
690 lines
20 KiB

// sseqPlayer.js
// Provides an interface for playing SSEQs onto an AudioContext.
// by RHY3756547
window.SSEQWaveCache = new (function() {
var cache = [];
var sdat, ctx;
this.cacheWaveArc = function(num) {
if (cache[num] == null) {
var warinfo = sdat.sections["$INFO"][3]
if (warinfo[num] == null) return;
var arc = warinfo[num].arc.samples;
if (arc == null) return;
cache[num] = [];
for (var i=0; i<arc.length; i++) {
cache[num].push({info: arc[i], buf: arc[i].getAudioBuffer(ctx)});
this.getWave = function(arc, num) {
return cache[arc][num];
this.init = function(s, c) {
cache = [];
sdat = s;
ctx = c;
window.SSEQPlayer = function(sseqHead, sdat, ctx, outputTarget, properties) {
//a virtual machine, super fun obviously
//player handles loaded sounds.
var CYCLE_TIME = 0.0052;
var t = this;
t.bpm = 120;
t.bpmMultiplier = 1;
t.transpose = 0; //overall transpose value, only set by external factors (threads cannot set this)
t.volume = (t.volume == null)?1:t.volume;
if (properties != null) {
var p;
for (p in properties) {
if (properties.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
t[p] = properties[p];
var ctx = ctx;
t.ctx = ctx;
var sseqHead = sseqHead;
var sdat = sdat;
t.lastNoteEnd = 0;
t.tick = tick;
t.threads = [];
t.trackAlloc = 0;
t.trackStarted = 0;
t.playNote = playNote;
t.cutNoteShort = cutNoteShort;
t.startThread = startThread;
t.terminateThread = terminateThread;
t.setTempo = setTempo;
t.updateNoteFreq = updateNoteFreq;
t.setTranspose = setTranspose;
t.kill = kill; = null;
t.vars = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
t.dead = false;
t.masterGain = ctx.createGain();
console.log("seqvol: "+(sseqHead.vol)/0x7F)
t.masterGain.gain.value = (sseqHead.vol*t.volume)/0x7F;
t.masterGain.connect((outputTarget != null)?outputTarget:ctx.destination);
startThread(sseqHead.pc); //starts a thread with its initial pc pos
t.loadBank = loadBank;
var threadsToKill = [];
t.baseAudioTime = ctx.currentTime;
var buffer = 0.020;
t.remainder = 0;
function tick() {
var time = (ctx.currentTime-t.baseAudioTime)*(48*t.bpm/60)+t.remainder;
t.remainder = time%1;
time = Math.floor(time);
t.baseAudioTime = ctx.currentTime;
for (var i=0; i<t.threads.length; i++) {
while (threadsToKill.length>0) {
t.threads.splice(threadsToKill.pop(), 1);
if (t.threads.length == 0 && ctx.currentTime > t.lastNoteEnd) t.dead = true;
function startThread(pc) {
var thread = new SSEQThread(, pc, t);
function terminateThread(thread) {
function setTempo(bpm) {
//sets tempo of threads and alters their wait times to adjust
t.bpm = bpm*t.bpmMultiplier;
function loadBank(bn) { = sdat.sections["$INFO"][2][bn];
if ( == null) {return;}
for (var i=0; i<4; i++) {
if ([i] != 0xFFFF) SSEQWaveCache.cacheWaveArc([i]);
function cutNoteShort(thread, note) {
try { //can throw exception if note has already ended.
if (note.ended) return;
var time = thread.calculateCurrentTime();
var baseTime = (time == Infinity)?ctx.currentTime:time;
if (baseTime > note.noteEndsAt) return;
var releaseTime = note.relTime;
note.note.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(0, baseTime+releaseTime); //then release
if (baseTime+releaseTime > t.lastNoteEnd) t.lastNoteEnd = baseTime+releaseTime;
} catch (e) {}
function setTranspose(newT) {
t.transpose = newT;
for (var i=0; i<t.threads.length; i++) {
var note = t.threads[i].lastNote;
if (note != null) updateNoteFreq(t.threads[i], note);
function updateNoteFreq(thread, note) {
var noteOffsets = (note.pitched?((thread.pitchBend/0x7F)*thread.pitchBendRange):0)+thread.transpose+t.transpose;
note.src.playbackRate.setValueAtTime((noteToFreq(note.start+noteOffsets)/note.base)/, ctx.currentTime);
function kill() { //smoothly kills a sequence. If you want to instantly kill it, disconnect and then dereference it.
t.lastNoteEnd = 0;
for (var i=0; i<t.threads.length; i++) {
var note = t.threads[i].lastNote;
if (note != null) cutNoteShort(t.threads[i], note);
t.threads.splice(i--, 1);
function playNote(thread, velocity, duration, num) {
if (thread.wait < 0) console.log("warning - MIDI buffer overflowed! "+thread.wait);
velocity /= 127;
if ( == null) return;
var inst =[thread.program];
if (inst == null) return null;
var oldinst = inst;
inst = getInst(inst, num);
if (inst == null) { /*debugger;*/ return; }
var fireNote = true;
var note;
var source;
var snd;
if (thread.tie && thread.lastNote != null) {
note = thread.lastNote.note;
source = thread.lastNote.src;
snd = thread.lastNote.snd;
} else {
note = ctx.createGain();
snd = SSEQWaveCache.getWave([inst.swar], inst.swav);
source = ctx.createBufferSource();
source.loop = ( == 1);
source.loopStart =;
source.loopEnd = snd.buf.duration;
source.buffer = snd.buf;
var noteOffsets = thread.transpose+t.transpose; // (thread.pitchBend/0x7F)*thread.pitchBendRange+
var baseTime = thread.calculateCurrentTime();
var realDur = (thread.tie)?Infinity:(ticksToMs(duration)/1000);
var targetFreq = (noteToFreq(num+noteOffsets)/inst.freq)/;
if (thread.portaKey&0x80) source.playbackRate.value = targetFreq; //sound frequency may have been adjusted for the device to support it
else {
//handle porta
//we need to calculate the sweep time then apply a linear transform to the playback rate to get there
//when portaTime is 0 we use the length of the note
var sweepPitch = thread.sweepPitch+(thread.portaKey-num)*(1<<6);
source.playbackRate.setValueAtTime((noteToFreq(thread.portaKey+noteOffsets)/inst.freq)/, baseTime);
if (thread.portaTime == 0 && duration != Infinity) source.playbackRate.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(targetFreq, baseTime+(ticksToMs(duration)/1000));
else {
var timeS = thread.portaTime*thread.portaTime;
var time = ticksToMs((Math.abs(sweepPitch)*timeS)>>11)/1000;
source.playbackRate.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(targetFreq, baseTime+time);
//sequence the note
var atk = (thread.attack != null)?thread.attack:inst.attack;
var dec = (thread.decay != null)?thread.decay:inst.decay;
var sus = (thread.sustain != null)?thread.sustain:inst.sustainLvl;
var rel = (thread.release != null)?thread.release:inst.release;
var attackTime = calculateRequiredAttackCycles(convertAttToRate(atk))*CYCLE_TIME;//(255/convertAttToRate(inst.attack))*0.016; //0.01;
var decayTime = (92544/convertFallToRate(dec))*(1-sus/0x7F)*CYCLE_TIME/2;
var releaseTime = (92544/convertFallToRate(rel))*(sus/0x7F)*CYCLE_TIME/2;
if ((!thread.tie) || thread.lastNote == null) {
note.gain.value = 0.0;
note.gain.setValueAtTime(0.0, baseTime); //initially 0
note.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(velocity, baseTime+attackTime); //attack
note.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(velocity*sus/0x7F, baseTime+attackTime+decayTime); //decay
source.onended = function(){
note.ended = true;
if (realDur != Infinity) {
if (baseTime+attackTime+decayTime < baseTime+realDur) note.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(velocity*sus/0x7F, baseTime+realDur); //sustain until
note.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(0, baseTime+realDur+releaseTime); //then release
if (baseTime+realDur+releaseTime > t.lastNoteEnd) t.lastNoteEnd = baseTime+realDur+releaseTime;
return {src: source, base: inst.freq, start:num, note: note, relTime: releaseTime, snd: snd, noteEndsAt:baseTime+realDur};
function calculateRequiredAttackCycles(att) {
var value = 92544;
var ticks = 0;
while (value > 0) {
value = Math.floor((att*value)/255);
return ticks;
function convertAttToRate(attack) {
var table = [0x00, 0x01, 0x05, 0x0E, 0x1A, 0x26, 0x33, 0x3F, 0x49, 0x54,
0x5C, 0x64, 0x6D, 0x74, 0x7B, 0x7F, 0x84, 0x89, 0x8F];
if (attack & 0x80) return 0;
else if (attack >= 0x6F) return table[0x7F-attack];
else return 0xFF-attack;
function convertFallToRate(fall) {
if (fall&0x80) return 0;
else if (fall == 0x7F) return 0xFFFF;
else if (fall == 0x7E) return 0x3C00;
else if (fall < 0x32) return ((fall<<1)+1)&0xFFFF;
else return (0x1E00/(0x7E-fall))&0xFFFF;
function noteToFreq(n) {
return Math.pow(2, (n-49)/12)*440;
function getInst(inst, note) {
switch (inst.type) {
case 0:
return null;
case 1:
return inst;
case 2:
return inst.entries[Math.max(inst.lower, Math.min(inst.upper, note))-inst.lower];
case 3:
for (var i=0; i<inst.regions.length; i++) {
if (note <= inst.regions[i]) return inst.entries[i];
return null;
function ticksToMs(ticks) {
return (ticks/48)*(60000/t.bpm);
function SSEQThread(prog, pc, player) {
var VOLMUL = 1/4;
var t = this;
var pc = pc;
var prog = prog;
var player = player;
var comparisonResult = false;
//hacky implementation for certain instructions forcing the values of the next. thanks guys for making me have to do this
var force = false;
var forceCommand = 0;
var forceValue = 0;
var forceSpecial = 0;
t.buffer = 10; //the distance in beats where we queue notes to fire.
t.wait = 0;
t.offT = 0;
t.program = 0;
t.pitchBendRange = 1;
t.pitchBend = 0;
t.portaKey = 0x80; //is a byte, top bit is on/off (set is off).
t.portaTime = 0;
t.sweepPitch = 0;
t.transpose = 0;
t.attack = null;
t.delay = null;
t.sustain = null;
t.release = null;
t.tie = false;
t.tick = tick;
t.calculateCurrentTime = calculateCurrentTime;
t.noteWait = true;
t.loopPtr = 0;
t.loopTimes = 0;
//set up volume and pan controls
var ctx = player.ctx;
var gainL = ctx.createGain();
var gainR = ctx.createGain();
gainL.gain.value = 1;
gainR.gain.value = 1;
var merger = ctx.createChannelMerger(2);
var splitter = ctx.createChannelSplitter(2);
t.pan = 0;
t.gain = player.ctx.createGain();
t.gain.gain.value = VOLMUL;
//splitter.connect(gainL, 0);
//splitter.connect(gainR, 1);
gainL.connect(merger, 0, 0);
gainR.connect(merger, 0, 1);
merger.connect(player.masterGain, 0, 0);
//end audio setup
t.lastNote = null;
t.dead = false;
t.stack = [];
function tick(time) {
t.wait -= time;
t.offT = 0;
var insts = 0;
while (t.wait < t.buffer && !t.dead) {
var inst = (force)?forceCommand:prog[pc++];
if (inst<0x80) noteOn(inst);
else if (Instructions[inst] != null) Instructions[inst](inst);
else throw "bad instruction??";
if (force && inst != 0xA0 && inst != 0xA1) force = false;
if (++insts > 10000) { Instructions[0xFF](); console.error("audio thread locked up")};
if (t.wait == Infinity && t.lastNote != null && t.lastNote.note.ended) Instructions[0xFF]();
function noteOn(num) {
if (num == 0) return; //NOP
var velocity = forcableValue(true);
var length = forcableValueFunc(false, readVariableLength);
if (length == 0) length = Infinity;
t.lastNote = player.playNote(t, velocity, length, num);
if (t.noteWait) t.wait += length;
function ticksToMs(ticks) {
return (ticks/48)*(60000/player.bpm);
function readVariableLength() {
var read = prog[pc++];
var value = read&0x7F;
while (read & 0x80) {
var read = prog[pc++];
value = (value<<7) | (read&0x7F);
return value;
function calculateCurrentTime() {
return player.baseAudioTime+ticksToMs(t.wait-player.remainder)/1000;
var InstArgs = [ //starts at 0x80
[readVariableLength], [readVariableLength], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], //0x80-0x8F
[], [], [], [read8, read24], [read24], [read24], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], //0x90-0x9F
[read8, readSpecial, read16, read16], [read8, readSpecial], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [],
[read8, read8], [read8, read8], [read8, read8], [read8, read8], [read8, read8], [read8, read8], [read8, read8], [], [read8, read8], [read8, read8], [read8, read8], [read8, read8], [read8, read8], [read8, read8], [], [], //0xB0-0xBF
[read8], [read8], [read8], [read8], [read8], [read8], [read8], [read8], [read8], [read8], [read8], [read8], [read8], [read8], [read8], [read8],
[read8], [read8], [read8], [read8], [read8], [read8], [read8], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [],
[read16], [read16], [read16], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [],
[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [],
var Instructions = [];
Instructions[0xFE] = function() { //track definition
player.trackAlloc = read16();
Instructions[0x93] = function() { //track definition
var trackID = prog[pc++];
var newPC = prog[pc++];
newPC |= prog[pc++]<<8;
newPC |= prog[pc++]<<16;
var bit = 1<<trackID;
if ((!(player.trackStarted&bit)) && (player.trackAlloc&bit)) {
player.trackStarted |= bit;
Instructions[0x80] = function() { //rest
var length = forcableValueFunc(false, readVariableLength);
t.wait += length;
Instructions[0x81] = function() { //bank or program change
var dat = forcableValueFunc(false, readVariableLength);
t.program = dat&0x7F;
var bank = dat>>7;
if (bank != 0) player.loadBank(bank);
Instructions[0x94] = function() { //JUMP
var newPC = prog[pc++];
newPC |= prog[pc++]<<8;
newPC |= prog[pc++]<<16;
pc = newPC;
Instructions[0x95] = function() { //CALL
var newPC = prog[pc++];
newPC |= prog[pc++]<<8;
newPC |= prog[pc++]<<16;
pc = newPC;
Instructions[0xFD] = function() { //RETURN
if (t.stack.length == 0) Instructions[0xFF]();
pc = t.stack.pop();
Instructions[0xA0] = function() { //random
force = true; //this command forces the input to the next command to be a generated random number
forceCommand = prog[pc++];
if (forceCommand < 0x80 || (forceCommand >= 0xB0 && forceCommand <= 0xBD)) forceSpecial = prog[pc++];
var min = reads16();
var max = reads16();
forceValue = Math.floor(Math.random()*(max-min+1))+min;
Instructions[0xA1] = function() { //from var
force = true; //this command forces the input to the next command to be from a variable. use with caution probably!
forceCommand = prog[pc++];
if (forceCommand < 0x80 || (forceCommand >= 0xB0 && forceCommand <= 0xBD)) forceSpecial = prog[pc++];
forceValue = player.vars[prog[pc++]];
function varInst(inst){
var varNum = forcableValue(true);
var arg = forcableValue();
if (arg & 0x80) arg -= 256;
if (inst == 0xB4 && arg == 0) return;
varFunc[inst-0xB0](varNum, arg)
var varFunc = [ //"=", "+=", "-=", "*=", "/=", "[Shift]", "[Rand]"
function(a, b) { player.vars[a] = b },
function(a, b) { player.vars[a] += b },
function(a, b) { player.vars[a] -= b },
function(a, b) { player.vars[a] *= b },
function(a, b) { player.vars[a] = Math.floor(player.vars[a]/b) },
function(a, b) {
if (b < 0) player.vars[a] = player.vars[a]>>(-b);
else player.vars[a] = player.vars[a]<<b;
function(a, b) {
if (b < 0) player.vars[a] = -(Math.floor(Math.random()*256)%(1-b));
else player.vars[a] = -(Math.floor(Math.random()*256)%(b+1));
Instructions[0xB0] = varInst;
Instructions[0xB1] = varInst;
Instructions[0xB2] = varInst;
Instructions[0xB3] = varInst;
Instructions[0xB4] = varInst;
Instructions[0xB5] = varInst;
Instructions[0xB6] = varInst;
function boolInst(inst){
var varNum = forcableValue(true);
var arg = forcableValue();
if (arg & 0x80) arg -= 256;
comparisonResult = boolFunc[inst-0xB8](varNum, arg);
var boolFunc = [
function(a, b) { return player.vars[a] == b },
function(a, b) { return player.vars[a] >= b },
function(a, b) { return player.vars[a] > b },
function(a, b) { return player.vars[a] <= b },
function(a, b) { return player.vars[a] < b },
function(a, b) { return player.vars[a] != b },
Instructions[0xB8] = boolInst;
Instructions[0xB9] = boolInst;
Instructions[0xBA] = boolInst;
Instructions[0xBB] = boolInst;
Instructions[0xBC] = boolInst;
Instructions[0xBD] = boolInst;
Instructions[0xA2] = function() { //if#
if (!comparisonResult) {
//skip next
var inst = prog[pc++];
if (inst < 0x80) {
} else {
var cmds = InstArgs[inst-0x80];
var last = 0;
for (var i=0; i<cmds.length; i++) {
last = cmds[i](last);
Instructions[0xC0] = function() { var value = forcableValue(); setPan((value-64)/64) } //pan
Instructions[0xC1] = function() { var value = forcableValue(); t.gain.gain.setValueAtTime((value/0x7F)*VOLMUL, calculateCurrentTime()); } //volume
Instructions[0xC2] = function() { var value = forcableValue(); player.masterGain.gain.setValueAtTime(value/0x7F, calculateCurrentTime()); } //master volume
Instructions[0xC3] = function() { t.transpose = forcableValue(); if (t.transpose & 0x80) t.transpose -= 256; } //transpose
Instructions[0xC4] = function() {
t.pitchBend = forcableValue();
if (t.pitchBend & 128) t.pitchBend -= 256;
if (t.lastNote != null) {
t.lastNote.pitched = true;
player.updateNoteFreq(t, t.lastNote);
} //pitch bend
Instructions[0xC5] = function() { t.pitchBendRange = prog[pc++]; } //pitch bend range
Instructions[0xC6] = function() { var value = prog[pc++]; } //track priority
Instructions[0xC7] = function() { t.noteWait = (prog[pc++]>0); } //mono/poly
Instructions[0xC8] = function() { t.tie = prog[pc++]; if (t.lastNote != null) player.cutNoteShort(t, t.lastNote); t.lastNote = null; } //tie
Instructions[0xC9] = function() { t.portaKey = prog[pc++]; } //portamento control
Instructions[0xCA] = function() { var value = forcableValue(); } //modulation depth
Instructions[0xCB] = function() { var value = forcableValue(); } //modulation speed
Instructions[0xCC] = function() { var value = prog[pc++]; } //modulation type
Instructions[0xCD] = function() { var value = prog[pc++]; } //modulation range
Instructions[0xCE] = function() { t.portaKey = (t.portaKey&0x7F)|((!prog[pc++])<<7); } //portamento on/off
Instructions[0xCF] = function() { t.portaTime = forcableValue(); } //portamento time
Instructions[0xD0] = function() { t.attack = forcableValue(); } //attack rate
Instructions[0xD1] = function() { t.decay = forcableValue(); } //decay rate
Instructions[0xD2] = function() { t.sustain = forcableValue(); } //sustain rate
Instructions[0xD3] = function() { t.release = forcableValue(); } //release rate
Instructions[0xD4] = function() { t.loopTimes = forcableValue(); t.loopPtr = pc; } //loop start
Instructions[0xFC] = function() { if (t.loopTimes-- > 0) pc = t.loopPtr; } //loop end
Instructions[0xD5] = function() { var value = forcableValue(); } //expression
Instructions[0xD6] = function() { var value = prog[pc++]; } //print variable
Instructions[0xE0] = function() { var value = prog[pc++]; value |= prog[pc++]<<8 } //modulation delay
Instructions[0xE1] = function() {
var value = prog[pc++];
value |= prog[pc++]<<8;
} //set BPM
Instructions[0xE3] = function() { t.sweepPitch = forcableValueFunc(false, reads16); } //sweep pitch
Instructions[0xFF] = function() {
if (t.lastNote != null) player.cutNoteShort(t, t.lastNote);
t.dead = true;
} //end of track
function read16() {
var value = prog[pc++];
value |= prog[pc++]<<8;
return value;
function reads16() {
var value = read16();
if (value & 0x8000) value -= 0x10000;
return value;
function read8() {
return prog[pc++];
function readSpecial(last) {
if (last < 0x80 || (last >= 0xB0 && last < 0xBD)) return prog[pc++];
else return 0;
function read24() {
var value = prog[pc++];
value |= prog[pc++]<<8;
value |= prog[pc++]<<16;
return value;
function forcableValueFunc(special, func) {
if (force) return special?forceSpecial:forceValue;
else return func();
function forcableValue(special) {
if (force) return special?forceSpecial:forceValue;
else return prog[pc++];
function setPan(value) {
t.pan = value;
if (value > 0) {
gainR.gain.value = 1;
gainL.gain.value = 1-value;
} else {
gainR.gain.value = 1+value;
gainL.gain.value = 1;
function noteToFreq(n) {
return Math.pow(2, (n-49)/12)*440;