/* _bot_utility Author: INeedGames Date: 09/26/2020 The shared functions for bots Notes for engine obv the old bot behavior should be changed to use gsc built-ins to control bots bots using objects needs to be fixed setSpawnWeapon and switchtoweapon should be modified to work for testclients */ #include common_scripts\utility; #include maps\mp\_utility; #include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_util; /* Waits for the built-ins to be defined */ wait_for_builtins() { for ( i = 0; i < 20; i++ ) { if ( isdefined( level.bot_builtins ) ) { return true; } if ( i < 18 ) { waittillframeend; } else { wait 0.05; } } return false; } /* Prints to console without dev script on */ BotBuiltinPrintConsole( s ) { if ( isdefined( level.bot_builtins ) && isdefined( level.bot_builtins[ "printconsole" ] ) ) { [[ level.bot_builtins[ "printconsole" ] ]]( s ); } } /* Writes to the file, mode can be "append" or "write" */ BotBuiltinFileWrite( file, contents, mode ) { if ( isdefined( level.bot_builtins ) && isdefined( level.bot_builtins[ "filewrite" ] ) ) { [[ level.bot_builtins[ "filewrite" ] ]]( file, contents, mode ); } } /* Returns the whole file as a string */ BotBuiltinFileRead( file ) { if ( isdefined( level.bot_builtins ) && isdefined( level.bot_builtins[ "fileread" ] ) ) { return [[ level.bot_builtins[ "fileread" ] ]]( file ); } return undefined; } /* Test if a file exists */ BotBuiltinFileExists( file ) { if ( isdefined( level.bot_builtins ) && isdefined( level.bot_builtins[ "fileexists" ] ) ) { return [[ level.bot_builtins[ "fileexists" ] ]]( file ); } return false; } /* Bot action, does a bot action botaction() */ BotBuiltinBotAction( action ) { if ( isdefined( level.bot_builtins ) && isdefined( level.bot_builtins[ "botaction" ] ) ) { self [[ level.bot_builtins[ "botaction" ] ]]( action ); } } /* Clears the bot from movement and actions botstop() */ BotBuiltinBotStop() { if ( isdefined( level.bot_builtins ) && isdefined( level.bot_builtins[ "botstop" ] ) ) { self [[ level.bot_builtins[ "botstop" ] ]](); } } /* Sets the bot's movement botmovement(, ) */ BotBuiltinBotMovement( forward, right ) { if ( isdefined( level.bot_builtins ) && isdefined( level.bot_builtins[ "botmovement" ] ) ) { self [[ level.bot_builtins[ "botmovement" ] ]]( forward, right ); } } /* Sets melee params */ BotBuiltinBotMeleeParams( yaw, dist ) { if ( isdefined( level.bot_builtins ) && isdefined( level.bot_builtins[ "botmeleeparams" ] ) ) { self [[ level.bot_builtins[ "botmeleeparams" ] ]]( yaw, dist ); } } /* Sets remote angles */ BotBuiltinBotRemoteAngles( pitch, yaw ) { if ( isdefined( level.bot_builtins ) && isdefined( level.bot_builtins[ "botremoteangles" ] ) ) { self [[ level.bot_builtins[ "botremoteangles" ] ]]( pitch, yaw ); } } /* Sets angles */ BotBuiltinBotAngles( angles ) { if ( isdefined( level.bot_builtins ) && isdefined( level.bot_builtins[ "botangles" ] ) ) { self [[ level.bot_builtins[ "botangles" ] ]]( angles ); } } /* Returns if player is the host */ is_host() { return ( isdefined( self.pers[ "bot_host" ] ) && self.pers[ "bot_host" ] ); } /* Setups the host variable on the player */ doHostCheck() { self.pers[ "bot_host" ] = false; if ( self is_bot() ) { return; } result = false; if ( getdvar( "bots_main_firstIsHost" ) != "0" ) { BotBuiltinPrintConsole( "WARNING: bots_main_firstIsHost is enabled" ); if ( getdvar( "bots_main_firstIsHost" ) == "1" ) { setdvar( "bots_main_firstIsHost", self getguid() ); } if ( getdvar( "bots_main_firstIsHost" ) == self getguid() + "" ) { result = true; } } DvarGUID = getdvar( "bots_main_GUIDs" ); if ( DvarGUID != "" ) { guids = strtok( DvarGUID, "," ); for ( i = 0; i < guids.size; i++ ) { if ( self getguid() + "" == guids[ i ] ) { result = true; } } } if ( !self ishost() && !result ) { return; } self.pers[ "bot_host" ] = true; } /* Returns if the player is a bot. */ is_bot() { assert( isdefined( self ) ); assert( isplayer( self ) ); return ( ( isdefined( self.pers[ "isBot" ] ) && self.pers[ "isBot" ] ) || ( isdefined( self.pers[ "isBotWarfare" ] ) && self.pers[ "isBotWarfare" ] ) || issubstr( self getguid() + "", "bot" ) ); } /* Set the bot's stance */ BotSetStance( stance ) { switch ( stance ) { case "stand": self maps\mp\bots\_bot_internal::stand(); break; case "crouch": self maps\mp\bots\_bot_internal::crouch(); break; case "prone": self maps\mp\bots\_bot_internal::prone(); break; } } /* Bot presses the frag button for time. */ BotPressFrag( time ) { self maps\mp\bots\_bot_internal::frag( time ); } /* Bot presses the smoke button for time. */ BotPressSmoke( time ) { self maps\mp\bots\_bot_internal::smoke( time ); } /* Bot will press the ads button for the time */ BotpressADS( time ) { self maps\mp\bots\_bot_internal::pressADS( time ); } /* Bot presses the use button for time. */ BotPressUse( time ) { self maps\mp\bots\_bot_internal::use( time ); } /* Bots will press the attack button for a time */ BotPressAttack( time ) { self maps\mp\bots\_bot_internal::pressFire( time ); } /* Returns a random number thats different everytime it changes target */ BotGetTargetRandom() { if ( !isdefined( self.bot.target ) ) { return undefined; } return self.bot.target.rand; } /* Returns the bot's random assigned number. */ BotGetRandom() { return self.bot.rand; } /* Returns if the bot is pressing frag button. */ IsBotFragging() { return self.bot.isfraggingafter; } /* Returns if the bot is pressing smoke button. */ IsBotSmoking() { return self.bot.issmokingafter; } /* Returns if the bot is sprinting. */ IsBotSprinting() { return self.bot.issprinting; } /* Returns if the bot is reloading. */ IsBotReloading() { return self.bot.isreloading; } /* Is bot knifing */ IsBotKnifing() { return self.bot.isknifingafter; } /* Freezes the bot's controls. */ BotFreezeControls( what ) { self.bot.isfrozen = what; if ( what ) { self notify( "kill_goal" ); } } /* Returns if the bot is script frozen. */ BotIsFrozen() { return self.bot.isfrozen; } /* Bot will stop moving */ BotStopMoving( what ) { self.bot.stop_move = what; if ( what ) { self notify( "kill_goal" ); } } /* Waits till frame end so that if two notifies happen in the same frame, the other will not be missed. */ BotNotifyBotEvent_( msg, a, b, c, d, e, f, g ) { self endon( "disconnect" ); waittillframeend; // wait for the waittills to setup again self notify( "bot_event", msg, a, b, c, d, e, f, g ); } /* Notify the bot chat message */ BotNotifyBotEvent( msg, a, b, c, d, e, f, g ) { self thread BotNotifyBotEvent_( msg, a, b, c, d, e, f, g ); } /* Returns if the bot has a script goal. (like t5 gsc bot) */ HasScriptGoal() { return ( isdefined( self GetScriptGoal() ) ); } /* Sets the bot's goal, will acheive it when dist away from it. */ SetScriptGoal( goal, dist ) { if ( !isdefined( dist ) ) { dist = 16; } self.bot.script_goal = goal; self.bot.script_goal_dist = dist; waittillframeend; self notify( "new_goal_internal" ); self notify( "new_goal" ); } /* Returns the pos of the bot's goal */ GetScriptGoal() { return self.bot.script_goal; } /* Clears the bot's goal. */ ClearScriptGoal() { self SetScriptGoal( undefined, 0 ); } /* Returns the location of the bot's javelin target */ HasBotJavelinLocation() { return isdefined( self.bot.jav_loc ); } /* Returns whether the bot has a priority objective */ HasPriorityObjective() { return self.bot.prio_objective; } /* Sets the bot to prioritize the objective over targeting enemies */ SetPriorityObjective() { self.bot.prio_objective = true; self notify( "kill_goal" ); } /* Clears the bot's priority objective to allow the bot to target enemies automatically again */ ClearPriorityObjective() { self.bot.prio_objective = false; self notify( "kill_goal" ); } /* Sets the aim position of the bot */ SetScriptAimPos( pos ) { self.bot.script_aimpos = pos; } /* Clears the aim position of the bot */ ClearScriptAimPos() { self SetScriptAimPos( undefined ); } /* Returns the aim position of the bot */ GetScriptAimPos() { return self.bot.script_aimpos; } /* Returns if the bot has a aim pos */ HasScriptAimPos() { return isdefined( self GetScriptAimPos() ); } /* Sets the bot's javelin target location */ SetBotJavelinLocation( loc ) { self.bot.jav_loc = loc; self notify( "new_enemy" ); } /* Clears the bot's javelin location */ ClearBotJavelinLocation() { self SetBotJavelinLocation( undefined ); } /* Sets the bot's target to be this ent. */ setAttacker( att ) { self.bot.target_this_frame = att; } /* Sets the script enemy for a bot. */ SetScriptEnemy( enemy, offset ) { self.bot.script_target = enemy; self.bot.script_target_offset = offset; } /* Removes the script enemy of the bot. */ ClearScriptEnemy() { self SetScriptEnemy( undefined, undefined ); } /* Returns the entity of the bot's target. */ getThreat() { if ( !isdefined( self.bot.target ) ) { return undefined; } return self.bot.target.entity; } /* Returns if the bot has a script enemy. */ HasScriptEnemy() { return ( isdefined( self.bot.script_target ) ); } /* Returns if the bot has a threat. */ hasThreat() { return ( isdefined( self getThreat() ) ); } /* If the player is defusing */ isDefusing() { return ( isdefined( self.isdefusing ) && self.isdefusing ); } /* If the play is planting */ isPlanting() { return ( isdefined( self.isplanting ) && self.isplanting ); } /* If the player is carrying a bomb */ isBombCarrier() { return ( isdefined( self.isbombcarrier ) && self.isbombcarrier ); } /* If the site is in use */ isInUse() { return ( isdefined( self.inuse ) && self.inuse ); } /* If the player is in laststand */ inLastStand() { return ( isdefined( self.laststand ) && self.laststand ); } /* Is being revived */ isBeingRevived() { return ( isdefined( self.beingrevived ) && self.beingrevived ); } /* If the player is in final stand */ inFinalStand() { return ( isdefined( self.infinalstand ) && self.infinalstand ); } /* If the player is the flag carrier */ isFlagCarrier() { return ( isdefined( self.carryflag ) && self.carryflag ); } /* Returns if we are stunned. */ isStunned() { return ( isdefined( self.concussionendtime ) && self.concussionendtime > gettime() ); } /* Returns if we are beingArtilleryShellshocked */ isArtShocked() { return ( isdefined( self.beingartilleryshellshocked ) && self.beingartilleryshellshocked ); } /* Returns a valid grenade launcher weapon */ getValidTube() { weaps = self getweaponslistall(); for ( i = 0; i < weaps.size; i++ ) { weap = weaps[ i ]; if ( !self getammocount( weap ) ) { continue; } if ( ( issubstr( weap, "gl_" ) && !issubstr( weap, "_gl_" ) ) || weap == "m79_mp" ) { return weap; } } return undefined; } /* iw5 */ allowClassChoiceUtil() { entry = tablelookup( "mp/gametypesTable.csv", 0, level.gametype, 4 ); if ( !isdefined( entry ) || entry == "" ) { return true; } return int( entry ); } /* iw5 */ allowTeamChoiceUtil() { entry = tablelookup( "mp/gametypesTable.csv", 0, level.gametype, 5 ); if ( !isdefined( entry ) || entry == "" ) { return true; } return int( entry ); } /* helper */ waittill_either_return_( str1, str2 ) { self endon( str1 ); self waittill( str2 ); return true; } /* Returns which string gets notified first */ waittill_either_return( str1, str2 ) { if ( !isdefined( self waittill_either_return_( str1, str2 ) ) ) { return str1; } return str2; } /* Returns a random grenade in the bot's inventory. */ getValidGrenade() { grenadeTypes = []; grenadeTypes[ grenadeTypes.size ] = "frag_grenade_mp"; grenadeTypes[ grenadeTypes.size ] = "smoke_grenade_mp"; grenadeTypes[ grenadeTypes.size ] = "flash_grenade_mp"; grenadeTypes[ grenadeTypes.size ] = "concussion_grenade_mp"; grenadeTypes[ grenadeTypes.size ] = "semtex_mp"; grenadeTypes[ grenadeTypes.size ] = "throwingknife_mp"; possibles = []; for ( i = 0; i < grenadeTypes.size; i++ ) { if ( !self hasweapon( grenadeTypes[ i ] ) ) { continue; } if ( !self getammocount( grenadeTypes[ i ] ) ) { continue; } possibles[ possibles.size ] = grenadeTypes[ i ]; } return random( possibles ); } /* If the weapon is not a script weapon (bomb, killstreak, etc, grenades) */ isWeaponPrimary( weap ) { return ( maps\mp\gametypes\_weapons::isprimaryweapon( weap ) || maps\mp\gametypes\_weapons::isaltmodeweapon( weap ) ); } /* If the ent is a vehicle */ entIsVehicle( ent ) { return ( ent.classname == "script_vehicle" || ent.model == "vehicle_uav_static_mp" || ent.model == "vehicle_ac130_coop" ); } /* Returns if the given weapon is full auto. */ WeaponIsFullAuto( weap ) { weaptoks = strtok( weap, "_" ); assert( isdefined( weaptoks[ 0 ] ) ); assert( isstring( weaptoks[ 0 ] ) ); return isdefined( level.bots_fullautoguns[ weaptoks[ 0 ] ] ); } /* If weap is a secondary gnade */ isSecondaryGrenade( gnade ) { return ( gnade == "concussion_grenade_mp" || gnade == "flash_grenade_mp" || gnade == "smoke_grenade_mp" ); } /* If the weapon is allowed to be dropped */ isWeaponDroppable( weap ) { return ( maps\mp\gametypes\_weapons::maydropweapon( weap ) ); } /* Does a notify after a delay */ notifyAfterDelay( delay, not ) { wait delay; self notify( not ); } /* Returns a bot to be kicked */ getBotToKick() { bots = getBotArray(); if ( !isdefined( bots ) || !isdefined( bots.size ) || bots.size <= 0 || !isdefined( bots[ 0 ] ) ) { return undefined; } tokick = undefined; axis = 0; allies = 0; team = getdvar( "bots_team" ); // count teams for ( i = 0; i < bots.size; i++ ) { bot = bots[ i ]; if ( !isdefined( bot ) || !isdefined( bot.team ) ) { continue; } if ( bot.team == "allies" ) { allies++; } else if ( bot.team == "axis" ) { axis++; } else // choose bots that are not on a team first { return bot; } } // search for a bot on the other team if ( team == "custom" || team == "axis" ) { team = "allies"; } else if ( team == "autoassign" ) { // get the team with the most bots team = "allies"; if ( axis > allies ) { team = "axis"; } } else { team = "axis"; } // get the bot on this team with lowest skill for ( i = 0; i < bots.size; i++ ) { bot = bots[ i ]; if ( !isdefined( bot ) || !isdefined( bot.team ) ) { continue; } if ( bot.team != team ) { continue; } if ( !isdefined( bot.pers ) || !isdefined( bot.pers[ "bots" ] ) || !isdefined( bot.pers[ "bots" ][ "skill" ] ) || !isdefined( bot.pers[ "bots" ][ "skill" ][ "base" ] ) ) { continue; } if ( isdefined( tokick ) && bot.pers[ "bots" ][ "skill" ][ "base" ] > tokick.pers[ "bots" ][ "skill" ][ "base" ] ) { continue; } tokick = bot; } if ( isdefined( tokick ) ) { return tokick; } // just kick lowest skill for ( i = 0; i < bots.size; i++ ) { bot = bots[ i ]; if ( !isdefined( bot ) || !isdefined( bot.team ) ) { continue; } if ( !isdefined( bot.pers ) || !isdefined( bot.pers[ "bots" ] ) || !isdefined( bot.pers[ "bots" ][ "skill" ] ) || !isdefined( bot.pers[ "bots" ][ "skill" ][ "base" ] ) ) { continue; } if ( isdefined( tokick ) && bot.pers[ "bots" ][ "skill" ][ "base" ] > tokick.pers[ "bots" ][ "skill" ][ "base" ] ) { continue; } tokick = bot; } return tokick; } /* Gets a player who is host */ GetHostPlayer() { for ( i = 0; i < level.players.size; i++ ) { player = level.players[ i ]; if ( !player is_host() ) { continue; } return player; } return undefined; } /* Waits for a host player */ bot_wait_for_host() { host = undefined; while ( !isdefined( level ) || !isdefined( level.players ) ) { wait 0.05; } for ( i = getdvarfloat( "bots_main_waitForHostTime" ); i > 0; i -= 0.05 ) { host = GetHostPlayer(); if ( isdefined( host ) ) { break; } wait 0.05; } if ( !isdefined( host ) ) { return; } for ( i = getdvarfloat( "bots_main_waitForHostTime" ); i > 0; i -= 0.05 ) { if ( isdefined( host.pers[ "team" ] ) ) { break; } wait 0.05; } if ( !isdefined( host.pers[ "team" ] ) ) { return; } for ( i = getdvarfloat( "bots_main_waitForHostTime" ); i > 0; i -= 0.05 ) { if ( host.pers[ "team" ] == "allies" || host.pers[ "team" ] == "axis" ) { break; } wait 0.05; } } /* Pezbot's line sphere intersection. http://paulbourke.net/geometry/circlesphere/raysphere.c */ RaySphereIntersect( start, end, spherePos, radius ) { // check if the start or end points are in the sphere r2 = radius * radius; if ( distancesquared( start, spherePos ) < r2 ) { return true; } if ( distancesquared( end, spherePos ) < r2 ) { return true; } // check if the line made by start and end intersect the sphere dp = end - start; a = dp[ 0 ] * dp[ 0 ] + dp[ 1 ] * dp[ 1 ] + dp[ 2 ] * dp[ 2 ]; b = 2 * ( dp[ 0 ] * ( start[ 0 ] - spherePos[ 0 ] ) + dp[ 1 ] * ( start[ 1 ] - spherePos[ 1 ] ) + dp[ 2 ] * ( start[ 2 ] - spherePos[ 2 ] ) ); c = spherePos[ 0 ] * spherePos[ 0 ] + spherePos[ 1 ] * spherePos[ 1 ] + spherePos[ 2 ] * spherePos[ 2 ]; c += start[ 0 ] * start[ 0 ] + start[ 1 ] * start[ 1 ] + start[ 2 ] * start[ 2 ]; c -= 2.0 * ( spherePos[ 0 ] * start[ 0 ] + spherePos[ 1 ] * start[ 1 ] + spherePos[ 2 ] * start[ 2 ] ); c -= radius * radius; bb4ac = b * b - 4.0 * a * c; if ( abs( a ) < 0.0001 || bb4ac < 0 ) { return false; } mu1 = ( 0 - b + sqrt( bb4ac ) ) / ( 2 * a ); // mu2 = (0-b - sqrt(bb4ac)) / (2 * a); // intersection points of the sphere ip1 = start + mu1 * dp; // ip2 = start + mu2 * dp; myDist = distancesquared( start, end ); // check if both intersection points far if ( distancesquared( start, ip1 ) > myDist/* && distancesquared(start, ip2) > myDist*/ ) { return false; } dpAngles = vectortoangles( dp ); // check if the point is behind us if ( getConeDot( ip1, start, dpAngles ) < 0/* || getConeDot(ip2, start, dpAngles) < 0*/ ) { return false; } return true; } /* Returns if a smoke grenade would intersect start to end line. */ SmokeTrace( start, end, rad ) { for ( i = level.bots_smokelist.count - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { nade = level.bots_smokelist.data[ i ]; if ( nade.state != "smoking" ) { continue; } if ( !RaySphereIntersect( start, end, nade.origin, rad ) ) { continue; } return false; } return true; } /* Returns the cone dot (like fov, or distance from the center of our screen). */ getConeDot( to, from, dir ) { dirToTarget = vectornormalize( to - from ); forward = anglestoforward( dir ); return vectordot( dirToTarget, forward ); } /* Returns the distance squared in a 2d space */ distancesquared2D( to, from ) { to = ( to[ 0 ], to[ 1 ], 0 ); from = ( from[ 0 ], from[ 1 ], 0 ); return distancesquared( to, from ); } /* Rounds to the nearest whole number. */ Round( x ) { y = int( x ); if ( abs( x ) - abs( y ) > 0.5 ) { if ( x < 0 ) { return y - 1; } else { return y + 1; } } else { return y; } } /* converts a string into a float */ float_old( num ) { setdvar( "temp_dvar_bot_util", num ); return getdvarfloat( "temp_dvar_bot_util" ); } /* If the string starts with */ isStrStart( string1, subStr ) { return ( getsubstr( string1, 0, subStr.size ) == subStr ); } /* Parses tokens into a waypoint obj */ parseTokensIntoWaypoint( tokens ) { waypoint = spawnstruct(); orgStr = tokens[ 0 ]; orgToks = strtok( orgStr, " " ); waypoint.origin = ( float_old( orgToks[ 0 ] ), float_old( orgToks[ 1 ] ), float_old( orgToks[ 2 ] ) ); childStr = tokens[ 1 ]; childToks = strtok( childStr, " " ); waypoint.children = []; for ( j = 0; j < childToks.size; j++ ) { waypoint.children[ j ] = int( childToks[ j ] ); } type = tokens[ 2 ]; waypoint.type = type; anglesStr = tokens[ 3 ]; if ( isdefined( anglesStr ) && anglesStr != "" ) { anglesToks = strtok( anglesStr, " " ); if ( anglesToks.size >= 3 ) { waypoint.angles = ( float_old( anglesToks[ 0 ] ), float_old( anglesToks[ 1 ] ), float_old( anglesToks[ 2 ] ) ); } } javStr = tokens[ 4 ]; if ( isdefined( javStr ) && javStr != "" ) { javToks = strtok( javStr, " " ); if ( javToks.size >= 3 ) { waypoint.jav_point = ( float_old( javToks[ 0 ] ), float_old( javToks[ 1 ] ), float_old( javToks[ 2 ] ) ); } } return waypoint; } /* Function to extract lines from a file specified by 'filename' and store them in a result structure. */ getWaypointLinesFromFile( filename ) { // Create a structure to store the result, including an array to hold individual lines. result = spawnstruct(); result.lines = []; // Read the entire content of the file into the 'waypointStr' variable. // Note: max string length in GSC is 65535. waypointStr = BotBuiltinFileRead( filename ); // If the file is empty or not defined, return the empty result structure. if ( !isdefined( waypointStr ) ) { return result; } // Variables to track the current line's character count and starting position. linecount = 0; linestart = 0; // Iterate through each character in the 'waypointStr'. for ( i = 0; i < waypointStr.size; i++ ) { // Check for newline characters '\n' or '\r'. if ( waypointStr[ i ] == "\n" || waypointStr[ i ] == "\r" ) { // Extract the current line using 'getsubstr' and store it in the result array. result.lines[ result.lines.size ] = getsubstr( waypointStr, linestart, linestart + linecount ); // If the newline is '\r\n', skip the next character. if ( waypointStr[ i ] == "\r" && i < waypointStr.size - 1 && waypointStr[ i + 1 ] == "\n" ) { i++; } // Reset linecount and update linestart for the next line. linecount = 0; linestart = i + 1; continue; } // Increment linecount for the current line. linecount++; } // Store the last line (or the only line if there are no newline characters) in the result array. result.lines[ result.lines.size ] = getsubstr( waypointStr, linestart, linestart + linecount ); // Return the result structure containing the array of extracted lines. return result; } /* Loads waypoints from file */ readWpsFromFile( mapname ) { waypoints = []; filename = "waypoints/" + mapname + "_wp.csv"; if ( !BotBuiltinFileExists( filename ) ) { return waypoints; } res = getWaypointLinesFromFile( filename ); if ( !res.lines.size ) { return waypoints; } BotBuiltinPrintConsole( "Attempting to read waypoints from " + filename ); waypointCount = int( res.lines[ 0 ] ); for ( i = 1; i <= waypointCount; i++ ) { tokens = strtok( res.lines[ i ], "," ); waypoint = parseTokensIntoWaypoint( tokens ); waypoints[ i - 1 ] = waypoint; } return waypoints; } /* Loads the waypoints. Populating everything needed for the waypoints. */ load_waypoints() { level.waypointusage = []; level.waypointusage[ "allies" ] = []; level.waypointusage[ "axis" ] = []; if ( !isdefined( level.waypoints ) ) { level.waypoints = []; } mapname = getdvar( "mapname" ); wps = readWpsFromFile( mapname ); if ( wps.size ) { level.waypoints = wps; BotBuiltinPrintConsole( "Loaded " + wps.size + " waypoints from csv" ); } else { switch ( mapname ) { default: maps\mp\bots\waypoints\_custom_map::main( mapname ); break; } if ( level.waypoints.size ) { BotBuiltinPrintConsole( "Loaded " + level.waypoints.size + " waypoints from script" ); } } if ( !level.waypoints.size ) { BotBuiltinPrintConsole( "No waypoints loaded!" ); } for ( i = level.waypoints.size - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { if ( !isdefined( level.waypoints[ i ].children ) || !isdefined( level.waypoints[ i ].children.size ) ) { level.waypoints[ i ].children = []; } if ( !isdefined( level.waypoints[ i ].origin ) ) { level.waypoints[ i ].origin = ( 0, 0, 0 ); } if ( !isdefined( level.waypoints[ i ].type ) ) { level.waypoints[ i ].type = "crouch"; } level.waypoints[ i ].childcount = undefined; } } /* Is bot near any of the given waypoints */ nearAnyOfWaypoints( dist, waypoints ) { dist *= dist; for ( i = 0; i < waypoints.size; i++ ) { waypoint = level.waypoints[ waypoints[ i ] ]; if ( distancesquared( waypoint.origin, self.origin ) > dist ) { continue; } return true; } return false; } /* Returns the waypoints that are near */ waypointsNear( waypoints, dist ) { dist *= dist; answer = []; for ( i = 0; i < waypoints.size; i++ ) { wp = level.waypoints[ waypoints[ i ] ]; if ( distancesquared( wp.origin, self.origin ) > dist ) { continue; } answer[ answer.size ] = waypoints[ i ]; } return answer; } /* Returns nearest waypoint of waypoints */ getNearestWaypointOfWaypoints( waypoints ) { answer = undefined; closestDist = 2147483647; for ( i = 0; i < waypoints.size; i++ ) { waypoint = level.waypoints[ waypoints[ i ] ]; thisDist = distancesquared( self.origin, waypoint.origin ); if ( isdefined( answer ) && thisDist > closestDist ) { continue; } answer = waypoints[ i ]; closestDist = thisDist; } return answer; } /* Returns all waypoints of type */ getWaypointsOfType( type ) { answer = []; for ( i = level.waypoints.size - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { wp = level.waypoints[ i ]; if ( type == "camp" ) { if ( wp.type != "crouch" ) { continue; } if ( wp.children.size != 1 ) { continue; } } else if ( type != wp.type ) { continue; } answer[ answer.size ] = i; } return answer; } /* Returns the waypoint for index */ getWaypointForIndex( i ) { if ( !isdefined( i ) ) { return undefined; } return level.waypoints[ i ]; } /* Returns the friendly user name for a given map's codename */ getMapName( mapname ) { switch ( mapname ) { case "mp_abandon": return "Carnival"; case "mp_rundown": return "Rundown"; case "mp_afghan": return "Afghan"; case "mp_boneyard": return "Scrapyard"; case "mp_brecourt": return "Wasteland"; case "mp_cargoship": return "Wetwork"; case "mp_checkpoint": return "Karachi"; case "mp_compact": return "Salvage"; case "mp_complex": return "Bailout"; case "mp_crash": return "Crash"; case "mp_cross_fire": return "Crossfire"; case "mp_derail": return "Derail"; case "mp_estate": return "Estate"; case "mp_favela": return "Favela"; case "mp_fuel2": return "Fuel"; case "mp_highrise": return "Highrise"; case "mp_invasion": return "Invasion"; case "mp_killhouse": return "Killhouse"; case "mp_nightshift": return "Skidrow"; case "mp_nuked": return "Nuketown"; case "oilrig": return "Oilrig"; case "mp_quarry": return "Quarry"; case "mp_rust": return "Rust"; case "mp_storm": return "Storm"; case "mp_strike": return "Strike"; case "mp_subbase": return "Subbase"; case "mp_terminal": return "Terminal"; case "mp_trailerpark": return "Trailer Park"; case "mp_overgrown": return "Overgrown"; case "mp_underpass": return "Underpass"; case "mp_vacant": return "Vacant"; case "iw4_credits": return "IW4 Test Map"; case "airport": return "Airport"; case "co_hunted": return "Hunted"; case "invasion": return "Burgertown"; case "mp_bloc": return "Bloc"; case "mp_bog_sh": return "Bog"; case "contingency": return "Contingency"; case "gulag": return "Gulag"; case "so_ghillies": return "Pripyat"; case "ending": return "Museum"; case "af_chase": return "Afghan Chase"; case "af_caves": return "Afghan Caves"; case "arcadia": return "Arcadia"; case "boneyard": return "Boneyard"; case "cliffhanger": return "Cliffhanger"; case "dcburning": return "DCBurning"; case "dcemp": return "DCEMP"; case "downtown": return "Downtown"; case "estate": return "EstateSP"; case "favela": return "FavelaSP"; case "favela_escape": return "Favela Escape"; case "roadkill": return "Roadkill"; case "trainer": return "TH3 PIT"; case "so_bridge": return "Bridge"; case "dc_whitehouse": return "Whitehouse"; case "mp_shipment_long": return "ShipmentLong"; case "mp_shipment": return "Shipment"; case "mp_firingrange": return "Firing Range"; case "mp_rust_long": return "RustLong"; case "mp_cargoship_sh": return "Freighter"; case "mp_storm_spring": return "Chemical Plant"; case "mp_crash_trop": case "mp_crash_tropical": return "Crash Tropical"; case "mp_fav_tropical": return "Favela Tropical"; case "mp_estate_trop": case "mp_estate_tropical": return "Estate Tropical"; case "mp_bloc_sh": return "Forgotten City"; default: return mapname; } } /* Returns a good amount of players. */ getGoodMapAmount() { switch ( getdvar( "mapname" ) ) { case "mp_rust": case "iw4_credits": case "mp_nuked": case "oilrig": case "mp_killhouse": case "invasion": case "mp_bog_sh": case "co_hunted": case "contingency": case "gulag": case "so_ghillies": case "ending": case "af_chase": case "af_caves": case "arcadia": case "boneyard": case "cliffhanger": case "dcburning": case "dcemp": case "downtown": case "estate": case "favela": case "favela_escape": case "roadkill": case "so_bridge": case "trainer": case "dc_whitehouse": case "mp_shipment": if ( level.teambased ) { return 8; } else { return 4; } case "mp_vacant": case "mp_terminal": case "mp_nightshift": case "mp_favela": case "mp_highrise": case "mp_boneyard": case "mp_subbase": case "mp_firingrange": case "mp_fav_tropical": case "mp_shipment_long": case "mp_rust_long": if ( level.teambased ) { return 12; } else { return 8; } case "mp_afghan": case "mp_crash": case "mp_brecourt": case "mp_cross_fire": case "mp_overgrown": case "mp_trailerpark": case "mp_underpass": case "mp_checkpoint": case "mp_quarry": case "mp_rundown": case "mp_cargoship": case "mp_estate": case "mp_bloc": case "mp_storm": case "mp_strike": case "mp_abandon": case "mp_complex": case "airport": case "mp_storm_spring": case "mp_crash_trop": case "mp_cargoship_sh": case "mp_estate_trop": case "mp_compact": case "mp_crash_tropical": case "mp_estate_tropical": case "mp_bloc_sh": if ( level.teambased ) { return 14; } else { return 9; } case "mp_fuel2": case "mp_invasion": case "mp_derail": if ( level.teambased ) { return 16; } else { return 10; } default: return 2; } } /* Matches a num to a char */ keyCodeToString( a ) { b = ""; switch ( a ) { case 0: b = "a"; break; case 1: b = "b"; break; case 2: b = "c"; break; case 3: b = "d"; break; case 4: b = "e"; break; case 5: b = "f"; break; case 6: b = "g"; break; case 7: b = "h"; break; case 8: b = "i"; break; case 9: b = "j"; break; case 10: b = "k"; break; case 11: b = "l"; break; case 12: b = "m"; break; case 13: b = "n"; break; case 14: b = "o"; break; case 15: b = "p"; break; case 16: b = "q"; break; case 17: b = "r"; break; case 18: b = "s"; break; case 19: b = "t"; break; case 20: b = "u"; break; case 21: b = "v"; break; case 22: b = "w"; break; case 23: b = "x"; break; case 24: b = "y"; break; case 25: b = "z"; break; case 26: b = "."; break; case 27: b = " "; break; } return b; } /* Returns an array of all the bots in the game. */ getBotArray() { result = []; playercount = level.players.size; for ( i = 0; i < playercount; i++ ) { player = level.players[ i ]; if ( !player is_bot() ) { continue; } result[ result.size ] = player; } return result; } /* We return a balanced KDTree from the waypoints. */ WaypointsToKDTree() { kdTree = KDTree(); kdTree _WaypointsToKDTree( level.waypoints, 0 ); return kdTree; } /* Recurive function. We construct a balanced KD tree by sorting the waypoints using heap sort. */ _WaypointsToKDTree( waypoints, dem ) { if ( !waypoints.size ) { return; } callbacksort = undefined; switch ( dem ) { case 0: callbacksort = ::HeapSortCoordX; break; case 1: callbacksort = ::HeapSortCoordY; break; case 2: callbacksort = ::HeapSortCoordZ; break; } heap = NewHeap( callbacksort ); for ( i = 0; i < waypoints.size; i++ ) { heap HeapInsert( waypoints[ i ] ); } sorted = []; while ( heap.data.size ) { sorted[ sorted.size ] = heap.data[ 0 ]; heap HeapRemove(); } median = int( sorted.size / 2 ); // use divide and conq left = []; right = []; for ( i = 0; i < sorted.size; i++ ) { if ( i < median ) { right[ right.size ] = sorted[ i ]; } else if ( i > median ) { left[ left.size ] = sorted[ i ]; } } self KDTreeInsert( sorted[ median ] ); _WaypointsToKDTree( left, ( dem + 1 ) % 3 ); _WaypointsToKDTree( right, ( dem + 1 ) % 3 ); } /* Returns a new list. */ List() { list = spawnstruct(); list.count = 0; list.data = []; return list; } /* Adds a new thing to the list. */ ListAdd( thing ) { self.data[ self.count ] = thing; self.count++; } /* Adds to the start of the list. */ ListAddFirst( thing ) { for ( i = self.count - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { self.data[ i + 1 ] = self.data[ i ]; } self.data[ 0 ] = thing; self.count++; } /* Removes the thing from the list. */ ListRemove( thing ) { for ( i = 0; i < self.count; i++ ) { if ( self.data[ i ] == thing ) { while ( i < self.count - 1 ) { self.data[ i ] = self.data[ i + 1 ]; i++; } self.data[ i ] = undefined; self.count--; break; } } } /* Returns a new KDTree. */ KDTree() { kdTree = spawnstruct(); kdTree.root = undefined; kdTree.count = 0; return kdTree; } /* Called on a KDTree. Will insert the object into the KDTree. */ KDTreeInsert( data ) // as long as what you insert has a .origin attru, it will work. { self.root = self _KDTreeInsert( self.root, data, 0, -2147483647, -2147483647, -2147483647, 2147483647, 2147483647, 2147483647 ); } /* Recurive function that insert the object into the KDTree. */ _KDTreeInsert( node, data, dem, x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1 ) { if ( !isdefined( node ) ) { r = spawnstruct(); r.data = data; r.left = undefined; r.right = undefined; r.x0 = x0; r.x1 = x1; r.y0 = y0; r.y1 = y1; r.z0 = z0; r.z1 = z1; self.count++; return r; } switch ( dem ) { case 0: if ( data.origin[ 0 ] < node.data.origin[ 0 ] ) { node.left = self _KDTreeInsert( node.left, data, 1, x0, y0, z0, node.data.origin[ 0 ], y1, z1 ); } else { node.right = self _KDTreeInsert( node.right, data, 1, node.data.origin[ 0 ], y0, z0, x1, y1, z1 ); } break; case 1: if ( data.origin[ 1 ] < node.data.origin[ 1 ] ) { node.left = self _KDTreeInsert( node.left, data, 2, x0, y0, z0, x1, node.data.origin[ 1 ], z1 ); } else { node.right = self _KDTreeInsert( node.right, data, 2, x0, node.data.origin[ 1 ], z0, x1, y1, z1 ); } break; case 2: if ( data.origin[ 2 ] < node.data.origin[ 2 ] ) { node.left = self _KDTreeInsert( node.left, data, 0, x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, node.data.origin[ 2 ] ); } else { node.right = self _KDTreeInsert( node.right, data, 0, x0, y0, node.data.origin[ 2 ], x1, y1, z1 ); } break; } return node; } /* Called on a KDTree, will return the nearest object to the given origin. */ KDTreeNearest( origin ) { if ( !isdefined( self.root ) ) { return undefined; } return self _KDTreeNearest( self.root, origin, self.root.data, distancesquared( self.root.data.origin, origin ), 0 ); } /* Recurive function that will retrieve the closest object to the query. */ _KDTreeNearest( node, point, closest, closestdist, dem ) { if ( !isdefined( node ) ) { return closest; } thisDis = distancesquared( node.data.origin, point ); if ( thisDis < closestdist ) { closestdist = thisDis; closest = node.data; } if ( node Rectdistancesquared( point ) < closestdist ) { near = node.left; far = node.right; if ( point[ dem ] > node.data.origin[ dem ] ) { near = node.right; far = node.left; } closest = self _KDTreeNearest( near, point, closest, closestdist, ( dem + 1 ) % 3 ); closest = self _KDTreeNearest( far, point, closest, distancesquared( closest.origin, point ), ( dem + 1 ) % 3 ); } return closest; } /* Called on a rectangle, returns the distance from origin to the rectangle. */ Rectdistancesquared( origin ) { dx = 0; dy = 0; dz = 0; if ( origin[ 0 ] < self.x0 ) { dx = origin[ 0 ] - self.x0; } else if ( origin[ 0 ] > self.x1 ) { dx = origin[ 0 ] - self.x1; } if ( origin[ 1 ] < self.y0 ) { dy = origin[ 1 ] - self.y0; } else if ( origin[ 1 ] > self.y1 ) { dy = origin[ 1 ] - self.y1; } if ( origin[ 2 ] < self.z0 ) { dz = origin[ 2 ] - self.z0; } else if ( origin[ 2 ] > self.z1 ) { dz = origin[ 2 ] - self.z1; } return dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz; } /* Does the extra check when adding bots */ doExtraCheck() { maps\mp\bots\_bot_internal::checkTheBots(); } /* A heap invarient comparitor, used for objects, objects with a higher X coord will be first in the heap. */ HeapSortCoordX( item, item2 ) { return item.origin[ 0 ] > item2.origin[ 0 ]; } /* A heap invarient comparitor, used for objects, objects with a higher Y coord will be first in the heap. */ HeapSortCoordY( item, item2 ) { return item.origin[ 1 ] > item2.origin[ 1 ]; } /* A heap invarient comparitor, used for objects, objects with a higher Z coord will be first in the heap. */ HeapSortCoordZ( item, item2 ) { return item.origin[ 2 ] > item2.origin[ 2 ]; } /* A heap invarient comparitor, used for numbers, numbers with the highest number will be first in the heap. */ Heap( item, item2 ) { return item > item2; } /* A heap invarient comparitor, used for numbers, numbers with the lowest number will be first in the heap. */ ReverseHeap( item, item2 ) { return item < item2; } /* A heap invarient comparitor, used for traces. Wanting the trace with the largest length first in the heap. */ HeapTraceFraction( item, item2 ) { return item[ "fraction" ] > item2[ "fraction" ]; } /* Returns a new heap. */ NewHeap( compare ) { heap_node = spawnstruct(); heap_node.data = []; heap_node.compare = compare; return heap_node; } /* Inserts the item into the heap. Called on a heap. */ HeapInsert( item ) { insert = self.data.size; self.data[ insert ] = item; current = insert + 1; while ( current > 1 ) { last = current; current = int( current / 2 ); if ( ![[ self.compare ]]( item, self.data[ current - 1 ] ) ) { break; } self.data[ last - 1 ] = self.data[ current - 1 ]; self.data[ current - 1 ] = item; } } /* Helper function to determine what is the next child of the bst. */ _HeapNextChild( node, hsize ) { left = node * 2; right = left + 1; if ( left > hsize ) { return -1; } if ( right > hsize ) { return left; } if ( [[ self.compare ]]( self.data[ left - 1 ], self.data[ right - 1 ] ) ) { return left; } else { return right; } } /* Removes an item from the heap. Called on a heap. */ HeapRemove() { remove = self.data.size; if ( !remove ) { return remove; } move = self.data[ remove - 1 ]; self.data[ 0 ] = move; self.data[ remove - 1 ] = undefined; remove--; if ( !remove ) { return remove; } last = 1; next = self _HeapNextChild( 1, remove ); while ( next != -1 ) { if ( [[ self.compare ]]( move, self.data[ next - 1 ] ) ) { break; } self.data[ last - 1 ] = self.data[ next - 1 ]; self.data[ next - 1 ] = move; last = next; next = self _HeapNextChild( next, remove ); } return remove; } /* A heap invarient comparitor, used for the astar's nodes, wanting the node with the lowest f to be first in the heap. */ ReverseHeapAStar( item, item2 ) { return item.f < item2.f; } /* Removes the waypoint usage */ RemoveWaypointUsage( wp, team ) { if ( !isdefined( level.waypointusage ) ) { return; } wpstr = wp + ""; if ( !isdefined( level.waypointusage[ team ][ wpstr ] ) ) { return; } level.waypointusage[ team ][ wpstr ]--; if ( level.waypointusage[ team ][ wpstr ] <= 0 ) { level.waypointusage[ team ][ wpstr ] = undefined; } } /* Will linearly search for the nearest waypoint to pos that has a direct line of sight. */ getNearestWaypointWithSight( pos ) { candidate = undefined; dist = 2147483647; for ( i = level.waypoints.size - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { if ( !bullettracepassed( pos + ( 0, 0, 15 ), level.waypoints[ i ].origin + ( 0, 0, 15 ), false, undefined ) ) { continue; } curdis = distancesquared( level.waypoints[ i ].origin, pos ); if ( curdis > dist ) { continue; } dist = curdis; candidate = i; } return candidate; } /* Will linearly search for the nearest waypoint */ getNearestWaypoint( pos ) { candidate = undefined; dist = 2147483647; for ( i = level.waypoints.size - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { curdis = distancesquared( level.waypoints[ i ].origin, pos ); if ( curdis > dist ) { continue; } dist = curdis; candidate = i; } return candidate; } /* Modified Pezbot astar search. This makes use of sets for quick look up and a heap for a priority queue instead of simple lists which require to linearly search for elements everytime. It is also modified to make paths with bots already on more expensive and will try a less congested path first. Thus spliting up the bots onto more paths instead of just one (the smallest). */ AStarSearch( start, goal, team, greedy_path ) { open = NewHeap( ::ReverseHeapAStar ); // heap openset = []; // set for quick lookup closed = []; // set for quick lookup startWp = getNearestWaypoint( start ); if ( !isdefined( startWp ) ) { return []; } _startwp = undefined; if ( !bullettracepassed( start + ( 0, 0, 15 ), level.waypoints[ startWp ].origin + ( 0, 0, 15 ), false, undefined ) ) { _startwp = getNearestWaypointWithSight( start ); } if ( isdefined( _startwp ) ) { startWp = _startwp; } goalWp = getNearestWaypoint( goal ); if ( !isdefined( goalWp ) ) { return []; } _goalwp = undefined; if ( !bullettracepassed( goal + ( 0, 0, 15 ), level.waypoints[ goalWp ].origin + ( 0, 0, 15 ), false, undefined ) ) { _goalwp = getNearestWaypointWithSight( goal ); } if ( isdefined( _goalwp ) ) { goalWp = _goalwp; } node = spawnstruct(); node.g = 0; // path dist so far node.h = distancesquared( level.waypoints[ startWp ].origin, level.waypoints[ goalWp ].origin ); // herustic, distance to goal for path finding node.f = node.h + node.g; // combine path dist and heru, use reverse heap to sort the priority queue by this attru node.index = startWp; node.parent = undefined; // we are start, so we have no parent // push node onto queue openset[ node.index + "" ] = node; open HeapInsert( node ); // while the queue is not empty while ( open.data.size ) { // pop bestnode from queue bestNode = open.data[ 0 ]; open HeapRemove(); bestNodeStr = bestNode.index + ""; openset[ bestNodeStr ] = undefined; wp = level.waypoints[ bestNode.index ]; // check if we made it to the goal if ( bestNode.index == goalWp ) { path = []; while ( isdefined( bestNode ) ) { bestNodeStr = bestNode.index + ""; if ( isdefined( team ) && isdefined( level.waypointusage ) ) { if ( !isdefined( level.waypointusage[ team ][ bestNodeStr ] ) ) { level.waypointusage[ team ][ bestNodeStr ] = 0; } level.waypointusage[ team ][ bestNodeStr ]++; } // construct path path[ path.size ] = bestNode.index; bestNode = bestNode.parent; } return path; } // for each child of bestnode for ( i = wp.children.size - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { child = wp.children[ i ]; childStr = child + ""; childWp = level.waypoints[ child ]; penalty = 1; if ( !greedy_path && isdefined( team ) && isdefined( level.waypointusage ) ) { temppen = 1; if ( isdefined( level.waypointusage[ team ][ childStr ] ) ) { temppen = level.waypointusage[ team ][ childStr ]; // consider how many bots are taking this path } if ( temppen > 1 ) { penalty = temppen; } } // have certain types of nodes more expensive if ( childWp.type == "climb" || childWp.type == "prone" ) { penalty += 4; } // calc the total path we have took newg = bestNode.g + distancesquared( wp.origin, childWp.origin ) * penalty; // bots on same team's path are more expensive // check if this child is in open or close with a g value less than newg inopen = isdefined( openset[ childStr ] ); if ( inopen && openset[ childStr ].g <= newg ) { continue; } inclosed = isdefined( closed[ childStr ] ); if ( inclosed && closed[ childStr ].g <= newg ) { continue; } node = undefined; if ( inopen ) { node = openset[ childStr ]; } else if ( inclosed ) { node = closed[ childStr ]; } else { node = spawnstruct(); } node.parent = bestNode; node.g = newg; node.h = distancesquared( childWp.origin, level.waypoints[ goalWp ].origin ); node.f = node.g + node.h; node.index = child; // check if in closed, remove it if ( inclosed ) { closed[ childStr ] = undefined; } // check if not in open, add it if ( !inopen ) { open HeapInsert( node ); openset[ childStr ] = node; } } // done with children, push onto closed closed[ bestNodeStr ] = bestNode; } return []; } /* Taken from t5 gsc. Returns an array of number's average. */ array_average( array ) { assert( array.size > 0 ); total = 0; for ( i = 0; i < array.size; i++ ) { total += array[ i ]; } return ( total / array.size ); } /* Taken from t5 gsc. Returns an array of number's standard deviation. */ array_std_deviation( array, mean ) { assert( array.size > 0 ); tmp = []; for ( i = 0; i < array.size; i++ ) { tmp[ i ] = ( array[ i ] - mean ) * ( array[ i ] - mean ); } total = 0; for ( i = 0; i < tmp.size; i++ ) { total = total + tmp[ i ]; } return sqrt( total / array.size ); } /* Taken from t5 gsc. Will produce a random number between lower_bound and upper_bound but with a bell curve distribution (more likely to be close to the mean). */ random_normal_distribution( mean, std_deviation, lower_bound, upper_bound ) { x1 = 0; x2 = 0; w = 1; y1 = 0; while ( w >= 1 ) { x1 = 2 * randomfloatrange( 0, 1 ) - 1; x2 = 2 * randomfloatrange( 0, 1 ) - 1; w = x1 * x1 + x2 * x2; } w = sqrt( ( -2.0 * log( w ) ) / w ); y1 = x1 * w; number = mean + y1 * std_deviation; if ( isdefined( lower_bound ) && number < lower_bound ) { number = lower_bound; } if ( isdefined( upper_bound ) && number > upper_bound ) { number = upper_bound; } return ( number ); } /* Patches the plant sites so it exposes the defuseObject */ onUsePlantObjectFix( player ) { // planted the bomb if ( !self maps\mp\gametypes\_gameobjects::isfriendlyteam( player.pers[ "team" ] ) ) { level thread bombPlantedFix( self, player ); // player logstring( "bomb planted: " + self.label ); // disable all bomb zones except this one for ( index = 0; index < level.bombzones.size; index++ ) { if ( level.bombzones[ index ] == self ) { continue; } level.bombzones[ index ] maps\mp\gametypes\_gameobjects::disableobject(); } player playsound( "mp_bomb_plant" ); player notify ( "bomb_planted" ); // if ( !level.hardcoremode ) // iprintln( &"MP_EXPLOSIVES_PLANTED_BY", player ); leaderdialog( "bomb_planted" ); level thread teamplayercardsplash( "callout_bombplanted", player ); level.bombowner = player; player thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::splashnotify( "plant", maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::getscoreinfovalue( "plant" ) ); player thread maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::giverankxp( "plant" ); player.bombplantedtime = gettime(); maps\mp\gametypes\_gamescore::giveplayerscore( "plant", player ); player incplayerstat( "bombsplanted", 1 ); player thread maps\mp\_matchdata::loggameevent( "plant", player.origin ); } } /* Patches the plant sites so it exposes the defuseObject */ bombPlantedFix( destroyedObj, player ) { maps\mp\gametypes\_gamelogic::pausetimer(); level.bombplanted = true; destroyedObj.visuals[ 0 ] thread maps\mp\gametypes\_gamelogic::playtickingsound(); level.tickingobject = destroyedObj.visuals[ 0 ]; level.timelimitoverride = true; setgameendtime( int( gettime() + ( level.bombtimer * 1000 ) ) ); setdvar( "ui_bomb_timer", 1 ); if ( !level.multibomb ) { level.sdbomb maps\mp\gametypes\_gameobjects::allowcarry( "none" ); level.sdbomb maps\mp\gametypes\_gameobjects::setvisibleteam( "none" ); level.sdbomb maps\mp\gametypes\_gameobjects::setdropped(); level.sdbombmodel = level.sdbomb.visuals[ 0 ]; } else { for ( index = 0; index < level.players.size; index++ ) { if ( isdefined( level.players[ index ].carryicon ) ) { level.players[ index ].carryicon destroyelem(); } } trace = bullettrace( player.origin + ( 0, 0, 20 ), player.origin - ( 0, 0, 2000 ), false, player ); tempAngle = randomfloat( 360 ); forward = ( cos( tempAngle ), sin( tempAngle ), 0 ); forward = vectornormalize( forward - vector_multiply( trace[ "normal" ], vectordot( forward, trace[ "normal" ] ) ) ); dropAngles = vectortoangles( forward ); level.sdbombmodel = spawn( "script_model", trace[ "position" ] ); level.sdbombmodel.angles = dropAngles; level.sdbombmodel setmodel( "prop_suitcase_bomb" ); } destroyedObj maps\mp\gametypes\_gameobjects::allowuse( "none" ); destroyedObj maps\mp\gametypes\_gameobjects::setvisibleteam( "none" ); /* destroyedObj maps\mp\gametypes\_gameobjects::set2dicon( "friendly", undefined ); destroyedObj maps\mp\gametypes\_gameobjects::set2dicon( "enemy", undefined ); destroyedObj maps\mp\gametypes\_gameobjects::set3dicon( "friendly", undefined ); destroyedObj maps\mp\gametypes\_gameobjects::set3dicon( "enemy", undefined ); */ label = destroyedObj maps\mp\gametypes\_gameobjects::getlabel(); // create a new object to defuse with. trigger = destroyedObj.bombdefusetrig; trigger.origin = level.sdbombmodel.origin; visuals = []; defuseObject = maps\mp\gametypes\_gameobjects::createuseobject( game[ "defenders" ], trigger, visuals, ( 0, 0, 32 ) ); defuseObject maps\mp\gametypes\_gameobjects::allowuse( "friendly" ); defuseObject maps\mp\gametypes\_gameobjects::setusetime( level.defusetime ); defuseObject maps\mp\gametypes\_gameobjects::setusetext( &"MP_DEFUSING_EXPLOSIVE" ); defuseObject maps\mp\gametypes\_gameobjects::setusehinttext( &"PLATFORM_HOLD_TO_DEFUSE_EXPLOSIVES" ); defuseObject maps\mp\gametypes\_gameobjects::setvisibleteam( "any" ); defuseObject maps\mp\gametypes\_gameobjects::set2dicon( "friendly", "waypoint_defuse" + label ); defuseObject maps\mp\gametypes\_gameobjects::set2dicon( "enemy", "waypoint_defend" + label ); defuseObject maps\mp\gametypes\_gameobjects::set3dicon( "friendly", "waypoint_defuse" + label ); defuseObject maps\mp\gametypes\_gameobjects::set3dicon( "enemy", "waypoint_defend" + label ); defuseObject.label = label; defuseObject.onbeginuse = maps\mp\gametypes\sd::onbeginuse; defuseObject.onenduse = maps\mp\gametypes\sd::onenduse; defuseObject.onuse = maps\mp\gametypes\sd::onusedefuseobject; defuseObject.useweapon = "briefcase_bomb_defuse_mp"; level.defuseobject = defuseObject; maps\mp\gametypes\sd::bombtimerwait(); setdvar( "ui_bomb_timer", 0 ); destroyedObj.visuals[ 0 ] maps\mp\gametypes\_gamelogic::stoptickingsound(); if ( level.gameended || level.bombdefused ) { return; } level.bombexploded = true; explosionOrigin = level.sdbombmodel.origin; level.sdbombmodel hide(); if ( isdefined( player ) ) { destroyedObj.visuals[ 0 ] radiusdamage( explosionOrigin, 512, 200, 20, player ); player incplayerstat( "targetsdestroyed", 1 ); } else { destroyedObj.visuals[ 0 ] radiusdamage( explosionOrigin, 512, 200, 20 ); } rot = randomfloat( 360 ); explosionEffect = spawnfx( level._effect[ "bombexplosion" ], explosionOrigin + ( 0, 0, 50 ), ( 0, 0, 1 ), ( cos( rot ), sin( rot ), 0 ) ); triggerfx( explosionEffect ); playrumbleonposition( "grenade_rumble", explosionOrigin ); earthquake( 0.75, 2.0, explosionOrigin, 2000 ); thread playsoundinspace( "exp_suitcase_bomb_main", explosionOrigin ); if ( isdefined( destroyedObj.exploderindex ) ) { exploder( destroyedObj.exploderindex ); } for ( index = 0; index < level.bombzones.size; index++ ) { level.bombzones[ index ] maps\mp\gametypes\_gameobjects::disableobject(); } defuseObject maps\mp\gametypes\_gameobjects::disableobject(); setgameendtime( 0 ); wait 3; maps\mp\gametypes\sd::sd_endgame( game[ "attackers" ], game[ "strings" ][ "target_destroyed" ] ); } /* Patches giveLoadout so that it doesn't use IsItemUnlocked */ botGiveLoadout( team, class, allowCopycat ) { self endon( "death" ); self takeallweapons(); primaryIndex = 0; // initialize specialty array self.specialty = []; if ( !isdefined( allowCopycat ) ) { allowCopycat = true; } primaryWeapon = undefined; if ( isdefined( self.pers[ "copyCatLoadout" ] ) && self.pers[ "copyCatLoadout" ][ "inUse" ] && allowCopycat ) { self maps\mp\gametypes\_class::setclass( "copycat" ); self.class_num = maps\mp\gametypes\_class::getclassindex( "copycat" ); clonedLoadout = self.pers[ "copyCatLoadout" ]; loadoutPrimary = clonedLoadout[ "loadoutPrimary" ]; loadoutPrimaryAttachment = clonedLoadout[ "loadoutPrimaryAttachment" ]; loadoutPrimaryAttachment2 = clonedLoadout[ "loadoutPrimaryAttachment2" ] ; loadoutPrimaryCamo = clonedLoadout[ "loadoutPrimaryCamo" ]; loadoutSecondary = clonedLoadout[ "loadoutSecondary" ]; loadoutSecondaryAttachment = clonedLoadout[ "loadoutSecondaryAttachment" ]; loadoutSecondaryAttachment2 = clonedLoadout[ "loadoutSecondaryAttachment2" ]; loadoutSecondaryCamo = clonedLoadout[ "loadoutSecondaryCamo" ]; loadoutEquipment = clonedLoadout[ "loadoutEquipment" ]; loadoutPerk1 = clonedLoadout[ "loadoutPerk1" ]; loadoutPerk2 = clonedLoadout[ "loadoutPerk2" ]; loadoutPerk3 = clonedLoadout[ "loadoutPerk3" ]; loadoutOffhand = clonedLoadout[ "loadoutOffhand" ]; loadoutDeathStreak = "specialty_copycat"; } else if ( issubstr( class, "custom" ) ) { class_num = maps\mp\gametypes\_class::getclassindex( class ); self.class_num = class_num; loadoutPrimary = maps\mp\gametypes\_class::cac_getweapon( class_num, 0 ); loadoutPrimaryAttachment = maps\mp\gametypes\_class::cac_getweaponattachment( class_num, 0 ); loadoutPrimaryAttachment2 = maps\mp\gametypes\_class::cac_getweaponattachmenttwo( class_num, 0 ); loadoutPrimaryCamo = maps\mp\gametypes\_class::cac_getweaponcamo( class_num, 0 ); loadoutSecondaryCamo = maps\mp\gametypes\_class::cac_getweaponcamo( class_num, 1 ); loadoutSecondary = maps\mp\gametypes\_class::cac_getweapon( class_num, 1 ); loadoutSecondaryAttachment = maps\mp\gametypes\_class::cac_getweaponattachment( class_num, 1 ); loadoutSecondaryAttachment2 = maps\mp\gametypes\_class::cac_getweaponattachmenttwo( class_num, 1 ); loadoutSecondaryCamo = maps\mp\gametypes\_class::cac_getweaponcamo( class_num, 1 ); loadoutEquipment = maps\mp\gametypes\_class::cac_getperk( class_num, 0 ); loadoutPerk1 = maps\mp\gametypes\_class::cac_getperk( class_num, 1 ); loadoutPerk2 = maps\mp\gametypes\_class::cac_getperk( class_num, 2 ); loadoutPerk3 = maps\mp\gametypes\_class::cac_getperk( class_num, 3 ); loadoutOffhand = maps\mp\gametypes\_class::cac_getoffhand( class_num ); loadoutDeathStreak = maps\mp\gametypes\_class::cac_getdeathstreak( class_num ); } else { class_num = maps\mp\gametypes\_class::getclassindex( class ); self.class_num = class_num; loadoutPrimary = maps\mp\gametypes\_class::table_getweapon( level.classtablename, class_num, 0 ); loadoutPrimaryAttachment = maps\mp\gametypes\_class::table_getweaponattachment( level.classtablename, class_num, 0, 0 ); loadoutPrimaryAttachment2 = maps\mp\gametypes\_class::table_getweaponattachment( level.classtablename, class_num, 0, 1 ); loadoutPrimaryCamo = maps\mp\gametypes\_class::table_getweaponcamo( level.classtablename, class_num, 0 ); loadoutSecondaryCamo = maps\mp\gametypes\_class::table_getweaponcamo( level.classtablename, class_num, 1 ); loadoutSecondary = maps\mp\gametypes\_class::table_getweapon( level.classtablename, class_num, 1 ); loadoutSecondaryAttachment = maps\mp\gametypes\_class::table_getweaponattachment( level.classtablename, class_num, 1, 0 ); loadoutSecondaryAttachment2 = maps\mp\gametypes\_class::table_getweaponattachment( level.classtablename, class_num, 1, 1 );; loadoutSecondaryCamo = maps\mp\gametypes\_class::table_getweaponcamo( level.classtablename, class_num, 1 ); loadoutEquipment = maps\mp\gametypes\_class::table_getequipment( level.classtablename, class_num, 0 ); loadoutPerk1 = maps\mp\gametypes\_class::table_getperk( level.classtablename, class_num, 1 ); loadoutPerk2 = maps\mp\gametypes\_class::table_getperk( level.classtablename, class_num, 2 ); loadoutPerk3 = maps\mp\gametypes\_class::table_getperk( level.classtablename, class_num, 3 ); loadoutOffhand = maps\mp\gametypes\_class::table_getoffhand( level.classtablename, class_num ); loadoutDeathStreak = maps\mp\gametypes\_class::table_getdeathstreak( level.classtablename, class_num ); } if ( loadoutPerk1 != "specialty_bling" ) { loadoutPrimaryAttachment2 = "none"; loadoutSecondaryAttachment2 = "none"; } if ( loadoutPerk1 != "specialty_onemanarmy" && loadoutSecondary == "onemanarmy" ) { loadoutSecondary = maps\mp\gametypes\_class::table_getweapon( level.classtablename, 10, 1 ); } // loadoutSecondaryCamo = "none"; // stop default class op'ness allowOp = ( getdvarint( "bots_loadout_allow_op" ) >= 1 ); if ( !allowOp ) { loadoutDeathStreak = "specialty_null"; if ( loadoutPrimary == "riotshield" ) { loadoutPrimary = "m4"; } if ( loadoutSecondary == "at4" ) { loadoutSecondary = "usp"; } if ( loadoutPrimaryAttachment == "gl" ) { loadoutPrimaryAttachment = "none"; } if ( loadoutPerk2 == "specialty_coldblooded" ) { loadoutPerk2 = "specialty_null"; } if ( loadoutPerk3 == "specialty_localjammer" ) { loadoutPerk3 = "specialty_null"; } } if ( level.killstreakrewards ) { if ( getdvarint( "scr_classic" ) == 1 ) { loadoutKillstreak1 = "uav"; loadoutKillstreak2 = "precision_airstrike"; loadoutKillstreak3 = "helicopter"; } else { loadoutKillstreak1 = self getplayerdata( "killstreaks", 0 ); loadoutKillstreak2 = self getplayerdata( "killstreaks", 1 ); loadoutKillstreak3 = self getplayerdata( "killstreaks", 2 ); } } else { loadoutKillstreak1 = "none"; loadoutKillstreak2 = "none"; loadoutKillstreak3 = "none"; } secondaryName = maps\mp\gametypes\_class::buildweaponname( loadoutSecondary, loadoutSecondaryAttachment, loadoutSecondaryAttachment2 ); self _giveweapon( secondaryName, int( tablelookup( "mp/camoTable.csv", 1, loadoutSecondaryCamo, 0 ) ) ); self.loadoutprimarycamo = int( tablelookup( "mp/camoTable.csv", 1, loadoutPrimaryCamo, 0 ) ); self.loadoutprimary = loadoutPrimary; self.loadoutsecondary = loadoutSecondary; self.loadoutsecondarycamo = int( tablelookup( "mp/camoTable.csv", 1, loadoutSecondaryCamo, 0 ) ); self setoffhandprimaryclass( "other" ); // Action Slots // self _setactionslot( 1, "" ); self _setactionslot( 1, "nightvision" ); self _setactionslot( 3, "altMode" ); self _setactionslot( 4, "" ); // Perks self _clearperks(); self maps\mp\gametypes\_class::_detachall(); // these special case giving pistol death have to come before // perk loadout to ensure player perk icons arent overwritten if ( level.diehardmode ) { self maps\mp\perks\_perks::giveperk( "specialty_pistoldeath" ); } // only give the deathstreak for the initial spawn for this life. if ( loadoutDeathStreak != "specialty_null" && ( gettime() - self.spawntime ) < 0.1 ) { deathVal = int( tablelookup( "mp/perkTable.csv", 1, loadoutDeathStreak, 6 ) ); if ( self botGetPerkUpgrade( loadoutPerk1 ) == "specialty_rollover" || self botGetPerkUpgrade( loadoutPerk2 ) == "specialty_rollover" || self botGetPerkUpgrade( loadoutPerk3 ) == "specialty_rollover" ) { deathVal -= 1; } if ( self.pers[ "cur_death_streak" ] == deathVal ) { self thread maps\mp\perks\_perks::giveperk( loadoutDeathStreak ); self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::splashnotify( loadoutDeathStreak ); } else if ( self.pers[ "cur_death_streak" ] > deathVal ) { self thread maps\mp\perks\_perks::giveperk( loadoutDeathStreak ); } } self botLoadoutAllPerks( loadoutEquipment, loadoutPerk1, loadoutPerk2, loadoutPerk3 ); self maps\mp\gametypes\_class::setkillstreaks( loadoutKillstreak1, loadoutKillstreak2, loadoutKillstreak3 ); if ( self hasperk( "specialty_extraammo", true ) && getweaponclass( secondaryName ) != "weapon_projectile" ) { self givemaxammo( secondaryName ); } // Primary Weapon primaryName = maps\mp\gametypes\_class::buildweaponname( loadoutPrimary, loadoutPrimaryAttachment, loadoutPrimaryAttachment2 ); self _giveweapon( primaryName, self.loadoutprimarycamo ); // fix changing from a riotshield class to a riotshield class during grace period not giving a shield if ( primaryName == "riotshield_mp" && level.ingraceperiod ) { self notify ( "weapon_change", "riotshield_mp" ); } if ( self hasperk( "specialty_extraammo", true ) ) { self givemaxammo( primaryName ); } self setspawnweapon( primaryName ); primaryTokens = strtok( primaryName, "_" ); self.pers[ "primaryWeapon" ] = primaryTokens[ 0 ]; // Primary Offhand was given by giveperk (it's your perk1) // Secondary Offhand offhandSecondaryWeapon = loadoutOffhand + "_mp"; if ( loadoutOffhand == "flash_grenade" ) { self setoffhandsecondaryclass( "flash" ); } else { self setoffhandsecondaryclass( "smoke" ); } self giveweapon( offhandSecondaryWeapon ); if ( loadoutOffhand == "smoke_grenade" ) { self setweaponammoclip( offhandSecondaryWeapon, 1 ); } else if ( loadoutOffhand == "flash_grenade" ) { self setweaponammoclip( offhandSecondaryWeapon, 2 ); } else if ( loadoutOffhand == "concussion_grenade" ) { self setweaponammoclip( offhandSecondaryWeapon, 2 ); } else { self setweaponammoclip( offhandSecondaryWeapon, 1 ); } primaryWeapon = primaryName; self.primaryweapon = primaryWeapon; self.secondaryweapon = secondaryName; self botPlayerModelForWeapon( self.pers[ "primaryWeapon" ], getbaseweaponname( secondaryName ) ); self.issniper = ( weaponclass( self.primaryweapon ) == "sniper" ); self maps\mp\gametypes\_weapons::updatemovespeedscale( "primary" ); // cac specialties that require loop threads self maps\mp\perks\_perks::cac_selector(); self notify ( "changed_kit" ); self notify( "bot_giveLoadout", allowCopycat ); } /* Patches giveLoadout so that it doesn't use IsItemUnlocked */ botGetPerkUpgrade( perkName ) { perkUpgrade = tablelookup( "mp/perktable.csv", 1, perkName, 8 ); if ( perkUpgrade == "" || perkUpgrade == "specialty_null" ) { return "specialty_null"; } if ( !isdefined( self.pers[ "bots" ][ "unlocks" ][ "upgraded_" + perkName ] ) || !self.pers[ "bots" ][ "unlocks" ][ "upgraded_" + perkName ] ) { return "specialty_null"; } return ( perkUpgrade ); } /* Patches giveLoadout so that it doesn't use IsItemUnlocked */ botLoadoutAllPerks( loadoutEquipment, loadoutPerk1, loadoutPerk2, loadoutPerk3 ) { loadoutEquipment = maps\mp\perks\_perks::validateperk( 1, loadoutEquipment ); loadoutPerk1 = maps\mp\perks\_perks::validateperk( 1, loadoutPerk1 ); loadoutPerk2 = maps\mp\perks\_perks::validateperk( 2, loadoutPerk2 ); loadoutPerk3 = maps\mp\perks\_perks::validateperk( 3, loadoutPerk3 ); self maps\mp\perks\_perks::giveperk( loadoutEquipment ); self maps\mp\perks\_perks::giveperk( loadoutPerk1 ); self maps\mp\perks\_perks::giveperk( loadoutPerk2 ); self maps\mp\perks\_perks::giveperk( loadoutPerk3 ); perks[ 0 ] = loadoutPerk1; perks[ 1 ] = loadoutPerk2; perks[ 2 ] = loadoutPerk3; perkUpgrd[ 0 ] = tablelookup( "mp/perktable.csv", 1, loadoutPerk1, 8 ); perkUpgrd[ 1 ] = tablelookup( "mp/perktable.csv", 1, loadoutPerk2, 8 ); perkUpgrd[ 2 ] = tablelookup( "mp/perktable.csv", 1, loadoutPerk3, 8 ); for ( i = 0; i < perkUpgrd.size; i++ ) { upgrade = perkUpgrd[ i ]; perk = perks[ i ]; if ( upgrade == "" || upgrade == "specialty_null" ) { continue; } if ( isdefined( self.pers[ "bots" ][ "unlocks" ][ "upgraded_" + perk ] ) && self.pers[ "bots" ][ "unlocks" ][ "upgraded_" + perk ] ) { self maps\mp\perks\_perks::giveperk( upgrade ); } } } /* Patches giveLoadout so that it doesn't use IsItemUnlocked */ botPlayerModelForWeapon( weapon, secondary ) { team = self.team; if ( isdefined( game[ team + "_model" ][ weapon ] ) ) { [[ game[ team + "_model" ][ weapon ] ]](); return; } weaponclass = tablelookup( "mp/statstable.csv", 4, weapon, 2 ); switch ( weaponclass ) { case "weapon_smg": [[ game[ team + "_model" ][ "SMG" ] ]](); break; case "weapon_assault": weaponclass = tablelookup( "mp/statstable.csv", 4, secondary, 2 ); if ( weaponclass == "weapon_shotgun" ) { [[ game[ team + "_model" ][ "SHOTGUN" ] ]](); } else { [[ game[ team + "_model" ][ "ASSAULT" ] ]](); } break; case "weapon_sniper": if ( level.environment != "" && isdefined( self.pers[ "bots" ][ "unlocks" ][ "ghillie" ] ) && self.pers[ "bots" ][ "unlocks" ][ "ghillie" ] ) { [[ game[ team + "_model" ][ "GHILLIE" ] ]](); } else { [[ game[ team + "_model" ][ "SNIPER" ] ]](); } break; case "weapon_lmg": [[ game[ team + "_model" ][ "LMG" ] ]](); break; case "weapon_riot": [[ game[ team + "_model" ][ "RIOT" ] ]](); break; default: [[ game[ team + "_model" ][ "ASSAULT" ] ]](); break; } } /* Make player ref attach to rocket ent */ tryUsePredatorMissileFix( lifeId ) { if ( isdefined( level.civilianjetflyby ) ) { self iprintlnbold( &"MP_CIVILIAN_AIR_TRAFFIC" ); return false; } self setusingremote( "remotemissile" ); result = self maps\mp\killstreaks\_killstreaks::initridekillstreak(); if ( result != "success" ) { if ( result != "disconnect" ) { self clearusingremote(); } return false; } level thread _fireFix( lifeId, self ); return true; } /* Make player ref attach to rocket ent */ _fireFix( lifeId, player ) { remoteMissileSpawnArray = getentarray( "remoteMissileSpawn", "targetname" ); //assertEX( remoteMissileSpawnArray.size > 0 && getMapCustom( "map" ) != "", "No remote missile spawn points found. Contact friendly neighborhood designer" ); foreach ( spawn in remoteMissileSpawnArray ) { if ( isdefined( spawn.target ) ) { spawn.targetent = getent( spawn.target, "targetname" ); } } if ( remoteMissileSpawnArray.size > 0 ) { remoteMissileSpawn = player maps\mp\killstreaks\_remotemissile::getbestspawnpoint( remoteMissileSpawnArray ); } else { remoteMissileSpawn = undefined; } if ( isdefined( remoteMissileSpawn ) ) { startPos = remoteMissileSpawn.origin; targetPos = remoteMissileSpawn.targetent.origin; //thread drawLine( startPos, targetPos, 30, (0,1,0) ); vector = vectornormalize( startPos - targetPos ); startPos = vector_multiply( vector, 14000 ) + targetPos; //thread drawLine( startPos, targetPos, 15, (1,0,0) ); rocket = magicbullet( "remotemissile_projectile_mp", startpos, targetPos, player ); } else { upVector = ( 0, 0, level.missileremotelaunchvert ); backDist = level.missileremotelaunchhorz; targetDist = level.missileremotelaunchtargetdist; forward = anglestoforward( player.angles ); startpos = player.origin + upVector + forward * backDist * -1; targetPos = player.origin + forward * targetDist; rocket = magicbullet( "remotemissile_projectile_mp", startpos, targetPos, player ); } if ( !isdefined( rocket ) ) { player clearusingremote(); return; } rocket thread maps\mp\gametypes\_weapons::addmissiletosighttraces( player.team ); rocket thread maps\mp\killstreaks\_remotemissile::handledamage(); rocket.lifeid = lifeId; rocket.type = "remote"; MissileEyesFix( player, rocket ); } /* Make player ref attach to rocket ent */ MissileEyesFix( player, rocket ) { //level endon ( "game_ended" ); player endon( "joined_team" ); player endon( "joined_spectators" ); rocket thread maps\mp\killstreaks\_remotemissile::rocket_cleanupondeath(); player thread maps\mp\killstreaks\_remotemissile::player_cleanupongameended( rocket ); player thread maps\mp\killstreaks\_remotemissile::player_cleanuponteamchange( rocket ); player visionsetmissilecamforplayer( "black_bw", 0 ); player endon ( "disconnect" ); if ( isdefined( rocket ) ) { player visionsetmissilecamforplayer( game["thermal_vision"], 1.0 ); player thread maps\mp\killstreaks\_remotemissile::delayedfofoverlay(); player cameralinkto( rocket, "tag_origin" ); player controlslinkto( rocket ); // our additions player.rocket = rocket; rocket.owner = player; if ( getdvarint( "camera_thirdPerson" ) ) { player setthirdpersondof( false ); } rocket waittill( "death" ); // is defined check required because remote missile doesnt handle lifetime explosion gracefully // instantly deletes its self after an explode and death notify if ( isdefined( rocket ) ) { player maps\mp\_matchdata::logkillstreakevent( "predator_missile", rocket.origin ); } player controlsunlink(); player freezecontrolswrapper( true ); player.rocket = undefined; // our addition // If a player gets the final kill with a hellfire, level.gameEnded will already be true at this point if ( !level.gameended || isdefined( player.finalkill ) ) { player thread maps\mp\killstreaks\_remotemissile::staticeffect( 0.5 ); } wait ( 0.5 ); player thermalvisionfofoverlayoff(); player cameraunlink(); if ( getdvarint( "camera_thirdPerson" ) ) { player setthirdpersondof( true ); } } player clearusingremote(); }