k.lastInput = input;
if (input.turn > 0.3) {
if (k.driveAnimF < 28) k.driveAnimF++;
} else if (input.turn < -0.3) {
if (k.driveAnimF > 0) k.driveAnimF--;
} else {
if (k.driveAnimF > 14) k.driveAnimF--;
else if (k.driveAnimF < 14) k.driveAnimF++;
//update sounds
var newSoundMode = soundMode;
if (input.accel) {
if (soundMode == 0 || soundMode == 6) newSoundMode = 2;
if (soundMode == 4) newSoundMode = 3;
} else {
if (soundMode != 0) {
if (soundMode == 2 || soundMode == 3) newSoundMode = 4;
if (newSoundMode == 4 && k.speed < 0.5) newSoundMode = 0;
if (k.boostMT+k.boostNorm > 0) {
if (k.boostNorm == BOOSTTIME || k.boostMT == params.miniTurbo) {
if (sounds.boostSoundTrig) {
if (sounds.boost != null) nitroAudio.instaKill(sounds.boost);
sounds.boost = nitroAudio.playSound(160, {}, 0, k);
sounds.boost.gainN.gain.value = 2;
sounds.boostSoundTrig = false;
} else {
sounds.boostSoundTrig = true;
} else if (sounds.boost != null) {
sounds.boost = null;
if (onGround && k.speed > 0.5) {
if (lastCollided != sounds.lastTerrain || lastBE != sounds.lastBE || == null) {
if ( != null) nitroAudio.kill(;
if ( != null) { = nitroAudio.playSound(, {}, 0, k); = 2;
if (k.drifting && k.driftLanded) {
if (lastCollided != sounds.lastTerrain || lastBE != sounds.lastBE || sounds.drift == null) {
if (sounds.drift != null) nitroAudio.kill(sounds.drift);
if (lastColSounds.drift != null) {
sounds.drift = nitroAudio.playSound(lastColSounds.drift, {}, 0, k);
} else if (sounds.drift != null) { nitroAudio.kill(sounds.drift); sounds.drift = null; }
sounds.lastTerrain = lastCollided;
sounds.lastBE = lastBE;
} else {
if (sounds.drift != null) { nitroAudio.kill(sounds.drift); sounds.drift = null; }
if ( != null) { nitroAudio.kill(; = null; }
//end sound update
if (k.preboost) {
} else if (k.cannon != null) { //when cannon is active, we fly forward at max move speed until we get to the cannon point.
var c = scene.nkm.sections["KTPC"].entries[k.cannon];
var mat = mat4.create();
mat4.rotateY(mat, mat, c.angle[1]*(Math.PI/180));
mat4.rotateX(mat, mat, c.angle[0]*(-Math.PI/180));
var forward = [0, 0, 1];
var up = [0, 1, 0];
k.vel = vec3.scale([], vec3.transformMat4(forward, forward, mat), MAXSPEED);
k.speed = MAXSPEED;
vec3.add(k.pos, k.pos, k.vel);
k.physicalDir = (180-c.angle[1])*(Math.PI/180);
k.angle = k.physicalDir;
k.kartTargetNormal = vec3.transformMat4(up, up, mat);
var planeConst =, forward);
var cannonDist =, forward) + planeConst;
if (cannonDist > 0) k.cannon = null;
} else { //default kart mode
var groundEffect = 0;
if (lastCollided != -1) {
groundEffect = MKDS_COLTYPE.PHYS_MAP[lastCollided];
if (groundEffect == null) groundEffect = 0;
var effect = params.colParam[groundEffect];
var top = params.topSpeed*effect.topSpeedMul; //if you let go of accel, drift ends anyway, so always accel in drift.
var boosting = (k.boostNorm + k.boostMT)>0;
if (boosting) {
var top2
if (k.boostNorm>0){
top2 = params.topSpeed*1.3;
} else {
top2 = params.topSpeed*((effect.topSpeedMul >= 1)?1.3:effect.topSpeedMul);
if (k.boostMT>0) {
if (k.speed <= top2) {
k.speed += 1;
if (k.speed > top2) k.speed = top2;
} else {
k.speed *= 0.95;
//kart controls
if (k.drifting) {
if ((onGround) && !(input.accel && input.drift && (k.speed > 2 || !k.driftLanded))) {
//end drift, execute miniturbo
k.drifting = false;
if (sounds.powerslide != null) {
sounds.powerslide = null;
if (k.driftPSMode == 3) {
k.boostMT = params.miniTurbo;
k.driftPSMode = 0;
k.driftPSTick = 0;
if (k.driftMode == 0) {
if (input.turn > 0.30) {
k.driftMode = 2;
} else if (input.turn < -0.30) {
k.driftMode = 1;
} else {
if (k.driftLanded) {
var change = (((k.driftMode-1.5)*Math.PI/1.5)-k.driftOff)*0.05;
k.driftOff += change;
k.physicalDir -= change;
//if we're above the initial y position, add a constant turn with a period of 180 frames.
if (!k.driftLanded && k.ylock>=0) {
k.physicalDir += (Math.PI*2/180)*(k.driftMode*2-3);
if (onGround) {
if (!k.driftLanded) {
if (k.driftMode == 0) k.drifting = false;
else {
k.driftPSMode = 0;
k.driftPSTick = 0;
k.driftLanded = true;
if (k.drifting) {
if (!boosting) {
if (k.speed <= top) {
k.speed += (k.speed/top > params.driftAccelSwitch)?params.driftAccel2:params.driftAccel1;
if (k.speed > top) k.speed = top;
} else {
k.speed *= 0.95;
var turn = ((k.driftMode == 1)?(input.turn-1):(input.turn+1))/2;
k.physicalDir += params.driftTurnRate*turn+((k.driftMode == 1)?-1:1)*(50/32768)*Math.PI; //what is this mystery number i hear you ask? well my friend, this is the turn rate for outward drift.
//miniturbo code
if (input.turn != 0) {
var inward = ((input.turn>0) == k.driftMode-1); //if we're turning
switch (k.driftPSMode) {
case 0: //dpad away from direction for 10 frames
if (!inward) k.driftPSTick++;
else if (k.driftPSTick > 9) {
k.driftPSTick = 1;
//play blue spark sound
var blue = nitroAudio.playSound(210, {}, 0, k);
blue.gainN.gain.value = 2;
} else k.driftPSTick = 0;
case 1: //dpad toward direction for 10 frames
if (inward) k.driftPSTick++;
else if (k.driftPSTick > 9) {
k.driftPSTick = 1;
} else k.driftPSTick = 0;
case 2: //dpad away from direction for 10 frames
if (!inward) k.driftPSTick++;
else if (k.driftPSTick > 9) {
k.driftPSTick = 1;
//play red sparks sound, full MT!
sounds.powerslide = nitroAudio.playSound(209, {}, 0, k);
sounds.powerslide.gainN.gain.value = 2;
} else k.driftPSTick = 0;
case 3: //turbo charged
if (!k.drifting) {
if (onGround) {
var effect = params.colParam[groundEffect];
if (!boosting) {
if (input.accel) {
if (k.speed <= top) {
k.speed += (k.speed/top > params.accelSwitch)?params.accel2:params.accel1;
if (k.speed > top) k.speed = top;
} else {
k.speed *= 0.95;
} else {
k.speed *= params.decel;
if ((input.accel && k.speed >= 0) || (k.speed > 0.1)) {
k.physicalDir += params.turnRate*input.turn;
} else if ( k.speed < -0.1) {
k.physicalDir -= params.turnRate*input.turn;
if (input.drift) {
ylvel = 1.25;
k.vel[1] += 1.25;
k.airTime = 4;
k.drifting = true;
k.driftLanded = false;
k.driftMode = 0;
k.ylock = 0;
var boing = nitroAudio.playSound(207, {transpose: -4}, 0, k);
boing.gainN.gain.value = 2;
} else {
if (input.drift) {
ylvel = 0;
k.drifting = true;
k.driftLanded = false;
k.driftMode = 0;
k.ylock = -0.001;
k.physicalDir = fixDir(k.physicalDir);
if (k.driftOff != 0 && (!k.drifting || !k.driftLanded)) {
if (k.driftOff > 0) {
k.physicalDir += params.driftOffRestore;
k.driftOff -= params.driftOffRestore;
if (k.driftOff < 0) k.driftOff = 0;
} else {
k.physicalDir -= params.driftOffRestore;
k.driftOff += params.driftOffRestore;
if (k.driftOff > 0) k.driftOff = 0;
if (!onGround) {
this.kartTargetNormal = [0, 1, 0];
vec3.add(k.vel, k.vel, k.gravity)
if (k.ylock >= 0) {
ylvel += k.gravity[1];
k.ylock += ylvel;
if (k.kartColTimer == COLBOUNCE_TIME) {
vec3.add(k.vel, k.vel, k.kartColVel);
} else {
k.angle += dirDiff(k.physicalDir, k.angle)*effect.handling/2;
k.angle = fixDir(k.physicalDir);
k.vel[1] += k.gravity[1];
k.vel = [Math.sin(k.angle)*k.speed, k.vel[1], -Math.cos(k.angle)*k.speed]
if (k.kartColTimer > 0) {
vec3.add(k.vel, k.vel, vec3.scale([], k.kartColVel, k.kartColTimer/10))
if (k.kartColTimer > 0) k.kartColTimer--;
wheelTurn += k.speed/16;
wheelTurn = fixDir(wheelTurn);
//end kart controls
//move kart on moving platforms (no collision, will be corrected by next step)
if (stuckTo != null) {
if (stuckTo.moveWith != null) stuckTo.moveWith(k);
stuckTo = null;
//move kart.
var steps = 0;
var remainingT = 1;
var velSeg = vec3.clone(k.vel);
var posSeg = vec3.clone(k.pos);
var ignoreList = [];
while (steps++ < 10 && remainingT > 0.01) {
var result = lsc.sweepEllipse(posSeg, velSeg, scene, [params.colRadius, params.colRadius, params.colRadius], ignoreList);
if (result != null) {
colResponse(posSeg, velSeg, result, ignoreList)
remainingT -= result.t;
if (remainingT > 0.01) {
velSeg = vec3.scale(vec3.create(), k.vel, remainingT);
} else {
vec3.add(posSeg, posSeg, velSeg);
remainingT = 0;
k.pos = posSeg;
//interpolate visual normal roughly to target
var rate = onGround?0.15:0.025;
k.kartNormal[0] += (k.kartTargetNormal[0]-k.kartNormal[0])*rate;
k.kartNormal[1] += (k.kartTargetNormal[1]-k.kartNormal[1])*rate;
k.kartNormal[2] += (k.kartTargetNormal[2]-k.kartNormal[2])*rate;
vec3.normalize(k.kartNormal, k.kartNormal);
k.basis = buildBasis();
var mat = mat4.create();
mat4.translate(mat, mat, k.pos);
k.mat = mat4.mul(mat, mat, k.basis);
if (input.item) {
scene.items.addItem(0, scene.karts.indexOf(k), {})
updateKartSound(newSoundMode, input);
positionChanged(lastPos, k.pos);
function genFutureChecks() {
//all future points that
var chosen = {}
var current = checkpoints[k.checkPointNumber];
var expectedSection = current.nextSection;
futureChecks = [];
for (var i=k.checkPointNumber+1; i<checkpoints.length; i++) {
var check = checkpoints[i];
if (expectedSection != -1 && check.currentSection != expectedSection) continue;
if (chosen[check.currentSection] != true) {
chosen[check.currentSection] = true;
function positionChanged(oldPos, pos) {
//crossed into new checkpoint?
for (var i=0; i<futureChecks.length; i++) {
var check = checkpoints[futureChecks[i]];
var distOld = vec2.sub([], [check.x1, check.z1], [oldPos[0], oldPos[2]]);
var dist = vec2.sub([], [check.x1, check.z1], [pos[0], pos[2]]);
var dot =, [check.sinus, check.cosinus]);
var dotOld =, [check.sinus, check.cosinus]);
var lineCheck = vec2.sub([], [check.x1, check.z1], [check.x2, check.z2]);
var lineDot =, lineCheck);
if (lineDot > 0 && lineDot < vec2.sqrLen(lineCheck) && dot < 0 && dotOld >= 0) {
k.checkPointNumber = futureChecks[i];
if (!k.passedKTP2 && forwardCrossedKTP(passLine, oldPos, pos)) k.passedKTP2 = true;
if (k.passedKTP2 && futureChecks.length == 0) {
//we can finish the lap
if (forwardCrossedKTP(startLine, oldPos, pos)) {
k.checkPointNumber = 0;
k.passedKTP2 = 0;
function forwardCrossedKTP(ktp, oldPos, pos) {
var distOld = vec2.sub([], [ktp.pos[0], ktp.pos[2]], [oldPos[0], oldPos[2]]);
var dist = vec2.sub([], [ktp.pos[0], ktp.pos[2]], [pos[0], pos[2]]);
var ang = (ktp.angle[1]/180)*Math.PI;
var sinus = Math.sin(ang);
var cosinus = Math.cos(ang);
var dot =, [sinus, cosinus]);
var dotOld =, [sinus, cosinus]);
return (dot < 0 && dotOld >= 0);
function checkKartCollision(scene) { //check collision with other karts. Really simple.
for (var i=0; i<scene.karts.length; i++) {
var ok = scene.karts[i];
if (! continue;
if (k != ok) {
var dist = vec3.dist(k.pos, ok.pos);
if (dist < 16) {
function kartBounce(ok) {
k.kartColTimer = COLBOUNCE_TIME;
var weightMul = COLBOUNCE_STRENGTH*(1+(ok.weight-k.weight))*((ok.boostNorm>0 || ok.boostMT>0)?2:1)*((k.boostNorm>0 || k.boostMT>0)?0.5:1);
//as well as side bounce also add velocity difference if other vel > mine.
vec3.sub(k.kartColVel, k.pos, ok.pos);
k.kartColVel[1] = 0;
vec3.normalize(k.kartColVel, k.kartColVel);
vec3.scale(k.kartColVel, k.kartColVel, weightMul);
if (vec3.length(k.vel) < vec3.length(ok.vel)) vec3.add(k.kartColVel, k.kartColVel, vec3.sub([], ok.vel, k.vel));
k.kartColVel[1] = 0;
function fixDir(dir) {
return posMod(dir, Math.PI*2);
function dirDiff(dir1, dir2) {
var d = fixDir(dir1-dir2);
return (d>Math.PI)?(-2*Math.PI+d):d;
function posMod(i, n) {
return (i % n + n) % n;
function updateKartSound(mode, input) {
var turn = (onGround && !k.drifting)?(1-Math.abs(input.turn)/11):1;
var transpose = (mode == 0)?0:(22*turn*k.speed/params.topSpeed);
sounds.transpose += (transpose-sounds.transpose)/15;
if (mode != soundMode) {
soundMode = mode;
if (sounds.kart != null) nitroAudio.instaKill(sounds.kart);
sounds.kart = nitroAudio.playSound(kartSoundBase+soundMode, {transpose:sounds.transpose, volume:1}, 0, k);
//if (mode == 3) sounds.kart.gainN.gain.value = 0.5;
} else {
function buildBasis() {
//order y, x, z
var dir = k.physicalDir+k.driftOff+(Math.sin((COLBOUNCE_TIME-k.kartColTimer)/3)*(Math.PI/6)*(k.kartColTimer/COLBOUNCE_TIME));
var basis = gramShmidt(k.kartNormal, [Math.cos(dir), 0, Math.sin(dir)], [Math.sin(dir), 0, -Math.cos(dir)]);
var temp = basis[0];
basis[0] = basis[1];
basis[1] = temp; //todo: cleanup
return [
basis[0][0], basis[0][1], basis[0][2], 0,
basis[1][0], basis[1][1], basis[1][2], 0,
basis[2][0], basis[2][1], basis[2][2], 0,
0, 0, 0, 1
function sndUpdate(view) {
k.soundProps.pos = vec3.transformMat4([], k.pos, view);
if (k.soundProps.lastPos != null) k.soundProps.vel = vec3.sub([], k.soundProps.pos, k.soundProps.lastPos);
else k.soundProps.vel = [0, 0, 0];
k.soundProps.lastPos = k.soundProps.pos;
k.soundProps.refDistance = 192/1024;
k.soundProps.rolloffFactor = 1;
var calcVol = (k.soundProps.refDistance / (k.soundProps.refDistance + k.soundProps.rolloffFactor * (Math.sqrt(, k.soundProps.pos)) - k.soundProps.refDistance)));
function gramShmidt(v1, v2, v3) {
var u1 = v1;
var u2 = vec3.sub([0, 0, 0], v2, project(u1, v2));
var u3 = vec3.sub([0, 0, 0], vec3.sub([0, 0, 0], v3, project(u1, v3)), project(u2, v3));
return [vec3.normalize(u1, u1), vec3.normalize(u2, u2), vec3.normalize(u3, u3)]
function colSound(collision, effect) {
if (MKDS_COLTYPE.SOUNDMAP[collision] == null) return {};
return MKDS_COLTYPE.SOUNDMAP[collision][effect] || {};
function project(u, v) {
return vec3.scale([], u, (, v)/, u)))
function colResponse(pos, pvel, dat, ignoreList) {
var plane = dat.plane;
var colType = (plane.CollisionType>>8)&31;
var colBE = (plane.CollisionType>>5)&7;
lastCollided = colType;
lastBE = colBE;
lastColSounds = colSound(lastCollided, colBE);
var n = vec3.normalize([], dat.normal);
var gravS = Math.sqrt(, k.gravity));
var angle = Math.acos(, k.gravity, -1/gravS), n));
var adjustPos = true;
if (MKDS_COLTYPE.GROUP_WALL.indexOf(colType) != -1) { //wall
//sliding plane, except normal is transformed to be entirely on the xz plane (cannot ride on top of wall, treated as vertical)
var xz = Math.sqrt(n[0]*n[0]+n[2]*n[2])
var adjN = [n[0]/xz, 0, n[2]/xz]
var proj =, adjN);
if (proj < -1) {
if (lastColSounds.hit != null) nitroAudio.playSound(lastColSounds.hit, {volume:1}, 0, k)
vec3.sub(k.vel, k.vel, vec3.scale(vec3.create(), adjN, proj));
//convert back to angle + speed to keep change to kart vel
var v = k.vel;
k.speed = Math.sqrt(v[0]*v[0]+v[2]*v[2]);
k.angle = Math.atan2(v[0], -v[2]);
} else if (MKDS_COLTYPE.GROUP_ROAD.indexOf(colType) != -1) {
//sliding plane
if (MKDS_COLTYPE.GROUP_BOOST.indexOf(colType) != -1) {
k.boostNorm = BOOSTTIME;
if (k.vel[1] > 0) k.vel[1] = 0;
var proj =, n);
if (proj < -4 && k.vel[1] < -2) { proj -= 1.5; }
vec3.sub(k.vel, k.vel, vec3.scale(vec3.create(), n, proj));
k.kartTargetNormal = dat.pNormal;
if (!onGround) {
console.log("ground: "+colType+", "+colBE);
groundAnim = 0;
if ( != null) nitroAudio.playSound(, {volume:1}, 0, k)
k.airTime = 0;
stuckTo = dat.object;
} else if (colType == MKDS_COLTYPE.CANNON) {
k.cannon = colBE;
} else {
adjustPos = false;
//vec3.add(pos, pos, vec3.scale(vec3.create(), n, minimumMove)); //move away from plane slightly
if (adjustPos) { //move back from plane slightly
//vec3.add(pos, pos, vec3.scale(vec3.create(), n, minimumMove));
vec3.add(pos, pos, vec3.scale(vec3.create(), pvel, dat.t));
vec3.add(pos, vec3.scale([], n, params.colRadius+minimumMove), dat.colPoint);
/*if (dat.embedded) {
} else {
var velMag = Math.sqrt(, pvel));
if (velMag*dat.t > minimumMove) {
vec3.add(pos, pos, vec3.scale(vec3.create(), pvel, dat.t-(minimumMove/velMag)));
} else {
//do not move, too close
} else {
vec3.add(pos, pos, vec3.scale(vec3.create(), pvel, dat.t));