
303 lines
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// largeSphereCollider.js
// Provides functions to detect collision against sets of triangles for swept ellipsoids and small rays (low cost, used for green shells).
// by RHY3756547
// includes: gl-matrix.js (glMatrix 2.0)
// /formats/kcl.js
window.lsc = new (function() {
this.raycast = raycast;
this.sweepEllipse = sweepEllipse;
this.pointInTriangle = pointInTriangle; //expose this because its kinda useful
function raycast(pos, dir, kclO, error, ignoreList) { //used for shells, bananas and spammable items. Much faster than sphere sweep. Error used to avoid falling through really small seams between tris.
var error = (error==null)?0:error;
var t=1;
var tris = getTriList(pos, dir, kclO);
var colPlane = null;
var colPoint = null; //can be calculated from t, but we calculate it anyway so why not include
for (var i=0; i<tris.length; i++) {
//first, check if we intersect the plane within reasonable t.
//only if this happens do we check if the point is in the triangle.
//we would also only do sphere sweep if this happens.
var tri = tris[i];
if (ignoreList.indexOf(tri) != -1) continue;
var planeConst =, tri.Vertex1);
var dist =, pos) + planeConst;
var modDir =, dir);
if (dist < 0 || modDir == 0) continue; //can't collide with back side of polygons! also can't intersect plane with ray perpendicular to plane
var newT = -dist/modDir;
if (newT>0 && newT<t) {
//we have a winner! check if the plane intersecion point is in the triangle.
var pt = vec3.add([], pos, vec3.scale([], dir, newT))
if (pointInTriangle(tri, pt, error)) {
t = newT;
colPlane = tri;
colPoint = pt; //result!
if (colPlane != null) {
return {
t: t,
plane: colPlane,
colPoint: colPoint,
normal: colPlane.Normal
} else return null;
function modTri(tri, mat) {
var obj = {};
obj.Vertex1 = vec3.transformMat4([], tri.Vertex1, mat);
obj.Vertex2 = vec3.transformMat4([], tri.Vertex2, mat);
obj.Vertex3 = vec3.transformMat4([], tri.Vertex3, mat);
obj.Normal = vec3.transformMat3([], tri.Normal, mat3.fromMat4([], mat));
vec3.normalize(obj.Normal, obj.Normal);
obj.CollisionType = tri.CollisionType;
return obj;
function scaleTri(tri, eDim) {
var obj = {};
obj.Vertex1 = vec3.divide([], tri.Vertex1, eDim);
obj.Vertex2 = vec3.divide([], tri.Vertex2, eDim);
obj.Vertex3 = vec3.divide([], tri.Vertex3, eDim);
obj.Normal = tri.Normal
obj.CollisionType = tri.CollisionType;
return obj;
var t, colPlane, colPoint, emb, edge, colO, planeNormal;
function sweepEllipse(pos, dir, scn, eDimensions, ignoreList) { //used for karts or things that need to occupy physical space.
var ed = vec3.divide([], [1, 1, 1], eDimensions);
var tris = getTriList(pos, dir, scn.kcl);
var oPos = pos;
var oDir = dir;
var pos = vec3.divide([], pos, eDimensions); //need to rescale position to move into ellipsoid space
var dir = vec3.divide([], dir, eDimensions);
colPlane = null;
colPoint = null; //can be calculated from t, but we calculate it anyway so why not include
emb = false;
edge = false;
ellipseVTris(pos, dir, tris, eDimensions, ignoreList, true);
for (var i=0; i<scn.colEnt.length; i++) {
var c = scn.colEnt[i];
var col = c.getCollision();
if (vec3.distance(oPos, c.pos) < c.colRad) {
ellipseVTris(pos, dir, col.tris, mat4.mul([], mat4.scale([], mat4.create(), ed), col.mat), ignoreList, false, c);
if (colPlane != null) {
var norm = vec3.scale([], dir, t)
vec3.add(norm, pos, norm);
vec3.sub(norm, norm, colPoint);
if (Math.sqrt(, norm)) < 0.98) emb = true;
vec3.mul(colPoint, colPoint, eDimensions);
return {
t: t,
plane: colPlane,
colPoint: colPoint,
normal: norm,
pNormal: planeNormal,
embedded: emb,
object: colO
} else return null;
function ellipseVTris(pos, dir, tris, mat, ignoreList, eDims, targ) {
for (var i=0; i<tris.length; i++) {
//first, check if we intersect the plane within reasonable t.
//only if this happens do we check if the point is in the triangle.
//we would also only do sphere sweep if this happens.
var oTri = tris[i];
if (ignoreList.indexOf(oTri) != -1) continue;
var tri = (eDims)?scaleTri(tris[i], mat):modTri(tris[i], mat);
var planeConst =, tri.Vertex1);
var dist =, pos) + planeConst;
var modDir =, dir);
if (dist < 0) continue; //can't collide with back side of polygons! also can't intersect plane with ray perpendicular to plane
var t0, t1, embedded = false;
if (modDir == 0) {
if (Math.abs(dist) < 1) {
t0 = 0;
t1 = 1;
embedded = true;
} else {
t0 = 1000;
t1 = 2000;
} else {
t0 = (1-dist)/modDir;
t1 = ((-1)-dist)/modDir;
if (t0 > t1) { //make sure t0 is smallest value
var temp = t1;
t1 = t0;
t0 = temp;
if (!(t0>1 || t1<0)) {
//we will intersect this triangle's plane within this frame.
// Three things can happen for the earliest intersection:
// - sphere intersects plane of triangle (pt on plane projected from new position is inside triangle)
// - sphere intersects edge of triangle
// - sphere intersects point of triangle
if (t0 < 0) { embedded = true; t0 = 0; }
if (t1 > 1) t1 = 1;
var newT = t0;
//sphere intersects plane of triangle
var pt = [];
if (embedded) {
vec3.sub(pt, pos, vec3.scale([], tri.Normal, dist));
} else {
vec3.add(pt, pos, vec3.scale([], dir, newT))
vec3.sub(pt, pt, tri.Normal); //project new position onto plane along normal
if (pointInTriangle(tri, pt, 0) && newT<t) {
t = newT;
colPlane = oTri;
colPoint = pt; //result!
colO = targ;
edge = false;
emb = embedded;
planeNormal = tri.Normal;
//no inside intersection check vertices:
for (var j=1; j<=3; j++) {
var vert = vec3.sub([], pos, tri["Vertex"+j]);
var root = getSmallestRoot(, dir), 2*, vert),, vert)-1, t);
if (root != null) {
t = root;
colPlane = oTri;
colO = targ;
colPoint = vec3.clone(tri["Vertex"+j]); //result!
planeNormal = tri.Normal;
edge = false;
//... and lines
for (var j=1; j<=3; j++) {
var vert = tri["Vertex"+j];
var nextV = tri["Vertex"+((j%3)+1)];
var distVert = vec3.sub([], vert, pos);
var distLine = vec3.sub([], nextV, vert);
var edgeDist =, distLine);
var edgeDotVelocity =, dir);
var edgeDotVert =, distLine);
var root = getSmallestRoot(
edgeDist*(-1)*, dir) + edgeDotVelocity*edgeDotVelocity,
edgeDist*2*, distVert) - 2*edgeDotVelocity*edgeDotVert,
edgeDist*(, distVert)) + edgeDotVert*edgeDotVert,
if (root != null) {
var edgePos = (edgeDotVelocity*root - edgeDotVert)/edgeDist;
if (edgePos >= 0 && edgePos <= 1) {
t = root;
colPlane = oTri;
colO = targ;
colPoint = vec3.add([], vert, vec3.scale(distLine, distLine, edgePos)); //result!
planeNormal = tri.Normal;
edge = true;
function getSmallestRoot(a, b, c, upperLimit) {
var det = (b*b) - 4*(a*c);
if (det<0) return null; //no result :'(
else {
det = Math.sqrt(det);
var root1 = ((-b)-det)/(2*a)
var root2 = ((-b)+det)/(2*a)
if (root1 > root2) { //ensure root1 is smallest
var temp = root1;
root1 = root2;
root2 = temp;
if (root1>0 && root1<upperLimit) {
return root1;
} else if (root2>0 && root2<upperLimit) {
return root2;
} else {
return null;
function pointInTriangle(tri, point, error) { //barycentric check
//compute direction vectors to the other verts and the point
var v0 = vec3.sub([], tri.Vertex3, tri.Vertex1);
var v1 = vec3.sub([], tri.Vertex2, tri.Vertex1);
var v2 = vec3.sub([], point, tri.Vertex1);
//we need to find u and v across the two vectors v0 and v1 such that adding them will result in our point's position
//where the unit length of both vectors v0 and v1 is 1, the sum of both u and v should not exceed 1 and neither should be negative
var dot00 =, v0); var dot01 =, v1); var dot02 =, v2);
var dot11 =, v1); var dot12 =, v2);
//dot11 and dot00 result in the square of the distance for v0 and v1
var inverse = 1/(dot00*dot11 - dot01*dot01);
var u = (dot11*dot02 - dot01*dot12)*inverse;
var v = (dot00*dot12 - dot01*dot02)*inverse;
return (u>=-error && v>=-error && (u+v)<1+error);
function getTriList(pos, diff, kclO) { //gets tris from kcl around a line. currently only fetches from middle point of line, but should include multiple samples for large differences in future.
var sample = vec3.add([], pos, vec3.scale([], diff, 0.5))
return kclO.getPlanesAt(sample[0], sample[1], sample[2]);